LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. TRMRDAY, NOVÊMBER 13,1919 and Surrday witb relative@ lu McfleurY. IVAMHOE Reed GearY o! Kenosha, was borne D1 J I>IA'*or;D LAYF - orjri<1v..----- - - îî - . \Ir. anti Mr. and lins. liD<well gave a recep. a rni ber lattended 1, r@. Augt Wirte M misswuherehé ndRt utsa i,.' tome of1 Mr. ai_.: v- W.îukegan vîstors Wedî,esday. Mse lt rnho n uhtion tb Dr. and lMre. DeLortg, Tuesday ýevfs Get k... Wedneda) evenru lg AI1. Aboit thirty people irctherpi at the iRapke of Waukegan, epent Snnday witb evenîng traom 6:30 to 7:30 la bonor uf 1 NVauîorda relatives, Dr. eLo0'@bictbdaiy. Wort afine Getichomne of 1Mr. and lirs. Ray Wells, MWed- Ir. end Mire.B. J. Sebeffer and son, lr n iemnweiegsto li. Annir tBousspettthe week-eu.1 needey evening and had a card part>' tal« eertS na lhWacnabr so n lrerSherma n of the ieoo " lat, daughtsr, lire. Arthur Holiand. Ali report a fine timte. 1. tail pint',.. ovywthWacnd er so.Iaeeeend. fChcao Et19. and Mr,. .Barry' Wells and Mlre. 1Mr. un1 Mre Will Wagner moved tou v trîun eeeoSeltit, tpir 'erlathes o! fi. Pu brbwr ýfflt Vl,'ueII of Milwaukee. @peut a th, fi,-, ebove their store Seînrday. île@@eet. I e tii.. lfuPalt inerîi.ftenfTelaies a et irrula hr inonibli w da~~s eitb 1fr. and Sire. J euMr. and Mie .S op aelvtd1r udArs. Jas. Has meeting b>' lra. St. flheskie. "ubinio. the choir toua chicken pie Hupper et their Sir andi lre lloyd ('arr wcre hers, Mr. and lire. tlarerice Romrmel of l.ani% Artur Broclimannu sPOnt birne Frlday evening I ,Ur ad Ilver t e Buffalo, N. Y., sent carde to bonte flks Wndsy wtt' 1Mr. and MArs. Uaas t lire. 'Arthur ita epent Friday inannegth itl0MseJute Àbrvil.' Watik.ýgen.. I Obituary of-Jrs. F. B. Gardiner. Ko oml 5ev F~tmiade severel colle luIitîle'.. KmL.îa. Kent-. i.Bunit v IliTbnrsdas. 'àou ieri ible clas ltî8ttday scbrool Mary Naomi Wells wasborin April , AMr and lMre Pd Bin)giam of Irving >wd ttenod l- dnr"r 1,r snextsutda.y Il rrmale lt1186 near Gien Falls, N. Y., thte daugh- Park, were te guFêti ut lire. E. P>s le di beneti t -.fthe [sieeBluff " ît'iîo'iît.r' t ai l e. Yuig ilnn luthe ttl, f Ihoodore andi Sarah Ann Wells, Tu..sday u.»d Wednesdasy. nice Due. Mr. andi lr&. W. A Wliting, 1Mr. end jà Lait(, il .11, Friday. ler arns ovdto ak cuty Mr.Atult pîrofIvigPak sM. and ti Ae. Chris Bilse tanau %'Ir. 1111 i i .LE. itta and lîrtle daugliîer irjrrt oe oeetflen ak ~ggJoh l.rten nticlîldciîiîae ' i.', rcr fAr ts iol tinIlîlinois, in te faîl of 1h46, settlingetatiirdeti the tlorne.ciiîing o rotiuetay Ilrn Jont Utirs H anrmenllirîttît, .. "' i Are 1, . iedt. f lr ) SP l Wtucunda-t Hem shte grew 10 woman- evrîing i.>'. Airire.hHlzan'r rontiifaAtîil, insdav. o oid, receiving liec education in the is' Irene liacedie Luf ('llcaLgu), wam MY'. s~lteeoiliitît t i. li r'and .ir '.'