OCTOBER 2. 191~ SILO. FLLR Tita», (ýs suid Samsou SSchanck Hardware, Co. iberty T heatre. AtIAY, OCT. 5. â hsadmei -ALEX FEDMN LUWM= ILV~UL 1 Pay the- Hi8h.t Prias. Junk and OId Auto. soO0F GIRLNOOD 18 "LfTYLEWOMEEN" Celebrat.d Alcott Novel to b. Séen I Picture Forin Louise M. Alcott'a wonderful tory of glroood, "Little Women, " recently picturized, wilI be displayed et the Lorytheatre October 8. It bringa to lfe the four lttie women and many of the other charactersal.1!of wbîcb are weIl remembered by those wbo have read thua celebrated novel. The #tory is acted mot reympstbeti-g «Dly and wherever shown, the produc-1 tion created an impression :.that f.w1 motion pctures have one in a long tilDe.1 'Iba adventurea of the four littie vomen, Ne# Jo, Belli and Amy are attraetively $otwod, the. reeult being a pbotoplay 01f Iliauiabloe eh"i and beauty. The. Pblctu& a pbotographed in the old bdi»of b( ý Ijp cott where the un- îOtI t "yws rtten, s- that ail wbo~~~~~ av o ti.aoyviaPpreciat t OZ 1oaldl v ab hir favorite b«oraine Vuborn ud regred te splen- > did young voînajàe.d Having dispa.ad et ray CQoeery aid Mariet, aIl thm Mildabtqi le me@viii »OttIO SU seenunt li.&-sê i f tbaiatia. fiaesmiel palal b>' 1h4f a.» W~be qWr vtm sal«D fer ,.'lhtion id alhvibol] av* -it mie 106 sr ii Ok. daey 1 tal r cm.eWcodeflu, mod"le iomitaguas are the mont vonderful «Cuomeuqila lie van!l." laya 8. a. saugoter, vrltmior0fTic Woods Iniela luBoWs' Ufe. "ley po>- mug s SIXtu MMnaseurapid-rnnng and If they a"y 'fnimu Il' au n afeiy la'a bel St Ode tstt lie>' viii anilud M». e irogi drp-oem turoi val er lie mes inpse cf vileb i gkca rou?- hana& R p suPanda Wwemsch ll ap anMdevu ,Ypur apna. lise od Ugme If yin WOti et - niait ho ure Mta MO imitea s goi! lgit. Axe lgiti bu- eeea oft heatw glatng rayaare exeeed- bfitinurons.àA aadeal liat laelii but subtlate et nlgbltoS dtffui i!syligt The electrie bulbe shom# eltuer have, a dO.Or Cài!rk papoe obaie. A gag ligie ompýo"et àaimga. le suaibah prcaacea egeai, iasa higlit sMd "M ea se lg o mou*,l near the toUing dmos-ulinjue gis Troopale salilàu fias gpsi lu ns Masnlglha mifnrme idr MWd *9 MI& aas4Ni W. lel Decker apent Thursdy in lira, WQli. 01'.diltSPenu 'Aonday in Chicago. I. D. >Habbard apent Tburaday n lMr. M mmdliL. H.Whitney apent Mr. id lMrm.dvard Hougb expect Namai* epu tertaine<1 company t M", te Marl te live on Friday.- from EIglaover Slundmy. Ili>rtie Kfueger, of Prairie Vew, Mira. J * 4, o .vhsubhmitted tes *pOn1~irady wth friands here. verY mrlous ,PM*~tiou at the McAlister LAInKohout, who was apgrateàl on blospital OnuFdq Wla getting along very B tit mI in proving. njcly.. hLwaa iiri 86"a Wrighit apet thie week-end wlth Stat e 111119WJ. H. Leuthole, of Stijl.