Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Nov 1919, p. 4

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LMMETYYVUILLEDDFPE14DENT. THITRSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1919 uEîîED. fer vbat rluit viinoS socomplihbe.] LSu A 01 h.,' al naterill deatltn of et n1 In4fde"l2>tdofltt NIlJK YEIW.LL E- . Wenmyprepont>'was aaaured b>' fie Waukegan Weekly Sun VISED RULES HAVE loeta re 1bu u aî>.PW THEN ROBS lIER i prisent ta yenu a pi-odIse tiat i office Tetaphone Number 1. Lbertyvilîa Exchange. a IE jjJ(Ç1wAeîa ilhii rîî-tuo iftrd lLpri-te li this new record etfte nat>,F 8 CS U.S.,ad~~~~~~~~ .t 'uiî' etittîhI' Iuan.] enneratuilate..thermselves lui pro.-f 8IC S RATES-l0 Cente pr LUneEach Insertion. 20 Cents Minimumi Charge - vldlubiatonorT egila eo Lb rtvll.9suchi oOtpeteflt Inhurance for M rs. M ildred n y u B tik st. R EA L ESTA TE F R S L -tu iîe îî, .w djt Offc i P aPbbicatinfo iak ont o ard iaeof Lierisoir re. dnsoflt nation's preservation as the Davy ~tt'a ietqatt,î,r.I't Tomcal Publiatiofr L AkVe'Coun, t o atié Supervisorh' proceedlntu.Autoists Must GvG ngivoe1. .bt aRy hwî tslgt e. jVctmofRaymlyAtak hlofî ir,, ,utbr,,,.cil . tb - V 150 - -- -- - - - M nda-Ev nin 1a pie Pr. r yt fioo. f3tt.00t. f4 0110 Mllin 'a i. . t, in tc Il . Rb 4JBSORIPTION PRIOGE. 5.50 PER ViAR STRICTLY IN ADWANCE hWabutto Machines Ap-f o be IF .SM ITH ............. ............... .. ....................................... !d, tog r _ _ __$4700. ( ru 75 0tt3r.0 i WM. M. ECK AROT ........................ ................................. r cal ManagrImode- il. aiieite, wple ho FOR SALF R-SALE-cordsrd weviel easoned 1lIý 1 llne.Edin méin.Pb,, oak cord wood. C .Bne Tele- WM. M. ECKMARDT ManA ME AS LOCALORDINANCE 'WAS LEFT UNCONSCIO1JS tuNo uwnteEdlAtuPua hoeCF 4-t F. O SMTM.........- ttalMaîaer OCA AMII' »hIflEfl.' Ns"' 10. NîttStre hsoffce30-M, Lake Zurich. 6t ____________________________________important______________ofthS 1 9DLI L, II Mrs Mildred Ray, 511 ll,îtrickofFO -mpotantrOF .tns o theÀ stri'et, warIkegan. was 'h' Vltt',iOfutFOR SALE-Rio Grande ValIey 0LEFull -II ,ood .sîngle mb moiter ehicte law are note.] in the vol- yi f1 l1 FO asadvhodp'iot7 ~ul Txa. * lnd htRhodeALade- cceea ake unie of taws enacted by the fifty-first a dstadI vVo EIVaDIAIZIUion4Teas.Irrigated lns htbeat the RoeIlnîe okrl.Dr e belyhove nd whll altng ste hall world for richneas of soil and ai year color. Weight 8 or 9 Ibo. each. George - general ass-embly of,1ttînoîr. whichbashay er oen.] just ealler titie ar ju. t art' t-.] in Wauakîgan. Il is noted rn-sed.tho, electrlc trackiî o, Grand round climate. Ten cuttinga of Alfalfa Huaon, Round Lake, 111. 4- fialthte, state laws onir.notor velteles, Côrporal Gillespie Who Had a- avénie . in oine year 0 uhl fptte;FRSL-,u.