Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Nov 1919, p. 7

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LIEF'RTY VILE. INDEPEUNDENT, THrURSDAV, NOVEMBER 13, 1919 Page levo J -----' - ls hek ,inth' lawrgietecofote back and let hlmni ay for the two INI/ Swter course; ý]À'p« G T James Leonard, Jr., andi John Morley 1 L.-.-.-j VOLIVA IS TO meuls.", KERN W vRNS OF h2T uUse spears or any like devie ~~ ÂT 0fI Lae F rest University attendeti the M i. and Mrs, Amann entertaineti corn- ei if s'iLbugth'ch' Ae> .nting or takIng or fur-bem$. i fl h dance hrelat Friday evenlng. pany fron Waukegan, Saturday uîîght. R<Za L j IOj Ille wo ilgo and , NRIJ iAMI ilaimisndr se vposiefor * ~ ~ ~ ~ jý Mrs. Everett Cuiver and Mrs. Horace M eeNEWai tenyei, AiI bemas.î Mn~5 E r>i4LIlY? J a lor nît'clianical 'iý . ci- rituel Culver will entertain lte E. Fox Lakq ? iii lately. lBeware (if thievt',e s!I II eR d. A Chicago alietti oday s't ar i->nd taoribuss. o tuse animal ce-met-rysociety at a, tiiner Thursday, M.tnhernvd ab1011y(ur)w'Lt III in Ie ei w nitii.'Put.s'isonaIlpossession ii c afrrt ou rosea .. .1. OhE3HANO hi i te nnulcor.dfa Yriay meal ticket was lourti ai]wlieh in a fielid or forem? or lit any vebla for ob Nvi'ber Uth 'iha latheannul caset far Frilay --thus connected hini with the Ar]Jng .1"iigiiwaY goini te or frotabh OrdrsTaen ratpesfl.1onetinapplication. icmens ocetonr îMust invei isfamlyFrda. Oeree Anouics recio tn nciet: 2 od.uoMstTak Ot relit L- t'ritry or[c Kl!fti-barna ~dirertsn riand t'verybody iscordially inviteti. Te oung Li-n idrwfrm .....itee BachTae-Ilra ofFfee rnh ae- gradute of ligh cense Aso-New Law on a iror btui il f yht Mr.Turer n te iF. T. Fowlc'r lias olitned up a real and, wîll attend Gages schouel. aclioc andi son ii\lî,r n,,'lý. 52 l . î~kiii ,rb .niigt M .T r e on t eLakeShor i t r y es ite ,tc,, in h e' east part of the Stephen U î'ban vsiteti friend s n nacles for ZD on. F u r-b earngwath lo h ngo ,;i ,n r o t III, he hati two sîrokes mt Friday, is Keller restaurant. Chicago, Sunday. - aingsude asin". i wt'liiyeIi,,-ti; ,m) aaadiropr$ non, Dr. Turner vwans calleti frî,m New, A number trityrhre attc'nded the' Lionel LIail ripent Sunday atAen.tnn"s .NAMES TW FE i ' 1e-init na ailod-PNATE R EVR.v w, niy days. York. funeral of ir. Sprirtg ai. Mllburn last Shirley Thomas bas; commenced taking <l'y E. W. RPîtot'l teclive biureauu l.îci nigtti. 