Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 23 Oct 1919, p. 4

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oerty Llle Independent t, ýCei;ttyIndependet - Waufeegan Weeky Sun Office Tilephone Number 1. Libertyville Exchange. Mstered st -w Potolh e exai 1Irer-:vvllle, Ili., aseSecond CI&>[; Mail matter officiai Publication for The Village of Libert'.wille. OffCIMl publication for Lake Coufty Board of Supervisora' Proceedînge ud Every Thuretday mdvýraë1ng Rates Mdade EKnown On ApplIcation IlSSORipTiON PRICE. 01.60 PER frFAR STRICTLY IN AUVANCE J. MI4...................... .................... Editor O. SMIT.......................... ............. manager M . ECK HARDT........................Local Managerl OUR POLIOY. Illustrative of the hopes and plans of the new Dally suwe trust our readers wMi pardon the personal touch sWen4o the public in te publication of the notice below. "We Wa no thought of prmntmg it in our coluxmus but, a!- -'t it had been posted 'n the Sun office, a business man, -reading it, said: "Why don't you publiah that in the pa- per-t sows ourintentions so forcefuily that I believe it wuld e fie toprint it,"t .Aud so. here it la: NOW TIIAT WE HAVE ONE PAPER LN WAUKEGAN WE MUST REMEMBER: First: Thiat the lack of competition rnustn 't slow up our efforts ini the least beeanse if w-e permit this the pub- Bic 'wiil soon catch on and wc will suffer as,,a resuit. SECONID: Just beeause there is one paper it should :be our aimi to make that one paper ci-en bettçr than whcn iýhere were two papers in town and we were trying to inaeours etter thali the other. Third: It should te our aini at ail tirnes to be cour- teous to- the publie. In fact we need to be more cour- "-eus now with one paper than we did when there wcre two papers. Our position right 110W 15 not nearly so in- dependont as regards the public as it was when there eere two papers in1 town. Fourth: It is our intention to go to press at 3:30 o'- dlock daily if possible. In faýt as time goes on that will lb. an inviolatç rule to bit the press at 3:30. This is nec- musary because of the increased circulation and our lim- tted press facilities at the presenît timie. 1The succcssful bisjness man is the one who as a rule eoneedes that the custorner Us right and he is wvrong. ' Mere are some firms that always concede the customer -je right just because they consider it good business bpoliey. 5 1, wiII flot always conceede that we are wrong -and the '.Mstomer 15 right but as a rule let's give the customer the Yodvantage of the doubt. Let 's be courteous, kind and Cnhderate about the treatment to oui patrons. Just because we go to press at 3:30 eaeh day mnust .iot be taken as an indication that the day's wèrk. is done 41 that tinte. The early press hour is designed nat ouly fer the pur-pose of getting the papers out on time that certain day but to give opportunity to start in an the fol- flowing day's work. It should be of great help in that tespect. Wýe ail have the biggest job o nour hands that we lave ver 1usd befors because the publie is going ta look to ua to, do things that have neyer been done before. Let's Malte tb.e publie take this consolidation of newspapers as the bea thing that bas ever happened in Waukegan. We eau do it by ail joining oui efforts and pîoving ta them that theyr neyer needed but one real newspaqer. This notice is posted in ail departments of the Sun wlth a kinxlly feeling and a hope that everybody in the ýýImpoy of the Sun wil realize that it is not nmeaiut in the. W&y of criticism but merely as a suggestion in our efforts to erpaad and make oui paper somebng fhat i'we w ail be proud of even more so tiumIn thie past. W. 9. 