Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 30 Oct 1919, p. 5

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11jERYyILL INprENZNJ:rTHJU MDÂY, OCTOBER 30, 1919. 7RUI)Y MOJST 'AIR FURNACESI Ç3 42-3 300 tor Co0., 14-1 il te cer. 44-1 bas. 2t do ail 't tIi-tf for &tes 'nys. un- NI 2 Zion lion 2tf ake, SPECIALS Oscar Meyt-rs' Approve1 Na -n, 10 to 12. IL., -large, whoie, per 1lb................... Haîf, per lb.................. .... Bacon Squares, per ib. Pork Loin Roast, per lb. ......... Pork Chopa, per lb. ..................... Fresh Pork Butta, ail meat. while they last, per lb............................... Mutton Stew, per lb.................... 31c 33c 34c 35c 372' 30c 1122C MUtton Shoulder, per lb ..... .... 25c E. H. CORLETT Libertyville Phones 339-340 I la- M Wigo VICIItiy w IMr. and Mno _____-are spending ciounty friends. MEN WANTED! Steady work ail wniter and year 'round for good men. Good wages to start and chances for advanceinent and to share in ho- nuses paid twioe a month. Good working conditions. AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO. LIBERTY VILLE AUEX FELDMANI TELEPHONE 307-J LIBERTY VILLE, ILL 1 Pay the Ijighest Prices for Junk and Old Autos Automobile Part f or Sale CÂurch erce Mthodigt-Eposcopal. Services wilt h. etut n ext Sundai, at tb. M. E. church as fottows: Sanday sehoot at 10 O'Ctock. NMrnlngpreechng at 11 o'ClOck, evelng Sfrice as 7:80 -o' ock; sermonseby Roy. C. Ket&u.r> Paesbyterian. Sunday sehoot 10 a. m. Piomsacht 11ila. nM., tople of sermon, "whbat 1% M eans to b. a Chialian."l Preachtng 7:30 p. m., topleofa sermon. "The Triomphant Curbotihe Future." Chislan Endeavon 6:45 p. m., topte, "Standing fon Uod esud Right." Leaàder, miss asten Casey. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, Nov. 6, at 7:30. Tople, "Flndtng Spectlut Tas lu the Chunchu" Choir pnacttce Friday evenIng, Oct. 81. Mir. Ilattison, choirister; lins. Doranut, organist. - Boy Scoute and Camp lre Gilstewttt niset Tuesdey svening, Nov. 4, at 7:80. [tavlng solut the Square Deat BabIy ta Mtr. Kick of Ares, wbo wtI continue to operate the @ame unden oui motto o! "Quatity fint." I taire tht. oppottunntsy of thankiDg my tiendeansd patrions fer their bhearty co-operation dunlng the yetare I have heen ln business.. Wua. E ------------ Liberty ,Theatre SATURDAY, Nov. 1 VIVIN MARTIN in "You Neyer Saw Such a Girl" SUNDAY, Nov. 2 BRYANT WASIIBURN in "Venus ini the East" WEDNFSDAY, NOV. 5 CHARLES RAY in "The Girl Dodger"p pai.u,. 1AJu3yuu know youuare not bonu on a aîumming expedition. You are being ted up into the sunahine of the8 everlasting bills. The folks in The Companion mtonesn are everyday folks. Tbey are like your own towinspeopte: atumbling, falling, picking thenaselves up, trying with some defeatsansau one difficuities te attain te their high ideala. 1920 will be e year olgreat itories for Youth's Compenion reeders. There are more then 250 of tbem in the year. Subscribe before Christmas vsd get the. opening cbapters of Chartes B. Hewea' l-chapter story, Tbe Son of a " Gentle- mani Bon," and aIt the. extras o! the fottowing offer: New subscribers for 1920 will receive: 1 Tht. Yout's Companion-52 issues in 1920. 2 AIt remaining weekty 1919 issues.n 3 Tht. Companion Home Calender for 1920. KitÏthe above for $2.60. 