Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 9 Oct 1919, p. 1

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Roy Drlnkvlne, 17, a Wauxema loy von a vefdict of $250 lu circuit oourt Ibis laring against Henry I> ker, for personal Injuries. It vas cbauged Drinkwina vas rld- log onlpker'l car wben hIs bat elew of. Tih. boy Pan back tn pet ll bat o aud Epher laesaid 10 bave boekel the Msachine no Ibat the boy vould sot l'.ave go far, 10 reluis. 'rhe boy vOs rus dovu sud a vîel pa3soclver biz let. broaking It. 8111it for dama*- zi folloved. A-jury vss impanelsI tiIs morpang sà-d the sai as hu eàrd Te partie- a5reed 10 a verdict pf $250. The epsilunlav docket vas oeil-1 ed lu> circuit contithIis moraing and " nutuber of casas ver. dlffamsaad, a nunber met for triai. lu the case of Mary Preder saluat Vmorge Proder, Zudge lvards lu. dlcated Ibal a dicte. of' divos vould ha granted. TOI'mFORpAVi mi h iitue 1 : mon 6m " etraoui M, swomiet lhe - - Par »«S ls u u mu MOlI» "M"d tâw-meu & ûv - -4ýa b» «» 0094 - bdre a" t leur M I V#IW* o anomle.r-~ vela mktle - gt h50 o mil payelia mtea i 909t At1ma 0b"es dlo$.vçà a"b.c threrWem. no t tue ola e1 'Procunet - àePtblngr11the Short a 4ox U i I mplb e ' a TRUC cmv ie ets lIi tc ts thé. Searcit snd Seizur. La,. The test ilîl Caineas the remuli of su appeal fronxtheb, declsion o! lbe IUdge of the couatty court of Mcllenr couny lu vbich the Itaccs sud beer seized vere bold 10 1 ouantrabeud. Bet'we 1400 sud150 cases dépend ou the declxion rtunned hi lhe su- 'preme court. Follovlsg are the principal points on vhich the atorneys for tue heur treh wo airmaebasin«g Ibm ap- geai: 1 That the Oçarch and Soimue lav permit@ tue selzure of valuable pro>- orty whlcb la not contrabahid, -vithout notice thelb.oire. 2 TIat Klt uiorferes vIth Iuter- edata couiesce 3Thti Ilpersils lte usiofe a meb wfit seaicitwarrants. Il but auts arem"deuder s ru~r i rmmffo ThmwffiLaha0 It Ever,1,Ibteo.. HNAVE SLUGMRSlB EP T l3espite te t aaargWU IM- ber o! beer truchs bave bea sed * au Citicago IllaaselidtIsi lb. mmier of U'cka »M esI . l lts tralcait taeprosent tinté la laa lIaua v or. IT t as obted * t lai lIe weotmr part o! tuae Uythme 'trjela trapel a 84Ma 11 v.iS*- T5e oWy ~eol laItueuncs arimsla in mcly baoselhdla te eausa ihe luncs w lta.acoure tutlhar 10 f4e vernt la Sore ukaIt teY =ya Dmotauil 1mb tl. Im&duettue deputie& Tt appeais liaIt tbilalost 4mdOuter of ainstuhetIaSpa.' - tur et gafltst taIt ie as., la i praeilelly ven, il la n"d As a imater o!'preoallt e" tai. &Patea S her l# proesmiby ou auto mcbfli Ol WU viS lce iltipie fe famenugla id te utw aib efia Mueourse Iao i~. 1 B 9" 909MI , ta be dspmerof a 1555 lis IN> - ehlue daubes bk&MhMahsd nasstua tasotdrivera cf tue luaI., Oms report lu stIl bl e l IR&s 4mise lau 4M Camesesle nomd vu mhagam ffls fnb. iqasilbot immitacete te« luéreeW"vi4w Ugarte t rmsspmt leewte.,C w miste nuise 4* *Mu tr Ua Big eiNyObu ~KU8DÂ, OTOER9,119 M A d et Aitue M tyW CT. LO0et$Uat Aiea, 1iu94*i Wbureês, Our Couty lanov luaa eoOmmffim "ffp.loa"" ilvomceil 1 avatiusme bolusag eilê "n te tUu tier vartimewÀwaui ta &muon mman, di5.te W.C. T. V. baà la tue' Damttepuddte saupat20otie, ÇaIls. b. I , 990oved. Tbat va pleOgeoOUI' loyal a = belp secure the adjustmeut Wbesaas, Tbe MinOIsW. C. T. Zr. brons thebealcalus of -ita ogaalu tioa