Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 16 Oct 1919, p. 1

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LIBERTYVI LLE LAK-E COUNTY INDEPENDENT INDEPEN-DENT VOL. 'XXVH.-NO. 42. FOURTEEN PAGES 11BERTYVILLE, LARE COUNTY, ILLIN'OIS, THIIRSDAY, O(WOBER '1, 1919. ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAIR IN ADVANUUW Daring Hold-ups 1Caught after NICKEL MO VIE? NO MORE FORE VER; IT'S TO BE 22 CENTS Alcademy And Elite Announceý a rl îO u ue 1 Increase of Rates Effective on uione min àâaâ ,ANTIOCII, O('t. tI).A dar'ing rob-, came. FIL S REQSINGMO E)berY, w hicli netlr d th,ý titiv .. 100 ,t idn't Finish Job of tise rît i vaittablies. in Pt',cittît ms e'tigatJon of the vault on rI., it ol; t ~ 0tgbCoîj mnret(iI o thle j'î'.literty bonds, etv., puit for da.y shou ed that evers' one of!the mo)vies afier Oî'bolir r20 in W'ukes 'keeltingbIn te safeîy depo.'i lt tîî t.s ipuait satura with the gaîttirn e'er i ft t' itr i tîv op bîxps in tht ntioclîi stat&I3 H.nk, look \Clt t taboutlit ie had bees bhat tht' Acadeyny and Eliiî(.Theatri "sotie titie Tit>Iii ".v iîriti itroî,i 'n '01.Afitet'getting lto the have reached tt dcso iirai.eienti u i- fth'i sittitt'rbesurdapnha the' prir. of admissi1on t iiifil. CIt reached the place titis nîoi'ning titi-Y P11111-11ilt tite tecks of thse boxes. A8U a peýratn. Tht ' s t o i udr' c iid teit fonilrobber.' i ad broken tlinttie lat, i. oîsçer. thlepunch iI1pp.' as weii as. adit.'. teginning Octo'ther One of Seattie' Farnoas Boulevards Sklrting Lake Was'b.ngton. bak douzi and blown Ili, dtoiîr off tIirit'tîh onte hox anti was bat on the~ 21, ir('otilinuto ran annoinr.-întnt ______________ttie' iirît intilîe otii itch weri' tifintýq*u .(r, Tteror,' the' tohher8 coue 'ro,'uni5 n- IA Ill ftL afet> i]. liosit boxes. t..oîrking tnto i ntî finish their pi.în.. in punchbwu POITED N SCIIOOL STOP TU Nil,,vaut, hf Y .dw ii i xe? and (Liti ok l e o tor bxs Adis22O TASA ~ RA U KE S A floor and while up to th! s tinte,, f li doTble steq door and l:dç a lok %-izs ('hildrf n 17 e. îîîE U A RA U RE S 1flexnlato dntbey'n md oiiaio.Terbe blew of' Adults22 cens ii1the intertor vault, it is cer'tin tisai oh ot i 13 hchange iv,' cenft, ission., : MODE IN STATEI W OLIRE I'NED everythîng'of value ini al the hoxviq, Il was fortuliate ibat al of!the ls to he addî'd forr titi' "t i'n.,ne~ir I ___v__a s carrisd tiff by tieti eve.s. pttrciasers of liberty tboud nds tifi « torniance only on chil (rn Tii'. The Ptrairie Farmner in it- t' i f! t.Oh,,iter, P. H. Sun îîîn, l. The'Ameriran I-ankers Atsocialion as a ruit' registered titeir bonda s pric. fori childreo matînet î'û ciii ttii.0 ob,-îr 14, undpr the'î.t 'r lis Peocoi, 'W. Ackerman and T. e'. n vers the' Antioch bank and tiiere- therefore, I-be belle! la that the tot«j the sane, Il cents. t'o lo"rtiiFutn To Go To Sehoot lit ltIrshorn t", constituting an ntire rrew oniti hifore , efore ayhn ol edis- lossa ouhthe ber will be ft raise on aduits aptlies hoth in tht('i tacozoprehen sîi r ic) ut n'l".J. k- E. were ,arranzed iîîî.