îî lpeu .rd tasirevi sed, .conlains a section whte h obrfo ny tct ia8 uhel aorna0 onsbe of ptcabae , in gîîîîd ravir,,Il 'laputer fine. asput 'inte effecl by ordinance by Wonderful Experience 0v- Tcruaing hlotonly ho hui]tlij roam80 thels o naniedcr10igethat of p. ti,îîdr, ia gond .Pî,,-li-t th> ~ omsio fWuea e erseas, at Fort Sheridan. clilb or the btuttend Of a revolvertu p r uIIt beatgtheatpr o dit. WNTEO-r3 . ak cura1lel .a2 cEV N T TO TT qeit. no rgh f ,wa y ase- A e. -, n-na llsl f bu i to gtrh-l lC ctliîWe take rou down and back for $30 and gî cnt prbultti.-t I' l LEAVING I TO THE OTERS, I'S lied thi u:A eiof rigtraolinaponasetthe i24t; iel ,d artilttrv was "buried" lae lihseadece en ir prove what we say. Excursions every Weltehgl ltdtt"ta h oeso aecn ulebghways shah gie the rîglit at Banîhevilli', Fanci'. in a ,,hi'l bote wa.aSt two weeks. John H. Hotrneg-907 Otia Builing t>"qwsondd so nicely in the matter of voting the Good RoadsI of wa' to ther vehicles approaching retikIng 0, miulard, Ihe, vlit iof a n ____________________uidigChcao,11. ______AY TISYER R Bm ne tgoea ta hw.attepopehv cm heriit an.] shah hfave the right of way Today his , Co,-P.-" wag r leused managed tb make lier way into ftic FOR SAeL-lllinois far at a bargain7 eoutiiiordrSo ai, & iihiitrii . i ZiOn to verthoe aprochiigfrOti be efS hblond strearntng down lier face an.] cou'11,,IIIIl.fortuaiteat1j35.000 and ut n ,uêéabon that a county only proportianate ti oe hq prrhn rn otSeia optlonahm fHnyWde hr> itpie ehv 7 ce nPp bà»e tof its road.ake county bas long been behid Provlde., however. th:it police vi'- 1SîxtY-ay furt<îîi,. And between ot-ral her clotties. sie told hel- tory a ral nt ap.11.-Tfr sl at 15e0ainprvdwihWNE î iititiig Ittw,> ~wovement Lake anal titis new bond Issuelces, ire departorients, viele.%j two evelts lies oi onectrwasclt. uofIt'w.îî gotutohestidbidig n. ucit ltr a lc. . uit ilini choe counties in oadimprovemen, dt hisne bndisuetran portifig ie itsmi.sd1eýc fhmnedrnepoucdadb oiewr oIid elsà. h lc n mrvdwtWNTE-InI,(c li, >t.lw Wil be suffict ta give the county a mighty good system of -ambu taner vhailesand theroigi jTofbhe wrrequIn'.] seîi-ralît -hes, The vie' of it in crop. Ail of the Iand] in bigla l'l,,,..152 J 8s god. he otrs er apealed ta ftrmthe standpoint of av vrohrîhcî:an rvrdTelwrtmîsu it it-pIstn a osiel t etain in l-t>u an.] dry. There la a lot of I Oak and WANTEO-%I..I,,Ir %N î.î,te, tak.'îrdere Sd.Th oeswr FaIse. that tncorporated cUil...having a > lungs 5are gn tsler Imille. fiIlt id ...ili) hcoyaa ue.Ti oudmk iiiig irl i i-5l ~frSt t reet 6v,' of the heurtm'tiisoin&tt sîde aved li-r re u s tivok wakine o vi' ahine o ntesa ait a goThis tu n. gain e iliifi lr îr,,tIt,, a iîi , r . iil forh .nhancing the value of ail property in the county, and they population ot more ihan 10000 inbab-'Iwere In the center uf lita body and. vere uneIotpli,. I tis- iia) d-itýig at, certai .trt. i e m ee.]