TY VILLE INDEPENDENT LAKIECOUNT »EPEDENTCou*typ 's Weekly WUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN .'.~ ~ -i 4 - - ,~ - VT.~ YvrTr-. - ________ PA8T TWO LIBERTYV]RLE INJeEPENDENT, OCTOBER 91919. POUR PAGES $1.50> PER YEA.R IN AàV"?*OK lit luin Fijteen Per Cent of the Wire Mill Bocks Now -Are Run- ning, Say Offiiais. DEFIEY S NSJJR ggiS MI Bq[ j~jT1OUSANDS 0f <GAL DEPUY I TAEN i~iuô fii[fltJfLONS 0F WINE AND INTO CSTODY JERE CDER STORED JERE; Ben Eisenberg Has a More fllf i'"Kick" Wiii be Obtainabie in1 Wholsom Pesectfor he anyWaukogan Homes Majesty b the Law.j This Comung Winter. Ben Eiseaberg wiocuto a storeID K l t )§tJ MANY FORNYMLAE ARE USED at 1800 ShteridiaRoand, now bias a ---f mare wbolesomne respect for te pas-TefcîIa ie twbyba ru ers of a siterif!.1 H Ro Su d Tetc htteonryas2e Elcenterg wacs twd-Ian a a de- prohibition wlll aGI prevent liund- Puîy ater reports taS reaciterte reSao! Watimlegaa people from u - joy. citerif! taIttce Nantt Cicago )mer-; ng te benefits of a bpverag, ion- c a e t o t as ae ase d S n o tI chat Bîlele oans Case notaiamng a neal "kick" ferliit'i- hae a ereas a depuIty anS no of gallomns fecina have bon ut anc could make flm serve if hits dS Iltored hitre titis fal. For te iast fcw'Says Elsenberg itas <3apes itase teIl mure :.01.0 teen eparîlng as a Sepuly sailff tan Ihan anyttflng elsc foi, iik tut tie sas nol particular atout thte Trial of thue Zion (ily teen caesmm grille aine. Ttoîsands at utuIî, (tste ho Sitowîd uP. Same days Il a lmsî t(s -er-tn arreqs. were matde sanda o! baskets o! gnSisittir haýýb"ni Raid lie diS 001 show uîPaî .al-- t-b1 eeIll crfrlie5u-tt mast limes lie tii nt apearuntîltnden te SacnetanS Selzune las', odhrtisyafrte çJpc- ite ater denîmilo .. s were about ra,, ,..il! a ,,. i n . ..m. kP.,. ,.w- pose o! making wine. Manyliat - ,,1-cil Icirertilinte Onen occasion "Ye*""tati-il elderberries and otheri- hi" TROUBLE ABSENT HERE is.anid ta have gane Int a nearby roundc oa slt rsi fFd oalter kînds of fruits o: beýr bouse and rernained unlil Il was tinte eral Judge K. NILundis turnnng teim rit-sfrtrmwiich a "kick" ma),1 ex- Eneouraglng reports corne front thc ta guomre, tier ltti circuit cour'tet be trie'i race.d eWlre MiliIta tite effect iliat gradmally Titis mornlng, Elsenberg id nati by Judge Edwade-,Tudge t.adisliail hnteeaeItnrd l r tncw deîiartrncaîs are timing opened show UP until .flve minutes befor erunrco.,Irai lChag Te tr rebdeswoae UP. Ilb develops thal on Tueéday. the tter depsties were ready tae m e onIealn aCia i pîîing away cider untIl sîîî mein they starbed up ane outât ln te gal- leave. H4e *as taken ta task andl Issomie tinte. as te deslred "kik" shalllih,.a,, Vnrlng depariment. Tbum, Increas- maldte tahave replild ltai he wfluld Il was %taled taday titat the grand peaxed. Aimentte.ny man ln Wiuke Ing the output te pcrcoptble citent, report when he wanted ta and titat jury naw ln session ilii bc asked la gan can tel you hi$ own 1 i,..ate il aiso dcvelops jthalthettlI the s herift waa not satitified wlth frmuila fr prodcn mehiuwt lley are na runaIng about Iftfeen per that that lie COUld go wbere lie was.i indiet te beer nien whcise cases were fa 0r dcn o thiwl- cetof tie wlre drawaing biocks. 