4 McCaI's Magazine for 1920, $1,00- tht. monthty fasbion eutbority. Both pubtications for only $2,96. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION Commonwaalth Ave. end St. Peut St., Boston, Mass. New subscriptions receiveut et tht. office. For AU.LL abtl.Thse l.depmn IMEN PK MTR Where Are Your' Libert, NEEDY, Bonds? ~iberyvile~NeULD MAKE AI ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ CAMP 'FOR N gou tolAlond Itftw,îfil. MissiClora 9Smith lui i i S i RE l I t t i , . - h i c a o . W r t h y M o v e m e n t A f o rond Nutt spent a few days Nr and Mnr. fleore.-z -tware for Keeping Place Opi Chicago. Chuicago vnatons Tueutda *11nurse o F. Parkhurst visited friends IDo YOu went J hab' Vote. fornurshd o apart of iast week. Boind issue et Noabe,t-îon, CONTRIBUTIONS ARE ce Junge of Round- Lake, Tho Misse@ Eleie end A-IbîrîidaIttdka foot-ball gamne here Friday. of ' iâC.iligO, Spent tue aeek cui'lli l'ou*0 Au earnest ,îiPeal has h. lKelerof hicgospet te Ms. . P Dyondbusfrom '.ariou' ..uirce', tu tho. Ceier f hicgo spntthe Mrs F P.Dyondasrt-evived word int,-resiý,in i Ardiýn Shore ithe home of Mrs. Mary that her brother, Myron l'hitlipis quite c i pedi oko ili at his home in Amherst, Wîis. tutiOti on ttiru the %iînier n aleti Wbltey entortainied Mra. George C. Greenrt rurned Mon. order ta .;'rovide iiroîa'r suri, for boys of legal age Nîho ai ühinbço ort rairie Vîeow, 0, day ta Kaukauna, Wis., aft-r a visit tu, undertake work fixing to with ber siater, Mrs. Byrorn Ciiby. tion or physicai dpects. 11 John Mitchell ent<ertilin.d Mr. and Mrs. qelorge Il. Cooper, Mr. It la rather unfortunate t ) fi Mentz"r of! Lee Villa, and Mrs. Ernest Davis and daughter, eurnaingdap:i a lome,,hî-n t Y. ~Miss Hazel Davis, visited in Waukegan -rtei ned otlits mon-v m-ilt eonnt111YacoMçleW4eaiaîen iof Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs.Leslie E. -ri fr bis Cxistpliîe 'amuit Vote yet, for Bond . iluen, ~îWarren. irounilînrs aot pos city i-non tI. Trhe Bosh secouot1. gilFig n i,amk. t uîe9l.eCt ue a Wo u jo.' th sa-te-Il to.night (Thurfiae>iAi1i. of0? li? aiin FLd liF!: .iarwoodÎlies retune roic nî.-A fi ei n i-, t -ncuixe of -u',h i,;L ori, she bas hi-en î-tuItIng tilt, - ba1.. LetrdIýý t-.é- tfaiii er' Yett:iuri(li-kds of buys rir n Làb h. arîIi cbttd m-n. Led bs ar,- iilring 1-1-P . i in a iai ningh iîeido teM.bskets. .Xritin Short-, ai l.ak, il i E.i. iii ii n ao r.'t-t P: ide tid <if tPau M. E. urcb n R.W. Stafford la having hi, houseon N.t-Sho'P It ib a ti itit LbMrs. Pau Mcflnber n 4. Milwaukee avenue rernode.,.linrota fi,,-mii pi'1. .--tu.- Ci" vn a apartnment flat. He. ex p, ft' i-a-e Ptir' u i a'-,.ffa!rs andl m.ain g date fur motion pictures scin orn n tnddiptrouhh l fiii i lcefrii .uniy Ilouse, several if the western sa..' J ,iis~ e Thln ned, date will be a.,,,-d1Tecr at ie %hýn;ie aa, ,i i Te rrd art gienY i . W. C, O. :,tn,,oi f I ii;in.*> l~i on Th.ron y night %%:,.iatecided 1 iîîn g a-inter tîtonthî' la yul' er~i~<~ fl <S aitersucceiis. Winnersof 1h. 11-are: i.Fi oý s tîî..y b,-i- nt i iF uiF d'rit-. rilàM a ci4. Crnetîus Ncwhore and Mlr. Mc hay; U"Fît . pý,l .1 01 ,1, Lii-)F ,<FF FFI at 'ii Clt i. A tia Millecr and Evelyti ' i.t -i1. 'I fi1 LiFFi~ItI stir a ]Mirs. 