îîî' lt' rturbed, It was ne'reasary t have tittir lesst Itan wah anticIrated. -, %W AL The two robbers captured by the anti a mari ln a'tnask stepj" il in Zion police cnfessed toi chie! OHare " 'Whst do you want ?" ,rî ttr at Kenoha ttirs mornîng and gave itt.P ritant. the mrnes 0f t'ie other three mer, -'S, i' 'n,,your i rt.'ianidi1t'iî siý,w amnong them being Siver who was YOuý taken t, Kencaha lait night.. TheY OVitî li,-ttf'il t rîîitrî't rifi it ti namced the other two men whônm, they loctî m t itith" iîîr i rien thrîitttn.ri stalle, pot sway wrh the swag. flii i nt..ftle i.'r,'O 5ri lbitle Detectves were sent. te Chicago ris oit e, attd on(t. w. rh a -un iritý, aiI after h.e ther pair. itaid. -Mi wireinatri. ,Tii- tîftiîr Onry $t86 was recovered trorm the i it ln an autoin r front, w'tiii h. n trio aro far in arrest; they say the girl.' iuflni. Other two men have the balance o!f i,- i' iIlier.,and liij iir r ii the moot. i lIi l'Il ciýl liri ir'irn"mn.irI l,.t - r tt~~~ii,h' i i tîo-t"' cati, il rito- 'tr. A rrinning rl.',rit.,r battit, whi. fi-tri tii.'hunii"j i md fort, ioi i rit gan rIn ti). ,~ . t of Zion ant ii ld'ilt' I î .î ltnil. ln a rtorrIýI ,,rîtil î'l d two mîui,'Put Money i n Sack Westttif th, iry, rt sutttinbt he.'cal,' Thet' woutuin ian anid a 'oIjtI rai,' ture cari>' Sunîla> of two of the ' ît'tiir w îaî)rtri) up ilorwan rohtî'r-, rio it ti-l]ap ten patronsiof te,-wat"rlng lin.', k. "pîn'i,%rs ste sani ta' ,l tit'S rgaunhitng hoesein tnilm li 'h iiTii.'tali Ileadeir w i n t Kenocha 'ii fir'aîrî'd wtthfi$t i/tii. down tue' mie enîl ting îtokeIýtriou in cash and eiwiir'y.1 a sack earrîed uy a et'ualii'r man 'Te A dragnî't wa- tbnown outîî tri ,ii iî'ad--r k"'pîIui) a runtting tri' tof prît cago foîrIrle tthu r twe and a f 'pc ane' talk. was taken tn!o eusuody Sundas' niLlhî Wften ail had t*eAn s a and'i îit 'i i ' v ere n'. ognized b>' titi'Ziontîn f iooknaniy hait airthour--one it î.i.hir Police ast men arrested theré r'o"t.e took ail the taper mone>' and stuffdî tinte ago for attemptîngt t, tttttiî I ,Il intto hisopokt'ts. The silver was beer. pIaced le a bag witich tbe rîibrs After linîng up thein vtittsniit Ih brougbt aiong. Thse four flied out ai gambling bourre, known a'.thie K. ni- thSe door, the ieder asat. li-e pau'.ed lahla Social club, and rt'iieying theni of on the ihreshhold, whiM~ed off bat money, wathes and diamiod rings'î, and mask, and sald, îeliberately; tîtro lite mioliers jumrîed into a hîgh Ing bis fasce up and down the' une: Powered 17,r and q.PPd toward '('trir "Now. feliews, takle a god looîk if cago. K'no' fa i ttmti la t .'t>nîtiti'i You viant te." thbe Chicago police and Ilite aithori- Oct Away