Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 16 Oct 1919, p. 11

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LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. TE[JRSDýÀY. OOO(1'ilR 1R-IM9 LAKE OOUNTY'S SUNDAY.SCIIOOL . 1WE-T-O-A T 1 F%ý-nfnth Annual Convention W1IW V.tdon Two Days Asoclaien wiU bll its .tortY'-iiii ýAnneal convention ln Antîocb . Ux éhurëis Thui'aday and Prldty. 'Ocbber, A ufplendid potra hbas been pre- ,pareil, tnd fDot only Offidrs il téacît ' rs, bue ali those Interestail in Sunw day à0oui Work .11l lad iq0a a pro- fitab.> Meeting. Thée oibi of vers -don*.ei the Chldren' deWatment vJlI alone ho worih your attandaice at the convention. some of 1the speakers are, Xia. Pearl 4., Weaver, Chldren's Superin- tendent, andl J). Ji. Wlng, Young foc- pleR Superintendent. bot t teii.Ii lincIs Siate Sunday BOchool Associa- t ion; Rev. Frank Pt cf Highland Park; and Dr. Gerrit Verkuyî, cf the rsbytenian Board ef Sunday Schools Antiocli viii ladly entertaîn ci.. venton delegates for the nilght, ad a big attendance la expectéd. Watch 1cr pregram ni et veek. TH-E PROGRAM Thuraday Evenlng 730-Community Sing. Muie-Young Peoples Chorus and Orchestra, Roecrans. Prayer-Rev. W. C. Rutherford, cf Woukegan. 8:00-"Aa lImPresselUS." -Green Lake Cofereice-MiâsaAice Suarve. lighlnnd Park. _"ke Gefleva lastitute-Richard L. Séaýnci. LUertyville. " Lako County Older Boy' Confer- ,.ee.-Lucius A. Hines, Jr., Higli- UInd Park ;' 8 15-<Mueic andl Oforlng. e,,4:30-'"The Calof the Day toi '"ogh."-Rev. Frank Fitt. Deendictin-Itev. C. W. Warren, liaIt Day. Fridoy Mornlng 9 :30- évOtlcnal pricil-Res. C. A. Mess =age-Rev. }B C. UOgn, Lihertyvllé. -10*.00-Reports cf commtteei-Re- ýqmmendatlons, Finance. 1Recognition cf Standard fiunday I teport of norinating commîttée. Election et officera. 41:0-Adults in the Pîhie achool" D.H. Wing. l:0'Teprogram In the. Bun- Iay Behool." Misa Pearil.U Weaver. Fidoy Afternoon I 30--Music-Antioch Schooi or- theutra. . Devotional Penid. A. E. Eaton, yaukegan. 14-Téprograna of th1e child. éàsdivision," Mise Pearil.4 Wea-* r4*316 "Tiie County Young Peopfles ýPRsIsicn and Ii program cf work, D. ~.Wing. ~"1:46-i.Resolutions and announce- ,:90-'"Facing the Future," Rev. ~itt Vrkuyl, Phi. D, Field Repre- ~ftitve, Presbyterian Board et Pub- iOtion and the Sabbath Scho -Ork AdJouroment. IfIRM4 VERDICT ~1DAMA& ÇEASE 4clmîrding te a dispatcb i-éeeuived today the appellate court at Ot- has attirmed the Judgment cf çircuit court cf Lake County In ý&se cf Russell Brownell vs, the .reof Ant là. iltla the case qe in Russell Brownell, a amaîl - iad two or three fingers crushed e c ocf a steam roller that lied lett standing In th1e street of h for ns.tre The jury In tL court at Waukepan awarded My damagea s i.. c f $1700. tase vas appealed. >ether taxes for 1919 ehalh be an one-haIf or cue-third cf the property essesament wyul be ilie Illinois Suprhfse Qourt ai. Attorney Frank' .CQ Mi for Mrs. AIma M. Campe gt go, wll présent a motio a.kig tofIle a mandamus petition t0 Ithe Cook County Board of te assessaiatone-tilird valus- - 'r~* .~topq. or be, - tuse petuln. - ci-il .sî ss* dee dA .u.s.Es.bdI.à 'ORU~S8 f4 l.~' DEATiI CROSSIN(i"6WL~r> III&~u ~ LOSSES 1IEAVY IN UNITED STATESi hicrease in Fatalities Shown' Each Year Ui. S. Eiperts Say. That an increa.slng n 1 mbet' of p(,I-ý sons are kî;tted each year while walk I rg or drîvIng over rallroad trackw et h:tliway crosmlngs int.he UnitlcO 5'ic le'showfl in a safety bulletin lasiiecl hy the Unite'd Sctes Railroid e> Admfnigiratlon. whlch quotes statis.