Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 30 Oct 1919, p. 9

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RT Y VILE IN~PrNiEN LANCE COUNTY INDEPENDENT Lake Coun#y"s Big Weekly WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ÏVOL. XXY.HI-NO. 44. -PARI Two 1EFRTYVILLÈ INDEPENDENT,OCTOBER 30, 1919. SIX PAGES. -,fil' EU YEAR IN ÂD)VÀ.OZ ÎrKI LÀ OO ERNIQ T FO ESTficint tii.lh intérest on sucl bo"d as they matue, shal 1014 LAW -VE NIG EFO E, not be permitted to increase the taxing power of said district asr r ni I n FORIT herein provided for. AIl bonda issued by any foret preserve î -U flulj PRESE VE - REÀ IT T UCibdistrict shaIl be divided into stries.' The firsit of which shahl SliO S U LIMIEl)POW RS 0 DO RD~mature flot later than five years af ter thse date of issue, and the S OW N M E OW R OfB RD last of which shall mature flot later than twenty ytars afiter thtei - - date of issue. if Here is tht kw goverî4 t the croation 0 f tihe Format Pr.Al Central taxes levied by the board of.cemissioners of, me» uIhloa.tdlbtaogs for tilpeastot an foent preslerve district shaîl be levied at the same t'me unaduatand juat what you're voing for or agaiSst on NoYOns- and in tht same manner as taxes are levicd for city and village >e 4t6 when Lake County folks ame asked to, decde tus most purPOses: Providtd, that tht amount of taxes levied for any serve ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l dititsognzo ne ti ct h ffiao sc ~ to th teu er fhsuch visnto. IlJc sal b 3. Ail courta shaR take judicial notice of ail forest pre-Almoysclctdu erhtpoionoftiatsahb Uistrict shahl be managtd by a board of commissioners con- 14. Any territory adjoining any forent preeerve district aiting of a president and four commissioners, qll of 'whom organiztd hertunder mýay ecome a part of aucis district In thte ' "io be appointed by the, president of the board of county foilowing manner: Upon tht filing with the county judge of kommissioners or tht chairman of tht board of supervisors of tht county in which such district in located, of a petition signtd b a d J î tSe ceunty in which such forent preserve district is situated, jyntla ia e a eto ttlgivtr tiigwti by and with the advice and consent of the membera of sucb tht territory proposed to be annexed. such county judge shal -board. Tht f irst appointment shalh be made within ninety submit at tht next generalelection heid an the territory sot pro-Coo rsJuy eceshWa <laya and not sooner than-sixty days after such forent preserve posed to be annexted, tht question of such annexation, and if ,oe' uyDcdsh a ýdistrict has betn organized as providtd herein. Each member a majority of tht votes caat upon suci question shail be in fa- - ;use of Death of John 1 cf uciboad sah e alegl ote insu4 ditrit. t tcOor of such annexation, when such votrs cast upen such ques- J. Simons, Jr. tirne of tht making of tht firat appointments, tht president tion shahl be in favor of such annexation, whein such votes are BULLECTIN! shaiàl be appointed for a terrn of four years, two membera for canvasstd in the manner provided for tht canvasa of tht votes Charles Bolick was .rrested today > term of two yers tach and two members for a termof four' upon tht creation of a forent preserve district, auch terrîtory so on a charge of manclaughter ad'l O"er tach and until their succeasora are appointed and qualifiecl propoed to be annexcd shall become and be a part o! such be given a hearing before Police und at the expiration of thc term of thse president or any mcme- forest preserve district. clckti9$ e»o. linexpcted -ler, his auccessor shail in Lake manner be appointtd for a terni - b o wnd o ave ex th: Gr nand l cýf four years and until hie successor is appoiasted andl quali-u&c AltC