Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 25 Sep 1919, p. 6

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Coun'ty Seat NewsI IRS ENTER mRNY'S TWJCE IN. SINE 0f AÀMONT11 t4my away About $400 Worth i« CGoods; Windows were ta Sbe Barred Today. POLICE WORKING ON CASE. lgtuing Minfot arke in tIse suaa4 place Ivica but hurglara, Sp- refit!>'are nt se particulai-, for1 lb. AI Canuey's meus furisbing ttolfléeva entered and nobbed'Satur-1 Uy iS7Ugt for the second timte in. a ~S of bar-el>' more than a month. V iIovercoats. neekties. socks, 'neeagloves. bats, catps, etc. tv ye~aue of several bundred dollars .~Iee takeu. Mr. Carney is engaged *'%1 askng an iuyentoi-y audutil tIbis 'J&ecmpltai viii nt he able ho leti -the exact exteft o! is leas. on cas- IW alObservation ho feels sure tIsaI il *MV not run trnder $400 and Posaîbl>' *Ma>' b mucb more. ()n the former occasion the robber y * 800 place vile Mr. Carne>' was #8v5>'on bis yacation. Immedlately *Moobhie euru ha put lu anr ordor for M atelsutters and bars te pi-oIOcI1the ,~ea door aud windows o! is Mtore. 55. 9 I name o ftb, legatee vas maie lu thse tcodicIl. iThe late Mr. Keitb was named als executor without bond. The enlire estale was ieft 10 hlm' ln trust wlth the request tisaI ho couvert ail real estate sud persoual propertt>' mb cash aa anon a.s possible ln order that lIse bequests migIsI ha made. The provisions of the wiii are as follova: 1-TIsaI ail debta ha irald. 2-To.Chas. Hall, brother of Chris- lion H. Pelton, Chicago-$300. 3-To Marion Price ttaeside, Wau- TRAOUS IN AUTO;t GETS MUCII LOOT Takes Cash and Liberty Bonds - -Even takes 5o Piece from SmaiIBoy. FOOTPRINT MAY BE A CLEW kegan -10. 4- 'lo Ca Pie Harso 1n Waukegau, Sept. 15. Mlari î Harrîson, Cticago-$100 oe. . 4Thre barefoot who travels lu au ais 5---.'o Mabel sud Nellie Toîl, Watt- tomobile is the lateal Innovation te kegai-4200 each. he lotr-odu ced lu thîs vîcinit>'. This 6-To Phyllis and Belle Hall, Wan , unique thief visited at leuait tne kegan-$200 each. * or-th 'Sleriin road jomes eari>' 7To W. Scot Keith and Henry A. 1WMednesday morniug. The places 'eKithi-$l00 oasIs to buy memeto. . rmu are loialoi jusI north of the Wau- S-To W. Scot Keith for malutain- keg4n civ limita. ing lot at Osievood cemetei-y-$200. Detatk l.s I e aIsit o! hurglers 9-To the wardensansd vestrymen ta lIse 'Louis Moore home ou Sherl- o! Christ chich-$3000 10 bc invEstdanRond vere relaied lu thre Sun cd andj the income used loi- pronsotineWeneaîy ulgIs. Toda>' it vas chilix4's festivals and 10 o eknon learned tIsaI two ueighbors o! the as tIse Maiion Pirie morial fund. Moores alse vere rohbed sud Indics- 10-To tihe Lake County lHospital ions are thai the same Ibief perfor- -$30040 tu bha invesîe-d and the lu- med nil hree rohher-ies. Pilus o! CesTie uscd for general expensea. bai-e fet on the grouni Just outlde 1l-Direcled Mr. Keith 10 apeii tIse homes vislted indicates that lIse $3000 to boy a home in Waukegau thie! rensoved hi9sboes sud stodklngs for- Christine Hall Poitou. so that he could make bs vsy about 12-Residue left to Heur-y A. Keith. the bouses vîtIs the least possibleý The Codicil noise. Tihe codicil rer okes dlams No.S TIse naines of tIse ivo