- tics eomplied by the Interstate Coin.- 1 In 1915 there pwere l,06 killed and ~ ?UIIq ý1i niured; in 1916, 1,652 kiclîcd; 3,R59 lnJured; anld In 1917. 1,777 kiled ,et for' ép"« «M àt aR._d 4,136 binjured. Figures for 1910 ltuamaor to tise tattiad' saué. have flot yet becn complted. 6»Mmubu beel 'Miâ«W cdE "top. Look and Lt.Iten" would b"p . k'ý Han. le lm s t11104 La*-Ué vent every accident at grade P.s 4' gu~d e t~ lLated.Jkat.. t ngq says the bulletin, and.Itas Stattes that aince5 the rtro..d coubtn hne@Wt hetp 1IMe r MISS CVI VUCTED j ~panes requirc lileir en z:. rm: - USOf-ah'n hne il ieIiee aetr b èen t i rosns elng ~Coamon aues oon as the police trSk, the inilitla ordered alil"hi MtIS 'w aUI IE3 there la danger, and the bulletin asks RIS aufomobillets "Dsa you relzeyl waxq earance ot Secretary Baker IDE CE GE ES F onsi du yin vourpat Suad arenot1Brlg. Gen. Mitchell of the air serv. life anld the tivês f ot! reatives LTII By A. K. 3OWES. adfini har iigwtyo ,n. Mitchell said a three-day flght Asst. Secretary Security TVie & Trust are worlh many times he runi . "S t Iýk cosCnd ol i t Company. and trne re-quircd tu sal) and look _______t~nped this winter. If sUccfesafut. h, BusIness cf the Recordera Office. and listen hefore crossing the atiti; d a r('gular route te Alaska would For the veek endlng Oct. il. 1919. tracia." Washington, Oct. 10.-The SE n, te 1 aIL< folowd probably hy Number of conveyancib 173. mllIitary commttee voted unanintous,,. arute te Ailla, with only a twenty-one Numiier of chattel mortgages 27. ly teday te recommend an additionat mile Water span te hé crossed. The Our CharaAStA. er approprilbon of ;15,000000 for armev Panama route, 11e sald, would 11e via Number cf trust deeds and mort. People ".,emne lt te cee that terarrf osrcint ar u ln lrd n ua gages 33. opinion of the world la al.o" cn- arrf osrcint ar u ln lrd n ua U. S. A. diacharge 1. fesaon if ltrtter. OVe can ouly feso f0a c f the air service te establlsh routes Congress voted $25,000,000 for avii- Total number cf instruments flied ef atea re.'11 , Mid, If we miijie- te Panama, Alaska andl even te Asi. tion In the army bill. 234. have. %ce aîlît.tîr.Eesn Action by trie comlittee fotiuwi-d With a total cf 40,000.000, Gen. Mit- Total ainount of boans $197,510.00. Businesa bas heen hcavy vith the bnans above the average. The feiiowlng are the more import- ant deals: In Waukegan-Lavima M. 97jvester hought the Dr. A. O. Wright home on Westi ido, NcIth Geneae Street, with 142 fi. trontage for indica- ted $10.50000; subject te eneum- brance. Wm. Herbert Johnson beught th1e C. E. Smith 6 acres on east aide, North Sheridan road, opposite the Keith estate, for $750Q.00 Joe Meyer bought thé Jno. L. For- tune building on 8W corner Sheridan roud and Water Street, for $7,600.00. Tii. Buatng Publications (a corp'n> of Chicago, bought the Jno, . Carlson property on vest aide, Souh Utbca Street, opposite postoffîce, for 14,500.00 Win. W. Mitchell bou.ght a lot at NE cerner Oakley and Gllett avenues. frona Nelson Steele estate. for $1,500. .leremiah Shea and vif.