.,vedt. publie sehoois andi Waconda Academy. th iti gtîof AMrs. Frank Peterettn, 1iles .bureb Nuovrnbtesocial r.>oîtd 't irr IlitCrc",tars cî.d s At te age cf thirteen site uniteti with dec anti Wedneeday. ir praoveb L er lt'l1u8.,.lvM"rund îi u W ukeAu tlr lcerîktl.î 11)te Baptist church and itas been a Mr, and i Are. Cri@t-"neuîiof of lir. andti lrs. Ieroy K Il ,Ticli)i j Mise Elizabeth Wirtntle éeulttlîîg a a wicontnuonus ni e ic..ibanwr leg, t . ie l vmang Yv.20 Ev-rlî.v ,.I rt.ttcswtîrltie reîii oesIOn Dt.cmber 25, 1865, shte was united .1 ýdan anti oti,, r î,'iatieeUthe past l4 . 0. e id rý i "Ligt 'I-larek. eltvsad re i oesin niatrriage tu Captain Benjamin F. -, eek. TeL adhiowe'e hrd &filii Ca i Dl îî uDbireetGardner of Wtiocùnda. Five ciiltiren Mr.. A l'areuit epeut i ii.'week-end ait . gooddla weîte, u îellateas Wr. fr1 hiay culph and dat o ier ,eliud werc born, Theotiore, Grace. Anna, ber son'@bomne, Fred Pirsou.tofeicu~î bltesed i awte rof t.heiia tht tt* Ftid'adi tIti un, Ili lia uie andNura ant inltion. Twît of these pre- Nir. andi Arm. Ira H i »ntertained ir. lai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o th atwekl ti.. t.cce îlîvetîlît,t'lorgre. ceded rhvir mother in death, Anna in tiud Ar@. E. Sarîder' and famnly of Mrn. and lire. Ed Mitchbell iiof ttîo.Igaioi î iîî îuicît rt.xt Sulitdc3 IIIit e: in fancy andi Theodore at te cge tf 48. Clîtueaou tsSarda.. wsr elirsetule~ Inui~la ..tîtî 1UlZt tItueitsevic In 1ý00 hey inovedt luIowa ant in 'T'es aglngiof t- ,rnistire wa Mn antd Ir@. S. W.Hutchi'îgi I r. meîîîj-vî FlicTruc e 'î~' ~.îl1878 cèmovei to Buffalo coutl Neb., ltiigl'. tîterved ty tli- ptuopl,'tif Wt and idre C. W. Hîtelings, Mtr. a'îl Are. Ioîust Everyttue wp[vonte. settlirtg (n a; hornesteati. lu 1882, they Deerfllclt to vnehlp. 1 t trl etlîu.aiîd garry %%'elle andi Are Froid, t<ttleL lastor, larrrî,c E Wîlstiîd. mov,'d 10 Grand Islandi, Neb..witere ot the' IteolMe gal.trtîg t the sgehoti itenilei the rmuerai of George Deýariti - - - they resided fo.r 6ver thirty years. In bouse otn Tuesday eeeîiig rit clebrt' et Northiielti, Thurdy.'I. fM R. 1913 they turtk a ciaim in Arthtur c(iunty, t. Hotne-coînirig of!,unr Blitros" Tfw Sonda. chool aet-1 p rt ,pr,aiirtti i A ~~t,. ,hi-.i ~Nc., and a fter fmal rotf was made rîgram openeli t7::lit wiîl muet.. t rem,,x e'dto i St. Paul NI). i.ltowed by "n lt 'inarchlig iii IP. ai. F ord SMe deLarted this hlfe suddenly on rlî..nthe lIed (roise ladiies irtilnd l Un. andtiirg. George Thatoli.r att.,Al.s('ntJttrte. whi, le 0epciding a October 30, 1919, dettth resuLting frttnt Scoute. Ali rimiiîcali ileiîgig *Alitirica' bily ttendedth ie Rut'tin 'ic ttf lett ,'tab ti.. iltitînleiirli hitie heurt faiLure. Site itatibeen al1patient icd hy MieseJeuecl, a v,ry aile lt'uder. WiilettLerikrJr ilitree~ eTh,.lisie@' tît hui".uCok ad hopeful suferer f artititis for l'ept Dvs airgti o tattentionl iMPRJ)VEMENTS ON DIAMONO D .