Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Sep 1919, p. 6

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LERTYVELLE INDBPMENI)ENTu MATDÂY SEPTEM1~WR 11. 10i4~. ( ounty Seat News JAS T00 MUST, SO HE1 SERKS DWORCE »Uk Goff of Waukegan Chron- Ides Many Sprees on Which he says Wife Went. SSIIE FINALLY LEFT HIM ~.Mard'ed ite for M.%rs. 'Ru'h (7Off 0i 5Wba&kean, vas one sipre.' atter an- Ifter. aecording Io chargesn made in & bll for divorce filted in circulit court gg Wankegan by Dîck Glof., of Wau- Goff ýays ihat lie and lts wife wera ,ur«ed pl - San Francisco in ec- ifesasys that on Mfay 1. l11 lie camne home and found i if c' aas mt tbere. Later that niglit a taxicab rotted up te the door and lie anYs bis vite vas lielped out.t-He rays sie va sodrunk lie had 10 carry lier ln- te thé bouse. undres.. her and Put bier' tobed. on May 15, 11,17, aecordinq (o thce <earos in (lie bill. Mrs. Gof went to the homte of a iccna Smith a-lere sol- d1imanlad men in uniforrm were, being c etertained. He says she came home 4fu~'nk on that occasion. i OuMay 29, 1917, &ho again came bo l i an ltoxicated condition. 1 on Doember 31, 1918. New Tears oeve. ho saya she speni (lie entire Wg. ain lthe cafes oi San Francisco IM the eompany of Ada McCay and «Utton Banner, drinltlng champagne *id ether vines so that sie became VM7er drunk. Theu tbey carne to Waukogan. (i oS being 1n the navY and havlug been tranaterred te tbe local naval On Aprîl 19, 1919, the bill relates, b* Mid bis Wite rock a trip to Mil- Wankee. He a(ePPed lote a drug am. for a moment and when ho re- .i-buaed &ho vas gone. Ho returned tD bis botel and valted ovor an bour. U'Iallty he cane staggerlng in, very z'luct trader (ho influence of tîquor. OnMay U, 1919, ho Rays ho vent f» tbir bedroom at their home ln C>Waukemaaand Rays hi. twfe (hreaten- ed te cnt hlm vltb a razor alto beld Ms ber band becanso ho bad nlt pro- «4d tiquor ton ber. -S se ays aho. ld him rePeatedly -U Obt*e laid no ue for Wakgan- tlMo hat he vouid not ive lu any -dry tovzL Ilqqon May 26, 1919 Goff vsi or- termiBrEoollyn uavy yard viiere la ymalned tirees yods. When he - ?tutsej bisvite vas net, at home a u b" nelt abovnunp since. He mayie doe5net knoip vha( bas bo- *me ooiber. UML~EPER 0F WF. S. KEITH I -LEfI ESTATE_0F $219OW Petition for Probate of WiII is Filed; Shows She Left Many Legatees. MIAS NO LIVING RELATIVES. 1he wlltoffthue late Mfala Price. tbo for years a-as housekeeper for tho late W. S. Kcltli. was ileid for P1rohate ln coun(y court at Waitkcgan Yondav (lie hcaring being continued doementhr. The contents 0orfthe will vere not madle public. The petition ahows (bat (ho deceased, a-ho dled. Angust 10 of tbla year, bai persoual *pcoPertY to (ho value Of $31,000. Sho bas no living relatives, no tar as known. alihongh (bore are a numo- ber of legalees ln ber vili. The Iat of these legatees la On file In theo f- fice Of tbe county clerk. It wiii 0e learned with considerable aurpiee iliat Mies Prie bad been prC3vided for so generousiy 'y Mr. ICePi. The naine ofthebo egaeq lu the vil1 tof Miss Prie,, arc as folows: ('liane.. Hal, Jr. IlFatee, 302 E G1int Chicago, llinois.- Marion Prlcefi Waukegan, 111, RD. C..ay«ies Price Harrison. Marion i-a r' ,on, Oicago. 1F1.1 X. icel T. Jones, formerty .%abel Toit. 15539 Sherwin Ave, Chicago. i'hvIllis Daniels. formnerly Phyllia t Neilie Toit. litl, Waukegan, 111. Belle Huit. Ctay(on and ltica. Wau- Itegan. tHenry A. Keith, 1827 Sheridan Rd., Clicago. 