6 1. G. S)rrInT through the deal consumnýated yesterday, the Sun not Znly takeS o'e the subscription lst but purchases thle enureeqp;eent, good wiil, etc., o! the Daily Gazette. Now that a consolidation o! papers bas been brought "bout and because there is going ta be but one paper mi tiie field from now on, the Sun desireg ta nzake its posi- fion known to the eonunity ini the foilowing: It wil -hië oui chie! aim tot issue the best newspaper bf'faWaukegan hs ever ha. This " be m nade pos- blea~thereùlto!the general change bemng brought î "out in the re-adjustment of the office and mechaical .ofSes o! the Sun'. - With competition and factional strife eliminated as A resuIt o! the presence of but one paper, we are sure t the conmunity wfl benefit by and wilappreciate the change. It is going ta be oui main business ta issue e newspaper which wilil satisfy ail factions, if such a thing JO possble. The Daily Sun before the consolidation, bas bad a éjieuationo! close ta 4,000 subscribers. The addition 61 tle Daily Gaztte's list bings the circulation up hW beyond that camred by the overage newspapeî in a 'dty the aise o! Waukegan. anvwliere in the caunty. This -Io #ue ta the tact, that bath Waukegan papers have been so eonspîcuously meritorious that ýverybody in the cani- >uasdt ) taken either one or th. other o! thetwo pa- U «ou téPum e 14. péliey o! MMUuanitY and Wei - - - T~lli~l~1i~PEDEN, THIRSÂYOCTOBER 23, 1919. trtust wve wiil have the ca-aperation of cvery citizen in doing this. With but one paper in the coniunity', we recognize aur great responsibiity aud cannot beittie the fact that one paper wiil yield considerable influence. Ac- eordingly it wiil be aur desire ta use that influence for the best intercsts of the coxwxiunity and for the best things in civic devclapment and industrial progress that cau be foruwulated. To obtain the best results we wlil have to bc aided by every man, woùnan, and ehild in the commrunity and we trust we shail deserve their hearty support. In retiring tramt the newspaper field, James Wood- man, who has been editor of the Gazette, does s0 with the realizajiion thÀt lie basput in several liard years of bard work in endeavoring ta carry on a newspaper whieh bas had an up-bull raad for a number o! years. Mr. Wood- man surnmXnted many obstacles but frankly. for some tiîne past, lias realized that the situation in Waukegan because o! the great expense o! running a newspaper nowx as compared tô what it used ta, be, had alinost necessitat- cd the consolidation a! the. papers if cither one was ta get on successfully. The fact o! the, matter is that the sug- gestion of consolidating the papers cam~e ta the Sun from Mi. Waodman, who, as a business man recognized the change in conditions brouglit upon Waukcegan through increased casts and who had felt for some tirne past that a nierger would be*the only solution. In this conjunction the Daily Sun desires ta state that it lias suceceedcd in a marked manner since the pres- cntowners, W. J. and F. G. Smith, purchascd the prop- ertyilu1911. Wc werc able ta do this because our friends co-opcratcd with us and because we playcd square with ail thiugs pertaining to the intcrests of thecity. How- ever, if oui friends had nQt stood with us wc would not have succeedcd and accordingly at this time w-e take thc oppartunity to express oui deep thanks and gratitude for evcrvthing that hap been done in the line of eo-opera- tion with us in issuing the splendid paper that bas corne front oui press during the past several years. It wil l ow be oui aira ta improve it vcry nteriallY as tirne goes on and while everything cannot bc. adjustcd in a fcw days in sucli an important transaction. w-e are confident that in a short time the publie ivili appîcciate the change and realize that it lias been a goodl thing for the.