Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 30 Oct 1919, p. 1

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r i - c ' ~ LIBERTYVI LLE LAKE COUNTYINDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT VA7fT.f cViJLi.A&V.L.-N. U44. FOURTKEN.PÂUES LIBlERTYILMLE, LkKEC COUNTY, llILNOIS, TIHJRSDÂY, OCTOBER 30, 1919. ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANflU. SCOUT MASTERS HAVE WONDERFUL" NIGHT IN 'WOOWS Novel Event Arranged and Ex- ecuted by 1Boys and '101d Man" Thursday Eve. MANY- AMUSINO INCIDENTS. Waukegan, Oct. 24. l'ctii t'n, i- citufiibli. iuiciti- of mfril, nitorel,i-e,Ici u>chi-wooda jttk51 non i (If l. ,i-r -cii- ili-mi illi-rtu ville tria. h.u ile iat;in and tflic-ci -- Joyi-d a Iîm-i-1m fieîuuuiiabli us lýifin u The weathuî-r -ms-aidi,-allis if wasa a acîmc rt l nielit ailUîuf it, -icuunt -à 10W 0ut fi!- ulf tri-s a-i-t- lîu: ri nguun-ii -ctof tiie-river un t c-Ic>- m-n ait,- u-uking îPii c, - ' -il '1-'- rici u a duziiiii-t i iiii -arci1 i 'tc -c ' ooIl. Trc i eî i], klî-, --fruit cînd outhi-r Ucni mu au 1 il Il 1 c lutiiai-i n tioi c-,wn icmtiiai', accricug About 1o tc ufit. 5UhPi't- s oanc-can-h Ii-bIc., fiecnCilins' a,ý: Ji gifec ii Iii 111ii ne i fie cliuii Th., hi' cI .- t111 i-ýJ cuounî l Il an-t tIle nu i-1i bîgan -cA giruat decti of-nilh ii:I4run aas eideucinced a-uit l5 I Iiclj i tiuagcî. la c > Plis ,s,oii,,-, efc. Tie tavort-u. song wats ninîrm.gadonkî-v fiaI'nwlcef- IN. sang'!(,c ,s lth.. Jans - This sas suujc cin 'he forni a! a roiud.iile of a donk.,v , wggfiug fthe bauds ah thie foiteicciiu or fie dais, E. C. Morgan. te lbcrtyî lle ucoiîfmastet, vus ciosen uo Judge fie tire.. best donkeys dunlng ftle singlng. Tiiese vene 1ev. H. E. Gauatem-, Rev. P Azbe anti a roop ornlffteemau frtanWinlimop lHarbot-. These tire.. aet-e tien reqîired te 8lng lie round aloI ro nl-tto!the Crawd t-a determîne tfiliaI wlnner, IWicii was inaly decideti b>'a rt- hIg vofe. Father Azbe was the win- uer. Tiey Isay fiat a 11h11.. tooliai- ness n0w ant iltenls enjayet b>' the Lest et men sait apparently> everyonue joyet If. .îr. ScoftPeer, a-as lieu lut ne. dumed, aou whin ever>uoue iooIed anoundt o see-,siiere lue was, a blood1l cunrdlung war iîopc s-i,- f nom ceilut thi c atmn antu hieeail kuew lie was liteseunt. liItisuncet in lu thfiire- ligite iremini-i..' tiils Incian yeliug andi moite a ltitI. talIt about ils early lire as l ,,»lai t'ierokee Inciait. fIe lien sang caiong In the Indian Ian, gucige, andîutifon -un Iudiaîu tiance arolîndti l i bic' ifa nunber of scout-c ac-usfuug. C' . 1.ltng, scout execufive, matie a few aumiiilc'iints, inciudiîag fle faiiowiue iei'saldti lai tietiist eiglîî'i r ra-n ahi>roul-im il uthte. smoum lii afilcIiai -i-rs us iuit ius e lie I)imivli.i- lui- 1uIng a-i ngtîin fliic ain s'. %i. Mi lorgngcitu soiuîuasfer of tiihe -Ivtii rooti andi]a sel k nonuc oh i.n Thisi-.Woulit tc- lie nigit Iic. 1hn-,iigeh tN oni'b-- ietcîk in tban fieluin-fflue wuii ariut li fî iboutl soti-tt ami citull,..hltle are.icilcen bltîîks hIli t te -li maid cmfini'ft uIi- su, l,- - ti- ti culi t hiiu-uu tii. c- - t cuîî - ic r> -i) ir.j- , (ixuci c ' 1 . 1 c il t m n, -- i cic, cnd i-i N(,%c I. %Ir icnt-icu. itarris ai i '-' - ii :,ii-i i ure anti iltuoc- tcilcof mIi> îccîtwai-k. 