additioual MRS. MUàefttODIES Waukegan, Sept. 15. Mma. Frank E. Miuford, mother of Attorney William F. Weiss. died this moruing at 9:46 at the home of ber son on Noth avenue. Mrs. Mumford vas 61 yee.r old, hav.g been bora in St. Catiserlues. Ontario, Canada. She came te Chi- cago ln the year of thse big tire, 1871. Twentyeigbt yeers ago abe and ber busbeànd, wbo died several yem & go, came to WAukegan and attled on a tarin on Muinford road vestot the City. Thoylilved there until Mr. Mum- ford'a paasing. Mia. NMumford, since time made her home wlth ber son. For tisree years Mrs. Mumford had been ver>' ick and for a year or more auffered a great deal, baviug beau tu a Chicago hospital unucli of the lime for a year past. Funeral Sunday; details net Yet fixed. FIN6ERPRINTS TAXEN OFF ÇASI BOX IN STORE wau1,egan. S-oPt. 18. No knowledge lîru been found yet as te the -fobber's who loote.d the Goodman store on Tenth street fl- day night and got away with severai thousand dollars worth of men's fur- nlisilngs. Mr. Goodman iii rlet(ermrnned If lpos- sible toeiun the thies-eS t0 earth and today announced that he would gve five hundred dollars reward toeau>- bady wbo would furnlsh hlm informa- tion that would lead te the arrest o! IMTE> RI ALMROST CATchS DR. BROWN PARTY County Physician, Enrouteà Fromi Hospital With Friends, a Nearly Hit at Grand Ave. GATEMAN NOT ON THE JOB. Count>' PhysIian A. B. BrOWUL de- cloas5tisat ho had the clonent swapse tromn death Tbursday Ivt about meu o'clock, that ho ever cares 10 experience. In tact that ho adis wite vith tva ladies, a cbiid sud a man patient aimait met a terrible accident at Grand Avenue crosiig or the electric Railrosi. It wuaal because tIhe gateman on duty aItihe lime, did'ual bave the gales iowered wlsen a fast limiteit came tearinu along about aeventy-live miles au hour. In lthe car witb Dr. sud Mns. Brown voee Mima Ethel Coomba, of Oak Park, Hi-s. Montagne sud three year old son of Oak Park aud Jack Rolrcoe a south aide Waukegan inu the convalescent patient. Dr. Brown vas bringing tIse part>' t0 îown sud the ladies and child bo- Ing guesta, vhilo ho vas retornirg the patient 10 bis bonne. Il waa drlzzlng at the timo and the windows of Dr. Brown*s limcul- mine 'vere dowu. Mis. Bi own rqnsark- ed that it was raîher stulf>' ln tIse car. When Mis. 1h own spoke, tre doctor Car vas a short distance weat of the electric. Arting on ber suggeslion, ho lowved the le! t window aithlIe drivers seat and that was Cher-e he 0i;ý , 1v imt ,èà arni d sud voiet-a ha M"th ref-e-reuëe hio, maintena*nceof a Iplaces vis ited are: the burgiars. made thre besî 'ove lu bilie. r or Zestvirn te rhhey 10 kpace15 laue N. 9la mdifed o a to$40in caissudeve vet s ta- asta'par daeclveata yrk n tre asedetctedtheapp-osbin hilte ,Ia.tsfei toas>. ' lot at Oakwood ceuseteri'. C. W. H-IT"SON HOME-Thief got Further, ho bas esuployed two ex- if he had Dot, bis ears would uit haveb Au knovn. 'Mi. Cerne>' vent ta thse resi that the income froin the trust talleaSrilve cent piece out of the l1111e and the>' in=rediatel>' came ta bis train sud ho probabi>' would have %blift about naon on urind> ta toi-n fond âshall be used for the support, trousers of!'.