Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 6 Nov 1919, p. 8

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LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, TB1RSDAY. NOVEAMBER 6,1919. ~~~tq~~ AE.<" 'jay lifu. Speciai programs wiii hel Fa n Bargains! -teri he owall eeWA.UCONDA gve every first Sunday evenittg of thet ni, -vAietshe TonFall Mndaseven e ile r.FodGdry n0 e0 onh ebro o-iebr ni. \ovembt'r ltit, 7:20. Auspces am ru Fathoy odîr 1an ronohhc A t'ebusiness meeting aitif )eCount Fla r -ams---L.arge LtenY. .S C E Jenko. Evangelical League it was decit'd ta Fams-I l Fr lirm rs. Margaret Roueî returndhme celebrate tht signing aithe' armistue a fod or Casb-Farms Sold - - . BOcîson Enth' J'k.n Thurtiay . ram an exeuitvil with ytrar ago,in a fitting way. Novente11, Gardon BIe@m@ottewe.n riendu and rî'îatiues ?mî tUiicago. therusore titere will be a social evening cm Sesall Payments--Farins wlît Donald Poulton. Mr. Seymoaur lu @poudiug tht' week In lu tht' ciurcit baseraient for the' members 7for Investnent. .Bilt Frazer ai Chicaga, spont te wtuk' Chicag t si hie home io, ber dauithter, ta whitîhtht' epldit'rs a ntisailors an aur -endi witit M. andi Mr@. Robert Itomie. Mm. Frank Hiarrison. servicea fiag will have speciat invitations. Sixt Thusad Dllar ($0,- lir RavondBnitowantilir Oa. lra t), H. litroit>.seul sereral days Tht' social commifiet will prepare for 000) Financîng ~~Ray wuere Lîbertyvitie vi@ittraFriday. ast wt'ek sitit relatIves as Gary, md. anujybevnig - 00)to Assiat i Fnalig ra. Fred huhkenuann la vimaltng reits- - -. ecead aglt Fmrm Deals---ImprovedtiveinChicago iCarolyn of Electra. Te'xas' open$iet - f" I Farn Lan th Safat ad lr8. Lenas Mitcheit titi Granîdi- a t wI!seek-ecatislt h0. Malman andltinl>.. West Deerfieid township Ilme-comittg Far Lad te Sfes an lre'l Mr.a)trnt-tihome asuel aller apending lr îd Ir@. W. J. Sauersisenttuday willbu st'hd et Assembtl> bh aon Tues- Sest Investment ... Farnring'oes-craut sm-c it uhi Ithecorge Ost 11 Prairie Vissa.I day eveniitg. November Il. Pragrant a Most Profitabie lndustry. ianutti'at Tltre. Southu Dakota. OBITUARY ad efrsbegi ts3,.ilwe > acn ilNradM" ilermau ltnocknuanrt u rne Eugeiie E iilbsrt ane ofiN'Vaetmdâ'a iMn. andi Mrs. Eti Thernien offHighhand l4ever la tht' islory of the tUted I i:.iti -% iitors ge dtirtt isRtgt'>. ha. api-tallepaustsudiel blhitt.reppecteil cittzene Park, satru the guests ai Mr. anti Mr Saties t atipouîsca-ttduii xiiu th tiithir igrandiarents. nI. 1i e iaus.aIt hahoin n oir villtts 'E. Landau. aslE &ni I CeS.eRa. ast Friiliy ai 4:30 a. na His ealsth TbeîîKnaak is remîîdeling bis buiid- tht' er caitae aisfolothodiil -ds. i wilLr ailt-nel aiitg bfoite pat twlsoyetsra ing on te corner ant ill-iisuait move -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~r Sid Ii ls a arnas iir x it lr tiubrtIou-e atieiugutr and I iiig iltcte(il sat heart trouble ai- is irug store there. ,i, b Stdtielaisobaîaioa ofile['niiit spet Sidya u laaIiagîtiLe as tîp anît arauntiail ai tht' Dr. E. C. Becker moyedun tht' bouse snyfein tae wh if omareion ccerni Nfllli air nt un att - HnY il ait-dtsoitThurslus>. sas vrkiug hi' laId>. bougbt frîîrr A. fi. Mike. jJames Tosaner siatet i ititiîr, re s nilt nhr sdrt ae o- Misa Eva Pettus tif Ietvit.Wi, i F. M. HARDING Sophia 'rowner Sudal. vriIi-ti sukleitddtl eatt pending ber vacation ilnft-'s A A. Phone 184-J ILLINOIS 1i-20 acres. 