Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 6 Nov 1919, p. 4

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SAVINCS CHALK*TAI I. il 111 1~ 1' I1. 1] u. S. ABVISES FARMERS BEST lWAY TU INVESI -~~1l I>ry'iI ndependent i&.te t%ý4 in pendert - Waukegan Weekly Sun, Offie Telephone t4umber 1. Lbertyville Exchange. Offlcal tl-ublication for The Village of Libertrrvil;e. Offl ciai Publication for Lake Countiy Board of Supervisoral Proceediflga = .edErery *Tbur.-iac Nr%-IV - IsIdRates mftr i.- rrwtr .,aApplirrrr(Ofl UBCRiPTION PRICE, 51.60 PER Y- AR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE I -. O. .MI........ . . . .................. 1.. ...................... anager i WM. M'. EOKH-ARDT .................... ............... ocal Manager to understand that the circuit benoh in Waukegan i% pro- Transfer of Liberty BoAds HeId- tected by a judge who believes mnatters of the importance b Ba ks Urged as Aid An et these booze cases. must be settled IN court and NOT b Mltaide.tdCut H. C. L. oulside.Tiroug hJe Stte Agrirultural Coi- ities of tire panel until nexti Nirtnriux leges of tire Sci-entir district, as weli % T LEFO $eOiivlen tire triai cf cagies w.ill ciart. as tire other districts of tire Country, S T L FO $1OO Tere are an unusua lîiv atgenînb i-the savings dtvitrotcof tetesr IN DANM ER ESTATE; the Morris %s. Doyle case, a casie gcvernient securteespeclaly for REACII CO PRO MISEtrîr-d litre ceeral timtes afireadrl. tair It is bteieved tirat tire pe0ieS 0 aOt B ndes vice directer cf tire BiII to Enjoin'Clerk from Col- This nav be corne tinejudgting aigdisi.sadlprt fromnt te_,cases nov ined up for triai. '"The treasury departuseut Ia offer- IOctlflg Taxes is Dropped J ill grant the Centrai ar-bcd teacirera lng Thrift anrd War Saiinirs stecpl. as a Resuit. T1 e tCt$100x f acvrh Oand $1000 Tretonry Savinge lur FOLLWS EVIW B. AT ~ r - - - - - n~e t!~,.-t,-rin>)and Trp.asoryl rt.rîtr rrg BD.SA ( !i 1,m e-.$ -o riri,wr'r ,r'-. I[la aicu 1 A compromise and seutlement out were,,acked for alieged slanderousrý i Zi-urlg tirhe transfer to private Inveat- Sc etf CorIt vatireacired Wednesday &ai- marks. was stricken fror tire dock iet O t .treLiberty bonds stili ireid by eWffl In tire case of David Dangier r-day. Tire case vas trled about a banka. viricir. as tire federal reserve Va. County ClerIt bew Hendpee a biil year cgc and resrlted lI a disagrrs0- board iras pointed out, by . redrccing tire .1. enJoin thre collection of per ent. inflated credît situation wlire one et- R property ta-. Dangler. on bu N- fective factor for cracking rtslng -. 5. 1917. rer-aise-I letters ciol Februaryiee - Irtion lu tire estaft of tire late Chas- i>DRIVE lO ÀID> "Tie fat-mers of tire country tok J. JDucger cf Lake Fîorest. Dav id' thir fulabare lu tire ver loansanad * a*WIer resîdea li Chicago. 