Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 30 Oct 1919, p. 8

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LIBERTYVLLLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, OC TOBER 30, 1919. ARE^. Mmr. Wldhagen the Grsiof Sb@ week. W SPAP R IS The opening date for motion pictures 'Mr. sud Mmr. flolert of CLcago, cailed iu~r uin the Coinmounty House, Area, bas on friendelesat week. MuUEIUI BIBLE beeri postponed, date wiil be announced! lutie Kruèear wa@a L a tvil next week. caller Frlday. - _______________ . Gliether was a cly riitor Mon. SAYS MINISTER ----_ Afflj day. _________ Mra. L. Naether nturned frein thel p*naIbl."J. L Chambertin @peut the week-end General hosptai Sundsy slternoon sud (Ugin Courier) modem wfrede lnPalainte and Chicagor.da hrtda ,:fltere is noýt an en lifting isl Roger's Park the latter Part Ot the dlnn:r ta relative@s unday wlth centies Wm ba ishekrd fpoi. rand cakes iu banar cf ber husband sand IdUatry tudaY, but wouid prompt , Mi.and lMr. Frank Vickery attended six SyeUr aid dauoeter, Frances. Tweuty- Ili deaklits death blow b Yany large' th@ faneraIai fir@. Vickery'a uncle lit lneseroe reseut: lre. Sopbîa Tower M2pauv c« newqpa.uer rentders who Chicago Monday. ands@us, Jerry and Ruseli, J. A. açid Wqd initetly and intelligently MmpotrDeadMI@Grrd C.J en miiGogeehkmd * tlilr demanda upon our ns- lr.Pre uisdMsatetueC1.lsa amleGog erea~ kÈ~ald state legjsaturta',." DJuel cf age's Laike, calied on Mre. Wm. 1 larniiy. lMr. and lir. W, 8toerp aud @o, h9ps are tatemyents made fast Kuebiter, Friday. Mr. aud lire. Cîsitan tHurelugeasud r n g i tv.Jh nlae lrs. H. C. Payne vlited ber @lter, daugbter, M'alter Kane sud W. Wbeàlpr oreigh, ý ïFfrst Congregational pastor. lir@. Anna Caolln af Norlb Crystai Lakte, suad ismlly of Libeatyvilie. 1.e preadÊed on "The Sin of Net part,-T faat week. the Newsapýtersan sd ,palh d lsir eorge Radkte bas been quite Il] AUOL-D »' tssk Indillferent ar perfuntory the l-, few days.MieMrDiecf orh bcga mors ueadf.g. Mrr iid Mra. J. L. Cbamberlusund su.' MsiMr ae fNrhCibo ý,WIat dl Means ta Most People Bert acre Wauconda vioilare Saturda,.sy. _î t the week-end et ber bomne bers. -'W, bave flot even guessed what he tuocton and vain- or thp la'li r. aud lire. F. S. Dlphand daugitter Mis Martba Sauer returued ta ber flu inast yet, mnost of ne. *-c.use s peut Suuday et the 1. S. Dolpb bomne hume ln Long Grave, Saturday sftet a 1 wepalug' readngsismpiy iticans the lu Area. twa weeks viat at the bore :af ber SMWOaIl, aociety's doigtue to lck The choir wlll give a Hallowp&en social biather, W. J. Sauerý Wfet &Md the sport juge,- lie 'anid. atlebrbrdevun.car3. LrsdlrleuM iaudftîi ,Wiqdu eras of ail timc js pasaîng. Everyone cordiaily iuvlded. of Round Lake, visited Wsuconda relâ- Od ase a svereigu cil izes f rpb- Mr. Raneain ha@ reignpd es carrier on tivea. SuudaY. l It la our buusiuews t twa,( te route 2. the resignation ttuesite effect lira R. A. Camnpbell sud sou. Robert, ,b= ag otduion anud, whennthe ýime Novetnber j8t. . aPeut the week-end lu Wbeatou at the hra baltabex.r" ta iin bu Haard Beach sud fainliy of Cicag ornoe oaiMr.inud lire. Howard Fisber. ~arm Bargains! Lke County Faims---Larg Famwis-SmaUlFarms-Fara SoId for Cash-Farms Sold' on SmnailPaymeots--Farms for Invesiment. Tnl:uzd Dolan ($60,-jf te Assid in ancsng f'arin Deals-Improved