Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Sep 1919, p. 11

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j - -fila . TT U!IW~F.êtil 'arsensnM'u'saa - 8 -i ,JLjN iiiJ' L U V " E T M E 11, 1919. > LÀ!~ C.fAIR IN 191 fr L-4 l a Uooft ibe premiunis 8îallIon,1 yr nid, 1-C. Johnson, or il ai the receot Laike CUunîy Llbertyvile 1 Ira, Brood mare 4 yearx uid or oves', I j Sige arrllagf- hurs(e or mare- bleu. Bergeron, Libertyvili c. 1 and 2 E1dellyn Parais, Wilson. 1ineorged-Mg, 3 yrs. Old. 1 and 'Cuilifi single driving bare..or 2-i3aez. 'Begeron, Ubentyville. ula Iiri. iî..~i;aysalî;2- iilly or àeiding Z yrs. aid, i and JJ N. Tarorlx, Zion Cily. 2-.Oeo. Bergeron, Ll. Shetland Ponjes Pllly Or gelding 1 yr. aid. I and 2- t.Mai r or ldiîîg 3 yrs. oid, i-Wm. Oeo. Bergeron, Lbertyville. rA ieaney, 1Lviii. Furest; 2-W. J. 1 Foa) 1919 îAnuano IlounîjL iake. Pui'e Brod Encilsh Shire Poil 019I, I \ýVrn. J. Amann, Round 1 Stalliun r s..l. io 9ae Lae yr r ver; P'lley or ge'>ldlîa9, SShetland îJiuny wiîlî rider, 1-WM. eta Py or gelding 1 3pr., In.- 3. lieaney, Lake. Parei; 2-V. Kock i MeYu r lima., Wadavorth. ,Llbertyvilie.i Pure Brod Clysdal« S hetland pî),,nin harnée, i-W. Sallion, 1 yr. nid; Brood mare,4 il. suey: 2 -V. Kock, libertyville. ira, or ôver-, Mare or geldlng, 3 yra. iSh-itl mDd liii, Il '/.,141/2bands, L?.told: 1-Edellyn Ferms, Wilso)n.Ill. d. j1îai( Il.., ;, w;, w.JSufolke Amann, ltaund Lake. liest stalkon any age; b<st m are 1Fu' iii aidir, hors". 1-FPedli- aiy age: 1lo.llyn Farms, Wilson. 17n l'arme, Wilsron; 2-Thos. Mogg, S pecilul Premniumse Gray acPeç- est drait i.eeuuin Ilmriii.a lpîro. , Thrî.e zaitel cadile herse. 1Edel- reds toui conpelings 1-W. A. r. Ilym l'auoi, Wilson; 2-B. R. Wliao, veubon,1 lLibrtyvIIfr,. Standard A. T. R. marc; oBsi pald draft colts: 1-Edel- .9iallion 4 yres. or aver, i-b. V. lyn Firms, Wilson. Lusk, Iiaînd 1Lkp; 2-D. N. Tarboi roal 1919 z-lno Vitly. BeRi eslhdot drafti orsea; I Edel- lir rî . ad. ii; B.lergeron. lynFPrars, -Wilson. iii,. let Euadc- draft colt; 1-A. W. 1 Troting Iired Mares or Goldinge Wilson, Wilson. 1 ir.,re.-4 yrs. nid <or uvûr with Hoistoine Or înr( of ber coijs, -L Putxen>, Bull, .3 yr. r ever, 1-Countryman 1- -l 1 1 i1l1 -j ë. rc ,,rm n I . & C o r. on nd L ake; 2- R ou se B r s., ?4 M r , o i, - g ld;n g y rm. nid - t. A res. 11__ -,, Johnson., Libertyville.i Bull 2 ymq. or over; i-A. J. Siehi. - Pille i r pg,-lling 2 year.s nild. 1-Geo. Prairie View; 2_W. H. Clvin,ý Glen- -llérerî,rî 2 - Geu. Bergeron. Liber- vlew, Ill. tyvuille. Bull, 1 yr., 1il. K. Vase, Gîrnee; - Pillv . 1 -lelding i f car nid, bleu. -Udieody Fars,,Lakte Forest. Perg..ron. Bull calt over tl ton, 1-('ux & Pare ared Coach H'ors@ Countryman. Round Lake; Wm. German-F~rench.....nglieh StBluPrairie Viek. Mare <,r oiidinsg 3 aId-Edellyu Blll caît undpr 6 mn i ]-A. J. Forms, Wiiou. Siahl, Prairie Vir',; 2-Countryman ï Pure Bred NOrmans or Percherons & Cor, Round Lake. Sialhion. t» yrs. iîid Or uver. 1- Co%, 1 y-n. nid or over, i-Thos. J. i.IXt;.reoLibertyville; 2-C. 