'lThi'i ill--i E. N%-. 3 iîii)ius Of '1ct- C190.îl, utcc i- 1cen iîa sl'ui tumt ir l-nei- tc ic, l ILft c- i liii knccc i 1,,tt "lroîîib is guiii unik ti ,i- o - - lt roctîu cd. lic- înîu ot -ccinvuî l' 1:. c-utc t i fi u-ecuiS IcS Ia li huit ici-1t1 -i uuu ia it l t1h 111' iii of bu, îril, si t cink4 ' iat ic- tnoas It lis cuuc H I, explict,d hîow <ne bey gui.;- u ltuio tic- mid tliii'>get fnolifi ouuc .u2litl, i-c-t ru iiscot ilg b>' iisiug a, Il , cvi--c tctc-i i i t ch fao long i -. u, --i cici w l - ireti tirce bcIf!, cmoneil at mliii.iccsu lith oi i., t iii - .ýhuli l Ii tcu li andmii tien askîdti ii i-c iitIs toîIl,)!(ci 1mb thie tIre.. icilis caid fom ultl 5' i i 40 bildthe-lOur cut-c.,fi t1i c unh. lie tlu-dil akuîîlu Inte 1r ai uic tiie- bal],Infiliii asiceti flcthe o ci - iu pulltfluenduts oifie concis Tie sunt-iiung ted-ut was tiat filue tu- bafîmsa,i}tccl ait fou, lie noc.Ilif. ", eut iri'ckiug fie cantis.le sati i the beginniligll.ait le hatim histapoll ---çdc-h- tuu iat he halul net i-m 'Zleenî, tbat nu oee ad eser acen, but -ha fitbue cmiI1l ii 'ith fienn d attr li . bailowucn Iut t fem ,nu oneo weruiri i-s'r - c-c If agalu. Af ieencuti -of bils allu he producet a Pr'anuf anti buokil, t t uanti irouiglut io lighîtt tlise n-st1cii un lb ing I udt liait nevtn been sec-il andtu Imn afe If s ono oner dise wu cîtlu - c rs..e u. He dtiiutu.mîil iow Ly utie o!fs- lot oif sinuulurin muca e dam enferfain s, gr-oup of boy',-andti mtfies arme' flime drive hem' c' thooigif worlia'hite. t T1wo or ilîne ?asligits wer.. taken I 11> Seoutinaster Fred Mare>', o? theo hoatiquaiters fr-fop, aslsted b>' Folds' Son Escapes Death - LOWDEN APPEAL.S ftOV'T. 68 BEER ____ URGfg Co CE S SWhen Pinned IJnder Car 6 B ERRUNNERS An o Miling for 3,00U G S DEFEAT TO STATE TO Affl TAXERS WILL BE W onFold,3, son or 1N 9SRKR o 3,0 ~ 1-1,ýt tr, oI él, AN 19ST IKE S vlIl9lfd.Oct 2-4.-TeAnliodi 0FFO E SI T E JWIS DRIE 1 lie yeter;tynf-r ho FiidMiling <cofliVcifv Ci .îiiiIncor- O F RETP - LaeFretbrn.lliPrt-I îlé) odeii in grain, feeds. ~' if JWIIIDR V~ YINQUISITIVE eslclid 'tra$na INDICTI3D M0NDAY p aHc iin l$OiOiai SERVE ON NOV. 4 nurs~e, 'iarv Law, were dc Djg a i lielilsf>îî -lirg Wgnr GOfv(jLOdert applai-. oifilte p.oi iii ay îourlng cai wwiiîf ulic tc i*tllllf irob Ilcil g agneri h - o Ilini- f0 aloidlte Jeal-.h uar Enumnera ors of Coming Fed- Ing te ass - k, b ' rad ur stbjshs ecrd , Jacot) Anî .~ toth. nichNw dto al t suffereriq In Europe. The governor eaGCrandil Ak usJuryiajc<iino ai- cîc l" .iî h 1h î l"e S,4O demie"a tes OCt,],- r 26 a, the' o ginpmuaonednsnd-W.l Ask Quelcîrtinarat-nc,î ccîias t, IliAntio,$:"-' A -'îiîî (if by te Retrn 0f105 tntion to the Great Cost nig wh eaiirle ek un nRgrd to Al of us. land aimosî r oownedin D aU re us nin cte-'-,(iiao$fîî.0 rooe ln le inoi w en s45,h)îih, 0nilî wiii beIl'.siîre-ed tinally i h(ý(.$,oi llioit.s pn auaiîifilnî- SEEK NEIAIofFORMAION -fîlPlan. o-SI x uIllli'n Jews il, eaiicern Eu -_ INFORMATIO a.1 itdi-rmlOifl ru:the2twî ntyJENigEiURrEIN SESSION THREE WEEKSIPERRY L. PERSONS NO END TO THE POWER.. t.i-u ELECTED PRES.tytas 0Fu fit ose( .at ta-clvi' different fmeý! E DE R E Sat in L- wî-r k n 'h. ,s-ia r'kuttio, e uin of- a5inélludf, an, 10ro itet. fi-toreJsoe n ofate ]sd ili hirh tii..