1IV DID IU IIt for tir. BraI tinte iecame generally lI- JE Th T n. uit vas tirp outgrevwth of oc-- JVIILI RI CONTUA I v 'estera la securities. Tire problem iH tiss taken bi tire Lake ceulty iboard'aIss Cntiey te tireir own edvautage N, « revuew (iis summer lu aaseasing lIRE D T J 1Ç< continue te invst mouey lu securltese. a tar on ercctted personal _property VaJa FOR THIS Wand if"se. ia:frtsahtrc"at la tire Daugler etate. adf________mshllth ovnt meut take? A iesding rural ecoxoiit (I l'lire Dangier estate vas ciosed i owung to tire bad veatirer. vilei recently pointed out tiret tire faner ïauary. 1918. A petilion vas filed iras beauase handicap lne i. -orkera euld not do better than place thirur $he year before tire board of reviev vire bave tire pat veek bemi sot- surpus fonda InLi Lberty bondi. 3Vrom tam paouai prctlerty virich, t vas cting funda fer tire Amenlcaii-.evlsf tharged hod beau enitted front (fax- Relief cornmittee it vas deided by Mmmi quarters cornes tire vUXUifg atibl. Tire emorct of lai assessed by State Cirairhran Isaac- Kuhiré an agaluat tire danger ln rluung land tire bord ;sr tire year 1917 made an oticer mcâtiligof thte exect ive Ccmi* prIeu vici ara la part due to tire lu-A aiptional tai of about $3.600.., mittee tiret th. 0cm-egu continue veulmeut ofthtie fermer'. surplue lu D*YUd Daugier set fort in hlu irllIItirougirout tire preseut veek. Tislalandi irîiire doea flot lutsêd te Cul- £Weg«asatir e houebeauoperty lu tie v -_ e .tire numeroua couuty tUval., but te reut or senl agaun. Duaser stee ied bsu latibue oairmien vire baye not been able to 'Tire goverumeut l laIturuteu laI bable 1917 and iaul beau removed gel eiver ticeir lerrltory ou account psofotlug tire holding et Liberty from dke ounty. A compromtiseOf bcd rowle a cirnesenterais. tire bos upevuiytaduetpn 'gUirsB~ed mai7. vroery trO quoa eein e rr dstrietea nd ilee by Liberty bond mauipuietors, tâte pela over 81000 aie a.ettleflt. aure tire raisleg otire 8110Qý0.000 aa lu ontint tir e t as< OU 1%Til 1 va dspped and t vilii ot quota ahioted la (iissae. uDota-Ir, o Luenty a enhotbeu a mvea le, seceasucy te force colectionof etcudiug.Cook couty wvieir loue 'ha nt Liertieods." ote or th ta& raelid Ia quota.,viruir hlatire ame ne m.te" 1 - au tirt lioted tire remainder eftttirenIeivnt ame tir h ie f epeints tire IVORCES IIUSSiANU st auteleraaa ea: b roue t heatetoetpeuple lu curgnlyiMr ueaailover teatate Posible -nvetmetfor 1fermer: " 0 Iurgîg M PÂMnEt cout ",lnao -tnuue tire (a) e-unvnatme lalu iis ove trmIn mCteDSM tila e lu order to guve desrebie sa long au mor, capital esa tireir vantera a fair chance sud a& be profitably empioyed ;,(b> tend mort- INfiEE BUSET(T surung irba tiret tire quotas vîli be rcased. tr gagea-ate but out reedlly coverti-Y Ttla theuailmus report- f roui hie to cair or çonveuimt as e oiiturai .-MM's Augusta Partes of Highland workera ail over tire stete tiret tire for tenrporar hat ns; <c> peu- I Park, otained c divorce la cîr« e ol eple are in c receptîve mood for senlai otes--iky; (d) siree of à QOM' Baturdcy fr-cm ber iruabaud, B. itis campalgu. sud thome allcted #toct--apeculativ. and rlaky. fermer9 A. Ï4tti. Tire charges vere tirt ireLave beau gouerous ani vilhlIg te ot Lu Position te have @De" kue l - dUt VaU etremeiy cruel te ber orr nom- doute tec, acause iricir