'tAin. l'T ,, i i F.n.t huI b , 5 iF Hi5i.iTiîlig at.', F'dFi .FF-pFs o i.tFi i! <i 011, SmalIset Intlablted Spa i hi-r i iiut, t. tIr r î - 'o n.r o? t' uit-, - The Island ito l b.' fi e M iSiniîî. The gàtEliiîwa, ai- rof Itghthoust. 12 il,n,- 'iIll"- 1,1 1M- F. Townér and Miss r i b th' Teyes nîrcuîidi;înîiîaiti-îI i t-ng date f, r tîiiir. îî- 1 aorld le Connîllu:ty l a. x't 1Th(-' îresîh.'.-riau La i.' iaiLi,- 'en postr>oned. )a(- < ijtir ullouali bersai l q i W- Good Tires are Dark il, I -iv4 i t-fl. if That its tires are niiw mai- s ~ ~ ~ ~ !â( IPleM riho <iiao Eî tîti-g Tusl' hie -hiken pi.- %%ii-ral]t i e c :(r.i audue flot to a fad ins 1Miss Helen Nîirrill , flBla-cs r,,i-dTlîu m-day F'veiting NS,. îi,-,,r itli. tu 'nuportant improvnenta in ISunday an.d Mondity wiut roiia(oaS <i loi-k l(iî'Ech rmake up the ti F'Enw ' llon( 1-n J. qimnen has ra-tý -n, t fr,îm a 'qt'le >ati-ment of the Unitef E-bre r(tii,[netrab t iî- svacation spent in sou thcrîil nuis andîi T!ri' C. mp.ny. EFîna RiUt-lard on VWuîirie-. resumî-d bis duties at the -<u ,.R 1x After a long tueriod ofil cpe srof liii- prizes w..ri,. 5à,i station. Mre. and-o t lluth ai tion' tbis 'cîimîany develope- u1 ir 'Ierarî tîln.y c finig at Lincoln, Ill., r'. a v-i 'it formula for its tread compo fs. Ralpb Bulkle, ne witb ber parents, Mr. and MNrs Mathais tnIcb tougbcr and mucb better- te week-end, Mr. and Mrs. IStoîl. that it was adupted as the sa iy and two daughters , fi 1 Unsé. Ai. Aiheelf.'.' nid %tirs . . mfanufacture, even tlîongh iltc .1Mg.GoreBukey onIil ted II,"Fnsd.rlto.1 a change from the light color Ir, . eo e-r e uy, oi Mre(iend ted -tk),KrItinutFhkIri con-the public had lieeo accustomed * aho , ar e rtes hoîrleteniut the.kan . alb ke.tuueei Before the dark tirewaaplact il son of Chicago. o? the. Couicil niParent Tpact,-nr Asioci.. ake.tws hruhl et Bluff Orphanage will cele- tio tis fieId in the club ront , o the Art testing leets of the company iarvest Home luncheon on lasitute, Tuesda. testa dernonstrate that the da embe 7th Theladis ofpuund produced tires of greatei are asked ta assist in this Cash Value of *0ft ed t iesherestonk.The m bringinga pie. Pies may Ill bu been estimated by n Z1W0- ed tughavue e ntmur ,s- 0. E. Churchilî s and abc peau adentint tha tbla COUmetisl eog o admn bhey getpo the orphanage. valu. et the eoc btzlaa s_ u periorty. If ut the Epwortb teagus u 4«118 cm kside from the matter of the iapetacafrmlatnt. 0of à m i i*LaI»e .a.of the tire, the dark coîored tir tee.0 e It rving Park. The decided advantage in that it it sas.Llbrtytîî et135 Wh. GLvesSecm. opuar. eaaily disrolored as the ligbtt leav Liertviii ai1.3; whn (tevq Bemm fflar. keep a light colored tire pre rdai, November 1. It leA ltbough worn before, gloves dîd required frequent dressing,1 forIty iounir peuple groin mot flud favor wltb women untll the IIIII attend. fourteenth centiry. wben they were ai. black tire needs no attention weys in evidece. If not on the bend, sort. a. George Ogbin of Iowa, W rcn~~c fn~ i~~e If the dark tire offered no 9Borne time with Lake the stitelgng that ina<I the fingers ex- pzFints. the ligbt tire woutd prol L.Their etdest daughter, tendlng fur down the back of the band in demand wit buyers wbo reg her busband, Frank Llddle and flufiuheu off