î t ,'.'-eut bointe. over twenty years. during the latter andi Sergt. Vent theit ildIeuthle rll LAKE CEMETERY, tiar net'.tmaul cet' r scetite part of this perioti being quite heipless. %hicti was res@pîtdeti ti ,'i t cîaîrl tifty. She leaves tu mourn bier loss, besides DIr 'otier thon rqueii rit h titr Ili Frr.î.I asit1ttrîli 3Lîîîit~i1SI t it ]ithie tettir gl t' ,ateîeectîori her faithfuîlthushand: Clinton F. siitunth,'six goltibars lic rie audilcic Prei-j ad atli éf iiiiioit aiti euil ou uwi.ilz leitin 5UCe'i-s,. Gardiner, luf CGr,nçi Islandi, Mca. WilL risitnc andti gviug (tie iiii;iitt. pause ir bMe".. yare takîin iaucl otiefctiii I'ite ie tvei" il lu îvîwL g".e c cale Sîîaflrd, cf Chicagoî; anti Mc. Otto înemory o! those wlttt Lantgivea ithis groffile dulugth pat uinier 'fewirlarcticlespi, eiluued cuti e dG. Staah, of Arthu r, Neh.; one sdater, lieue that libterty ln,î'. lire Solo ti 1,Â.fI-s,, h.. nOter *rt1 -e-. ftt l *..-.,.i,.a-iaitMrs. Elvira Darreili cf Wauconda; and MAr. E. E.Becker, cîtuîiuuity îiglog, ýbOtth.ul nedge o uî unni'b îe CCC 1iaa alSw 5the ronit anti at antisoult ldee u i he ceretent, a nurnirer ofI trees ha'.. boBo set out anti a corniort station agd tout bouge bas heen itulîl. aIl tof w"ieisbave adiletigreatly tb te beau t> p8 attacetivelisdsof!the groanti.-mi l'Usbadge os abruirberi' ai the cc ,*O Watbconsita of lgitteon valetica ,*mbedng about si, irundreil planté, âIisatti ront la a oid rw a! ~util Wrsii, ai ibedrive WaYc ,rà»té" bhave bean-ot a numboral t t* oi'ISSSftal trocs. The platng ý, ffZmgd b>' Sciafer & Bannai land. lasfl gurm, andth ie chrube yens ýfsaI.baàdadmStout byR.C. Burrldge ,49m. Under lin. Burrldge'm contract *81 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~iû Iêrb n urateia u>' *aTmet die withiu a >ear lram Plant-. 14UWbe replcecd re. aicharge. z abraubbery h ira milsa Ibiti _jo lms mucir for tire future. OuI ý,1flifunde naiSsilfor thte purp'wo0 bo 5ngtbe grounds tirea Is 1ilt gsemon n hiiad'-ih;hieb furtiter jmïvm nilIg tA ai7duion of mons tisa, ti cantemplated.' . l'h. totl iund ralseti b>' it"êe ornrnIlee to dais amoate 10 $574 50.