Fu Land the Saf es and UssiIav.ei-Frmins aUssiPnliableInduuiry. lkv inithe bstory of tihe United bI éd fana products command auch 111M n rmhishtory of thse utsid vas OrPms Catof food poducts so lbu. ý s* s ettb w pmis, Ibenurfte im f erdfl dwmahgionacerzüng evil *là* yenamus*alresed F. .L I1ARDING scSt. 4 miles frmu rsysiake and Li~uso berlyvMle; level; strong, fé!o wu; iau, except one acre, cial- *&complete sel 0< buildings, or- gwU,~ el road, near scisool. $5,50-, iSI,0 alaequarterly paymeuls UIech.-Sold. -140 acres, 4 miles froin lwo railroad touas, on gravel road; good [and; 100 *s in bigli state o cultivation; 20 acres C ore Ibat could be cultivated; 20 acres :o tluber pasture; complele sel of dairy ^o4idings, ail painied and in good con- hUn; eassifroui door overlooks a beau- dcountry. V 50 per acre; $3,000 -ili Ittd1e the deal. ,-100 acres, 5 miles from lown, on bard road; 8êroda te school; good average NIfl; well tled and culivaled, excepi i cres of pastare land that can be culil- wsted; cornpleie buildings, iucluding silo; Y&xd in mosi excellent sate of produci- Iyeness. $25 per acre. A uîoney maker. î4-1211 acres, i mile irom iîlaud iown, 5 mitnles fron (Jrayslake-, %-mtile from 0Çýpol; good, slrong, smooîh land, tiled ýd collîvaled; new 8-room bouse; large $hbrick silo, deep weil. $160 per F-12D acres, 2 miles fi-eu Area; ici-y1 1-besi o! blackt seil; aIl cultivate t n bs fair buildings. $180 per acre. 1 8-10 acres, 1 mle front Laite Villa, ce Crad a-enuem eew, mode> -rootu b9gaIow, fine bai-n, peuh-y bouse, gar- Me, pivale lester works, fiue stade Md iie borne. $7,0lJ.-Soid. reo acres on Milai::'e a% Puce, 241 Miles front Citca'. t. t ittpltee P of buildings; wtt uL,! , accost . :O miearsr '.'au.-)t $md, cutivatud a. ýit,d; ti ~0per acre. ~I0 acres, 2 mcTîi t rea; te, i o ,5Oack andtilt andit.i.aTt . ïiern bouse; ec-tish e ouîtutitîîî. per acre. ýG40wtll iandie ;lu- and accure a t cd. ialatuce. hi;j ai aper cn t Imediat. ln. creassock des eii lt~ res o -t tand ht"'terit tf »-Macres, '? miles front (.rayslake-.tjn nZ-l occroat; very best of b'îck Scompleiheatt of buidings, ta geod, bhilton, SM 20per acre. 44qWacres, 2 miles from Orassaktu 41e black, prairie landt, thorougihy >à Zcullavated'. 312,O100weitt o! bud nss $) pemacre. $5,(Ws Ares, IliI houes for lise wlnîer ou sccount of -ebortage of rooma lin hicago. -DAMO LAK Graudma Broekmnu.of Prairie Veu, @pont s few daja i1"t week wiilî linsud lierman Brockmsu. liraHenry1Mill@ sud lin». Lroy Kane visitai lira. Robert RousesFriday. ir. anJ lmas. Harny Heuiug suad @ou aud ira Henry Allari niltet lira Sophia Towner snd family Friday aflennoon. J W. Hutchn" andMr@ C. W. Hak-h- ingsansd daugitten vere Palatine viitons Wadveedsy. flan. Heinobu saraceved iebis u Ford- (litast 1lr. sud lira. Win. Eiuemau'e Sundap vere: lMr. anti lira.John Gruss- vihler, lir. sud lirm Ed. MitcellU. Misa ('arma ins-m Lena Lbnhnman sd a niee o! Ur. musuan. Ur. s»d ldra. Fred Tovuer sud famil vus thea vieuraof a very pl-easat sur- prils party ""&y lu hofor of Uri. Towas»sd UmesFraucia birth.lays. Those psmnt vire ai follous: lira Sophia Tourner asu«.sMlia.Win. Whese s çUd ei, Ur. and Mis. Wm. Stioas' sud sou, Mr.ndsud lins <lac. lebike sud famly, Ur. sud liraCisyon tteis- Iags sud daughter, C. J. *mson &ad faUiij',asd Ir. asu d lra ,Jad Maso.. AU reporte a