4 ailes frna Graý-,ake aird 5 miles tramt Libertyxile; Iciel; sînon.. ,produciv'e soif; ail, excepi anc acre, cul- ltvated; complte sel of buildintgs, or- <bard. gavel coud. t&ar scb oot$5,5i0; cash, $1,000; balance quartenly iayrrrdluis 2-140 acres, 4 miles roruinto rairoad îctowns. au gras-et oati; gooti landi; 1CX0 ecres in high t sise o cullîsation; 201 acres pWre tai couttibe cutivaleti. 20 acres imiter pasiane; conîpte set of tain>. dings, ail paîntet anti in gooti can- a; cashfrontI doar avenîooks a beau- MW côuntry. $150 per acre; $3.(W0 xii die tht' deai.-Solti 120acs, 1 trste ront intaziîtlown. 5 m iles tram Oraysîake-, nmite fom 1;- I gooti, sinong, saroolt hand. tleti cuftivaleti; newSa -noor banse; large brick silo.,tdeep tt'lt. $1610 per 10 acres, h mile ram Lake Villa, on - Gand avenue; nesa. modemn 6-room - w. fine bara, poulry bouse, gar- plriale waier works, fine sitade a finehome. 87,000-Sold. sason Miwaukee avenue, 24 .-uiS koun Chicago; gooti, compiete etbuiiip; very best ofsoif. 8250 - acres, 90 roda off Beividere roati. m iles rons GraysIjkýte 80 acres evel cdbva1ed andt ileti; 20 acres fine 1 ubimre aervceabe buildings. ace,2miles from Ares; best ai lad, tiiet and cuiivateti; large, 40me; extensive oulbuiidings. pu-acre. 05,4W0 wil bandiethie nîtecure a deeti. Balance, long et 5 per cent. Immediate passes- coa stock andti mpements at .gyrenionable asti easy lerms iltde- acres, 2 miles train Graysake, on 1 Dougas anti Kennetit(nte iîut NIns tJtin iiu,-wtl[er sprat Frldtiy atrrîutm itt Lr .1 ua itarbkira&. M acNtrahall Hatcturngs and Itri hinti i inckruan w-ri Ctiitcgii ;ekoirs A large eoati altenddi t,. ltalio%ët-n ptsrty ut tir scitoal hou-'.' iiday Ail t'tjuytd the' proizram v vrtnîuuc. Souin af tic hungiry talies itetietith h iir-,u eut dougil 100 tfroai iff the ti tringý 'undav adiooi at 2:00 1, tu.,preasiia. ah 3:0 1,rm. Eueryibody sacconte. s--" ýT-- Nus ana Weidn7r,eut Saturda>. and Sutda>. at ber homtîe as Long Grave Mr. auniMmr John Tetape anti daughtt-r. iydvimîa sare Waukegan ebroppers Sau rday.. lra. Frantk FrPdericks vjiota'd relatives la tht' cil>. a leur days tht' pat week. Mmr. Henr Haplie anti MI@s@Berha ilironimue wt're Libhetyviise catiîrrs Thuarday Misa Kate Stofiet ai Liberlyrile. @peut te 5iraioitse w-ek avtithbep motiter, Mrs. Mar Stoffel. Mn. Catherine Dleitold le entertaiufing ber aier, Mmme. Warle oai Chicao. Clarence Tekanipe accompanleti by bis niother aud ettr, Mm Frank Ulricb and ebildren @peut Sunday wlb reatives ai Waukega. Joe Tekampe andi lamliy anud the Mdisses ironinus maloredto bWauksgan gatusday. 1 BFd Dsboid and .1.1er, Mm..Frdank Frederica @peut Satu rday and 1Sondai as Mihake witlu their a»r. Me. Mle Bebtu. Who la quite Ili sta la hopital alit pleuriey. ise Mar Beèsl actet as bridssmuaid st the' mariage Wednedqy morming oi ber cousin, flenry Wegener of Round Lake. ta Rosa Boelug ololghemide. lu PRAIRIE VIEW I Co u Li not et'c. ie went ouitiii the' yard tii t-'aîst hlutth l iuso but tjien lbis 'slgibtl aile biî-adid ut e otinueti iis work fin a hall iîîur linger andti ib act-laiiglit gaiîn Hesreteti sact doni- g tii.' iglît tit at 4 oi'lock luthue morounîg li axoke ant ei aitle telt fluitl. lins (li. Iituîrdu(atrty stetta tht' phonte und cit-d tir. NetXrmick ant iuer sou, T ' ltr, iîîîut lien tht'>.arnivedtihle h à-r Sttak ui! ilt-'haut fui-n. Ml r. iiîibent su au bort ni l itdair, Coitluisiit- , 'iY, Ma3 -1, 1843 nuit ws in ha ii@77tii vear Ht' casmet' at-t withl ii-'parenîtasu ien 1ý, >ears ai age ansd is fathen tuait up a iit)metetad Iraun te l1oinîrnnî-it ju on oitht' outakita aio Waue,"nda wtt-e ite deccati s ans reancti tii mîsmiooît At tse lime aifte relbeition ha iteedeti hl@ country@ calilanti eui-.tcd lu Ju1yit>.14 seruinut unlul Jul>. 