'his remark and sifilar Iipertin- [bouitd ovr and in case titis l tae sa ag hn eua.San only one rod milii continues tb oper- ent ncsark% were called la the at- rcornJend tii. une o! raisinriahiof ale, but titis la furnlslilng enaugit roda tention ui Sherif! Green and be a or- poa'lclta' taia'fi dencd the man ta be laken tala eus-' cases wll start next week a.q Jitdge cîlicis favar lte addition o! sugar. for he iredraingmacine. !Edaards lm aaid luetiave agneed la One thing lamsfre-those alto find fo ltewiedrwlg ahies ildy He was taken be the police sta-11 The en re gadtall goig bcklion' witrc he rocciveti a- lecture catlinl a jury ta try te case lm- il bard la gel along wlthout lii[id of ta work, mott n "irge nuntbers.tibtIfrtrm('bef Tyrelt and was lnslructed rnediaitiv intead of wai!iag fer thte sanie kîod twill bave sOmethlî:gtrig steadlly. AccoraIng le reportsa itait If h wlied te escape proaccu- regular !4nels ta cotein'la Attorntey teir basernents titis win1er %lîtith cone tu te Officiays Of te Plant, lion bc would appear on lime in fu- (Pvis rî-treaenting the owaers of the %a-lit wari-nsthc cocklea of Iheh iciaris ntany o!fte men are anxious la getý turc and muaI reserve an] ItupertIn- tu)er 'trucks, asserled today titat thiti-__________ back bo work and lbey bave even cul remraka. course wl te requeseti if te men are heard in sanie caaes ultere men who -Iindiîcîcîj Colore of the Sardine.t,, are wearinC îlckets badiges. dectare 1 The treait sardine la sabeauiu lt b In t elntime Nfc.Onsis bhas r-'hie Si. The scales on ils bick tire an the wshthy oud g bckonth YA V LIUIIITYOF T Ec id fi-oui Elîltu RouI, former s' c Iridescent blue-grfec. te exatc tint eldJois rt.r, of stau',njder Pri-sident Roî)si- suhîci te @ecasMO <fen tukeq, Whiiie ho- ~.leu still are worliiig on-thlit bialI,'h rifflacsew hNr of s-ý' tiin hobi ngy l the SEÀ&RCJI AND SEIZE il b1 <i c ijct enIt lite seules tliere eshowsup bbc ftiant. I spors gvr al-;base biî<re. acording ta %Ir. Ors , are bars on ils back and aides when The sriotnedicayt aGaybs URE LAW ATTACKED itue,, ans il,, righ itttfte revenue (le- lb irst contes out of lte waîer like TelInr cose wlitayh3prion eseeb conltaing but titase on lte mackerel, but tey scella Bot n am ni appovalI ~îu~rcmi f acoiî. ;'iiiî fuI e t fade and disappear lte moment itla[ bth t ikrin Wa'îkegan for ln ai- Idtecuthaebn xodteheir Termidr mont: %P ae a hpre represemiatives. Owner of Beer Truck Seized at 01csatcilt ors aeiei xoe c lt i. Tt eane aguinsa seizure ciftite beer, or ln- of Ils body lae[pune oclives' -lu ft et theSiketl have dcpldwih aue- inCt Takes App l t(-rfcring with il in any way. acitene.*, , ,. Mo Garkêpi#ry totshave gpant. To Circuit Court. - FAUInjunctian wataissueti, orderîngt _______ thotc l at theGf liae ou-te revenue dcjtarlrnnlùmot la inter- -, ar tan lattir endeasor la tewin the fr ihi nin a.Temt tSrike by violence. Thte local leaders Thte ratidiy o!fte Searcit andi Seiz-frewlttinay a.Tte atr - anti speake'rs Inalal atilte lime ai un..law i. atlaced in an actiotn tart i- ý; ppthed nd ite our Thref ue is-~sa their meetings taIlbhe Waukcgan cd in cir-uit court ut Waiikega. dsov ieijnto.Trejdc aînîkens keep order andi aiove ail, ne- Tite caseisl taI of te PeaPIe vsuaIlittng cenlbane, tien siere called Up- aeZuA sus F "ran front carryiag fire arusm or um.ng C. F. Rya, tdiver a! one of te beer on la heur tite case andti tey altose L tileul. trucks itiket byLthe Ziiiu City atliton failed ta dissolve he Injunclîva. Th- TRUC BRIGS MN Otlies. Justice llisbop baund Ryan ta Cdii now is an te road blte #3U.S. For Ue fBINGttt.siMN UTîi thri e lîgrand Jury and ar lthe sm tinte Supreine Court.