. " on i l t d a vet he r tr:*l'v, akn o t rI If ot sld ba Nov. lcat, d-i.greaion iiitaiilO iti '-î r-, Ii rfimn e u carnetitrouh in fie shape. Teavn fte uooieiior boulevaîrd., s apre,tnii I ttaff:C ibeen rhoarî..:u-ît l. iîngtrouila , ntti:. ttt'iri itanhewatk ca Ifbe hd bNd ueov. îist ows i fitv.; aeii.u.;i-itldby. uxg r,'l oads .iîha.ittro bletu ndIIII. r. of titaitnwîthlthe arm. ltialln-owr n , . r .r ,. tle Ii cia o <th. farming district bas argued srnl o h oraa str- a. nid prescriti., uet ut. t' melîcl ..tuas...bcriieh tand ticieg * . .A owsi., -iatza fr ai-mt xriîî n n i ov e m e n t , II d th e r e lo r e litt e o p p o s itio n d e v e lo p e d w be n a tra iic u p o n . c t-s in u i r r t m m tI ich t t -r I- 'i ii lie ' e n tit ti d a i .] I ti " . iit t. i ti. a n Il thi-t i llfo ha v t e e fry n. It is n fur' e d' ý iil Iz i re r ri. .' ,ri. t'a ;îu n « movement of this importance comtes before the voters. io%(,d tl r.thi ik,, is îî l ot o di.abitt:..d" hoiizit tii' wa,;w:ttiz -for rie andImlses , itpo h' ~ RRN vraî tt afar N t m l , w a r l o r tif e d t o t h in k th e v o t e r s t U r n e d l i n , r o c liit i tc tr i ni :. h é i b e n fo r e j A r riv e $ a ias B n th eilC v le R o a d m l e- t ai n f oi -w t ti t t rtit Cm ie c aiî, offniim p soante ru ait.eî u1. C .rs 1 2 Naturllyw. orfmis gratfîe:Johtni Il1.idîes, 9»7 uil1ding*ýO FN 'v n n-far cId w ture traffic offior- ami- stationed. Onl lbe niglit ot OcK. l. I , ,a a 42tf hcao 11 doWn the forest preserve iqovement, because w'tla hubN)duo ta ~îî taliuiînyiauo fbievNE4hlt r rrtu lm-cik uiat muoLke - -- lI Gr45-2f 1ILsto. low dnv.n o ui uniit to tor till nt er o, sen tfrwaaî Il acconi- r.? nu t.-0 i. iti. tii' wa nexpense whlicn iC hevoters should not be asked ro ýo.] ihu u- ilaiieti n-lay'ettr ufttr tHeSt iretrng w titi f ledme.T fiaiE I .iiafrii iii tii iîiîî.r iwB.1tt, oî ~rt pontheuelvs. 'bee sexusta e norea deand or entwithuuttrîtc'u d rtt or thi di taln oer h..doi% hiistort o vIen ether niop taoi ile -ç'ti air., ofi i1r1I1deî.-i ît hile W eN E r- -M it1liîiij.. 'ii: te tniker tîteuonthina scon.] pharu-ofthic *r one- tiiititf'!iiy wavio fui tii, IVi iiis- - th oetpreserve, and if it bad beten creâted in Lake county'e to thu fto groit!1 t Meuose offensive. plireCI lad.r in îîtnia. t athi j+ LAEO8 * -1t oul. hae arestwa abi ns-i-n., r ar fotfi, st utc t i n'tg-t + iil t i MISCEILN O B îFli poople before many years woudhv elzdwa i it-This regutaliuni i-known - sTcticolRoman, rsrt k s it hirtt rombtbflIei a, f,-, ul lovdC e 33e it'notrî-tit lw. ~ tr ara, oI ____1________FOR bALE-tiit-e reidilce lots oIL ies, -iu- Iv ecki t (A, wetgitt take theY bad made. ~~~~~~~~Another rutung place. a hi'avy lien - ian.ioal nîner,tacd iEiIposes nomii. 244i mfas asargitrd Lii L -w'thinte n er that h -o-î -orut :la-nnd.