111. Wardens & Vëslrvmeu of Christ Epi-copaý Churcit. Waukegan. Christine Hait Pelton, 1043 North Ave.. Waukegan. flIL Jane MeAlisttr Hospital, Wauke- gan. Illinois. .lennie Huit, la dead. Arthuor W. Cort, Louis Cort, Wau. kegan Louis. Derry. Waiikegan. 111. Carrie Louiee Keit1b, 4 Sheridan Rd_ Chicago. b-ii 'on aucoieumn Comtpany, Waup kegan. 111. R. tD. PAYS $29.70 FOR A DUCK, BUT FAILS TO 4iET T111 FOWL Wm. Kickereil Fined for Hunt- ing out of Season; Thought the Season Was Open. NO MORE HIJNTING FOR HlM EPîcures may pay a bigb price for rare kinds of f ood, but William Kicker- oIt of Wulegau dlaim. (ho record In (bis Uine. AUIL H.C. L. records Ver. brolon Sunday viten Klcliereil paid 0~9.70 for a one'Pouind vild ducL Sbootlng out or soagon vas tho charge pretorroit against hlm. Mis anroat vas bnougbî about hy Gaine Warden Keru, Milter ad Miluor. "It vouldnt have beep on bld If (boy hait lot me leop (ho duck, but (boy took It avay foin me," Kickerelt comPlainsd. "I hope It chokies thema If tbey est t." Klckerell had Loue (0 (ho iais nortit of Waulegau (o hnt. Me said ho did not lne vhen (ho hunting Besson oPenod and thougb( ho had a right to but ov. When (ho gaine vardens appoarod ho made no effort to avoid responslbillty. Me wae takeu Îhotore Juatice Raiz vho flned hlm $25 and cots. Kiclierel paid. The gamne vardens.aay (bat Kickt- ereil ao sliot a carrier pigeon fromn the nasal station. The. iatten bas béen rePorted (o the naial uthori- tics. CONTINUE CASE 0F ALLEGED ASSAILANTS The case oft William Gcldlierg. Jrics uand John Wagncr and Wiiliunî Streittharged -iti hb-aving tabhed Paîîl llackc-s lun aiglit at Lakte zun- 1<h tî m.-e'tl,. sa. t inaec,1 f.t- a o-eek a-leu calîrýd forn liaring l,om.ce 'et cce Magisrncte Taylor today. Bacekes is icnctlcîill- nccorered. lias- ing lert tht. hospital sptveralt dtys ago. SAEGENTLE. REMEDY BRINOS SURE RELIEF Pe e M e LiMtk Mles art the. retaedy y ,n,&.?k i~ ha. en.abiad auffor or very day. ehelm tl .and at o f kci ey,. fIntsanddre tetl os Iluss one ted a-ute n i i- jjSih the urnry New f,.,dh t iut e g otlov * 1111,1lad %obu li U rsoe10We ýycu normai vigore au bsn Importnt ,rgar,., Mct, 8 to ep ot-ein cnt on ia 'U~~>cuse they ilor ad ul prif 0 e.artuoe ti iaee *s W.od 33 utes kOY do thoir wor Pfont csalýt nt o Ai &"tiiir 8 ina ýPsé je.new3 nerouanes..t. iuem011 Capeulee tcday.,TourC.uS d~Iandacy.haca-ha *tmil tru- 91-t wili i ceerfully refund yOur Uo ne. l In n 1the liand l "b. i. f YOU are flot saatialed with riiotA regrave . dm0totty wh>cst, i. ..- Ilut be aure t 10ao_ , ,c ad], gndfDý e haor1Si-u101. Èe.ouortr( c- ad ntacc lKid.tUOD ME)Lld c.tau. oeny 0f icEDAbNlt>.y.r l Ie atuna 1tre. Ilice& 8«144 P@W..~ U5~bOLOMEDL (Aar.m it ap- I At ail druir torea; TheodorelO ',Murst. President. W. B. Smih, ViCe President. F. W. Churclml, Se-retary and Manager TELEPHONE 8 1 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ADAW1CrS '0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital $125,000.00 ýkUKGAN - - ILLJNOIS DRIVER 0 f DEATII Ca TELLS 0f off- TINi A(iD WOMA1N Henry Haley says Car Was Go- ing Slow Because of a Puncture at the Tme. THE INQUEST IS CONTINUED Waukegan. September 4. Evidence a-as talon by Coroner . L.. Taylor ah' the coroner'a luquesul beld Wednesday afiernon aith(le Weizel and Peterson undertalting rooma with regtard tta the accident last Saturday niglit wliiciî ied te ithe death Stinday morutng oi Mcs . Rublu. A continu- ance or one veeli vas decided upon In order tthst there may be linte te ien les..