Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 30 Oct 1919, p. 3

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WAUUEU'IILq <coli of Mrs. Mfatxon, near WA lAID Aiçm.II> ~ warth Wednet3day night andmI so' about 200 ohickena. fiM ENSe CIIrVr rTI.e Stun i@linformed htmn EiÀR ENS~ ilIAE 1 raid,,on gardens have iseen iaklng place lately ln the têrrîtory north. S Wes fWukegan. It la sald that C OPS AND FIELD l te' enWa i wt soehf la opn ch pwa e v ar nfroin Territory Northwest of Wau. - t-,e have been Etolen in large quan- kegan being Victimized by 1,.; mated, have gone to Ïhat locality N ight Marauders. in automobiieg tu cart aa hi WOMAN LOSES 200 CHICKS 00ue tare.m w1igteru iho!t ASoringil) mýîý;,kgegunS and It lu said that meveral trapu A~ccrdlg t a mssage0 the have been laid in the effortba. 13un, Somebody tal'leîtI tt'chicken 1Prehend the' offendçli t. t ., Lïhax: ie;econvenience in ine pur- okDelo-Light L-plant. The, v.c.~are tr'ainecd men~ - lhcy KNOXÇ ectriityas applied to farm use. '*nev caii adi' iS, you is to hie size of plant y0lot.ilé k~have. t s u.PipiIite le.'irs, li6il and ruitncr i mel t.n ruterniscd coumi.y iOiv bi riiLng îîr.', olti. i- bali btimirn -ci bm'll - oniv one plnc, lia uit -- l i hàk Pfl.< lung -lt'ul SuiooqeLm.itiry -RLtxS ON Kk.ROSENit. CIINDLOISUEKS TO0GET WAUKEGÂAN R O ÀD IMPROVEID Takes Proposition up with Sec- retary Daniels and Also with Admirai Bassett. Congressman Cari 1R. Chindbiom of, thiq district has Interested himself in the, muggestced improvement of Wauke- gan road where it runs paat, the naval B ACHURCOYour Raw Furs-It Means Highest ruling Market Prices;. Honeat Grading of the Sizes; the Most Liberal Assortment Made-, Courteous Treatment--Square and Straight; Prompt Returna andi Sound Advice as te the Market's Fall or Rise. Ask for oui Puice List. It will open your eyes as to what Raw Fuis are worth these days. Do flot dispose of a single skin before you have haci oui valuation. BACH FUR COMPANY BUY!RS-M!RCIIANTS-EXPORIERS AMERICAN RAW FURS 108-110 West Austin Avenue - - CHICAGO, IL.. Direct Ropromnatatomî New Yor'k, London, Panai, Leipzig -' ~ I M SThere Is a Delco-Light b~ Ne-:'aterxheïce you Lïlive, there «n lct) -îht -va ithin easy of vou. Thcy c.-.; lire proper They canI Tiic'..can cg chas'e and u. churn, sepai ances that furnislhed b !,THu ÏSDÂT. OCTOBER 39, 1919. station and le, endeavoring to do al In '<, ~ ,~g~'~ bina a credit. his power t se that the 05vy depart- jJ U K D ii Children Given Credis mentobackelnto mond condiition. Mr. DO SY U HID 1"ngranit 2 we shiow hiijii n KNOWS lHE wu L Chiniiblomn waus ppealed to by Charles ~ ~ T ' I k hîtui wlial il is. Th..n akie Rtussiell, eouty superintI-nl..nt of IwK U l ialch, a lî'a (I -ncil. ami d. y.I n îtingie knowý ihe.'.,utjofDIESOMETWM, S bugy. ji ~i~ h ii acredit. Mr. Russell bhad pointed ont ItuaI the M K Il-II> (rou p 3 gt'îî i t1itlr- , ' î itures i heax y traftic of the naval nr:ii n hall HÉ VER G HID lckadwht- lw utUepe H R PdE f placed t he ipad In a dt'piorabI hail e turea utofltetfl,. ai s. d ih ous and he pointed out aiseo iii irdetsUivrit resr as rmscenex he eomnîonly ste.'a irîîin ay t were received atthe station a few UieriyPrfsorsylfo ay.lie ,hould lie btahi.') sa>,, ce Samuel Schwartz has Tomb- days ago to take no furth. ction 3 to 9 are Most Import- a man, a boy> piaying bail, a< i ,r stone