%r. Hudsou's amaîl non. store Saturda>' morning. A finger peli- tgensahaead relying ou the tact that Ont th iseugIs ligbta. It vas tht-n o! thea chur-chInstea of promoting' P. Il. NEWVELL HOMP>I-Tbief got expert came ta tise store snd 100k the gates to thre crossing Ccr not hi ijoavered te robbery. The rab- cbldrnu' festivals.1 $75 lu ca sh, a $50 liberty' bond snd a fiuger pints o! miarks lefI ou tIse lowered. bgrg bai flet taken the trouble te Clause No. 12 is modiied soalisat book contaiuiug $25 wor-th of var5sav- cash box vhich vas taken f ront the At au>' rate, as ho appr-oached the 'tura ou tise igblsfi eviientl> per- thre baquest s-oea the SisAlister bnri samps. sl n are nt tebennIcoon adbogtbscrt ,,ndng tir vork wviile the store hopital jualead o! thea Lake Conny I. IMi-. daonudi not hear tIse thief, ademai ried. lIRl tat bsibO at. c out aend rugit bis catha Vat ylis-bled. They m Iinaha hospihal. af vork but vas amwakeued dur-lus-.the fins-eirint ciuls may ha 0ff5saine îracka. a limited pasaei b>'eta avo- Ugtpei tiraItie tnrning ot or theC Clause No. 1l la modifiei an that lIse night b>' tIse Bolio! an enatme-' value. At any rate notîsins- la going enty-five mile an hour clip. Dr. Blrovn igob vool aro<se suspicion virile provision la made fon building al bile lu front of bia place. to ha left Unione toas-et tracir of lookei at lIse gateman', ahanty uni Sbek chance of detection wuld be $000 home)or Christine Hall Peilon. 1 "WIshat did you set' Put itlnlu bre, tIse honglars if possible. »aW the gateinan. John Wynn, ses-sm. IW Vttrh thre lfIWts henins-. Aditional bequesia are maie as ho heand onema inlulIe car sas>'to ling lUm'ri the s-te. Tire Dotor Bttance ta lthe stor-e vas gaiiied followv: a compaulon. d uhe t ioai-es ho vas taîkins- vitrnmre -bg breables a reos, viuiaw. The Jeunie Hui], Waukegan-$4300. At lIse lime ho dii not think much omflOJjOI j vomnInaulubi s sant> ai tIse lIme and IsJ'es I at i e h e u» sanien. Arthrur W. Cort, Waukegan--200. shoot thoý mater sud vent bock ta probahî>' diflot have his mini on tg r~ ~oiM p $ira" 4WD, J,ým" (oM W"kegaan-4100. sleep. -He nov believes lb vas one of ffjl~ the respousibillIby Ibat resta upon teir >' about fi the toe vey Louis Domv>, Wanirmga-'$O. the liieves. W J AIL U N i hm. At any>'rate acondins- ta Dr. etaSeY sioctie articleis ofthte Carnie tU Keiti, Ciicago-1500 . Brawn, one gale loverai as lire lant * yh »u& 'W. Scott KelIb. Wurkegan-$504fl7fjl ~~ 1 ~ nI fJJ car of thre atreet car vent b>'. h I 1111MQXto tire clO&1thl e wir ith virich, taimprove th. gouns E BOY GANI IRAYY i n SUR' 'MOItÂL-Wheu crousIng. a streot làbfl 100h etveen46 sd 84 verthl araund thre Union lnsoleum veat of car or railrftd track, dan't depcird e MM b» Wb b bau fl Wa11gu.SU LIMT ON OId Goal Dock Hoist, Long a oirtire gateman. lie May eabe' I11% IW Sà ri«« Theamolin of warses ad vctrmenet hrit Menace to ft Safeti, C-yre daa.cto lek ad o st BS M et t»5 tlt lamU-iac' i. 10 thi cme o! N nmugnen. Depend ou yourself mmretIra 'Me MMi*tne lsu Ba=t l. ta5ho1MM for tRoof»of or theter gateoman; menie ntas a Sco- ______ chUsch. TIrLIS lmbfta ttot35 S_____ MAY RAZE BUILDING Nhed . dan> Protection. tond Wini &Mount ta S. MA1600BULDNGN M"Pnlce diei Augst 10 of Iis