-tiw Fo ie is toesnelhîsrk eld tirailite tille o he caniscaled Mr. Orvis contend taI te case abe urit w eamc an, altruck lotS of workitiî-r beer trutk wa.s in the sate of Wîinajaia parallel wiit lite actions slantcd al umt Came out ofrlihe plant Tucaday nigutTiscsbsbenapldlalite litre, onllie tinka litItelocal case RPANGEC qui andThi casrecarniebta poins n-ar ltethe and erecaried e pin's ner teircircuit court aI aiikegau, te action s trurngri n lvsiew or he fuel that, bots wifîr eîîuly site nlls cyc bebîing tlitn by the Autocar Sales andi r tukInslcad af beer. la la-. Neyer before iniour1 .bu lt euy9hrft YdteServ ice Co. sol%-d in te local action. five rooms. do nt faïl to situation as ltitîy titde Iluir way The latter concern mainiain.a lIt---fo honte. litsolS heIrucTRIESa, rcTO nYou will find oÈly si citattel nurîgagê ln retura. gaThe- T EST te Wire Companiy led recently pur- coln ia n~ ltsctt citaseti nnd un iniersllng part cf te tEND LIFE; iEi chtte scene was titat Frankt Paekras Iht aîb te' lialiofte arlate N L E;H alabasit supvrinlendient a!fte mil]. tif -rllir tcoutrt i tis Ite uopa ou t hol thlsb was Snlvlng. Titis was explalaî-d ityîle! il wiii i ta ir uo rc DRANK POISON- lite fartt liaIte truck drivera, wiîe must oto ihd al e he caut nct ,.Bot trlkens, werc smang Ilicse waitolduingbte atur eilait ta it. cotany> 'liaS not reparleSl for work for fear hliglt ialtaaîao ll xaiS taI many of te trucks are tteapandency over te deats o!fitis that tey waîîld gel mInabule. Acownpd lante Fiume manner se tat a parents aI CIay Center, Net. wait .cordingly. witen lbey needed a driverrllgo hakncolreeelie ivayRoc WSepaonft ta brlng te tony men out o! herlite o hskn ol eeýetegie yRso' tpesn om plat ucâty. n.itacmer waabed big maionlty of te trucks now telaz er chi-f gunne's mate cilflte U.S.S. pt uk Tue ty.N fan lit a l tnte ield, Macliate as reassns for awallawutg Titi d-inities leader- l cana, fol- poien Monday aI lite Red Cross qlowed te truck up NMarion sîneet, A amati boy ai Anîloci shot iis boih aI ite Lt Salle Et station la -Up Mfay strevl and dtuwn McAliste, kn,-e cap off whiie ading a Elohicg.Sehnonlh asb avenue. AI variaus points te truck glîn an Mcnday. He a-as atendedCiito Slpesn, hcays e stopped and permilled te men, laby tDr. Warrincr. ItlmlasaiS taI whtle wsliqaatn ICm en aligitI, Thee as no trouble and thei amputlatian o! tbe îeg viliînult ei GreatLlaukes collaPsed ifler Srinklng striliers atong te roule eYeS t-3 iecessar-, taI taI merenatways cI e!e ol hicth bcbaSl paured iquid change in transportation willî ntttcb will be sîif a sa result o!f te abat- front a l'otte. Pitvsîlans said he intenest. tered palella, Jwcitld recaven. The rural andti nuage aciool leacb- y %0 A JI<W EL ors o! Lake Coinly ane to meet aI thel ST RAG B TE3JMOBsbre r 1bryvle Grammar achoal Salon- TO AG B TE ,1I3Bsbre ýday, octabcr 