Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 6 Nov 1919, p. 11

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LIBERTYVILLE J.NDEPENDENT, TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1919. PAGE TIlrF,. dient for preselit expenses, regardions been t the preceding years. Suas- Iteir cases hadt been contInued gain . . . .. . . Ma11Begleer, sm 9 T .. Of sulumer expenses. tmer=ehoL. expeîw, have materially Iii r were eîghtythree av.îî n e j, iaran e 1 0. ~ Ia ~ I5. The laborer getg more titan .the 1Increaged. f 1tn slsv owr ooaîn Harry L tapes, Racine, 23. ttchr. ar I lc. the wash and It.Futher, w. ftd that the largecm-' n I amorrow. If la understood now Ruth MsL~cnet~ oi' . lleîtse, Wsaine 2. 1 scrub w o mnan rece ves four dollars a Increa e in enrolm ent and the flnide-ha0tese n en e ll flt be ter1iîcu C rist , ia a e hllche, is a ke 3 r, day, îplus lunch and car tare. Quate housing conditions nov. obtain- o bocee o nme cl n ut laler nite V j Uien . l g elan. Fondu Lc.2. te:nized living expenses for aver-i lng at the High School have added ta p o bc treiizra tîf l ifler theal> ~Clara nieF.elsen sFondu,22. h Lui edeSates$st.00i ta $16.00t. l2Martin Hîjizl, -Milwaukee, îErnest'Lunaino. Chicago. 21. au iahr Faot: h or fthe eachns e rs i ullhecentra? powers . KateIlioc, saie, 20. C>plsne 8 PW IBoard, $4000 a trestaurantsr. request consideration by the Board of i Circuit Clerk Brockwaa recently Win. Cvpear, Nort!h Chicago,._2 Gýei iBrookisChiaeago,921. M a nd y $ .0to $8. fl1duaton of an increase ila alares recel ed i nstrucVýofls o allow flîtt Laura Leonard sanie, 25. Laidich it . m, 19.e 22 fl ~~~~Siot car tare. $204. ofu ail teachers in t iiliih scI ooI on olin cneqmies here to ht-ouleCiti- Frank S. ýDudnik, Norththc.i, l-hlr ;Shit iyake 2 vcaeslr,$40.For every bundred dollars, fraction-te men ta Iis eltect. A siltse- Anna Klnczewski. saine, 22. il ar, F; 'era Chicago, 37. Average xenlses, $110. aI Ielsandreds not included. outIhe itres un lte esid h fîiror r Martins. Chicago, 23. i11.lanor P. rarmey sanie 32, Balance, $22.00. cnt agreed salary of cachi cacher uit~f or and causes the maIt-r it)lit .0011 Sylita Traulschuld, Miwaukee, -_1 Edw. F. Grainer, Waukegan, 21. For eothos, oducational magazines, ta and Including $140000, a tewenly-* tinui agali. Carle magnus. Chricago, 24. Mary Furslet', saine, 18. nstitutes, recroation, duclur. dentlat, ( ive per cent increase. A Il Two hundred nuial itii I.ît 1evaes I ii jse foi),' ianie' 25.Ceon. Il l Ptrick Trovor, Wis., 22. sechool and frallroadl tare. For every bundred dollar t rraccion- t-re set fur hearii1g 'iidnv andti b Roy Coaser. Chicg, ~MlitlFrodFxRVr l. 7HE HIGH SCHOOL PETITION al iîundrê'ds nul Included. of the pres M E îîorrow. Trio court li-..