Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 30 Oct 1919, p. 13

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LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, TIIURSA.Y, CTBR,30,.1919. asbr.-ýf ýaI togb h'be turned h atheti owners, a-,lit ia 1n ail probability, as the- state usuall &a on~u qaîysrn ~ ie was net needed. T OJ thsawy enlni-ni .I A~ Womtetlle tatStanChd hratIW hvecollecte spaw il dring tbe Ciosed i ai ~T ~ T t~tmoyai wînese, fCONOMRS CUT TRuîOUT ucuaFISliINi perrtte U13 INVESTIiATION en ladd~i:~ h LAKES StATION, b. tralur OFF CITY CLOSES f~gcmaisl ae ruT TI :r fLc ~~rIeet I N STWilliCSE m Pes, brother of Mrs. Strang, N1SO O IN S É N A E ho testltied aof suicide' DANILSAVE more than vill be needed for theiit vy tEMBER 1ST believed the sarrrplu i Thae ors-icu Ibd throats by Strang. 'Mie latter, he sald, JIn the future. Tlbhelo dtP y~r Ti îrana rgresclh bWi olda big laed to'd hlm that he figured he "Th necessîty for economy andrr-- ' eni ta the state batclleries, wtierr- w ýný-lhrubsay evening (lLt thse I sud re- mndeai., i Poges ofI.for thse prirpose of ~rnid JryDidNot Aet on the inZglithCvin i ited mr.Secretary of Navy Says tencret ic a el YCnWaukegan Fishermen to Catch hi()Yi toare da stc edi n ile Iti b t'ogea ..*...,Levrn re Rin del POInted equally atrong to suicide.,, O be IWcL arn temIn t hleirWanikegaa ihermets ray that dur U raihr-xiii hcen for he roscutr. ctin. ngthedlota ml fre d l after fic. meeting. Excellent bave v iutnt s a t n g t ha ve t gould 1ýd s n . S .s n for rout. finghem n wlcl o ntesas n tf r at . l P'e ute ra i ieîîr and good eatrr Don' "I cananattono strongly express my- ___ a i t o ated averial ihed usnthlng ehvegne etpo.S cio.fsemnall otn hmrc- aitesated f o rh llth ee d.Pro se c utor.or he_________chel 1w îîî catch ing hub ri w hi cis appe ar Tir l lG e' n p r y he d a h tatil1î ieculclgeiec jprcainfrteetuiit erbc very pentiful iis year. Prh are ooitailw e venait>'helyaithe rBOYS S1TORY AIDS MOTHER One hd adducd oits. -nlyt Washington. D. C., Oct. 28.-In a i ven the navy y Chicago and ail #le SOME TO COLLECI SPAWN iîe.trl. fisermen say, but command i lentrai -rb>îas vnngi> b On hn hc oit tog> aletter ta H. H. Mrik rsdnIo!Iidews. - thse importance attacbed te, Donald 1r ,pe~dn !rîdî etI-ruhasni woeaepieta ii-Ani-rî ira .(",- al? it ofil, fijtI.r Vam- Fallure on tie part oa!fle October Stranga testltiny la the fact (bat he theChlcago Association of Commterce, Tousfsslg ffWua as~emen do no car icmuchbuat sh- îihytareatcWr(mpo- g1ran 1La, fl o eî v as clidtotsiybeoetegrand Sce 0r f the N i) anlels ex- Ierlng ta catch them. The price ranges, lItnitity se rsire vas a big sces fUi4cnt galast Mrs. (Irace Ives jury every day for two weeks. White plains that part of the land cotun. lcorne ta a close on November 1. when tram 1 1-2 ta 3 cents a paund. Ille ailici-rs ,"ad pretfect of thse wbo hdbei-n ar 0e f tebis star>' dlffered slightly from tm deered GetLksl en eturau tht of oed901&trthe.trîutrwn meeto in a e S0dnthei> irai tu i!1uuj~r of hir hushari Herbrt ta tme, he ld not eviate rom thei cd tSthndavars becuse canrese rthand ar proceced b>' ise attre Thee- OSiroccrobin Siroco. -frtlsfilhucir w ii tîrrt au irapartan .5 p dld not e-ndltIi case sa far as main facts, Tbe prosecuior attached duced the appropriation 50 per cent. Jj__TATUE fr.tecmeca ihre it Tesrcoo adson f thee ise d fi eaAttorne-y .arî-G. Welch lB tho signîficance ta the tact tisat the, Mr. Danleis' letter, la part, foitaws: Waukegan are -anaklng plans amk rrintuuetirexr'eedingiy treknch- T-dnegvn ot hcg r tued. Tliat SI ring miglit have 1hoy'ary hne l e mnrd- "1beg ta assure you. as I stated lain t,4,1At3 L or ts cmeril ,uiemn i r. baTise ocoirt i coa !teCVfil c tc lyNri hcg 'uj~ntte s i<î-vs flire canllctlng aîl fr t o tim tle. ni>'telegra-n, ithat tisere ls no purpas MTM herfnaltchesbeor tcîr t deerais-. atteri ig he s a tnd fr e îenin s caat teyattrrjded. '7 1i .> oIl.