RTYVILU INDEEDE N T LAICE COUNTY WEPENDEW akeCoutpigWl WÀUKFGQM-WU:KLY SUN, VO'XXVJ..-1-NO. 42. -PAT TWO i .l m P Wfrtr-r..1 Ip1-%:r- %"- -t v-"r-- - lii)bfRTl VLA, INDEPENDE UJNT.9UTOBER 16,1919. SIX PAGES *I..îU PEU YEAR IN ÂDVÂ il' Former mayor, William W. Pparce Who, ln ail served ten years as; mayor «f Waukegau, Paseed awaY ibis Morn- Ing at hi8 home n- .dteele court antd ln hi. paasing Waukegau loses with- out doîxlit, thttuait picturesqut' poili- 'clan iltver Lad. FOIls death came fôlloiong o .-r.> iOugêd Ilines romn cancer whihh et- lacked the left aide of his tace a year a80. aven whUSe ho was serviug aut mnayor or Waukegan. A rt-ident ut Wauikegan al hi-' lie, W. W, Pearce Lod served one- ermn as MAYor under commission tormu bovernmeut and three. termes under aldfrmanie tomi. But one man lu lllh101ois le id 10 have served llta cUv as mayor for four terme, Care Harrison tIf Chicago, whoge _tour terme, however, totaled Lut eight years. The commission torm mayor boldo four years, the aldermanie form two yeare. Dr. Pearce. served as mayor in these y«er: 1897-9; 1899-00; 1903-4* 1915-19. He was borg ln Waukegau 58 years @go, the bfon t,9-Wukegaît's Ifln *ruggist, W. 8. Peance. Warwed of Condition IN VALUE 0F FÂRM LANDS OUT -0f 22 Hinher LandValues Here Than PASTORSNAME PASTORS FOR i COUNTY PULP,' iin 51081 COuniueTt As. iRiver conference wsa. 1 sessed Value Very Low. Tuesday by flishop Nicholson. . Oit Important ap olutment. tl superintendent or the Joueýt-j TAZWELL CO. IS HIGHEST. dis-trict, was given teRv -- Cale pastor or tîLe Richar-b In 22 Illinois counties croscl by church, Jollet. He succeeds th( the' Chicago & North Western rail- J. M. Phelps, who goes to theV rond only twlp countIes have hlgher gan churcli. avî-raged farm *values than Lake As redicted, lir. flompél, cotinty, according to Information sup- of tLe aukegan church for p}ied by the Utrector general of rail- years, was made a cba.ialn at Tazell county la repre4ent. 4 wlth M". Phcipa asumes rharge o havlng Ilia higbest Maluc-d tarrs,. Waukegan churcn next Sunday 1 thetr average worth on April i, 1519. lEr. Rompel cncolinterq no brvc being $25.565 an acre. L.ASalieco1m inls awork, as rhaplain et the ms ty lm second, $229.25; Lakte vcounty, for le bas becn doing that w.i- thilrd, 8216.60; Sangamon county la saime time in conjunctton witt fourth, $213; and Kane couriîy firth, local pastorate. Mr. Phcîpas $ 211. bas been et DeKaîl. He expect The land values of the. 22 cotinttps to corne 10 Waukegan today to are based on land sales and asat-as- over the churcli property. *ments during the perigd of 1915 and Other appolntments in Lake te Avril 1, 1919, inclusive, and are ty follok: computed In acoordance ýw1hthe tt as- scesentrato pocea ua d >y ti? Antiocn, Sanmuel IC. Pollockr staie ai o pr--.'