meana tire6edg6; (e> goverumeut mocrilles, ah-( Mwasa occasions. Under thre condi- aaviug et irnudredi ert tiousands of aotuteiy ate ai te principal asd là-1 tieofe tire decree Park.. must ay livela eatetu fioape. tere«--no question as te prier' daims. hi. vite 300 lumrp lmony aurd aise Reports frein oouuty cbairrnen alvaYs mariretabie or redemebie. "00 aolicitors' tees. show c total amccunt of 8200.000col- Oovernmeut ecurites nov avall' Por aeme tîme thé'e lrkes bave erted, and vlth favorable veetir abe: 85 War Saviuge atamopg aud ber n ductlng a greenirorue ae tutin exPectedi tiret many counities $100 and $1.00 Tregsury savingu Cer- Ei.lalsd Park under tire Bt-m naine viii raise their o0fciaI quo"tastie tifeates. maturig Znay1 1. e of Partese& Parres Mr tireeltstof tire veet; Ciampaigc, Me- deffmable ena demand nouer, payiug 4 ays tire coneerru vas starterl by ber beau. Tazeveil, Vetmilnuc, WIII and Der cent cnpudltra;Tesr bu tte aie toek ber iruébaud 1loto anganton among tire leaders at O leteset udebntedu« esi $00up Purtneririp viren it vas apparent Ireseut. uunfoafe mulevtrne- tirt OeePeracu ceuid not handie lit. ontfraewm te ihne, Tire crrangemn4uîdId net seemt te "Suicide Br3t-I ' ih arli est et 41À per cent snd 4% per cent;1 bO vrY oRgeialandthe uitforLiberty bonda and Victory notes. $W c di vrc ougth euel u treasuit frstrucure spaunng tire latoon lu Lin- of), purciraseirle lu opeu marktl - dvore vs tre equl. t l uner-coin Park, Ciicago, from wvicir orty trogrieibnu hrceitc àtOOs! tiat 'ire Pat-keahave nmade Can of more petsons bave leaped Inte tire ftres. dlocaeren s Curteodes Umamiwemeut out or court for (ire set- valer, lai elng tom devi. t. h bdofte dfrn cui«bo ,g Calment of (heIn Lusiness. lingitbeein usafe sud reenîly aras Pecilaiiy desîrnile as colateral for teu> - ciosed lest It cause thre deatir of sera.-Porary boans et beuks. linur uenet vlsiîg tbdie. Tt i-r uncer iffect of govemament lnvestmeutl YOR S .IJDOYLE, tain wviether tirs bridge oi Le t-e (0) Increasuîcg saving tond of tire1 SCPlaced. Country;th dollar put luto geveru- ~ M llE CAS , eut secunties reiaei a bautlug1 - *gjheaUS MUIJL ÀS 9 Wlere Me Got thesarne, dollar; (ir) r'peuslon -ef business and1 tued Vile fitst hudrg appear4 toirave I r. tm effeet on forelen Irede especli. AM AIN TO D~E TRIED been bren fronrtirhe Ertglicir tifIYIPor4-ant fermer as tire exten.1 and by pror-er.r>oe syterîiatîr selectIcu et1 0 crirts abroad la tire scie waty r-.Il breeding a anrailet- snd more active j f Maklug Possible tire sale ot fat-u Wauk,-gan, Oct. 27- dog ireri. tire* ilticf ivu.s eovd iepout lrri;Iucreeslng capital Toda va tie oeuig dy c lb- sMll-r drrg wsa fonïd to e ir etter 5Rnhîlaile for agriculture; (c> bîgir ceai Peti JUY wa cocern d a d frnt uite fo spot tan te bavie an eofliving ituatin, mince Icre aed pro. alpt of theascounye me eirsowtseer mrcstlff. Tire iui-bieing dog ton sud saclng are tire tvc funde* put lu au apptearance. Berne of tram i tîrrînt nailouit, requit-ed au Inordinete mna cr$fer riig prlces sud lu- *dkO tebe xcued n t,, goun @Mollt o gaenes. vstteli luRovrrientsecurîties pro. thed ire xu se o n g b rolond friît'nlna.vides belL; (d) rural land specurration tbamtot serdve Oe ft rar blerc-icrae-elded by tsrprervire puis irig temo re Ot t iUiuee Good Time te DoTts. 