Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 6 Nov 1919, p. 5

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MOIST AIR FURNACES Us e lot@ on, gin comb Dark reti George 45-2 vr tie, for -th--Co. 44'2 -r. Citas. -f 2. 2t aI..' rderé rs for thé Kiiminstes tdy l-u>e. n!Iitte un- 1. 118 12 DANGER- iti. '/ion t 4, '/ion ilit-hi two hi iilam, 43-tf haif at-re ;ursk-. tUé coanty. tian wat rti ii- and' a lî'd otr lii- car b'- r,I-tl- t it.i ii-.'n t ini't ti iti- tif 'id rt-lU- r . il tii- 't tIt'II- tria t liI, ln i titi oun, t-ti WNauke- -rs t- orficers il tlit- hlad t-h a bone- h.. police?" Aay, *'Just rigbt nùxt 1) anti , rab AtiOflO. n. Freneh nîratas for Jinian btiries motit 'tîhér pulse mure Prepare for Cold Weather! Men's 4-buckle, al rubbr Arctics $3.50 Men's 4-buckle cloth top Arctics - - $3.50 Men's 1-buckle Arctîts $2.25- $2.50 $2.75- Men's Feit Slippers - - - - - $ 1.50 Men's Felt Shoca Ladies' Feit - - - - $2.00 $ 2.00 to $2.25 RAY N. SMITfH BULKLEY BLOCK LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. MEN WANTED! Steady work ail winter and year 'round for good' men. Good- wages to start and chances for advancement and to share ini bo- mises paid twicea monel Good working conditions. AMERICAN WJRE FÉNCE CO. LIBERTY VILLE FOR SALE Winnetka Special Assesment Bonds First Mortgage 6% Bonds on Lake County Read Estate. GEORGE ANDERSON Anderson Block LAKE FOREST, ILL ALEX FELD)MANI TELEPHONE 307J LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. LV.ay the Highest Pnices .for Junk and Old Autos Automobile Paus for' Sale Thé Rlght View andi thé Wreng "Thé mari whaiake god doeen. Watt for opportunit>' ta knOck; hé bas thé door vide open," laye an ékclang&. That's the,,right spirit. Thé Other day W. heiird a chai, ComplaIning hecausé 'aId Opp didn't stick hie ta. In thé ae like a book anRst.-EooTani.,ioo, Thé cypsys Rêvéné. W. H. Campbell hadtr is fortuîne tld last week fil one of the gypsies wbo have been la thîs neighbonbood latel>'. WViiile lie was gettlng soe gasaline at the Ilînse>' garage, preparatory toaa trili ta Albany>, lie tins approtaciied b>' oine tifthé fortunet eli-rs, who iitked for rie>'. On fis rt-fusai to "coute nurut-s" she tol In! butlhe uouid haîve lui ttîittk nil the fest tf the uîsy. And sut- ui-, eaiii t-alnoui>' a short ýistinc'i- tliuithe rear aile ofailhiecar CaIma by Centnlfugal Force. A Bnutailitut énginéer bas lnventeda 1procese fOr casting Iran pipé b>' centri. fugai force, whicb disthutes thé malten metai witbin revolving c>'Un. dricnl imolds that- are watér cooiéd. DalifThought. 110nî-u rttu i s tii-y wli-it's te butter itttta 11- ite rempta lli -Dougitîls Jt-rroid. --------m---- a m m-mm a.aaaaa ceeIl visit in Lincoln, Ill., with Mrs. Sime's parents. Mr. Simen met thein ti Chicago and they spent Sunday with Mr. and Mms. Harold Stoli. The Men'@ Brotberhnod of the Pre@by. ternan ehnrch wiIi meet Tburaday, November 13tb In the churcb bament. The speaker of the evening viii hé Prof. Ramue] Dickey of Chicago, wha viii @Peak an thé race probiem Ail mon o the communisy are Invited. The Parent-Teachér Association wili have chargie the Liberty théatre on Moniday night. November 10. They wiii présent "Rip Van Wi lbi" and an educationai réel. Theé usal allmlssIa, viii hé charged. The pmceejs vilii h oued tu boy a éevlng machine for thé pu pi le of thbe eIght orsdý Mma Kenneth Loveilint entertaining Miss Mabei Wright of Winchester, ind. On