'lt' iare a ni: t 'ýr or Waukef Fred Andersoin retnrned rom servie suodiay. imusic lessonri <rani fHelen Amann. %otivaî .nnouniced Sulnuîl,. !,,ré, , lie wore a natty suittanti overcoat Ttbrpinuiao t.nwo nti biteso imaer<ti r autoe ]eat week, hîs sister, Mrs. llîrenberger MssMr tr sîp'iigiomtime 'I. Thiomas tandichiltiren visited bis ,St*" Ilidii'C' that iliegwa l'îî a of the' iatîat cnt anti a titret'days' t nombir of trapîîrs in Waukegan hn i abn ltn iera andi family weîît tethe' eîty te) sec himrigfo hrfasadmkn ey z twzbiLi.te ai lait week. ~~with ber iaîst('r, Nrs.'ut Millîturn mother, Sunday afternoon. theuity or ficn badiiHe ' i jts lii id" K rowt of e.lf'or ii'"bliga thpriti'hiiilak'tcs.Newar gest-heirod. inhgi. nbicornes' iatMW Mfr. and Mrs. arenWhteener hlîtî'iab 'etaùIAleaartýatît. atu' "e e rnltii i îu.a 'e-tre in 'ffrttis iiveutr anti ieçnuty meanor. Is ____ogtli irhn. sisgn Mrs. Eyko)lt's sister anti hiltren from Gr.,und bas îhein ttri,k,-*nfor s large LA E V LLA îiiitnStt h 'a nî',îîIl hae ritecs wtilî ler s.êsYog 'uegan lh WrenKrocl a1,s___ ____ trets tir parishea. E:'luL t t,. riai'îî. haver friea whc li nd e.ou gkfanhaGoluddaeanig oMc Chicago, tpent the week-end here. Mrs. exercising pavil'îîn tr .1.K.lierîng's hIIf uIE iisava, wilhave a bî'itonttop auiMyr a ecti ii'ct fbis t5'wito have nat Informer] therni Glde Ms Now. Eykoltaccornpanietiherhiime, returotng s'îck furai art' ti -' w'îk will g on as HlI Tilu UITE A tbi-"t' lii.. wil ring suitai t>sleio u poiin ftt ue htesbre'i'ii" nit Tusdy rpdl a hew ati-rbyrr.t. l mûeI v pressing i,,t 'n;r. i titilletrt ilLs was a long riîçii' lits fatllier. taw w iii vîîhi' t ak t nunawa tvS. o 0 sooti i neasu Il e t ' tl, iretomîp. Am Tuedu. rîudly~ ht'weti"r temit. IT(IM('C 1 Ij 'l't . t'b,11, will lbe ru:tg !ji 11,wlîîî1i4a neiner oftîî'clting fi 'Ibtive al, trappers are, urget 00i In tfltts grejut Ile ,, "I ke uap i Miss Blat'k ,f Waukegan, spent Sun- Mr. lDewar wî'ni to ' E'. nton Satur- BUSINESS..2 BOOMI1and 9q lu' M. tif Stern. Mayer & o, 307 We'îst Van go trapiln" wilhoui baving litokn Ouiti In~tba tk~. ,n day her'. day iiirependt tht' week-end wîth hîs "\lens" in thee dry ,.. ', Bu3ren atreet, saiti hi'hall gi% in hul!a atrattping', s stht' mpre os fIn"tui h.t a tice. t,, t't ini tîs lots Mrs. Allaway fromo C.hicago, spent fuumily andi tiitiîittt'of the ilînesof is ' ant el out. Tht'ets . ' s piî'n yiytf play. le' huall fitg su t hi' i "* ' it <if4t il nil ni-lto'lsehaveil o Sunday with tDr, anti Mrs. Strtuthenn. atîs, wa.î fltiaîvti 111Mîîutay evening. Vilanî rîjvirlagthuticre wIrdofLakitit t I o, tg c eniet"l 1i.1t', 1'hi ltins es timiatiabison li iat 't tti i' e guf sr fo. (et drig i-,lsica l t Ii thon eveit Mr. and Mrs. Roty MIliriii,'s little Lawrence 'l'ayer, whohbas heen living tirie concretf,'mrad tajuat nowoig,,n ainy p'urt In the' îiu.î , <il,)'ofumeeting bagus checkts îiaSaîd b> tuirs1 inv ais l, rn rh;tiiîg, iltht-s ear fier Ut,'l't-ail tof i ' 'tetît or reste aon passeil away Tueitay mornivg. Tht' with his grantparents, M.aniM.r..îruî qtt abomnttduiero /.