181'tS sht-n h.. recireti bis honorable die-charge He sas united in marrttsge t Catiteriite Grîttila on Deember 3l0, 1866, anti two aanc blesset thir union. Fotur .ears ater thev movedto btht' Glbert itomealti dwhicit bu hter pur- citawetianti raidudt iera uatif len veame ago wiehe mu rnti the' faruta obis son, Tyler ant i . ant iMm. Gilber tten moved la aur village wberu tbey bave @Ince matie thoir home. Thteluerai was itlli tram their et- dunce Sudai at 2 o'clock P. tM., Bey. E. C. Paumer coudutlng the servies aller whleit intermeul wam matis lu tht' famihi loi lu lte Waueonda cemsemy, thè Imonic lotige of whieb ths deeSaset waa a member conduelîug th servISe. at the grave. Hie eave tasmouma h@las. he faitit- fui wlle, wito gave hm uee came tiuiug bis deeliig yeara, twa son@. Tyler who, tonduels the aid tari n ad william ho contacte a lerge luriture andi untier- taà&iug etablishmtent ai Cristal Laie granteichltren anti two Piters 1an11 residing it New Liaten, Wl.., anti tne t'a LaUranwe, Ili., ta al i fwiom we extenti sur sytnpathy. Mr. anti Mrs. A. IL Ntiiili«- eft Tues- day ta spendth te sittel ini Chicagoi aid Clevelandi, Obio. t"red Haggie taid Ezraitîsch are qeriitg on tht' jury inWiitgtî Miss Margaret CanîIitrî îlient Suitdty at ber fatber's. John t2tr-.îlin. Leo Duffy, whiî i., sery il ut hi'ý fathen'a is slowlv îiriîs ing. Nirs. McDostelI 'nitirttîined a uter ofi frienda Tuesda>. îfterruuiuîin ru oitr oif lns. Anit Sherman. xm hoî xiii spent the santer ut ber i.niuthir-u, George Haak, af Southt Milwatukee, Wis. - Mns. M. Larsuin aif(icînoriiîi«od.Wis., visiteti er sister, lins. L. liettis. the' past week. Mrs. George Ajited-tf ai tit,-rîMicb. la sisiting ber daugbterNr. nIra Hoie. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Fnitsach anti Mrs. R. KiteIl were tht' guests if Mrs. E. Treasethoase oi Ravt'ituwîid, Sunday.. George Spencer ansd famut>. if Chica- go. were Sanda>. guestsi oiiWilliam Jobnstan. F. H. Meyer leit fanr5quiitcy. Ill., an Sonda>. eveniitg. Miss Eltia Horenherger saus tht' guest of Miss Eckhart ai Racine, for st'verah days tise past week. Eti Meyer itas moveti bis fantil>.uto tht' bouse latel>. purchaseti front C. A. Stlig on Grand Ave. Mr. and Mns. E. B. Jordian altenduti the' bome-coming of tht' University. o! Illinois at Champaign on Friday anti Satui'6ay. Mr. anti Mrs. Oscar Becham apent week-end in Kansas City with Mr. anti 91 re Co pieu ruiz rsu; cry CM t maace Mr. Smith, o Lbertyvill-, ia vsiiug -- - ,i* 25 acres cnlivateti, 7 acres pas- at te Hodtekins honte. 1LAKE ZM.KA 21 MI% complete set ai buildings. in goot - _ MMion. S2M pen acre. A. G Mater madetithie purchase o1 a Mca. Win. Eiehmtanin, Sr., was caihuti 1-160 acres, 2 mites front Graystake-; pianio la tte ciliat linda>.. ta thtetiadide ai ber daugiter, Mrs. J. fiie, * back, prairie tant, thoraaghty Min, antiMcao L. Holtie-% iilet i t tht'e Koitl, abo is ver>.il. Site lives in lie anti culivaleti; 812.000 usont ai J. fi.Ritienthait-r hoteu' atta>.. Shiocton. Wis. 1w buildianjs. $M11 per acre. $5(i(ti l'Paul Pegltow ati luinil ' and tilra V Mr. anti Mis. A. Kicb'baum uspent tbe vI bandit' the deat ntaclif tptnISanda>.isreîii- us- -nucutiti btru sith relatives. F. hi. HARDING, Herman Peg,Iw in t ity) Mrnd rusi. Scituefer bave movedt 1 Î Arca. 111. M. W. Kredipr s -'ns iigaon tLeiii'y te busr tbey reeently punchaseti _______________________tim e w-k ,Mn.Laini lias moset itlatht' fiat -UCTION lrSALtajuiï p.t14w. M t aatdur u>tie firmane. IrE. Pe a inîes 1 A aupplin %a ign utlte village huil Otto Rateike sil i i. aon tie Julîtus M-#lS&tNurd.i) tsnînug b>.tht' iaptist letier farru. nean hMtcKinie t- xationan ~T iii rit>. ailII-- a t t J-tii -i unhi Pigane od. ihuils- sts IMsakeairdé i,-11,-ha i. i.