Saturday, Mr. and Mns. Loveli, Mins Wright and A. L. Jackson went tu Madison, Wis., tu attend the Wisconsin- Minnesota football game. Others et- tending were Mis& Winifred Mack and Otto Boehm. Liberty Theatre SATURDAY, Nov. 8 IVLLIAM'HART in "Breed of Meni" SUNDAY, NOV.9 SHIRLEY MASON ini "The Wirning Girl" WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12 D. W. GRIFFITH in "The Girl Who Stayed at Home" Ede. Mr8. Ede was taken 111 Friday eening, wben they were Moving tram ihe Gaiioway tari to the Boyeé bouse on Fairistreet whieh they reCéntly pur. chaised. Thé Immédiate cause oi ht-r death waé unreîcpoîsonig. Thé funerai iserviese @re held ai thé Mthodist church Monday alternuon, 11ev- C. F. Kiiehanér oficisting. In. tarisent tôok piace at thé Hait Day cemnetevy. lire. Ede was ioved and irssectéd hy many triénds, 10 vhom thé newu of ber death Came as a terrible Obock. NEW BOOKS AT LIURARy lOVerai books and magalae have bea donated to thé Publie Llbravy. Thé îlot vbthlch iiil>e as gléen by Mie. Grimes:" HEisîory 01i Eglaod," four volUmes01, hy &Macaulay; --A Tale ai Tvo Gtiés" bY Dicekens, "Thima" and "Barabbas" by M. Corelli. "The Marchant ai Vente" by dhakeope&ré, "Far. dorougha' by W. Carleton, "Craniord" bY Uns,. iasteii 'Esayje oa i lle"byý Chartes Laie b, 'tary of an Airican Farm'" bY Schreinér, -"Bsce.. rum a Flery Death" by 8tranger. lire. MitOcks has given tva pictures for théIlibrary and thé toiiaving îlot oi bookâ: "Count Robert oi Parl,""mThe Back Dvari," "-Chronicied of thé Canon. Rae,é" "Quentin Durand," "Thé Abbot,"1 "Thé Antiquary," "Thé Mdonastery.", "Thé Fair Maid Of Perti," ail by sir Walter Scott; "Impre@sIons ni Spain" b>' Lady Herbert, " Korea in Transition" b>' J. S. Glie, "Interior 0i Arca" b>' D. Livingstone, Pligrim progrese,,by j. Budtyau, "The Love leai Proven'ce" b>' A.'flVdiib'A Collection of Poeme"l. "The Beautîful Lite ni France@ E. Wiiard" 4iy Anna A. Gordon wvas' donated b NiMris. Laura Taylor. Twenty-ire copie@sofi*'Thé Popular Méchanîe" wereglven b> tMr. Bockeinan ALibrar>' tard for one year (01.00)4 viii make, a usetul Xmae lilt. Don t1 lorget to liuy If you are wishout one. 4 Methodist-Episcopal. 1ev. C. F. l'Keiheuer, Pastor. The winters activitiehavé begun. Friday evening thé Epworth Leaguers wili give a -Chum Social" vhicb le unique in évery wva>. No young persan ovér 14 year ofa auce aff'ur te miss lix Sunda>' morniug the Sanda>' echool tneets at 10 o'ciock. Let ever>' member. at-nedt b thenmac-hine. She's anme littie apeed bus", Itre-nan saIt proudiy. T'Ihat sol iei me drive it arounti the block," Flynn sait. linennan expiainet the worklngs of the car anti Flynn cflmbed la. De Hane>' taking a ééat ttééide hlm. Hé waved bis hand as te speety littie machine desheti arounîr thé corner. (Vive minutes paaééd, and Brennau began ta get nervaus. "liîunny hé dcemn't nturn, hé musedi ta him.", Brénnan waltéd an hotu' and thén caultirèstraln hlmeéiî no longer. Hé went ta thé policé station and ré- portèti thasp hie car had heen stalen. Night Policé Capt. Lyons reciied havlng seen thé car pans In e forth' eri>' direction. Thé policé machiné vaesSent north, going as far as Zian City. Il vas fond that thé car hati not passeti that va>'. The policé of North Shore cillés vere notMfed ta kéep a watch. Laté at nlght It vwu reported that a machiné anseéing the description had beén seén pas@- ing ibm Evanston. It la ehiiévédt that the car wul,,- h abandeneti in Chicago., TELEPHONE- LONG DISTANCE 84-3 HEADQUARiUS HARTMANN HOUSE HENRY HARTMANN, Prop- WHEELING, ILLINOIS Indepeodent Cla"suied Ads Pag.