- bought the Nast place on Washington Park, for 33.000.00; subject encumbrance. Laie county hought two lots at SW corner ('Inyton and Vlctory streets, frorn the Geo. R. Lyon estate for $1,. i;00.00. Richtard A. Beetleâtone and vite bought 66 rt. on South aide, Julian Street, opnosite North avenue front Elizabeth Musselman, for $3,500-00. Mary Polansei hought the Brad property on south aide, Belvidere Street, opposite Southi Coaaty Street, for $3,000.00. In Lake Forest-Farwel i Wniton bought the. Thos. A. Steele place on soul.h aile, Vine avenue, esat of Green Bay ,road, frein John Griffith, for $15,- 500.00. 1 icaner Hamili Clov hought the P. L. James place on Deerpath avenue, JUSt vest of Presbyterian church. for $43,000.00. In Hghland Park-LeroyH. Dagget and wife bought thé RobL O0. Samuel- son iace on NW corner Lînden and Beech avenues, for $15.000o,00; subject tu encumbrance. Melvin L. Marjorie 9. Straus bought thé P. K. Cohn place ln Ravînia, fer $18,000.00.. ln Deerfield' Township-Laura F. Rasmussen hought 20 acres In NW 14 Section 17, from D. A. Hindenberg, for $5,000.00. AnLibertyy;le - Hlarvey Mewett 4ought the. Juat property on eaat aide. Second Street, north ef Br.alvay, for Indicated 14,000.0q In Libertyvîlle l!'enship-Elizabeijh Moore bought thé John Lancaster 38 aFrps iS W V Section 25, for $10,00. ln West Atoc-Conrad . Rathe and vfite bouglit the Edgar B. William@a place en Slyvaa, Woods on north end Channel Laie ln Section 1, for $13,- 000.00; aubject te encumbrance. In &von and Warrea-Freilenick A. Cooley teck titis (o ýhe Afred W. Meade far Ifin Sections 17 and 20, and Section 6, Warren, for 8150.000.00. In Ela Marguerit-Ernest Doege bought the Junker fana ln Section M1, fcr $13,00000., George A. Lageachute bought the Hormn Koenatz ferin nSection M,5 ln Fremont-Peter Mcrz and john P.'Ire ssèl bought théeRIgolf b'rering fana ef 40 acres ln SE %4 Section 3. Lia., fer $6,000.00. la Wauconda-Naomi XcCandless Tovo yery special prices w'hiclî ooilI it'oVe to You tlîat ove positively dô underseli Chicago stores as wcll as ail other stores in tbis vicinity. Vîîdoîîbtedly the hit of the séason. -The oneC greatest coat co-(nt annlouneCc(1iîîiînontlîs is sclîcduled to start tonîq'- 'CLOCKS TO 0" BACK ON TqE Z6TJI The Nation's and Chicago's dlocks wili ho set back one heur October 26 .-undAr rte govrnmient daytigiit sav- ing plan. Efforts te ieep tbe edocks one hour ahead cf sunri tme, as at present, were test withrmut debate ln the Ci cago ('ouncit Tuesday. tayight saving, as a local ordin- ance, wa4 adopted for New Yen 'Clty Tu, sday l.y unanimous voat of the boardl cf aldernien. 161ION PICIORES 0 started crap games on Bos., anf tp' ýjwàénqver they ap- ltth olirs meon bretaght chTlTsald. ît'is 1î:oposed 10 buildtd 0 , oJhisa u pursuit Liberty tuotored planes, 201 Comnanc itg Otobor 23 Martin bonmber.- and 200 experîmen- t a] toirsuit .tanm. yyp A new dêice known as the turb.j aWOs SHOWS booster" i,4hoeinr w-tla.h wlîich 7:30 - 9:00 uiit, ~ - et. 10.000 feet cao t. r.'ache,1. High, Grade Ple~ures Iýamâ, News, Comedy Proper Food 1mportant f Watch for announicement "sn ian thinketti so la e o-Yes; oopnngp tl' Is: "As n mon eateth go dàcofthnn pa httink." For the braîn, o part cf ji t t' body, la bulît of food.-Lo. Angele Tintes. DAim' o £ £IA.J.11 s~ Waukean greatea tr o o. The Seasoq's,,First Great Coat 5 Including more than 75 spirited models in Io!!g and short coats at three sensation ai ny-savig pcl*g$~ Plain-Fur fabric and fur trimmhed coats in ail sizes an.d colors q~p~çç~ÇWcagQ stores ci;npt compete, wfth~. 10 ha r PAI-IV, -q LAWLESSNESr 1

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