>'dweil. Th, 10ian. sin, AIIr Iin lietiuu;aý n. l liiibo lui-t oyart, go w gut r'ouî.Mo iacuti On milions have ieen a gel cou_ ijo li iitn il han ciP S A E O O DG a d lt tltjipeev n L k liîu' î t'ariî- 0 atr - In recent jiarlý, census (akers wprù lnwrî!,ý nfl oii « rrîPe-.,,il now hnr,d ,f hoca10ruici i,aln nIv a fw farts ~ U N R A S ficlfu..-ic %i 'iiinliiiii ~î, iiî S~ T0T --ashBO -atiY hîh11eh""ens~d or Innocent wuieu anti chilirrenface .rouii-h 1îrsoii, ;uühasuISSUE ON R - __Il_01211_ton iîotnor' jan wa-,ei-k- l f- cai-(ivet<n !('at aonvich afilrebtspriT-l-erve in k p d is f e as é, a un d t a r v a t i o n u n i '- i l ii . n t i n u t - a n t i o oc u i , t i o n . B u t t i -thc -wa s i n , nr , Lc ri ol s %vti a sI hD , i' , - r qC u st io ic t r tihe N o - u b r e ti s c belud li in luabundanct.e, idliv <nsus if i1920 wili h), Iir letchc- M*ani W 'ili i, a]kleiitrno o ti clcefn oes roev nLk riluica. according ici repori-* frointWa4siin;r The r-tîfa Wiktî . c n ii- -oine uxvi-rifunic-md ntuda ? io t ui îu-tin ckc isadp "The tragedy csnnot . sîri'ti by f0o1na il i t-licca l i of c irîy-fit ti ît. f'irnat ci cî.14.c ~liiii'Znj i - , r îuhad b. tiod té- oii-.hi iîing 'f l-ie psde nt io ieiiffe re oPotssle bcaose ethe e ia ,aie. Thé- nu 1 e ?tc li-liu Iu tir ic1Uommerc. '. on 111t'lit ulnrirc-.a tiifîc-oi ti i:ccnif o lewa h. nv i..idîf-rsuofrtis b d 0 dying ami sUff i iug er or ti r î iiIi vw i iî-irc oofil-gov"-ilnlerli Ti ii 11a , (cInher 21, actt i ('4 f l - l l'cii roi" iîi lic firn- ii iit h é hit c ilitit e i ousidereti for preside t rair- ls xuotn . large. l'ir t hi- ii t finie, a- 1itb.- Il siilcn bint( cnslUs, b~to - i i ih' n u aitendane t. ii i i di ylrcii - Théu e prî-r r t fl i -and îîa-ii irfi t-ct .bî-a fînan i ifoltlvoti', '\Vithiîîîîîan> rein-ou whatver exc i -Iievv, lu theiIliii'->-,UIc lia-s are olIn ticOr hthcî..î l i The i- le'--tiug wSatiadres- -f hi Leivra- aricul lii hua -c fiat nini-teen in- Thé,o nl-îinetuhrliées adult m3ti), inceei b,-I,- i ta i nrght, 1 ask ing nuin Ji a-il f e lP ca re for thei..-lii, itiii iati cn .av tic u ' i lin rctii ii e rerk of Lak i<, iic onlifIijIii Ii - .ré,-n-rîttilî-r(îid a ica lus t'mn eili îii prohtî lion Ofric-iq, cunI y eti p o ýi siveIy- of i l copinion that thiS neeîly of their rac-e. The>' have ai- in,n çn cetin irv leîuatlinsIlt i b' 't ojcf o epropo-u i ,î,bndl i-1 il i u -ilt or the- sire- nil ii.ifi.-nis Irucint ofrieers. vi.iting fore.tpreserve.. is the greateesf mes - wa>-s btei di-tIngusý fuir fhe thor- seifailof fil etiern-ai ef.10 <uemillion diliirn c1< o i-eui-ai-- lîheiaît n-îirc- mici'îw-n. wr rs. cnr-, i ae fexpnse, athat OIjglin..-,andfid pi,-handedneus iwit i e.the ieenuueraf ors ,îarî to eau i o1 onNoveunher 4th. 1 f :ni'.uc hnie.1 Ai 'dation.-sonie- with dii rîeri> con- Iu flirt, if takeq un all charitable or-.I- ofot' ak ony nlta wblch they have plovidîti for tîxeir l as fhe hîîmcî of W",îguuI Ilv - ½ a î,,--Olution wasas u-,l ,il ltic. îte'i Ou)i- 1'iliî failire 10 ai Cliliina ci '-uitionb lu inte stale. Judge fPer- lif shouit be defeatet declsively o t Oan. At lal,. hoacever, a demuind wli ask questions rauglng froin te ié i.. I ,tNîechanfu' Ser'iîin c loii'éciîiutY -hi-tiff and ofliers witii riot. si-.,sts titlhar ninr good was dle- Novembher la made upon tbern whilrithey caoi- alie orfie oyouamest dauglter b o i'th,-îî -ro! Commerce ofl Vciikeg.i l io-ii-foirtto returu an Idinîinît fiti l'ont 1hé- convention. Besides Il Y-u hav1e flot studied the l aw Yeu lont meet. '1he.burden l toi, gru-af. p-rso visîtcuioti-,thevalue tir hi,-,ti!]]ti. endors.. 