-ii<aN wa,* s tîher L.ivingsltn, Lake luff, i 1 21. Wetire leachers of the MWaukegan, cnt agreed aalary of <'adi teaclier oî or il' to overflowing wii alitns seek- L. J. Fulton, As<land, Wls., 15. L . i'ttnte . Ibertyville, 1Townslp Hîgli Sc'bool. bereby request f and above $140000, a tev.tnty per cent ing to t-came Amneriît eîizoù.t"i aiay. Il. ýf(ll.aughlin, saint- 32 leai age. ficarelul c...Ideration byflite huard;t -e'c The work on exatliatit anti gratit Ernest C. tiuerosse, ttilwauke IlinesCMyr r-a tgIae t fEuaino h akgnTw- above increaqss lube calcula cd ing o! pet-itions wv.5 carrietl on it B ieriliîcî'M. Martin. FondlutLanlc. 21. IDans lHansen, Racine, 23. hip I llgh School tu the tollo'wiag tacti" lpmftisa prasent agreed saary of the diîspalcb. loba A. Heinzen, Milwaukee, 21. lristina >ladsen, saine, 27. atie !o te resent >iaar> and il,.,euitre school yeur of 1919-1920.tucle tîcs, ant. î Jo n H. anes hia. 2 ro'tcIoglvnationadcodton: Th ord_____5 e en i Siue lncKnoh, 1 nn .Bemran~, iao 1. Th-rt- bas ht-en a substanliai in- crease ta aIll teacheri rt-ceiving $1400Aea ashlP.Wsigo, VI.J igenn rsne 7 or legs, and a 12 1-2 pt-r ce'nt Increase _____MontI, of Battles.2. tilaI, lothing, lîtindry, fuel, etc t over toaail recelving over $140000. Btcause lie la9tP. strike.tiicket ai tw bM re grant battît-s have iteen fanzht Silvester Field, Hilîsbaro, Wi.q.,- 1CSrigrsae20 Çommittee of Teachers Picture ;i-ad;iboveitai 1ruided-fortuir he ____an__as nilvýii-InAil% hn r n fw tinh rakF vrt Mlake 7 teabeartevt-ay Suttof Schools Siaspasun ot Lake ton Iimiland boausle 19a lui i-ti, ThluAist ittnc Ir. suyillt.'tn lb. na e o huterP . i il-resa43. Fni 21d ane 1 Sefdna o odt agreed upon.t ecaunty il, taattendl a meeting rat 'o' Fabtan ldt1s4thathid anr,îiîîil. Tha vliaI InCare leih.%oît, t'levîa Alic eoldn. ainMer. 4. Board-Get Raise. ,2t Mot ouver, luis cost ot iiing -ba, Kalb Friday and Satttrday of the norîi iinZod 42Seiatiiii.<_îi PfCalruMu.Azy aul Heda, Nsau e, . tahiScly wa'. denied i% citizenship pst' fs it Cove. Hielgoland Biht, he.(îvy (Clise, F i itt Paul Koltl, Iliauk-,2.Pts iiy flot only bt-en su-taIneil and inert-astd easterfl sectionofteIlni acicicor oY Hs a-m,2.R !dPxitofpIshavb« $20 A M NTH GIVN THEM but also promises, If anylhitig, frurTeachers' Association, il is the Ritn- lnuoifor lurtiser investig w a kîu u. adKndb thor ncreaste nual session and Mr. Simipson i.s a Att r ei anîd Stiii nedat Ioahr in otlior institutions' member of tht- executive coîniîtt'f. 1*ntiai action minas.1nrte-J uuî ____________ _____ __________________ i v inten hd e- haro- asked for anti reoei'ved increases A. M. Sheldoli of Crystal L.ake li irs :#Idti morrow ln the cases otf ii Clar l ' "Ivttre t«rrlllo(r)I.rlonta htdla Ment, and Miss Georgia Adam., or tween t%% enty- iii'.and thlrryaiemi -torei t,,iPi it. hoard Titi sday evt-' I reased living cit Otier protes-w auea avc weidn. Ms îies~hose pet-tions luor il Dingh.-iiit bt smo îîtof-o n bs and trades have siso secured Adamsaliîo will attend tire meeting, slip liapers hall bte set for lieirîng ni Th, ;1 t.,il .rinn o v-ofat hunt airtt hn tti orymo ihas we-l55as anumber of teachers tram bt-lare Circuit Jusige Edwaril titis g h afo u s p a rttsg to fitheit h o u t e rtairw e k . o tii J u g s E d w a r d s a n d l l ii.