1699.g, OnysIeke; 2-I.flqutchinga, 3iohnson, l.,r>vle Prairie V4e-w. A olu: rd .Wj, Aman. lo -lee Grand (ChamPi<-o Bairy Bull, 1- ('ountryman & Cox, Rond l*ke. Grand Champion Lairy Female, 1-- NV. A. Brewerton, Libérly',llle. 8p.ciai Premiume L'est exhibit dalry cale olly Paim, Llbertyx-ilie.ake ('uuniy Cul, lis dairy rail shawn by boy or girl under 18 years nul fittld y a $1Per WeeIBy This Fam*Ôts "Cahiet!1 FlrsE Compile Service Cabluet Evet' Desisqegt Orgaiz Y9p! ~c L i k ga 0,ë é r' Business Offie *4VESFol SAVES AN NIQU& A i Every fliee 'a wn 0Uom» Ora LbeWaI Ttwou 5ELLEItS.,f TIhe Best $ervant in Your House" T HIS is the wonderful "'M4stercraft" model. Heralded everywhere the most complote kitch en cabinet ever deigned. E lates t everyegal th '~ds of the average faqiily. olds 00tonrt1e-alIpe.Çt oi#Q rf om 0aCh day's kitchë-n'worl<. eai;1~'bnty'hr ever seen now, sold on easy payments. 4T 4int» iv This is the,,coinettfmous for its 15 star features, icuin Auto matie Raing and Lowering Flour Bin-f eatures loiiC"- wante% by woinen and nodt foii in 1 y qtlielr cabiniet. Doli't b. a kitchen drudgg. . Don't live ail yoîir lite pre- peritig mqpt I !Get. this' eôlnplete cabinet and brgnize your N happier. m uoat i b~chance. Com,%ip jo4 qee Vs! RemmmgI@ hie ,the Si S cabinet now bcin0 .lvertised nationallY. Thpéusaics pi waeaarç biyinsg it. See dem sastration ia our store. 1 ale of Suits! Fp ole W Wanted styles ln lawfus and heavier inateials ln wbers lon nait aices tmml 6 te 44 are ready. Smocka to 2.50 ai $i.98 Smockf to 398 di Soma ie rmun Preitily made and. tnImuses ln a variety move rapidly : pride I tus, tf styles. hese nallt pettcoats soud if w ite ony. -gotvns -,çorsiefcovers -cemises. Corset envrs o ml49ut nand chendieuelsîl 2.50 Colçre4 ý1tk« Corset Covers Plioavy or oavy ailit corset cov- 1 7 51ers wih Id or other colored embrold- vary-colOred brgcaffed silks. Select ]Promù at Front «Id Back Laed, IL, 34.7539 1 1 This le a very iodesl price but a very a god orst. nbadit or fr-nt lace lu y o n onweycr ieonthy nmans' do mucb e lu ut-buntingl' *anted style-s and muctaitlsIa MssWauiegau and vtinIVy as the simple stitement ibal- ___ lu ntacepýdibis community a i he yasi vurd ln Brocadfd Corsets It Srn.Trietîneh, Veours Silvertdneàs. Bmad - U 1* i 1 lfW W C l à th i u . c o lle c t io n l c c o d i n g te p r c e . e >m . a r e , url' ,i Q n c e a t r d n o p r u n - kvgk.' L.rg~t 4~pfus.î. Ity lu chovse th'm back 'and front lace - nupdplalet rse tPlain or two-Wone - b r o c a d e d e tte cs In th e n e * e st li Reiter, 2 yrs. id, 1-H1. K. Vose Prufessional sbéwImen, H. H. Schroe- rbtwe Aad2 er-PJ1igo (;reov.ox& 6 lIo., 1; Bull cuit, initer 6 me. f BoarbewnIan yas1>..rgt. Gurne; 2-ox & ounîyman der, L[hwlWvB1e, Thorabury lFarni. 1 and 2: Cow, 3,yre. or over, I-Edel- Sexton, Waukegaa. Boar, udr1m.,P 1 qtO Huier cait ere u.;1-and2- u& .lyn FRrma. Wilson. --W. J. Amann, ;Ijoar, oven 6 mu. under 12 mo., i. Sow, any age-Couintryman & Co. -Bedr un rd -Ci& fet cal.f bard uf 4 animais, pol) Round Lakes. Golde.. Prairie Vlew. Sow, under 18 mo,.