-Aid sucie'v heit thein venue, sali consicnclng a J 1 ai 1tutra. ii rialtitrr, uian ii i.- c tIns aeck Thujr"day. SATIJRDAY, NOVEM8ER 15, 1919 tVih.sti:fruile1.-ru' g. -Is îI'I Miý, l 'i.usniW LScent Suitay lat fret' hums, 9 7 and 4 Stars oIui d J îlîOtjn u .e-t ain i- t t- I)lht-Il M*h wtiguing 1,5(; biuc'k Unuiosi ,e SWakr,-I iii .f1),plaiira-n î .ut ai t ti Sasu î sY, -sciig, Novetnuc-n1, lit àioal; iblack iiivingîorse. t- W. ani F. St ti- tttiia(lia -ici, i k i anr- it'e.macriage ai Missa Sixteeti beat ai cai-stock hulit, trio ni-rtAtm. i in..anti LuisantS. Wistufke. iVlltu cal by sde, springirs, uîili-crs a4id ri i Ns atîtl rsiti-e r , ur , nv i i W1 a i~x- erefîrmreti b>.Rev. Ulves. Tbnee broot soNxs, ontflü n% ici-aintt i> Maîi iE GBztat t-hpaeaIttAat OUg; 14 shoals, ueigiti tubait 5(u lb .e-Ii Mr ttutiI Mru A Ct iliclituds ,u !t ni 1i,,f q, fnt '- vthu litniesWistatke anti 1geese and i80 lck~-U Il, tht- itIS 1h nJ it. N mu i.iilia lie as- witsiesse. 'Te A quantity aifhîtt uand ir wt iii iiiery M r-t :S. tui ad idu- i-b %v, ura iii- wtti, tiis-cd ia suitiof gnay, tht' bRd ut' site oi every %,-- j. - callu-tit,, t t! "ýd tlii. titu caail.u rt oc - tii. i t ati t i i i tf Hue. The 1.-r <t -a$10 1t- îî:e llb,.niyx v il - iriii 'bf va, fl-ui'tifully deriiratcd n À - Y1l"l ,'wit ui. anio -d sahite. Two huge \t----andi haIt 1h rq C. bi,uqu, îut-t iid ' ig-uuyetiuw chrysan- 37i s- a:d Mnf an: i n, t. c-ii-s, ifuns i at xi h a ~hilb i '-, i ~ t - I ' - i - -t suin t:- - - bunuiuî!jl ; iVia i n;red aller the Tht' 11 t.11ii11-1-t 3iii Ut ILituk j îCi.rtu'i-iiy A i-. tulenîb, decoatet Is81m r iiu ,. - . - i - 'i] yt- eatrl' i i tiiuaii- tirest>. auturrn ~esae i i ii t -i l uni-t i rtM.u- , las,%-f i i e îî.rîr i(r il tut' nooti i i , i-[0 -1i*i- iSi ti , i - fiii:,> rti-tdîa e cauivc'.î se d.,; -î i i;t- i U , fi tins r ,un, a-ýig a-ual15 i ail. l'ie i dr - i i . A ,uj,1 S -îruui.y ut' înîîîng foîr a lshort xib li i ilN -m , - I t' - bLaIl t. ic lira-ut Egyptian Reeti Pipes. t- ~ 'î i t a ii 'i i ~ r.c- l1iIýJ a .n *d-AM nnsOf Egý'l.rtinii.t n -' ,îîn.î -îm f -f hem inç)t itIiii e- iý i --a- -----,-- -î" -iigocus hîci waus Vlov fraraniethî-ny i-e., ti. hip1AU DAY ,j <s-n-, .a vi a-i t-i ;giigavei- us l therai re., ti-.i , n. - -- -- - __, 1A;,'-, wiy ixellrg tii alarge - te secrets iof l n- h-.. : i i.- 1t -, i- -i . - i - 'ii -fii . A t'ti t nie tf ongnitzation ae ail tha nt rui- tînon it j tii4i 2 - giu b aîra t- 10 anti' rt fir iuiur,- t o, 1ýýi. l-'. ti.s i 1J"4- iii -i n rn , li Ous proportioffsatsd-smn-.i-v - i..r i' - it -ltta'rueI-is. by bprimitive mat A iî-îibs a i itt0t 14i-, -i, xiii.'rnIertain- tise 0oîta lit -quf l dI -i. 1iititiijt-ntli ' -.î.~st hà asmeilut u u.,dt1,1i11-1.' 111î' cfiýiainttî-t isth tach came tutu hiiilt,t-îîu:-: - - ,îîw ik b5 lis4Lini- 'i ï - oe iehnia tiiti --itiai i .iî,autht' ibriatiai, evemy Mrm Golf. Mm. Floydi Stanger untertainedth ie hiaionary societ>. af tht' U. E. citurcr pn Tusseday afternoon. Subjectsastudied weru: "Luruber campe anti mines." Miss Bertita Wells af Lake Forest, was tht' week-end guetof Miss Barbasa Huehl. Tise Dorcas society salt ioldti ieir regolar ail day business meeting at tht comntunity bouse on Titurada. NOTICE Wlii oeli strayesi iteer for hoard If ual tlaimet i Itiiiiutlie ilays. Jàut)ouKE @,zsr,peerhelsd, Ill. Life's Trials. Tutui, h - t ýi,. i tuax Tit-t-hi ýii ut t .