ý Ask aitu user of IbE For the Colder Days Nice Knitted Wool Caps, Bonnets, Leigs and Bootees Children'a Black Worated Stockings, sizes 6j, 7, 7h. 8, 8L, 9 and 94, Extra Value, 50 Cents Ladies' and Children's Underwear, in both Union Suits and Two-Piece Gar ments. W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY Phione 29 We dWe .Thursday nights ut 6.OO; Saturdey night.9,atd mlther nlghtsat &OfrbuaWmof o"a' u.s:su---$@@:s s onne.t4 ae 0 a RUJDY ------ M" THE RUDY DIVING FLUE FIJRNACE PIPE AND PIPELESS A Good Furnace. Installed Right, It Is a Good Heating Plant We Know IIow to Do This Schanck Hardware Co. I., nýý- ý 1 1 1 On Mawbuk« Avenue 22 hfil« f»m Chieffl IàIBERTYVILLE INDEPE»ENT- TFàMSI)-&Y- a loin -. , ~ *".~V .2.JjLJ>22.i~, , ~Page V' iu~~A --ÀI__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ tis oflIi.e-tt-pli-tral ,uj,,t lesA Ierloohs to t' 11, aor t>Il ii I - dtt IIU ~ 1 I~~T II~s utti,. , h. ou t-, t-itii-Ut ltidi mo Far11 Ivortga27es and L ib e rty v iIAl A N TV O IDt rt'estiiîg icaturt-e wililihé inlroduced i lot') t hl-t-I ,, %% 111 Uparet kid I 'igh-Grade n e t n s ~aMc~da~',,î,w 1~ Yielding 5-to 6 per cent. ut ilm ttewit fore.L. . K him n. w uke, clie onfrindsI,ýreF rila,. At hi trt-nt-g -itvlui», 7:301, thet Mrs. C E. Wttersn (etSeattl, 1 Ms. Chrles . Elwel i Ii ghln'd pau'îýr'hIueI u-. ujiiitel eatl..ltrIa W r r oiin Wa4. sv8tn ietvl red.Pr aido iei*,I, red wo fiuiai tii- Lumtîîr n%%ifi- If'--frihivsoswt MI s Rau y spetît o antli.ii r, Snant n .-'H.t - N-tsttkt.t-i iI -ortheît-e I br.. i liu vi~îiîi aiiirtlaive-! Mr, antd Itrs. Fred Crtu.. , - ( i[t- uitt1,ti, Iltht-y tr ri î iro9î be'i.tliu-. r, n r.L- luo lý etwe ti-'itu g it-itapîtve- jtte SO IRS lis Pallik;x,,r trelfriiaO lO SDII.ilgt'o theyuow : j>i'tt-rt wîSOUND FR T MORTGAGE LOANS Viilat he %Ii. %eîrtzt-r boni" ut Miss Bt-scie Whiiîtri- >îi'1 uitit g oifoii ldI p i frn ltrm saeZril i-t-r, MIr.. J. P.ett-r t-f ti, ' 0 , 0on t-u-h niglit. Un t"it'ta il t th Miss Vîrgînia Colins attendeti a tiîintcsriuny attérfltti. praynui'ttiig group i - iit-tw the yedn dancing party, Saturday evenliý at WVil Witmoire anti dJ%îýtl. I lqm Y ounîg toliks. Ih Raciune, Wis. ,Minni. -petnISonda. alith 1114 iutiitt-r The - stîîi-tts andti I-aý itart- aeio tîrs: 5 , t J I tra ieorgt-frîiali ainI 1mi> itiy AJot,-Pester at Ora3eltîi.NJida -5%tittitit li..'hrt% v. ii hr tii Mc ..Sî~'iRlii !itieBarbara Warren f V'iiu-aMeilter wiîî l)dn't iow lit - am- t-ea, tnitiettity., spent Monday and Tuesdtiui with ht-r 'ait bit Harold l itw-trr, -il'le. ihautts lIî>vt-y litasbei-n ,oidi grantimother, Mrs. GeorglI- f Cooper. Tnt-t-i%-Tw ii- hu t .îg ilit,- - Ti,' tociami t"hi- Lrg its ail tirep- li. Thi rty eigh t younng filik. atrt-,n -iît ire ioti.-Ir F..î' il iii%% u t 0i~î it 1,e ivt ou n ur- c a-. g.iii-.>i. looij. Eiuworth le-agite servic-ast Iil trt-r's l'ark P1rie-. l * i-a 1nlrJry i aý tir ey Mrs. M. Wilson fhas returnedto 8tatt %turday aflerioonit .Il r.-pirteil a t'îîiclt.îluînli-ia-tlîtr Macun1, E. Churchill, Your riame on ourtnait1r4> lt-t gets I-titrt Sîttîtri t Mn.,. Steçihen J. Young enrtertairied you tive big current ntîi/fi>Al intrdtiir.