Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 23 Oct 1919, p. 5

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lrànýERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, TliuRS"AT, OCTOÀB'ER 23, 1919. --------- - -a *..a * ..a * aa I -0 jRUDY MOIST AIR FURNÂCES Ife Ng tir il Pr Oc THE RUDY DIVING FUJE FURNACE PIPE AND PIPELESS A Good Furnace., Instalied Right, It Is a Good Heating Plant We Knoiv IIow to Do This Schanck Hardware'"Co. MONTH-END SALE' -~at- Corlett's Gîocery & Market OCTOBER 24. 25 2 and 28 Pot Roast of Natve Beed, per lb. ... 23C Roui'J Steak, PC- lb .......... 32c Boiling Beef, per IL 20c Pork Loin Roast, small loins, lb: 7-2c Plate Beef, fancy beef, per lb.. . 12C Pure Lard, per lb. 35e Will make a special price on a whole chuck or round. Highest Market Prioe Paid for Strictly Fresh Eggs - Phones 339-340 MEN WANTED! Steady work ail winter and year 'round for good men. Good wages to start and chancesfor advancement and to share in bk- nuses paid twice a month. Good working conditions. AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO. LIBERTY VILLE ALEX FELDMAN . TELEPHONE 307-J UBSERTYVILLE, ILL. 1 Pay the Highest Pricea i * fer, Junk and OId Autos Automobile Part for Sal AIBARGAIN IN 0000 READING Thirt?-five volumes of the. best read- lng-in weekly instalert-for lms Uian five cents a week. That je mat what The Youth's Companion offer for 192 really means The contents Of thie aew volume, whichi wii l inludg 8 8e0,W alsiea. over 200 short tori%, fatj'or more articles by met of grau tattaa. M..t. skO&tcfe. sPeclaldeperlmust Md ,uJg, woold -as £oodUMAU (at $1.66 eacb) if publisbed in book forni. Not a lin. s waste reading. You get someteing alwaye wortb rememltering, wortb using as a guide te your tbouXht andi actions. If you subecribe as eoon as you sme this notice you will receive aIl the extras mentionet inluthe foljowing offer, includ- ing the. opening chaptere of Harry'a Herd, a fascinating, 10-chapter story of lite on a cattle ranch. New sube riters for 1920 will receive: 1 The Youth's Companion-52 issues in 1920. 2 AIl remaining weekly 1919 issues. 3 Ttc Companion Home Calender for 1920. AIl the. stove for P.60. 4 McCall's Magazine for 1920, 11.00- thie montbly fastion authority. floth ipublications for only P.96. THE YOUTH-'S COMPANION Comniowaaltli Ave. and St. Paul St.. Boaton, MaU.& New aubacription receiveti at tMge Libertyvile7"News J. S. Gridley spentFriday ir Chicago' Mrs. Josiah Ward/icasa ci vreistr Tuesday. Mrs W. Manzer of Lo<,n -i sen Friday in Libertyvilie. Mrs. Belle Corbin of Elgin, .> a guest at the E. W. Butterfield. Miss Myrtie Smale has a cpelted ai position in the'W. W. Carrol rore. Mrs. J. T. Davis vsited witl. riends in lvanhoe the latter part of last aeek. Mrs. Leslie E. Warren and Iaughter, Barbara, spent Friday with h.ýr parents. Miss Rate Carroll left Satt.rday for a two weeko visit with relatives in Cincinnati, Ohio. Miss Sarah Jenkins of KanLrkec, Ili., ie visrting at the borne of her aura, M rs. Edward Lynch. Mrs. Gordon Ray and littir son, are spending a few days with Nlrs. Rayas parente, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Sthanck. The Rev. M. S. Freeman ha.. been transferred from Aurora to 4 irgon, Ili. lirs. Freeman je the sisteroi lic. E. H. Smnith. Mir. and Mrs. John SuYI:.Tt and son, Mr. and lIre. John Suydair, Sr., and Mary Morse lm ill n ti r ecrlet i.'vér. Mir@. George l.lp)plnî'ott I.A on the elck Vote for good roadco iol im.ue on Novemlîer 4thl. Mir%. Lulu M.attockco was a city vislrîîr ne day thîs week. tir. Paul