( eonËiïnitv that sucb a merger lias been brouglit about. Announcement! Wau?!Pgan, Oct. 18. The DaiM' Otiette thla evening prtnts the falowlng: With this issue The Waukegan Daily Gazette csam publication. Thý subscriptian lietu, good will and ail physical assets have beca purchased by William J. and Frank G. Smith, publishers of 'Me Wakegan Sun and Libertyville Inde. pendent. Beginnmng Man&ay, October 20, Waukegan wMIlb. sçrved by one newspaper, published in lUe Sun plant. I Ail phd in advauce subocriptiona ta The Gazette wil be fifled by the. consolidated paper. Ail arw lai sub- acription are due aud payabl to Mesr.Smith. - AU ainounts due flm Gazette except subecription a i countr are due and piYshIe to the. underigu.d. Ilc consolklmtion of the newepapers of this city in a matter of propresu i ecornomy, coupled with dme possi Màity of gviug the. people a publication suci as a tIug conimunity demanda The conditions whicli bave prevailo for the Paut three years have beau sucli that two newspaperscoul Dot exut and eara a suitable profit for those engaged iu the business. flue Present du1ortage in labor snd tAe higli coet of paper aud other maeials, bruns about au o'verhed ex pense which can only ha met by a great increse lu ad-. Vertisiug rates,. as weJI as au advance in the subocription puices. To ack tiie marchante to support two newspapers et a marked advauc. in advotiing rates was not possie They oaai ford to yone paper a fair puce, when it covers the entrre .d 1Mucli good wil core of the consolidation; a better newsupaper oa e hwmsehed the public, more modem equwpment ca e purchased sud a larger paper assued. Factionalîsism a Wazuen will die -out, and the pub- ishers cif th only puperw if d itposhbe tocouduct a uewspaper as a business, sud not as an organ for any onc clique or faction. 'Me scharner andprqadt wiil find it difficudt ta ply tlieir trades, as, iycsun o loge play on. ep agamest the other nutil .11the joy of l'*ivigs rubbdout. - H-undreds of cities bave e . uenced uba taken Place in Waukeaan, and lu each instance it lma proved beneficial toalal concerneud The great iuvestmut mad by Mesar. Smith inl tak- ing over 'Me Gazette sud consiidting it with The Sun entities them ta the approimatioul of every citizen of this citY. fluey sbould ha supporied in théir big undcrtaking- ta give Waukegan su up-t-dte daily uowspapcr. For al the support &W courtes ies euiJ during the pat years we wish to express aur saucere thauks aud gratitude, and forecast a splendid future for Waukepun andi ità bigger, better nwppr Very truly yours, THE GAZTTE PUBUSHNC CO. X K LRichard=4 ,Pies, E- 1' ALLE4iD BEER RUN* NERS REIIELD IN BONDS Of $2400 Seven alleged beer uniere were arralnged beforn Justice Rlshoý t. Mion clty Prlday nlght and wre placpd under bonda oÉ $2,000. There cases were contlnued for ten days. Joseph Oltusky of Waulcegan acted as bonds- man and allowed the seven defendants to obtain their freedoni about ten- Lhrty o'clock la thxe tvening. The -men were booked as follows: WMIlam Stm.--Kenos<a. JOB. lHoneymxan-Kenosha. Mari Hannan-Kenoslxa. Henry Goetz-Chicago. Elmer. Sahz--Chicago. iobn Ooetz--Chicago. Hugo Lencloni-Kenoeha. The Mion Police are Informed that one Chicago man suoceeded in malt- Ing hie escape. &IFW PA'STOR IS RATES-10 Cents per Urne, LachiInsertion. 20 Cents MN"umm Chafrge + REAL ESTÂTE + FOR SALE OR RiENT-5 roorn houe on Ellis avenue. B. H. Miller. 48-1 FOR 8ALE-Cboice ma.ldence lot@ on MCKIley Ave. MIA. orirnen. 2.4 jFOR SALE-A welI located, nearly new; thoroughly modern, 7 room houe lin Libertyville; two blocks from, car Une. Poesession any time. F. M. Harding, Area, Ill. Phone 184-J. 4Otf FOR SALE- -Eigbt room modern bouse; ver>' Oùe location; band>' A real bargaîn; everyl mprovement. Oood terme; priceeattractive.Clive me a cbance ta show >'ou thîs fine home and I amx surf you will wanit it. Cali me as Lake Bluff, Phone 816. V. W. Bnrris. t 88-tf FOR QUICK SALE-In Lihertyvilis. 