LIBRTY I NDIPNDEWT, THVR4SI),AY, OCTOBER 30, 1919.- PAGE TICRFE AilAII>~rC'I~IA UT afternoon decared by Maycor Il( )n in lui ~LIUU~KA -tinonor of Mr. £>Awson, bis slip and ÀN ORHESTR ON, crew. Before ieaving the botel Mr.' FIVE LEOS NOW AT i pno,10h eIe hth- .wouid return to Miwaukee alcn>,' I EÏAI l' the shipor crew. If Le ahoulti For fEIAîbc able tc> get akbreyno t- Wif h oniy one licglafiers, five, ýl aitifor Chicago Wednegeda t k u anunsuai arg ~wuunde c n nat rort Sheridan are 1!»<><><> If not, hi. wiilflfy 'rhursdavy train du unesI forlargegvon-rchestra 1I by "Citation eVisi. ied tfie Airliner at fIe ét busintisa tranhacted in pro ;~Jack," who lias a pi.,g q nd four ýSpeedway this niornlng. The hea) durt at Waukegoan Monday. inu t(- ic ~toria Cros. wo crox rains had done no damage, excepta bas Wn weks sine tborede ueri v ad ( istingu qhéd se-rvie little fIat lad jrobably leaked ic 4<i .s.Altlough svra ioft heni could i-ougli the ventilator ln thc roof. N'- amal e , p,î lfty by flr, noette0f these meni hall .re ail eait>r tu get lnto the air agali fu a is 7ftbevrlu ny lessonb I fore theyregistpred lI___________ t aken Up as turnisbed by thte musi ciass of the Fort heridan edurational department EJJl .r ]la is n ntpaliersIRay Kennedy.; 11~ f~j j DraInage District approved. - Il h flaitry, receive] his V toril * ofComaissioners sea ((0ru;a and a citation for the 1). S. C, 0ffDriae itic troe.whe e teeedtogoonaa l CIERI( FROgÔ l tupor app acand dl&-The iwo succeeded in discoverin:;a ING OUT A RECORD ~ Da odCu 1, ofrd=,. q li~~~uliii,.r of machine gune. two of a'hici im n lbW thCu coWlla Quentin eiaeed. ' yN.dest'royed tIen. 1(iei otiiera hiing IW thCu fo roof of herhip ini destror-cd by bonmbardaient tle folîow-W o e 0l m i h.m Waiuham or Elgin Waich Spamulei. Blue White MayA orrison ftled andi I nt nigîf. , (oflit aed suifs here In anme wa, ern Nppove. I f ate of thAe higl e tguerre wîîit d tics t. liid in the circuit court today undcr iaousififu Browm. 83,000 personal ' I Il rIghed .renc,, citation, ws harles G.McC andless va. joseph S 20 per e'o ath(ýa(le wh Kennedy cVdunt(.cred for pobat of wiI 0 Ben 15' Io1 carry a me.ssaro te) a n'izl. i,rl»T"- 1aas et ai. Circuit Clerk L. 0. Broch.p< er cnt o ~.afor prbîter i or ed n- rcetvaalo nt ay was named ln the blliiand th- ce altr luerled ieiad a ta on andre , on . ,. ,-cour t was aaked in enjoîn him front Othne pr ceo iieý:( rn lrel i io (d urning ovcr (o anyoie a certain ' rd1 e in No.2.11.quartera, througliî eavy lshell, mni gemn hc a enfld of Jacob Michel closed. ~~~~~chine nun fire and aniper fire. gemn hilusienfldwth ,i'c rdi ofGadazl)lie oIPspg ieg wag tlhe resuit of cary Th'il ae paetyrvli mn on rfensen ln the estate of Nels ig: eaj o gîorin ba Ta ile]asapa(n i evi Ct I, inoa. OST ME F U USU L C ARM talion, liei was stabbeti hy a bayonet. about fhis agreenment. The old Vase es alns. CfDerietOST bUMEchiFoUNUtrmmAi itCHAîvR btkp n ni lilfr farni at Waucondal 0 edviepobt ndJter e- rii nia kr o evywlt> e1»>rgh e Frflssric > wqsona Ii ersCnage nan1sprcn ryIssèced titereon to Carien coletteebodrdl eubte awarded a dîaýtinguistted P-rvice cross equitable division. The fernu o01A lrg Iî> s tic t (lean Cens, full of fire. tnetr prvd ikforru ltimcostume of nuusu, aree(weedanUp-fi a 1~ig of Administration lssue<i siîk fortitiasetume of unuâuai %« * iw otiter memîers of te or- Ii h k fima an aseodcix(eg re.nd naet sslce odsps oin; (tgoi(hojce e ttuîigs. sohd U. Mchionaid ln te etata of c'iarm. chZitra, nuw bu:in!, forni>d, lcenne>v of the. farn.h k. square, round caesî ance. gold, rings- pis, ea jans Barbour deceased, Llb. ned o tk i ian nil la charged now fIat Hais got holi 'turc bymusic. fîle- agreement. and, aubsfiiuiing him tîul lîidsercevs, La Vallieres Vuo Âmlstain sutif eorge A, Riehi, Insane: lot ln Zion _________ agreemient W adili.he iLrm tuo$10.0 JBmlii., publie administrator andi 41,00(j personai. Ke________ w ata gnt. atrt nf n* tnd ghed'll Jeeiiup ri tefa of Pana' Issan, deceased ivntr apovdineia en.rir> loti ii appoue lnta ae lf Th d!im isuadeth$10h Iof adiitainise