-Yî 01th.-i, -i--I ,thIîrt Thar tlîîî-1, i i i, - Yrt îît th' 1, ii.t di~-iii i- toi t-ý or' ýti tii . -*i- l ît i îiiil-i lui, i l. 1 , nai i l, i - t itii Wliisii-ii iiuiun 'lu --yii J ti- s-s-a,triai-i ti "'uî-v i.ý - I , utiiit ot, i gt>- : ili,-, it - tf- lits-c1. 1-0.iO ir il r it ii I lit- ' ý 'Wrt lith iii'utiii T t i ,1n iînuii. ii ii i 'ruI; i-nti- ..uî:, i - i iiy rva - W uit t nut 1 - f u I-i it .it c zii.'- A Pocii of Thanksgiv'îng- F,.r i-s- fiii --i lia, nu, h- r- l i ii... i a,i-An i-1i as-. igi ii- i i. t'i-c,ifie i i, it'i Ue tî, hii-îiSi-.1iv i id tiiglit t1. free A, id,giiti ti-t1t -ai u -ti-i in i i ora. t- Who lrim-.'-dii, t :i nr-.ntfit of un hititusi %Vu- -i aut ru-i t i. -t o io r thi1- ai ',-Ai rtnif,-. 'Ae riî' , ttu bI titni'i, V.'ecrac 'I',nu tatiiiîtalfgiI ge £jigL4t Ma ,Ill ,Be wl 4vi T on tb o s w h o lft th ir &il,% T. iizt for right and iborty-HRF AIMN PON Oo l bs~ the wldow. and or Phas, OE ITh. iotherofcou otrle a May thoiru.dheertebu ilwlth pralse . i a Mrs. Froderlck A. Oow Honait Fa8or For lesilThae L SudAti het. y I o SA E abiy Fr'mAil but Elght DIS-' W.r i n" ail oraise t. l,,,, .J ltpinTABiIPe Fur the triumph ::of :. Dirrted. ' in uu TO SA E rs Vnd thQi>boaî. f i,*ty M I 'rederlek A. DOW, Who reMefl ly undertook the tank of linlng Up the W. S S. rganzatin Ures Cle-60000 wtiren of the Ilitiola Federat8d ýjr S. rganzatin Ures Clb- t. fr th (lovernument savingi PUT LIBERTY BOND INTEREST bation of Nov, il by Deal- campa ign, bas recelved favorable re- IN U S.SAVNGSSECIRITES ng Iow o Etraagace, ports fromt Most of the club districts IN U S.SAVNGSSECRITES ig Bow o Etraagace. on thte progresof the organisation work. On November 15 Uncle Sain WiliiPay "ritc a' I oe rI. Mr.. Dow asked the' presidents of out $148,517,248, K.ep Dollars ritc Dy .Nveae tetwenty-flve club districtsIluIllinois Working. Jtist one year ago the Amnericun peo- t apoint tbrîft chaimp h a 1 pi ceebrtedthePiedof lic%4oldheard front ail but elgbt districts. The United States government 1w1mwr. Titis year they have a chanve to The chaîrmen appointed are: Firet, have. one' of Its iiggest pay days on j, eerate again. The %War 4Saviîîes or- Nfrs. C. D. Stone; Second, Mrs. Ilow- Novernier 15, when Libterty bond In- ganization of the' Seventi District bas nrii Amî's; ThIrd, bMrs. B. H. Day; terent ta the amoenti:of $148517,248 ,formuinteîl plans to start a caînîttigit Sixth. Mrs. W. J. Benson; Elghth, Mrm. wil bc availahie for lte Wise lnvat- an the annnlversary of the cessation of nzDnh itMs .0 ok ors who bought Liberty bonds te re-1 <sîîiVties by urgiiig t1w çC,'eto en Tenth. Mliss Fannie Whlting, Chicago; mu-ast their Interest in War Savingtt flul .ina new war on the' igh cost of T%%îelfth. bits, Minnie ('ofild. T'ontea; stnituls andl Treasury Savîngs certîti- lviig-to stnrt tg) 'a%,- On tb.,t day. ifTirt'nt Mr. tlth Ehor cntes of $100 anti $1,000 denomJna- "(eu have nlot alrcady dont' .î and tae tom Eîîrt,.Nth Irs. ilo Ervin. tions, whlcit irtuaiiy are "1baby, at-t forth on No)vé-trmta-r il1oit a de- I'gvte:i"f'ti .rs. IR. D. mce- bonds." ,,iiminiiitoitta iiiy ouy4itin>111t-. is es- " ',K.vtl e~-ttflh ~s Tlhe wisê Person wil ot loin In the 'lrY. to heip stol) extrva>*"'l",*'. ctlr ït',a IilI'ntn: tgtenh ort'y of ipendiîîg whlch now "erms ta;, Nil waste and Invest. nl'it lit1.part. oiii. 11.11, on (:rnt ark;Teen- lie 9011Z ig n tail sections of thé coun- fitl,-iiitt'y thus ,iv,.d ligV'Ifhi'ltt-iri. Mc .I.. HMalta C it ayra; try. .Tfie %vise spentier l9 tht'wisi, securitles. "ty-st Me.C S. Mil l'oe. Jahnsran gaver. Ket'p your dollars growing. A The' 'ArmlîItlre 1 Day" tPlans of te ('olliivitte; Twî'-nty-tiiird. Mýrsi.Iltarry dollar tno%%n-ç!riru(hnsiiiîg power la fnot_ __Savlî9s organ zat ioni ni de: Far,,,n, Salem; :'1owenty.lfth Mirs. 9. isort flmore' ttan 50 cents as compared! "Arnîlaîllce Day" scurirîion it'vCry i aaiW'tFîkot tii ise ytars ugo. That dollar, ilu Pttplt it tht' five -tit'--(,f itolic mýilii P ,ohptut'ankfovr tna p du, sea-o"ri, o iii go harkt la flic' aneDistrict. urging jî-po' i dng iî- itka i novein rt s starteii dur- iîuidre-d ce'nts, So if nat"lmiinve4t- rVguiir savIng tînd inves"inî't In gav. lng Ho- creat wort.l ,,rilllttare now til o i %,fis-ltbhc wort h lI rozimiate- 4rntnent acmittaiadi'si"sd M r-t. Dow. '"But 13, lisici as lunuchi ien t h(, %ar Sav- "Armistice Di " practii rua tons by i,,ati 1, rIn- if lthe san î coin_' loirs stiiiiis or tlle Treasury Saving4 île governors tif thé' five lilales and palgreof til' g.isrnîint. ii lte certuficatl;nmature. TIlm awi'iiiom afur the' nîayîirl;of tht'prinîcipail cilles of xIrl eau iti îIsa x'.ry vital [part in every oint'ta kt'ep thpir Incar nl- te Seventh District. t;krzhsagensups uioy crelîsine tîntîl mîovy lm sorlh More. Rfluitions tanhb' îî's,-ii' livlahîr ,r nuakin tia fri-ct suceri. flout o Totitcvan do tlintiîy re-invest ing your ,rgatu zuit ionsnunît frati'rnai tîri î'rs. ticietiç~îî-Fnit"cî maandl tht' ioiriuntty Liberty bond Interî'st on Navember 15 "5Armistice Day" 'x'riantil thc In wbtch tht-y live. Snît' womî'iînoa In War Savings saîips and Treasnry ,ciîols. Every rchfili ta h.'askedto iie tatti raiag 1 il Savingq crtiti,ýaes, wanchpaira4 tr: tuyinisecitrnoeatgn la tioniyia Savneseeriiiate. shlh py 4periutv a leatont Tlrif $turîîi. tmans affair. Ti.'.y are mistakeni. ce-nt interesi cuinîiiinded uuarierly. "Armistice Day" plîttîuhptt'ishowtng iir,1 obte hinlt ar .Ait youu have to (la lm to tût' your why every one' -bîtItti oin in bt'iping thiereapel a n etrhabnittotahae Liberty bîond coupons ta any pont 0f-ihngdw l ctofivgleen home, and It la thcoîtgh tht' women the' fice and simitat any bnnk and eboitnri tegvrrtn'5ctnag ane c'an he reached. The' job of change thein for Wur Sur ingastmpi . on No'mb r Il. wl i-lotu Mh'naking this campaign a succesl whicb are nandeprc'ciable and o.î- bndL o every famiîly Ilit tht' distric ut aseuhawmn samn'k fluctuating. in case you ever needt tael Tht' War Savlngs organizaitin pots uiamscbaw a'ssamna" money, you alwaya co cash thent ai Out thai there coulîl he no heiler Me'c- SATSVN RITC A an>. post office on ten days' notice. Mion thon tht' anmqverary. oi the' end SATSVN RITC A Each purchasqr ai War Savings stattîps of tht' suar for the people tai refieci gains sure profit and Insurance for tht' their joy andi thanks hy enî:sting In NEW SAVINGS CERTIFICATES future. Tht' goverrnient ýgains saine the new war-thls tinie an thet' hi CALLED MARVEL 0F FINANCE money and assures and stabilises ilt@ roof of living. fitanciai safety and prosperity bit ag-, William Mlather Lewis. director of Bb od"0 10ad8,0 snring the' financial future of its cdli- tht' Savlngs Division of the Treasury U ."alybn@ f$0 n lf ses Depariment, recently made the' foiiow' Donorminations Are BecOmitt Unche Sama bas enother pay day on Ing comment on the fight satutna bigb Popuis,' lnvestnienL December 15 wben $143.533.376.65 will pricesl: lie availahie for re-invesiment. "WVasle ia the' Americaon weaknesa Reports from ail parts of the Bev- Don't forget these dates. 