A'I' EXPLAIfdS USE 0fL FOIRMERt C oroner J. 1_ Taylor beld an n- fied: Provided, that no more than tiret members of suci IALI3JISY ARTS SSROAO ISSUE SON)S IN CO. lu#Ngt Into thet deaih ut John J. aimons Because many people, w hen ap-J r., or Lake Court, Tait esqntng a ,board shall b. of tht saine political party. Eadi member of roce nth usinofspo" teWiead oi ne<ain a th or eoeentering upon the duties of the office shall 5» 6E S 1759 lng taie présent proliosed rOu o d (alfan içth e r stre enedht,alie îs'.ue. ask: "Wiaî lias been donetie hChre oçk etrarali- take tht oath prescribed by tht constitution. , lAVDCEÇ thle rroceeds of thie $5(f00O.Jo ,bord mani On the E. J. & rE. raliroad be From tht time of tht appointment of tise first boarda of i 5IL ER 6IdIIU I $74ffI¶ ssue voted in 1917V' Chaf%. E. I 1A- held te laie grand jury )n a man- ýcommissioners, such fortst preserve district shahl be construed, ell, county supertntendent of hlgh- siauher charge wihout bail. - ~~~~~Ways, issues the foiiowing statelinnbfr ae nmeta 'i law and equity a body corporate and polîtic n>' tnt name Latter had put in Bill for $400,in regard tolaie expendit r t ulopsaysS held b>' four local dcce- 10 s:tors 'I ascertai'i the causae of death. 'and style determintd as aforesaid and b>' suci namne ma>' sue Includina\ many "Absent" '"aie question may arise, whaiîblas ThGoy w"ol er nthtmed bo, r.nn and be sued, contract and he contracted with, acquire and hIdTeamns been done wltb thie proceeda or the Pr o lev. nI 1619ndeBorainn. teal and persona] estate necesar>' for its corporate purposes and 900ti,000 lbond issue preo uUly pais&-d ton streel was theieirai. witness. His ,àdopt a seai and alter tht samne at its pleasure. In case he Inahllty of a jury In cotimty court ortthe count>' should know that tais testimonv follows: aintevi Lounidaries of ana>'suci district are ce-extensive with tht boun- t rircaeti flcec !asn oe isbenepdcfo.iitoheK-& .rnl.u. txlpatliells." as practtced by a Chris-1 lifir te 117prova oaflt he hL. . o n dh) daries of any county, city, village, incorporated town or sani- tian Science lieaier resulted in taie betore the voters colini>', state and knocked unconcicus by Charles Bol- tai>' district shahl have and exercise tht powcrs and privileges iaFhing of a blli presenteTi by Freder-'federaI officiais vere In comaniuilca- tek. The fight was une slded. Boiick 'ck Neubsuer. a healer. againi taihe es, tion sover selectlng routes for har-I I i okn lte n i andperform, tht duties and functioins of tht commissioners tate of Miss Elizabeth Condeli, of Lib- roada in tie count>'. It vas decided vas I I okn ite n i provided forierein anad in suci case ne cornmissioner shaîl b.ertelyville. Nuaeorgnlyut h t in order tiiat Lake count>' niîhî nn a rse U.foiima'e appointed for such district. Such corporate autherities shaîl aim o 40 u edc eun scr u oreaiue h ederl d'sorte day somebody will bit you od hy the jury Tuesday niglit gave 'and tate goveruffienta la eonatructing a p~oke 111 thes face.' act without any oter pa>' than that aiready provided by law. lm $74. iortionsof thie- Gren. Day road aie- 5. An>' forest preserve district organized under dis act, -liss Dalqy Hart, R niece of 1tý lite 1tween Cook county and the tate Uin.e Whio wiii,,' aak, aimons. 