-- usf-d I) tand Barr:ngtcn. lJthn E. DeLong taicomisson f WscosinandLake Bluff, Lloyd E. P'oltr 14 th In Assàsced Value. - - - The highest averageaessed v'a- %te la found in Winnebago coufty- 89.10. Sanagoinon county hs second, $86.01; and La9alle County third, $88f S. and H. Trad. 08: Kane la fûOfr, $84.12. ing Stamps are Butwhle 1*1e oenî ta~ thrd iven witL each But, hileLair Coety f, Inthi 10]ocpurchase. Ask Place as ta the cetlnuted full value for them. of lands, It drap@ 10 14111 place out of . . the 22 counti.. as regards the average I full A M M va1Ue, l Lelng $70. D r inÀa r. Bei ndtý - - i. 14t'- 08 Ducrnauctea te store 4nti- 188 4 5 erate. AbdaMtiig awiat people II are holl1erlng &bout la the cîties of the cotnty-tbut -lt value la way 'up but the asesé valu.. drop down. terrlbly and that à# Wbat the ta,»,s urwLJ aare baaed il b ~c aus X- Land sales l e omy or the Peio e 1915 t 20A ; 1919, comM e 158 dIUtracta, £*--" acrage of m 11,393. Thie ration cf *11xfliNU aseis- ed'value of land t0 the truc value Api ,1919. vaà à2.52.Yod cecI. 'rie -f1918 assessed full value of rural, geu- Seral and personai '-PrOPertY Per acre ffor the CutY was 34.4, b, fer the >1 hi:het ln the twentytwo counties« Il cewas a rly 1h er. Devn ofaliglis luChicago laid Ilis was an ihen "W. W." step1ped lu and took Porc vs ayrtht r.Deino!unheard ut thing. Nobody tco date charge."M'. W." conducted the store Chicago, sent word 10 Dr. Roberts cil has ever hecr n kowu 10 have a cancer W*Uen au elllng hlm to notity which h. was not given grcat painb. until this aprtug. %aI« Peeu«tuait theime 11.4 corne t was because of thua tact tLat Dr. W. W. Pearce graduated front Yheu ete~1.fiu1 ymLh.a- ~~l, ho College of Physicians ao4l Sur. taSfr a haeaatb edcoldnltedested in Miayor Pearce's condition.31 gecna in Chicago in 1885. ho rdiuly . Rbrssrnoe hey wanted ta ece Low Il wias pas- Accodinly ~ Ptbou~ sunmoea ible 4hat a man could have the thela moyosr and is brother Dr. Perd a hole Inside otflbis head eaten away TOBACCO CAUSED DEATIl val Pearco tu big office and oxplalucd in-this manner with the unconquer. 14 Lna haîDr.Bovn hd sid. able germ whieh causes cancer and. Mayon Pearce, Waukegen's Chief And Ithug tLe former mayor dis , M go hrough auY Period of pai n. Ex-coulve fer ten years, was a victimi played hls very unnanal cnaracter Tecodtoofhemyraou Otrac. wbien, without a whimpn-r anJ alîL- TL.cniino emar'mototcaco bas been af such e chacter for a os, Le lit-aInbhis hier today 11e- eut a shrug of Lia ashalde- even. te nte (ý cause Le, like many other men vas repie. 1Wel 1bae dnethebe-tlong time, tixat Le Lad nte-n any repie. Wel Ihae oncth betsolîid fod. an nveterate user of tobacco, 0f tbis 1 eau, If it bas got b 1e, it bas_ gaI Ihere seems 10 Le nu doubt, acoordlng c 11" mea a mile carnt 0,cr his face. . to tLe big speciallats of Chicago whl Slirwiag tiat 1e vas là&, vlsibly af- SERVED FOUR TERMB AS MAVOR worked on lits case. fëcted by the terrible warniug lssued Asked by them whether he used te- by the Chicago s'beciallst. It was add- The laie W. W. Pearce earued tLe baccO when Le vent duwn for bis ex- cd ait tiatime ty Dr Bevin that Il oriutof 'Old 1-oestyl, b>' is, amntation sert-raI montha ago, Mfayor wasnt a question et months any more., absolute Integrit>'. Even those whose Pearce et the- tinie, smiled and sald- but that Sit vas a question of heurs. Politlcs csuseid thein 10 oppose hlm "Yes. 1 Lave ured Il couttnuously al- or a tew days andI certaiuiy.only a neyer hei;itatlŽd to adm it that Le vas1 mastiaIl mO- lite." AndI then Le admit- week or 90. Yet he lived on many honteat lu al is dealingRa. While Lbc ted tLat it Vu'asbis incessant habit Months. might malte mi-,itakes Le wo.