ln Auto tes of ail the' towni to e ton thet' 1hen lb,7 ran downtairs and luto fookout. the machine, which tore away fotis Return Shet for Shet toward Chicago. Chie! ieker o! Zion, witii As issatC. V Brune and tLieut. Oeo Stried, wee îriving toward the noth Y N S M N L K egoftii, ilytet meet them whe-n UA into he rm andCO. M EIAULEN lot tt' u, i ndordered tht' man te liait. A round of sillts and t-lt- Waukegan and Lake Countya Ienm roar or 1h.'i, tfout was tht' anawer. who had not set completed tiiir citk Tht' ptlitcet' .ied iittck int thel.' tzen'khtp, but who thought so highiy of car and g.... îursuîî, tht' chier step- the country o! their adoption that Iing un t0o .,i- whit1, bis coriîpânion. iti'efliste'd in the ,er'vice and fougbt exe-rvis'-.1l' r nurtsmansliip on tIti' r înng Li, recent war, are to be re- trîý!nr sni',cg mt. The' obî'rt.'ca. wardeo hby heing truade. fuli fledged wag pepp' r. 'i witlt huiler bol"... It cttiztîns. - This is bh i>'tlue of an déi'wiii . e lopolt Tire btandits art paa'.ed a hile tisey were serving I tiie( -cd t forr -liii Tiiroi t îthe, ovenii-as.t strpeiýt iir.tti. * intytrtî'i atndloi;T'h-'I b 'u-t I'udr îo!these L.ake tliilt u-r'. t 'rrirunnrig tir.i iîdrCount>' Yanks, sonit.. croe in nutn- the' w oeil ber, appeared in circuittrouirt toits>u Twt. trr.X q out, the Omanakes ' a and were granteîi iliir naturalizatlon t-han iirit î for ir,' aniiiî.sppleyh wthouri,îiit'comeIied to go to IIz>ý 1 t ý.e pfýd hf, w(rethrough the usurîl rereîîkony. 'rh(, ..rî "!ru.!V t'- 1 , ýr riil-,11 tii( rira xiniinaii,,n wlrii'lt rsa tri ni t i Il.o-,'1.. r-r r(îr ir 'c r ' w '~a eontlUItrt'î b>' S. N.l \t, eh,I gl*"i ir'r il rt . rie ,îr'ITIti' t'e oowlng Xvaukegan AMiens tht' ' ui iîl tr i h. he IIIachinî' rand i Irci (h beconre fuill t euign'i itr l't'î" i t.,' rhase.i on foot ibis aftî rtioo.rm Kneel and Fire JOItoI C. Burt, Jackson u -ob) omtrttr ra9sa, 109 tiv iI't rltr, Titi'ti trsr taitli l e a harbed , Y\ttlttn, 642 Mav St. w irr' . iii ii'irrît' s' roc k it and MiltîlI'tri 1oPs~i stopj ' il XVtil tut Wt f433 West st.- "fiatt" i rîtîani .1 Stitid aq lthe' Olof S. Styff, 12r Mvîi'.ist'i s. fotu 'î,'lrrîot RttnittittoY rt.l Johnttli uas i82 Fittlitt St. antid 'i itn iow attîL hîn t get JurgasLiîtirtakas, 812 EighSt. htt"r tîntii. otirie.. k-cpi on tule bruis tif t' - r i îttires, w b.topide . at tnt' i i tI tn tite ire un-I ~ ~ U T tii tht~ tldiî't te cover ot oht' 'rît'eien 'as ADVISOR Of MAD= Heý stoppd, but the' thur tii e I O NT ,IL kept. on. Then attîtihîr 'ttpr'l. 'ITii'NC UN IL otiier two were heard t10 rtitt tit J Ilt erkortnd'shof te eRd as they made the~ woods, as if tbn'y goo is'irternndti!th Rol ]lad heein sorided. Th,~. tr" u -r" 'tr' -ttt irins at Libertyvilie, wns gave their names asq Sainî Aliiti, V*'21ta Watlikegan visiter Titur8daý, corn- goitb MNitiard avenue, andilhlt i 'r op fritru Chicago wlterts ho attend-t Borris. 