witb ancy attri andt with favor, but the unquestione, their chitdren died last eMbroidery. th. ganutlet Oftea JeW* îority in tougbness and durabilti ifluenza. The. Ogbin and ellesà, t. whol. glireO peTfUmed. dark.tread makes the tratter am were for many yesrs a neghigible factor when conai Libertyville and vicinity One of tht. shorw places of the north connection witb the subject of 'n In older resîdenta, ahore-the italien villa bult by Judgt e tef itr. Pee .Groascnp fIn Highland Park eisothtr. moatl attractive window In 1907-has been solut by Mm. Mont- AbentlvihisleI.liii One ait gomery Ward In Morris Wotff or the. NOTICE OF EXAMINATI "n's itore. - The dthptay '0 Morris Wolff Silk company for a j-e The next examination for ti phonographe mnd opera. porteut prîce of!$70,000. The. otiL. certiflcates witt be beld In W 4,NI. M !< io bead. te about seven ecrits andu fronts bath Thurday and Frlday, Ni "@ ltbiY trtll Evrtueon the. laite and Shieridan rondt. 6 and 7. % a Machine that ptay& att Herelter ail candidates for Fu own ou@ of the TRUSTWORTI4Y grade elementtary certificàttes can buY att the copyrIghted It is a good tbing 'ta have a publics - frequired to yrest crtfid Victor andt Columbia and tion in the bouse that you cmii trust, If di pla cannot be sbown. aic itemachine, lire. Carlson You neyer bave tt think whether yoo statement frott tht. principal Idea of 'the wtndow dls cent safely teave TheYouth's Compenion higli achool will serre. on te tble.Whe youbegn aT. A. SIMPS( on hetabe.Wbe yu bgr aCoin- dy It wky lt Co. The First National Bank'. of Libertyviffe, Mlinois RESOURCES 0F MORE THAN HALF A MILLION..006UMR You haven't a single need i lumbisu md building material that we cannot fil prumpt- ly and to your satisfaction. Our buying faciities are now unrestricted. We am. prepared to serve you fully; to save you money ta »&W, ways. Whatever your needs in our lines, it iii pay you to te us. - - - - - - - i171"MHNE- LONG DISTANCE 56-J iHART ME wi ertlfied j Csm luusuh:ssmmss:su- a 1o? the. ION,. Sept.1 I ldependent Classfied Ads Pag. Ask angu usr of ['MANN HOUSE fRY HÂRTMANN, Prop. fHEELING, ILUNOIS -----------------u------: m usu :~ To Buy -Nýt* Means Saving in Price and a Better Assortment to Select From Handkerchiefs for Ladies, Children and Men; Tics, Caps, Hosiery, Underwear, Pillow Tubing, Sheets and Pillow Cases W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY Phone 29 We dose Tburdy nigbtset 6:00; Strday nights et 9-e, aiothernights et 8-.00f«rbaJanoet TM: ~ssm: us090909-:ua: ------------us::m m oo mee ou 114E RUD OMI6 RUE URA! PIPE AND P1PELESS A Goo Furace. Installed Rig}it, It Is a Good We KnowiJ -ow to Do Ti iSchanck Hardware Co. i fFRIDAY & SATURDAY Numerous r9bberies have emphasiaed the wisclom of giving proper protoection to valuables of ail kinds., MONEY AND LIBERTY BOND~mS are the two things most saught by robbene and shoulci be securely kept. Monq tes most secure in the bank. LIBERTY BONDS are Most secure in our SAFE KEEPING DEPARIMENT, The service of this' department ta free andic can be made of great value to evexy holden of Bonds. If you h-avc LIBERTY BONDS that you would ike -tru have cared for. call ànd inquirc îegarding this service. -ý& À

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