LI-BERT'YVýILLE INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENTLake Countysi Big WeeklyWAJENWEKYSU LAKE COUNTY -EENEN qkuàmarum êm W ossu ds.ibsiSU VOL. XXVII.- NO. 46. - PART TWO LIBERT'YVILLE INDEPENDENq' NOVEM BER 13, 1919. EIGIIT PAO ES k,.uî i R y &U iN ADVÂN4JT. WSsftL SIERS _ _ _ FEDERAL OUTFITS FOR COUNTY ROADS la Maklng an Effort 10 Get the j Road Oufits to HeIp Keep Roads in Shape. CHINDBLOMIS TO ASSIST Charles~ Rusmeil, county superintend- eut of highways, ln making a deter- minet!effort, ulrougli the co-operation of Omtressman Carl R& Chindblorn of tbi, district to obtan thee ban otfad- era road ouI! its for Lake County. He mais that if tht. couid b brought &bout that Il would be possible tu keep the county ronds in much bat. ter condition. The governmnent han hundrads of .tieft outtits which were used ln building ronds ln cantonuments and naval stations throughout the COUn- tri during t the war. These outfits I6are being ioaned for the mainten- îAcee of tederalsAid mron, Mr. Rus- sali han been Informed, and for tilt roason tnuch dittlculty is being eun- _______________________________ countered here. Mr. Iluamei le advancing tie aigu mnjeut tint witb an nrmy camp and U YB T U LL Bf R ITC I Baval station bolli ocaled In the ronds, lie thinks Il no more <ban fais N4lT EEDrN A E E R TO tint <ha outtitas hould lbe ioaaed to PEilIi IT " ILDI A K 4A eip tout thue rÔads bnck loto proper L DS" UIT E NW U Ef Nl' condition. -- h"I dot 1kn o wlat Cc eas ii Unusual Course T» by Geo., 1400 Persons Attend an Ap- hanebu Ch hauwboefu bltogels- Bley atter Jury Faîled propriate Prqgram at the re la'zM.5:s I aset oday .10 Agree. MalesticTheatre. la speak ing of tie malter. %~ We cer- tainiy need tlie a'.Itztance Iliee OTHERS PLEAD GUILTY. BANQUET FOR WAR VETS.' rend outtits would beo abei 10 give ____ and 1 co seino good reasosi why A jury in circuit court in tIi,- ca fe et: all Waukognn Nov - i tbe governiment dues 1101 aasign saine George Biey, hegdhor 1()r atI'e hhmaka thé Arîrcan iln of hem tr us.' Ilet i al nigit ini the jury roomi in an gunge tlie langungaet America." cmu <N. Russell la pleased over tbe facl effort 10 roncli a verdict. Thiamorai inaticaily exclntmed 1ev. H. E. Rom- îng aItie convening o! court, the) pel In a aîlrring address aI <lieMn- Ihat <ongressman Cblndblom snuc- rere abliged tu report te Judge Ed- jestlc Thonier lat evening, rhare Ar eeeded lu gettIng a $6,000 appropria- warda <bat they were hop.-toasly -di-- miaItice Day was tittingly celebrated tion for rouriacing Wauskega roa4. agreod. b &bout 1400 peisons the theaber tuuning putI the naval station. lte> hilmosîf rn-i in tic court rîiiîî,î tn literniti pscked.t and ws arti ntereetî-d L pectal'ar.Tii-n Rev. Rompel blid ofthle great wock- Ian un.îsu91al lthkfai illnsd. Rtc>. asj donc in lie wold-wnr by aur armyi If rondc-i h P hoJury could have and nIlymen thtinthbe Ioner liai- RM F0 9 RD RS jfaied t refur a erdictsep,àj lor- i- nPol ulsamtrilyI le enter a plen et "guiRÇ' "Tie court thia comnienit. sa8 as muci suîprimed at anyoîîe. He1 "Our coutyla>-ino counry for <lie 'CANCEU E ; REFU nSsesse,,d a fine Of $100 anil cosis,, red flng of anarchi; itle1 for lie red. $12990. I rhite andOblua,' bie declared. ARE TO BE M4ADEIe Otter beer runners, alîpareuiil) #flý He stated tint it ta necessari for courage by 1the acf liai ne jalil ""'-1I aci and every individual in the coml- tienowa. Lnposed, siî.ped torward I nunit te, back aur relurned soider and nted nasuliar pIon. in Pcdiu" Postustr Gadyget W icavýe lie sanme fine tand eu.t.; aou-e;and nO <lie cotamunity of any grou word et. ofpeople rie nitampt tu bnlng about distenssoerandradysgelsrI a un rallie that Rernaining Orders These, whe pleaded guilly %%ero: dnisse s.dhmsp.