în('i. rtos io tî rî siirî,'i nlîei-. î hH u nanirtî ' fiiis" uit",'abooitni literofnitCiy,,r .',, : uiiîlu'ttrtiîl peu.liiýI inlln littie baby was stck ,înly a few dayi. Thayer, during the summer and fail, inîti-triai anîl r-siiî'nce : i'xpî,ýsio%î.. bicrs of Zion eiurch.! taken bila back afler h'îîi- hlii'l h- iti"itirb. ,tiii tlitf i,' r i,the Bitand trca.N .sii gotlen. m Deeueiit aympathy tut extend tiel 0the' hagone home witb bis parents et Frankt Tl"owl(il de 1t .bs SttlV'iv:"lc îî ,lIia.'ltamaf'i'ritmoiI tii r , div ut a'.'. 'trirtiian tertimnai n ,'ult tly- i m t heml a bereaveti famiiy. H înî'y Lake. Ila motbî'r visiteti here i1,îîîît,î,d 24 uert-s ai ttre Lî uus'gel aottuof iluistn ' y ( F'aces Many Charges îîri lclî,w rmtantr'd ui.te' i'-,,.. Mra Fed litteahîl ii um roin îst ee..'tbdji; to'n binthe' ti'art of Laîke Vi'laii. iotbtog t"else but tira> anlil'. ii-c. Yo ung Mayi r 00w awtîîauil trtia 'loin". ' Ihe ienof ziny i2 îr bi'aring un _-<'ljIte.s traît lieii itî'ir alowl. Fe itesalie m rvn i weant1i i-tnîw takîini; slips teput Ilito n ti sn umber of elrt geu',s. A long iit of 1il' il t S jIt iiwhtri' ustor tti o si' it ln ieeid Al'lb OnMînday evening at Barnatai)ète ii iîrki t. Ttutri'art'91los1 ati "'i5 îî'.1 î1 C in iii ltî bga it'ksitîsîd ) ut ias u n' b rii aîîîii trun, ii lieboli'iit Mfr. Schibe enî,'rtaîned is broUtrhl b nn tfthe laeservt n ui t) eIleIii' tistýIIti:i î.,'fîîr iuanoyî as ari anti runitdcswn Iliii' i ' tti cotiiiit'ih the' police-' from ~ ~ ~ al the men 'iftiy. ithte nvil'lage'nl ti"nii liilo; teete'bi cayn O nc i ('mt'bîfart,'Mr. NItisi t iîrnt'îil 1s fvraon t isconi n' esat'nid h S suppor anti trganizet tht' Lakete t tna"' fft.> iipropî'rty ' a (tbunre' tteon e of tie Ilbt' '. ,î .'steintl-Tuai wa, t wo, 'tir., agi, ftiil Svrlfotl ea cne th au-Villa Toiwnshipt Ctimneri'iai Club, the 1111frlo '%r tiwr j- - oI lxsoiý h lh iiZ qi n o igaln eip fffn,ýswic day aigu tiance uti truc','Lakte. oftr'sandiî'im roi t? tes (tf a hiîî'b il tIe cîýntlic liii str liriii.îaire '.tiii t n ut' ,' c t. Ani ,,:' ii fa thî'r batd cîînîtînî il ' i , P'. E. Ililîdebrandi atîttieti e theitexaîl ned ltr e 1wk fo ih t ç-n 1,1iin ad 1oii l -lwoid n, f v n t a ssit.wl rýlefl n Drng ctov'entionirt ait1,t4,1Lasale-' zannitet, liac-rri. ,i'.kf îî hi rgtat h ta'." n i' S r ri. Il Ti, ni i-rîtti ily 'il -tn lci tultsi uiton ' tii. t othe t Kassof the wi'r' tii n 1eC TO S Lý LI Chicago i ast iit ttietiay ait'] Tbursday' z il on wttch is t onlta'eitf lai <es as j- , l t i. lii r , wi t u b, I ltbil i t i>"ti t".for lnti'rsotuI in t:t n .îrîn t -0 Mr. ileistînfrî,rîî Chicîagot, ient Sui fliHalegentlemen.1 u i ii l-aîi itstfttn' tltsttatsati i . .tw' îtnct ~: Hvn rne yfr I~l e!a pbi uro 1'. E. Hldtetbrandt, dmuggist agent <tr 11011iti iii .