î -ron>cefli' MVSTIC DNCE Me bisut, cictît 17%ira.nils. a gt2 .4 It Mnot bewihua hisgeiersaftion e nr t a - vat ont'lit ps -so- f-ai - tin'fire wana weePing tilt, stutiemi.but Mcx- CWORKERS nuC ia 15Poraeagad - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Y prs'e oeenenLaecutyw1 b.1ecsiy T h ich batsaai :ujtcred nmb u>.a.]tlre u-e. iteorytîigniaog N.13c.-îiWrkrsThe teblg -Iourte * ,, nt ti iiit'..pie-iJhntesonn(in spoeil t argulment for pre arve is that it ay prvidea1nu ottuntr on it and] uii'îkil i îtdut! uofi Pt for the lbs Î lwnThe masqertide dantce given hy Culun- (tifietu i iu-r-îon r, tWitdwood Prince NoJ. at ac-envotic"r oelt(,tî- p.ace in the statle Ii),_nd______ht,______________N._13,______________Ofthehe__________._________________________trgon Gur ay.eveinesa arecdedi e "tfl i________________________es_________________________ for the Çhicago picnickers ta corne n podafwt seize any engîne whicùi not propt rirnatepaonejetiasle- Wurld, in the auditoirium on Fritlay'nefi.plmr,'. - 2+ eab unme. ak cunyis flot 80 keenly luterestad eri:. numbere..Te t.ityt turttt' iisla. h'i d, ted y rum 50t tul 6m eahaummer. Ake cuntyApproachiflg People Te n a..,tated ws tithgui s o evnn va M»a tking cae of Cook county ta foist an expense of this kind Approacing a person or animal.ut , cui-raepeTherg tiedse.] frm 0oatm t enistpyr.'a swytepooiinwu sol0decis- stepping in ietfinury an.] iuin od.ta iut. ivl eetdpa.sting arc state.] in section 40. Th te .12.11 withîn thirit uîtîrs of a and the matiquerade prizes were ,aar tINII @utis txpayrs.Thatis by cr Gnnun llstentng posttai was dîscut- e.] for Lthe muat unique costmmes as - on Tesda. mooris is autined u to-bisc erd thal. the paîtththl iltaulier- flos ively efeatd on uesda. beca<. th peope neei f i is cauaing figlt lu an animal a-bul lle gîractitlfan.] teaîîew ay antmal rushall been ablown out. a MNWNE1' The roas mvefae&tGil-iTi ar- pt-rucH . and Buried Ladies' firstprize, a sîlk paras.1i J. 11» fes.est pe 1èv lstbecaute the -voter& reltzed "ht lu 111 o ttt o Ielil i ijarrýlIii' >uas warxi witlte exi'cultve offcer bel" Ladies' set-on.]prîze, a dresser --af, Tii. p*eserv "'~ts avoid an:. possibilit! ot an accident -strI Laeconydo. not need a forest preserve aMd the.great ex-an.] if trouble eccurs the muoarîst iS ing toelear oal snglecot undeirbert8i Mrs.*Ayeerroe. tayw r aiwn r nd va oblge] e gvebi naneteSteotrvhe meesab10 s oel hitr.cA flttwety entln'ansfirst prîze, a dîîzen men 's s .7ilwne adya pene w"iehpue with îL' pryfV eesah~> ii Ji fancy e handkerchiefs, Wii Eledge, îoudd for good mene. , Good ___________ -- eanr thti,, bod). clipping the fho- Waukegan. .3- Lookas» if stt's Attorney Wekh is l in theame positfflon DfEaDIE Ianl s t ase Gentlemen's second rzglki ^aà - *e mati 'who py.d,"OtPEoOPaLeEefrou l ULU D îet asW . aes ui]kife wages to start and chances toi ri, c tey urid hm-te ofice