1h,'- i-- of onein IDthi- rameof Mrs. ;race, ives Sfraong Tîiîge Persuns the foilowlug ' au -wili prubably nflt know If that nnde 1 Ilîmagnifudetis ,.suili haf humanity li Ii t automnobile- million dollar bonds for lfilecirposicif lffijuhianti Park. chargeoi wih mur-ikeiun pensons ,itpndedth le convnl. a isdsrc scetdb u if large Inuit falle Ifup. Tc)letinialfariifandr-iI ! oîîrvng rad ithe'-i îOtv1r.i<ilsei ifii urdristrictîfti-l uprvsosaigc ariMa Vts n ovmbr r atrth Jtwish citiztus have taken a c01-' obcing outilataabctocut the iucni-asc mad lIî-ugitig ticirr efpiiiftuteorki, h- fart fiat States Attorney Wteirh I h,-rchairman andl astéistani of lic board wiil be created as a forest piW - picu .u, part. They bave i dpie.ulation; fie coier, ustivit>- f0) iuiafend so tiat fie vote ini-i be hau bei-n confident of an lnîfiiîîient. 1 iiî intion borne, rewpectiveiy; Misa -ev board liter, would have tl.lit their lives up on the bafle.lId. Tbey u e fferadna at i ceo-i are.Tiecrompiete lînt of lnîlicinienlta - arrieSmih, stuteintendent ont he- tu condemn an>' tract of lanid In L have be anmong fih ii-f devofed mas.... thiug abomut their pareni;fi'.13vîmotion uuanimeuiciv rarric, .tic foiiows: difuinhne isMr anacut'wihbsa oddpIA"O uf war workers aI honte. Nçjiwa iiiîrayschioi atftenrjancc dweiî- diairnan a-as direttedtoi oappoint a Oiiing House, Frank lawmi'r. t"("-, Probation office,' o!fie count> upon it and call that a forest pmre alene, bu1,Jew Rmd Gentciu- iuiu c have lu.. places. ho-w many and wîat sort- coruiiie of tlree te convcv to fie Gamine House, John Nictul. court: Mrs. Crordon ileBweiTe'cutgoaedalfaeo: been ben.eficlarles of their Immi use number 0f people wbo are cîtuzens3: Noise famil>' the symptiv of the Lariceny, Max jafre. H ,(oiti o f thclb relthe oudo areo!ntabe pout confribution to fie winine of, thej nunîber o? familles: voîing sud milii Rtaili Merchants§' Section over téLie .5ceiy, Wiliam l(cicrî etal.t fLk ontadisedo war. rîey have measureti upî iar>'age, alilSCrts o!fîluans about lems of ther sister, fie desti helug Lai-cen>', Howardl Kuapp. am berit ae ute d theaal otbi tue their fuli dut>' unfie wsrbildren; their ages, and compari- cabsed by an accident Occurrxng at f.Snieny, John Kelscok. tu eoe nepne for humanit>'., Now let huranify do Ilon o? numbers between certain ages. f i.. Curtis flplng field on October Lai-cen>-, Willam Lane. DDS R #E W O"The>' cm an ntal roads, build feàMO ifs part lu b lplng te reileve their Questions; relative te the martial 22. Messrs. W. C. Hollisler, D. T. L.arcen>', Milo Liedtfe, .'rl ATIIP prsigbeen u le Es. atitusaire expectedt ieia.s-phase oftWebb nd R. A. Curie.. were ap- Larcen>'. Michael OMalle>'. juJ1 v AII I coulti rais, $25,000 a >'e8I'on I4" "The. perlod frain Oct. 26, 1919.,hoeftue investigat ion fliat vili -peeve-, pointedtief the comnuIttee. Larceny' Herman Mueler. L O E N IC countys taxable property. As tis Jewluub Relief Week for the State of aaked uhether tii..