- Ur, M Mm arpeterut Oak Pajk. vatO 011nr iwsavster i Mi.aidlir. Ml1illahd ~ LIbetylIl hi.day. H-e was in the thme forner'@ brother, Hama, this week cut n bua"md drcpped in for a Mmra.Habernd afl, Roy and Edward, hort witVlt0. T. Luce. Of Cicag, spntSaWray ad Suday In spté ptthovory laciement weather,f cf Olcg, aetStru i u the card paren~ aid*nce given by the c Mi.Lii lra.Clarlp Adrva,~fCatiiohe 1 e luTuesday evening, i was uesanlIy as well as sec- d &Ae Zurich, apent Sunday virli friendis lu, over tbffl bundred tickets baviiug Il ýibeehm MWuGS.ra Dove and G. H. a Mr. and Mmlir n . Wbceler and fsmiy Newbore voe the vinners of the tiret tI VWsted the latter'. siater, in LcagtOn prix. a&d Reb Surdmm and Raymond 4 Sundy.,Kennedy wSmithie second prize in theY Mir. and lirs. H. N. liaxhaln enter- card gaife, ýa tuied L. B. Bryant, of Waukegan, onl G. T. Luces, Who ntil a few months« Monay.ago wua rfahdet of the stateo0f MMlra Joe Aikofer, who bas been quite Montana, calhd et The Independont sick, for the past few weeks, la office, Tuesdayl aving a cpy of the recovering. Columbua New,-Deinocrat. a weekiy May Huaon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. newapaper pobllabd at Coilumbus, fLee Hao cf Veo, had ber tonsils Mont., the plane wbere Mr. Luce was removed Prids>' iocated. The. paper ln up-to-date in~ - lira. Alice Davis vent to the MeAijter ever>' respect and lndicatesî that it is baspital Thurada>' vhere elle wilunder- repreaentmng etbca'oagh. modern busi- go ai operation. ness comuuIty. Mina Helen Wlgham, of Chicago,aspent thc week-end vitu ber parents, Mr. and 710 .MelTest. lira. Wm. Wigbani. coure.M ernon. there ina aje r!tlmate way ta ,lesrn whether yoD! Mir. anid Mra E. E. renman spent te ~1theYa-pmlsn19 naturel ot week-end witb lMr. aid lirs. J. s. srPiied- >Eub fk wltb a wet reg, tues Dennaiof Milburn. * lak ut the 'AS.-4lalveston Newa. J. W. Hart aid daegliter, lira. Walter _____ Daly, of Canada, spent Sunda>' in Ares U at the Vickery homne. Agi pwledr Ernest Brown, wAo bas been recentiy 1Jhve towIi iateral men wbo may . e - lii deys te coule as mai dscargéd frorn the #rmy arrived in fguaaa i.> eealpodr,~ rLibertyville Monda>' r. iWUIaaM Itimit men. Gpoenngl Mir$. Ida Hardie, cf Kalespeil, Cali- known hb>' CI eka els ihu fornia, vimited with ber relatives i vorka la a b1lni! f*th, a durnb oracle. Lubertyville lant veek. ]Bbt DetiltoUs V:oris are thceruai Edwin Causter, of Long Grove, aid c M O u~bb tuain aor b ne i. Han>' Harris, cf Elgin, spent Satunday E? Bes-y r t éa ic resaà i of ti evenng u Lbertvile. ime, of Vent peqarator>' training. du Mir. sudlMra. Orin Muhîke spent the lBelIlt>' comel,-by' labor, - Geoge week-end visltlng the fariner'. cousin, 'de Harold Vant at Deerfleld. -of Mr. sud lMrm.Jae Kennedy are tie inla. Pr i prend pretuot a baby girl, bure nlaBm.Aie' Tbursday. Beptember 2L n acollectidmi oLsèd amber Iiresent- of Pd to the Brtilsh quasuq Prof. T.J). The Presbyterian L"ebi' Aid aociety Cockemeil lian reeqgmu< iasonai-br bave postarnod tier regalar meeting long varlety of Inacet àëmo. andl bu until Tburaday, October 9. described not leus tien- new atiectea, it Mmra A. B. Cook a&W ber aiter, lira. of vbtch ite are t"ee«<-a" genera. Moset cf them were toui4 lu a aingle Sa Monroe, wbo bave optat the.alumer in block littîe larger th»s. amaule flot ai liden, New Hanup.hire1 arrived bomle vhicroeiag eut into iialS Wh s Icesluf