5urI'ps lobtoerm lieds -o i sinM T*em rvla leeton day and no «I CR' nssdose sciodblisti." seld sale; cirekeO by goveumat luveet MM «M e eaerdanid lire toIv l otelue »l be. Wbe a a nucornes ipet; ereet spectellaton Mo£am JéWag dflam a aauràliutlesdays aronus! 1mItln'. dat rad doctrine, rigirIt drning. *0 JàiPe Ud*arda exnses!tir enm-1 dr lawvire.LI.gits color ind.* "Boldlýg yoqr goerunet agètK'ldu ir e took il borne To iris good vIte. Juan, And bade irer te sing and smilea. amie, stUc,. Ir a Tirft ltarni>new. A War Bavîngs Stsmp. tee. He'd buy ber evary lîttie virile. virile, virile. Ilumpli DsrmptyBat on c Wall, îumpty Dumpty irad a great faîl; ifot al the kug's bot-ses net- ail tire kuug's maen lould set HnmptY DUMPty Up agelu. FPor Hurnpty. you see. scved neyer c cent; T'ie moneyirbe made ire mont careles51 speuir> ttev Humpty Dumpty sieouniris veU A proud a au ire and! vîtirneyer c tel. He doeau't ueed bomss, iho demt nees! men L'o rescue and el hur en ou Etoi agab4 l'or Humpty, y« ame. learaed biis le&. sou viti rae; War SavflaI$amischrisirti Change ire ceM spre. Bippeti hop te tire Goverumt @hm Te huy a War leviffs @tu* dandy; one toS youiMd nde W onMe. And oeeronrotiretSandr THAIF? la HABIT.. ORIT. TIritt la a habit A habiILt11li18 yoli don ucoscacouulior automalicsilp uioutt hougrt W. sre ruies! b, oeil habits& Whenhabits ire goung tire, aure lion11e ub&-eOtt11091fy tunny, frollesoce, lîttie animiL .17hey pou day by day. Nentuaiiy tir,-0leFOUm Coeose ye Ibis day tire babitley. oold bave noie over yen. Tire habit 0o rrItE la Wmply tb. habit vblir dlctate tirai yeairai earaumre Ian 7you sp»M Xit othet la tire habit virlci es.rn.Tike yoorebolc&'-Eb-f'I Franre Building Long Canal. Notwiistanding tire ver, tire largesl tunnel lu tire werld ln veli under eourse of construction in IFrancelils objet:irelng te, gfve Mat-eullai cnnec- tien witir Parla and tire interior of tire eoutltry lu generai hîy ral sud va- ter. Tire caury vili provide ample wsteraay for hankes. Tire entire pt-el- @et inveives tire building Oeta e u barber sud tire rutttug et a ami> canal, actrully tutrnie1 th 'ugir moud rock for tise lrng nie.%utgthirod ber- brrr a(ri tri- MI-.Iiterraenc te tire River llhirie. Tii.-Rhrine's upper atrêtIr-ies tire îlurlil. and elrenily are ascii i-at rtii'tl.y tir Intrge raigation, butt nr-nir tarfilles thre sîtMuilu 1a fer too turitîtulýt for c-ommnerce. A rnge of hMIlsliedt rresented the cOust'uc- tîrnr of a Panai lunnîttys goee Y. Nov, witir France encergized bY lire va? aud vitr tire necessity for tire canal *mlilized Ihereby, the tunnel la Le- Ing r-rt and lire <'sual i yll90«b# opeued. Ti r rtas begn lD1911- 12, an~diras beeu coulturues! thrOte tire var. Ey Ih1s canai ans! linksi- resdy avalairle, bargétesau re seMt trmlire MedltarenAn te tire zoom _____________ Leonard Keefe of Waukegan ricep L-Iradatron. has Experience He WiII "'I litixi-rit ' r !Ilirt fora Not Soon Forget. week.