>'areMarrled. id- acn' eleAie' ~D f itaoto ee Ino. and 1919, b a enldeslnsre s an'me sud (Ae.Ie'wj eLarceny, esjle Oould. D vhe ir.coCuld raise Win licresse, fis t lîinis m silOranxaios reowed, or divorced. lilgures wlll ekM'z CIO LLarcen>', Edsrd Molakie. BAR WORt bis lu Cook counfy wlere, iyheatbe askred te aid taeflhe utmost fhis compiled as t thie nuUn*er of mai- IiurglarY, Herbent Taylor. W .. h gresI cailse or humanît>'.11ris-se.; number oi divorces; number OF C dufirDulsBar agrvle n. c.2-h istrIct w s rea Tthi P m. ,fmrit dumrld women un- Brlin EretAwry »w ofS ~~ Burglary Ernest Hoîl>' masked robbers Saturday bound and nov as son.. f0$6,000,000 i yearWlk- certain agea. 1the nUMnber or bachelors. O FC L U S Burglai-y, Rtobert Wafkins. gagged the nîgluf vatchinan af thie no t eîîîng -wîere Lt will stop, sdS PoeD Gc oss ENIa -n 191, theceAKEs Sh. SCtht 48Hurglar>', Lloyd J.Sculenker. Fs-mers' StateflBank and ea<iaped lu thatlt amoulats te lats-t an1ce P" DO SE PP A I~ cent O? femaleii more.. fhan 15 years Takiug Indecent Liberties, Engel. sud road bonds. heurs during the summner. oId eltie unrnarried. lu 1910 tuer.. InSPeot Andrew Cooke School, beck Siaeter. The bonfds sud ltamPs were taken "We feel fuit Lakte coulit>' t*ipey- thre eialS e echmlu ntmidation, Oscar Ileckland. foramfie safef>' depoasi boxes. Tbe ens baie sufficient burdens nov u T EJ W S RE IF'etbre e f.of Wàr Ideal of One Room Con l Initiiation, August Bratlof?. robbers talledLte open flue blg vaulf. recognize fhimpaortance ot iniroe Th clinsof190 il Sowwhth srutin uidig.laiîmldation, Fred Johnson. OuI>' 30 cents In cash vas taken. The roatis, etc., a ne-w court , ouse 4 Tha th Amrjen Rd Coi; en ermon hve ive ubte he epttfuInimidation, Chas. RMbuIskus. men remained In fie bs-utnearl>' two thingts of tiaf kind firgrisat than tel Thaf lb.the apeir nd9 Cof she-rtien ohaer letius ato fthe eIntimidation, Frank Terlap. iougq1according ta Good Surface. the have a picntc ground for Chicsago 5an, duhre ian, ea hlef o untis, o! bas flou o! e ffct nes thed Iftri-GUESIS O F T. A. SIMPSON. D ig Mol ors Wiile BrunIt, Piip night waloiman. tolats. So fan as I have beeu sileto la showu in a ltier recentl>' recelved mouil mar-ket. Pinkt. tI ealdterbrswoen-lithelaop-gueede u I) l'y r itnv Rsef ainl<ier Questions relative fe manufactur. A utcblepr>'oll oreytJhhono.e l ifoci bs-atkLakte count>' r..- fortfils torest p'eeWrye. It mr~- io Rfti.o-gauiz, ational tn . ireralg mnugadfoeîn'lembers mot olei front Elgin te Refusinlg 10 Acf as Depul> Sieif, entI>', brate open fiesae>deelorgutdufemi !s-evh lia'.isonnainman ? th wani-ouu iase be gvnmuch eonsidera-Iake rounf n Fiidciy, for fie purpose John f'ngcm hfwo Iudicfments) boxes ant idtinot molest lie main ha'.e ver>' estetcidevinl rit of the Amnerican Red Cross, lion. 4Reports 0f tue enumeratons 0f iuSL)tuc-nî'z a nunîber o! nemw onF.