1l. Thte fllowlng pro E H GL a d R B U T gram Ili be giren. MORNING 8,S~SsON-9:30 ÇN-nd when you do need a new battery let us il10fien Penmanahitp--.Ir. iHtdsoti AIl begia- tell you about the 'STILL BETTER WILLARD your palori. Ciive nIag teachters and those wonklng ____________________SUL TION for wrling diplomna sitould attend WthT IE D D U3B RISU A ON titis perlod. ~yulllC ha Dernanstrallon of Prlmary Wok- ..APWeil 3Iurage Battery C. w - - ___ fiie- Miss Wall. 116 and 118 Madison Phone 2022wthls f ei Grammar Ldesson-.Mlss Siuder. Poster Delga-MlMas F'ulkcrson. » AFTERNOON SESION-1:OO Mn, S. F. Pansons o!fte DeKalb Normal Scitool wilte lte speaker. WnJe Teachers' Reading Cîncle Booiks -wll be on sale. Foedlng Rabblte Eabbits neeti not oniy gen feeti, >mft a coid clapie IDOSI 0very day- ps..frably af grain-tut thet lu s dim-. puIo ty tpresel: tnead may b. cbsti. th « w lit 111ebran or oatînoI. c--iwayc pleitty of cdean wteror i Mft sud water. SEY. 40BIRCIIT 'WEDEDTUES. TO WiIhfloinao MISS PARM4ENTER I! l i U JIUIi)D "Y" Secretary, Springs Coup on lis Friends by Sliping Off ta Altar. Waukegan people were surprised ibisi morning to receve announements Wikgnywas married t0 a forn- StonsInga schooi leacti"r. i bride as li'lorence Rutht Par- menter of Floretnce.Wisconsin. Misa Parnteâer wss a teaciter last year ln tho seventh and cightit Voliva's much tonîrsi damage SUit grades. Coake Scitool. filed ltist spring_ against pînîninent Tt was while s$be w',' tenc!îina ir independent residenfs, sitierein lie that Mr. Cobrecht bpc31mý acqia intedl ~ o $2~,îîîoforV. th her. The mnrriag, iu p lace ries ta coitect àtotal o o!Totesday t te, l'aïmen1-ýr h tm. !n dctantlion of ctiaracte,. and libet witl iyhi at two o'clo-ý, ln the re lever be tried as a rpsuît ofl Voli,.a ence or flear it.ii d fi~ ~c 1eiltting two ternis of court14t) lia s5 the couple. mîhout filing lthe dectaralon inflti ile .at n Gtrcîtaegn tise, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý1ï Jug dadsttsiiQ lfu Crystal Lakte. AVis.. where ibey ioder the motion or Attorney or . ts suit îtpend their honcymoon aud a'ý- Beautiien di imi sset ait fliecacies. cording in the announce'nent wii bc Itlai recalt(d that last apring a nt hoine, 1(12 N. St. Jfames Sîlîeel. ittle paniblet callod "Thte Black Spo0t Wautîegan, afler Oef. 21. was iesiîed end disirlbuted frcety in Mrs. Gobrecht 1g a cousin of .%lrq 7ýon and. ai1 s în lndlanaopolis. rThe.latin Clarke, wife orf ~Waî:kegan pamtphlet eontained sensational ctîarg- superintendent of schools. 'a5 agaist Voti-a and his methada of _________ dolng business. Immedlately, follaw- McHENRY COUNTVIGIANT. ing the appearance of lte pamphlet. Volita began diamage action againsî 6 PEET 6 INCHES, 18 DEAD "B3rad' E Simmvons, . E. Witon. John Wandrac<, "the giant oif Mc- tobert Mtîrdock, T. il. Jolin4an, and Heni-y Counly.' died ln Las Angelte B. J. Iloikins. -lie sued catit man Monilay. The body was sblPPed tc nr ku B scpralty or 25515and then di. iecled anollier case for $3,0 tîgainsIlhlite mut of eo,,rnakInga total o! $225 0<10. G r-eatîîtinzs were pr7citsed and a lte home a! his sister, n..S Threadgold, 59.39 Midway place, Chi caca. fIls tralthenChtarles, Jla sierifl of NIet Henry Cciuîay. Wandrack waE 9 flot 