- liId-inetato bareuned jcangd n a re bl"aint lifotkepdea akstiebtRstH Il O E1 There yl be some trout flihng, ailes around. Nri 'iaoabor r rag --Md *ii4eavor tIo -îiie tile :nystery ofi Mrs. Strang were Incorrect. Tise naval training station ln Amerita. Itgseiieecssfr liaee Hferbert gtrangs derlu-rrr ail lie, grand jury simply left (lie Cage Open, *During the war visen fit vas sup- lIg a 1)unid, tirle firîr.n vear nid non of gving tire state'ru attorney' free rein posed lit would be necessar>' for tise J. Ogden Armour bas b'-î,t: tire. Striant, a14ai- ,f oi e chipfIoit pursue bis invesitlissa furtiser. Davy ta train 200000 men for tise mer- braad new c'tate onfl viicit o sut-rd ~though ced y il- i-traecutban, is Hindu Children Mecharfîce. nuinber 'of extra men for the war. is inti-restir during sunmer mo______h:____ *Ise ln>. ai rîlira tui a! anynel Hindî chidren ti're enrrkahle for visicisaat that time most mîttary mcanR tLe kaowa as "The Tîbes nr-- -~*se.r- 5 i rlUiu- nfli-ned . telrpreociy. lit>' ! tremarÀ tbought voulil continue for at least a 1con-çlstii of 13o acresn of land fr-ontingrrr «rand Jury intr i;iîtg tf i)ruran in- te yecet. 1lyoftei ar lnepaswr nd ai-a ogLk.i rn rvr -u ~dlcmea - iîlft "akme nt n ce wieu IC:crease the area of tire station ta pro- ty. Michigan. fit as purcisaeFd trir ah bîy1-ftrn'iia iengt-elde tather nfiloîstieutrning1 vide for thisis Increase. Tise signiug of Mrs. Ethel Sbaekelford Plat. t bis ~ ~ i farnîi anril. tirr.ilire elp- -l the stpbrubet: A boy ol seven mn>e' tise armistice, of course, made this un- r1h t iuclîtdeg several log cottages iarc -d is fartrîr titis-I, ile- oud on the a ekîllfil wood car-pr. %-vile somne of necessary.t a baIl ro-am, aien Long Island. il rirr-y tiblet. i, aihr, b;lia. nu rtirn,-Jbtrme the hanueornest rugs are a-aveu Il "The bill adopted by congress thisacetctdrtyinfotf .ater ire l aitii--staien. lie satd children Dot yet In thpir lee. siMmrcduced tht- appropriation ta r acretrac ThdecIla'l n t o! Illetrop beai îl 1 r-.!ltrr-rarr- rfi-e -iilife food. 1ri e i b r" Ts lln a le p-i I hnrîcnil anui, i hall rveilei Amother Mnysery. biiy land at Great Laites by, $400,000, erty of Parm C. Gilbert. 'rhere fl 'l mlOpee-cm -f ,în-.i'-y tIwo graine af 1One. ai the strorngest thfng. lu tihâ ai 4urson a recent visit ta tise station tipulation la tise sales agreemetita b$ictnne la Sîrairt; stusmicb This 1 'OrJd le how msnfY terr a bab>' ma Admirai McKean, Admirai Partis and inri pulstion In the sales agreement tirai1 raiiud tic i Ielrit-al suicid e. bd and stili keep lse face ~l- Commander Hilton.aller a careful ex- tb< titber u-IU not~bé molesed for 20 Tetîxliino f n-l destructon i alventon News. - aininatian, recanunendod certain land years. -_ _ LNEET Seeping Garmients!1 For the Whole Family in a Great Timely Special Seling PLrJ MEN- WOMEN - BOYS- GIRLS Abolit this tllme Iast ye(r i-e hadl a sinilar s1Iitr-, . al begaîî planninîg foi- this mie as S0011 - as it wvas orver. We have bad soine diffietî1tV- i~~~i - Ailn-ng the înerichandise u t hu- ftîî.i-r oi ii -i .-~ - "The Giant Keepr Over on the Water Front Livesa a Giant of uoî'nious power. His naine i(ais. Thî'c Is 1no li"nt to the amotint oif' wi i-k licevan shoulder. But like an % ri lict- gre;tt force he must have keepl- ers t)stQ luit lhe is always on the job. The Giant Keepers are thie mcin w-li t have put tlîeir mnoney into the *îîr rt-il, iegas company cîiîloy-- -at- ;t te plant on the distributioni ivîniii the office. They are al l - struiîin'ital iii delivering the service of uiis, the< giatit, to titr 12,200 customers. The Job of K eepingGaà in gar- ness ;iiud constantly traveling aiong cîîriilServiee Road is not an easy one. 