1<r Condeli. had careo for her auiaI and Sheridan ,-oad oetweaun thie ,1ui ' II, retaried BolIU'rllrnt" 1iél hâve dms power to create f9rest preserves, and for that during ber lait Illneis. lier original Waukegan town Une afld-C0o, oi~ tylie punched hlm In the face several >urpoae shail have pawer to acquire, in tht manner htreinafttr di a o ~0~,bihs~,lddIt wculd be necessàr>i Y~tbi t snabut>r limes knockfng hlmi doua. aimons provided, and hold lands containing ont or more natural for- during thie progress of the case. She roads ai ils% own exposase. Accord- i Judge iliat Sinions recoived six or t sts or parts thereof, for tic purpose of protecting and pre-!;finally put In a dlaim for services te îngly t was decided to fluat a bopd seien biaws In thie jeur. Wben Si- sermgthtflaa ndfaua nd ceic eatie wthi schher aurit during thie seven veeks tUal issue for thie purpose of defrayug îrions was struck thie tiret tume liei servng he lora ad funaand cenc bautes ithn sch!preceded ber deatai. ler cdaim belng taie cost of! i i ork, thus enabling lbld folick that If he vas net dress- district. and tô protect and preserve auch lands as nearl>' asi for $60 a week. Taie jury awarded thie count v to obta in taiese conec@ioni cd un ie would fight hiffi. Atter maybein her atue]coditonfo th prps~ f hteduca- lier $l,1. roni botai state and federai govera- knoclting Sinons down, itoiick walk- mybinterntrlcniinfrtpuc. oftheWltnesses vere put on b>' attorneys meiet. -d 'ay. 1 vent t aiLs assistance. tien, picasure and recreatien of thetulc for theestate sbowing that taie ressort- -Taie ar caîisedl roadt construction as dit (.,îlIlierluer end William Beck- 6. Tt bard f cmmisionra c tvryscisforab ale charges of a trained nuree sucai te cone 1 a stand.still for uver a year. niai who were standing nearby>. We 6. Te bord o co missoner of ver SUC fonftlas Missî Hart cla.lmed to bie vere $25. Hùweser, a., sooli as te consent of earrîed hl hbore."' preslerve distict Shani haveethte pcwer ta acquiro by gift, grant, 1 a week at taie tume site cared for hier tlie governintnt could lie obtalned this litv-itner's teAsimon>' was corrobor- deva. r urcas, o bycodersstio, ay ny i ndsa1aunt It vas on tbis lisais that tlie work was begun. Most of of taie road aredi lv lierlner arRI Becaiman. 11deiseor urcase orby cndenadn, ny rtyallauount of damages vas fixed. Butai building plsnnfd in 1917 bas been Di G"otirley testified as folows: an6lnd witli suds district containing ont or more nsatu Coroner Taylor of Libertyville and Dr. completFd. Some reniains under Con- i sias called le attend bum Sun- evof Waukegan testifled as to taie strudtion and taiere stilîltremtains a day, 0o.1. 1 fiound bis pulse va-s formallts or ports thereof, for tht purpose of creating, laying out aýiluot paiti trained nurses at that i-mail stretel, on wlîich the contract gobd tit]biathing airigait. 1 found and mnutaizuang such forest preservation as it ina> decas prop- tume in taie atate. te let and preliminary work starteti. lilood arcnid tus moutai and teetai. er or desirabît. Such board of commissioneraselsall have thte Mii,, Hart clalmed she was entitled "Sheridan road is buhît froinitaie It <ut foi look ai that tume. tht an>'- SUC,, CO ,,omr than $25 a week because she north corporate limtsi of taie City of thing sw-rh uis would deu-elop. M y power toe, ltablis, say out, anprove and ssantaiss slc, other work about laie bouse, In Viaukegon to tie state uine <except- Conclusion is thai John Simons died vesalietat and appropriate pathsa, drivewaya anal roadwaya in andad adition te nursinug. Inz that portion whlch lies wltbln taiefrnaiItl o<Oentueuf' tisouissud frmt resrvs s teyshildees earabt r r bauer, thio"healer*"who vasi corporateliinutsor Zion City.) This ciPnt t a.eahenonhage inthe necessar>' for tht use o! such forent preserves by tht public. lie1uâdti aue sevea trips tb Liberty- i t an approxlmate cost ut $110.000., againat taie vital centers outhtae arain. mal1cass wîre il> suc feeatpresrvedisrictacqi~ ille and put on vitnq svu et- Sthugaisortie inor work, sCasseiiTaie center of the trouble seemedte t In all caes wfeieadytstc$25reatviaitrveadstairtasouiaese'taie constructi.on o! several amen cul.