6 incites tati and welghed 26C1 'ensallînali nilsi-i xpeceet. liow-potinas. cicr. lita0 mrored on anid no eimt tion w;iq filou mient lougi thlitede- fetiltis imale îli îtr(-!itrtliofl lde. tendtd hv-îtselves anîd iî wa5 elalmed aDventhie defendants la question and aicuîthlie c-aurt tbmuse Ibis nuorning make teît prove titeir questions lia tItuy bad tricured eidence by alîlit lbey couid In bc court, Now titese ltey expeeted la prove bu-mr chargeste and oters are woaderntwt svîre fnunded on factq. Vlira la bis te case s'as permtiied to gity tit addresas8!olliw.ng lte filing o!fte board andi shy Voliva maSe no e!' suit saad te wautd "crack bbe wip" fort to disprove te charges, filLai That te state law wblch permit# the taklcg avenr ty Ihe gave-rnnieuf. w1hoii1 compensation, ail roadss't»4 ait. Ys ilî and adjoinin, land ritiels je Purchased, la iînonstll'utional. JD4gie Edwards in ci rcuit court today ruled In fas-oî or Johnson S. Pral sd afainst Col. B3urckha~rdt or the U. &. Arnty at Fort Sheridan, in an ejeet. nient suit whereln the ownier or o- tain streûtt5 and aleys laken aven by Oite government was betd b romain sith Prali . Prali subdlvided a tract of land a; lighwaod, dedicallng la the cllY COr- tain land for Street and &aiey Mui ])Oses Mo long as It shattid bt usod for ltat purpose, the itle te revori t Min Inicase he @rese s houid nao1 uaed. Whcn the goverameat came alm* and waated the land the clty of Hig* Wood vcatesI the subdivision and thr properly sold their holdings te the. gos crament. Prail contenda that tIii tible te the streotsanmd alieyez to, vc)ted ta hlm. The goverament te* he sand ltha undter a iaw which paaa .d when the goverument wluhed te nettuire tille to streets and alloye about the F'ederal building In Cbmcgq. ltat the tille of lte Street and e! lcys beloaged ta lte government. The. caso bas been long dnaw'a out amS theno have bee-i many b-ýaInMn Judge Edwarde loday finally ileidti tat lte law l3 unconstlluton-al. rit~ torneis for lte gavernmettt à.es notice of an appl f tlte' bigk* courts. STOVE AHOUNO Tbïý th pleasure that Lake Cou nty's Largest, Oldest and Mont Reli- ire Store announceaýi readiness to solve your HME~TR and >, aestion.1pt1 history has our stock been as complete as now. Whether you want to heat one or )corne in and see what we have to offer.0 ;ch standard makes as the J EWZEL. 4LCAZÂR and COLI'S, HOT BI.AST. 1v- 'ione iccognizes the A LLC A ZAR ais the Iest combitiations coal and gts stove numde. Corne in and let -us show vou wluy it is the best. FOR~ TILIS WEEK ONLY A Jewc1 Coinhination coal anti ga tove -vi1 last a lifetinie - il~2kOarticle foir 995 ......................... $ 5 0 than aîît iîbt hr kind. Theatoeofanh THeeilr n oih Range6. OC COLES R ediant - lard Coal IIeater; with Magazine feed - Powerful heat Wýt h, littie fuel; * keeps ytur floors, - warm. Corne in and1 let us show vou this 'wionderful stove. COLE'S Hot Blast The Name -la Your Guarantee. Wheîî you use er wvant aîîotheî' inuikeý 1 cent 's worth of coal wilI last over niglit. Special this %veek -an 18 - ineli J vWE flfl 4 0 -ri Y Tn U 10T Blast, a $40 stoi e fr$29.95 YOUR HEÂTING PRLOBLEMIS à 1 1Le 1 LI.%Oil Stoves to takeI the Chili of thé Ix 1~~ ýVvL- 2OLVU.-No. 41. if - liý t,.!; 1