Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 30 Oct 1919, p. 2

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r.i-sn-ia'PVrr.T.U D T M1WPNl1W1. !TrR5DAY. flfTflRER 30.1919g. -I 1InaUDflTrNPOINET EN AND £>,ar ar Count STATET AVLATOS WIDN riwiuruîuMEN A The mernber't f the North Shore MI ANA OUR NOWL DGSOF M NYO GÂNIATINs bel il their duty to advise you Hon- ocabIt' Board or Supervisorstnit thAs IM ROADS NDE ieu liarilyinaccord witl your k1e.0 BIRD MIGRA UrTIO END L'E BOND IS UE of ..linthe peicle of Laite couicty PROPOSED -<rLi .illion Dollar Bond I'.sue for the They Report-Seeing Mîg- County's Leading Citizens and con-stnIction of rernuanent tonds in Roads Proposed Under Bi rants 15,000 Feet Above Organizations Pladge to Ve are contident that il ve 'yvoe Issue Plan Wil Be Mair the Eath.Bost oa Bod ssu. ealUzed he advatnltgoa c01a syern tained by the State. - ~ aIcTcIbailli ther', would flot be an uývr WILL HELP4'HE SCIENTST PUBLIC SENTIMENT FAVORS aible'sole cist, wore' Iil? cost ut uis TOWNSHIP TAXES, Tht' igbt ci Sept. 2, 1887, whle undertalig twit Ilile amaunt you FRMNRRU dm Amer'an selentist. P. M. Chap-~ For thet paFt fcw day,' tt't' adsani(t' f isk. Tiere fa flot a resident of Lake FRMNRRU iman wus abservng tht' moon thru an iherafils. of boa,] i zue linbtiity have 'count) whû can aiiord to continlue to astionomnical telescape. be suddf'nly, tccn caflvassing th~e trinion ot tht' PaY the' COasS whicli lie bas ieen Eacb <of the eleven Toutes becane aware of a nunaber af birdIi voters in, every section ofth û curi obliged ta, for the' maintenantce of Iosed to hu, constructed out of yatffg in front af the' lens. silbout- iv. The' terriltarv envered haq been the lxu ile al i'ttoads', for tke funds af the million dollar1 ted aganst tbc glarhng light of tIbo tharotghly gilletI vi'h and w,' ant ao1 f e bettor naine. issue l3a ,ver a route prevlously d MSnl fae. or orethan two and inuaps ai thc proliosed prograni for e W'e Ted oblgated, as vublic spirIt' flatrd as a state aid htghway. a- ns f oe.sFrmore. .to1:51oclrad.d citizenci, ta do ail within aur power der the sdite-aid plan of hig] p. m., to be prec!re-an Inernilttenft The' concensus <of opinîi vev t elf' PullLake oouDIy out of cofltrttctIa:îthe' state flot ornt St'eam of migrants flawed southw&rd wtero lis in avor of "ro',iding Lalke the nutt' and,. shail use aur hest funcis bt i the ity t'xpc 8àCroas bis field of tnOng eaunty w.ttt a go3d system fl0froads. Vours vh tatendnv ieuli. In li ta mthe rid brtpi tb.e. ,accordintg ta) a wrter In the' The'farrîter.s arl: sery enthusiastium foror RHs very rly tSI'PY hbae s eve atitar t'at.eate jteronto Globe, Mr. Chatcnan was able 1the surecss of the bond