<01 tiis poO wae paldtu toBurrldge &-§où for tbdrcoutract;$9. IlOto llredLluruc Aoviaburanti $17.20 tli .1.W. t'ouîer tiii,' lance l'rlday evéninir, ,ovembter2l, Fet tie oiîlrmer Bo ttlitg pliat There will be gzood inîuqe *rckîts 50) cent@. The sale wllli e open durîîîg the day ntif 8:30 p. m. Wheu dancing wiii begin. Ail co.erneid belp the "%4 Seven" girls slong. PRIIE VIEWA t, lire. onklo anid doghter, Florence, are viinx with Cam ERodgkine. lire.'Joa.. Rcharde l@ vluting ber daughter, lir. 8. L. Tripp. A nuxuber ut the nelghbors and tinod gave George Gebre a surprise on bls blrtbday. Wedunday evenlng, Nov. 5. Mrn. and lire. Cbae. Cheever and daugb. ter, liabel were dinner guesta at tbe J. A. Mason bomne Thursday. Mr@s. Emma Krueger, wbo ha@n fot been well for sometîne. @ponti the put week with ber daughtsr, liason. lire. W. Eddy was a city vsitor the grsb of tbe week. Mfr. and lMr@. E. Smitb visted at the Joe. Richarde bomne Monday ruornilg. lir@. H. Kropi a cbv vsitor Thureday. Rayintond oon le VIifionghie gra d- parents. The Vrnori cdmetery coatu wil meet wth Mr@. IH. Albree'it, Nov. 20. A junior partuer wae tsLk,atito ttic home of Johin (erbrt, N, ýrlrj ie brother, Henry Wells cf Ripori, Ais.; as ali s f' grauteichltren, Gladys,i Evelyn anti Lloyd Gardiner; Bennie Spafford anti Louise Staait. Short funeral services were itelti aI te home in St Paul on Sundai', Nov. 2, at 12:30 anti later services were beld at 3:15 t te Baptiat citucch in Grand Islandl of wiic thlie deceaseti was a uember. Rev. E. F. Jortion of Yack, a former pantar anti close frieuti, offi- ciate<aasted by Rev. E. H.VJackon interment took place .iu tbeGraud Island ceurelery. LAKE U *Robert Kasten ia borne for a vacation. :Emmet Branding spent the weeiý7nd at bis borne bere. ,àa . , j AMrs. H. C. Buescbing spent seveai days in Chicago vsiting witb relatives. Tbe P. T. A. beld its monthly meet- ing Iat Friday. Chas. Scholtz and family of Chicago, visited with te former's parents. Mrs. Wmn. Tonne spent Tuesday at the borne of her parents at Long Grove. =Mr. and Mrs. [A. 1ricbbaurn spent the week end with relatives. i!M Mrs. George Wehienbnrg of Liberty- ville, spent Sunday with her parents.j: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krapp returned Sunday evening from Nebraka, where they have been visting thte former's 1 -_... t. rut s'"'.'ek1tttv 1 1 atti tttI relatives. r'laior anti fetilîzer;- . l.Ia et fr 1bkuw litair pedîuc o $271 atiîevîîgjJohn Jr. Mm. Il. Brîîckelinanu cuti- Mca J. 47.4 ii lie tsîd of1h.h .Stemripel cf Paatine, attendeti the L4740 it tebeo ie coinîsîttIes RATPDAY .1; funerîl tiflilenry ricluer fitelti l"iday rriiutcienca andthtAc are I- tiraI aircady watri a lcltl,,îî it 'I'he Laiers' Ail]ioriety tif theILîtIf a. tirnoo. L@ funuti$.,0 was gi ven by N'I rs. P. Il. Day niturcl wil holdth ieir ennual lazaam Miark Sualnhtt" xpet s ti attend i'e of Auiocb i t'ltCiiago, touvard rit the ltiwn hall uon Saurday e%',eNrtw.'. r thne ci.iii'ge lu s building of la roui!,r tI tîîi ttu i i i th. Arti yl u "r si wîurt' I (uta0, wi bouse. Ttis cork wstetuikit tt Ih' vîved antian otiIft t'ethuskîîîg t Mc tand ir, .