îl. iiiri telait'. ivi . dî asing tia'snti'raîne Jun'ti.initvîîcioneit'hutse>o19 nth rms k w ateSu erD -frie1 il The Satnrtia Eveoingîhit, TueLadies MILLBURNrji. -tait-di liai irt n",w tilaus- cittit,dtieurt Zion t o 11' ,. i fatlii'm tie was trougti wîiî hi' t o1h (eîe nw sth unrD" , ,Iml Thae J,,nmal, 'i'einî iir, TGenLaies, it,"ttir'.'îim't iîmlk ' 'tii ntiuls i iltietu haut' il, t 1 t ire.e orth of Waucorida on the McHenry-V df] onda ra Tnie lRexalStor,, (rtysilii', 111. Mrs. Mury Lita if Wsnkegan, atand 1 it uîta ,înut iîî, iiIi tliritt' a' tll 1Fri 0mnbh kp ttifa Rtussel'l IKappli', ah. is iiiw aitriting M't'a. 1.1zzte Ste'aart of t ;neii, salit i týia i ttîr ni Lt i n i î h. rown.00.0 Sth , 1 ;ai~t, t' pýbariint old itnist.aule*sl o mniga 0 coka .o inth, it swn Sriaywih istht' week-e ndt w it iMrs. MIina Gilbeirt. t tAiIii' iuini I i.oaii- î f u tinsl ueb'i i w. t in La ceur Idat l,i.i Il o u ppti taiihieniaor)t l i thut' M N A , O E BE 7 1 parents.W m. Wats,-À,i of L.utse V i la, ripenît h' il n t"'i' li -tint' 1ui4n tiase t -.; \ nettht na ilf t> st-e a î. ,w t i cl it'a<athopiin Ev ansion. 0C Mr, ut)(] Mns.larmy I.sitare the Surilay aith i, tlai-iter, the bMu-ses prn-ilt ti r ,'nihnan",m oct r Il'.-, i a pipf hey'Ii -tF.a"t il, 1,i1i -"Nis' vMarmon crm as julat been sil 25 Head of Live Stock: Twelve chü;ce young Cows,' prut Itiet faia ilhmMargarût andîlBelle' Wat.. ,, * pro ' 1 and i-, Mu l"îw'r t>l ,i tiietîProse sosiutwberc' " amfi lu i 'tiIu les 1un." bi' sait. "My ovirceat vas il ILt. C arodhlf ,foryalighiot ndone H proud nirent of a aby gil born- baie inp ce-d ntw % ig* inte 2.yepans-oldllheifersikfourlIllealangHieheifgt ande Hne- Saturday Mary K-rr ifLal,- ýj,-nt fo Ilj.ý utur,- %anta ato moke? li )iid \vm,' lit' tindfret a check signet Mri ti tc ul heeSot egig10Is ah newa'itre of lboa candiies. (')ine in lay,'a attb 1i f-r. -1'red i S n,!jiniJl ttia t.' ittt "Mtyr." An î'mîîaYe Cill"t ti'ni)t' S Horses: Gray mare, 7 years old; black mare, 8 years anti aethem. 1'. E. Hildiebrandtt. Sî.rîuug A fortsas' UIft'of hilr bies Nt'tuitiil Trust unit Puvimugs Bank. lit O i'iuiIl.uA.ngftue t aus îlîIlnt'iHOMEm Mm. nom Mr1.Mayer Oold; each weighing 1,500 pounds, bay horse, 7 years old. __________________________ I tri-'i" l tt Jtit Sinmil ni>ngî lgliii wasutt bontîr ti r sans cek.' " c ghn ,20pon LAKE VILLA wî,î î.e lres bing Suiay, N",. ',S N F AN E; LUTTER Bi AIR vwas i..ay'g eghg1,0po d. Mtrs. FIî,reoci' Ach.-n .I hutin-Ill'Tht' poli.1ce bond uuiiany (,tirer bait ** oultry. Il geese, 37 Pekin ducks atnd 200 full-blood M rit. tlnaaey if Evanstuin, tas 8p'odirig 4 î enstc ni' naiu aîb ~ r JUI f  (D ck conriplaints aguinst Jltin eBarred Rock chickens. nome limre with lier soin, R' E. lIusý.sey. brshitr î .P.MrLnA'NE TO fA I MAYOR 4 t'1I11JI i vn' gii! xcamti* _______________________ Frd iaît sen. unaya'îhbiManian accutupanteti ber home untît t>hi'. ,,,,*, ' M taen. nd"of"vi' tt's top,,t' ng Hay and