ë Loneat 10o have a qutid of t obacco ln bis left Il ln underutood that ixnmediately lu LIs convictions. 1ctek-that il seldom bai not been following tht waruing lssued by Dr. Tri. Dr. Pearce gai-a the' Lonor ot tlhere for tLe pee9t twenty years. Bevin, that Mlayor Peure pioceeded Laviing been elected to tLe office oft Thug', tht. dedflctions madIe bh tLe' te arrange bis affaire and Leedth îe Mayor of Waukegan more trnes tbLeu Physicients vas dlean: htal semmons wLich lie Lad been an1y other ma&i He served as chief' That quid of tribacco Lad tonnted tctd ta look -for. 'He vas advised to executive ofthîe city for ten yers a sort of poultice Over is Jaw, chek draw bis wilI antI make other dis- lHe vas tiret elected lu 189Î7, serv- ad teeth andI the tissues bad neyer çoeitlons to is affaira. lng a two year term. lu 1899 11ewu vas ud a. bauce tai do their funetionar>' A tw mnt i lterLe oldLisre-elected for another tvo yeartetu i-<rk during the pnose w e drug store tb his nte2Le Stamtord Iu 1902 Le was defeated by the late cades. The poultice thug Lad an- pearce.Frederlck Finer, but lu 1903 le vas swered the other purpose vixen fatal Tlhe average man wbo would Le egain elected for anuthen tva rearirst bgnoape:th cý eaiied. betur'e a physicien andI toid termi- 1 lice vhich the toibacco gave forth that is end vas very nean would lu 1915 Dr. Peerce vais a candi- prevented any pain atter th infac. not bave rone thruugb the ordeai tLs date under the, commission farm cf lion Lad deveioped Intc a calcerous way oyo Perceaccpte ILliegoveruiment. Major J. F. Bidingen condition. took dw-wernring la the Barne sold and M. .H Husse yvere the other But, one can readill>' sec how, viii Mianear that Le recoived tLe various candidates. The returnes shavwed a coverlng aOfloliacca over is teetL, bump tht caxuterzedLisvarousMessrs. Bidînger 4qnd Husse>' Lad ne- iaw andI check, tLe etfect wouid be admiistatios a thecit's ciefceived the largeat pumtber cf votes, much ltke a PoultIce ýplaced Over lhe .dmnlsratonsas ilectt's ble Lu Leaus 6f. Hsse La ~etenhantI antI kept there for an>' period. ciecutive.bu eas"I.HsebalDtn Wbcn Mayor Pearce first vent ta hlm bYpniy onue or two votes Dr. lu is case il Lad the effeet and,à Pearce asked for. a recount. This beitig vhere It wasn't discernable1 mr.ltoers wltbiLit out, îLe akea waa granted andI Le noBed out Mn. witL ente, Le negiected it because1 mattr. wth is Jw, te *ukegn Husse>' Ly a Landtul of votes. At the II, Maniltested no pain. D*mican immedtatély acognized electIon Le defeated Mlayor Bidinger halîà hi. condition vas moit critical. la a Loti>' contested camj)aign. ~ --"- -Ilo IStaidately suggested that Le go Sao ereare ne L Y IL tetJlcaoanI ouuiîL tcanimissi0otn of goverument fromt A LIBERTY IL aPcialt tiere. May'or Pearce for tLe spring of 1915 ta the sprlng cfFO ,. M time vold not cousider It and this ?ar. Durng tLe lant part of is JIORSE FO 24000 lamltcd that Dr. RIoberts Lad cared tlerm L, is condition v-s snch thethIt for hlm succe.siully many yeani egao oten was difficuit torntlm b 1e pres- .'vcn 11e had a Jaw Infection, so h' eut at meetings, but he neyer missed Word Las been received ilu Uberty tfit ohfdent ho ecould de It nov. a méeting, ville, thet Peter Manning, a promis. ,1OWeYer, Dr: Roberta Inalated that H'dtuarnforeectexorIng three-year old -trotter, bred andI w"a waisornthlng digferevt khan L nelzdtl i coiion Of ownetI b> W. M. Wright, of Iàbert>'. Plii o vs a tx.