-lbe vaere taie hu-k and altouidera juin. an>' land by condemnation, tht tithe titi-ttc shah1 b. in fee'lhm- chargetfor titis. He teatified to icres verts etc., la yet ho one. In taie autoPsy il uas aiso discosereco pieabslut, ad sci iti sah1flo. trmiattor . dfete and scores of 'absent" treatmetits for "Tweli'e miles of concrete un Bel- that imions had a hemorrage Inu- pleabslut, ad schtite sial no.temiateor e dfe Midss .e1 va ile le vas In bis office "lucre road between Milwaukee ave- aide taie spinal cord. Thils cuuld havc b>' cessation or abandonmtent of! tht use for vthch it was ac-InhoCilcago, HP saitd be gave lier sev- nue and Vole hase heen eifher coin.- been caused front a hlow in the Chin.', quied.Thtboad o comisioersof ny ucifoiestprt ,ai f the,,e treatment2 dail>' ai $1 Pleted or are under construction, the Dr. G(litirYs tesUiosi>' vaicor-o- quird. he oar of ommssiner ofany uchforst re-per treatment. work beiag let in two separate con. borateil b>'taie other tbree ductors. berve district ma>', b>' ordinance passëd b>' tht affirmative vote The jury. b>' Ils smali verdict. evi- troctsa ut an approximate cost uf $315,- uho awst0d In taie autOPa>. o! ail of the members o! such board. selI and dispose o! an>' dentl>' dit not put sucli a higai value 000. John Sinions, fataier ofthtae boy, tes- 'iLon taie "absent" treatrncnts as dit "A portion of the Green Bay' road tified that is son liad bien empluyod lands acquireu oy suc,, boaru. urovided, ruruier, however, Ieubauer. from PINve Poinuts btaite Rockland as an extra flr-man et tue E. J. & E. tha nosuc sae o dspoai hah befft' nti ~tis p-rouit lias been let to taie R. F. Coaa>'roundhtflîî. and tha is u- as a bey lhtn uhsl rdsoa hl eefective.un i tisa-Complany' of Ciiicar'o. Thîis saine coin- that never mlxî'd oto an.ther Per- proved b>' tht board o! count>' commissiontra or board of sup- T K U IIP OPPanty also hias taie cortract for the "n1safie ervîsers of the conut>' i which said district islocated. T E « fPR z- Construction of abolit one-bal.! miles Boiick did not teitif>' at theie n- 8. Tht board o! commissioners appomnted in puTUE nc froni Green Bay. Constructionba seltled ailtuiThe Smons fmil va of the provisions o! this act shahllie tht corporate authorit>' of ERTY OFF T E TIAU1 stawted ond viii probabi>' be linisbed represented by Attorney', J. A. Miller. s8c oetpeev isrc ai ops n early In laie apring ut 1920. Thîs Assistant Siates Attoine>' W. A. uc ors peevedstit a hal have power naavc' s and ProYîdes abîout Ivo andt one-haîf mles îîtiip att, itet the iiuquetla Inbe- enforce ail necessar>' ordinancea, rules -and reglations for thte DBOOKS; lU> UAI;o5roa"d .t an appruxirnate eiot -1 hait ot 11w ;iate. r, i J r $55000. ____ management oi the proptrty and coiiuuct of the business of "Taie .tate and tederai goverrmnt auch district. Suds board slihall have power to appoint a atcre- More Taxes to You, as More i dtofGn Bay andtýn in tadi o are BANDITS WliO-LOCAT- tory and raue and suds other offîcers andl SUCH EM- Land is Remnoved froni tax- pledged te refutit part uf taie cStt f PLOYES as may b. si.ceaaary, an cf whom, «ettt - tis construcbtion. Wîthtaiibs retunut able Lnds O- CounY. Itla planned te butît a Continuation E E OfA sur« andan torneya, shall be nsaes civil seirvice uis anal reg- - - - 'oftaie Rand roat froni Couok count>' ultousa, as provided for b>' section 9 of this act. Wluen yoîu teur p eople arrifing for te Wauconda. Tht president shahl receive a salar>' net te excccd tise sumtihe creation of a Forest Preserve In 'Thuîs b>' apiluoving thse bond Isisj EK CE E C f aite count>' voiu should stop andi la 1917 taie count>' securea about 21 o! twent>'-five hundred dollars pen annurniandc the sâlar> o! thînk ttant if ibis preserve la creaheti mues of concrete road», taie