--Coutnîrylbn à Coex and Courrmanurn. Iete,%rr ndi n 2; Heiler 1 Bard nter 6 mo-P. J. itearan. Cox. H efe cîfuner m..i ndz- Bmt pare bred Darf'Caît. 1-W. A. calt over 6 mo., 1 and 2; Rieter! iireeding sow, 2 years od-Country- Speciais Cor and Countryman. Brewerton; 2-Blatcbfurd 'Cuit Mealir(ait under 6 mu., 1 and 2; Breeder.i man & Cor, Round Lake. Ji-,t ehii-i o hog-J. Y. tl'aty Countryman. Co., 100 Ibo. CalfMai. Young Herd, 1; Grand Championsitp Sow, over 6 me. under 12 mu. Jo. exhib t fbege by breeder Livestock Premiuma Ilest grade datry heiters (2) alider ilee Bull, 1; Grand ChampionBhip Oxtoby, SPrIng Grove.WIha o ribtd reu l Guernsys 1 yr.ý 1-Roge Bron.; 2-W. P. Pemale, i1-Edellyn I"arma., Wilson... Sow, under 6 mu., P. J'Sex An, hsntprvosI Bllll. 3 yrs. or over, 1-Folly i9arm; 14 lineX* lI.. Huaitwo calva under 1 yr., '1; Waukegan. i I t fur.Yow ar lts,-oa.irm '-D). Williamis, Lake Forest. Ba grade dairy cow or heifr, 1- (,rand Champion Hlereford bull, 1; Get of $ire, 4 bead-Edellyn Fari-,. c'ex, w r us- Cotya Bull, 1 yr. oid; 1-1-. Knigge, liar- 1MBelody Purin, Lake -Forest. 2-- Rust, Grand Champion Hereturd Pemnaie, 1 Wilson. , & COXu, rington. IBm«,Hawthorn P'ýifl. Àr $1'i -P. J. Sexton, Waulregan.1 MULE FOOT SPECIAL lvtsw n g-onrna Bull caif over 6 nm.; 1-Polly Parm P3st eiîMlt kWi I.o#ins ba8ed Hest exhibit of livestock siîown and Chester White .5 0,avag-unrna <aW. illnund Lakem. -F uy Po r im on -onty liLl.,d by uwner, . 1li3cttwo dual pur Buar, 2 years or uver, 1; Iloar, Br-sl four plg. under 6 me.-P. J. Buli afudr6m. -y&,Cl'. , -ýC.Uk.tOi. OIS. pose "ait, I- W. J. Arnann, Round between 1 and 2 years, 1; Boat,,, ne Si xton. l'arm; 2-W il. Clal,u Country Cor; 2-W. F. Pianten, Laite.-Pr 6 mu. under 12 me., 1. Boar, n'- Best -xhlhit of bogs by boy or Cuw, 'l yrs, or ve r, 1i-Foliy Farm; CuP. - Heidsmen Specal, P. J. Re2xtoi. der 6 mu., 1; Breedng sow, )vür girl und ru- P,% pîuiso age-1 .l. L4e- 2- Polly Paroi. oliest holsiain *Wf herd (4), -dBs î9lay ,ihortlîurna, Edellyq 1 and under 2 yearq, 1; Breedin sl,ale .: liuift r, 2 yra. oid, 1l'aolly Parm; , W8t 1ha5ti CS0" Or hbotter, M*lodY bFurma.,4Wison. 80w. 2 years or uvPr, 1; Sow. 0,cr Ilelii Wisn 2--l.. tD. Kellogg, lh'î,tield. " 1 a -~s.1.! '~nsjB1P6 nlie.; Sow, under 6 moi; Get ai Mule 'out. special-L. P. Swift. lielfer, 1 yr. old; 1 and 2-Puîly Bank. Aran,,$5. In by5014. .1 Cheviot .9ire, 4 head, i-W. J. Amann. _________ l'arm. Beht boatdt iB*EAtb> au Ram lamb, 1 and 2: One ated ewe, Bar 2 erkahires . eiy lilei, c ait ovrr 6 mu. i-."oîly Whul,., ati sed a pure-bred huit '1 and 2; One ewf. iamb, i andiL -A. Ba,2yeara or oser, J. Y e IY M5ARKE~T I * AN Parm, 2-J.. 1), Kellogg, Ih"'rilild Ilian tua years; iake Forest, $10. W. Wilson, Wilson, Ill. liarringion. Br. eders >cung herd, i--Felly Paroi Ha-st Guprnseys F'emale, Foliy Shropshlres Boar, betwPen 1 and 2 years-Toin 2-Wî,. iDillon, Round iaù..e. Parte; Polly Penn, cup (must b- 2 Ram, 2 ycars or over. 1ilawthorn Megg, (Irayglake. 