-hbit0fhan.lnghealth vas îuch *thet Le vould I Rt ville andtItrained andt, driven by 1 Ëad lnaisted.the Mayor go te Chicago Le able toi serve. After retlrlng tram Hanry Putmen, aise oft lIbVtr v ,cand I ac ems .. BvinexamIn ted public office. Lectmade dal>' trips tai ville, vaf sold a few dayd,' tgo b lUa tI himedia tald a thrbis drug store for a time but several Tom Murphy, tLe famous turfipan, luP frtians 10bsassac. mniiaos on tncsr aL.exington, Ky., for the eun qf 821,- Bvin aud fixe other sysiausrmi thm tta h ie iej00 h otha ak0 :6j Mayr eame' onitongave up the drug, stare la May, dis- and lu a Promiaiug hop@ la futuritiw 1 Hct PanteePoing of ItItai ienepbew, W. stain-_________ Mmd n.Painlord Pearce, thua keePln 1the -'çs- kcieî1o 1 bis alIment vas cancer liltasuetinLefml-cuedl hag T.at..i lice rogtefaci that The drugsoevs at > .RcadKasa hrJI m had - Pain1IUWIUB ils cn- 0*-]P"mc. iter ai "W. W." la 186S. Luilie GelPPpcr ofCiuo aIn Other Counties g lnterestlng features la reterence tb ýfarm sales and values lu Othe r near- Ly conties 10110w: kDeKaîlbcounty-Numîicr et tracts Jý>1d tram 19165 10 Aprit 1. 1919, 360; ëceae 38,525; estlataed average true value of landI Per acre ApM-l 1, 1919. 8t926; average full aisessed value ut landI per acre April 1, 1919, $73.86. tL-alle caunt>' Number tracts soija from 1919 ta ApitI1. 1919, 239; acre- -age, 21,142. efflfenrY cotsnty-'rracts of land sld, 259; acreage, 28617; ctiMal.<l average truc velue ot land par amn- APrIl 1, 1.919. $175,75; averagi fuît àà- Passed value ut landI per acre April 1, 1919, 866.88. DixPage canty>'Tracts sojaI, 170; acreage, 10.34o; estimâteil average truc velue of landI Per acre April 1, 1919, U207; average fuIlassessed value Of landI peu acre ApnIl 1, 1919, $41.84. What Sales Show Ia thxe 22 countiei. lucluding Boone. Bureau, DeKalb, Du Page, Jo Davieias, KeasioiLake, i*Salle, Lee cMeer>', Mfacoupin, Marshsall, 'Mason, Mllard. 0gie, Peonla, Sangaman, fftark. @Oph. PUBon, Tawell, Whiteside, Wlaueba- 9O, 44 xecutor', mdminiaîratoes' and referees' sales and -isobate ap- Praisala of acre Propent>' made lu the yeens 1915 to M09 sud cam. Prisiug 84,967 acres. disclase that the average Parmce lhxeI by these sales andI appralsals vas $150-80 Ver acre. The average msseased value of the land@ -thu, soltIor apalsetI as 8ft.76 VeOr acr, and the ratio Of the assessed full value to îLe salesprice thug established lu court proceed- lugs va,. ouI>'44.27 per cent. Oa lie hais of 2o4 f tLe inost receut court sales sud appraisals, made siace Ian;. 