00otu a and waste le a coniributlng cause te enth district show the increasins pop- pont office or bank and put your Lit the present bigb price. The average ularity of the vieillr8100 and 11100 jerty bond coupons In War Savingd American citizen must getl the babil Treaurle Savinga certificates. They stampa. of taking a personal Inventor>.; of are virtuailî l'lbible bonds" and their studying tihe leaka ln bis own financial Investirent value là readiiî seeti Both t B YOL HA ED systoe;m: a pollclng bis own pockel. banka and individuels are Investing la BUY OLY WHT YOUNEED-book before the' igh cent situation Iis new form of govrerrament selluritir WITTllie matertlhy bettered. Secretary of thse Treamury GlSs bu PLANTS PAY TO AID W. S. S. "Thie profiîeer's slogan i. lEay cbaracteril etse certIficalea au "the _______mont'>.' 'Te proliteer fattens to<iay marvel of finance." and Albert Bus- laduatrial ConremnD oait U. S. 85v- because easy mone>. la unîversalIin wDitictaae fsls o ieSvu Inuit ocitiee.-Timekofflms Atuerica, bei-anse extravagance là itrc War Savingao organitoê as Socrearlss. habItuaI.» because men are content te bas pointedl out six reasons wby thla -deal la gitterIng generalities absout terni of tise secretary of the treamur7 a The camapulgn ta organize goveru- tht' situation und stubbornly unwîîîîng fils *an. lie reations are: meut Savingaq societies It ail the' in- tu face te tattee' personali>.." 1.' bey carry vaiuabie lax-ez- rditstriai plants ai tht' Seventit district Armistice Day gives everyone the enîption prîviieges. e le being pushed i wth vigor. By mens oppoMtnity to,"face thte situation per- 2. The>. connut depreciate In valne. of posters, whlch are hein laceti on anau>'b>. enlisting In tise saviegs no- being subject te market fluctua- bulletin hoards iland n te cns icu-'ampaign of the goverament. Amont ios oui; parts of tht' plant. the workur Isa tht' slogans sruggesled for thîs camn- 3. Tht'> are a liquid Inventorent roi- pignae deemahie for reg6 on ten days' notice. Impresseti witit tht' fact fisat ie is ont' igar.4. They yieid a substantiatlacincoe. ai the' vital factors îieîîentieî upon ta IlVork.' Save, Succeed biw, S. S.)> culymr ho 1 e et reduce the' higit co-t tof living. Tht' Puy only witat yon need.t5.Te ar httrnmuIg cartoon posters visualiiîe ta hlm just Put Liberity Bond interest lu W. S. . . Thy ar1, or tr924.tuin whtleeudo ostopi -mamie and r- Start Saving Armistice Day.6. anuareprset1, 1924.sfet a due tht' <'st of lýislac. 'Dou't -bu,' Police >our own pockethook: save. aitonofteUtdSaesgv INovt-îîîier 15 la ont' af the'hig- ilgtoso l 'ie ttsgv what you dont nced"isaone of thechief geat of tht' Liberty Bond Interest pa>.- 'Thet' 10crliatsm>.epr points buougbt home ta tht' worker lintdeys. Then U'Cncle Sainuill paY OutI he $1at poat ollcaes omht at andpu titt'st'plants as elsewhiere. "Work, ,ta tht' inve'-or-; in flt intausof gos- hseoddips-t ond ato hanta;$1.00 anr Save anti Succeeti" <W. S. S.> la an-, i-mm-ni sê,urity a totaI of more thtin eodca ndubtis$100vr other oa. tht' nesaslogans af tht' gov- $4.0000in îrr<- On ftint date tifaie r siayhgotal. nd toit errisment. 'tîî,u hast' a churctîci'ru TUhN YOt'ltens or etroii npniîs nonîito-cr1i- M a i Oftht' plants lave taken a ITE IS NTO '1iZN('ll'.XL' îyre- o itîrîtrîritto n~b live lnterest In tht' campaigi te10get iiîîveqstig ifinlt War Savings. Sirimps or jiriciirNauîîre t rs. 0 Vthe MoSvn's tht' worl.trs to spend juiliiy> 1i. tiýi(,-cTrictuiur îtitsCer t lgjlcateS -ir.