Sândy. ever>' one et wvileiih p. liiaetnare te, The. W. C. T. U. vilI bold their next dneycrowded. TIWe sha la fronM regfular meeting et the hoe n.f M~m iZocene cia>' beds eof ý. th-o&g.i Saa aa, oun-Tusay afteuoo, Prbpewas5iid fron t*1idrdio-d Octb- 7ti ts. sud nearly ever>' ar*,*mner of in- r Metsla repreaented. timê11110et ant i The.Se D. COses léia.h mlital beng a notable emeeptim te1 ehorch at glving a baket scellati i __________ 1Bunday-mboolgynato-ugbt. It labope<j tin that àlarge nomber wflattend. £ r/z Japc t Jack Bradfoed,, wbo ljas, meutnobai1 been working fatr. Mr. Bradford dstEps..Ai wilM aethebutineltbi s own Serviceviii b. belli u*8aaiey & et banda. th aM. 9, church goa *UMz Sundg. Selool at 10 o1lock, MOW&WguehagWh lira. John Suydam qutortalneglbout frtice et Il o'clocb, w)«s UVa. T. a. g fourbesnladies at ber borneon Wodne- hem wwiad,ntrnusjNolnirea t day afternoon. Carda ve".played 'endi1, eu,.ton wlth I"is qe¶js,- 'lathe lu a ligbt lunch vis served at about four .v.amiug ths large chorus "_.1wMl give mi, o'clck.aa lnsptrlng toux servloa. "m ,pubicla tgws On account cf a miatairo in bcoking condiali>- luvlted. off Ibere eil bc ai extra @howiig at tue "Training lu Ctize"nah M lpiiib.the.14,1 lberty Theatre tliis week os friday. subjeet of the Epwarti Leqgue s u 110 Thi. play ian t'MEope" featuring bit Sunda>' evenlng et 7 o'dok. Thei. a Marguerite Clark. meeting vili be led by ornt of lb. Cicago pin Word hai been reccived of the sudden Norther District officena.v deatb cf PReyufand Carter, of NeIIisak. The Ladies' Aid 5octt o f the . IB . fat Mir. Carter bai been lu Uibertyliuî. churcb viii hold the Octobsr meeting- sevemal timea, bis business bavng been neit week Tuesday elteruoom, Otobs 7, that cf traveling salesa * et the. homo of lMm Wm. ý Wbeeler on Division street. The editor and business mnaÈWa<r for Thera viii be a vsry.importans choir the 1920 Nautilus, pubillicifby tue Higb 'eiearsal to ui Lt (Tburediy> et 8 Scbool were elected Wedsday. Jean *'iok Tîsvlibe the 8" a rbrsa Schaick vas ebosen editor aid'Albas for t og . hi eDiSidyva Lindrotb business manager. Misa Band- Ter ihe s re ey Imorsaut lng. lerg vas mode faculty advlaor. imig cf ii oficaI byloan i oM . E.t lira. Hock, Bertha sud 111 7108:800k burob)ou Sundày evenu et the. cs alto lira. t3odfney anlEd B <ldl I li041 719 f tle eveuing.eemvice. Il vii eb e. i- 0f Grayalake. attendai tbi~aàvoim0f meeting botrever andalail ose"al are tihe Honor RllTabîsI im iiàdwai lb.urgeil te attend. Vierasiof nil-the (iteai- 1er e M .. eliuchlaukganIautugiy soShg - St. Lawrence Limigepal. A petilon cirtulated vblbh - ev Chuieir Bi, Pnietbobaarge*w . pleited tu tue Boand of DaiWlSot5 -Biztsenhh Bnday after Trlsl$j. Na te b. voted on eathbe NOv.rb« , mili communion. ChulOi1liasI9.4z; fore anew roni! taoeruno i an é oi-omuin n' '.aa iý tendi road 'froln hie Telemýà 4EvgPae sdiVOaeSva hhYof~ UertrltgM 4r. l Me' Club,T.siai 9 iiin. rngmlar cburcb choir viii bavrs.1w long M l tueaVesy viib «tireanB n d servce pente ii.publcAarehcb a I liner watsn fil onia&ttheere. Dm&il