aid ef ciher members o! the board shail net excted fifteen hundred taie forest 'board will ver>' shortl> butai federal and state governments Kenosha. bis., Oct. 28-Samuel dollrs er nnum Saaris o thecormisiones, ffierstbereafter take over large acreage tu in atiditional work, and îti t te ne- Alhin. Albert Sorts andi Abe Silver, dolarsparannni.Salrie o!thtcom iasones, ffiersvarlous lparts of Lakte coint', con- lund fronstais exiienditure thie build- Chicago men waio cosfestd taie> were and employes shaîl b. fixed b>' ordinance. vert It into a park sud b>' se dolng lîîg ut severai mIdes et &nrete in implicatet in taie bobdup of a gambl- - - ~~~~~~remove it fronn taie taxable land la b sulwetr part ofthtae count>'." ling os eoh u ek g 1 3. Tht board of commisaloners o! an>' forent prtsci-vt Lakte count>'. w- --- hen taie bandits got $12.,000 froni 140 district erganized hereunder shall'have power to iaise mont>' Sc it le that already tbuusaiuda ut serse board wont,! raite fruni taie tai Kenoshana. vere lialed into taie Muni- gneral taxation for any o! the purposes enumerattd i acres have been taken troni h tax bouks for parka, and l'on are pot uni>' cupai courtt Monda>'. .uhere Sllvpr bocks of Lake c«onty b lit-i, creation tailn tayable pruperty fron taie ta, îleaded guiity 10 a charge o! havlng ~his act, and power te borrow mene>' upon tht jaiti and credit ot )Fort Sheridan, Cqmp Logan ansd books but you are puttîng on that been accessor>' betore'taie fact, arid K i _uiditit and te, issue bonds titre! or: Providtd, how- Great Laite.. pl'Operty an expense ratlier 1 n n 0hor laistrnlud lancerdely froni tue of uch muat ie rernembered Ihat ail incorne aulernon. ever. sucn 'distrct shah net become îndebt'ed inaan>' rfalner or acre-age lncludpd iInutise roes'atioa -pion la ite for Tîtat the bandits 1usd .dose a aerv- for an>' purpese, te an anount încluding existing indebtednets s a n ii'ue s f r- consldex-utluîn t tais tueîsorcun e , eosab'lctigti an cenum ! tt asesed al-pent>' and taxes were paid theneor. t>Puaee hr uttcli-oernment bting biouse for laie police wu taei ias tht aggregate txcetding ont par cnu fteasse a- Nîîv then. b>' remosing Ibemand propert: tîaaîdopa net b a Oung luns'-pies for ciernency made, -liMorris ut e! tht taxable p>ropeif>' therein as agctrtained- by tht hast put tliem into governuient resiervatiOn, enue. Taie exiiebse of tai t f goarntarilat, the attorney for taie trio. WJIAT FOREST PRESERVE 'WOULID MEAN TO LAK(E COUNTY IN ITS fiENf ERAL SCOPE - - A BI<i PROPOSITION. Lake County votera on November 4 will have a chance ta decide hether or flot they want L-ake County converted ,intcJ a foreat preserve.> If âThe voters show no interest in this special question on 'that day, anid permit the county to be converted into a foreat' presâ.ve just because they did NOT get out and express their sentiment, then as years go by ani as forest preserve taxes keep jumping ahead zý new lande are taken in and new help hirecl, voters must make no complaint! They must remember the fact now that, once tii.y lettii forest proserve BE creted, it NEVER can be withdrawn 1 It tain as is death, no is it positive that the expense and the taxes raised for forest preserve will in.érease year after year. asThis is no small matter; .