Smrt' for-peceorchestra furnmed' advancement and to share in bo- gettig te approprition fo fr the work thePRECIATE WORK reeayaentitlapsse danceduntil after midight. nuses paid twice a month. Good an-ai iewuiAïoal nlis o-over MIÀbody, examine.]lits gon ffnd rtoseai.] he wo.u o il b bi OFiERC N A Yrsiftn lPntuE n he 'oi ný,a ybi working conditions. at once- Hia plan la le have the, rua]nd____it loto ttheoui ntop oet bu. The î,' i-:lusiii. î;n $5,. ALLOTMEj~4j resu rfaced_.go that fitcoin be use.] The aar us over- Tiat Part oftthe Thie gins went on. Thte 75's bock depicte'tut -I-liuy,'uitlnerI when Gree lI> Ou.] iNcl -UiiXIi nations work l do n n .]vaId i aSRomagne begamu the creecng bar- acet i it OttI M.ic iiîsrhp limA 111 aprnitou50that ut (on be taved- Mr- May 1 Dt gay? rge that burat like a river eoflam- fioDI ns b ttiit'tiilt. i ii,tiin mecropo- AM R AN W I E FCE (10 UA~Russell says Ittat the townsh'lip ot What bas; beeaufthe navyaabtth ar. ing slag on the Sop> et Remonville lIse. 'ii cons tf ttIRuitînî t utnO. TO IEAJl R Shields i osiri~ltti okIbsgetacsplhfalad bhill, jIlat altea. A serles et stara cf eptrngth rad i ade lste e tsaloedy.ponlibsella burst overbeïa.]an.]te infan- o-1kcnig'lt tî'ht.aîlo IE T IL Am iiamedbtapprop~0riationof 5,c f pirn terodri erduetra etoIsrg a a hlait ild trywent ever. Ceti sloopes li nt rtîln. lui AmerîcaLIE TY IL . NI.orthe ImpTovmcItinof War Jecortifiea hentencean aehllens d Gillespie anelie.]mustard. Tiihola pre-ColutnbimnUiines. il *sIll o. 'bf ro" pait te naval .utio. l lU!TC DC tred. eisec a Zf a-Woods vere drenche.] vîth I. Hait mon muse hy the sborigines. *M u es a .aimed limt-e uta peromoisci.U. . LAII I Aa tfor aenle? rporta of te 0oonccusly be reached ]for bis gas CV rmmC- RIL<ChiniD o" -M navy'uts acits dmng e.w inait ssan.] intînctiveiy k1mevlit vas ________________________________________ reaclie.] Site peplO.ofn.illicite He crawle.] out of hi. Improvise.] ffl )nue fio theirIFWN IIL c "~-~ tact tiat aipar vugrave and] followe.] the trai ofthe Wambingtm- Of ÀU M )TIIIVES teeey e effcoota5<M& the bde fhscmrdsfragl "m av seli t ed"- e toy. evea, u, heamaUest et U la ak as he passa., frags r-rD~ ov in preparaSItinlan.] vhen p Ha f aHe t e ftn.],but the air vas «il épbl fr naànof o CIt ob.ed tlimaepeople an.] the childrân btter vhen ho came totheSioOPel' ~mmta ron b7Grau 1alls ActGuarfinto thflgo to Cur1b Tob- lya. l' Dv n. ~~~~ bers in Effeo WbtOUt inre you, cause thetsars or ptide to erspanic-strlckon an.] hystelrîcal. 0 D y B ran S l IL EvlutU catEU .] flwanWte ert oOn o eSiwr psn bc tUre.jarâ, àùý aisée mvbumybasacow Wbo Sinatre. wtb a 1001111K of v-titiIIO; and]the A t hepoint ot a plisto the corporal VflUusa (UmiardbOm*s avlsutkuel gret Amenloa nation. ocillh child comnpellod Svo ta lltt him an.] eaoort te te rssiflwfO Sm te cvalan.] grown 1, paiolta &. sdgoveaihi, baci tward Romagne, gtha, poatingau omit t xhsDt s udae- PROVIDE STIF ENATY Of freodom.l etier ut> tc ae r &YTFInde Amerlon^id _O f____se___ G o'__________of___à __________ M ifli i the 51.]tat l lacrb mr e?