pleasant lime in svota 0f1ise Vealtaer. Visilorasi à. .W. Hulclîiuga Sunday linsUr.lnsd Mlira ry Wolloansd lir Fransk lieCennU, ofI l waukee, andd lra. Lasie butceIsngeansd fauàUy, of Prairie l'lev. Tiesa shool elidren ara planning s Bollovesu psrly. Mr.insd lir@.Marshal Btchinue. ef Wankoee. araspeudlug s feu iaya hers. Qutesaflamber stteuded te sudticu at John Grosaillers lait useit. Berman ifrocituuase s aPaltinie vitar eue daï last veet. Mir. aud lira . .roï](ue sud Cie Henry tMil a[fsmly 5"liSenday aitb lir. sud lira Robent ita.- lira ie. (lebîke sud ulildtDe sawits Fred Towuer vietet tins Soplba Toan. an eue day Ial uweit. lira Chas. iroeswiiler ssnd graind- Rtay Murpby ciftGary, Iled., was e Ora. aven Sundsy. H. E. Maluusn wsss aClIlcago vIsiter llonday. lilas Helen Dilon of LaGrange, visileýd Saturday andi Suuday willî Wavsnîdik Slisa Cecelia Gtany vislted fnieuda in Cryoti Lakte, Satardsy. lira. Aice Gearynreluruci horus Fridsy front LakeZiarich, uheresbeapeuiaitverai days lu the honte of!Mr.insdlins. Lau Geary. W. J. ganer Irausacîsi business lu Chicago, Misses Ruth sud Giady@ Bronchecu tuf Waekegau, spent Suauay vitit Wltaucun- da relative&. Barry Geany cf Grayolake, calleti ou Waucouds relatives Friday. lilslia@ Maimsu eturusi isome Tbursdsy fren a titres vesviil vils relatives iu Cisicago, Wsukegan aud Highlanud Park. lira. W. J. Sauer retisinsi ome Frlday fronsansu xtsuded visle vils friendsansd relatives in Nebraka sud Mounsus. lins. G. D. Scotof Berwick, Canada, la vlsling aIt tsa home of ber parants,, sdlira. Henry barris. Tisa <bai Roade meting beli ailita Palace Ibeatre faut Wedsy eveoiug vas veiliattended sud tise boneietansd suall co f lte $1,000.000 bond ilue vas tborongitly explaîusi. If tise bond taoue paies.Waneoisdsvilii have su 18 foot cament rosi te Vole counectlng vit thlie Waukegan-Wooastock rosd sud su 18 foot cement rosi eilendiug ie aur village iroi titi Raund road ubîith mmealtIour enire Main sîreetwulîl be cemealed sud ýaintaInei freof cost te our village ortovnsip sud lte extra gravel lai vo bave been payirsg eau bediwaoninasi iticit ailpnscllcally psy our snnal aisesuiment ounlte Boni sud gins us geci bard rosis twelve utonth ci lie ycar. TbiiaWancanis's oppotunity sud ualtins of aur titizens abouit f ail te go 10 lite polie on Taesiay, Novenuier 4,sand vote for the Bond isaius. Robransd Etutua Essieu spent t Iel W.-ak end at titeir bornebr lieu and lire.E. Bzcr acre itarniii&ttti cai-rut one day isat week. grauidmether i.emken, Tunaday atler. Wered,<Jt',siinltr lfits'.Bertha Grabt-r t'. steudlrig lti, T~~~EMONT c E~~~~~~~ Nrtlivts lert ies t.. o at iiiai idr. snd Sire. %'.' iii i l uti..u t î , M ut i tire. Geo Bechiti aîud uhittrentof Lit- lire. Il C. ilues, iiig, Mi. and lins. Il. ertyvlille, spent Suiday eveliiig vith G. ilihTms, . Netteje Hilîittîn, Mia George (jeo. Hertel sud laml>. Linlieuiliu sud i-et Hiluiînu tleuded lir. and lira. Jite F 'edeitit, of ttu.und tlite fuiertil ai MisAcunalueat3Lug lu Laits, asme Snndsy guessI te honte Ciiiu5. Saturisy of li. nsd lira.Henry Hàluktî. Fred KEnQuît ailouve lt te Winî. Mir. stnd lin. John Teitampe sud sot ali. l'uk eide-ute on Nivembier 1. Autlnew, were GaaaeslrMOndaY. E. lFrank trIanfltcdt iuaines,' lu Mr.insd ire. Wm. Birnlrus,of Itoutit ','t autegata Mionlay. Lake, apsul Wednesday aI lite home of lirew ' Grahen anti danglulen. Alittu te 1-àrmere itera liane. 