ý bi ta' talaigh,-t h r caîermt-tn iliving ccessn aare r acu lu ats t htcunj Maukay, tir,.naturalizatiots o\&iiini.r, Motl.ili o!,ilir ta make tendsee 1.Du____________ar______octé_ostinha te irkes SU Cs1aP, hyrcvefor ln. lat-] on the basis ot a ten monlu yearbt-us-athraiedsiaiu' striia 1iý ilirlCn ot Wauikegan. antidtonul nearl> neel twelve onth" artendce o, wuur ldltmae dii i Pt a.iton Cf igalîe froi andit xutntiii'ttgh vsai thuit te iigheîtatpric r . \Ir Mach 'y la grilling appir(aitot sgl001 u n l-a tfr wlou îtîyabigpllo . Alo, durîng tireto . su:amef ever raullzed for a booik, oas paid fl twhin tapasmgîbi u:nig sItoal . iiii iotr.bait d i tlii plos 9 îoîtlsthr-slil utpi ui>fran autîîiion sale la Laondoninre<ottly. ira ard soc ialiatIc priflcLIl-. i lizng sut i' 'tî thun h,. huahr cut uitathi l" mtîuynttlAdequat- pro-- lo;na Wewsintrefrle ,ene. flleîg t t i~i ttu th. teahera î-~~lal l di viii itit- Il M in ut-r for fi hook o u t tt, lsti 'ewsi tr o le ttt Ollit h t ç-iîl it-re 5suiliat tht-y iciilwr v. hidhi i, a riqui remet-fi *IV CenturyhBootk rof louîrze."for- whtî appard ln court Iodativtotako at le'i i aiot hr, t" squares a tralhg slaltahes -e erly the priiperly utflt-arne I1.,(lut-t-n tîeir exanîinatîon for citizt'n'.hii (i liii iI iirl as veigdrainsany sur-plus tht-n- may have of 'Navarre, whlrIclîi"tiîýglit $l,îe. Papers for they wt-r5 l.iîiit il diii~ ~ ~ th tii _________-j t * Fl l.'T i li- gad-teahr._______ a $2<t i : t.. t ,tase, ludat i trou' SPIt. I iii ýî'r ;t uity thu - t twrt tuti.' . rtaritliseou Il uic ,r aîîîuuriiit 'i'!, t -itîîr' h ad litt ittti t'd loi ii , î ntlh rati.. SECI'lN!lu ii,e tlif.ii itigh ool teat'it i . Jî15tt t I *,-r 'itI for al 10es ii '.itg 8.4 g'it taîl i( , -i onily1anditîr ett ral asked 2. -'it-.iliercfni ticreisit' Tii'.. iti iti-ns weî e a niazt(i v.lit-n it .'îe" as titan n v. lîlh t-'i-,. : . 'î'-tîcioq. ton î,ants, Il. tSi.. îîii lis altYal s i-oil .ni r1'i-,'iitiuil; thtitt iii ts--î t "it. toart, i litti- ta tirai t .i (,*0,li tiiatuîiniuttly to re- lies t t lit ii tltitn by gising the rahni- lit iontIti. ;- i .. , ib' t iIi tat-ers, Sulitr- Intý,- Ii. i9 :J ik lelt- dro he foîl the s.Wuitl î'îd ii;o -tht huard hadt grant- eii t otil i t. iî uch n relieviîîg the t-I .; - i 'iiit t ie teachers it,.e bl it.'ii! The-total Increase te glait t .j.ýi. a-,ii it ans an addition te i,- f *'tit ii Ii'e natIiig year ci $lt4;t"" i. s%.-t ,ît wa'i expectesi wheuî The rît - in hi- iigh achool ahIl uîî'anil ati.d iiitil al rai." of about A i'tii iit a dozen grade tea. citers. anditul vo 1gb achool teachers appi':tri'i li-titi.'tht- huard ansi each cor;rti- -Wt'tiid a pettion askîng far a ;iblIatîdi i laise andti gvinI rt-a- sotns ifouia-k ing It. Have Eysa Let Weight it i.i it t>- of te grade teachet-x Miit ofu-rutLatke-Bluff, sPoie far thi- ti tt.andt(Itld 10w tht-y bad lit-ii litsiig a liard ime maling enda nte-t attî l iattAie knew of certain cvi s î lt t.itachers ihai dnieti 1I uti-uiii ît<îi htcaUse tht-y did not irai'%ili-' O tutu WYt- ubUy il. Later ise 'aats i îîî iii by Mr. Clarkte,-who FaWtitllit Iw Ii'1nea' pîsilvtly a fsuit: be -orilttt î li-thadt gat- wth' out iaî,ti.i-cuiýe tht-y did t b ave ii' ii ii'V It îîîv tht-to lite turther tdI'itîili ttilit- knev tînt sorte of t theI'it-acher liaitî la-t v.eigt as the i t-ot itisiit nourisisment, (Onli ith atiff th,.high acbool tea. cilî-is %l. Pritchard andi Nîlas Mar- garet l)i 'v ippeareti as a COîntiittes %Ir Prtîichîard went Into detail In îîîalîîtg ciiniîtarisotis wllb teacheta salari.', and1 aiier linoes of work. lie adiîîiittti tînt the bigh achool te.. chies tid flot feel thay aiould ho workiîng litr a living wage but thftl thics siuîld ho earning enougis nt tilt-y(.au laîy aside sametbtng far tbeir inater >eats. Attei' tht' leachera bas i fnished their mission tht-y letf the meeting and thon te toardt tok nit tht- suI- --er o! graniing thte raine with tIs, abave reotlts. Theu peition as presented by the gradte sud 11gb sciaul teachers par- îray tiltir stuation vey forcefully sud lhe lroentation of compîarativet fig- ures Proved Intereiting Io tice hoard -nombersý. Accordlngly tIc petitionti appelîr helaw: THE GRADE PETITION Il was sîgneti by ail teachers an the ps> mli of lie cty schaols: r " thile undersîgnasi tat-chers o hI-e M'ukegaui City Scbools, lorenti Itetitith te Board tof Education for an areasse lasalary. amaunting lu ThlirtY follars ptr mantb, said lu- mereatlo îî aid tram September 2. 19111.asd ta taire ffect la Novamber. 'Wt' tr,' petiîrtinig tar the- foilow- lng reai-ns: .Ovir 30,000 lea'.clng poitions are uutillod andi over twice as many 7are fillî'îib>' persans witb Insufficiant training. 2. In coamparison i th the salarii of other Norh Shore citias, Wti3ukexa2 --. -8Living expefisea are tou0 higis14 Women' s Coats That Combine Warmth And Style at Moderate Price 19il 22ý.- î4> $25 Thc se Iigli grade Coats are tîsade i!i the -ry newcst styles of' fille quai- ity Wool Velour, Zibeline, Polo (Cloth, Beaver Plush' Noî'niiiiINld, Sîlver- tone and Silvertip. Soue are beauf ifiill.) trimmned with Kit Colley, Dyctl Oppossuin, Yukon Seal, PluslisSvalinc, Beaverette and Dye - kiunk. oli- er-s -tre triruîied with large collaius of the samc materials. SHORT PLUSH COATS Fie quality plush Coats ini short lengths - full silk Iined -large slîaw'l.ecollars. Very specially prieed at $29.75. Other good values at $ 35, >.$5- 97 We've Picked. Fail 1919 to Double Our Boys' Clothing Business 'T HI S is the first announcement of a complete Iand perfected and intensif ied campaign-for selling just twice as many boys' clothes as we've ever sold in our lives in one season. We started. our planning late last spring. The ways and means have been gradualiy developed and decided on. We are ready to start. The new movement we are launching is the most sinicere attempt to win a boy s trade that ever a parent had the pleasure of listening to and we have every reason to believe that when -our plans unfold our business will jump two fold. Special Showing To-Morrow of- BoyOs' Suits --- With Two Pairs of Pants 1250te .75 See Our Window Display vo'

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