- ' Not, 1 til irt brr eet ont e tire hou I c .riý ir ti, i-rrî-it- 'N'au ire serr-I iiijir-'-tl ýNi;. but hire REAL THIEF MADE ESCAPE. fai. tiri. di- et. i- i l-ty. - Dis- grarpe *i îes . til-r l' iv itlnt he Tri irear-eu-.edofr-cuti rs r litir rit heu rt et tir,- 11r i t isllu ifr' tie w tl tudr-r arre t andrl n ov- crifronrt a tu tire fcrqirtry oîîir rlry hist i îeek snd crrwdedrl t-et rar, waau n rxper4,nre vas tun oir h y a rtîik eut-tl î j walun îard Krt-î I--i-tcof ?06 Nerir l'i -tir-a t rer-t. W'ukigttn.viii ni surin Utliitng TMme. fori-t Tire Incident hrr-a.i u .tr nlies' trnrîtreerltire president Wlýinnr-tka ont dr- tilu eek. of n atfroonbrige lub "T hfsiKeife vas on Iis va-r- Chirrzro rrn et nu itreî ttg euh "lthirastrle North Sirore bine.At Wnneýtka mltll ,ý o t te crdtirerar stopped sud thec ciif of ituli-,- shîhltrr r' -ittrrtiu e trecad itir a dptv rhritt ci l.-iIt Ti- - i - iv 'b. %v t1tiiViei- ~two offir-erg 'aakt-d i wII drîriatt-- Vonn" -I -t. nl ni ' rturtiaisie. ryting escliofetti-parr'ne-rr reý!- N0- s-tci~i.tlle (,o.g-iîet y. \Vbtn tic> g-rt pposit e thre pur> .- seat iir-rupled Ly Rer-fr-. tire> rtoppritl - and ucruttuizeri tîitm tronr hi-ad te Orounda for Quittlng, trrrrrnur bIrd.' une ofthtirofficer-, Mira. Blunderry Tire dectrn bd rmy said. aepbev ihe doesrrt get exercice enougir; -Vor beltirhat's hlm to a T,- t ic ire must give Up sedlmentary work en. ourinr one efflled. uireil. "Young felcv, youre under arret.' I bey aald to Keafe. (trtttrsfl tu ai ti-y iwtin .ofrt.' I ii wrrrng iurrr 'rt.y -.xlîrirn.-t trIohini 't . li,- ai be-en a.ckr-d by ther-pol1i-r-r of Itar- wn. arr-.t a young mio a h lrad sirrien $ rthre-and w,4_4 on bt-r wry 1>t C*I. cago. The- descrrittionl of t h ryoun g fr-llow fît ted Ke-fr- in niany nutcs NVhy, ticat fel iow cat inn tii,-t,;,m-, r' ut with -.ue ail the- wav [ront NWauke- r-an," Kîr-fe tut.- the ofrler-r-' A hurried cali vas sent to orffîrers in Chricago, but the vouthtul titief tad urtri,-gorîr1 i hIerrcapei , tidy ru ever heur of surh a irone- lh- ad ,r-t on the. part or tir- Police?" Keefe askedï today. *'Just think-tire gutity parti '.at rigir nr-xt to ine. butIr-ey>iras--- tutti u[rand ,rab nie. Can vru tIra tl't Meamures Muman Vibrations. Utilliing a galinrîr.rî,r-îrra lreneh actentîsqt bas Inveir,- . prartîrus for measurlng vibratrirn, . linra trrnes anri tissues, ltwit tr t, rîmrgtrrrher tlcinga. ire readsa 8 re'rtspuise mure accurateiy tican biy haud. 10 - Day Bargalin. Sale 0f Used Goods of ail Kinds Cookin Utenails---Furniture of ail Kmnds at haif their real value. Heating Stoves . Cook Stoves Gas Heaters Oil Heaters Stove Pipe, Etc.. Writing Desks Harneas Horse Collars See Our complète and up-to-date Stock and Reasonable Prices Wc Buy and Seli Everything in the Line of Used Furniture ànd Household Goods SQUARE DEAL USE» soiusSTORE O. 3 LIBERTY VILLE J. A. LYON, Proprietor IRI M-- Me Me Lac BU! V i 17A II Ai watt for tire deor Thal'a t We henr old Opp litee ab( L1BRTyvUjLE