inuts Ask anynm.. Buit we can' -~"-~ IT ËÜâss the ansêver- WA7S- And now the Serve wiih that e arègoingto giveth z~g sM h lis a clrnki~e I~y 4a set fpr ~taIL Lake. ýCounty.8 Prporto Is OnIy 16EIOW Yôu re glngto give beca--se youWato.Mketesyfryr local -chairman and haind lu your getie rus bit bfrete apag Fo AS. T. PF.oPDç Couty Chswam »4EL' AaGRADY, Vic Ca"~ Cçý fpLTER. Ptebcd:à,a S. PEAOD, Ste Chairr GEORGE «Local Cham Lib.yvU4Mh3nowi YT- 0THE h v. ~v ~ - n.. 'h~ f f ,,- J Arit ,q,