-t is the biggest proposition that hasconrotedthevoerainmany years. On the face of it it appears rather insignificant. when you stop to think that in Cook County. when the foreat pre- serve was launched. the first expenditures called for $500,000 in Cook County and that the levy last year in that county Wa» six million dollars, you get àn ides of the powers of the Forest Preserve Park Board and the. increase expenses that tii.y Put upon thse tax payera. And Cook County Forest Preserve operates under tii same Illinois law the; Lakce County would operate under in case the movement'cqried here. The idea of converting Lake County into a play ground for automobilista and others from Chicago, seems like a very pretty piece of sentiment. But the question is, *does Lake County want to sisoulder thi terrible expps.e?" Are the. expenses 0* taxation not aufficiont now? Hava't the people been burdened enough without taing on a change of this character? Ail you have to do to realize the scope of the Forest Pre- serve Board is to look over the law which shows their powers. (It appears in the adjoining columns.) In the first place, (inder the present valuation, it shows ti-at the. park board createjd under this tax could raise $25,000 the firat year in Uike County and, there i. nothing to stop them raiaing more as time gots on. ,The. Jaw enaN« ea h.p"dgbourd tb coudaenay tra of wooded Iand. in Lake County duut àt »«m fit t. euH a format pue- serve. lit enablea tii board to- WUildwoadways, M&dwalka, etc., through these parka if i0ts fit, and dwha taezatly vW at tiey ame daingins Cook County now. It ailwa the board to bire policemnent, guarda, otç., it aflorwstiera to fence tii land, in fact it aliows themt to GO THE LIMITf eveu mnetendwaey than the. park boardd in Waukegan bau done cro Sa«tion. If Waukegan has had a taste of the ruthles. expenditure of money by the park board, LaIkè County wili certainly have a forceful illustration if the voters allow this foreat preserve proposition ta, carry. The Waukegan park board will b. pikers" couraed to the Forest Preserve Board in case this question carnies on November fourth.1 Votera should decide now whether they want the Forest Preserve created or not. If it is created, tiien the organuzation af the board allows and from that. time on forever and eVer, the, Forest Preserve Board continues in existence and nothing under heaven could get ti place from the organization. It w tthe opinion of this papr that the movenient te create thia distriict at thse present time when Lake County is facing a bond issue for the extensive improvemnent of roacis, as most uDn ' necessary and realiy fool-hardy. Lake County has had to im. crease expenses during tht pat fkw years and certainiy, cou- sidering tihe amount of money neceaaary to maintuin thia pro- serve movement, THAT ia ont thing which could be got aiong without for a long time. People of Lake County like pretty spots in the country but they do> not feel as a whole that it shouid be necessary to spend such a greàt amount of money in taking over lande, fencing them in and keeping tiem for picnic spots for Chicago automnobilisa or others, just for tht few weeks duaing the summer timte when they have occasion, to drive'into the coun- try and tiat is about ail tht Forest Preserve movement cails for or considers. Thia question is such a big ont that in case the votera allow the Forest Preserve to be created througia lack of intereat, it is a case of where they should forever after -hold their peace" and n ot complain about tie excessive amount of moncy whids the board of the preserve will ultimateiy rais. in Lake CounW It is ont of ffiose things just like the sun and moon: Once created it always keeps going. We aSed aýoad@ more "ui we need a foreat preserve! W. need a new court houa. worae thoan we sseed a fore matpra.vo We.need a new county almasouse worim i we neod a foroat We need a real orphanage for ALL lake County more tisan a picnic grousd for rickCbcagoana to opend a f ew bouta each summer. W. netil a thousand and one. thinga more thon a foret preserve. N&«w. then, if wi CET the. foreat peev yflu.t def eat tht q uestion on Noveiuber 4th, iT=rena tset fo 1 ý

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