issue anti are TAENOTH SOREI]ls SPPLYh. agres ta niainain liTheslr te recagnize the' outincd fins Of, working wlh tnciriti.s ITorI,' i t' N T& WNORs A1, JYC. hghwas t 'a i te tr undrt Caoiamtgracklv. enipe ani ' -','g 'lhîe trend cf publil, 0DmPSeretcy'$60,00,000Oc)raad bond Isiu- pj duse. Tiiese. rotiirhtY e>,tIm2ted,l c cn ho wt Iitifrtîuithe' en ___________ treter.Tu, h ukeo wOeetrastelintie t vVt l aryltig'dOirs;nents ot iea andI organizalians !La li Tuqthe uptinhair ffm 6.000 ta 14.000 feel. .ic c-l ic. ona icia fit oflte coancll i T NewtMens of Knewledge Th> : ýprenr~otîttIve mn en jfluJheyjJjuJjywil fa Until the' adtIsto'f :irpirctiee, neatr ef W ilc t a nd havii'P OVSINS Ofthe'lot.ofatheof blg ly a quarter cf a ci tturt, taler. this ;t d f'.or go KNUUT ~wwndeît theprecr it plamnofhg bsrainforcît' i, prpc' c.: WtIl".m 'oy ~ ' , >IE L uProvement ,»ezi t),vnship e am ninitota f aur kfiovl1' ' of 1, h" eit'i', ian andlsur- O S IL FOR three hl.gnwas' Coniîîsio.Iers, helght at whIcb birds trasetcd l 1d 'c 'nrr1 t Ti ~~lndelpend,ý'ntt', ot thé.town! tram tlIir surtier <IIr c 1t. "' t i " pli, ,iuiian and i - lIE IL>II1 LANDU E aUaI'i the' relcair lcîîcocnst.'uctioc reali7ed, of cocur'se. hat ccr'ain .c Itcc n..a v oaq, and i ttdils 'ch. viiytart d s-.g., swqtlows. wzIgliiil'c, pipit , te tile air c I. r acditîn'ur.tîîco Butler Bill No. 9849 Gives Sec 0 f tîory iieeq trv for the' up _____________________________ : Aý 'I, , I it con, tta o' of rondats andi ely iatax (flot t of Navy RightIoHnl e sxyo, et pý u -. L, E. t tt'crîctc l, ni:hat. N avy Lands. CttIt'ara a'.st-,.-.d ',lctat totag fi,,ii-y litin , opticii tt it 1 1,e!0 O ' j :t tncII T;piOfce5 IS , c, -i. %\ 1 . c ' at t vOWNERS T'HAE EEWAY ta\..of (I,. r iui'1r ,cci:ur greatly faclitated by i:-'. c . rnanufa'îurer. ToAEL~V M wnen. These taxes are collecte. Spt t t 1h,,' ,,alî Cc.a o'I, tte coin convenI.enruottte.ttidàii-. produrts. tCity A ttornley Decker tof North iontiii who irs' te fti3 0' oi J . .Il. c. , t', i îaeger Tmn- Chicago. has 1fýeeveti a Cicp'. 0rtht' iwtro',enenhs ,,!ann,,d Thutccin f . .11?cotipa.P. . BallItter LIl inIrodtced on Oct, 10In icounty there -e'nîen dif' ÇThere are never too ' va inoî. 1'ci al eonlre.;'. w'ttch authorizes the' seore- boards fcnUsoresw,' man oites'i ay ugttCl ist,". ,c.taroWfa ac-y-orfthe navy tu turtc haiktoluNorth for tht' sane endi, but tn wtd,. man ofthee i an ~ Stc'ibr c l'tttChicago'b<'3 a- 1tlite pm'perty in Norich sergent lunes Titi codetnt i(lci house. 1Oa W~~. nS'.de. ciChcago that wa'c tlken oser for-th-, bowever,imio.ide fr -!nyix', lllrel-Ln aul nvalstaion Up to the' presentatlon r onstduct.ion thet' 105 fitcsi IlI ayhueiired 1clor.fthis bill tht' t1an pro; idt'd Ihat 1h , cases heing unalie I l t ase inmay m2Se, ). T. St' b,*buiiiotrl't.i.i cii and pQ.