- V \tiý Feu irnt Sun- arge ant i crunleited l'Y te-, r.î' l " t. ith- l 'iftIi itt'a i, t day tvitht,1h" i te,'t"aîrI'-nt't, Mr. anti jganizatIon, wîio regttîutrly cee te nitre A 'i ill iibee 'urit he' K Frar"ti Elvtk. !te cemetery grouinirie irtikvr. Tht- l,. angult 'il 1iue f ieldi ils Tbs eugg"tio[siîfor l ti tfylir iiithe Net Sun'Iay rnrrning Mr.IlthcE I.tcnt 't ! ý , iii ft"sday uveliing qutori'tiret came irtrueE. P. GrLIdcýyut EUt. Ut ,of IClicago, c Il pea t it il iie -i 'f'.,cucî glgo, who tie c lIteraI vut'ou-itout muhall attIl î'lîtk. M.'tîc ltet: t, C. Mauch 'tidî ' e'îîect 10 mccc on ncondition Ibat a lia IVi eutîan ild resiteittof 'ernoîn twiusîip. Ili t o~ tt~tt't basile up forltItritte'd"lgiti'td. wtt. hum ui n a farm ner ltiam'irîd L r' IThe '.ai'!cho nîîir belit l' annual hia (irfer wae huaei" ýliaiely met hi cao'. ,r lthvy yeart agiand at teni lectiu uf tJt r I I t,' vi tiîg. btrlbulioii oi likee litutit Iy Mc. Suri l'y bitin tLihec(,I sciiouiin Il tf AMt. andil tri. AIi II-tu fwho urce pyes. whu Itr ral,,t'i ' 'utt . flacwhen ut bi. Ile antîdive m,,cc.i eIli ii.W..'riithiltctlî on aitove 1et'tî . t1 itIc îtund tîe, t t City Missittuary r,'turn t' t' ile u u F iig tiln. &Va beenitici ýIt: , ' taidfit4lIzIîf lu-ay iisT het ii. 1 , ti t.' aitý lanning r more ntrtt- - '..~ . le isill he gWad to fur -P. - et i lîIa,,tto te miv'e~nu "bdet iI lnt' r' v . ir ti.restulin iîîhtlding N,t, lnmplcte 1t t t:ý" iil :v.. ch, lie vili t.ltv!ak on .J . 1)t. ,r atu (i. 'agit caller * ach credut le iitî' J ý t iW " t,,tiY. 'i e tf." Snra si Tt fhur, i. <ttof lites 4 ' i i 1' 'i jr " ' tt'I 'clock. Mi I '4'i.rt e cr e iiti V 'nesday, . svereiun t ic,. t -1, t '- . 1 --i-- ov ,it- tl- iýiùf-e fe MasirougittI'V" , tr. i 1 eS. 'Jffv1L g iI t'8t tltercîct»wcre sgea active vit h ,is. %ii. %atmrutl -'.-ithuld i j.> r uîi.'e i et tIti Evangili- PeAhlr ha, regere1l l.. r,.1tiuiitt y t :i i il% tiý I I1, i itlIt.t iti Làlir . t' t 'ri 'm I e'.. i t tl i ns i. SIl'N ~ rqA UJad as Wasvhtioard. 'm .,II eSeitt etgi,.'ît titt i.~er wiof iou rv Imm aide of a ine ilîut', ,c \Ir.e1 t' , \Vi t-lI. ho' . i eue . uetias waihSrti1t iret lier (it.ii' il,- an mlly waye are MIýue'n Fi.'. Insurame uAsestun"t. SSiI.tiu 1, td ,aIl. Tbedtnect.tneof irtIe lilîluri tirial ' Ait ttî,,i Att, 'ît\,î, ' ii t ir.ttMt.1. tlmn no met eraî iip-l îe 't i titliteri t*I . p"qttngto $11502 97titi idolcr@ ef 11>-tailIrelac eteie ' itt, 3 'pkeurd. iv.nt,aWfivecentre (#2 75) 'il' cacitIn-1 ietind . sattiaaot dollars intur. ltaId S" 'leIt t f i ' '~. l .i;te]Se. Msrk 14, I8. wisaunîetwill tP w.' i.i¶ eetîcifiir lu '. lattîts l'illicha, jf CIIIIl, t1,int growing E" - S'tutîlariitig*l> Ir. l Ie e,..l1rai tiltIplant W" , vi, i.rtt ernu'favri ite le4Trtnie uhisdet ae É - ' I~~~~ t'~~ ileory u lisn, Jr., speit ttiîrae 'iitltî. u .io l'i îctme . b>'Mayor Krv, iiding, aitreoseb>' Dr. Iullr, iii4ri. twî miaute ialke hi' Fater ltyau, Dr. Davis, J. A. Riecheiîl., rand Alvin lever sinrçiug, fiag cerernont îy lIr., wito detilcateti aur ei'rvtc'e fieg nearî> lUe years ago, sud aIttis Mme matie a ftting addresa itefore Isyluir Il away. The closing wan folIo wcti iy titi "boy@' nnarcbng loto Ithe dining noom on t rsi fon, wiicb waa ID charge oaIthb ladies,.l'ie Deeflld-Sbisld Rigb scbool orcirtra furnished tlbe mnle Iornthb singlning snd aiea tire dancing wiic was enjayeti b>' all' he decoration wbicir yenbeanîulni en. ID charge 01 Wnr. Bagge. Frank Kotracir, EB eer Barman Fnost andi R. Green#"i.. Ii ANTIOCi< oi l Pt. lins. B. l'apper oI Chicago, la vietlog et tehorne oi Dr. anti lre. Jeneu. Frank BHunI bas been quit. fil Ior tb. pasi lew dai'e. Be bil a bigit lever anti was titreateneti wllb typiroit lever, but le belter at lAie wnxting. lire Anus Canmpbell and Mlis. Lester Osmonti went ta Chticago lte finit oIflthe week 10 spendi e lew days. MIr@. George Yopp of Burlington, @pent lest '.'eek v. thlirelatives anti Inonde In Antiocit. Htucry Kepner and Frank Savage leit liontiey Itr Leembnrg, Florîiae, wbere thit wtLil spi'ntitAe winter. TAe.y rsli utake the trip b>' auto. ThAe grade echool of lAie village was closeut on Tueetiay, Novernier 11l or Ariulstiî'e day. 'îde Mtrs. Geiorge Bartîstt aud,,hlde went tou tîicî,go lthe tiret o! the wek toj oppnitiale v (laye withrelatives. 11ev. , lîî,hwee e Chicagoi paseenger Mn andti'trs. AVili ttory speut Mondai' anti Tueetiay lu Waukegau. Mr. 81cr>' served un jury. 'tirs. Herry laemrs e hi 10ho out aiter e lonug tlîtee jceuseti b>'anucOtera. ta, mele eget6lug tlong uLcel>'. Aire. GeorgetuJohnson Went t10Cicag'o Idoitticy wlîeremsie will nemalu for ltse wisitr etsiees uniier lthe toclor's care. A rteaca daer'was gîveu Tuetai', Novernir 11, by th'te Guilti Grls. The CuoeleLiumt jlayc'd for the dance wlrich Wae ieigtly atetededanti a great 11.v Klrrutr, itrnierli' of tits Place, but a.'w ci urlunglon),WIs.,wias marrîcti b Misq ', Ria lînz 0ol BuniIngtoi, on Tilestiay. Nov. 4tlà. %Viiie on hie wey home front e beuk rr/.r.tiut cilbs place, josephT(itr"rier, J r., of Uraàsiake lied aosigAt stcoksoOf Ipanelysis. Ho pitrusetiedti 0bie borne wifli sut aàisetauçte but upon reschiug ltherete lie bd anier anti '.'ry evsire eettke. Dr.Clarli attenddei itîîtanti prtîsttuît.rd hie rase very iritical bottai1, blel gettlng along Vcry vieil anti i Ibere lmjeliut ieIsrecoven>'. The sr".ere wind whlclt swePU..its part of the, runutry Mondai' eveilng tione great itarriae. Kenoeha mOuet bavel b.s n liant bit lîy it asi mucitidantage was detiî.ire A large andi hesuttlil sncb' wbieli