-ira.M. Cohen of Loa-e avenue. the at perron a-ho a-as wiii lira. Rubin before the fatat accident. The evidence showed tbat Mrs. Ru- bin and Mrs. Cohien tîad been svalkIng doa-n the street togeiber sud (hat Mrs. Cohen had lef t 2Mrs. Rubin te waik west in Grand avenue toward lier bone juat betome the accident bappened. Henrv Haley, aged 17, employed on tlie Ernest L.ebman farm at Lae Villa. testilied that lie a-a5dciv ung the Ford car a-hidi strnck Mrs. Ru- hin. He said lie lad biown a tire .slortiy before the accident happen- ed antd vas running the car unusualit stow because lie aas oing on a fla' tire, He said that because (lie car vas going slow- the llghta. operated off the magneto. a-ere dim. andl that lie did not sec' lhe victlm Ont il ah. car, Ho saad that lie did net bumi ber bard-that she felt direclly in front or the machine and that b. had stoPPed the car before It passe. civer ber. The accident bappeied at Grand avenue and County street. Charlesa R. Towers and Willian Tennerman. aiso employed on thei Lehinan tarin, aud occupants of tiue anto vheu the accident happened, (eatlfled1te(lie amte fa.ctq. e' Mrs. Elien Anderson of Grand ave- nueo. aald abe wa ittng on ber porch vlien (ho accident baqpened. -She said (bat (ho auto came acros3 (ho street very alovly. Site did not seo it atile Mra. Ruhîn but ahe board an exclamation and (heu saw the car stop and the occnpans juin out. One of (ho young mon vas sup- portlng Mms. Ruhln vhen ah.e hur. rled Up. She vas lnformed, sihe Raid. (bat an ambulnco bld been snmmonod. Attorney J. A. iMilier, repreaen(ing members of thoe tabn famlly, ques. tilosed wltuoaaes, as dld AttY. Ralph Dady, repreîenting (ho young men la (ho car. States Attoruoy Welcb vas Preeent for the state. -CITY AND 111 SCIIOOL TOTALS MOUNT IIififiEfl C orrected Figures Show In- crease of 200 Pupils in the City__Schools. HIGH SCHOOL NEAR TO 500 Correct, d tlohala for (lie nunîlen of siudt nin tlu(le Publilc suhools today sh;Ioaed tiîat more (han 200 more ru- piaý ccre attendiug achool lu Wauke- gccu tIctn theîe WVere laah ycan. The rcccstn.c(ion aut Waukogan bigi rithool L,- gru,]cilly cîecping to (lie 110 tark. 'r.,. tccîicwing nuinlers are fc.n t1i.e .-tcidren attc-nding thc- variccus ctty ,cofflccs:Northi 482, Centratl380, W(' 3t Si>. Andrew Coolte 522, Suuti 187, tcAlister M8. OuthMe opening day or! uchool the totale vere ns toi- loa-,c Nath 459, Central 557, West i.13R Andnc-w cooke 485, Southi 124. .MCAtc C (r r Ait (lie scboois ex- Ceît Cenitrali qcbool show a mamked increase in registration. At thce oieniug of tht. igi achool 576 st'l, fis a c-e- ire.ýent Titi5to- tal hac; rsen c, t5c4) sud it us expectcd tt.t (fa aý-c-k-s iIi set. t top the 60() macrk, L..c.t-cr th(- î,1ttci nuinlier ai atu- dcn" un tic., c 9' achool a-as 2400. Tic ietis att(,r the is( aeek tof B-,ha 'i i hwa total of 23 MORE« AIRPLANES ARRIVING DAILY nilen.Sepiember 4. Air-ptncs are sieodily coming loto the. tira- Cîtis Airplife brandi fac- tory estatlâlslwd last veek in tlie terminal. One car of ainpianes Was rcceived hc the. fniglit office Caturday and ta-o camte in this mornlug. Ta-o Am-tou ixpre~s cars came lnto the Nacrdsc thia tooruing also ioaded Mitli Plane parts Bnd, motors. Prom the mnterlal vliich ls being lirougltIn luand the preparations (hat ane being made Il ls evident (t h e Curtis People, lnlend to have a Yëry "îClive facteny liere. MANY ITEMS ARE HIGHER.WAK3iNYUE Sum of $403,100 Levied to Run the Affaira of City for WMEN FLY HURE- Te the Fiscal Year. Tecity or Waukegan la golng to I AN AIRI'LANE hâve More (han ta-ice as nuuch mon- ey fon operatlng expensei for thlMsetCaaCakeadRt ecrentiscal gear thau ti ihbd le., ise lr Ca adRt yean. This developesi Tufflday nigit TacIt Make Trip Here vhen (he city commission necelved Fo ietVle and Placed on file the aabilMtax ievy rmLb I Ordinaco, provlding for (lit levylnt ICLmVR TH*'T of $40N1.100 as companed t., $19-..81))0 PJhOR TH IY Flevie t10 mn (lie city iast year. 