Grain: 10 tons of alfalfa, in barn; 4 tons of vieai(at ak upta.Ms.Uami una F D N IYV'c * uhl til IeI tk is0tmothy, in barn; 14 tons of mixed hay. in stack; 2 stacks0 1fr.ct auntierhoJme hs wLenrt~M. anti Mrs. Archie Webb attendait Elmer McCue was Wounded onliiiOsuet of corn fodder, 90 bu. Marquis seed wheat, 50 bu. barley, M.adMsJae enrrietthe' funerai tif Mna. Wcb's grand- the Hand But Declines to jIterestinig Feature of Lawson 100_bu.______and_20_basketsofcorn Sunday witu theurtiaughîerrsun Chicago. nmuuîer Mn,. Wells, Fmiay. MaIe sand Female Swimmcr.________________________ Haroldi Danuela was the gueul of Tewrmnae okn nIe wear Wound Stripe. Air Flight was Exchange Swtutîitut." t'. tu as ttiter uo a'ouno Fr.gUesl feey ecitoicui ering. Evassutn fruendé Suntiay. Marrons hall this week. -ýA fGetns iatmntr pvfcgWiii Mr. anti Mrs. Jus. Litwiler of Cola- A tiaughter was homo te Mn, anti Mn,. HE RE-ENLISTS FOR A oEf f retng. anminibtodisist'lie51tt'iit ii ty0 grain binder, Johnson corn binder, mower, hay tedder, radao, visiteti a few duya tslvait w iwth Ernest White (nec Thain) in Canada '. ______-i__TDLVR ESG e. h rprino lýhl ret otbeSoe nie, upn nie etnfe their sister, Mrs, Ben Hamlin anti recently. Elmer MeCue, thue Waakeg'in ytuung srIn titi' liatl>of a s'îuu titan la (bat @6 crusher, corn grincter, buzz saw, wagons, buggy, harnesai, family. The foliawing ufficers weme eiected man vite returned home Satundav Anireterestlng laatugre 0< the recent ofa iuttîplanteriii,' itrttankrUaa of bene. Mn. anti Mrs. Morrîson anti taughter fan the achool boardi for the Milîburantbtatv.bvngbenovrsa tanoag prhomamportiaoAn tsîes.Tîeetuî'tii lieur n15iitut :salspowaarnd.paner eeer anlhaer ec years. bears tbe distinction of haviag iner vats tht' cachange of letters bi'e(- ptpînîu uî' sz niba 5-Passenger Overland Automobile in good running conditio spent theweek-end with Chicago friends. school, Preaitient Clarence Banner;- participates Inl fivle batties HE vas 1 tween Charles W. Jewett, Mayor of. more restily. Titis gilles her an ad- Mr. Watson of Cetiar Creat far, Drectors, John Chope, C. E. Denman, vith 'thsefitrst division, Fthtb Feld Ar- , Indianapolis, anti W. Hurd Clendinea. vulnage as a ut itittî. Terme of Sale: Sums of $10 and under, cash; on sumns over. trunsacteti business in Chicago Saturtiuy. Gardon Bonner, George A. Jamienon, tilhery. Rlgbt nov McCue ta vstiung Mayor of Zion. A etter frot Mayor _________ Mn.mdMmi Btiordsu th E JLeslie S. Borner and Davidi M. White. bits uothier. Mrs. W. T. Harravet'. aI Clendînen waas carted In thse airlIner $10, a credit of six months wîil be given, purchaser executing Mnotherdachool meetingoNoveeber.J. 414 So. BSheridan Roasi, but ble la 10e-: front Dayton ta Inditanapolisanmd vas Checks MineC Fines, approved bankable note bearing