-l srte Cannot be Filed. Bugo e lnctoni, maüagî'- f lue cab h1 nteO Lire. Keîîsha. tîined $1:19hpati fine;,Community singing under lie load- and rast di-mired. eAhiv 01 Nerton Flan and Aeleclions CAUSES A DISAPPOIN' MENTI A George bley Chitcago- finrd $1-9 9 by the Waukegan Fife and Drum Disnoinmen h.ifl tor fo- <o ~wrk and ecsi-enicnonoy. teâtivi*ies. Dis.-pintentis n soreforthe Henry K e-fe. Chicagoe- Fned1 About fiteen G. A. R. veterans and majority of lie 700 le 5011 Waukegar $129.90; re-ferrcd te t. W'.l four or live Spanisih War veloraoa whol ali icecd ttt- ut-rd i f oi,, îturcill rî,battum uit, Ioteditî,r. ri-o aetd upon lie platfor:n aiong surplus almv fondt,, fer 'oýisiiamt i- ne ahet)itr he .houtld libt,îtv-î vith tespeake-r et the evonîng and Dkniel <îaîly r-cîiîd îinsructioîns te aoloe. .5ýue houer tendered them, as mcli as Tuffidai <e nînke refontds a-t'-e Il Ak,erSimîont, 'htcagii--t ftin e Il.theornd mar men. ia Dnol been possi ble te fMI orders $1299); paid. i '"The Anserican Leglon stands 100 for no more supphlies wIll lie ferti Chailes Kipp, Miwautkee- F i là e o Per cent for Amerîcanissu." voiced econnng. Th,. hast ceflsignniientlir, $1829 90-; pald. Coi. A. V. Smith, chairman o! tie Ar. tour daya ago and nil but a émai Jame0s Guîtfoylo, Miwaukep-Fined - misîlce prograin. paro!t in a been delivereut. Tice $129.90; referred te Churll.l "Our gallant G. A. R., Spaniâli mi' tlsle, netofai-ly oytod bore came Dan Dannier, Chîicagoe-F i n e dl vota ana men of the wri-d mar ilii <ohtwepn IltIOatnO $10.000. AP- $129.90; pald. 1 sand foi- no other goserient titan ,proimately 75 le 80 par cent of lie States Atorney Welci oxpreased the Washington, Jefferson and Lin- Ordes isa een lilutthle opinion today niat more ofthte coin kînd. and Wil ilor no allier flag lalina ai<tir-( instructien,; frosu lieged beer runnera rauid appeai- and tuwv leBsbria t th tiss1eugvr et Pestinatier Grady piad guitt. stars and tripos,' vividiy ozciaimed bas ftarted making i'eiunds tu peu 1 Judge Edmaras entered an ci-der t- Coi, Smith. pie rfl o e dt- cannai lictild. torng <lie trucks to tiose who paid A group of nonga by Lilian Goriasu Forty piocha wrie naiied out Tues theur fines. He Insiructod thesu. iow%- Murphy. accompanied hi i3einice Ru0e- day afternaon and Ill ho deliveraîl ever, tlinhtho bear rhici lint been etueri- stutIingei-, mere thon renderad Iodai. Additionaaichecks wiii hai confisicated iiitb dçWtMod Inter un- and hly ii'enajoîad. mailed out. as soon ns Pas masater der a ieparate or-fler ot court and at a Seiections ui lie tanieun Greal. Grady determines ior mnucli iettnd ime yet ta be docided. Lakes quartot toliomed, and rare an- ta camling Ina eci case. - -- w-.s v r-ît lues. 'rie anuouncemnenl tuaI lie govera- aetwlleissblettcr dil.pit IID NT L N Judge Claire C. Edrards gave i niorent miorne impossibeb il Pis IUIIDEE N L N address on "Amoricanissu." ý%Ient 10 mnny local people rie liav e T 4oa- iu5o o u beau wating from Ire nnd a lit IK LUIVI ovcountrwore »~-nom advocating tie nontia, Many declined t uchlaO N R L vrhrwo uiag and lie Ameni- supupyfoda h unicial11con Legîo.i must sanp iptus uliarchy salurpls nv e a hytic nutIenicpi ~ N~ ~TVand 1i1,. W. piopaganda out of our taie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I boahcueNe adji 1 