Erected Bearingt his wth reference te imîtrovin.' lfonds atA'sofC . soumne one tiniîgn eachpiîr tur. If hp ihere. Next year,lhe matid, tIi. ruai to atAe o hl. is able t'> pick <out one' tling liiie "P a e Miu ae 1 he wiest of Waukegan moadi stii ho anti point to il, givinrîgl, lisa ight improved and Waukvegan rnul xii be' OUTLINES THE TRAININ G nante, 10 î'acl, of th(>t' bre,.'I, ii'iurç . Of IlIte -Pars il has heen a growig the only north and sut .lah m-iiit v.e gîve hi,.,t a ~,d (usoin of people to buy their cerne- Congressman Chlndblom. i , iln Grouli four asks one q(Ueilion. 'are(- Itii1 t'i'i'f-ci monumlients and soute- te a letter recelve4 fron. hiîii 11ayby Do"iyour childid nea.iire Up flfOi - yuairibo> or a littit, gilJ1'.- il h.'1110.Prelître the vault fo rthe r.- Mr. Rislbas laid the si iail on bçe taiiY teto le a% crage eh i d? 1)o YOU ariivwer-i ('(I*Irýt 1% w,. i' g eloin c r' diit. 1,io i hei iîr hbîiilt for litpUSDnee.s.' u'o no hîthis staindardi shotîlîlbet? "Grîup 5 askui. '%lî.ttii a >ur itatiti ?' 01i'o' Ili( !i 1iicases in Wau. the' navy, and bas been mi' i 0t}o yotl know itet how nuch hi, shouid If hi, s.î>s unix lliii lîrst nain, ask ini kt-,an m-111,, i bit hs een donetu take the' matter up witlt Il l ýation know for his age? iIai e >otî any way v lai lbis oi hi-r inîi' i:,.Nu rrt-elît if, 1 LIii Of s iii 1I Si 'wartz, Wilhknoov direct. As a resuit. Mr . iiollhiomfnî 0 asuring himuiUp tri,,the ages o gixen îlnIplei- i osgthe.ifulllrnane. WWilCi i,'x o it seems has hias, communbcated wlth RKi' AIiîîil, 3 f0 9? -ru lt ati h et i omleaIi osfrted Baitss(. ofte naval station. :nit Ifr Thte JeRuits useil 10 S,", "('IV( ' -4reliat a s:nIîliîtiiîrstîtilas, * .1 i if il 1.ii . r rr i-ta when Russeli fe-ls that the officr,:l Itlle 'lii'child tintil he is 12 uandl wecala do hauve' a IwiP dii il- ii'!Tii' unmer iiistiti l11111., .ami \îrSchwartz station wii I be giad to aid iini i-v- anythlng with h ini." Noix'Prof. Ed1- vert ti i l I-I iliiii d tils ho oh- liti i i ii --vi".* iilo. îiophi l lngth ailodas soeilas thCt i 1it îr- wariiL. Thorndîke of (Columbus Iuni- tains a c'. ýdii.iL . 1ý. 'l 1w tc' allit ho mission front Washington tIi i ihead. verqity cones forwarîl wiih the' idea Cain Get Six Credita I mii ;, 1, ( i that i.ake coutil constituent . ,I' t 'oný thlai tht' moqt lIportainit g o<f a - Noiw.-' untn d li 'I r 'l'hori, ihk e, if It'l-, i ,(lin g lii i ,iii !IIi i ng ar. gr.'ssbnan Chlndbiom appri, ai ite htildus men tai traininziiare. front h3t o 9. t j,. chil- l i taIi hiil î ai; et ci, ilia lin gil ..IIî lil'n1(,i se,5 inti're'it he is showflg InIl: part of "PeýoplI, are too. icinîl îo îhiîîk l, ti us-t liagiven to îîînicn ir i i i I l Ps,ý i ' I ;i infîiily and hia diiict. ihiir cihldrt'n overbrighi t1 yli' on mu neasur. s'i ilii i) t '.i il" oIIiIîIiiî for his I rienîl'. well lleasai with Ibe, hei'ause they . ... nil Iun ii '. 1 t reditstquafl,î M'ir ,ihw&itz cala recit.' a few lin,,, of- Moibir 't loud s îlt, s 'iîî~WI IL. îi i. ai iie i alarge lot Ziui~ YOU II TO siii Dr. 'tiornilitkr. buti anyi tiiniti1.- til an liii.lhows hi',i tin o, < iih hui', n tia leery, ZO O T ONot a Baby Too Long ~ h.~m~ îî îrîali. i fî ii i.Ti'imt<n~ti îuie tait itîn i ,do.'olnil Ilcia Ii i ý" Iiî'pI i lots. _d -?1.r S a', h1. ai RISO IiI< 11E " oOlinued iPr. Tiiornîllio. "and 'tamuh..i iii.e i)0i'iu iii Iadc)~iIu .t wt"".