interest at thîe rate of 7% per Lehunan farnu, verea in Chicago an"fui- Aohrsh etn oene. 1entenr(lie service Deceauber 6. having jdelivemesi by Edigar W. Crcft, Zion To chct"k Iti'e'.itnu'iti tf tînmes t13fannum from date before removing property. nasWdeteyurdSpighvng feela ogm'enitd<m nte ea' evie.n-saemun se etrdlveeimn îupî"itt uut iutu 'ctvcEg.OuBmîtbertnei oeBigtsdsande tmii huh cu' ecr by Ia t(i ct udy von ro ota îb nmth om id av t a'Jiaing sufrdalngr-nitdfr aot r eg service.iv5 hanei o li npappra.Telte eier- dat11eex t," ii' tî i-tirclthat ecî'ev wTn e r itrajr.n'e.4lo Miliburo cemetery. He leave a vidow Texa. sto mourn bis bai. Friendsandi neigh- Mr. and Mm. George Mitchell Of bore extenil their sympatby. Chicago, upent Sunday at the James Kerr home.1 RU S L Thirteen of the Ladies' Aid uembers vent to Hubbard Woods laut vesk A terrible wind storun avePt Ibis Weàmndy and qmot a mn "met delightf d ,n.j h , .vmdifri day with Mra. Eari Potter. Tbey vill epabbn ow cvi bold a work meeting vith Mma Wald A nimber attended tih. aociety at Wedneaday ufternoon, November 1Utb M W by! lt Turqay ami everyone in invited to conte and h.lp David Murre an niec, DriaMrie ___________________are viaiting relatives in South Dakota, Nebraika and Iowa. S-- . .. ihan, -~ il P. E. IIILDE,,BRANDT ïvDRVGGi5Tr peintOlive Soap, diree Cae r.. .... ý.....29c PiIYSICIANs' PRESCRIPTIONS Câàrelully ComFounded TUM E RFXALI STORE GRAYSI.AKh ILLINOIS 1 R WENDLAND, GRIL;' ,RY AND MARKET DDFALi R51IN Gri "lêrchandise :TA,-:. FANCY GROCERIES ()O. S, N0116NS *AND SNOEB AND CAPS Country Produoe Bought aid SpId #'boue 107-J LAKFVILLA LNI wear a vonund hîrupe. -'ar wowa makan ..". . n.suatutu, necreiay te me feel funny If people aikesi me1 May'or. ihr v 1an wu an oundei." liesatl, " andi 1 The etter. bail (c point to tlis scar on my liansi. Octobem 27, 1919. If 1 lias been 'enuded more aertouniy Hon, W. Humil Clendinen, Mamyor tIif It miglat b i tteran" City cf ZMon. 1fr. Mc<)ae vas on, cf thee <mt Honorabhe Sir: lathe. absence of Waukegan yowng mn et ( enter thse Mayor .Iewett, Whle i.avay fron thte service aad ia orne of-tlie very lest 10, Office On account of Masei, 1 viighto returu borne. of Jats. ho emliasa n ta- îack5OWdge 7015! very kWbd ti tigasi at CempZcliary Taylor. Ken- the. Sn n.', whicli va. landed =ne tucky. Ne vas vitis (loerai Perili- by Mr. M . w.Crot iare commad diniathe. ime lie vas W. feel honores iniii ving Mr. AI. overseas. Ho (ton& sont. thrtllung ex- fred W. Laveon and lii party select Dperiencea thmougli vbich hliepassesi.Or citY San of th. atopping plaies He aya on. cf tbe most exciting tact- In (hein tour In the Lavion Paaaerger doa a vs t lie on thse grounsi andi Aeroplane. The cieus of fflsa. auaGrieviiiting ber dater in va-cli arPlane bti.oele apolis appreciate haviuag hlm aci udr a o 7 atWs, IYours veny tUuly, Wat*rowYUWis.