Hiekm vlied alIt relatives. i Lake Zurich thi4 week. lirs. D. RItzenthaler vioited with rela- veé ilu Prairie View lae§t week. DO you want giood roadi? Vote for Bond issue at No, emher eleetion. Mr@. Bertha Bili and MWs Zearian i verett, errent Tuesduv nrght with tire. F.Bock. Mir. and'Mro. C. 1). Nicholîs are the. )roud parent@ of twlnm, born Sunday, )ctgber 19. .A nuuber of young pe'ople froru here attcnded the dane e t Round Laike Saturday ight Give 1Lake county aco(rnpeýte sy@ter of gond roadm. % ote ye for Bond leene (in Novcmnuber 4th- lire Webrenbergand sorn have retiirned retumned fruom a shorct clt with rmr. Wehrërbhcg's parents. tir. and tire I iienrY Hérie'ror Loîrg roue. ,NIcas. Frances Slusser mot,,i dt, lies- Miss Vene Whwler le oýintiil , t-r laines Sunday. Lroc relti, a sew'ýiantie se k, creuit otf! sGrace Cormack I. t I riday finw ofi tL-- srret car V 1 ea for her home lu Sutherlaro, , aiter irtrr,rg whe i t meto&ppiJ d w.crl lle a twî, weeks visit at the h. rne ,f her site wase standing ou the patioru, brother, Frarnk Kelsey Me(.,cîiiatk. Tite P. T.A. will mi%,' a îmnn Willie, the twel. ve year ,id son of party arttëlllgh seiool rîaevu.Mr and Mrs. John Thoma... sî,rained tfmtc 1.Aradrrrîeeion oi 10 cýuis bis ankie badly on Tueeday, when he for adulte and 5 celas for ebilýIren eil and other boys leaped front a hay stack i' i ha)frued. Everyoue imnrg-d t, atterid.1 wtile s' play. lire 0. 1,IWtw and dangitîr, ilary o1 Mca. 'Geo. Bulkley, daughter. Fannie Fri"anklin, l'a, are viiring lier 'i-ters. Field, and son, George Jr., ha\se gone %lise (George Eaton aud 5are..lplieîite Bloomington, after a seueral days n.d th, relatives in i(,,vn Wéedlneodity visat with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lulkley, th,'N acre guemts of iieiidm lut rl' :ater ttey will join Mr. Bulkleý, at the * I .rk Washington State College. At the nî,etrine oi the Aurivan Leu The tamious story, "Nirs. Wiggs of 1 à-t SaturIlry nîilut t Itire acrpe cîoirgli ' the Cabhage Patch"' will be shown two "o-eunt toappîîlv for thelrclirrer. 1'iherp nighte, Friday and Saturday (f this li . e, aritl,î'r ietlrrg ou <ito)ber 27, week. This je an interesting etory nt the tigtir eeool ti oriileta tljeî featuring Marguerite Clark. The ad- orgatnizatirîI. mission tee will be 10 and 2() cents. The W. C. T. U. n llii rrîet at the hiorme1 The North Shore League of the of lire. M R.tMiler nu Cook avenue,1 Lutheran Young People'e societY will Tneedàay afternrîin, October 28rlEt ire.1 meet here on October26th, at the Town Titibettei will he çreeni ro give lier Hiall. The meeting wiU] begin at 2:30 lu report oif ttc @tâte conventiorn a rchi the aternoon. Wilmette Society willl wae bid ~ Esas8e. ouisgîve a short play, Hlghland Park and A larewell reception for 1ev. T. E. i encoe wiil give a musical selection Ilearu was held at the Methodist rhurch and Libertyvilie will serve eats at .50 Monday evenlng. A large vrirwd wres' cents per person. preSent to bld Mr. Rearu and lit family good-hye. A home talent program was A community center ruovement je8 given. aiter whieh rcfrehbmento were bemng sponsored by the Men's Brother. eervd. ev.Reau ad frnry Ii ~hood of the Preshyterian churet, who Ttrday mrnln for tat. Carroli. fhope te have. tte equipmneut ready by Thurdaymoringfor t. arrll. the first of Nos ember, after wtich on On Friday, October 24th the High one evening of each week, table garnes school font hall team will play thc bir- andi other amusements will b. arrangeti gest gaine of the season, against Wau- in the churcth asement