CITY Icountry," expressivety uttered Judge Oriers for armny iood and believed tint eventuaiîy tliey would gît tiem.Edas The lan f th goerrient asBe tbld hor lie United States rais- be- t T ie ln lie gevoersomeor ha,- The Independent facten In Zion la ed a large arnîy a-lin a criais co Olrders at n lime. One coasicnnient mkn plans la secura contraio! f ,heronied us and hem rîllîngly men vol- tuigl contain canned geods, 1the nex city government ai lie nc,ýt lec<ion., untoered ta go acrosa the pond to por- csuned mentas, aci as corricît nxt The Marsallh Field Lace Ca.ia petuate Amerîcan nastitulions, Ha aaid toast~an btec Afecnnd plans under rai tu ronstrîuct 50 new<ho mon wio aervod in thie orld wri Il befetc.A fw canedchar- homos in lie city, nid tlieY îlI and aise tie people mie remaiaed aI thes hee deliverbaon Muci 0 eillier soul or ront to heir employe;. homne mer made botter citizens by lhe teiveetd au bao ia enWi-k ia been sIaited on tbe con- saciftces rbich liOla ble made dur. deleAd.gteatceswihLi o struction of leD bouses aItie prosoent îîsg tie rar. Ho warned the large - Aon le rtcls ili ti gS imne. cr0wd ta hie caretul. ns tiare are dis- ermenl nIll notliea aile la delvet "'s'eivn refuses 10 sel! or ranI homes loyal peopteIn thie communiti, mia are pineapple, lama. stringless beanna 10 any lace rorkara, as tbey do 0011 comprise lents Vian 5 par ceaI at our ý,îd a considerablea qu4ntty of co associaho riti ils cburc,' an officiai population. but mio are îryîng <o i-- d mots, e!f1the lace concarn declared today. stitl anarchy lnto <lie ciier 95 par cent "Oui- company la In ZMon Cty l to !Y. -o! aur popu.aiîon. DIC BINQETS and me propose 10 Increnso lie Inde--I À. F. BEAUBINl pendent population and got chante of Judge Edwunds tolftOet i t lie cittygovernnient. i Menioial icapitai wiich iiitholie e rec<ed in nîenory o! the mon et IINRR PP' ieotîaînoriof' governnient - Waukegannwols hirlsi h lion for several dais, tound a largeLgin1asatntiimome, Attorney A. P. Beaubten recaived number ef sigtîei-s wning for It Sun- whîci mii? be of gi-ont benetit la tie jWw'd Monday liaI lie bas beon aP- day morning at tlie meeting ofth<le Fet ecommunit» P~olnted a mamber ofthle ri-cîptbon iAwship Bible CIFlsaaithti Park Ave. The Misses Hapke ot Libertyville Iunnittee for the Ibino s Slusl.a Bar M. E. cbui-cli. T e pe illozi m â iign' tien ie t.liied miti a musical nuom- -Assoation Cosivenfilon. nui ir ii ad unantîîîoîîly b h le muinler-. et - iothed l OIn cagffo 1v. 29ti. ile cîas-Konosia Noms. iCouniued on eage TWOi BIDINR AIMS TO STOP OBJECi ABLE MEETINGS May Cali Meeting Before Sat- urday to Prevent Proposed Meeting Next Sunday. WOULD PASS ORDINANCE BULLS AND SEAR RCOGNIZE11M Seditlous meetings, caiied for thej Rvowpd purpose of creating dissatisI faction and n feeling of unremt. are o bc 9topped in Waukegan. If Mayor J. j Rl' Bidinger han hie way. Thie meîutng belid on thie South Side lest Sundtay, et which Mayor Hoan of Milwaukee add-rsed th8 members of tho Wîre Mill union, wnn what led to the de- cision on tih part of Waukegan's ettief Mayor Ilidinger announi'ed to day Ihlet lie intpnda to lay Ibis mater lie fore the othpr members of fh- <ctirwyi8 -r.hlsadboi tWl ho aual commission nnd wililurge tt-tto Waie mch IrooTal a oWinroSd , nOfWaIrman off l o 90n51 pags an ordinance which willt ný-il ono e mt,tdsot. a" bis.vsy ol. ,sn ho aUtl u impossible to hold any publi,- in. ting nuance o NtionTh" rao s e 10r o eh. ntebbys endl or meetings of any kind wiîer, p A- hur fteNtonl90cent..S»»hm TObus"n es or tniks are made. withouî f îrmt te1 idld hn ocre buUa. "a ufl al obtnining a permit froni t ý cty. est of bis band a« tn pictiare shows. *The mayor adroits that thie îî~ - _____________________________________ of such an oldinance wouid h-. aî iii- Pornry mensure , and pvnbahi, aeutd ss b eeldas soon as the nýd tfor î IKiiOlli IE DRN-lO EMADE "I shal iring the malter befor.