'The Two velil knovu Wankogau yonng donbllug of the assessedl valuationk ls gingto ali theInceasd l v omon had an excellent opportunlty pos gile. ak ie nraadtv to get a hirdseye viov of Waukegan lu the matter of sc'ioeis alono the and i vciuity Friday atternoon When lIPVY for. this Year I.. $9.1.000 more IItaghley soared oven thie city and bait% last year. Anotber tuig loccease \ta bor- lu an airplane. They had liovn round iu the lest for salariesud to Waukegau troin (lue eonnty tair vagIsa fon (bis recr. the amOulit d)0 ai. lUberlyvile. Only once bofore lng $66,000 as comnparedtl t $14,000 lias a Waukegan young twomau ilowu tor last year. The levy for tlie gar- over tlie city. The ltrst tocal yonng bage disposaI piant aicco is moret t han doubled a-iie tieltbevY for pub- wonian ho makie the fliigbt vas Mise lic buildings and grtîtids iq lncrea-sed Hiida Pain. That Vas seseral Years lise hundred perm cent, ago. h Tlie varions litemas inbhe fax 1evy Tho.A-who mîalle the lilguit Fiday oncinance buis vear as ctmnpared to aftt, noon were: at year are as toltoos - MISS CLARA CLARK, daugliter of y Dis5 119 ic. and Ira. tD. E. Clarke, f849 Sheri- Il oard oi Educaiccu for d can Road. la Educationai iimc $10006O îooÀ 0 Board of Educiicîion for 1 MISS Rt TII TAi.COTT,,daugliter Bulding piiriose . . . 7511 of r.. tD. Taircoti.61t 'Sheridain Salaries aud a.c.e- .14110I' 65(a)() Rotd. Public bibnary .....1) 8<101> The- Waukegan yoîing somen Bt- Maintenance Ci.. îtSersce tended the taic Prlday and a-ene mîtutt Goiîm san .... 5000 500 intercccted lai the pascenger-caring Siukiug lPund iccpASairplane. Retatives tiIn uvalu tel tondcd eit..01:004) IÇodissuade thenu fmom their destro to Interest o iIt i dciii 004) 5000 iaeaIiiiMs tr0md i ilGnrlcontitlgen!c' ailight. s Clark@d he ethm la fond ..... .- .30M4) 70001 i fihtadeI esl r Police departin' ,t.t ex- nensY as the aimpI ian cled abouit pes .........50) 40)over Waukegan. lpon the r, turîî to Fine depantineult. pense 000<> 60,00 Itle faim -roundis Miss Tuicott ciiuiibc'd Pire aianni. nicnt'n- lun(lie machin' and sico aiso wà.. ance andt equipiîceni ..~ 30l) Ul brough tIn Wa ukegan. yHolalthi departnunnt, Waukeganltes who saa tise ma- maintenance andi chines circiing about aven the city r equipînent............ 900 2000 did not kaow (bat Wauitegan young Garbage disposai ..... 7:0 16000 aae eeo om h oa Street depantment. opru girls sayeyon boad.noTbae lmis- c îg. extending cand e- grssyte ol o aems pairing itreetis and sed the expenlence for a-orid'c bridges ...........luqO 7800o Stee lghin _ 91"H) 12000 niStreet oling ...... <no lev) c 4o000 LIE Y ARROWnu 'Pulcbuildings anîd T A E Y IA I gr0ras ....10N0O- Printing and staiiobicry 7c(Il 1000 LY AVEK'I'LI AS WitE n Elctin exens .. .7(00 300 eSpeciai fundt for psy- "I ment or public bene- 11 it.ï of special anus ,-i RNSO TH AI mients.............. 11000 24000 Engineering depamiment 2000 5000 Mrs. Russell Brown Found Un- Firemeu-j.spensilifnd 1100 2000 conscious in Bath Tub; sion tund ...... .... 