101LI11111@rmpa,01 Jerseys yrs.) Purin. Beur, uver 6 mu. ander 12 mu., 1: _________________ Fl:îll 2 yr. niod, 1--W. A. Brewcr- lesîtfour Guernseys bred là the- Yearling ibam, 1-L. P. Swift, L.ake Boear, under 6 mu., 1; Breding s0w, 2 a heiptul tallktun «Houuehold E. tan; 2 -Jolîneion Brne, & Swift. exhibitor. FoUy Prrm; Areatiy Pareat.' year« ro o over, 1; Brepding sus-, ourca cirnyv' a well arrangea kitcheii. ai- Hall. 1 yr. aid, 1 snd 2 Johtsoîî Frann. $10.,lRaip Lamb, i--lHawthora Farln. 'l under 2 yéars, i-J. Y. Beaiy, lBai- eîioîi-.>ng onp.,work eand self Isiloi Bru5 & Swift, Lîbertyvîlle. Dent tour Guernseys net orf ulie, Une aged ewe, 1--L. P'. Swift. riagion. lin.e s-lu save balh lime and à DgtK Bilcuit aU nder 6 mu. 1-1W. A. pFI1y Iarm; Lake Forest, Cap. One e*é lamb. î1Uand 2 1,v Sow, over (; mo-C. Jühnýon. l'île sammary was, that ho .1 a4 Brewerton, liibunlyville. Bes.. Jersey e0w, or heiter, W. A. Swift. Sos-, under 6 ma-Neyer Brus.. blliuc ,ntepnîee ui~uu C'w, P, yrs. our ailr. 1 and 2 -W. A. BrdJwenton, Libcs'lyvIlle; b.L'. Swift, j Orset Horned Wadswurth. or inipr:îctîcaî iheories but Brse Lniiberlyville. 10.IRam: 2 years or over, 1; Yearling Glutar, e-dJ Y hal. ýiincells (il wurk *,hich elp llicitr, 1 >r. id. i-W. A. Bne- Buat Jersey calt berd (4) John.,on ramn, 1; Raid lamb, i and 2: One.aîî Barrington. î.vt-ry hoim0 maker (a do ber ous irr cîfuner6 u. iW.A os; LakeFng- ,.Cu.ewe, 1; One yearling ewe, 1: One ;ee Poiand China hall murs lzwith the leasi effort au4 llefercal unër l, e.,1-W A ow ivfg-lamb, 1 and 2-"Hawihurn Paru,. Ioar, îînuer 6 mu..lA. W. Wlson; gî-eaîe..sî xuccesa3. Ayahîreton.PREMIUMS DE"P CATTLE Champion j2-C. Johnson, Liberîyvlle. AyhrsHereford» Bent ram. any are. 1; Best es-e, any - -reeding 50w, over 1 rand iîn'er (Cow, ý' yu'j Qr 'aî('r 1-1-Edelyn Bail, 3 years uld or over 1; Bull tige, 1 Hawthorn Fatrm.. 2 years. 1i--C. Johunson; 2-C. Johnison. WNE -oepo arè A4 Purins, WVilcnn, Ill. cat înder 6 mu. 1; Cuw, 3 yrs. or ov. Speciais Saw, inder 6 mu., i and 2-A. W. W1TDT mly are . Milkjnig shorthorne er, 1 and 2; Reiter, 2 yrs. aId. 1; BesItfour Pwes, 1:;liesi exitit ot Wilson, Wilson. as feeder and hehîuer on l1sitr Bull, 1 yr. nId. 1 and 2; Bull unit lieiter, 1 yr. nid, i1 4 9; liier Ceau li'ep, i. Boat ewe, 1: Besi rani, 1-- Get. ut sire, 4 bead, i-C. Juhneon. anul hog tarin. Wltewill bu '403pC - undT Mo. ad 2 (>O. 2yr. ver6 e 1 Ff*tal ude 6 awhots ar' ampahiro e o bard tarný help. Willi pSor uner6 u. ad2;t~w 3yr.or Oe i. ;fef -at mdrtllwbmFr.IBoar, over i6 mu., uvder 12 Mo. 1i a goud home-4,à i iibjayeold oe,1and 2; Reiter, 2 yr. old, i aadiO*1~l ;P .IroWik.I( 2;ete Iyr I, n 2 e the.. a nd2n.J'.NrihWtk-sén-Fr a «i 2;Rie,1y.od ad2 ile a.1psroc-Jerseys l'. P.-Swift. ta reliable party. 1 Inforna a1 v r 6 i . 1 an : I eer ald sR ush è m n y s. $ r o vt- , . G b J >m 'C h a m p io n$ ti n P o e e W a u ke% à d 3j 7 '# Ur und r m u , a d 2 B eu ers yo ng B ul, 1 yr. oid. 1 knu d 2; B ull cait ra ie vB uflar, any ag - sI. Y . B eaty, B ar- office h urs.W k y Lr -

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