- the OR E MU IIT lr V li 11 courtcli next Mondai sure," Mayor Did- HO S SM ST ETi; Y! IN~E; TVA E UP I Ingar said today. *'and possibty hefore Salurdny in order that ai, oruî,,, EIdA I ca b mdetoaplytoth nepi. D LE IIIWS SÀJD NO POLICE STATION for Sundny at wbieill Dila>-wood ta seheduled to address. One denien.,îri- lion such ,,as tit oflst Suîîday siîouldl WAS NOT A MILL WORKMAN, "Kick" in Wine Makes One bo suficint."Man go to Sleep at Foot Instance Where Wire Worksi of the Forty Steps. 6iRAYSLÀKE1MAN Employe Had 10 Quit hist DIE&S IN'WEST Boarding House. ANOTHED LESIFED Tte li te credit of tc union oH Wnukegan, Nov. 12. l.yman Lewis, assistant cdue! f cestotfie isi's'tg - t'ai- r edrtl ! Mro police in Ceicago. miller Mlayor t;0. being helidin Wauke-,,an thcy a"c sirfet, otri' ut Tiiosday îîight ta i. Saift died euddeniy Tuesday la impressing upen their tiemlberi to buy a poulid ot sugar for aupar, but Kanna3 City' afler a brier itinesa lie landed in the rdlv mil lnsteuti. lie had grine thlere from bis home'3 in use no vioence at any tîme, te use Wvas placGd under arreat by, Police- Graysfake,. (Ili j for n vieil with no hard words, and not Intintidat6 suen Lyon and Witson a-lien a report frieda.ani of the men who want tu work. w5.s received that he lylng druaik In Mr. Lewis vwas barn In î.cttothle path aithte font of the' Vorty' VI., InI 1941. He rame t Chiriago i,. Tlîey are ailla urgtng them îlot t toiSteps. )872 and wag appoinled t0 the police cal-y tire arme ad etîd0 to use iflIoxi Fredrick.4 apent the niglît in the force in 1875. le served as asst cating liqoro. Ttinse insistent apposaIý City jail and wnstilned 87.4t)a mien lit ont chie! tiillder two Itly administra 1arre madle ini evcry meeting held ln was iirraigend before police M<affla- tien.II, Soe e'. lialt, ticelicad quartera trate Taylor. lits wife a-poaî4led on for te unin.lte scene obatit 9 o'clock anîd Paid for le unin, le fine. WAUI<EGANITES ROUTED IN FIRE Ilowcee, ln organîzations of lit,. -i doni see iîew il coutd have bnp. Men and women carrying little cil ktnd, as is al\asys tic cage, there Pen'd" Fredricks maid 1h15 naoraing. dron in their nigiit ciothes and wrnp- are mon alio dn net foliow the sug 'Il Starled out to gel a pound of pied ln quitta. wo:oea in negiigee and gestions. the reqiiests ef tîteir leaders. sugar and net a friend who waîlks men ln their shirt sieves, ns wrau as 1It lot1 wipet ltilIilt the sante planît 1 do.lie rnvited men , wonmen and chîtdren attending a Iob lx(clla hýMe lo go te hi.s home on lit'1.rket recit*i in hlumberg Hall, rere rogteditaltion:(îî all Le ttie it lan o1ieraStreet le get a glas5or ol ire-made by tire about 9:15 Wednesdny ovening and thît fl.ese urtýent appc'ala wil wine. il leoked etear ilke watcr;in(! rien fire broke eut in thie Gasscaw lbc ln c ,,oi niiul drank ta-o or Iliree glasses, think store on Washiington ihr anL îuhkc bIt Assembied in the hall on the third Acoid 'o-'. noîo'North iiirua Goltyitv Yoîi nbouid have accu lîow fioor of the buildtng were about 200I gos I tTtt ndîi n ;tan,,-of o! -înpIt -1 quick tint tanif' uCO t 10 my head. 1 persons. gatliered to attend