îoeras l PRS NF RT E l1ink i iioi't helieve in the hahy htîi i li vild iiiiinîîîi.-iîl ahiîh >i-" On di U O ng ivooly îlîg. and 1 ius ann.l hi nu loci u 'tit' i tuon îiiîe Sil)t, a. dsll an bII-al IUr. Tlidiki' .touk Iii,; lii l oI v i '.ainiîîaiîwalz Tn i~ 0 A IU rPgiflaI' iill flIîlgI'îl hahv. Ail tilat îîîîî firnîîy. . -vr, v. ys(id ri I"iir'î it, lie .a 'ottt' )uuui'l $500 T E T FaPrt of lis i; iielopinti.but învi10miu N. îîieîin I ax itd' i.a m i i :!a Pel Ibitng erected there, îîîint to um iîuhy hoi i i f îy.. 'Noir lilt, i lit tlie glib 1lbi (iii; hil tii e h ne '.-l t'fu long . liv tht'1ime a chitl is 3 vear % i n.-r îî ýnlspatc lrvbihniti- n allt h sse t$.,0l Itockiford. Oct. 21.-hIt as - n*-i liI' fIli] hli- siîould liai i.rtaclieii a certin t1r w i î a ta iig t ,1t > ,oih iii In m at d ie h a i s sp jnt thel day i n the' circuit court Satinira, tandlard and hi' abte to pasi ah' i,>t îî i i Iiii îîr iiPa.i, tîo ii,big si luit rial t i ici Seven voung men mii, I on a e Up 10tI t' avirage littie iiiinild .t.ii, ii tîîî.,î în n I v*istt 1 ti1i î'nh a charge futeîaling automol, i hi 0 3. li l7:n"!aili;iaiit i d Lt ilîgafîî'a lî iriu plî'aIliný: giiluy to the, char.- s ,'w Anlluwcan ive test do- chîhl of 1 1 "pI i 1 illi . isliin 'it',sir iîri.ii lr hat 'iOnîelody asked arrliizneIi for court punishii i .toI tu e i i ia î.ch llc 1a kl rd "i sv lirig il. 'I'lîmrî'i, a t' pi'of t-ilil lil li'fi. i, ý' \Whf.e Ioi, h ht where thî'r wih a tew plt'ading nu ý,il10 lue, was iked. xxWI', 11aW.,' cri, ii i 1 iii i çîlv.lioî ti. miiiil iii ehntr,'standst othi, r liargîýs. 'One oft the siways iq to luse tle, îîii'ai.ii Ii, lîî isa l'ii i.,' S iaî fWu Mlinein G. Ferguson andl Wi ;iM l inît tet, .whieiclî otlio 0us froni îlb uit ii'.i luit tell i l bvcause t ere i " atis il?"'a'dmillie Waukegan - Wî'her, the' former of Ziîn (".1,iand 1-r;ricPni'il is tiiied into six liffPr- an. four ri îaiein'.aihiy h hilotilî oti iMan ri'Iiii , "N i. liais Wiv t l." %W'î'her ou IDeroit. ivere g iver. l i n-ii mt croit paof questions. The 'fi i ,t Iili forf i"he t .a ttlîlils fîte îîlîas ii fîinl lor e' ti Ii ihe tian in &iterminate stay at thbe niai.'r' lirnia- rriiuîi las four questioîns, cucti,, tudîîai tonce." questioin, 'f itsaw hlm oaver at tory at Pontiac for thet t o!afi i Xi Shovv tie your nose.' 'Point tc, yiur -Ille otheî' fineral' Joe, Freilean Meyers, wivilo lIh uiAi î;, Wlnerî' e >our moutil' ta'shiîr.t. mi te Kîlifraih car, drawing a siniflar >mn- i. 'iur lîir?' Ilf the toi can answ,'r'MOCKUS CON VICTED o'elthi' geai rig ad th tterie.oui tiese four question. we give O F BLASPHEMY sehrn , "îles teitng t i e ady i _______ încecîaîniîy as to what tlley are go- __________Man who Escaped Charge here lng to do wilh hlm." Afte Senatioal Carge And se Mr. Scbwartz la perwect- Aftr Snsaionl Carg, iy reconciled te the situation. de- Repets At, i iaied. claring he rnerely wantt'd te know gels the, final stiumons and ho saM NO ILL. LAW; MAINE HAS hie fintlis considerabît, consolation li th1e knowledge that he bas evorything South Paria. Me.. Oct. 27.