1h23 South Lawndaleii illid tit, Dan>' Show. Chirano. Chie! Becker sait] h , ero i' lIhaerkorn now ls counrt 'ad-f n MadIson Count>', Ili., and ta' niied ltiti other two as Abe Silvi ria,] ahî.ît, t Edwardsville. Ht' bas met Samît i Cohen, hotu arresfed tecn' Inîtîcti suî'ress ln bis work there andr iy ln Zion for amugglhng beer, in tlinit o! is work tsent', he statesb "Evenything" la Played Itut trrte farmers o! that count>' arez 'Wutknien ln Kenosha make a.,iriittn urh phosphatè rock ln fer-.J mîîrh as$91[Paweek, andtIhe t'l i'7";TIÉ! r9soi. Onze the gaines. Report0 are that "everythtng" waët played-faro bank, %,ss'îîinutei coyote ta believed te he dzaw, stît, crapa, lkenoe, roulette and Rt large in tht' nelgihorbod of Campt tht' nest. Logatt. Tite animal was silet liZVon The ooropenti I- : if EUdayby a poiceman, but escaped. lit bas The oor pend at1:1, Fudaybison preying on North Shore chlck raernlng to the 501304 of a buzzer, ens. -. 1A Loot, Antioch Bank; Blow Open Safety Boxes evCeninq and te mi, The management explaîns I-bat the' neason ti>' bats made thii, aiac tif 5~ cents a persen, s berause tht' fitmn costa have gone Up so hjizb that ti cv bave had tu, do it te break even. it ha Estated that about twn bîîndred pe-r- cent raise on a day's rentai bas been applied te man>'o e! -0films tht' local boume use. Tbf>' daim Ibhis la a of self preservatlon lu mak' Ing tht' change. ge, ln the' future, if you go to evening show, you wtli hase te pay a littît' more titan yeu oser have bc- fore. Thte fclke moviea certainly have gene by thse board. IWIILE FIIMEN ARGUE, IIOUSE 15 BURNEI)IN LKBLUFFý A was tient' has been ntsalry be- twt'tn Oneat Laizes fIre deparI-ment and the' brigade tof Lake' Bluff. Sunday aheri ti h oose ot Charles Hlutcnn,'i art Scrantoni as' and Xoffet i'r.îîij, c.rught filet.' ntnalarma isere lurntect in, hrinc irug h i. hlire Cuti irani. ý Lacit cittîpans tm-itsted ont taking the u tr.ti ii i fi'ghtirig t he fine. 'lh, n t ti , .mi in it '..îo!het nn-t r' " it' tr ntr. r watt goitig on trth. rn ii..'u .i l ý d iii u. SCIENCE SCIIOOL thw it' rwtnorn Scisoo itcnt itwo: mîtî'.s south of Liber t' viii". Tht' scliool la held up as an exaniple of ail that n country schooîîî ýi. îlil t. 1 Tht' art icle was wnift in b> Nftiel iHughes, assistant editon ofthife mtag- azine. a yciung wman front Lakze1 ('uunty, being a daugbîer ut Huchie ltttght's of Gurnee. "I have attendeti country school ln1 my. day-severai country sehools for1 that matter," Miss Hughes wrifes.j "But MY Mmnteres ot country scisools1 astht'> wene ton or fifteen years ago agret' ln ne Particular wlh tht'1 actualities e! some country schools1 as tht'> are todiY. INot ail ceunI-ry1 scisools toe Psure. Titero are enly Ioo man>' Of thens that are net a bit ImProved. Typîcal of I-he oewer hetter ruinai acheol la