*rty owne"s ;haci a ight to sicto Rn <-fc)r anv in0tîo cf tatini y.ýars ago, before Apj>' t :î.din'cîtct I bncwhet'her or nul he wishLd to takte projsements. 'Tihe 'and iissue Hl. C.turnctt, ahe.the' iroltertyLacis. but lancierthe' uJi- whereby the' couraic.îtlrge pr., pliances had reached I ' A. WVuack-, ln'-uince . 1r btll t îîîeaxm ihl it 'ec-.retsrv lor extensive rondl buti n',-is tht that efficiency that ( ~10 .natfeue 'au forct thit', wsnr'i to iaKe Ille solution af tht' probti-iru. efficiency that bas 1). T. Aishutîn îtx'nufac luren. 1 t thiet p:'operty ag:uin wether tht'! It'will be clearir see,n that 11.Ul.luYmnfcue. wish to or not. tb1 tt aititg hg benrouse, tl'e o ktrdOcî:c. g, nhagt . iThe bill in ull follows: te townships wilne relmeyc Je.rausL.aebord t' )C'Ittrry. s.A BiLL doing year atter rear repairing and wall outiets are T, I. GNi'o ,shsAUthorizin7, the' return ICI its former minzor CCnstrutitO'n work wb.l T ' ,ic " .icctr."iot ,.'-tan'"d ill""I of ito lastin- , bneit emher t t . t. O .. a . iya.>'ctanert. t!liV ct.." tyte IUntited toa .1;chmp or lte ccunty at J.Yemncllcios jsic' States by 'poclatihton of th,, Tht rond and bridge andtI 'IcintncoleCiOn, ustce President. for tht' enlargerniit of txs ca.n t.ben Le used for th le Is an easy matter ta <of ponce. the' naval tra'ining station, Greatlc-roisement andI maintenance c aâd these to any i- LIi». X\alhiecmatILaites, HI. and forother Iturttosces. I minor oads thnaughout the W. J Sakma, mrchnt. Be It enacted by tht' Senate andi House salto. Teex- tihris T teîson, cuntractor. o1ereettî i h'U itei unity-, and these taxes ean hc oftallation.esof heUThed y rdued o tht'purpose, pense lis moderate. G.1Il Richards, sai suan. States o fAmeria in Congrezs l;-1I hteninz tht' hurden af taxati A FCarney, tierehant g The nvetmen , tht'rprv wes The nveti'left pYS. c'P' W. Lewi,, National EnvelopeI That the mecreta" of n'îvy is .,~.,ames We do the, ,vorà amPany. 1 hereby authorized -andI directed to E. F. eirnan, t'i7er. 1retu-n ta the' former aaners ail lands, Docks That ProfIt. - ~~~~~~~Frank tRAc hlitc,îccxsre w '-rChan'. tiIlela sshjch was taken hy the' Uni- TeeaeItrtrd itok Pu li Srvce Co f. At'urttc drici" ' 1 , e< Staes for tht' enlargement af anere arne h ifrenti-'frêcîtî. e E T. Pount, îa"rehtnt. 1 1h.'1aaItraining station at Grî ci one uhy ht'f etirndla wt El a r tin. bt, cs't,. L Iles.1, n açcordani't' with lime Ihnfpens toa stîtica, e'til nlttc ai orter Ilinos . t M' O. bti.cr1iproî'î-.cotsc, ottht' procianiati"n of the~ ______ ______ Js. W1'~ .