(Si e C.ear t8 . MA yor.. Mini McKee attended àa (lre. da s, a.. .G tarIJ NteR (hegeil) C. S state cohvntion ini Mulviuee laut IYAUQ OM B4AER Mn. Wallin and a party of City RaU veek. sÀ , mÀ,E w offictahes paiti an officiai viit te the 1fr. andEnMm Dave Young andi îamily V'T~'uI< u. big airliner as abe lay at thue Speed- R. Corna'.n wTIaa4a YAi a, Park. The party boardesi th. apent ......ay at.. --or ------liner and tisoougly inipectesi thc Warren Siven of W aukegan, called on ~ N I~ 4 j 111 cabia. Tbey ait la the comfortable relatives Sunday. M DuauaAUCWUA cane chairs, icokesi out of thse coluloid 1fr. ansi Mn.. E. J. Murrie spent Sun- windows andi expreaiesi general atis- day with M. ansi Mrm Alex Murre. -faction as veilian amaxement et the Wsiokegan huniers express (lie cp- ase of tihe cabin ansi the entire slip. The many friends of Mms Frank Ion tbat (ha Prevsiing veather prob- Faulkner are very aorry tehbain cf ber ably vil bruît dcvii nont.flightn cf serboun iluness, Al hope for a apeedy big duchoe. snob un canvanbacki andi( f reeovery. rOn-lseu. Nurerous amahî fhccka cf w1'aaan I1RUR L GURM ER____ ofmolard hae non Ibot. WHIO TRII3D TO Fe ý.innanji Mm. Van Young la i.rt bilt4ng tai beau unusualhy entertained et Five hundresi at the n. Oi t ltP varm veather cf the. lat ew d -' nfaorbl. PAS C E K B R Fenlon home Wednesday afternoon. ", flats m o te Ci Oty ta onie SCIICK-UR John Gleason anti Wesley Fuilkner i,- .1vnî!, '"atnda ln Wau. WMen Johun Kesiler, reporter for bave secureti positions witI the. A. S. & kegan. ad aery mormtung one In ahi. a Clilcago Papier et Evansgton, fouod W. C., n Wukean.te àPe .hatrftswPnding thetr vay in a mcml ticket of the Arlington botsh. W.ý ta., i4Waukgan. fagtt Iii. provIdIng oni, Wadkegaa, in thue posaession of a R. W. Chttenden entertainesi bis It r tt. , f r "îo-t hunter maire 'man picked op by the Evansion po- hncthen anti wife fronu Nebraska lait the trno lot- hafemP avoriqe ta orden lice, lie suanies i nqury andi tounsi: weeki. te l. Ititi- fpvnm'tpblIndq. Thotrhii le man arestesi necentiy Lloyd Vincent bas rçturned te vork Tst p- hn fntmIItrnthot thpre, are bail tried te ciah a bail check in for he Bwma Dtiy Co m- InýAAnon '1-trs In 1l'x Lake Waukegan i uth(le otel; tisat lue got fuirIheliomanDaiy ~and vle'lnftv. IPX 'pireate I.à rame Pre- a meai ticket andsitien tiesite(o gt TheWottdmen viliibegin a ere. of , _q po tegathsr Iliere (lie refunit on It vlieu lie exDaanet canti parties Ibis wveci .,,1n fl,,tli'y Ttla saIsi (bat the lhe bai tn teave town liurriedly, but Matenial arrîved here lat week for s"'rîlc butriumbier the liens (lime e, o as' interruptesi in lits phan by (lie the new Grandtt avenue pavuug. o. itmely arivah of 'Mme, Armes, vbo BonadMle ipe