tht' Hawthorn Farnn Scbooi."1 iss Hughes then gees on te tel] oif a personai visit she paid te thet' schoot afcîmpanied.hy T, A. Simipson, ceunI> superintendent ef achools. SheE fells ot the' man>' featunes which make fbi. s 'hool distinctive andi make t far t 'qnoved from the' otd fashioneti contryseahool. She tells o! tht' plan tinat bas ben put into effecI- wbene-a b>' tht' pupita prepare a hot lunch for ttmil ' dail>' and itow tht' bOnor '.vstem. under tht' efficient di- rrit.on if St Atietaine Miller, tht'f teacher. , ýbu-hetî penftcted te a ne- maunkabtuni'geeInridentally Mis 11itgiretiu'rii'-r the wOrk o! Miss Xiltet '-iling t tinds eut bnillianiiv Amuoetiti.,- 'i r-obtaineti deqired ri'sit]Lq att t ir rît.' t possible to bave titi ItaW t -n utiiidicated te a au- ppnior srhoct. of iitht' few ln the S state. BURNS; 30 KIDDIESL MADEBOMELESS'PARDON BOARD TO lgo f s e dweing in Edge-1 CONSIDER TIIREE r, i1, Forest, ricentl>'con-, PPL CAT ON ina arbool hi flic Coutntr'yiLO A P IA IN Schîorîi corperation o! tht' ChrIstiýan rrer iurrb, wa.9 partI>' datroveittp un hi'. fi"'r iti. tiritti Tiii mn chi-ilrii tti ~t tn -en n " 3, Iiiiir si lii'ri I-e SutrizI' .'l et lO-b 'it tlic, -' t. bit .-i :t.rd i. ftt tîore visiotn rtf t..' ni. d ,nlParote,, todus' ir.vf l i' "ituii'Iru't rt'Tho dam-se utrmuii.u 7Stin7eld for Tntes uo i tlS I ic t about $15.?100. "tfi I Iri21nS ii 'lrm' i i lint îwn're trîki . ii o vaious di',Oc l ti' îPPlicitîtirons fin iii't ' r usi gr uohoula artii. iit tnitrtion et sentence ~ p'.u~i1~ ~a sente' , n Tir i. t pi Iîett'tax' fr. mu GOT JIR OILL F BE=hi Luke t" , irt ý-f. "niurder, and Ii'T'ý r"IPnd!i% biu' tnrr'rs iig a terni it avis~th ryihi h'ami.'- ,.' nuji>'for raptý, uani ING SECOND rIuinrL Ethuslanîl ii ' i? iunls s ers'inr' a jterni ai Ju;ir. t !'(mi- riansIauigbteî'. M AINS A TIl1!FtD E flanft."it, s cîtorerî ponter,fomr OBIAINS A î . -I',. r'li t Irang buinlier ('o î'n-î'it 0fE HlhlbI' .ni p t lt i l - W utb , confeescîl thie fîrcît of pla'.'ng second fiduit'. lut bis murtier ùf h s c'r'tiiton wifTne.t fanîhî>' ,;6 hhi'suethi-r wt!t' for di- Ijutîgi' Wliitiir -entefceitihini ta verre, allegIng tisaI-hl,,sis lfo elt-uy ile'iunpisîtr! uî1111'etti. ,Ie'.Fndîs> 'Vaî' bâti a hu.qhand living wbtn ahe mai-- ronsirtîd on thetii 'stiiny of Clara ried hlm. Re says I-hie otier bus. Snyder, u t tirteen >'ean aid Zion Citv band stili ta living. Jiir- Edwants girli. Ie always protested hie! in- zranfet i lm ardivorce. to,,t.,. Mrs.. ncence. Kriaak titi net conten-tishe action. Ktaak aays lie anti his wif.. Vert' mnarnieti Sepember 1. 