1 epeiit Friitsy sud Sulards> (I i "Ir . 'hi-'uadrew ' Ai" ri andti ou, witîbfriv.ideÊ 1: 1 ir tut i1IA Gaîsten, iîîîoareJ li, lis. Mi Sardi tan anti tr. and \iruE i '1L-rnuard Ewald sud te Ksaat * t.'. tt,'r, 'Jrs. Mary Hetl, acre lin sud lire, H. i. itulsaiui'iiz are 't D. !thsu..u.sIat u'lasy. Palatine isîlar, raini'i uT i-' - ilIuuttus en4tanled Ums' lla Ertîpi tu rred te) lier t'iiil.iertyvtlhe Thurstay wcrkintuChic'sgo , liàuuay sIter a i,- lit.' l .tIn t.t t,",-, isBer- "liant" of te 1P. I.Z. & W,. as .,Ut t tu, t ît i w it'e i .-- 1 t t'.iidsy. cf n itutîtsiuu M tiutay. il r util hMr, P 't .1t, f ant cbild. hWm. H artutan usa ,caiter ina (itgtj t S .retei-t i tl. -u1 t.honte a of utiy. ur t Evangelical Cisurch Notes. S%',s.l',!n Trantîî lai ' ti the Ire- SuD ly s. ):30tu à.am. tutt1i t t-ai t i tu i tT.1 ' li ,,uileé ge, ltaiuniustiui servit-es atil lu c s ry e. tt 'îTtt 'tri uît'adbaskt ut uit tSUuuIia, îîutruing ut 10:30. a, fsi ttt altuil as tI eduee§- ThteEvaugelleal l*aagae wilîl m@t eeti (i-»aieiig. A latt. ut .uiutendet Saîtdsy .veultg a eS ut . A progrset ta' 1., -,iT tt' arIsliti.. hua v iiilue gitëand uit.t-ryirutIleltîviiedtul ha prineanî. ulir martbera ,lift te PRAIRIE VICEW j 'League airnoua. i elieIlu, inc ittoluuui tcetie. The Amateur Speculutor. pasuiod ti l irb. Llistiýth %%bihieuy taiteti Anotiten ît.tai, 4îlitte tesat' o 'r rt1141r, tira, O. Ilutchingo cf everytiay I111'. IKla itu way every ted litei îu *titue., at te e"rlamateur aioilti tlinka for a tlWO 0.-T iltai, V'àstutiegaut tact Fldsy. lita ei-'x uitTStYtY i Ive".-5' à atn arrnIssdiat tht, homente Mr.linsd oit dio '- J4ti-tual. Little Dorotby Antes, who -fell frotu Echoes of the Ri thse baitofet1ei tais nAuguat27 hreakig an arm sand leg. la able te lbe Lake county people uere'keenly lu-j sneund again. teresled lu the effort of lira. Vctor A. Mrnsd lits. F. Kimbark sud son. Rossbach ta divorce ber buabaad u Shermau1 of Ravenawyod, werç the ai se in lte neus tram Hllovod, Cal.,1 gueta f-Ms. ara AdmsSunay.that the decree vas refuaed. lira. t gest cflia. arai Aata, uudy.Rossah was a smater cf tbe laie Misa Anç utier, who is altending the "Sulent" Smith sud shte and ber bro- Nqrthwestenu University speut Suuday then were boera St Mllburn, Lake1 at home. couuty. The Resacha fornerly liv- The pupila ot Miss France@ Bieder- ed on Park avenue, Waukegan. aladt'gave their faîl recitai et thse home Excerpîs froun Californiea papers pertaining te the divorce bearing Cou- cf Misa Ileue Goodman ou Wednetsday tained mach cf intereslto Lakte cean- eveniug. ty folks. Herewith areas feu ex- Mr. sud lira. Elmer Clavey are tbe tracts eft he rieuspapen reports cov-1 Iproud parents of a daugbter hemn, erinig th", case: Octoben 22. I-ad Dres Suit, She Sald Mr. sud lira. Christ Bent, Mns. Roht. suhusb ,ad neyer had s dres sutui e gel te Californua. did Eggert sud Wm. Eggerî of Irving Park, be?" George Greer, couneel for Ross- were the gesats ef Mn. sud lins. George batch, asked lir. Rossbacht. lira. Ott on Sunday. iRossbach replied: Mitas Mludred fliederstadt bas laken a' lie ccrtaiuly did." position wilh the Telephene Company 1 »Then came more et the siory. Site at Wilmette. 