-Mi»I- aies chael X. Moackus of Chicago,' con. A«EA viced of blasphemy, as a reisuît VAU STOCK A $1 0,000.t of lecture& which ho delivered at Rumford recentiy, wassentenced City Opens Most CorMletely to serve f rossi on. toe oyears ln Stke Grcy Sor the tate prison by the Supreme tce Gr eySoe court today. The cse wilI go te at the City Yards. -r the law court on exceptions. In M the meantime Moackus was ad. Waiikegan, Oct. 24. mitted te $1,5w0on bail. Lieut. Zlvnowhky of Great Lakes Moicus. who cdaime te bu s no. thia faon admittod that ho had stop. ciafist, was arrestied at Chicago Wod aulllng foodatUffla tO tthe publie « on the charge of publicly bis.a. t the station, pouding a taklng 0etsM pheming before the Lithuaniai n v onIt e oewhoro ho1.bavea. à Libra sociey ait umford. luglntauow.IeIhvemi cul wu ailogo the havsrd. out ail that la avallable for-the pub. cucruciiion, the lic. Until thon w. vUIii0n1lnothlng hol trnit, ad ohersubect of more." * hoiy t~~rlnitn. tu ubet f Headded that thia meit that OVea F*le et Convict elioion though Waukogan has .014 ont if» Fsild otConvct Hro. allotment, no more foodatuffa am be The above telegraja colle attention ansigned te the local publie maret' te the fact that a na-n who vas trled untîl It la determined Juat hov muck «"I ln the charge of blasphemy lu Wou- they have on hond at the station. kegan and was discharged vhen lbIf___ vas held that there la no law la 1111- Waukogan'a municipal store ln the noie whlcb prevents blaspheuiy, has City barn locatod at Sheridan road and heen convicted and ialled on the saute Lake atreet, offled lis douoate the charge which confronted hlm when public thia mornlng vhen fltty toma ln ïAubmpêLiiTbis man Mosckus.l.itof naval station food, valued at bll. is recalied. was ai' ed ln Waukegan tveeS 3$9,000 and $10000, voe plaud on tie charge of blaephemy. bts arre8t au sale at cost. Mayor Bîdînger hall taking plaice ln the' eariy part of 1917. planned te tako charge of the sais la Mosckus; addressed several meet- Persmn. but unforseen events mnado ings on tht' soubil side and ln those this Impossible, se City, Enginoor 1M. meetilngs in each case ho used certain J.ttnuthltt ivas placed ln charge. ternies whieiî wer.' coneldî'red hias- When It was announced that Wau- Iîhemnouot.Il. m arrest folios cd and tint kegan wouid place navy food on sale case aîtracted nîtci atteniloin iventi tere ivere few who realized that lit d a e r Y uouteide otfNaukegan. wouid be dont' la suit quantleg. SttesAttorfloy N%ech flled anin-i her,. but It was socl e.enP that titis isoec tuai yýotir Îlouse anudbarn furmation. AîloineŽ. Main, rerietwoul he a sliw procees se the naval in, 7 ?iockus. uîiîuî'aire4 ii lutn .idge stationî proceedeltetalid. The int ,ry v twrcd- l'crsons vitht Mosekil .and . tt.'latter supplies at're brouglît here W'4ena î'ieru'd utpia iii îîî gutltý «haler da it fernoton. Ail day Thurs4dq7 the supernttŽ d th insallaion f Maiun xilitdiewTx tie li ilha tiialleta tanda contijucil h arriv'e and on stieri-teid th istlltin f lii juin1 ii l u It1Ili.' mui 1ia ii ti ihuraîiay nigiji iles announced that SO tiia il XVII m)'IV you iili 1ial,i i Ii'liîie il 'lorngttei 'i t of lie foodml vould flot arrive soth lilýNii ie oute iost a case mt i.(if . nYîy l,m.l bn p iitinitiul aY. md CCOflm ical erviceuluIon itliisiue iico'ulrt in "45 Yealrs. Tht' case., of goîîs are packed high andec iionialsericixîlainiiîg tlii haw of toîluy gixavaloit the' liraf iclor of tIno barn and jvc ou ntiligct avic as o te pr- IIiiî lhI right ff itié- an d mIo"a thonri atliarge' quantifies' upetaise li-e t a vice as o th Pui- t ilitiIl iu;:: Ii11 1 t Itlliigit re- aI'.