'lemttploYees of the gas comipaniy iiti h eapable of meeting ail enier- gelîcies iii a inanner that saves the con- sîîuieî' fi"ii even' knowing that the H(iýîtnt Keoptwe are having trouble with li e 1 iant. This Means that Money Must, be Obtained from outside sources wben <"eiefroni ga8 sales fails to eover epistSof providing service. The Noth sh5lore Oas Co=ýpany lias had to facee tiliat situation for many nronths tîuî-ig the last two years. Thoîîghr-the ineoîup fi-oni the sak 6f gas has fot the cost of the bueilleu, the money bas h,,11 borrowed to iake up the losses and keep the standard of service on the high level dentanded by the public. During the ]Period of Scarcity anîd higli eost of niaterials and mioney, the nien responsible for the property have found it extreînely difficulit at times to niaintain ail the equipment on a basits which insures Good Service-always. But it bas been donc in spite of diffi- etîlties. Keepthte QWant and Making of Him a. WüflIg and capable publie ser- vant is the Oas CokM~any's livelihood. That the public is thoroughlY alive tir the Iligh standards, of Oas Service the coinpany should niaintain we kuow- front experience. That the Public should. be just as thoroughly alive to the needs of the Giant Keepers is noth- ing more or less than fair. Good ser- vice, honestly- provided on the part of thc Gas ConVlany-fair conipensation foi' tbe ser-vice on the part of the Ptub- lie--thatý is a balance that mïust be maintained in order thât the Giant mn" bc a]lNays equal to hie huge task. The Nortb 'B1eore Gaz Company bas but orne Goaàl in, view-To provide gas service that.pleaAes tbe plbblie, at a fai' and honest profit. That is the course of Gooil Service Road. The next stàtenient of this series w'ilI appeai' in this newspapeî' next wcek. - OFFICES: Waukegan, Lake Forest, Highland Park, Winnetka, Libertyville p , , of sei-.îimîg w-e are again able to offer SOflie trXt.l)tioflal values. Keep Warm Every Night this Winter r-PuIS 18 TIIE TIME FOI? 'ALi. LAKE COliTNY TO PROVIDE WARM SLEEPLN(I GAR-MENTS POR TItIS M1NT4R.. - No natter wliat the weather is toiuloîrowv, reinenviber thiat c oid wcatlier wvill be liere aux- d(ay. and co0ine ini to tlîis selliîîg an( tiNu now, at thcseý low-, ntonev-sý-avig pi)h'(s, for thie wlîole ai4v INFAWtS' FLANNELECTTE PETTICOATS. 59e icoats ili ail sizes, for infants. Special CHILDREN'S FLANNELETTE GO'WW.S. $1.25 on leavv eight Flaincilette (-o-î for- cbiidreiî froin 6 to'14 y'ears. Wr-cl mat~de and '-ei' durabje at $1.25. BOYS' PLAHXI5ETTE PAJAIM. $1.95 FExtrýi hcavy weight flaîîneiettf, ajaiia's for boys. sizes 6 to 16 .'cars. speî'ial at $1.95. BOYS' FLANNEUITTE GOWNS $1.48 -l3ovs'Flaîiueiette i Nglt (iowîs in a goodl select ioni of eoiors. WVcil malle and îîeatly triniiied. Sizvs (; to 1 6 yvar-s. special at $1.48. MEN'S FLANNELETTE NIGHT SHIRTS. $1.95. Tliv v are muade fulli, regîlaî' sizes ini stveral styles, of extra heav Y flani- nitlctte. Special at $1.95.* MEN'S FLANNELETTE PAJAMLAS. $1.95. i e~î xtr'a îcav v Flaniuelette -Pajanias ini a good selevti(il of colors. Speeial1 at $1.95. WOIM'S NTIGHT DRESSES $1.25 TO $1.98 M~uade tof ý3oft Flancelette of good qîîality. ini pilik ani blite sti'ipes and w-hite. Long Sîe ,w'itli or witliouit eollars and with double voke. WOKEN'S EXTRA SMZ NIGHET DRESSES, $2.25 we(r have liot 0'rerlookedth te wo mien whlo i'eqtin, extra size garinpnts ais w~il hbe seeît 1) * ouir large selî'ctitîi of itiglîtdrse at $2.25. WOMIIK'S, FLANNELETTE PETTIOOATS. 98c. Extra hvav-y qîii flauttuelette Petticoats ini a gtîod selccthuîî of col- ors. Speeialiv pi-iced at 98e'. BOYS' AND GIRLS' SLEEPING GARME?4TS Sle'piug 'aruîeswithi feet for boys anid gis. Sizes 4 to 7 vear.- (iood ietotitf Moiîs tg)select f roi INFANTS' FLANNELETTE GOWN5 5à& uilettc (Iowns spet-iall3- priced for- COAT AND SUIT SALE NOW IN PeOGRESS. $19.75 TO $5000 -GOOD WARM COATS. INFANTS' APPAREL (kir infants' section lias just reveived a large. of infa~nts, ap- parel that wouid do juisticef to a city inally tint-es the size of Waîîkegaîî. fHere vou wiII find evcrything for the baby. Bathi Robes, Kiinonas, Kilitted oods, 13aby fluntings and a large assaort.nen t of infants novelties. rAar. Plup.

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