daublso ilkn longuliel. nn 1j»a oue o d ? Boy Sco0Put t thubecatebin thde'* OPfttuîrefibe, eetngwcf Scothe sdae h wotig ms auh y al Camplý cireir p.. Tiseda>', Octoe 7.zeru obrishv ep"lé Mr.Matlen. horstr; r@.Duadthan d oldob. secueIy erpr Moe" j THE LSot tthSeRVC mat ecue i t baik et lA "meetig ofSEVcne" MBdRY BNDS aEre malBONDrSi Next Sunday evening, October 6. Bt aur SAFE KÈEPNG qEPARTMENT. o'clock tlb. lait service cf thod con- The service of titis depaninen, i-fsO.am terenc e ar viilho bcid et tue M. B. church and itvwill ho a "A Sang Service" can be madle of great, value to every boler pven by tue choir. Next veek Tue-s- of Bonds. da>' the. Rock River conference viii ho :eld lu Chiicago, lastin>' about anc veek, ~ c aeUET OD ht-' and folloving the custema cof other yearsIfouhvLBET BOD thO choir vHi give tue sang service fer You would Mie ho have cared for, ýam wAd lihe saft service of the present cliurcb anquu.re regarding this "ivce.o tear. Tii. public in cordial>' invited te attend. The progran foilows. _anm-ýods Loved the WarId"Te is 3 Hynin No. 16. T efrtN toa 4 Prayer-Rev. Ream. Chant-Choir. :.. . 1 5 Antuein- "MY Pilot will Bring Mei of Libeirtyvdl, flnois There." 1OR10 MR HNHL AMLINOI 6 OffertorY-Omgan and Piano Duet. ROJCSO OETA'AFAXUNDU 7 Sala-Miss Biehop._________________________ 8 Antuam- 'tud la a Spirit."- 9 LadiesaChorus- "Iknow hboa theme" ____________________________ 10 Solo-Mir. Bradford. .1 il Aullici- "I viii Feed My Flock.", 12 Hymn No. 2(Y7. I %j1 13 Benediction. I 14 Pontlude. f Mm. Bradford, Director. I lira. Mattock, Orgaist. U. S. TIRES BIS SELLERS ABROAD Anerîcan tires are keeping step !n ppularity n foreign laids witb Anieri- an automobilea. Last year tue United Stale Tire Compainy sent ils product jta îrtY coustiei acattered throughout lhe I'crk. The remnoval of shipping restrie- Âons la expccted te reauIt in addlug ewenty-flye or thrt>' countlhute tfiatI Jrisg tue cuiTent year. A fev daysaugo ai Icelani! automobile saler peud a visit 10 tihe Nev York dBie of thc United States Tire Cern- as>' sud ondered full tire equlpmnt lofty cars.. H. said tuaI Ibis brand' )ftire val regarded ai tue -"qualit>' rand" lu bis country'. Turniug to Uic southeru bomiaphev, t i noted tuat a receut isue of .a Nacion,"1 tbe lesding nevapeper Of ýantisgo, Chili, carried a liait-page Sticle teliing cf the vonderful par- ormae cf a Scrippe-Bootu car in a est rus cf 1939 kilometers over tue nouptain mouds cf tuaI country'. SAt tue conclusion of tue rus Ibm biver remarked, III muaI mentiorAliaI ùring tueenture rus fromn Conicealn 0Coquimbe-a distance of about 1101 ilies-vo bâtd oI>' on. ptre. Tii. res ver. United States Royal C«&d ndvwe tink it our duty 10 speai aut air qualit>'."I White tli approval for tue papWlu nericmn tire la being givln-m the t- itui aid distant nortlr-nurul teti- bouais are given frointue traplca, rere long tire tfsle geucral>' ne. nrdeii as impossible beeasa.of - biai iiperatures. Ose Unitedl Stalag tire LMaila baisiareuiiy given 16,MO les on a beavy garage car. Another ut 10, 200 miles wîthoul being