'contplaiued that ite lacked "îî)oliah"; Mrs F.Labhn ntetaied rs.titat lie would "cocit hie bat over oe lins F.Labbu nteteied me.ear," pub bis feed ou the table snd John Holmttrom sud severai fnienda cf whistle in litelbouse. lie alusys Ch'iicago, at luncheon on Friday. auîoked lu the hbose, sbe said, "s Austin Plagge et Libertyville, speut source cf great annoyance." Sunday at bits fathen's, Wm. Plagge. Then, toe, ahe objectdl te his fnieud. lins. Rotusyne Stryker suddisou, AlIvin For example, hie wusou triendly ternis who avespet sveri mnth wih .witiîflitetr(-et sweeper ou tiieir.streait wbo avespet svena tunîh wihand lhe kuew nîeslof lte bartesiders Dr. Knsak's fsmuily. will go te Lincoln, in tht' cîly; ail the colis c.aited Iiim by whese they have moved. It iteing s lits f irai naine. central location for lin. Strykerswork. But most ai ail, the, garage oemed Mr. 'sud lire. S. 1'. Hutchison efýt tabe flic, bau,'ut of r .i'tu.Il Irving Park, spent Sunday witit R. E. was lter,,site cimtel. Itesabacb aud 'bis i'indsawoîîtd îîgrtattc-. Holmes. . Ile- bait a botte tlirte, liiit, litoil Miss E. licWiiiams of Bloomiugton, sud ofttn sielît liter,-. was thse guests of ber sister, Mise Garage Serves as "Demi" Dorothe MeWiiiianîs tiser tite week-end."ite former allegetion Rtossbachi ad- Alvin Meyer returued home Tbursda'y mitted, but Le d,.nied the' latter. haviug received his discharge at am linever stayî-d iu tit, gai-ige atC mpmre'u a goul tif hour"," hesaaid. Dix ou Weduesday. -'heu things guItfoculioi for nme lu Mn. sud Mra. A. H. Muitike, wioth ie bouse." have aold their borne te Dr. Emil Becker "D)idu't«you go titere tjfteu uhen wili seil part of thein housebeld goods 13aur aife fintdcoulpany aud ild ite at sale ou Saturday and speud tise beg yole cote in te lieuse sud en- winter uith George Vetter of Chicago, terlain like te iead of lte tamily aud Rev. H. S. Fritscit of Cleveland, 0. etod se heetre o L Aiuald Winters bas taken a position ' Me head of tlitatmily?" qoerit'd as a traveling salestusu with a Chicago the ulîneas. "I sbould say net. Ail firm. alte'd wuld bie te stfick bier bead oui lins. C. Stryker of Wheeling, sud of th door sud hotter, 'I)iuner's ready. lilas lunule Stryker cf Ciicago, uho There uas considerabie teslimouy apeut tise ue at J. A. Stryker retnu- about Rossbacha drnking. He admit- ed to their homes Toesday. ted "drnukiug s litle, bot net mach." Heury Trier of Norths Northiield, uho Seversiltimtes lte uite'a lsvyen vant- bas heen ili for some time died ou ed'c te k.nou hou mauy drinks Ross- bacis had taken escit day and after Tueday. replylug each lime tisat le diti net kuow,.lie blurted eut exaspenalediy: ICouldn't Keep 'Count of Drinks ANTriocH _j There you'ný barping ou tisaI again. - How do I know' 1 neyer kuew auty Mir. Brook of Burlingtoevisitait last mn uocodcuitisna en t wesk uith bis os, Elmel aud Eruasi drinka be's bad." of Autiocs. l"Weil, itou many drinks could yeu take wlîboat gettlug drunk?"'lhe va; Chame Webb vas s Chicago paeuger asked, and the neply us: Wsdansday. "Never tealed my capaclty. Neyer James Hrane1sf t las week for Penn- bai th4t manyr drinks." sylvansate speud bis vacation wîh au Thse vite b" ad alled a namben of onc.t at placéfse. witnesse tetesify cocermng Rose- B. H. Caîkina of Racine, tl'ansacted ua s aid lady uho during the tire- busiess "bone lte 0ral of the usek. ceedings adai itened te lte teatimony Mies Pearl Lai ef DeKâlb, 111 , vlalted vils