8 room modern houes; 100 'feet front- tage; close ta electrie and steaux road. Ver>' fine; $4,500.. V. W. Durris, Lake Blnff. Phone 816 88-tf FOR SALE-Sow with nine pige. Missen Hironimn' WjlIow Farux. FremoateCenter. Phone 299-W-2. 42-2 WANtED-Dining romr and kitchen help. Apply Fueste Hotel, Sheboygan, Win. 42-2 WANTED-Janitur,. Alî ll io, p' churcb, Liberiyvii. WANTED-&lenor %% on,,n titakeoi, fre ampng friends sui] '..iglxbor« forthee genuine guaranteed lii,-lery. fulit)(- for mnen, women, aend chilorexx. Eliminates darnleg; savre mouex: " vpryhody buys. A bonanza for agents. Experýencenuu- nocemary. - Wrise the Intsernationai ëtocklng Miii, Norrliowrx. Ia. 88.12 OELAYS THIS YEAR ARE DANGER- ou@, order Storlît imai. Efirly ion -Institutions & lndusîries-, 1>-pt. 4, Zion CiI>'. II. Phone 49 Monu City. 211 i~d 1aINA b5 a ave gorne ver>' fne npto-dateblolsui m r- Liqufirl ior u, ea ulte Ai ~s~ at prices front $.500. $8.000, $"'00, modern cu Veimeuî-es,'%% Il i *î$10Per $4.700, $6,000, $7.500 te $8.500. Ali ,eek for -ampetent io-11. Ire Illiamn MET BY CLOSED modern, iep:v iocat d. wlil be pléesed her, Lake Nilla bav DO RS SE LL Y FOR SALE--ibo Grande Valley Af PL:bite apples un track about Texas. Irrigated lands that beat the November 1. liest he Ccr raised. The Rev. Stuart Blerton Etdrund- world for richness of soilIaand ail year Plasce urders wth Il.N. Maxham. it aon, the $10,00 a year tneurance rudciae e utnn fAflaFRSL it-,r agfrwo mxan who gave up this salar>' te be-ronclmt Te utnafAlaaFO SLE Ktexrngfrwd corne the $2.600 pastor of the Lake in one year. 200 bushels of potatoes;I or coal; Blue flierre3 bumer i'erfec- Forest Methodlilt chureb, VeaLcled 80 bushels (,f corn and 10 tonso.f cabbage i on oil stove; dm01 -af dining table;, bis finit germon Sunda>' la a vacant from the saine acre. Figure that.- up.I kitchen tabli-. ?dr.s. King, Broadway atome buildlnit before 26 persans. Mr. Edmundson an arlving at big But grape fruit be-ats them ail for Profit. and Second St., -.iI*ertyvillh-. 43-1 temporary cburch building founfi the We take you down and bat for $.0Mtend FOrAE%,en it,'ii- aite doors locked and the key fusi. Un- prove what we say. Excursions ever y lbe lw.IvurýIdled dismayed. the minlater led the con- two wçeks. John H. Hlolmes, 907 Otis h, lw t-ur ueed gregation thru an aile>' te a rear 0111e.43-.2 doar whlch was open. Building. Chicago, Ill. 42-tf of___ __ FOR SALE--Illinois farn: alt a bra FOR SALE-hi.'-q i r-o,,a.. dlnlng NAVY FOOD OFFERED FOR SALE price. We have 275 acres in Pope table. 1I citai1'l 11-lIIaoking caunty. Ill.. for sale et Z15.000 and it lis glass. 1 crusil litritrv ttxiii.1 iiiil -exiler Waîîkran people whx oehll dan ,a reaisa.Tepaei mpoe ihtbeM@-_I iijm4. apportunity te try arnmy gloires nov Isip hplciipoewihtbeir u ia- 3 are to have an opportunity tqI. pur- g )odilbut obd set. of buildings aend much SITUATION WANTEO fOn à farox by chase navy sonres ucror'lnxr ino1on oý cf it in c-.ip. Ail of the land is high a hoy 17 yfarsolol.R,-lial,le tend guod fer made in the local clty commission and dry. Tiere is a lot of big oak atnd w,,rker. Telephor.- L.akoe Villa 113-W. by thee euarxerxnae c?, O -xm- 1Ial hickory sao4 timber. This would make 43-1 the Great Lakea aval Training Ets- a fine hice a lago tc edganWNTDte .'ouIg lt- w Lion î ea tago tc n ri v iilzI1îhtw Mayor Bidfinger laIsnlurrelpt of a tarin. If ,old l'y Nov. lat, possesin l, four fIciJ-. ,' % rnWi x.i, cterr in whirh anl offer 14 made lx self 'tan bcbhal and sorne good milk iitA -i'lintc 15,2 J 1-if Waultegan a lirlrted ainouint.of pro vi- wili go with the farmi. Ih is noow rented sions froait he naval station. Thesio - WANTEO) AT ONCE-Iit-%fo~r d'.lI-ery ProvIsions are tc he %oId at criat, and for have of everything. It is only four vink. Apli> Merchaut lelvery Co., the garnes as vas dane In the cage cf ux les east of Simpson -,n :the i. C. Pbîî.. 40 432~ thc army sitores wlîlch vere purchas- Juhhn H. Holmes, 9r4(ti4 Building'- ed hero so ltherall>'. Chicago, 111. -42tf WANTED-Guod girl for general bouse- The foliowing list of avallr.ble fooud__________- ,rk. Applv aftexb-r 24. C. stuifs. together Wth the number ai FOR RENT-40 acre farte. Inquime C3l Kli ehauer. 