bau to for national prolibi- tom 4# suai franchise frvonsa, ~tberift e i a &Ucfve Tbnt vsex press oi graiude te Ood ocm the fia. elbtemth amendinet and the oubestet fthe ulneteeutb, snd our phasoure that owoui v "tte or Diii. Dla vas lb. tvesty-eventu atat«, t tmlSFlb St=&h " a lte tt l the . alaeesstamendsment. Wo belleve tIntt b. tlme h" 10 noem ié Whoua usUator pnb» ltg CMOIS10ulutheb.Plan adi sithodu Oft b., W. C. T. U., Upecisily la re. ro Ia ePlana for the propceed fuia; d.,lu deairabie. lIai the Wi«eM Mmd tuesoanevrai psublic mald nduratud M"o tully vat tue W. C. T. V. la doisg and pisa ti do titrs b. it,1 1mUsovaiThat frude le MoPpIa ted trtu uMr ec.ny Ummsr »Wrnh4", mmud thte *mtler or Lammentse" et spendlag mu tUai be luoft 0teuefme qi 0c ta 2E00WOd. 4%wtire endorme lie SUM~*~haaprepaeeaby t=be , f usé. . OklAttiIidOWWWto be Remodd 4w Staion TH£ ROAD0-DEVELOPS Fût Duimese1 pilins up on the tbrough trainstue NortitShore a~ trie rs=rmdl i= ngbetveeutia loop l he u tuehe ert, Milwaukee. ad -te goad la about te ffl ne nvtermien lfaclltle& t boti e:d o!f téspeedlias. A DeW lIsecar&. vblq1 vent lbt affect Buuday, ahoms the nomber et express "d4livated trahuMW o sut- tung betveea Cbxicao Mdsud llau.1 mee bas risen le .lgbty-oe. New Terminal in the Loop To -provide vaiting roosis ataint the vlfldy vister of viuter Prut- dent Britton I. Bu an as iser the aid tvo story art studio building at M0 Uoth Wsbuaa avenue, Juat soulb or ButI Adumo street. 'The Cblcsg@ NorîliShore £& Mlvauke. Uectric rslivy sets possesionof.t tul butld lus tomorro asd viiiptoced lu make sn up t0 date lntiruilia tir. misaistation ont' Or is e, acbquis. dons, vt sa elevator liftins pasmeg- mr <rom tue gi'oudsdoot te the ou@ abovs. <rm jehIctacov«eed, lass Ulomed colvido1. fl le1ud 0tu te elevated pMbaiocf thb. MaUs-Wa- bah «L" station. Thtis n»w vklag six vess. PMssOet EBud prediolsi. om m m Erese eVie. Otiur iaplee-rnla Irae snoss y IrmdmmlU dy torxe lboutla iLgit u iSy u nii bamies.e m ý A ý ý I% e is*lmuk*ef t e aua o alraw ~l&Rn8tomsD.a,0 e mm ca u lah e ama MWliMr lb. boune Manufacture of!float Vin. ciSer, and fillI juicis, are MUila 04 by the ena 0etue psehhtle esfoce« mau areupon Iodail 1 e sonate sund bose conférence&. ,Tedeflutlcuof ltomicating 1W «Mri permnllllthéb.menufaclure of vi» nSd beer of le"a than cae-hsl .te one pox cent of alcobol content Sateaptlos of eider maklag for us. .m the borne 1e provIded, The penalty provisIoixa agreed upos la that "anY persan vbo znunu- -btares or sella lquor la VIObatl0 ahali.for a irai offe, be f10oued mt more than $1000o! lmpinioaed ami exceedini six menlteand for iubaiqueul offense. shal 10 <usd 'ontIssu tîsu 8$M0 or mer*,- iUn' -IM000asd '10 lrnprlsoned unltb»M hiuneu.month non smora than lie *iishlaud Park bus beau ploue M t 4litaate f'r another rol! club %Pbeatttiui kokie ridge vropeiiy OU herOt* »ay> -Road osigani o! owbt btr* am ovnod Rince 18"0 4 %oatiau dufpebas been lesed! flob.IL ts cf 7ers'by a ne, JemisAIN club.aIT oO4a. sit uej a nth ncla. the -ls ip eigto O I) 0asti lu Club.dins st7 a en t i ne st Ir, parti ou the clrI .'s. a IM'bli lub WtIrM é,wu mas $.b SSotbMoor Club l4ja We os preffdent. an; 3Ai. IL"s' gai plan tuer vIE luta. IIOWAY DurP. 11TENTATIVIELY AP. PRtOVIS. aROADS Con* Y Board of Lalc., CO. Caf et Meet Mondfayt C.hang the Plans. t WILL: RE APPOVED THEN Is. pé00d7cne m =s olr boni 10Iss « for.o raids basa tgibea by tue plaie b»bva depex-Iment a-. oording 10 Itseinambesof the Road sud BridgeCoUM*:rtéeOCfthe Lake Cauty Boom 4 cf'Bupernisors 'and etati i; entah'eTbas uGrahams vite aabai Ut rolursa titig- laid vbore tuil couterred vîithstata Soue Ifir.