IXDEPNN.4-rHURDAY. NOVENMRER 6, 1919. LK $toi Ho Th Loooks as if ýthe beer runners' drivera 11got together"l vwith the wrong parties iu the niatter of "fixing things" to their mutual satisfaction whereby they world 11accept ulnes", in circuit court. The "1arrangera"l left out the pdacipaI one in the whole deal. naanely: Judge Edwards. Anid no when their littie suggestion was laid before hixn. the Judge frowned a littie and politely said: "Gentlemen' tbmu cases will be decided on their mnerits according tW thie evidence. If the men are.- guflty. they will be fined Mid sent te jail as the law provides. A plea whereby they refuse to plead guilty or flot guilty is not acceptable. "They must be one or the other." And so a nice littie party whereby the booze runners wou]ld have slipped out mith a esv fine was kicked over and the public given BY UN .CLE SAM OVER 80 MLENlo ENIES IIERE ARE vRÀLAL1L:T :ADS îtt:~ RAE-0 Cont a rsM ino, m Chsrtion. TO RECEIVE PAPERS 20 Cent» ..........Charte - ~Government Sends Word te .. acres Iirqrîire lndepxcdtrrou,. Waukegan Today thatï:ht FOR SALE-A weil located, nearly -_________ 411 BarshavebeenRemo e. i new; thoroughly modern, 7 roont house Bar hae ben emoed, inLîbertyville; two blocks trom car line. *1* MI8 ELLA.EOUS f - - ~~~~~~~~Possession any tinie. F. M. Harding, iAECiiersîee-lt 1 GEl PAPERS NEXT WEEK Area, 111. Phrone 184-J. 40tf FOR SfL.-C Ave Lrsviu-r lut@ o Il I [~1baivete vpry lise uptîrdate bu.rerr îi Circuit Cierk Brockway bas received et pril-trrrn $2,5O 00 0OO $4,(000FRbL-ulbne- igecm an officiai notice frM thlie geverrument $4 7?0 600 $.0 0 l5~ il RhodelIsland Red cockerülc Dark red tirat the ban agaînst ail allen ene.-uies m;rn uepîy leatd. yull ie pl, a@edj color. Weight 8 or 9 Ibs. eaclr. George ,bas been lifted ln Lake couuity. trr elrrw astitre. Edwin Austin. Phone Huson, Round Lake, 111. 45-2 - Accordingly efforts were mcade to ln. NrnîirShore lias rffice Il_______________--__ get lu touch irwtirail of tberne men, WANTED-iloy. 10 YFf-îîrr. rr re, for wlco numbeà eighly. And ail]bave been' FOR SALE-Rio Grande Valley of t iie work.Arrt irîi',rr--rr iocated excepllng one-. Tius tire banli I bae been lilted front 79 c ie8 e Texas. Irrigated landa tiat beat the Lbrye 4429 ancd efforts wull be made fte locatemtire worid for richnesao of soil and ail year FOR SALE-'rur-rrl Apttrru shref~ elgirtietir so ieau cair told that the round climate. Ten cuttings of Aitalfa de.-. Iin grod rrurltg rrrlr'r Cliras. ___________ban bam been Ilfted. Iu chackIng over je onc year. 200 buabels cf potatoes; l'ioodinu, (Oraymla& Phorne. l-li 2. 2t, >the 79 menil a*-been foulad that al1q80 buabels of corn andl10tonsof cahbage WNE-iuîrWrrî r a. îdr of thrntaae o. k., Tbe majority of from the saine acre. Figure tirat up. WAmogIîid o regrrsfrtr .. Thece men bave ireen notlfled i.bat But grape fruit beata thoem ail for profit. wer-uine guàrsuveri irrrlrry. Irill lino fur cC~L (bey muat cornefil Waukegan next We take you down and back for $30 and Moen. vOMIfI, alairdirrn iriungts ______________ Tueî.day and Wednesday and take thre prove wira .