- lsordoriy Uonducî, Auf ou Keroic. gafe. It may fthe saIe gang whici cornes f0 fie matte of taxation (a lit lifer15 5 ftllws liidem ~ib te nnîbr o inusstory uchoot buildings, wiici are Carrying i}cadlY XWeaplons, Ernest opi-atei in lndiana. fie public o! Lakte count>'. s-utcouiit l)ear n. Rosnfelt:-tries, the capital Iuvested, fihe nuinter nodemu in e'.ery respectfandtihiette- Hally. i"Moxetu entso? snarUSD5117 AuYOuur' fanuilîr 'Ailth c,întiifions O? emPioYes, ages paiti, hours wonk- byncuio i-.nfor-mat ion v.hlch wil Carning lh-atly Wcapons, Robert B LLE. I a e.t-y oa>atr h . - -s thri.lighicîuî cuttal -nd casteni IEu- ed, andti arings. Faruers will be ielpil) tmpîuîîî-tue fl fiool buildugs Walkins.IS Eoilael i m !smbd no atît ciiifIfinifinar ihile et asi.kcri dcîîîcl as lu fbeir faruns, nutu- i ae on>' crviglî-dt apbn.s LInaiy jýwîo urges Iheir passage andi ordinsr- ganuizaficn anid : itf aomk douet, l- er and sniai-of buildungs, valiue eof The larfi- cuis mcl fit Lbertyville ,Sciti-ttkum SIV i imi y noed ws utinpa lie succesand teJoit Diiitibuiiou commtufee, reps <aci yean, their yueîd, adteb suSmsn out uei. Pior. od fi..f'OscarlgTj' IUIfhf h>-no ou.. guesoufosinahcouceed'd slioulj wivciitian olliutunifil 0 %Ilie yi-,é fat-uit-per acte. tegind îet h eui-ln uLenvtie iiî-lun.nncfu uit Uotcîfucta Fi-cnet-, Pro-nglYI L lui ut uiu .î)Our und(r ctaking il, One part o! pastinVuestigatIons, waqtus ,-citélini Ubertyvîlle fie dîirck fiif ecitdat otra ýi f Ic l irens i f oî -l ifftAing c o u- wLich i-ai finot consihfttianu>- iuttictit c- retdan etr neo îIn- lu i tfrails ,and obsavatîisnait--st,fffis ii il-n iib'par(y>' uni t cikilueaber..thii- OuFuîcuLAKEuulic, JhnJoTo il iîar riit ot ii--'uniiiuniotooiu cui-inu li rflu Jiw bulI- Ai'li \tl Cnucti 1 ,hn ipouts - -mous e ixpoi n upon ticmseives, Ons Dcîrinîî Itiil no f~ ~ o-<~~ on ilol- - uî n nufuinie thi .ons wllbé l kdc i i, - r fnet i ew b c1 il i icuf>ali I iiaei ligoo frve nA tL farmnoýtl jcui i i-orthe t 'gardng the tmanufacture o n iiî u-afoi fi'î oî îaum ni-ciufl ukif lut noth iiing ram 1>01if bagoon feta iiliiifinif- obîtiu'ct ifîi l'i , îuu oe soi Rît, t i'Ilci.îtcs. LA fi-astiiand-sflo'lit,- îîoncelit lit u n cn i t t i i i e c ~ t c S i i i 1 1 a i u ou s ill a c' h t ia r i i o a f p h i' t î on s e - I L-, o l0 u d y he e dl> i. îl u ii i cii i w poo l iii i tluî, ~i -c k nd th ii ufi n - ii c'ndt- ul if rien ut-c-- WuIl, 1 li . 11 XI e l u - 11P11% u ctui-c ii tu m Ii r tucuii 1 ti iiciicu.i c41nlig ICHARGEalinlsplchnee. il U il _nPIePitl ok sho, ,e U ta wss e t i i i i coc fi, ,, 1.uîuiai u c- n c li aili ofu c is ilga di g ea P u7l w itc. nu - ici. i -ici c td m ari tuof ile (. î 1 I c t ..-.e h ,ta fýl le i l ql .îi ulý t uui ttui, iii N J -fu i il . d .~~- c~ ltc I uiiuut lu i a nd tof1 icii i fit0- hýalt Ié it hof C À û N N __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ i i - t - n W u 'e a fi , .. u - -i éd ft l i - - tli ý T.1 ,(iiitu' i " t ilîo ois 0 je:1,ivuhi mcc -i iîtî -r o fl( en uc-a -, ceusi -th-,in i m i e à o-Ili ý of Lake îîtii.e o un-us - nultuft bel' Iiainliti s. Xbetoi hO eif -.pll ubc fo uuti- l s, in W-Keg Vitictî 'ucibiticiîiTui-nu, n fiF-RRL;ILilet.I' if i LIPotibl fo ýo fo c j ar 12557 E« S Ofli fu 001 coibuitdings vii-.MPartt - i . tutu-i liii, I 'linFIL SUI ] prescrit rtic ,tuation îini r b fXi ic cucliuc - ic... ic-îi:icIt., ' Vuiie. OXVSIN.IJ ILUII Charge Mind of, James Far- ILPuAIO.D Y IH O T O T SS O ii,( tcl illiain, t.. -nat reil ml was Worked on Fraud- i c a