11918, tLe assesament la 1918 reipre- scnle@d oui>' 40.1 '0 per cent orfth ver>' conservative Value&scatalilished b>' court proeedings, the &ves. prIe per acre belug $165.41. Policemen uh0 caler ains b ons. wlgthcut a Warrant *54.11.t MherfrW *bat splatuuliquors thcylAnd,' av vIobtlng thé 1rland 514thc hoieoc4e Mar' rigitI>'detesi- blitmcf ,thea, se nid ludge 0.imlla IAl<e Foreât~ , à 9 Imonsion GraysIAke &" d ajou, j-1. l Diamond Lke, Ucd 4. .I,,ter W I P I i Ckr . . .IIoc Punce Nort h Prre, îL E. TemlerR i1nt iucdNorth Chicago, J. A. Matlock J liI~ Palatin, E. 0. Cutsalt h a Of R ih m n d , R be rL E . O 'rte n T Criton Volo, to be 8uPPlied st.Ke Wauconda, E. C. Palmer he Rev Waukegn, J.' M. Phelps Vauke. Wtlmette, Joseph 4 ~.Waker . Woodtock, F. A. Grahamn pait or Eo ir City,' y M or ioti l a few 'Highland Park, IL. 1). Dck ~I !II t 1 Grat j ecra* A.0ointmente ~I C a thapapinUS. Aruxy, ~ or the ly end vai in taltion jrk foi lth Il i homle ced to ýlook <'oin- Hlihland I-rc'uadorlî hautr- ence D.A. fhaYes; IL.F, liit. proossors i.E. itompell, <'La, min Great Lakesj Mr. and Mns. August Sonnenberg, 46 Malewood avenue, have announced the marriage ot their daughter, Aima D., ta 'Maurice Johnson of Waukffln. Trhe oarriage took Pl .ace on May 17, 1919, nt Crown Point, Indiana, Lut the eQuple kepî l secret tintil lest nlgbt. Mfr and M.'irîJohnuson wili me te thetr'homne on Vtica street, Wauke:gan1 atter thef iraI of noît weei. -Kenoaha New~ [ A New Tangle in Affairs of the Road in Western Lake County just Arises. NEW BONDS NEVER ISSUEU' As a result of coutisei for tLe Wam- couda a'îd Palatini Railroad faing (0 file the bod hch gave thora the righi te apypeal a decision rm 1the Il - Hi conty outm0f LakPe-CnnyIt - USA rEEU Fil -~U W S. and H. Trad. Ing Stanpe are the means of lot- ting many band. som. and usetul articles for thé home absolttely Dr Qu.aityand-StYi. ans-uetor Va-0 Good =~tera" wlilat- Good deignlng dose not Pgouou f 4ywk l*za àeunor lm..ootu'4 mansbi &ditluM d1UýabIy togehe.,produoii gaamenta Of Oapmwerqu1lywhlo iWzl i" = F'utp faction, for .,1 dollar IVOtsd 4, d la thee of iigb priet -«0 re.heonly kid of garments, ~,worthy of cobsideratlon, and we are proud gdat the only -kid w.eciallieon. It la an "usually complete assortment of Suite S thatgetah shopper at this store. From the-best bousz =m mrica have corne the more exclusive styles as well as the nWore conservative and mb»der- -ate priced garments. Suits of tricotine, velours - .silvertones, etc., ripple jackets rnany are fur trirni- rned; otiiers show oelxbroidery cleveriy applied. ~ A wide range of pricea offers an exceptkond. chance for choosing at $39.75, 47l.5O, 59.175, 81.50 and up to $3 Coats of warmnth and beauty Mark the styles on display at this time. Many neiv arrivals have been added featuring the ncw shades of brown and other colors as seasonable. Soft fur collars ar-e a feature $22.50, $25, 12V .50, $35 and ut> to $5 A Special Showing of the New Dresses Tbeie drmsMarebtrcty new and temapt- ing*Y faublond i the richlUitrous n*terla usuch W h a-s=rg, tricotie, satinsauand fine -Gergettea, and ther. SeeÈU tobeb.no eMd ti heclever con*lna. lion mdcolorig ----r-----g are for the. Part* f braldsanad « oeiodery very artistlcfl placéd. À4 special showing of these handsorne dresses wfill be featured for the next three days, and ivili include a wide selection of mîodes that will ieet the clérands for a great inmny social occasions, and you .will find th4t we are îîot exagerating wheu we-SaY that th_,é values are unusînilly good At thms prices..$5 L quantinpea OU Pan riv SIX PAGES PEU YEAR IN ADVAý VU M u u à 9.1 Uu