îiin,-ut, Ithe- Ladit-s' Aid ueciety of Gages Lake laiitguenNowray at, hum tîeart- autnd artiha; For tii-îiit-iti,'j T e F r t lto a a k onThunaday atrof'ctlou o ray liii*0, tanLlea in ýEuT e F r t a i n l B n Ralîth NaGuffin of llarrishurg, l'a., BUY AT HOME CLIJUB, h "ihi Satitii, t-ril t-eatiltîl; o ti rt vilIin s spetnt st.veral days tant wct-k at tht- md. TheisLut-t-"- ilul home uof hi., brithür, Paul MttcGuifin. tir ami Mr-fliorg- i. 1. v alti J.S. l> tt RESOURCFS 0F 'MORE TIIAN HALr A MILLION DOLLARS uii t dtii ît f . guin liF t t-i nn.[)It1hUrt. '- ittl, aflt-r a shirt % - , I e1 Pret-byteniari. day, 1:$ti- i, ut til , i ts Nr f-tItri p- lî)ttrerîîé, MIr aýid \Ir.- t. w. Suidti l tiiiti ii i.0 W. Ge i-u -. ltorge ,w l a - I ' Ile "f 1 1lt- au.ltILl I ii tijîi f ..ii Mr. anti Mis. Banftîudi.( angîU. Mr. 'li 'idu-é 0.wt!I-,î' i--u iUt anti Nrs.. lalîih hreglow tif Chicago , 'St- I li@t lid m i-t >iiîiilit. Ptlit.- 7',tii. tti itt, wttrt- -unulay guet at t thte W . È t-. ri ati IaIllititt IL'a- L)t±ckt-r himu-. li t aiun i -liait vears Mtl hi,-.g ra-lit. EIli it itl'î -titr iAi,, ,h ait t >it-, t't AftLcrrtht- Fall, - -iS-t ti iblei tiunot n tm lii nIiits ,f t.lI. ~ litw iiTi %'îîtiui 'itatr ii nooi e ut tht- Tow ia itli2, nday r-s nîng, lta h-- i ioet i l. Iug- 1 Il .îi I a- k t alli -au>,r ,ýi N.,tvrnlmrr ith, ut .31). Auspiîtce-s Agritititure of Penrimyira.i, i t 1i, t> i -er iiii-:iUýiî , Jt tItemdoà ,Su- 12 Lu tt ran Y..1i. S. Ilitp-rtimnttai vont aiti r tn titiituoi,,' k.1hi.'%l 'it1a , Lt- ititVt- rli ai i ia tl7:tîtit 't' l it00,i..trI,,t ni-re théTdate iii-e, . le - t-i nit' t-il1 1 h o w r v rý@ t t.f fo i ir-i-eV iio i~rl - TIuiL r-lt'niwhlt %us il î -tii'd. . ql. t the tiendu antid iîîî -froit iii t ir ntt eF riday e- teroinir,. SiV 7'L til,- ut- tthe n.. ai f-if 'atLt-', Warri . C it-ss recen tlIv, tMr wa i, tu- oL. itt Mr. Carlson tif Nitlin-. Ili. , sptnt: El a'ard Hopperol inf'ii ajs i .) *iîvySei it, Tîi.i ay ti -iit' , i. 11,1 Thursdau' ntiht wa th Ernestt N1.fftt, 1tilton oi tf iViodtort -MN i î l irý thé ert u t--; Ca tp Fine , ul.,a.i goint- wtth hlm lin Friday toChartipaigri ,ii-itrgi. it-tstiio i.liir-. idii -uîi t tht- paisouage- tii vitit Ernestsirother, Teltl, wtt-istaJîîiilni- anti Walter Ray', wir Mary . 'uttending utrhooi tht-rt- Eamtiin, Frank Ea>to .IL -vm-nor Over the prices you can get e.aewasere, Mr. anti trs. W. F. Franzen went to aqntiv.iJ- atboterand tni yati O R W A O vrtepicsyu m ypy ltr ew a famiiy tinner harty in honuin of Kr.Ilie (of n tr, hloraalti TinSgT E save you money on building material tod&y. FaznafteFrank Atenberg, the )akot- lt--ilS FEW MINUTES o-tcasiontirbeing his hîrthday anniersan.Y. ton thtt blinfret Biot train ingmti- FO 1 TlRE U NWe are in close touch with the market. Th W ITU 'ilme-tattt-huéant i a ilat Fred Aloès weîe here 01ver i- We have macle sme good buys ni Miré. 0. E. liiîîrhili tir.Tqiîgt-s aller- Stitîda>'. A militer, Mr@. Mira Tiihy ne notta, Novemnbir 11. at 2:30 Tiir- topit- -t-ii retein hère, ehéeha« épent the iaet Waukegan, Nov. 1 Way " AI] l mers and frit-nde are --------- _____"as standing ti front oi bis home. when prices were down. Invitéti. OSH0 R. ILA D . turday ITigbt ahout 7 o'ct talit- DEAT OFMRS.WILIAM DE, ing to tvo acquaintanceai nameti Mrs. B. J. imen antidaughter, Edith Eaniv Salurda>' mîrning Nîtvemiit-rt Morris Flynni and William DIe Haney. But we wilI save you money on lumber now. returneti Sundav evening frnm a two. 11t.n,, ocrr,-t he dath it L.inennan s ~t-.lit-t uoti

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