th1e rocitai viola ton ot tii--utaon' ré- got as iar as tp0 fontoté F leorty given by the puptîs of Miss SuesA.quis î -1r iet ia alsteî'- li nx hUog 1 reinember Wben smoke began Io filth<le room, 15,15 %lti1 woke up ln <lie Police everybndy ras bold 10 walk out quiet- tpeiied t - i-,Wet .Tievo la a n'Stltl- ]y, il being explainpd thnt a fire was na'iied M 1-- ,i<îti as îvoiked la tie building next itoor. And go for ta-o o, t1itte t' si-teniig tîî Annîher Goes Asleep thore was Do pantic, . asthe men, wom- an and ciildren descended lie 'tair horse, in it ,t 1 - ta!t!i, i e fil !. Tîn YatcfAan tce, s, fromt the recital halt.rDit bbg a iF'îtý ]w:!i. iOt v dta tîrreale t yi' jof ,rna Bs th aiîîi Next door Pass. however, tiiere was er or atnyilîîîi.! lIfth-,tiir, lie ditd no. Witîon a-ten lie a-as ftînd sleeping grant excitement for the familles uiv- Join the tunin tît tIh1ei~foii when in afiteldl ne-a Eighlti sîret. Il is ,neln the two finis abov thie ciothing testie aii en ý, a%no r- I , Rilital., had been iinktng houle- store rere grety xxcited rien tie mld îne le paid n fine or $ 40i clouda of Bimette began to corne up not te report for work. tii fact,,lho asni0wn tlirough the floors from lie store be- IlnîId the pos-ition thai thte lirses lu Police court tis niorning. low. Selzing chldren who had be1nc ul d noe le attewed te sar tott e __ _______ put 10 bied, and there rere sevealniot deathti hl l i have tîleir tesil reg - them. tliey wrnpped them ln bedding Ilry o s eoe rushed downIthe slaire, neyer waiting irynw sblre 10 &et their outer coats, bats and ait. ITic fart tlîat '\ tizpatrick aiîd One roman in particular became bys- %fi*. CayGai--i~d noet -iiable i gel le-1 i e r terical and insisled on going back lto gethed, lie prob:îbty feit a-as noie îa the uilingdecarin lir hoe w sson svly Itie hîNsegshouid net hav-e being burned and shle md mnny Ihingîtfo of value wlici aie ranted 10 save. tbree mea. a Ose se long as tiore r e M s The tire deparînient made a iaaty ras reed! ttere te gisve ilto< them. rasponse and found the fire ln lie But, iiire wa4 te develoiiment: A ftlv aysj rear part of tb store. Il waa necessary A coulpe o! iiombers ofthlen union to break the frent doors and windows in order <o get a hose in te figbt the this reek sent toqb thi' bearding tire. bouse -shei-e >lt llz ivedl. liaiasked tbe tIret floor in <li ei-ar pari o! the lio waa aie anid nie didat knaca- store. The conclusion of Walter Gass-Tr nitaadwne eko caw la liai a aîîark tiew out gnd Ig- lc nitdadmne ako niled some of!lits ofiammable atuf!. If lie id net 500e to a-ork. Tan Co ton Bl Wben tie tire depart:nelit arrived lhe Sue replied aaying tiaI nie pi- anrton ti place ran tilied witti amoke anid they sumed h lienO tiut liaI lie mat;'ý 64 x '76............ hld <o break in the doors and wIni- wrigl h iltalemr dows in order to muake a circulation sB ork ntonl hllesea tbey could fglt h baz.Tint the Ïook i-are e! tic homses and se nu- ; W hite Cotton 1I building la l osrce esborn didnt aee wlîy lie aliould net erititin.i1oôrdbrdr6 by thie tact <liat the firemen were able teo<ing tieni as usual, o re brdr6 x 10 prevent thelietes tram enting up <nte lie floors above, but several Tbcn aceoy(Itig toe liaren. tims he as bard wreatira on @hory te thi'î Northi Chic'ago officia> Fancy Plaids tha Seord floor adntigbut lie the menn li erl- tatIif aile kept. 6 48, le ika good wrkdouc by <lie ireman pro-6 0 le iI n venlad a real serious conflagrationi. Mille es a boardor in lier home liaI The damage te the building