43-tf articles ta the caoe and the aize of Independent office. 43-2 ----u- - each. follova s-.---- FOR SALE-One coot stove good »s String beats. sue No. 2. 24 In case. 't 1GEJIN~U new; 3 î,iece oak bedraom set, 1 Caorn.,No.210ise, 26 lu c ase. WNE - il e rnr l dresser, 1 China cioset, 54 piece blue- Coma No 2 îze 24lu nae. ANTt-~rl or enera1 boue bird tes set, 1 kitchen table, 1 rocker, Jam. No. 10 sise, 6 ln a case. work., C. R. Wbie, 414 Jullan - Pela. No. 2 size, 24 Iu a case *-ir-i.4;,-. «, 1..; 8 dtning room chalrs, 1 sanitary coucli, Pickles, 90 Ilb. keg. ___________-o*,her articles. Must Le sldby Novern- Prunes (prcpared> slîe 10. 6 in casg-. FUR SALE-l'aî, -oi l Ten cents peri ber tirat. Cali evi-nings. Mrs. Marjou Taxnatoes, No. 3 rnze. 21 in a ca.- ,juudi.dF H %6ells 41 King,.Second andBEroaday St. 412 "This looks like a splt-n<id opror- tunît>' for Waukegan people ta pur chasechasc provisions a c-at,' Mayor MIRER -NT TESERF Tine>dprnnih.a'îce Bidlngc-r saiol. "I sliahappoint somne- IS ____ENSHE_ E IFF s o nOi eprix en L as nas l tatiof One In Waukegan to taki- charge o ubhî ! hrf 4wo liaitli ta a t L-Jraesinavadeute ,oh the menter, an4i local people vho wish Inbhlof hei Ge wobctOlPr-abWj.dBDete to make purchales oan do go thru lmi. was mlsrepreeented in a citiain 1 tact that duringtheb, war lt wa 1 shall lok finto tee matter more fuli>' newspaper priuîedi outaide of t.,àe increased lu slze-untll IL becarne the and learn jxst vhat prices are te, ho caunt> te Suin prints this letter b>' gNeatest1lixavti1 #xtxjuÀg st4tIon In azked for the varions artices.'" request: th world.. -That Wenkegan people will ta gîsi Octdier 1-5, 1919. 1.ubhie telegram Wlr. Hollister agi- te avail themuelves of tels opportunît>' The New Nlalorit>'. ed Secretar>' Duels taeoneider. in lndicated b>' tee liberai purclsase 166 W. Washington street, tiret of &Il, the location of th, st- of army food supplies. Alredy twen Ch4cago, 111. tion. He pointed out tbat t la the t>-slx tons of this food have been ase Gentlemen: best lu 1ho enLiTe middieveeSt for a relved Mud deliyered hoemand thee z- lu your issue of Oc. il, 1919, yeur big tmtnlflg gatloc. dors are nlot yet led article hoaded -WauLkegan Strîkers He poînted also vhal lba been se- 81.53 Run Striai>." en itIl have complished b>' the station diurng read over the heading "Sheriff Ad- tee period test It was need Se M«Yrtie B. Waltt o! Round Lake, vocates Violatea" and 1 am quoted vitaîllY. He calledl attqntion aise tO Sied a suit for dive in circuit o= ne havlng told tee audience that the the pasent eue» of the planutt and aet Wankegan toda>' agaînst ber hu.eteel trust gunmen'vere àpoiling for equlputent, pointlng Olt tha econouxi ban, Carls E Wat. he ifea chance te apill blood. That i eaid lons of reducin> te nUmbes' of inca teat Sheriff Green efteis county toLId under trainin. charges teat on AprII 29 of t"ieye, me personaliy tesit te. beet va>' te «'I ho"e thst ve viii be able t0 ber huabanfi vas Intimate vlth Hteeî hring thoge steel strikers te Useir Indue. the xvy dePaitment that Mloorehose. She Bay' ebesveoi. seules vas to go out and kill a dozen ther should be no redaction, In Dise numerus oter aloged f tileum, and that t varued the etrik- of tee station." Mr. Molleoter sald. numros oee alegd ndiecretion ers that the steel trust vwu becoming "Il »sa5ns a samle thst this von- vrite vomen 1"08e namnes ah, daes desperate aend would besitat at noth- derfuî sation vlth ail its nalural adi- fl knov. 