many expressions of approval at tise Lux home lait ueek. sud dîsapproval. She us primed A mîscellesuous showen for Miss inusa viii bave mach te do uitit5 ahap- when se reacised lte stand sud bai CarQlyu Usmond wasseld Tuesday s! tan acarceîy taken bier seat before se uoop as tise Gali issit. began te taik. Site aaid: B. E Miller ef Chicago, vas te guesî Testimofly of Witnesa cf Mri McTa'ggart ovar Suaudy. "He treated bis vite acandalous. il Mr. nd rs. limr mtore teChi was terrible, just asulbiirnible." lio, sdy. Zle ooedt hc "Weil, nov, ubat'd lbe do?" asked go lclday.the judge. Dr. Oleott sud I)r. Beabe have ntîts-d 'Oh, the thiugts he eaidsud the mbt tbeir uew office evertheChse VWebtb titings be'd do, I ran'l nemetuhen just groeery store tltem ail," site saad, "but lte marvel- lire Walter Taylor cf Waaitegan, ou" part about il ait wastthie venden- fui way abe tre'ated Ihlm. Site tnealed Kpeut part of test week witb ber parents, îîim hetter than any wonnau even treal- Mir sud liraChas Lai ed a man. Of course thene vere isys 9' J. titinu end wtfewere Chicago when cite vouidul t peak te Lmr, but pa@s-enteers Friday. hie uteserved titat." Atorney George Greèr fer Rosa- Mr.insd lira Jo,' Lsbdon speut bFn- bath breught eut tit thIis wiluess iaY lu Chitiato. il int bear the' best cf feeling toward, Sol Lailant ittt staked out lte ]and Rossbach - Siete ld itis aloi-y: for the ne, ' ytie ssop T. A. Somervilie 'I dropped lunlite one atternoan and lm, basiîîtc billou bis lot nest ta thee itoss tclit iuvited me to go 10 Sta t atI 'inn-r. i accepted. We vere taik- S i on he iîorcb uhen lMr. tto-uîh'îiî W~ill oftig'r i ulrado. Ili spending a caini. 1troiii t(.garage fle e ie Itfd iew wt't15tu auolte' m. Site asketl lire PaiTululain of Litertyviiie, it tiii t stlacros lte etreel sud gel 1wae sa rnllûr icrp Wpdneada.t eveniug. ,soniie umore miýtt- for liluner.le re- li n sd ire. N S. i'ruttr sud Mr.n li,îî"if site vanta mare meat, aiteli h Iave ta ge- t it enapît.' He se ne sud NI rs. I(lias [tuuysrd îuolcned Iti - ttian - Wankeitsîi %t'"dajMdY J1 TRIPS TO THE CELLAR lire. Thýii!atîtea idsoît ofloi&, Kan.,1 Sit, also testifîed ihat aI ltaI din- -ailti t ritùa'Tes i ere 'rues day. I ler Itos>bitacbmade seierai Irips te tirs. Eî,iiv K-rn ai Loug'afout, c<o,> the ceilar for liuor' sl,.ît t eitî--îaî îtblita. ea , "And ditlint you gel besutituIly lit wih %jN.Ge. FIb»y(iusef tttniglit?" asked Attorney 1',Il.W eh fIryîs FaiaMlctî~uGreer. cailed o a itt vlusf:rî a er.. eîedav. 'idont understaud," rcplied lte lire. Lors ic iii ary Adams, Elîza- witnois. andi viten tuhe awytr expiain- iteit~Veb itue Auats ud ~ d,' tIlie' attuess jurpeti telitem test bioth %îc,. Aamrad eogebut wlist aile was guiug te suy ne- aý)fIzréttInuld fse0 E. S. mieeting nîaint!d uusad, for lte judg sii stnd banq,îut ft Un ion tirove, Wis., oun sîcnîiiy:' Friiay cav4'ing,'*Madante, calta youraef'.". r lDr. ie'ebe accompanied lira. Jes. lu deuyiug the deci-e lte court Kohbout of i ilertyvile toe it ee 'Tite contact of titis tefendant watt bat'ai Wedr.esday, where site was nol vicions. Tita quarreis acre tise toperated c'ui. fauit of bath due mainly tae t act .Mr linsd ri. Arthur Bock speut Sun- taI site was wealthy sud he w5sn't. jday in Keno.ha. That condition always brings trouble, IMn. andi lrs. Wm. Keuhmau enter il heap)ed a cude f pide upon lte tained a few frîiuts ats dinuen lion-dld a lot. te cu ilh." Lr. e day nîgt.t. The court said: Dn. anti Mý. Beebe Imocied in their "Il viii ail. vonk out lun lte end.. uew berne tinii.Lake sîneet Tburaiay. Mrs.1'Rossbach bas no groud ton dl- 3 Suave sabanik account. a- 'ossbach Divorce 5Carrya 11f e Iug, sud he s goîng auyway." 