undcr the super- conda. This will. be the last game for vision of a brotherhood mrnber, wiio three wecks and the players would fi ke wil, be lu charge for the. evening. te, have everyone out te ses tiiern win. Everynne ie cordially invited to attend On Lberty Fieldi at 3:45 p. ni. snd assiat in making it a success. The membees and fiende of ithe M. E. _________ chuech prentsd BY. and Mr@. Ra. wlîh a beautilul lbrary table a. to"en of their appreclaion. Mr. Beam sud HIHS OLNTE famili de"is to oxprises their Lbhak toI Umm.. matil freaad, for the beautifual glft and express thoe lovs to thoir aayi The l4igh School Lunch Room fronde lu Llbertyville for .veey klndmee.The lunch roorn tatheicLlrtyrtlle and conslderation. . Township Higt setool opened Thursday Mi. and Mms.Word bad a famUy October 2usd. The lunch.waa served in reunlon lust Sunday, the occasion balon cafeterian style by Miss Ward'&Ssecond lir. Ward'@ blthday. The diffreat year Home Economny clam. mounhes of the faolly present wers: Almont aIl of the stuadente Who had1 Cifford. ibelr son Who le living wltb been brlnging colti lunches before now them, Mr. and aMes. Walter (irsenle.u of ought a warmn lunch. Someas"soWho Oak Park, wbo la hhir dangbter, Ger. bati been going home before, tayeti for trude; J. Duahîn and wlfs of VUil Park, lunch at uctool. another son and Miss Rassi Dustin, a Perhapa there are sorne people Who daugiitcr; Lsw Auvanougii. a frIend 01 do flot understanti how the. lunch is the faunl"..&@aIwo pissent. serveti wteu we say cafeterla style; it Liberty Theatre Friday and-Satrdy October 24 and 25 MARGUERITE CLARK in "MRS. WIGGS 0F THE CABRAGE PATCW'" JNDAY, OCT. 26 CHIARLES RAY in "%iad Boied"' le this way. Eact person getà bis tray, napkin, fork andi spoon whlcb are placeti et the front of ttc table reachlng nearly ttc lengtt of the rooni. H. passes ini front of this table and takes bis turn in getting whatever te wiaiiss ta eat. lu tuis way te does not have ta get morne.- tliing that te do. not care for. Each dish of food ie serveti by the. girls who do the cooking. At the end of the. table a check ie given which tells the. prie of what cach one tuya. Atter cach one tas al b. wants on bis tray te passes tete lunch rooni, wbicii ia thi. adjoining room and wtere tables andi chars are placeti. After the lunch la esten each one carnies -hie tray and distes tack te the cooking rpoin wiiere te got ttem. - Then te paysei.ainount bqteck calîs for te Miss Ward. %*e lunch anti cookim rne are in the. basemeut of the building, a very clean, warm anti dry place. It la niuct nicer te have warm lunch and overyone seems te te jollier than before because it i. juet like eatîng at homne. Lunches bave been serveti, eact day since the. opening oftte cafeteria. Mont of the. teacters anti the greùter part of the atudents buy lunch or a part of it. Evryonc 4oya the. warm lunch andi appreciates tbe work don.slby Miss Ward'a class. We al top. tiiat the. cafeteria wifl continue tu h. auceaaful. Fer AU. fbluamily, TI"a u~. Ch UTCh cÎrvdice: Presbyterian. Sunday sehool 10 a. ru. Preaching 11 ia. ri . rfi c nof ermnl, "[test for the %%Vary." special music. Preaehing 8 p. ni., topte of sermon, "The Irksorueriems i4llellwion." Specai mu.,,' Chrimtlan Endeavor 7:1-1). ru , tolile, M('rlotianiiy and the Health oi Cina." Leader, Edward Câaeev Prayer meeting, Wedniesday, (ct. 29. topic. 