Poliee Disbeieve Boy's, Story w1th a grindins- crash thre ponger- - _ _ _ _that He Has Not Soid Many oui bai, oth ie l Med o ei sh OUN4i IA rotîlng condition, gave va>' duniug the ' " " MACHINES ARE IDENTIFIED terniffl gale Tirnda> nligirt, colla: 1 Mli Mae M o Lavs lon ithth thft f byel, outl ig mnytona, ta fa01 vest instead cf W~ ~isMis are ri Lavs iO DE W DI I f las ould, oxpain tire tiroft Of taM'east for hai IIdr'arpeid juota e tir: ein Idto County 221M0 Each to Tbem; tit-v iylsdr vh cus abrI nobel ooi ae Cuton Story ofSenja 7Ï- euet ae FuI>' >eaub ago Sunday, . 1. o!the summes-, l tire bellot Of tise crushei sud aunk Ivo honte mtXred Lahtinen. Dounys eeeofeWtsegMadeoatWauk,.gan pouce. Lineudof and tathe dockr t that point. 8G01E CHANGES BY CODICIL kn ene.s vas marriod la George Bartirobo, hie il year <M coin Far tire last few years ît hbas heen HE WAIVES EXAMINATION. wha l noeknwn s heFoihosePanlon, ai-e beins-belli b> tire police knovn filit tIseIsoleI vas in s ian-____ Ileaîl aftIs vio! ari Prce ba isnovirnvu s l. Fx buselubonds nf $500 eacli. Il ls expecle a ous condition. This somrmer the William Wargeln, s popular >'onng Dtiio!f.i tthe wf $21.000. veuWashington atreet, bis bride heurs-filtIsIthey vit] ho given a hoarnuo- ~cil>' commission practicall>' decida inuresidîn- on thre southBaide lu $1sposingofaesaso$2,0.wr Misea es tee. day. ïaie public lu count>' court Ioda'> Mi-snd Mss. Douglas celebraled ta coudemu sud raie tise otire etnoc- Waukes-an, was plaCod under- arreet the Is ii vas proved. Mlisa PricelIseur sgohien veildins-annlrorsr>'ITIse Policewyul ask tsat Ilineudoif boare, feitng tIsat it vas a needl6ss Fr-us>' aternoon on a serious cbarge hbo for years vas oousekeeper- for Sunda>' In a quiet tmanuer at t ll- bord to Ise ogra ndr T , iseotermenace to healtIs and au eyeaore la preferred b>' Misa Seola Lahtinen, 4h o, .Sot etWuea'shm nSeianRa.Te a.teliefot a young voluan wbo aiso esiles ont >'.. lt.aW. cOt Kuth Wakagu'abam onShridn Rsi.TIs>' aibe îurned aver to tire loveuile court 'bIis action vas delayed hrougb tIse south aide. viesan, maie mari bequesis iu tIsir sou sud daughtar, Robent anti soîborities. Another mitis-atins- cir- an agitation stantecl te open bise Wargellu vaivéd examinatton Lie viI. ueCil va mae ui ud ns.Elus hasbean thir amile cnmstaucî- in favor o! thse amaller oh dock and use it lu compatitiafivhen airn igned befcîre Police %as-- lgu9ei ou -Ma>' 1t. 190?. A cOdicili Hi-. Elam Car-ke, sud Iheir familles.boy hat tIse attempted bheftto!f a I Ietcisdckvrc Its siaeWatrTyo rdyalr i-vtraa made out Mairh 7, 1914. Thiss o a fanut>' dinuen sud the da>y s icrr.lufrn o1t)eEiwlTse- hrt a he irelstedock10 hot ci!the nos ud s alt e alor1 tIse ater« ->Oicil, attached ta the wiltl.chiangecs spent togetber-. Irea Tin fray t-btheas h a. tfin al o! col s plya a nm ber o!oi-aIel eroonoan was cour-te lu tbond Twvr-lo ft Igse bequeste reto Irc- or- coon>' aicIs uutc-d îhiqfeue.- lit tIsat (ity officias Ioda>' eipreased $1100.I. wrs5remanded taelIre cus- -Crs Tva ortis andesthe cleste re tir vtetov. r ufftcouple heaa per-fomdaluIf,-tut tIre police, sud tIre tate- ticopinion that no lima should ha tody o! the sîieriff and at once Iresan .