7 Psy yaur bille pnomptly. Mr. Roasbach teatifled that biason 8 luIvestin war saviegâ stampsand rode 150 miles after dinuer sud he ethler government securîties. tbougbt il ua toc sîrenueus for hlt. 9 Sîîeud lemts than yeu earn. "The father did net want bis daugh- 10 Sharp with others. Thrift wlth- ter, 18 yesrs oid, ta go back te Chevy aut be'flvoieuce lm a doubîtfu blesslug. Chase, Wash:, witbout a taler. It was Eiglit Thnift Oays liumillatiug tu have ber go regardiess The eight days cf the national tbrit of bis wlahea becasae ber -noiher badweek, beglnning Jan. 17, have been tbe Income sud the rîgiat te speud Il. uamed after soute points ofthlie f inan- ,*Ail Ibese thîngs bore down ounlMr. cil crépit, as telieus: Rossbach's pride. lu tac t, Mr .Rosa. ra "akda"o ntoa hscb testied that atie w-, ie lm audy'!au a"o utoa part of the tinte. The decree la de- tlnift day,' to empbazize the need for nied." intdivîdual lbrift aud the service. a tiauk rentiers a co:mnunily; Sunday, 'thrift Sunday," wltb sermens lu ail Auterican palpita aunlthe relation of TIIR FT IWEEK IS econontclite le treligious ucl being su ad lthe ueed cf shsrnug with altiers; Mlouday "natioual lasurauce day," to AIMED TO CURB ets thie need of prctecling nue's ta-01iy; Tuesdity ;own your ewn home ( ay; " Wednesday, '.make a jill day; " fIfi ff LIVING COSTI'hirathiti nuryd, o t advoratay,'tîryft luiudtrynday," ter Ten Com mandments for Thrif- t is'. twuîîy budgtala> and arda>. ty are Issued by the..... , yUr bilia daL.y. Bankers Committss. - . . ~Rusu Made Un PhIladolphifi. FAMIL F ( ETS UGEItRam dlstllled froni Molasse» u FAMIY r(~DETS URuED nîong î'bila-liîhî:'aprincipal Mani> factures beore lb,, nevolution. Dr. Tncomir.annint.lsfor the guid- lBenjamnuRush tîrotp le "Mad An- suce ot a man's flnanciai lif' have lbcuy" Wniyne iittpr the capture off ia en drau p hy a ni. awnal ctiit- StOuv l'oint: '*()tir etreet rang wlth t,>e of bankers and altrs ttifaidin thAp nothing bot yoîtr u nmi. YVuare rm grf-at 1920 drît e egaunst tih.- higcit <ttmU, lared coustautly next la car good of lving.1 idketoe uclrt This decalogue for the frugal man st r'tWubutm vncrcae to ýtUffert liamoralv lu a battit, tsud a d i'a" th were maich La eavep "ompblug ftram i the 1rofitt'ere deurd ttthe city's typi' ni runtertain. and reut-raisers is part of the progrant meula cf the atrauger. for the national thif vetit, ta ittgIn jalt . 1î. Plane for rtiilyinc lthearmir-s of mutuey savae ate-, aîuproved itheti, Anieri cari Banketre's stuciatian in ils rec-n,t convenltion aI St.Louîis. Tite iulea alneady itadth.titi ntor-ement et tte U'nited Plates I.t'aý'ut cfIluiltlinr sud Losu Associatione, National o'e eratien cf Construction Industries, Rt'. f.îil ('redit Meuns Association, Natioual Association <tf Lite lu'urauce Under- ulIters, National ('redit Men's asso- cialîcu. lte American Lite Convent ion sud ciber national bodies. 