-e say. Excursions every 'A -uii fovsr âirtA.-ix'.r r lrr ons. _______________ ____final exrtnination whlcb wtll ens.ble tA iruuacrta 1,cr aur-trI907. E'r;rer-r-rîre un-t them to become citizexi.w es.. oni.Hme,90 (5 e--say W Ite le lirti-rtratlonel gool citizene(rîp.-NVnyT TflO 90V. lIn ail. this number iviro ul, report Building, Cbicago, 'hl. 42tf' Strrckiug Miii. Norr-i.trrar.I 'l. 1812 Fren a atîli forlgfrudl n tiset o dhtays ueier18atiembig- FOR SALE- Illinois farteat a barZain DELAYS THIS VEAR ARE DANGER- Fermr nv amarkforfraduleit eaILunc tht bs evr asemied price. We bave 275 acres in iPulre rrus. ordrhr- Iort, S4asL Rarly. '1.10 tck operators. Liirerty bond scalpera. in Waukegan for naturalisation îraP- counyIl.fosaet$1,wndt 1nttuos&Idorim .-t4,Zn ccc' check frrrrd? ersi. lu the cases of ncany of thl. um roi ntyi.Tforpsalei poeat1,00ndi timtrîs îru.îic'r ,Zo ber. (bey bave Leen heid uji rince tbe 1 ood but nid set îof buildings, and much C~ ity I. Pîritr4 on1i rrîrrt tI we.r came on. Wben tire var iroke o__i____Alo teln s ihNAf FD ' -t11 )i out beyhadtakn ot tbi>c fist l%-anddry. Titre is eailot of big rrak anrd REVISED VERSIONS pers and tire war preveteriltirera cin- hickory saw timber. This would make trr frrur 1.--t rl.-r-jr 1111, ,'Atiwan, summating tireir citizensii. Now tirat afihorme as it a grrodilitock and grairn Piririe 1-,2 .1- 43-41! Ibere vas a Iîttle n"rrn. the banc la llfted. uiey, as; well a's tire! fanm. If soir! l'y Nov.-. lat, possaessiron FOR RENT Five amine huit acre Wbo laid dowvohi., tittIe crin, alien enenrlec. wrli ire aiiowed tri go rar, be brd rrnd cre gond mik crrvs With Itss htrietit ail inide of lead, ahead and finish tbirer naturalizatirf l ii go witi tbe farm. It tc nrrw rent-d farm, un Lake rirad. î;ur-t lurs4e. ieud, leall. business. fr rhave ot everytbing. Itr> rrnly frrur -45_r2 miles eact of Simpsr n rn thre i. C. neileîyîr-iuernc Ie nd Irle gel e iittir irnrrk. Jrohn H. liolmes, 907 t0tis Building., rgs i rclaliluepel.àe cuuya And vicen in it fil, olid 10kOur Country's Birtir. Chicago, 111. 42 tf wus icltt.I!Lu oay W'hy many hirrîY tlting5 h ldi ' Our mninrY'c Inrî rrrrti dates _______________________________________ saidl, said. froin îuiy 4. 17--6. lrr-r-tu,r- tie lUnitedl rStates thler Ir d-rrrilt Iirrk pitidr uce, Ar1El F n irt. Wrruks-garr your i man waa and froin ttitt dtry out it,.. îîrltalrced CCUSED Of DE= stunrivdby tr-lrthe of titi rv- It. llreirt Briti rt c u kiîrri idge thtie ru.'i t io I frr -lîr . t,I , lrrr t.. eid Ili s lrdîr-rdn!~îfthilrr -tiiter ili rtes hby JJ' 111 .1 1IL i - r. -rd trt uort Jltr and e preiinnrry treity o rît o î daied I U 111Ir AoE~ r-tng aur- t ri îtîrt arrlé, Noveiter 3>1),17 2 tii hi tir final Irt ,-nt hi trr rdfio.tti-ra r or deilute t t.r'-' el i r r3, FROM TRE T LAR I'n ieot in t rlc- air 1783. rThis trr-tîl.. îîth i irtîle i le Ir i 'r. i in- i.ý . -1o ir ;.,i b-rtc contine-ntal r-rngrv--.-Ititîttri14i 1784. i a ririndlril-r-c 4lt tir-oinc nih- t A m-z.. v j i f i i

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