- G. lesofnIn bis daelrim iho refuse.] b ftnust de wu [bis te t ion hai . t Automobile Udieves are looking for- We ail kflow the splendid ira-thSe Germinis nosmgb to asow hern -agtde lkii t the Hig ise ward to a bard. Iouigbvhnt. - Ilr tiens bebin.] car navy; risaclulflS o<c him an.] ho waiaedfithras iUgitedfiepem*lty cd geueK "tancesti- ave been toindown by acttbath ta thosa pionser days 10 thie kilimeters train bis grava vhon hie a kn0U e il- Fu itr à-nlICA the avy depaslmolLl ;o repair fieof congresa a ud tflir mont po'wefr! voung repnblic's 11i e lte imte tl~ e Cn.] Anierlcan-id Se ha.traîce.ofw'----4Kiaas - aSo. eapon bas heen wrestei from theirI turesque frigaf e and] tie lOOp-Of-war te .reasenve" ot lbe 353rd Intafltry. Vithoot furtim'r uezlrn Ubin.]hâat. by Uncile Sama. Tise national nuo- madie records for daring second toiTise dougtboyi, gave hlm vater and] at haif their real value. Mom npele.] c9 bis latan got t1er ,bicie bill bas become a lav viilh- thoe eof stipe ot val ofno othpr sa blanket and holiews PrePorng t beay At dîffefaul *llnes ite koItS oout hepresideflt's signaturie, aud the power, an.] te sciool bay ba" fOIoS'- bsunyl ts e io ML astsilsdvsadof iS 'r- ~ PonsOrs Of t aiv guanuletat it e., vitit baSe.] breatil, t t ermca artilioni, foiow6âg lia thc renulta ho vas accomntlitla ifi ilaIt ectuasil? samb ont lthe menace of naval actiena dovu titithe45 &MW- Dsaaitactica of'b<abarding trooipu iii laltest leter, procedlng lhm lele- ot nation-vide automobile tblevei-y. tas dais of te nation, c ar a- Isporan]revpudw aH tigS v s- ' C okSo e gia b sdayredaas otosa: Intersaalo lrafflc lu stoen pasisen- ding ls splendid cOt;utrft ntuIliât zono fire of 77'u aud 1508 on the Oaupplemnnng my hluter tit> ger cams vIiinov bareducedlien a glorlonus record,unutil nov, aithe ndtrench. iltas Sove o b of hsore a etr i e tr inu "fth ie 2t ultime, I visit minimum, sud prsen doors yavn for oftuthie gi-cat von.] var. a volume i Gilespie mate.] againt.Gu H aesO atr le e Tpot fiat 1 ha.] a u the hose defyng the newfederl ta o bea4ded ta tis pr10»nsl-elay In thmemud athbebottom of c itit Secretar>Dan- clarins lthe automobile a prt of Inter- trosaure of humana endesavalr whioh a t i**x-hole" vWitltolt protection noa Stove Pipe, Etc. W ing Desks l61s Iis motini mad algo vitit staSe commerce and] subject tu te na- vii beautifythe Ibe Itleand] cap the for Ithe biankette latantrlitin ha.] arn ss ose C ll AdmI C. W. Parka, chiot 01 tona'siatutes tesainme as railroadia. monument vif h a---crwn clu jeweb gi;nbmo the urea of ardsand ock stemboas au. brdges sMning proudly bofotre te tàJ«a.Thalenfie restervas vere faken for- an uH reC U s in