oWilliam Cleteinsane;,utinZion LIE h lt ili h madwertatthe aree a W aNd arilit Pls)r ofes Up yba frCahe Dia... Ruij R~la the Utatf Clna lo in IR LIERmenti lowhrfe la.deewd, auega. and Ir operional.inesti ade and where the natetas ault- ~IE eee fest ucb o ahtcDaiod leoye4d, Wtat. 0f (eor pav nrestae ra t~f~A uted. it sithis agreement whlch the 0 G lit, sol<l yoi-that's a prctty safe place to buy. - You can't go0 lul estate of Charles Har- Geog C. HanKon, deceatied, ea circuit cekIf o mndf nturning %'> -lg - A Signed Diamoîîd Bond Guarantee gocs with cv- Oprved l» Mary gin, in Lake Frn.DE RDYIN oe uanoe lv o im sold. - Tour rnoncy back in CASH. - Show Vs 0 uro dla ]iset 0lite the other Jeweler w'ho munkes this offer la o Guatda 0ifsared -tWo BIGCIHI., SAYS CROFT Stiletrohinor^Untilk(1 gobary ln estate f taun- BE LD BY FQL fl E COIC q peopule the îngt fcw years scientific ex- prove>. $1,000 personal proieiI 4 D VL ~L Indianapolis, Oct. 28. (With thl(' iin.inprtl fnuun itr ttar in stae ofJoh Ottap-Law'son Att lîner)--Af lasf tle wealher "spcîmpnm>.have made explorations tory a esate f Joa Of 5,bas uieared upl her.x TIe rain las of fte sen> boftiiM in ihat region. How /< Two young women who have been csd n Iesnlaating hsitwldliflîrdrg The Place Wher. a Little Common Sens. la Ued on Ah Prte É.0 iU.nuat approYed stolping ai a local hotel were faken J* a tr,-at after rair. for airnosf 48 gnferslt up romthedtog.nom o arge H. Schanek. de- Intel cusiody by the Watikegan Po hours. We lave leen watching te (t, Ir11gN.i np fron ft.e'Pehons 17ni lice Monday andi have been charged kyjus îte manié am theralor walch- an, lent nells front droaaned towans oif11N GnseS. Poe11 a annual accoant approveti lu with disorderly conducf. Tley are es ilhe sea, and at la. t have lePn re- il otitC otinent. of Cbaries C. Oopeland, la- eing retained lif1thecounfy 1ail whIle awa ded.and ther"a- severy ndicaton Mt. anInvestigation la cond.cied .fTI ofsanoti er gond day tomorrow. Alfred Of Ma"y Tiayer of Warren jpoice bes et _...iouspi teir MW Iaws onbulider and designer of i S s s 1H . thrPlo Id to proba e. Baud Oued ai. jactions and caused their srrest the big alirshîp ln Wl ci ai. are travj Yni avesriglit to yonr ovu re. They gave their Dames as foliows: eling, ieft Indianpoiis early tI4 moru izius adpltclble--n h i of Alice Thomnson of Grays MARIE LOtISE De lISLE, aged Ilng for M iwankee. There a'as a ban-d pollcbs uasl beh itt. Ww.23. quet fa le held tonigît ai Molwaukee fi0Wlsus asmc rlt torv apuîrveti ln estafe et,, TAOM HU IRENE GROVe, ageti 18. andi there was also a hll holiday tibis ountyForest 'PresêrËve Eletio Nvembe« 4th, 1919 To Ail the Voters, Men and Women: Lake County Citizens wiI vote next iakes; such as Grass Lake, as weii as some Tuesday on the.question of organizing the of the otherwise waste lanid Un the roling County loto a forest preserve district. If areas ln the west part of the County. the majorlty vote FOR, theBoard of Sup. The costi s trifiig. The tex 11mis, under ervisors wliitýen -be consttuted a Bopard the neu a fo i upoei wothirds of Commissioneàrs of the Forest Preserve of oesmil on the dollar of assessed valuation, District, wlthout extra pays t wUll be their cý or si, i md, wa-tair4s,,çonts on a hundred duif t -iirve the ak needs of thedotsa esdvrwon Th bo in roce d grdualIy_ to, buy lmtlsj et* ti dollar, and both -anS111Je' r rS aRnd,,foreiit preser- bns ~ t~s , ha ae< epl ves fer the .oj*yment of the people. oug of t - 1 1.1 11, W .efen mi Threshuli bc a.park -of reasona biclié ~Mia$O~DO u~ket value sl~ç ç,1 ,.~ Mqehqai before prices go o JapOOa ea Z 4i~*t ftke'free' lake hUq j.pyi u 'V ,,~r parxs-dtbeceat foe ffomt e. Is >. t to the- people. If Lake oe aerot t aia .m They w lcetlti ~qs p t~~i&~4 i' l~Iy a.swe kjow go.Mn, I I b ée~yare, Utwile WS fotý let It bc a lther Uary, aiu x fi Laite Cousty shut off from otqr own lake, and the larger would be only abêtit $250000 a year, se the t drows the more the people wUII need an Sup rvisors could net buy m*uch land if they open park w.ith I beach rnaeU h mdtleebt htui Ilb.m s uotn