vies huit onerlthe Nortlrwestern ilepot lnt lnr o! ibsîr relurnîng sollera wets coinpietsli' temoitliesilhetswiid. Tho aniitwas atwUs itsauilully hlmu- ainltin rtheceveing. lt wau a wotien etîruci rceandi cnet oser aS1fP0o. W. J. Citin @pesut Frits' ay end atur- day lunrMilwaukeanud Racine. v. 1 lth tire hinlg lIwlId t'/.t'ttti Ont' Itutition Wt.4 t i1 i l l'îI' K ip îtantI scys itat (itr 'KiîPt M Ii îî ing lthe ltîck lit i .it.i.t 19 met.Ilil e,14 s."izi.. le sct sIv l., ' l nti t iî. lil i' ltai il '155e li g î11-1 .t i" ,.,' un]tîvifitîpurtIos I '. a,îtl tIt-ii cîîk lt $5,400. -Tite otpr tietitionn wtt'-fi lit b An irs w Seutuion, tulu tiYS1- liildeis ;1 -nirtgage on a $2r,0 t'rut k I t7u u Aheartttg on buîth (if ttheu I ! t I rcw morntng. 'FACES ESPIONAGE LAW IN FEDERAL CT1 ICAu>nCi INCM111TI FUR [MAU 11131)14 Waukegan.' No' 1() William Artt, the tallor at a loia' lîîundry who as ined $2040 bhv'Mat, istrate Taylor for shoa ing disrespee. ta te American flag, vats ýolavtak en to Chicago and arinlgned lhelot' a U S. Commissloner unde'r the ep- lonage act which provîdejs a isevere Penalty for anybody vioiatlng île provisions which were inaugurated I Anîd înothers, to ill ind iie 'kluliy CIe,în Barber Shrîp"a pleasantl d1 iîCcrlîîilplace lii hrîngthie tittrl emiîîi hiie'tleamcti't lte sturu lunei'if yto t isli W. C. Frazeli The Really Clean Barber Shop LIBERTYVILLE Saves.Shopping Timie Y OU save the bother of transferring and conserve your energy by traveling to Chicago on the North Shore Line. You are taken ~' t the heart of Chicago, around the Elevated Loop, convenient to al leading stores and office buildings. Trains to Chicago FEvery 30 Minutes Trains leave Libertyville every 30 mir.tes froni 6:32 a. ni. to 12:32 a. mi., connecting at Lake Bluff with limited and express trains every 30 minutes f romi 6:54 a. mi. b I12:54 a. ni. To MVilwaukee Trains leave Lîbertyville hourly f rom 7:02 a. ni. to 10:02 p. ni., connecting at Lake Bluff with liniited trains hourly froni 7:23 a. mi ho 10:23 p. ni. and every 30 minutes on Satunday afterno'ons, Sundays and holida"'. North Shore Line ,Lihertyville Ticket Off ice Phone Libertyville 74 FOR SALE Winnetka Special Assesment Bonds First Mortgage 6% Bonds on Lake County Real Estate. GEORGE M4DERSON Anderson Block - LAKE FOREST, ILL. vo' IS~~o th5PE C NTeî period or the war. That 4he leaseti on iteavy bond& WliIch Il a Poe ythe fact titat AttI w.e ployer DE R INTOXICATINfi? placeti under arreat under the0.i h w oinwotslidta D Eorizationo fedemal autitorltie.t. Tt~t0witr iotsîlt ia Il seefrnî taI a.Tine CGoff made h eadAtmk heraX ,tE he. formel corsîpttînitet DistrIct AI-titat e U. S. flag sent te the liiundry JU Y tIT EC restrît that tbe district attot'ney itati fornwtr]y