ýg,10 o Mn rcguluriy n inest their saving. inifnIl.nuit nlOoo ltnointnattols o t'e.tret, ttii.Il. sat' .r îîWar Savings stampa (ieu Artri< DaPy corlit- tht' foThe nt-î. cî-rilticatèm are isîrioit and thic o,-o Treasury Saviîtgs certifi- rnatîiîa.if i ittiii ;trtîî. niotýi.itd :n rt'c.'-re,I'tfiit o 11h tii' , n aio enîtes Of $10oui] d$1it00,which are vir- il. figlît ifl ic ),,I co,' oi lIving toa 1'ie owetr o rt trs riliitotei,'of titi titally 't îniy bonds.'"i ili urchîî i. ' .r-t:tr:ttion records are In a ni ahi-i of plants a man paid inis, ept n n dî ii. iîîîi s feature it hy the rincern t telf la madie tht' gov- SlTART SAVING ARMISTICE DAY ' prt-ciYKt,)iti,.itisestor. rît-itrepnisentative. Ail of bis %V_________ ar S icstertificites fitted wltlt lime Is ii.vctt'îintathe' work ai orgun- WHfAT MONEV lB NEEDED FOR. wien's.-, iirig- trnils. st-ries a! lzing Savitons socitiî's. Tht' timî-kceep- a I!)lt, r ,y hi- .-x i îinged f-,r Treasur>. er lit tai h iipartîient la ltpiniteti litan iinlt"t fi le Nesw Yoartnd Stivirigi îct.iîi-ia un denorninaiiona sccretary Of a socii-îy andl tiis lime- New Englani ]Iri4-k Manufacture "f $W.aloi t r-r Mch War Sasings car- keeper 1 it ý,ilistant renauider ta bis iîlpns-Ali ilicols dectared "hit, 'Ificate-ina î i î î~ tnidfor ia $1,00Q feIlosa 0-'k'ers of ftic fine ta Invest In îu Uii,-d stes- neetis 1,30,000 Ii'e.q-s, i t-i --,,crîticatp. Tii'prie the'ga5 iitin acott p5 , csirii .0f..-ti ie.5,000 tuhoos.I 'if i,-l"':1i - i ic n S osý-t înl lntea in~. . -.'15< îîîiun ttiuti li 20.000 thca- L$S4_40 ii- iia lrets-t- in '0st l 2c Put ibety ondInt'res'inW. . S tira, 120) freiglît termiils anti14000 ,'nts :- ili n i., i. iThe t' 11000certifi- PutLibrtyBon iirarai siation.-iuand frelgbt sheila.1 ;Lie- i)No,i1- tr dii-ii'i$S44. The' WOR K, SAVE, SUCCEED (W. S. S.) t ilitt slm ni-îli-îh for thcse prolecta pitt'-,f ir L-.!î,TiîîiatIonin fcreiases - ~ 1aid fil iroîicrts, if iinanîà'd ,svoutd go'~ iii VIRGIN ISLANDS SET EXAMPLE.ý fur twiird sols-irtî lot ont>. the' ious-I _____ - Ittg.huit fie emiymett antd wage 13UY' ONLV WHAT YOU NEED- Uncie Sim's neeset possessioln, the' irobteilus of the coîuntry. Titis capital 1 VIrinhît isi it, bts taken Most rapîdi>. <-tn hi'prottuceituni>. b>. tht' pet5le o!fI$700.000,000 IN F00D WASTE.D. ta Afineric-n iiieais, accorîling ti) infer. itue United t Sates. Il dani e pst mothon repeiveil b>. tht' SavIngu. Di. rî-aiily anduit UI.lii>.producedth iroughiT bclui'Nationtlt .Soi-afutai Waste V118111 ofthe rensury Departinent. titivig nt Iinventient It gov- )nissinaeth A rl Tht' mauti population af tht' Islands t-vmetucrsis.caa lrase :iv-.î> )-().i00000 worth ai consista langet>. of the foreigîu-hamn . îvsitiii arif spol ne ncet of yet neari>. $2,;)00 vrth ai War Sav- -Poie Vour Pocketbook; Save- fonul Is w i(IîîîlitodrIneich 0 Ings ataunps itis een sold thure Ibis fl ole-nAneia h year, the' per capita purcitases ý= QUAKER ACRosTiO. tai 1,,sas ilm stiOPound, a day. As panig mot fvot'hly alî thoe 1f- mihu " oalnt i nis'arihy as ait -- -- -- -- Six be there arei :omplete le new In Fateri -_WC - ti - -Bal ýffo RiLyht ~îC~ bII m a BUL PAR. WELCI- 'olhowlng th(- ge Lundis'c ïIus Atttrnuey à pauper if lie ke u taLakec- ' sensatilnai < rei pluce in t Mr. Wetch riu Sfl 1 shial isla Orney s e M r Adamis ofthi mcott, (liii-ýaguî Iday nieutif er niakt- a .4i rthinga iluat Py advuid iti, nl ta b.,iii', affain. Oear un fetit-nu r. weî'clu , ied ii'Tu. te hearnig t [e Ltindis an ent.but t di tasnt'nutir lit to .akî tri r. weîlrtî -1 g ibat Connit 11 ý 1 Ïal1

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