'Me Waits have four chiid- Ing be breuak up tee union. . vanages. shbould return tel.e former ren hon.mamn .. a- .. In justice te ahertif (Green, i muet aise" * ea wa5,se Dames andau seare as foliowe: Rbyt>, eged il; Georgianna, aged 8. DorIs tend Douglas, each B<ed 6. IMPORT MEXIGAN WORKERS COnsiderable excitement prevailed at Northt Chicago toda>' vheu It b.- cama ktown thal the Vulanlouts- ville Smeig vomIs baS hrought lu la ail about futeon Mezucans vbo have beon placeS at vork iu place o! men vho recenti>' strucit. Six of those Moxîcaute vere vomI- ing UV totaDoon anS thon aine more vere taken In b>' one of the foremen. flecause of the importation a! the Mevicans a report prevailed that thee strîkers ver. golng ta retaliate b>' causlng serions tdouble. Accordlflg 10 Mm. Hausauovsky, this la flot the tact. Ho chats? t noon that te> would just continue plcktlix> the plant teepiant and Dot cause trouble,, If the coman>' ants to hîro Mou'- cane, let theA ire thema. strikebreake admitted that some aileS about tee preseace of Moxican An officiai o! the company vhen asited about tee presenoce of Max- ican etrikesfxslalers, admItted teat lame Men baS been hrougbt lu La vork, teat the>' were on te job tend te plant le operatlng ta our comPlete satisfaction, that "the force la plcktRg up euch day anS our ovn men are rotumning ta vork In a satisfactor>' Cuites lneomnf&I on the theer>'test luomlao ue« b>' lemming thee uolature la i bauis n bagu"- eanvw~I iotuas ailoying veu', h? a67tan i- Iliu.d ei' ta be brmes Pa>' Lhab this gtstemexxt la not tmue and tbe.t I vas misquoted b>' the reporter vixo gave you tee stor>'. I did advocate teat the ariters avoid ail lavleosnessanaud dtisorder at al ime, an I bold them that tee Sixeriff said to me If ho did shoot, kt would be 'to.k1l1; 1 toid tltemaiso test al of tee deputieu vere armed aud test Lhers vould bever>' serions troubue If an>' riotînx verts started, 1 neyer sald test the abertif threatened to .go ont tand Iili a dosen 0f hem;" nom that te ebertiff vae"spoiling fer a chance to spiil blood." WhIie 1 hav, flot aiwaya agreed with SherifE Green's policy ln the bandllng o! the trike, tu aU fairness to hlm, I feel teat this retracion and statement ehould be made b>' me and that you glie ILtee same publ- cIVl>un YOU,. çublication op yoet haye the firet story'. i am vîiliug 10 do overytein>' possibi, 10 help teitt- ors, but 1 do not 111e to ho misquoted, especiali>' vlth referenaxe t an oMiai vho bas trieS to itsep order as vol1 as Sherif! Green bas. , i arn sure you wiii realize that lteé onl>' reason t am sending this letter le ln an endeavor ta ho. fair to ai1 sides. Respecttuly yoStrU. JAMES A. MIlLLEIR. Attorney. PROTEST CUTTINO DOWN - STATION Secrçtar>' W. C. Hollisteraofté Waukegan Chamber ci Commercetô- daY sent a tlegrezu to JOeePlIi qjsxiels. s"Mrt&"? otfte BTY, In (Vbkh xhoe ftered a vishO% eproteet agalnit thse propoeed réduction la aie eof he Greet Laee naval statIon. FACTORY OWNERS FINED Tva North Chicago factory owners end o ne Waukegsu factor>' ovier veme armented Lods>' for vilationi et thse chlld ishor law, on evidence suppliei! b> W. H . Smiith sud Albert Rostonkovakl, Seputy sate OfactOx? Inspectera. The'vere taiten hefore MagistraLe Walter à. Taylor andsas' sessed flues. The employers arreeted an~d fineS foiiov: Davie.Watkins Machiner>' Co. ,Ne. Chîcago-$1O enS coets. Goeiitz confectiuflery Co., North Chicago-$10 anS coets. Nelson Machine Co., Wakegan --410 am Casta. BILLY RUE FARM SOLD SATURDAY; BiIUNiS $50410 Wetkgn Oct-18. TeI>'Geo farm p ren s> road, consiating of 149 acres, 5J" west o! Waukogan. hb bsa ld te Lare Pihi, Chicago. The transaction is made Baturda>' b>'th* T. J. Stabi. rosi exste compan>'. T» considef,- tion la -aid ta be lu tihe nelbborbood Of $50,00'. Thse tarai *aevneI by Stanley' Nabmepewlicmfor the puit tvo Tb thee vhs there t I pla q& wo 11

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