notifled vesterday teapPa awarrant issueti and ti eul eput tite hearipg lu Chicago lon the Wheite ber cntlnlg 275 er l.S. niarsital lii Waukegun Niantlay 119th. Il le tua apparent Iliat lte cent, alcabal is intoxlcatlig tlaone -of tafternoon wito innedately lîlced terîail atthorîltes are net golng tb the Issues ltat la exPecte'd to fecture rtt under, prtithinit r it'l.'Ici ite rttster (trop meccli' hôcairsi lte case of George Bley, on trial lin couuly jail ant ibris rorlng iu,îîLî ltiArtwsfld'rmal8eite circuit cour t Waukegan on sl charge le chîcago witere lie was bte t)eir- local Police court. ho beSn t oa h beer-rnnr.Tilitbe oCr-ntignied betome a 1 . 9. mats. -1i. l otiter word.t, they are going to fhe Issu~aesa flite enwiIb sont It was uriderslood hetttrp lhe eimke anexmlofa an itn a fttessu ldcte ys I doivn ltaI lite -attP otildl hi'sel for rhey claire gcoesly insulted Olti Glori' ipnamde by thre atlorrit-ys. lîearlug on the 19ltît i ttit!Tlr'ntti' whllim nier lte Iaw, even n"w, le For exemple, ilt oirtted ouIttai nîaanne ,AnftI wotiîlî l kely lieciîrtt,- ed Iy lte ederel autliorities ln 1917 Preslient Wilmrn itreuP 1 proclamation in whicîh.Wtiecîttreil titdt 2.76 per cent heer wns flot Irtoxi- ctiting. The Siteppart i tl, îctsserî 'ltortly dli r te arit tut w'u'.sîttuvul. 1 i'ovided tat no lnîoxiî'ttirit Iltitori t Ionlîl it sod fler il,', fii-t rdcv Of'i JoUl cf this yelar. Attrneys fer the a]- !(poqi icrrinnvrqconte'nu that itat ! H air C.utting for Çity (it -o e Ç hiIdmoeei'i lit ent alcoitol sud tltey inptutit itliat h ld e tinier te proclamuarion of te linue-ý <Iluit it 'v as non-ilt'xîlci Intg. Stales ;Atlbrnev Wu'îci cornes btict witît te staternt, itowet er. Iliat titi Lte foWas lîke to Iave te licîr haîr cared for in the sitircît and vliIzurelac' puts itittuln on saine c;iruftiîl iatner hl iîts accuîdedithi h tbcor whlcit conlatus mrthaIltn 0tin îî aI of cone ir en t ant i lit.'n t îi t1v(-AIte"elyC anBrr itpth wlrciv t liat te men votvie d t'ii's .t th ~Ri yC aiHîe iiî' i ywiirci lte law. evecy toissihie attentioin and culr esy and be t>ealed Want Trucks Released 1'etitionc titre filedin cirit « lot t i.t'ir (id antd hi-- broilher. lie Moniîav cftirtnon iIn iir ut111' 11 for 01, tic o' Roa CHINI ont or ibis dis 551 t? keep t? ter Cori The buildln~ navals try dur IeaU bas reason couinter lant I. a Bava counly. roadir,I thaitlb help aci eonditle ..l do hi -iman Cl tesulle. tu spea' tainli' anti 1 the go, of thei ' <Mn. Il that C~ lion tei sAsnunl CAN4 Postni the CAUS Dis& people surplns TkRnIel Tuemrtia for nu 'tour di ta bel' pruimat bas Pt: Inu w? Voty day a!i tAday. malled Grady lu cornu 'Te. Mienlt orders qment t been 'montha surplus ~aale 1b tisaI e Th'e .0lders i ie lie Sernmer o5re pil ~nd a jý',