îc ea fo r fo n ds w li b u uîe i(s-te. 7 - ;h P o t. a n , . i O d--MT E R S R lobeur, a-icn Ii- n fiulu a-Iiill ai( flic- ututiot,, n i ns ock- aire fumucti 1 1 tu-ilîluclu t, Jas.ini ut'i .X7 ~ IN RAID ON BLIND= 1 - t'. iuti i'>sii-i'. iiRT O A E k c-c i-taiîamianitnuel- - cuiltinf a Or .back onue bouut, ai 12coCioCk Saturday R t 1'," i.PilCittir luti ?t ui'T K 1fue '%\-,procll ou îî' f iI laits n i l i . i Toz i l f 1 , 5 rJt > a rfo f a y -II o l c u t Il M o o r 'e , i l i i u r t ' i i ' J co1' i n , w i K. P COVENIONTO E H lD altf '.ii blucnsf daif>-Iteftle 11II.oojijjf,- LaLU ve iusr, é' u t-il ch'r, Wt i. IIN I-<IfIldlINVV17,19. 'ihuisuI . Far-- NOVEMBER 24 AT- WAUKEGAN eluS î nhaiint~ts.___1__Uj 'oi il.t- u laiis. U.o P 131",-,1 rel5 iL1V5 i llait ilCî i urcuit court î i i luge, orîleid by Cougnes Soldc ir- lnc i liiî-i;- g iiit c i-cja. -sainiîCtoh-- ni lui Ieur>--ci Vulc-- ii uiikig te breakItfhe Il wIU-s ann nce(b felyit- fhat Il',-. desîuitu- c'file las u(if tai-ge cies sO ui l , t in a i-,gé-,I bf;nî i in I iiglu -iK-1- o i-cIi,otJc.nuis hi>un - Fai tI, - , > 'é f richti fitionu athé it-it lI 1is umecu cul .ganst conuell ion i ti id a c %i t cegkian Mftiéu-r uandmuteictric- ighîf billa. Tio NMc)>l r tic'ct, l, ri-ni -fie? O? police- 1 Gut f u cu ' 11i e Iii' icrfin, Plis fi - t-î.-utl d >- utferîn. irs Ft-reti iteltileou ulu atsui e r Piîli andf E'ansiu,tui Iclg t, il, . > itfilit>' cotnitanies tfibout flic country rmn, it i. s i utandt '0i n tr- v r i . Oni /ic tt--t'. ,iurc Fn uik, E4 1 aikui 'belonlfcout uncmIiili , n' iaieunIlettm13 îî'u'edt acm m-'c in.. ir'd ib, i the iilbcenï-nmous. bii ttti1u t crf Ofipolne, u -I i n ifa. iut i-u 1.,>.it tii c u rtcfr i l%-c'tu ilucci 1,nh thu i" fl f; n- i p ie KuIgits of Pyttii ici s of L.afuo Fot-es,' Bu'1 h-ini lith.,i pemopleî'of Cliicý-c-io tic- ai ulen. Il t- f-Mci-fmis arrt- , A,1- lu, - , r ii -ttuJohnsoni, Miii- lici nAdil Ili ii i tIti. c'tmtand<nitiiiiohi f cf ý.ta i i pi istn uti n i ng, for, fic-luelicinse or Mata t-c l or n t lu accord wi fi fie congres. cd anelr i cm l cir iprivaI c Potl i-. uiia-t 1tuu J. G uit t er, Ecurl G r'-u t itu Ici-- -a uil I -1 c-lccnuc-cuil'. Pif u ci-il also - !ne cu., u m lii-rfi ccul iiig cliî 'rc~ air-c îlt in accordîl t-ifl ic- Congres- utiiitirehpd pru onu c bi t, i!' r y au-,. tu n ii \Vic Zuuî cr, WNN'ii t mcm hcîlcln, 'N- lufi-> v imsfil wi <ut -- es pîcineti filaio i iîi uandl hinii a rrell.>' -c ibc'iegahna oifie fouur Non i ilu' mso a ndate, AldermaniT. A. Ho- ttitiec. Otit-poil sq aIt- ')nva1cm i;n S(Io Oscaîr Y ýio-adrvsif!uIuoncelisndexcslg brances o? theIi- n;glts ol f tii;s ganfilias Ilmpame etteteC 0(hait-ian efigt Polt sclufci-irs assigneti111;111,- fui-m îcîîlie Ci liru us cill triicti ci icitcsn nvllm 1h n aî i t'uokian nex i N ,ia>'Anion J. ermak o? fie cooncit jutil- triFort Sher-idan. Fraiu, :un. In. Mimcui-et Mo-azi, ail m - i-ci -cfc-mci urdîii inrlui uee uu uci 1iFamrrell i -iin nlifrle l7ingCaycnmtteakn htp Gue.Cir(spporftng litrsiIf candi lict- oflir' I f' I qboy.ts U.hlu i, tc cii, i inhia -Par uiic-t.; for fie îoînl'uton. icarings bu' ic3tion fie proposai te luve.ufigati-ci lubté rttc ail butltens o! Ficuil fUlc'i-ci-ctFrank ]Fi.chtr, "Cssfi illa lfafI uop t'lme i-viltern li-Ane;Far- cotnu r etor'e dyih i11I1 akBuky hre e buifhi îsile ai 111i7 iaguoili- inChluiagoyluifavingelthe ceurifv touita-bru tic- Roa-tantidultui-fimuJrcîkImskCtilago candl f ilc-i-îiui-clto ria imiînp ors-ua.Ciau .'phItciici n, asud il lu hopeti cne - Cicg.Bridge -('O.