2f00 6000 Tells Pitiful Story. ILFloatiug debf.s inccirred Driven (teth point 0f- madness by e prior to May 1, A. D). 1919.................2000 2"00 bier martial troubles, Mns. Russel w et n aineac Brown, aged 2(1, went into tho hath- and equipmenh -....3000 4000o coom of lier litle fiat ut 463 Ravine avenue this morning, ciosed the door, e ~A>5 Pened the gas Jet, and lay dovu In flIJft~ j... the bathhtub, seeking Usereby te vipe. ~AI~ IVIFEout ail earthiy troubles.iat ED 0F MISC NDUCT ,a- tme lu aer Mrs. Bert Pennock h WIT OTRE 1dE ed tho odor of gas and hurrylng np N alairae ouducted a hasty sourIs IVIIJ TIER EN Shoround the followlng note yn Mus. Joseph Tekovic .of Morth iTbone usse$IUÇcet, win hat 1 Chicago Named as Defend- have done-induce hum (o return o ant in Divorce Bill. Il The ucxt moment Mra. Peunock had throa-n open the bathroom donc. Alleged sets or miaeouduct on Sh0 taggered back a-hen met Dy (tie the part of bis vlfe, Mrs. Joseph Te- r-ush of polionous gas. She hesitated Itovlc. cauaed Joseph Tekovie. 111$8only a montent. iioaeer-îiien suie State street. Northhibcago. tbrough dashed Il, to ic bathnoom and carried attomney James A. Mller (o appear the unconsclou.q young womnan to an- in circuit coîurt at Watxkegan today other port of the- bouse a-hene sic aud institute proceesdinga for divnrce ccuid g-r fresht air. Dr. Gouriey a-as Tetiavic sas lie cbarged lits vife sunitxioîîed anîd soon rt.scltated the. a-lth miscoudact and says she not sictim. cnlY ada1ited (lie chargea, but Acccdinz toth le stary tOid by Mns. boasited ocf tht. tact tint she had llroin, sle a-a.., marriý,d te, Russel been Intinuale wltl Firank Boranlc lIrown'ai <'ro%%n lPoint. bd - a year y iwo ta ?anîed as co-resçcondet ith le u0o Sevc-in îîonths ligo, a baby came. _bilt. Sinci- ihat tint 3lie Baya (bat lier The lsusband sets forth that hoe sud lnstanda mtcthem, lins Ch-amies bis a-îl eatr,- married ait Waukegau, lBrown of Graund Avetnue, bas souglit Jan. '2.,, t9t t, and says (bat because te, induce Itu:a-cell to leave hier(huas or bis cIItI alleged actions he a 5'sfe,. c1biil -dta leave lber February 1, LastScîsîlaý, cccarding oth îe saony ltcIlc ThI. aicged acta of miscOn- f the. ta-c-otoid (o the police <luect, accrding to the. hisbaifd took eaiiv %fqnci.,y c vt-ing lu aecklng ho place Aiigcust il), 1913 sud January 1 ,'eltiR-n)ili), ,ca-ist in brnîging lier 1919. lie edys tiere were many oth- husband bcck te, lier, Russetl came c.n lines ticat lie is unabie to enu- homet.and found dinnena-la nat quite t nircce. readv cIs .the batîy bal beeii trettul The Tt-kov ir.. have one cbiid but and li. I rowan hadl beebi dciayed. tlie husband (s' content (o atloa- (heo ý ays i. r îîusannd cet angmy sud a-uc to retain possession-ocf IL. stamîced out of the hause. Sie thinits lie se-ut to lus motbei-s hotue. 1. tact lie did n.t liesitate to tel TEN WAUKE4IAN MEN fileIj. .01(0 tiit she believed bier bus-. THiE bauds pa.renits weebidîng uia-ay tram lber. TO SERVE ON eir emy ild fv-on PETIT J RY aER and everng Mrs. Brownu ehideavored ho tukle lier,- lie by' iihalitig gas Folwiiîg cnre the naines of the covered liy Mrs. Pennocit. Fearful petit juror, a-ho lias-e been notifledthL ili ce w(u(id accoMii i er pur- t1liat tly are ta appean in circuit PI j1l.