ý se of wxater system, washing machine uAssistant gei g T'ili cow <3alth rEuante 10 h [rator, milkin g machine and other appli- 11m10Wi'. as. jl. fuuii tnt'ettmtin, and 'r utt i' i, i y yardl iilx*% an hour ho- lui twc Ireiu' i i ii tIinl) tho grandiî jurs - fm'r 11î 1mieun.'lui- mI'sale te open. you cat o perate ith the electricity uandî i-r uwa iriiii liuru ii.'. 1.1l!, ma,; i.oit n îtîiu.nlng, .ao y DclcoLight. x miii itn Ille iuffli uîînî hil, i hni' iiii' elurkiian iîto ait )yilo- i h .TIli,, uhit ii uii il ' tihi ýti),il I nt rs u.iHue' ith(iii' xeî'î'fuly 200 And-after the plant is installed thcy are always ncar-by to advisc wvith you and seethat you gel one .hundred per' cenit satisfaction out of its operatio- Delco-Liglîl <s igfîteriiîîg. labor, beltering livintg condilions and actitîilli, ptîjitiis for itseli in finti ani Iabor saved ini imor'e' hîaîî75,000 larm lhomes. G. A. RITTER, Dealer, 1607 Washington St., Waukegan, 111. STOVER & CO, (ac.) Ditaibutor, 1407-1409 S. Mchilgan Ave, Ci cago, IIL The Dom.stic Engineering Company, Dayton, OLuiê' uutih ii i Ihi i hlc'ipeuîn uhuî' cn * îîîu'.îîî ii. îuiîr 1h,' lu,.,s outhtti salmf i.i llino ua li i1S. Musiktus ha tre',"' saimL. Assi ýtuîîjti lii e tluniy' V Nelchtiuier * in i u i in thi' circuit couîrt. wmu';' .ixt.liiiet liii i, atbir un t 191r, (n î'uîîîp]bcitof nitilan fan, in ili. oOutl tant ii 'otkf g %il. ot i('te i .1 Ioi attuieki maile. y hlm m1i lu.'lit'tyiii a pulich( hîture n 1.b I hlai <n ,Iiy n 'î The' c.cSt i au iS lieuxi u nui i ciiurt hettrA uîiý oîrx'u sixi me'n.' h'vtiid icky a lit rt Il lo y i>eînuîîu ihargi The îi aI i ', it<inemy was t zi'al,'utota hen b> h.ittuanlaii hri' ts unl îtlîîraon hll l (ilt lmuid . xitIi thli' ii'ili Ithcsei ahlarteudin 1 <'uinfvcout. illtt Ie achîtinai c m(ii Sunts ed b'. iudgc 1'ersotîa atîuîo uil tIle luive ut Miiniîs ddulnuuIncittîle bla îîhemy as m crIn..' ag:ttanh auî'îtY' Once more Ma(scku'i vas Ir 1by a court act. As- uistnli iIt ' Atorine'y Xelch vent tnîfore thi' gîa:iil tri and muc'ceeded n ha'. ng an iîtîlu t île ,ni changing bias- ilieiîty n ii uit'.1 i inast Mimaciua. It waq s lualiittn-iIt ahich .ludge Bd- vards liter"îalii" tn the' grounlds Inat tI"m.hillinos law doesi't provide any penalty for an aîtack ugantit the, 'hli itn' vsiiu'ýin xiii babies ln 111., railiii:.tieet'xi. r, protossional n 'n. buiiiss metn and laborers, t ,l, t.oat' îoîîîn xx it îi;rket hau- t..: mlothi-ra vina Iad broght. t-i n auitoîimbiles. toii m.î la îay ubeir i icui5'of thue j,îm it ix mx ome- ijI ml l. <'ilt tm, %% ait on t, lb i'itoners ,11ti1. llîîîîvîrîu doii'iof Wîuii ho b' iii' i o txxa iin g zultidropped (,lit of~ Hât. thce 'are ollcrs Who mo:' î i n Ii no ' iii urmîî wxitinout got- tlti gi ut iu ~t-) ti,'dmii'or ofthe stoîre. Itier. a 'i not sufilteent policemen onî îtund iii handktu hetI,'pubtlie' and the tioiîtxliiig xiiailmist inti.aralsle &t t i. . Iluhai1).ien xmiîge-tî'd that Moi',v.'aull iI,. areC(Oulli'd lif the cnoxid amrtkeiti ua tva Unes, iun- ofîah i'being p.coi'i'il 10 an ahout bhe door. Il. is mmtoîuingl>' of lintereet to note that ile '.uprinie wuuirt Inl Mainte ba» toîînd tluuîî tthi' axvs tterô do prevent anuIi atai'k l I m ii'eu >'.and aCCOr4. lngly Moatikuut viii bave to go f.o pri*-' ou unlesas ïomrething untorseen cl9a up- 'This inearis mucliimorIo to ~tiefplant -

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