1915 ant i lveti tegeliser until -June 16, 1919. He' eaya bis wife Vmu married te King Bruîmfield at Richimondin d., Mardi 5, 1913, fron wtiom she neyer lias been divorceti. E. M. Cantion o!fiiarrIngton, who for fifty-fts't years bas been et- ployed by tise C. k, N. W. railway compan>'. retired frOtn artîvîlt> tht' firat o! tht' mentit. Re started tu> wonk for Iht' company as VaI-or boy at the age o! 15 At Green Bay, Wls. 1Veeks. tietuîbhard in Lihent>'vihli' StNon- iiay altirmitin on coniplaint 0f Gornge M'ag.zer, wh. rhangî'd lhey atote and Cearried away lise of bis urkeys. Tht' offense w-as ceOmniittedW'ie'r drîy attennoon ut 'last week. Tht' train crew wtss runntng "lihgit," witit an engin0 and caboose, froma Joliet te Waukegan. Scitool chîltiren on their way te Schoei, iioticed a train bad steplted ho a rut rttar the' Mrg- ger home ou tht' Jamtes P. EDoyle fart, two and a hitî miles southeast of Uàbentyville. Running towards tht' train I-bey dlaim tht' crew had cor- neredj and caught tht' turkeys wbtch I-ele otok wi-h ltent. Upon thle arrivaI of Itbe train, Citar-les Meyer, tht' raioa companys detective, noticed sernteof the~ crew engaget Iin phckhng turkt'ys. He aaked them whist tbed isatiand was tbld tuaI- tht'>' iad run lnt a flock o! turkeys down he rond, killng somte, of tuent, wblnb the>' itopped am~ pics- ed sp. Tise detective thought notb- îng more at thbe tinte, but a short lime later Ntr. Mage came ni) and mompiaint'd that tht' crew haîl caugbt and taken fine 0f bis I-urkey . Me'yer awaited the netumn o!fI-be crew tt'om Waukeean, lntormed thent or bis knowlth.-eo!r .bat tht". had dmun't-. '-tteut tht.ît Sur Mieger santed $2o for the' is tnbird5 ,and ads med tiîeu î t ite.',("Wb hitthev tîgreed tri dot tii'>t rfi for fo t iowc-î'r, . iotitr Iilakitig a sît ut. tîtînt andl Mirer t rilok lrNlrMiag,,i fbi'ty tiiw lii n'"'rrtPtlnt îs'rsmaide. The wssarrrantw-as rieiîsered te Deput>' Shert'f D S Fîutîtenry, who immiedînte- ]Y trrîk sti'în't,, atpiîiend the' accuaed. Ttil, .uperiiitilrilt of tise rond was andrr r . ilrd totilid Itl'cii-w tue ti !ý rit- r. r. h, ît.r w ork t-tt tlit t I .iu v> u','st to Lîuent'vile anîl utprr trn ii i tthafir t lion ti' li.- ir'rr'îît ý%r.iilnti,' y il", to) hti -bu, i d ia t i thi, houi o! rrtia rer t id bes' 'tteu'ed at pi 'a uif 'rt q' u i it.' Clîî'î'fUlt s' ani îii fi' nr'r lun f$20. drtillt.i" foi 'ut. a tgent nppeiîn on the scq'nt Tht' tankers Ass-ociation optrates tbrougb tie Bornas Detechive Agency of CIi cagu andl detectives anrived at the' hank at neen Ioda>' AIl in Use Tht' safet>' depeait vault containei fifty boxes, andi everyone of'thern was hn Pse b>' various residence otf An- tioýh and vicint>Ka lausthe Custeom te safef y teposit boxes carry ail tht' real valuablea ef tht' îubscribers. Titousantiandi thousandae!ofdollars In libety' bonds, jewelry, etc., ne tioubt Vert' contained I n these boxes and accending te, natural deductions. ut bas ail bt'en cannied i aa. There Lq no Va>' under heaven of estîmatîog ViRtalh-e lba ViIIbe. The' bank bas notbIng I-e de wit the boxes, merel>'nenIng ihen ouI-as la the ecus. tom In safety deposit arr&ng3atents. il: wll en>' he after tht' subacnihens put In ciaints te tht' bank for I-hein bone that an idea wlll b, gained as lo how much had been secrebeti during %eyt'ars tht' bank bas alperatei. Tht' robiters tiid net molest an>" thing belonglng te th, batik direct and I-ht' largo round sate wiie stands In tht' window o!fI-be building, was net toucheti St ail. Tht' rohiters ap- parentl>' decIdt'd te work wbere tse>' COUld not b. seeri for tht' safety de- Posit vanit atoed in tue roorn hacz ef tht' main part o! the' banz. l'ley thus Vert' tble te opetate unsî'en. Tht",' hew it'e safe off wihtdyna- mite, and lft no ctue otf saluu'. Tue>' opt'rt-d te doon In surh a way that Itat a sotînd b,trd Is' s ihitg.'rs utnd n.o strangir sra seivn abtout the' placet' ri'itaiirai.' tat I-t ie w-re platn- ig ianythitîg or Ibis sort. 'iete i r m' t' tiii' .\nliir)(i tt liank a,i l, D. w t itattilis, icrt \V S. Zîctený. i'.shls'n,otrie liant- c'ht, assisstunt. Mc .Zigi. r ut pneu.. Sn t is iti iirth ir. lti'tet (tts- rîrt ith ban"rt iii.e>rn i' rlîr uT h hi' brints uhîî the îttiirtiing; I'tuon as b u. a "r i ii titi' b iasuk "r i ii 0f tii'roibrhusiigti. hd tu totîch ANDREw WHiTE'S CLOSE ESCAPE! 'REGISTERED) BONDS SAVED 1(l'ît't' r s ut irrit'orn id Ci'WhWtiec of Tht.-roîbeits w ho on ThL tstc. it rt Grut -risaki tiritia cloeescape Ibis ' hi. .tit' the'safet'y vo Il ' si t iti l,' w'ts dnivlng out Glen i ' iS tu te t , b" fi in t Irillg Iit t ti rî sli . t tîtîgitî',s ts t bits te etectn. Sap la k -t oi i ir trri t,' lie lagtleeisly approarlied I-hi' -gie, n.t i " iti >thil rtii ti' r"a r o r ,i r n n rtd faiite -o 'se.'an al)- ts nk ti ho ti'iitri Ir. or i trt iitr'd. Tht' motornian a Ituittirtt Ii'c'r r-.cît fron t te t' andti att i rtwed down, 80 tid lI uit ti3 r. Agî'ny, stlt iris.h-rt .'ertiocIl r.i't. btui, whieri lie carne I-o ai"rid.îv nooi, dsn'ii a hitte con- .,top r, 'a r r toot on I-het -ack. Tht' tnling over a but! a 1tînt ioft1i1n)î car lit th.' nighI-front wheel, smash- gîyce'nîte. Titi'r109t1tm)itinîî' hn ilig it and I-be sprltîg and fender. potîting ut on. r' th, i" m'.rîtuuîefore Titi' ato did not even turn about. shiw'ing that I-be train hati almoationnicatit-ropire ar.pî.'cipitated. itoppt-d. Mn. Whhite Vas mlgbItJily it is nuits'feu t iai 'ti r r.î Ii t>oock srared but net buft. pace air tut i t'ii ii'ri kThtrursîlti jnicttt. Tht' "tuffalo 1-totist'," at Lily Lakze, near Vola. wliîinb uring Lise pastI eigbt reara bias lieen owned and suc- cessful>' conduutet b>' H. L Ritter. lias isetn sold te H. N. Nelson ef Gur. cee, L.ake Count>', io wIll take pos- session o! tise place in about I-Vo TIti' neamsafer Ibis cortrîasion is I-bat a ruiez wttii'tt btttoî'thett'wall o! tlite 'vittttirtd sotped I-tît 50ý The' feeling ls that rerapu. Il was tisai lime w. n I-be iexplosion oc' cured becaus lte clark was round tbrown ottt of ptum and