îc, , un,î St't (nP , lîdattet Nov. 4 Nura_, person qîtite unrI.nnsetC.nsIvta fi îcubc h c nt tred 14:1, îssued lit accordance wih j imselt wIth irnmîinithon Nssdh li î~î4 i h mcprcs'con.î of thm'Act o' Congres -Snît of use tu tht' battît' of-it.-I F. BA Uc2Yf'T AI'toccJut, t 1918. embraccd with' TeIl. t"".~( , rkîl -c' 1 nlte arc id t 't in raid pro-________ #AANUFACTURei-. p(- OFLx .,.,1.1te!l'îias3"],arctl nu-nbplee ltc'i' tt',.lIaruzcîtered l', e'rcpting tiat REAL ESTATE TRANSFE - arbli and ranuren!lta 10'linor',' ' rý.d arcel iyin, south o' P i 1 rost andi brtwet' he OCTOBER 20, 15'19 A. J. Daggitt and isife ta ' c g) L B' ttîerfieid andI ie, Wl) $10. M onu eni .1. i ~ r ~ ,i 'ilt.'?tt.rt:1 cad lotit'9txîk 1 G. L. Xrîtt's c 1' t y ob (çcf >;" (tCcr lhrtti-j I'C.Cohir anîdwife lu G. E. >Description N 1<P.I- î .nd 7, att, N E 4'( acres NWXV ,uar. F, 'Core~ondnce Scskita i ',' .c tti t 'Il'e r dc5crc kibitit. XX Lx$10, l'art1 CI"Ilt'Mtody to Joltn C f c [., " "n ' Zl,' I' N 27 34 acice S lait 1, ---- --. ' ' 5 0 . 52'.1-iactîs mit W lia t c ,' L.. hAcî ta» t' h IA'iQ.I< ~ , c . . . .' ' i' ilI1. G ticc:ic andccicc tt wfp ' Obf;<c zib.ctLtîieLOI Bank i bm,h l '- g', iibi foi'f, WD $10, 2 acte ltt 1t;., Wtrtu's and 'ic ,ta £tIltr, I 'tlc\cc. ci"'î.t.'m j . ' c ' hi 'id tifi', det& I: 20ù,S 1,V . 21'. ,1. 21-2, :.nîi213.', ticctcci Ler . O , EtI'TERFIELIU. i' n, ' . ar.. e. h $ etd li ot4 t . t~t t "~'u, itcî'c c L inIl-ll). iii se(. 24. Avnît lt' SS..'. TATE ',rT.tuaa.m, K, L. ,'l!ir,î anîd wibe to Atarlii c . ' ' . . 'ar (tlte iasý' enthatI r andI sife, XXI) $10, lu I i. )vie.litîn(,ou, cl cIl' 't -c. .t C i~t e .ht n' f Ii i , sîc ccltCsuIt. Arcs. ' . '. ~ ' " ',;"c ,tibitf ,cîth.'r sîtit I A F. eaubien and sife tt) ~ c1 -1, ' tt I'I îer cf ntum whllh 'Ford, XVI) $1, N haIT lot 2 blkt c . ','.,.,i 'W. CL" r ricunî as wilih h. ilu'ert Douglas North Side sub N Aticct-ci at'Law .':it .c . ,.end on accounit ai ian. i , . , h 'l Ci i ctrU'ttY n trie man- H. E. Harning tan andI iit ,r0LýliSt !,,c'cX,.t rc:2 î,. .- ." cr 'w Sctton 24, Ipara- Ford. Wl> $10. 9Shalf lot 2 hlk i..; r'l S "I tlton 14.7, of threcrt Douglas North Sitie 11. I c ,c...'VI ,Ln, ILLIc IScM, 1 ' - and."~~ provided furthter, gari. ~Easat le e LYEL H MORISI., h' W , tc t -sute iiuch Instrument Johonnott. AXD $1. N 43 fit1I Rt,' T AWC- c .,î"t ýc ' .bc a b.ncna 20 andI 21, Cuminings & Cals ST! )mEVATmas . t. ' .ch. c 'iC'It. t ,t< ttsc Ave. AtIt Waukcgan. Litertyvithe . lcrcis %Vc'nîcj ;lrirj j' 'c ,tt, I scm Sathe rof n Clara E. Jobanot 10Ettal Lucte luitI ' cct t" bc..5. î . 