-la been expreesed se 10 vwhethter 'ioi theue hlbvai departaqut vould pray, tue plans für i g b l obloue M& it S ud vafor~ "bi rossastuaitue el cm mttee mtade lb. trip te the Blule capital. 1%. ViauaraoieLptedpractical- îy lu, Iheïr eailrey* Witen ne o two bu chnesav* beau:Z. he s 515h hlgitvay tispartnt bas %w mlsed ta apmt en. . À cnl babisaMto10tue ,aem- ber5 or tue comaty board of 1mb. Coupty lp metl la Waukepmu Mom- day afternoouat ybicblimaeh1 change li plana ili te approvef The plans tl IViii hareiursd w the state boê~ ard forwel I ' S. it îles vin bIfe neasmr for thé,cauga ty board te mêlât maum;frt be bO,' pose. of callbug maet 4 vI4W* lime tue data et -siéqomlie_ the paasse c et eetuqq*$9 asili Il vU tPi whs yu& tekâ J* to Qt - are «Mu yebave a eh Wpuq»14 Oet. Attorney Maia ODamia. ýt ?Oslh Cuiassela tue umostr 1lu chas meut vas <pade te a nvaet ly ludge Sdra ad 1he Mo4s Alan Beaubleu vbo bas hesu MMuter lu Cbsucery i t ? esrs Mr,.lBeaublen tva Yeats ago sMe- ceeded Paul MoGiaviso bad bell tue position for t'wo. lests. Mx. Dicher-leaise ocity stlorneY o! N"nt Chicago, havIng beau elected as s*Mi this sprint. The nev Mater asuméis office at once sud bis appontment meets wth approvai smbong lteatlai. sois. Il bas been huamfor sMM liane tuat Mfr. Decher vas la lises ta succeed Mfr. Besubien *bIo durlng the tva years be bau prelded, a Master. bas proved a mont efficient offices ln the Circuit Court. TRIEDTOM E STE3EL SflUK Pittsburgh, Ps., Oct . 3-Pedeal a tuouiltes today airested, Ove avoved advocatas of a plan ta tumn the stwe stribe ]nte a. general lVIta*~ strîke In aid oethIe Ilsoniv gov-ernnaent. As sons as-& d4MR~e ho procured, jt la sald. tlIq vflba sent 10 itusi ein oc. tbey urm* The federal action, boia'Ï@Ii vits t4e $150.000amofre Rpwo origis aitue Caruegie piagut t104 J=Uneansd the b* dso«y ofiI and boIt# brovu tt. l'té aa*J te Allegbey BSteel goma? *" MM- lus te r6olerate ait i*Up M%ý4 plan. EXsWAI or vho t.i vanted. *« on -iucle 9, ment iil 9possile l Sion, ato 80,000 vini 1 tue remiw by earu à=. Obeu i0 mtenibia 44*si aride Nemi New H8ssIe, I C ,$STO WA UTêE JOBSAÀS RURtRO 5TAKES SQt!AM1K Tv sallors, and' ma- ,yet lound vor,.GuroeTeache, and Rtoom. 94mattHav wofhng xper oeil. The govemu- IefmlOflTg ~ yNgt buy ofthtem as Me 1920 canus. "me will b. n MANY- PLACESý ARE. VIITD lservice O00UF5 Of thes" about Turd>.ngbt eubcr tlyte, nad, gd lu fid vowS 511'MssMargaretTboru cof<Qure 04 a abuatgMes s&dMisMmaesde, ttb eshr ber ler-t worklSh5g tu* viage selpavire avehisad aurcleiei vrkby a nuiseet aernbodpmovlng M"ot lu lb. lttwl@ Nom.; msrvice vi bu- 0 4*At cOffl Uàobta luis Mêm ofthe n. Te u labe m"Mo;t", lemu" ~ - ire-vIdi sea4tI.1.1ew te wrb .a M -A » 6 , & u W m a , tie s u l ie a t m JIU olommuWm Fory-9 Mb slgo e arl~m e i D -Uthd the eustu lk W'**«ooon ty. Tblrty enume= t W4mted for Labo Coauty 0111.