-crI. Laxusock even jinduced. vut m os.tîbth le grand jury lilat Irs. Broa-u (o steep ilulber iat Mon- lot yet huving been dcalan:, day miglit. i(cîton- J. C. Dean, Tlieo Dryer. Eariy (bis morninig 'viie Mns. Peu- Eunt Fuarman, H. b Green. E. E. Km neck a-as getting Ireakttast, Mrs. wsan, Thcomas Mtchel, Caspen Van Browti-ltlcked lier chid ai) more AIIuIIc New-port: Charles Brea-er. snugiy and tien sliPPed Upstairs and THE DEAL *SEEMS ASSURED Thousands of Dollars Already Subscribed to Stock Com- pany of $25,000. The KnIghts of Pythlas lodge, af- ter deliherating for some trne, prac. tica]lY decided ttriday night to or- ganize a stock Company to take ov. or the Masonle Temple at the Cor- nec of Washington ftreet and Oheri- dan Rogd. That thie suggestion met vlth-, PoePtlar favor va sindicated by the tact (bat the sum of $4150 vas subscribed et the meeting and oarly (bis atternoon It vas announed that the total amount* subscrlbed had ex- ceeded $10.000. Thie purchase price nf the Maaonlc Temple la $20.000 but the Pythianaý Plan to organise a stock company leplanned to put a hasement undor i "We tortnnately esstaped troin (ho the buildin.g, put ln a heetlng plant! ire on our ranch," Mfrs. Day vrltoa, and make other cepairs and changes. "but many of our upigbbora are not The conuni(tee a-hidi is making the no luclcy and nearlyj.'lery day vo go dansas ceports biiQg grealest eothus- out to help some tamlly driven ftom lasm lnin h proji+.t They say that their7borne by the fIres." lier letton niany ms'mber sotter to double their and nevapaper clippings fram the siul..criptinns lu case i( laq npcessary. Missoula paper IndIcate that the ftrea Th*, Kniglits of Pyblilas lodge la lu there tbus year are worse (han th»tae a vigorocus condition sud tbec mcm- of 1910..1 lic-nu dccided lb a-as tînce Ic have a "A srnoke psulias hung tiser Nlis- homne of tbelr o-rn. Thte tact that thep roula and tbe surroundlng terrtony Masccns are ttc lcuiid a $100,000 tcm- for days," taIerq the paper. Pires ici- on NotrhShieridan Itoad made It -ithliîu number arn sprcnging up ail possible t.seruire the Ium.sent te., throuthe bcbeit tor(at dilstrictit ut pte. The Pi'can.c uic-srt ticat tliey tic sLtAt, and the guards no sooner a-ll flot proce.d unies'. tiîcy can cub- e ',tenfinguiich onc han anotruer be- scribe th, P nire $25001) ut once. zis One lire Ocam Mmr. Da's borne ravecled 201 miles ln anc dccy acccrdlag AIITfl AD UUÀNM NIh tIci the Publication. 816 FOREST FiREs SURROUND FORMER. WAUIEaN RESIflENT Mrs. Lottie Day in the Midst of Mont=n Fire District She Wrltes. BUT HER RANCH IS SAVED. Mca. Lotte Day, formeriy Of Wall- I legan tela luheb.mîdatofthoeflre dia. ticlt lu Montana accordlng to a 1e(- 1er reSelveil bY fnionds lu Waulregau recentlY. She tu loCated near Mie- Rula, Mont. WiII Roamer. aiso for- merly of Wauliegan le a resideut 0f AU 1 U AAUI3IELU lIAS BEEN RECOVERED Sherif f Gren Turns Over Au- tomobile t tan Ieyieffery of Frankville, Wis. CAR STOLEN LAST SUNDAY. An au t<mobile atolen asat Sunday nigit at Racine lias béen recoveced Wedst of Waukegan and tucned over ta thie onec, Stanley Jelfery, a store- Ireeper at Prankviiie, Wls., just a-est of Racine. The car vwas dosorted on Granit avenue At a point about eloyen miles West of Waukegan, near (ho John MNeCredie farin. Ta-o youtha vers seon to crawl out of tlie car Monda7 mora lng and valk avay. At the (ime the NicCredies did flot thînk anytblng of the malter but wben no attempt bad been made to tale the machine avay tbey notified Sheriff Green and ho tool (he mattor uP vith Use Ko- nosha police a-ho checloit up vith tlie Racine police and dlseovered the owuer of Use car. Jeffery came 