'Maklng Religion Attractive. Choir practiî'e Friilay evenurg, Oct. 24, %Ir. Ila&ttîson, cl.oIriter; Mrs. Durand, orgarîret. Boy Scouts and Catup Fire Oirls ii recelve &flfl)un3cemeut» lu regard to next meeting at the joint party, l.riday October 24. Woman'o Missionar 'y society will méet Thursday, October 130, ait thehome of tirs. Morgan. Kiudiy note that with the iret Sah. bath of November the homrlt thevenlafi preaehiug eervIce wilI 1,e changed tu 7:30. Mthodist Pastor Moves His famiIy ta Libertyville 1ev, C. 1F. Kicihauer , Lui'w astor of the Methoditt Epîle.,pai 'turî,, ut0 îîresched hie tiret sermon here Sunday, ru)cehis lami y here frici, Napecru le thîs week. He le a wood man for the te, cîrurct anud a il] Le weil likrd ty ail tte m(.mberenoft licclîirchel. 1lP diii vred a sîileudld scrrhon laet Sunday, tihe teat helng: -Wherever tan or îhree rire gathereti togeter lu my name, there amu U" LAKE COUNTY RURAL PROGRAM 0F METI400IST CHURCH-CEN- TERS IN GRAYSLAKE 11ev. A. F. Clark,. >D1., District Super. lntendent of Chicaîto Northcrn Ditrict, Rock RIver Coniererce preached InGrayo. lake Sunday mornigIn tte absence of ttc paetor, Rlev. J. C. t'nrpenier appoint- cd hy te ronferetce iasi Tuesday. lu connectiîîn wlth bi@ sermon Dr. Clark sprrke of ttc prograun for rural work in L.ake and ticlenry countice. effectlng some ixtaccu heces, ai work already donc, by 1ev. C. J. ncwitt, rc connectet wliih Northwestern Unlveri aud Garrestt Biblical Instituts, of the lation of these Institutions to theec 6 and of the work ol supervision in eh? oi Roy. Carpenter centered at Grass and Gage. Laks. This advanced1 gramngo ia lsady bInging ieomlalqg seite. Snrvsys have basa made c numbôf slda andi plans formula, A brasa band la one church hlan copllelad ladt and a lik. demnai another. Plans for a couamuclty boucsslasm stion wltb ooecboscb are la biad. Rloy. Carpenter. who bas speelalias rural work cornés, froin Batabrldgs.O0 00s la a does. cMau feoun Notbwes. University ad GarettBibî"leIs% tion. Ho h expoctdt tbsulvs tbosi part of tb. wesk adwill prem.b 9 15ouday ai 11:15 a. nm. aad 7-.0 p. m Re Opeaks la GagessLake churciiai a. Mi. Dr. Cardsne andi iamily wlll ocel the pareanagse. li lake Where- Are Your Liberty' Bonds? Numerous robberies have emphasi-zed the wvisdom of giving proper protection te valuables of ail kînds. MONEY AND LIBERTY BOIND3 are the two things most saught by iobbeus and shou]d be secu rely kept. Money'i. most secure in the bank. LIBERTY BONDS are most secure in our SAFE KEEPING DEPARTMENT. The service of this clepartment is free and can be made of great value to every hoider of Bonds. If you have LIBERTY BONDS thai you would like to have cared for, cal1 and inquire regardxng this service. The First National Banik of Libertyville, Illinois RESOURCES 0F MORE THAN HALF A MILLION DIbbff It is because we want and appreciae your patronage that we will go to tbeI1", to satiafy you here. We will give you ane hunclred dollars' wog* of service on a five dollar purchase as readily as en running into the thoiasands. în short, we ame here ta serve you. which asmsers of the highest grade af lumber service that bas been devise&. Try us and se.. I. f Ob ------- ------- ----------- ee z kted. TELEPHONE- AIJTOUMUA" 1 -c LONG DISTANCE 56-JIAB HARTMANN HOUSE )hlo.HENlRY HARTMANN, Prop- i -tu WHEELING, ILLINOIS IL On Miwauk.. Avume mm2"mhsâ o ý :muasssmaam so a:::m ...- ladependent CIasalied Ads Pay. Ask a. m i t I -- :1 -- - Now Receiving Largest and Best, Assortment of Ribbons we have ever shown, in Plain Colors, Flowered 'Patterns, Checks, Stripes and Brocades. W, W. CARROL~ SONS COMPANY.. We dos.Ila w engts j at "" Wosurdy mhta \ Làbertyville 4 1

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