% $'Wacke- Thun eforty-six emuàfopýmeviil te naseed vithIn lte ue*4ý aisutue and It la expected. Ibae " Serykle examisation wellb. liiite jW~ mine the fituessiofo! cs8tem. Il la e lat possible that h ywUl le clint to fid thl5 nom ber O! PUgI* -lu Wurk ou tue big Job of taklU,tàI.ceouu lu Lake county snd if thep@oiIe eau pot be found in ttis «',ttjbu Der5pl visor wl have power tWt' Islag puais ln trom other cousUies àr theeditc to count Lake county sem astImake Up Lake councy statistko The cenuss ork wUi» pIPI onjmqta ary 2ud. The en«»untl e vii e ou piece work, recetlig mu mUd2i for every Daine sectlrd. TIe miaa'rang os fomn $4 te $6 Per d",-Tboy viii alsn secure data as 10ttie liropo, lue jstock, garden truck. é raed in tboise comnics. The time wblch tue #oSieumet tgives for îaking thaesiea la >, cilles IL avis5 2.Z,0 popuIation or imoke te ionly two weeks. Inlu te trà dis- tricta one menth it l le a It la exp'Cctei Ilat t iéêewS afor m a4oecounty vii Sbo'w * Oitim 1 or the coamty Of fully M ' 1 The blanlis for thie oi r o- 9boisa printed and twxst' bfln »d that thte enuata*,art tao'Vorbkon tuDe4 pr- m pia ou 1fe îmVmi îeM. Te =711% DUeM oeerlg ea M Wr aes. The piameho etera hbue id lbe.Movlsg: Mommler Casmo% MaM Wsebrn, LUrenS e eehs nortlveet et Gurnie. Il vas repctmt4ta@ MefflvMise" called ai tue1e bCiabar piMsAt MWh corner cf <kmud Ivea «d McAiee lcad but vas, i#ou& vai. Anotber report ves ta hawvas beard- about Dr Kudlabifaim c Grand Ave, but 'âz wuv cmred a tuae. Dr Knlgbî Iodai bsd ba notblng about IL. At the Cannon and tWasbbwf plac- e, ltae folliosoeuree -about tveuty1 dollais lu Cash I m nwa's poeketj anLd about tventy d6ilpima.letisehesah burs home. In the latar horu tue: door vas sot lOC»e4 sud le fUl-ow therefone had su elay outrance It la sot hnws vetuer titIri'. ger 'vent alose or iether leo'bad g- sistanco. SitbOryarter tue upw. mes had scared bile avay fwu tue, Thorne borne tbey board au automno- bile pass tbrough tue villageand their conclusion vas that tue itiShir vras maklng bis escaspe. IN.oe. were secured. CIJURCII- PLAN TO DROP "ODuY" IN. Même1N "lWîth My Worwdy G0o&s I Thee Endow" to e in- ated if Church Approve.. A prouoec# aaagea 'tus*uan- niage regiîlatloaaa 0<tue ,EPlsopsi Church, l,9 oxpcted l« tsa , ese rev isba0of lte Book etomi%àç< Pp'- er ta efeted ai the ite <~ eVon tins aItrl'euyl. lIt ,itonored phrase. lsg 'woia fl bath joined> Ilg e tiesnaopi»$ï asunden." làao:'bo ËM lý to ShoW Coaty iw E& TO HAVE couuRTY Baverai ne ov w ocreato.jtulu lo cq If lb. expeelatomiOf oMeWias aie bora out.'i Ibat right nov ae 6 te gel tobeineante lbo.ý mtent craDtus slo.t"àpi te county ta baye " The federal opusazu i* Started arext J"uuuy b le cousty odIcîniste show 'i ln Lake Couuty of fbily 75 .000 vbich ils umiietliu lu a bigber cam., ,: .At the pffeot lime iue è of the comaty cout lain bis otber dttles vIlbe clark Ilsgo g*oile# mi* corder. Vider til. rt-o ~.éfaI eonatt a 4bi mu m ~ty 'o are ma *1 te bardtmuelt ay snd thei. li Ig out aseadoles. tu part e u n mm1y eas*s K vus Dlled ln bad Rot 1 Boal property. Il te bahdule andl tku t lneir wayO* tnde. Oua veti know'b pplain vhy tha Ll abomobie, auii )ver $3.00 Worlt lgu corporation* i ben paying ne tea mned it for a " coD, île boar 4t us .beaudovu on perty. This Yfar hi Caties Plots>et, mmsfu HIDsY, wa id broagla tI.b berif . S. Lti m ha wmuem a ow bal oc ei ol E~~iGHT *.0PER YB" Pfj. U N DAronOHCE

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