14cr. are Commandments Tise ten comttndmeuta as recoin- menisi by Walter W. Ilcad, et Om- abs, vice presiient ofthlie national bsuk section of the American Ilsukers' association, are: 1 Mirke sbudget 2 Keep an Iluligent record af ex- JýUC-TION SALES. ttll Ratike will sli, aotnlte juis liluer iarttt, near McKinley station on P'alatne road, Jttitle wesi of Milwaukee avenue, sale commencing ai 9:30 a. m. BATIJRDAY.?4OVEMBIER 15, 1919 Tlîrec horses, 9, 7 and 4 years old and eacb wetgbiug 1,W)0; black brood mare in moai; black diving herse. Sixieca bead of taile-stock bull, co'W wih cali by side, spriugers, mikers and calves. Tbree brood sows, cite wiili pigs; 14 shoals, weîghi about 50 lbs. eacb; 30 geese aud 80 chickens. A quanhiy of eed and larm rnacbinery and ulensile of eveny descriptilou. Terms-Over $10, 1 year, 6 per cent. OTTO RATEIKE, Proprictor. No other paper brings 10 yoLlf thse wonderful 1$' '" variety of high- . gradSe rcading for asilages. IN AYEAR, 52 isaueq. Tlie Cornpanion gives 12 Great 1erasor Group Stories, be.ides 250 Short Stories, Adventure and Trav'-l tn-ri,, amil Pasv, Bovs* Page, Girls' Page, Ciilldrci's Palle, a.ii (J thecc Ecd:torial Page of the. day fur îî.ature min . ds. START A Y£ \R«S SUBSCPIPT'fo7)R YOUR FAM.!LY NOW. COS IS LESS THAN 5 'UENTS A \yELK. OFFER No. 1 1. Tihe YuUtL,'a C.,,ni'aton -52 issues tf.r I'-'Z IL Ai lre . 'eekly 1 1919 iaaucs; 1alto 3. t'. 1920 Campaniou Home . .1.eaoXr Ail for $2.50 OFFER A 1. Tihe Youlb'. Compnion for 1D20 . . . 32.50 2. AIl remn'ning 1919 I.sues 3. Thse MIt.i Cuurpa.on 4. ..n a f'a- a $1.00 Ail fcr $2.95 0F TH1S PAPI t . 1 oliHÈ tTIi'O ,,\O. l fl.a.,.s SUBCRIMNSREFIEDAT TIS OMFCE AUCION SALE!I Having clecicled to quit farrning, 1 wiII sell, at public auc- tion, on the prem ises known as the "Mat Pester Farm," 4ý miles northwest of Libertyville and 1i ' miles east of Phillîps' platforn-, sale commencing at 12:30 p. m. on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER l1,1919 Twenty-One Head of Live Stock: Eight cowS, new milket-s; five head of heifers. Four head of herses, in- clucln team of nmares weighing about 2,700 pounds and two clts, 2 and 3 years old, broke. Three brood sows; two shoats. 80 Barred Plymouth Rock Hens and pullets. Grain and Feed: 400 bushels of oats, 100 bushels of barley,. 10 tons of timothy hay and 400 shocks of corn. Machinery, Implements, Etc.: Deering" cpyn binder, McCormiiçk grain binder and mower, seeder, plows, har- rows, cultivators, rake, 4'wagons, corn planter. hay rack, bob aleigh, extension ladder, caidren kettle, tank heater, grindstone and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS 0F SALE Sumeo! $20 and u.nder, cash; onl sunis over $20, a credit of one year will bé given, Purchaser exe- cuting approved bankable note bearing interest nt th9 rate o! 6% per annum frofli date berore remnoving jFRED GRABRE, Auctiosseçe JOH bUSE, Clark WT. 1HATHORN 'lÀ#ht Pu 3. Uere i si*ting "hl b r4he col ;by anc 'board. ýdistrict of suc] .imhe 0 Ok terni émeara e ,-nd at -ler, hi oýf fou] ,board, the bot take thi Fi ýCmmi. 'in law 'and stý and be relan adopt loundîi tary di !anud ýprovid ýappoul îact wvit 5. servinl district rmay6 tien, p devis. and m er or i power veniez iLroul any la: ple ab ~by ces quired serve 4 of ail 'lande that n provec erViso 8 Of the siuch f enforc manal such d P-I Of twi olker dollar and ei distric of au( mer. inthe kthe Li

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