te navy dePartmemt. Heavy Punîshunent Provided an.] wvpeading Ils raya over the coin yard.When daylgbt came he CrKI-vî-____________________________________ *'Iaegentlemen ha.] a mont- Tne nev loav maies it an offense iete.] vork. d out an.] veut bock anothor ftbrai laM Iis afternoon and. Admirai puntahabie by a fine o! 1,000. or a lilstory bas stown that no .atlon kuometera. Bkoaci!sattere.] RO- Pl"arlias Just informecane over Prisonteri as bîgit as tire yeans.liaita n have i4abîllrty hota flt tliOmagne besstaggored lmb ,a Raid ho,-<w~p~V fie tellephone taS 5ey agreed steal an automobihe I one staSe an.] record ot miltary 'achlovemelt, at- ptlc m l teu -o d t lient :-t Aubrai jBsasett ss.end drive Il into anottier. -, ilIn".]dunlng the varions perledso i 0 î as faîrly conmplète'andespite bsn Sheridan a tn the for ntrevGf cemlng at a tInte vtuen congins euta into ne unoeliisiy by our nation, bhm Stock and R easonable l-rices tâte rainMrea ltitnýelty meeting 10 ltrasb out thér pre-ssing iven thp deinte anaverStelthe PoA (~L a~ 031 l oefSaiulattr wIon u1 renciese i ht reavrl ain problents, vas a complets surprise t I htv r ientu'ni nl s'-T..,R EL e04 toum Admirai BassetS 0otia mter business.,vise-n tîmîd tiat Slip ing hostilities bas unmistl5kabl AL .ibloct anti wlicb t reterred te5 bllItbâti become a iaw. tenr greatIy shownte peopetat Sheir conai- ÀA1 CUDt-. V6LUESJW u adSl veyhn n h ieo Uscrovtary Danels an.] Su Adit- surpnîsi.]. anti agrpealtly so. one o! de0 nlsptr .vl innl'.-e yd enu r d H inshe UneG o f 'I x~ecîa eprI wuî ofgun the Glwalcarbu'Mto Clu, w oiitd tau tl-p-d alabao ai Prescription for "tise bines." the mornîns bot ti-e thc secre- made a personal appt-ailtu Ilir mem h yl a definite veapon for Fluinîl un front of n mirror every tary an.] AdmIrai Pak andi then tes ron itio to vote for tt i-nerdtee for lis peuple sun.] momnlng an.] grîn. vitether yen feel Tours very rul , measr_- a' suchi lamaîntaîne.] lu tintes of like il or noS, CARL R. CH1NS)I.I\. Mr. Htayes. 'It means thatwl e i mI ohj preIparation for tce day wbcn hbante yoîir auceitors of yeur PnvironSQ1 R Il Ij 1F1 101) SOR NO k .S-4 mibtS add that te able te mun down aultobfle thitvea 1ui'- sterd la daawan. t la a senson. nent. it'a your ewn failli. lt- bus!ý 9 R UR U E e SI R 0 mvy'dapaitintent vas ai ftitia- tho plfer pleagure ecaslI Chîcago Se peoiIes insurance agaînatta dan andi makis yomrselt a oi isolta- puff tobala tht tey dd nt ý.bI l dLIBERTY VILLE une] t 1,1.]fia Shy ii.]005 andt akiet te ntoian a yrm.îya day viicl i nevîlably ceestien. îî Ia just ns rpoi ltull.] lis t hority Se use_ this tond nearby staSes. where île-y have tbemirntheb, lita of etery nfation, Itiat as a good character by exercise as Il g ~us ou~ideof lme tatin. 'ente. tc serovfI da -W ABS0f ited a f0devbop *Sa - b.]y

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