eeaea- "h- P-aa 10 InTIllnts openedsitn iîseihmlak(i lekat ot FnwatiMlehppdîvn lmnt' Pisnl a Torre. nmber of but. a. ddhmbc hecekadt luatis of stock the latter part of lai e%ç,9- ben a liesi slready. There him te pay ver ftue <vo mcii e tai weck. or- Innsnv. tuovever. vo lo v att, eaten, He (le t tansivan te ras Mn. andt Mrs. Van Young visitesi antit t0- ff-t anov fath before (bey thse ciieck enevhiere and van te pay un Chicago aven Simday. ti isthit h'. It h le TIP Lakre for t(li eal-liut lhoneyer sdame Thi' Joit Two gav a very sccea0,Plr'poa hs. s îaare especlatly pen. baok. He li tiimre fellov refer. ThoJqiy To gve vey accëfultif,l P'd huîntera Whio areprovidesi led te 1tu(the Dcv Item belov: kance i"iday vith music by a tlree viba#% eqs bavte b"d no Mfflnat - n tecnty MaYer -ame t e btisot pince orchestra. Igeîl. ~limît . v l l f5f>, got a meq 'ticket. pieeented bis John McGa.:va necently lent a lot of CcÔt"ttal are sald toi ho plcutifal. check t Metva Moells. lh«eu ak"i î»cIntodlsfront bis soop via nmre té,%%siti ibOtUtB u %lafi 1fMr. Amin(orefond 1dm «0e hce i mldaigut vister. latoi4usg poctd aasa bute ev.ry tflet. lest tisaiMré. Aine stolu sam mIWi nta the te* aMd," ISAfm Wi ---------- w -- fi 10 10 the te. ver lot- ac.' no. La& a&. lm, Ki FoulmDED 186 ". MICIIiAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY DE FROIT JOHN HODG, District Manager, Aea,"MR. Dear Sir:- During the lant fifteen years your life-work lias been shaped and determined. If you have prepared well, y, iîr future holds many gaod things in store. 'I ho tuatter of insuring your life is ait-important This you know. When you acquire the propmrty which youi fesel will bai sufficient, you will go to an attorîîiiy, tsit down, and qîitty and delibeirately make your wili. But y tur Lifti Insurasîce le uof more lîtportmirte; your will sinmply distribtts, but your Ps.licy jîrovids. Yiu may mtake your wilI at any tituas t-.uring ytur niil SIlift-.,, but tie tîrno t-i takct Life 1nsurauce is wltasîî von can ge't it. Impairued ri.sks arientît wanted. Luit yoiîr Lifasi himrarice Salts-mit! qnh.tly tit d-,wL eith you anîd ticllilhm wluut y.,u want tut' insi.raîite to acolît;lisli Let Iilm be your insuri ite ýaý'torîîsy aîsd advie4isr. Ho liae iiiiàli'- a stuily of tho biiittpîns'1111114 il mexinin lsow iuurunce Wli'.,'e'v, yioî bast. No highasr cotuîlimiueit ioan t'a' aid you thiars his d, jr, o lu iturview YOU, for >oti artcsit5'posed totho t.f soli ld liitli.,a Il h augood faily reîmtu'dit îîl of go. id i-w idiîîg z instgý tNutr tas . v inati. Yoiir Lite ititraliu'u-.tîl1d uiot h'.m egh'lctsd. 1. ., i are in the mtarket for ii 'e iil-uI':ilce, jileade lct 1in- hea'h ifroit. yîiu. lours le11%t JOHN HO<DG1.E, Distr'ict Manager. k. ý ineui

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