~Cnis Chnci su lie MAliter Irr lev.Mi- Itffihi ! l6 eitepalnient i-r uoî îîspoteî, tiraI h0met, let un cr-loir icswu lIre oh strurture.sekgabosm . pila InlutIseoriginal viii tIre lati. r ciurch trci deru-pIÔps tirItherenly ui> .n'-ucff i iot0 Iateteaii ebr-till Ia eoedtii i ngTahostr-yid bM is Ltnl 'boquent-was ta to heLaIes Couny uflaneo ovliving wvIsa vai 51tire ht i aI .ssthon lire asrosata assist te this -fcet wyul ho prosentcd aIla a sor-di onc. It is s star-y of love. ,Hospital virichi aler became tue mec ereniony la Miss Auna Fux, %%ho i.3 the oidi r- boy ln stealins- bicycles. lire <(uri 'eig nx od> !tut idaîuluet Alialer hospital. TIse change lu tIr. 110w iniChicago. Del-tDouglas, member o! loal i c-i. ieig nx Odyo tut fdsluinet _______________________________________________ rtre-rt. fro, lcia ls oal s- c îlît Meade MsLaiinen sayssthat sIre lovai bicr aledatthepoic ja- ThaI theOid eaedock, viich ton Wans-elin, net visai>', bott Io eil. lia ti .smoruins- luan effort t Id- 1sozur- trues ' ursbeen avned b>' Char- SIre says sire tî'usted b jus iuPliciIly --entif salut- o! the savaral vheels les Baii-siovx, neev>' coli ho ne- but sys ho betrayed tils trust aud. IIDNEYS '1A ,J4?G bihCr -cent ytr oie iltl the- opinion of man>.'t Ilal then woli Isave noîIing 10 do a'ilh whCitilti, v seachd th iLnendof chrlmei lhi rît b hahilitaîo tIsaeddk li. st ar ri '. u v ii sg tr ati, ai a . Lh otUTteî; . a raim . P r ts o ! tIse w h e l dRl ! m d e n ho et w o Iud CO t u e a an d M iss , ,A h ti en ast LO.Si O K.,4virn o UdasTt. hd Itrhne n l attjatadI adutdI erec te uigtebaig oissOly iýdl c 'ç III 5 <SO11-1D I Dops," s" eîîs erientiaio. Mrniakt tIse investmont. IVanselin waived bis rigbît tuhave tibm tu GOL MEDAL EaKIrl-t Ouiiris îiîî>wever h;44 s record o! tIse ('raper- hoishlus- machiner>' coutili Mi,, Latinentellu er-tor-in i-aur-t, stt.r' Y."it..5 .-lm i. mie.,(lit (tint..-' They etre strengraiiiii If bicycht-apuichssed Ihili b(- rsed tw yeans sa but nov a cuetn-t r ou vs ihu flon' r wat .i '-ie-1i ,n» mrti i c it rd a- r. subIfelna agréait msse îritnui iii torse]L mas' -e wiho athu.. 5 -,i, -us-L, di u-,- o fur h,-s- iv obust isAIS f e l~ i I ii ciria lu ln.stablisir- dw uîiulnlutda i aoat 1Iade Of 48 auy er'idrnce liig iutroduced. a5&0f fi, ri ssu,î: :,.at thsJ'ILs. lil ,-ritii.î'îtty of tire differntut lrcur- r ti- ay 'demui-ias-o. TIse psy- Wit -)i1CP . ichargest aiG,10Turdirglu nC C Suli, LI e .1 ùr e un Cap- j ... a epor' wtdini-nt tif dI-orurragechrse vol da> ,- enttreiytrac from , ont rlit, tupp"ntg you sOt IL I iiiiillrel>'aftî-r-reailuin 151, mosible la compote vilsPIA h vai, . Mi:',IÀL (JI! lr t1 'speules. Taksln lest 1t it Ipl i TL:>' tur,.alo .ra tern & ircmtte.*&-i:il fou 5areiOtiKoet iO "&iu liltat-verral or thbe ottir - 'riu'lis. Oulhe. tIse tS n~t mal- CLS ACTS 0f One 't biec stimed ith emute vuidrugin wi i 't tii htlj;-]ben rAcovairi a urmbenru rinhi,1stat-n unoai a bis-coal boat ment o .t 1, ii..isîr'uî5tire nonm. <X>U) N,ý.tAL os he15 AEi tn ay. 7('lwu li csu r,,t '.fo andatittet n ta rh. in c. d bxs,: . lti bii) îrrle Iser v'h , hopoic u 50iss u d qMsedeln TMISCONDUCT;wl htheo loya i i' it.ZdIer machilues. TIs e c-i-mt-nt. b thIe ct-t>. TIre biildiIlg F RÀS P R - - pnll. un>' P vlirba dilicul tallit ta whiI î~ic ,ndg t. Ilise pruprty IlabIse ___________________________sot t iyh we15lOut snd asse-mblea rpi-rs-y tif %Ir-. lailUtcow. Thoodoreý.O.Hurst. Presidert. W. B. Smith, Vice Pisient. t11i i ii i r,.open saoeIIF; hajitIsaheb dock lu fi-ont of Homer C. TalIey of Waukegan F. W ChrcIjitSecalay su Maage î,nuflîîîf uitnies 'traI hlie aosiould itetîril sh'-dailanl a docayed Charges Wife Was Intimate F. . huchilSerearyan Mnagr oYf111 ! i, %itîreetahoiras stialen but ct-iiiltîn eriîIla ]table ta ho vasbed With Different Men. TELEPHONE 81t frot the lai t tiraIso tissu>'heels ouItaIai nylime. 1IrtIre dock Is ta b1 aicl, t-i unr n d 00 fOev necoy- it os t mit ho repîacod. MAKES SPECIFIC CHARGES. tEU I Y T T £ & T U T C ri d thc' ii, e doubt tlire tatemrsot ___________ SEC RI Y' IT E & TR ST O. An tiiiru t: l%,1 hoMaie b>'thre police %11.» Barbai-a Owens of Highland Roposbed acte of miscouduct ai-e -ADST CTS 0F TITIE TITUES GUARANTEED li, i tt LiliI'iîiiff te sOPPI>' 1he naines]l'it -l tSi-nus-h Att>'. O S. Goach, ta. chars-ad by Homer C. Talle>' o! Wou- tifIlii uhi tI hoiniî ho msy have oud day ln circuiît conurt etarted suit Lfor kegan lu Iris soit fan divorce as-lainsI Capial 125OOO.O SIiois u articr traI he vne5 ia>' ivoce s-ansIe 'i l. j hime biie, Maline B. Taife>', fllei lu Capital$125,00.00r-il tic'i- ,-re ty 'thssck ,, diorc , gl t,*, Cii-cM" truit court at Wauko-auIoda>'. Tal- - lit . t>we- ht' rr-gtng b.,,m v. ese. le>' in represantai b>' Attorney' S. H. WAUKEGAN ILLINOIS 11t11 l'iîin gay% te>'gverse marnisi sj Bîoek. 1 ý .1 1 or ALL mtriamly, The todepen. N... crYrk it Ut Februar>' 4, 1903 lad1TIse petilion sets forth that tIre dotta tirlo f t lier july 1, 1906. couple voie married August 8, 1915 aud lived togetiser Iuntil lI'brt8y2 TAlle> gaysa taîonSept. 9,1918, bis' ,e and SaDman whose naine ho dos& flot know, reglsterod at the West Bide hotal at Marlon, Ill., eud wore aisiguh4 a rocin. on Sept. 22, 1918, accordlug tc, th: charges lu the bill, the wife again vas guflty of misconduet, vlth A. M. Mitchell. on Januar>' 15, 1918, itlai charged ai Harrisburg, Ill, Mrs. Talle>' be- camne lu comPan>' with several men land omen, the latter being of Wfil Mute. aconiU te, Talle>', went te, the Mitchell Bron. Machsine shiip. This va, between ten sud eleven Wclock at night. The Talle>'. have one cbild, Mar- Jorie, aged 4. The father asks the cutlBody of titis-child. MJISSJIOOD TO( he be sp th BUE AÀT ANNUAL ,W. C.T. U. MEUT Tlhe (Qrnnaý convention af thre leke Couuty W. C. T. V1. vilI ho aIld et Ares noît Thorada>', Septem- ber 25 heginnlng Wlth Rnl executive eion et 10:30. Aunual reports sud lcono! offcars vili tollow. Miss ien Hood, thse state president wili peak afternoau aud eveuing. Dole- gaIes viii attend fram aIl patte o! the count>'. Waukegau union a plan- ning t0 have a good repreaentatlon reseut. STOOKIIOLDERS MEETING To the stadkholderu of THE NOR- I'HERN BRASS MYG. CO. orthtie city of Wssrkegan, Count>' of iAke, sud % Sta1e of Illinois. Yeu sud each of You are hëeoy notifiai ttio n Oc- tober 21, 1919 at 10 o-clock A. M. at ho office of tise compan>' Ihere vil. te a mneeting ofthtie stockhoiiers of the above uamed compsuy. CHARLES