'rw d: andl, pravided fur- ztcl. Wl)$10, lots 9, 10 ti:cd a. phone 13&. i On ht m 1"t' 'c.Puri~n, Awyci,,- ii l thé; sc-c'nî'lar yo! tht' navy 1, Johonotîs adtI f Antiatch. l tc,,' rît il",Il. ;nitan u ticomp.nsation -R, C. Kent andI wifc tû liatI Tilt,11,ing dlt isc io5t cn-CUttlffie-Owen, WD $10, lot 53 PAUL MAC GILFFIN, tii, i"d ':c ttcc.: c, , « ..icrl t "mant e nitos Wauconda sub. AVI'OE>EY AT 1,1W. tL l-t l appc.ct 'x o lbotu th'e . W.Butterfleld andI wlfet (cr ,n , 11, )-ltti ccrc] tc.' t "'cte!' r' VelIconie. VIl)$200, lot 8, -tllE 2 tii s '-fi' 't'Itlit0orsc(l11 tht' lantinel Lake Bluffs, t.IiRttfhs lhnos\'cI "0 'cit '('Oc' t c, tcîlu as May have 'been OCTOBER 22, 1919 Puas. 88 'I i r ',,ïIc' n 'rtt' a aiti lands 'ty Ile Ida 0. Ure and busband t t" cc,. -cc îc'e S'l vere Marbît', QC $100. part N Klos, WD $10, lot 8 blk 16, Wrigbt's 15, Wright's add ta Libertyville. S. Posvic. WD $1, lot 6 CampbOIIs aN dd to Libertyvîlle. Mary L. Barmore et ai ta C. p. Deep Lake sub. R. W. Churchill and wife ta E. R. Clark. KD $200, lots 4 and 5. blk 36, E. H. Shepplcy to R. H. Higgins, OrvsWD$10 hllacr lt n vllgeWashburn Park, North Chicago. WD $10, lots 13 and 14, blk 42, Lake R f Orvs, $. hI celtl ilg H. 3. Dunning andI wife ta W. E. Bluff. of Ianht'.Cut andI wife. WD $10, lot 6 Block 2 H. W. Jeftrey andtIfe ta W. E. S boutas Cale andI wlfs ta Harry andI Durst's West Side sub Waukegan. lngran and wif, WD $10, lot 73, IRa- R. M. Phîllips, WD $1, lot 21 Pearson E. J.,Lehman estate ta R. H. Sber- vlinla Highland Park. Little & Brogansa sub. Waukegan. woad, WD $7693, tract ot landI ln Caroline Gosswllcr to il. T. andi R. D. Hardy ta H. B. Seller and Lake Villa.1 Clara S. Bakice. WD $10. lot 16 bilt ond wlfe, WD $3.000, lots il andI 13, blk D. D. Campbell and wife ta, Bessît'1 il Highland Park. 1tlsb~vi ~MWCIAL~IZIJE~ I Shopping in Chicago Made Easy /\vo:' Ic xn'cli-u-ige, i -Aîie î r rt.Take tlir~î .~!ostrI'àI Is t tc Vcry '! ors of- your f ,;'orcs ti the (cC Trains LoCIî±-',o Every 30 §i~lL~ Irza,.a lavc Iiytville every lxi! ho fu fî a..: a. It. ta l. Fi., ( ' ý ' , ý !ý-: e iUff with litnited and expre it ,0-i b:3 4 a. ni. t 9i1 -1:a. i:n. TrLajîs operate imb ailî around dt I. ping at Service from Chicago's Loop District to Lake Bluff every 30 min utes. 10-Ride Tickeb between Libertyville and Chicago Now onî Sale at Reduced Rates Milwaukee Service Leave Libertyville. from 7:02 a. m. to 10:02 p. m., connecting at Lake Bluff with limnited trains h"'urly from 7:23 a. m. to 10:23 p. m. and evc ry haif hour on Saturliay aftrrnoons, Sundays and Hohidays. Fo'r fut' information apply ta, the Chicago North Shore& S1Milwaukee R. R. Libertyville Ticket Office Phone: Libertyville 74 Territ kega 'WOM Acco Sun, 'q @à" Two. 1JLDJVJJM.L M V à-L£L£VJ JLILLIZJJUL% JL. JLJLLV.LtèaàjjmL.L UV, .7jLU. F-CYelCAGOY

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