tht' helitqf a that It sI-opped wlien the' corncussion Bondi are Safs 1 Tht' reglstered bonds, o! ceursný, wili bc of no value to the roithori. C The renterg e! boxes haven bern nOtifled to itand ln their atatememU' showin, what I-bey bati ln reir bos andi titicalculaI-ion le 00w boinph flled I-e submlt te the bank authode ien. They ln tomn wiil take it up with he insunance company maid th«. an adjustmen- wil be madie with tà» depositers. Thse discevery of Ithe bettbse tàs' nitre glYcerine caused cooiidosabbb alarm because it revealed lwha" uM»k bave haeoned bUad ything 1e 7 done with I-he balance ofet i. pleuive afI-er the nbbers had fini"", - thefr task.' Net a sIngie clew iiad bou ~ covereti by the. detectiven or OthM.,n because nobody> heard I-h noiseti the bank, nobody was seen about g»~ place Ttturiiday nlgbt. r This detectives declare lhey foit tbat I-be roithers Vere the saensu*sa Wbo bave been operatlng aboutCi. cage because the metheda umoti wrn qulte similar. Tiie iootlng or safety dePfflt vaulte < however, ha a new practice lnia 't stection, Itla ~ver>' seldont that robi. bers devote ail their attention to lieb safet>' deposit vaulis. Their mal% ohJect usîtahy ha direcI-ing them tgi the' safe te get tht' actual cash. URIiE FORMATION 0f AMERICAN LEOG ION FOR SOLDIERS Accrdig ti ScrtarvJerdan 0f lbh' Nir>' ('tit. Iti' Its hud many re. îtîîîsts r 'on.retitrned soI(llers who inîîîir' tf htwiîetiter there in a lîr.îîirit ofth.- Amierican Leglon I& '1in' ti'rgiie sas ongeànîzet seme. titt. ic>at St L.ouisi andisl a Prîtr' Tii.' menthert, are fellows whe r'oi',"-s'ar land is tii be' paItenet t. it',oden of tht'eiod G. . IL 'stnY' ii"tiesae organbzed branobus tuitio nirti'no steps have been tm .ninrt\'îuign Mn. Jordan thlnU t' re ýa ibig den'îand ton a pont ta a\.rtr uttndinoîs' that most o!fI-b, -'trrs irback borneit seelhs M Omi se'rine effort 'uhoulîlbe madg 'i r' .g.iiizoluttht' ronrunt'. . vî'îy ,tibut' post bas beeS f.trnd ni tI'itit(tn Park andtiIhat 1 ila ui'ir-t on' organized ln !ak Cuunty. lni initial itîî.î'ing ten tht' forme.p tlîîr ofthlie Anientran Legien waà h"tîi in tiirandi tien la Mard wu iteldj tti St. Louis meeting. The th> ai nmeetintg ton complets organiat*ion L Io ýbe held hontMinneapolis, NOV,. ember 11,and if l1,;tîlanned te hav* Sbarahai Foch. commander o!fth6 !iesa uroati, present aq thse Prbln* pal speaker as gueit o! hOnOr. Selîctiori of tihe itrons who U hietî the lestimonYagnt -ef' dicrd officiais o flue flni i P-roduci'rr' association was ed trrhîas'ln Chicago. Six' h men w'n'ne qrîestioned b>' tic at betore twvelve mon vertehO e. elght off(chal. a.echarged wilb ipinigte fix tise xîrle*of hundred W=@"e«s m' ... Lake County 's Big Weekly G«um IIIBrem« tuI odw rWéeein l.ounty coinbined WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN

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