S. JOHNSON, Presîdent sud 'Pros. Wkly-4t PUNCTURE ON TRIF TO LOSANMULES ------------ ýla 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 9 1' *sI I., Safegua rded In vestmen ts Paying from 6% to 12% OUa PARTIAL P.AVSIEN'-T INVFSTMENT PL.AN makeB it easy la sava mouey sysecmaticaily aud to acoumulata high clasa securitios .,gayiug good. diyideud rotorus sud capable of large inecoases in Lat us explaiu Ibis plan ta yoo., Tell us how ntuch yoo osu psy down aud hov manch you can psy monthly. Tell us vhat secuntiea, you have, if you have any, ga vo may acivisie you as 10 theritproeat valne, tability and future. We viii make sp a' speciai investinent sugges- lion for you aocording ta vIsaI you can aftord ta inveet ou this partial paymeul plan, tithos- on a lo-payment ar 20-payment basio. Wnite to oun Dopartinont ,A-2 for our papen, %Guaranteod Investmebits," giviug advice on the market conditions-1t vili intenoît yoo. Securties Trust Company 10 South LaSalle Street CHICAGO, ILL. I r M Bell ( )System Frequently you respond to a tele- phone cal intended for another person, who, when summoned, answeru at an extension tele- phone. R.eturn to the instrument whereyou firot reccived the oeil, lieten until conversation bepins, and replace the receiver on the hook. Do flot replace the' receiver too hurriedly, or the subocriber eall- ing will be eut off. Negleet to replace the receiver at ail, however, may put your line out of service. CHICAGO IVELEPHONE COhWANY ------------ ------------------------ ------ ------- . 1 Tom Grady Mgkes Record trip to the West Coast in Twenty-four Days. Postuter Grady 'toda>' received a letter f rom bie brother Tom Gi-ad>' teliug of bis mate arrivai lu Los An-r geles, California, aller au automobile trip front Waukegsn t, that citty, a trip which covea-ed just 24 days. And It 1 toit that Mr. Orsi>' bas estab- liabed a record whicb Ia'obably eau not be duplloeted lu Uuited States. Wben ho left bore iu bis Naisb car he had tva extra tires. Accordiug 10 hie letter badk 10 his brother ho had no trouble on his tip and neyer even bld a punctur. Hia @pare tire never loft the bolder at the rear of the car. If auyhody In Ibis communit>' can duplicato a trick of that kind ]et thein atep forward. Mr. Gi-ad>' maya ho bad a delighttul trip over the southeru route and de- clarai 10 his brother that he plans coming back the saine way, a remark .which Indicates that be bas decIded, flot olIetluinCalifornia. The daugh- ter and Mns. Grady accompanied Mr. Grady. Wbon Rober 't Wagner vas ari-iagu- ed lu count>' court Monda>' afternoon on a charge o! delinqueuCy, tbe boy saJd be preterred 10 be sent toas state zchool rather Ibrin 10 retUrU home. Ho la tIhé boy wbo was pick- ed up in the wooda north of towu li- ter ho bad vandered about there tor daya ln an aimoat starving conditiou. The boy said tIsatIniutead of giving hlm a lunch wben ho veut tb sebool hls mother sometimes gave hlm s dîme anda bld hlm to buy sontething wlth It. Under the circumslances tbe court agreai with tIse boy that It wouldj be botter la send hlm SUS>' Sud lhe vas commited to tbe (len- vwood Manual training school. Iniqeeafflrosier? lm ONU.

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