takemi Uich wheel. A Royal Cciii gave 100 miles unider moat aevero coundi- ons cf rosd aid veatuer. The largeat ansportation compai>' lu the Pblip nes statea that 7,680 miles lais 1h. (rage mileage witu Uniteal States îric lires. IT HAT ,miay -seem ýqueer tak undef I> building costsbut wemekethe pr advisedly. For sainey.arsta caine o« «eport aofu te"ais i.bound ro b. immeSe. *For some 7«mrsto corn we wifl b. urusbe i up with dthecleniand ethoi W. Lsumaasdv LIL. o- .JJ HARTMANK *01 IfENRY HfT" 1*I fp 'L S. WANTS TO PUT -NATION. ON SU4iR RA11ON Clyne Suggesta Bowls be Tak- en off Tables, to revent a Famine. SUG4R SCARCITY US "KEEN - An attemupît t abolish the sugar bovl itlupublic catlng plgceq and te :'ut tlie couantry> on's sugar ration as rIgId as d«rlng the var 1. t. e made b>' tue bovrumeut upon recammenda- tic, of District Attorney' Clyne of Ciclago. Postera#asking Uic publie tb mave amga, are ta lie dlatributci!. -A UUMneaee uzar s&hortoge lias mnade the. *tep necesansd hot@l sud restaurat keepers of tue cous- in- are te ho asked te o-operate vitu the governmeut. Mr. dyne lbas ealled a meeting of Chlcue hlotlfmen te oruiulste a blan vb.raliy osaaviii be dolai omit to, eustomera la>'the. epoomfifa. Approfflla W*elnmig The recomumeuiatioas of Mr. edyne met vita tue appraval of autbonlies lu Wsugon. tuw vitall s i. mitteil betor. It vue mode public tistera>. .Thugestion ms eomidred the. oui>' solution and 'Immediate steps have been '*taien to enforcei t lu evOr> section Off lie cSanti>. Ao. Coni!lmg te IL.4A. liiro>', uilataaat Uni- ted States attorner,', tue angar crop lu tic -UIMt.i! St*es lao-tkird os -thus yar than lust. Tis means evensitricer caonmy timan. dumlug theo var viii have to ho Pmaticei! tuprevent iutetgf romn Issu o0»augar. Housevives are nu- able te bu>' IiWBr from, tue retallera sa vbalesalers have bus unable te llet eny- trou tue refluera. Whcloeuos te Heip Thi ua aslemnea by Mir. Clyne fron, -belealmta hbil culleal Iste con- Ift"e". fig vhloeaert of tue City Wve, prosesî\ andl offered te cc-aimer- The>' saia agar ou dinner tables vu$ of mucil lessImportance than suar in the kitehens. where It Io nee.sary for the uireparatlon cf focal. One viaoiesaler ssii! that if sugar bowla are aboliabeal ram restaurants It I resait la trom cne-thlrd ta ane- boait less consamptios. CHILDREN's COArTS ,we can Save you rnoney on a warmn winter coat for the littiegirl. -W. bave a good aaaôtrent of well-rnade garments for litigirlçp of 3te 14 yeara. heowe corne in'velvets, corduroys andi a variety C% hoSvy wora".ede. .purchaaed the egarments eaIy i ti a i a much lowier *ra than would .b. possible now &And agiii a poéWMe ta offer thora at, much le.. than is bcbg a»We<inmo"herplacp. Yffl wiflapoeethàt -valuoe&are remarkable t..S5to SU0 Big ULne of La"' ~Hou.. Dm...., in pretty petcands4uI One lot of .spoiay nice ones contains six dicénmteils u à and light patte=,at only .............................. Othemsat ...............................8.8 dM -we w. c - - - - - - -- 0 00-0 -- ce Nawawk» Aveme à- - az , OcToum z 1919. - m