îufi' ?filicCount>' K tu. lilinu lftféfi'-. Iwandeîrîust l i-c a> c-îîem ie rc nai n tu l %iil]ue auilal for pblcaio oard, acvuiiucnic-tib>- Supervisor Fi'cctuuufinla isicitof hase agit'tinfj waant(i ci-crchi i, it(,uau'y eanîy Those uncrl das d! atc'îlus lun-lb. p cîlacLi e rada te .G A L E D E S T R O Y S L A K E S T E A M E R T o u t S c o t. Ili g iw a y C o ni m s s i n e r uî o n iîcîu t iu tm ce b ill., " w ar er rt u ntir mimi - 'îîin ît l. ca n d fia sa p p a r cî s on n é - a c tiniî a rsî c i ti ii ii s e s a rm eu,-them m - Tit iun- luff at 14.,avdl iost or Muskegon, Mi., Oct. 28-Tweîve izo-,anti Ununtv-('clu 1-oldennomsby tmu,- craidjury->- Mquday affernon: whpeeIlu s1" ir c-. ute(uepuuaV(ikg sd th 5,Went oert ciGi-mslsaketfi faIte s-looak F A:t t otiner, Chat-l-s Koch anti -Judiuie Luinuti-. wui icl ii- hepcfilion Rc:ý oeo h a (, em ehneli minuts î;rsns iflcluding trepassengers, St new rmatis wiCbbas'e.been bult ta Lvii-lt-ie-. AIt wi-re tucchr f otia>'nmea eu. etf iI.i5 tofi uowevpt- insfeadtiof fie are known fo bave lost tîeîr lîves connemî NîIclleni-s-anti Wauk..gan. ati fîîiug been runuers.________nmeia xttO. utoonilgit rideufc'int-îu' hat bat been f i;Dmringe wien fie Crosby linter- O tii-se roatis a doublea portion of ce- Mr..I u umC. ?Lat aeei efIO'a be( Metmof $44,00 ativerluseti, aver-y dense fog seffledty f e! gofrmrythe Haî mneut bas beenued I hlu t x- Jsp Alon iaptrhatd 2 T uii' nopoavdtcMrte Farn 20 ethchcft a Obfîtés Iamm*.~ Ovr heladgap, akngth uditn, tiiven b>'a a glng Star-r, fut-e ant it is teclaredt lat fthe roses acre-.-fîruu on Gi-cen Bay rndati, 5fmeafs pmrovisionsc. vegettable anti culate Couneption aud tie ruet to ing ver>' difficcîlf andne car rau off rashet Info fie South pier- ut the are ft- supprler le tic r-as-ilsvilci1f Z; mu itv. frlniîtJ A. Wi frinutiit, andtIebcouufuct s-baker>'nannie ianti ThomnasiL. lai-reilshs- tie roaItelnfotfe dici. but tilt nef harbr euirance anti ent tiuwn lu blie eu ebuilt under uc otn ua T *ii-niu ci cus eit knoas the i"confectioners' on Han..street. Lae antiae alike. - turn aver n sd hottunisfely fie groÙuul eu minutie. .Seven iodles have beeon use InluKeno.%ia count>'. If la passible 1Plée frit-u.foi- ses ct-Si >ear-. Tie.Zurich. Capital stock $26.000. Incor- Thomas Farrel Wants ftelisVt wa soliti enough that wth One ciain waied asiiore s-utfil feredtheliedithfai fie "double mixture" .nia>'bel caustiierat Iou Is ICaili fabe about $20,- porafons: John, Him, Lait- J_.Hl-, wil set saie oiuth. au, the>' got on fie road agalu antims-y total tventy-five. Wr-eckuge la useti lu Ibis -count>' nexft seson.-,.000, T. J. Stail an ctcuipnauy trans- Emma CiHIr., Gehardine D. IXmu.~ I.BS W14 arrivet- wlthouf futher mllshap, strewu aioug the coasst for mlles, . eai oa ctt lesI ni Wle . an -.. o. -)u-se . Lake County -*. Big Weekly hdaoQeaterdmaodir Vieekies in County Cotine rV'VI7-T-F 'kTf% à À WAUMiiý WEEKLY SUN

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