10 Wanlegau Wed- nesday uigbt and too litho car home vîit hlm. It vas found tbat the car bld run out or gasolile which »&c couted for the tact (bat (he youths bdt desertod It. It Pwas apparent (bat (bey hait spent tho nlgbt ln the machine. Jeffery saId ho Ieftt(ho car lu front of a moviug pIcture (hoeatre lust Sunday night. vhen h. lett the Usea- tre the car vas gono. MAN TO noeTRIED FOR luS SANITY litu Andersýon a-ho vas pieked up at Wintlirop Hacrbccr by thc sheriff-f ber be had attcuckod sud heaien tirea men aitlian imon bacrJfa being beid tt the count>- alu, tle us (O lie trled for lits saniîy .Fcw panliculars are knowaboalcut hics îc-inocg history. AttorneY Raiph l)ady wam aimost recovered tccday front an infection lit bis biand caused by 'biood posunlng. Mr. Dady eut his band on a ho. tour days ago andI on the followlng day Infection sel in and his band ho- gan to sweii. lie gave, it prompt at- tention an the infection was neariy ail eliînnated today. -ServiceI That performed for its customers by this com- pany includes the Best A rtiicial Light and a Versatile Servant wait- ing commad ai every Iamp socket. Wouid you puy a fev cents à wask for aàsevant that vHIi do thne fmâiy wahing, dean the lboue., Cook mmi uteu dâses and i nnerous vai mnrease your home omfo-ts? Aboutthai, or less, is wat the eleltrcity vii coul 10 nan the machinery and ap- plilnccs Ihat accompiish these resuls. We Seli Them AUl Monthly Payments Public Service Co. of Northern IMtnois - I. .1 Safegu arded Jn vestmen ts 'a ying from 6% to 12% Oj-PARTIAI, PAYMENJ INVESTME"OT P makes it easy to save money eyetematically and to accumulate high class eecari(ies paying good dividend returns and capable of large increasca in value. Let us explaiuu (hie plan (o you. Tell us îîow mach you can pay doa-n and hoa- mucli you oas psy monthly. Tell us what soeunstics you have, if you have any, so vo may advise you as ta Uîeir -presse value, stabiliy and futur.. We viii make up a special investint sugges- tion for yon sccording to what you cao afford t0 invest on titis p.artial payinent plan, tither on a l0-payment or 20-payinent bàsiLq. Write to our Depantinent Ai2 for our papen, iGuaranteoc I1nvestmnn(s, giving adviee on thie msarket conditions-It viii interest you. Securties Trust Comfpany 10 South LaSall. Street, CHICA GO, ILL srn Mamp Thr< C ITS AL LATE ielaed t each an ait Von Zion 4 huer sou. al mona looty ba seized. under ai vay fr., Those a 839 Clari GEOIt. Vents-El Tventy-i The n tan and lai]. Thc th(-Ir re1. le the Trcuusfer s.aud t, B.y thr, -itd, til pareniy tbrouglu liber drov of thie ci Ceeded ln the h,-aiN becomin.z Oftire car focre th, Oated. Tii,' bec but It w. chine agit the po1ie. two auior Tfved <cn Mien unde A ttomne, olitain ttc, the truck %ion poil, - boe varri tracy to tt Ife said 11. warranta w'eeta cai Pected to 001mmon C émtno rit 'OPE Norh Sh suffie Maki PURCHA by the a wM eadvi 7%0 vug wlChitell Me mom y affoe tu moet it I e ulc. Mort bnu tu the .go bupes viii OersUon. Proyed est givea the ward pa=r Publieoare fld staio roade pati 1bave recel more are future. (01 the compa ter coacha oqnipment la 'the fs.l bullit betw vile and Proved ln 6tofte bîgj le being d a bid for DirectI Rbore (rai ln Chicag ago, Is exj Increasa trains clrc 0 songera uC; valit tbey trnet, (hua faire requit tations.1 Uino beti eRgo la Co charged bý top whiclu silx 1 r - -- 16 zmý 1 ý ý ý '. : ' - . 1 . el SEPTEMBER 11. 1919ý

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