ras not nomebody woutd conte <o lier lieuse grant, thie irollen windows, broken ln- somte nigit and aiinali ail the nîn Fancy IIeavy P tentienally in order <o gel ctrculallon. ov ntepae.Acrigyte mde lie most idamage 10 ho build- dw »<lepae.icrl.hy li66 x 80,QoId helio an( tng. }lowever. <lie enlire stock et theeplndMkebtrDo î.Tîas Gasscar store ras ruined, and whitle noon Mike came home tehlus lunch 1ntcompleteiy iurned uIt tooaksaus the boaîding bougse oistrese toit! Fancy Plaid thul hr lien' a'i t iPSaivagP-. ilaIhat lebelter net wortî îin% t~'I. . . togi-WiII o Fai. more. 9.4. lny I Adasi Iva."eût. Tien the woînan sald ilat If -lie î."llow do w e do hat" F dy- lie ceîîtinued te rork at theé miîî lie,, " Sce Themn in Oui ' YouTeu o Iliasu eten1li s.PI and 0faiie lati iî eth E ey B a k ta RlY Ai thihil ie e cl tourp esudon PgeTWOJ', Peabody ti Waukegan, Nov. 12. The Greiss-Pfieger Taaning Comn-. puni announces today thnt it ias pur- chased about 25 acres o! land. hound- cd Lui lie eleclric ilneoan lie ment. flidgeland ave, on <lie souli. Williams' street on tlie eas< and Gien Flor4 ave on <lie Dorti. This tract et land mas tot-merli knorn as the PesiodY taim It la the purPOSa 0f tho Tanntng Company la i mmediately subdivide tuis proparty, pu t ln ail nocesaary Improvements ad egin to huild about 200 homes, ta hoe otfered 1u Iheir empioyos at dont on very favorable terme. Kiernan Explis Plans E. P. Kieruan. manager efthe Tan. ning Company, mlien intervlered ti mornîng, linO <ils to aay regnrding lie plans o! bis campany: "At tha Prescrnt lime me have about 700 empîoyea and <o na our pbant te full Production me wnul necd approxý mntely 1200. "We are extremely anxinus to ai- tract a bigi clans of employas and for tint i-canon me propose to put up homes ufthe mast modern type thnt miii ha distinctive In appenranca and contain every convenience for cosu- foi-table home biving. "We believa lie public spiz'ilcd peo- pie of Waukegnmiii apprecinte <ha chai-actai- of Ibis anlerp-ise as me pro Poe le make tuis a subdivision tint wil appeal ho civic pride." WIii Spend a Million Il la9 utaled ttit lis opaai ex. pecîs te spend et isat a million dol- latre lu the ousing plans il han under rny and which ai-e soon to ba ax- ecuted. Mi-. Riemaan d bis arcitect wmli go asin a fer dais bo inspect othar Places miere faclorles bave taken up liousing problenin aieng Ibis lineand the data Ibua seeu-oO miii give tioni lOeas for carrying out lie plans tn Waukogan, The liope le 10 got tho tientlune et homes fer tuis puiépose liai monai can secure. ut la admlted in Wnukegnn that lie plans .!1lie co-npsny bei-e nIlldo imach toma-O reibeving lie congested conditions tint exIat nom. Il 1s undecided yet rietier lie hltines syli lie of rood or stucce con- 9truc<ion, but <ha chances are tboî wuii ail be a! concrefe, and thus miii be nubstantini improvemensin ta he community. la Near Schooi Sile The trach of land in question niici the conîpnny lias purchased ties jusI west o! tioten acre tr'act rlich the school boni-O own.g, soull et Gien Flora ikvc., and on wiici next sprlng wnu jise a $125.000 acigol building for grades. plans for a-lieu nie nom being- drawn. Tius <tie nex'thmes< section ofuth Ilie dwli havea b uibding iceci next spring mhiici bas nover beeu equalled ln any part o! the citi. Goods Co. the Least-But for Cash Specials inke .ts . .149 3lankets 24 76 ..........Pr. 2 4 itan....... Pr. 4.19 :'laids 51 id blue . . . Pr. 5 1 .........Pr. 7085X - Exceptional Value ir'North Window' ti r ti ti Ar