Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 20 Nov 1919, p. 14

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..s ...-~ - 1 iw/-" - -----'-~-.---- -~ ~ ~ a "i ~5MWV,~eAflI.. ~b -. ',.~ LJIIEHT Y V JJ.iLIT J~ ~ 'K'.moe~B. t,, ~ Uv, WA~. Cerk be authorized and lntructed tai extenti the taxes at a rate that U 1 obtain thte ainunt of thte ievy for1 Ceuolr Taxes. snd Ibat be aito be autbarlzed and instructed ta extend the taxes on ail other certificates of levy for Tcwn, Roati andi Bridge. Gravei. Cit y. village. Scitool. Hlgh Sch9o1,Park andi ail iter taxes fil- ed in hi-"office tor'the year 1919. Notion carrieti. Éaupsraisor flilger. Chairman o! ,the Dpatent ion Haine conimit tee. submtî- led tae flîtwing report: 'WVaukegan, Il., Sept. 25, 1919 To tbe Honorable Board uf Super- vlsôre, Lakte County.,llnois, Gentlemen: Vaut' Commit tee whlch wae s uthor- lzed ta arrange for the purehasing of a Datention Home, respectfulv repre- "ant taI tbey have examineti ail site avaliable fer eaid home and recoin- mendi tat the undersigned conmItee of te Board of upervisors be au- tharizedt a purohase lots One Hun- dreti andi Nine (10g) andi One Hun- tircO andi Ten (110) tagether wltb ail buldngs Ihereupon for SeventtY-five ilundred ($750000 Paliers. andi Lots nilst Hundred andi ive (105) anti One IHuadred anti Six (106) for Fiftaen Hundred Si"0. ail four sali lots baltsg la George R Lyon's Subdivi- sion, an Addition toate City of Watt- kegan. Lake Contv. Illinoir. M. P. PIIA3ER GEO. H. BAIRSTOW A. G. MAETHER H B. EGER G. T. 'tcCULLOUC'H Supervisai- Thompson xaoved tat the report ha acceptedatiastopled. Meotincarried. Sutteisor Pilger, Chairmian of te P""tnHon'a Committea. eubmill tc ' lite fnIlowing. Watukegan. ill.. Sept 26, 1919 Tcttha Honorable Board o! Super-1 vimars. Laike County, Illinois, Gentlemen: Tour Comninitee whieh bas the care of te Betentit-tiHoaraesfor Chiltiran of!1Leke Coua' v, reRpectfuliv repre-ý sent that ln vlew of te large amouat of worlt andi repongiilitv ln posed uricu ber andthie inêreaced cast oi l(ingr, the ettm'wOsaliofl of Mise Car rie M. Smith. Nlatron of the Dtentior Hoine. beinnrirOMtnt"" Ph 1919. shaIIh l'a S.entv-five $75.00) Dolars per n'onth. (-,M.-H RAIRqTOW A M.AFTHER 14. B. EGER G. T. McCUI2LOI'GH Sîtervisor Webb of Waukegan moset' 'ha' Itu'. rpcnmmendalioa hc :!ctctped antiadapte&- The ralowing lisI of 10G' of the les-l ,alar3 ofthe Countty ras sub miltedt rawbkubi to drarthe Petit Jiarorsfor th ee pittg yer. andion motion o Sun"r-iisor Hlistein re- terret.Io alite judieiary Cooanltee ta ,I,, t 1,' namas for cacil trial terti o L".cCircuit 'Court. .dsm paff JohnH.Ieen Oltterbarher T.J. Mitchell. H. L il ren. <'unter ('asperson. W. . RLby. F, L Bawn. ,eo. Gallas-ber. G. IL aIMW,t bs Erickson. 1%. A. Rot- isu&. ER('tungdon. Oea. Brightt, .J Me !tQueen. 39.K Edcerton W. C J1u~ ohan\tsioa. Eim11 Scitietpe W. H P-fley. Miles Miller, M. P litrson. J. R. Brammer. G. S 0-ri P Slov. R B Andrews. J. A. Main. Fi. C Devis. Cita' Pptp. Fred Davis. W. C. Ed-arde. Michael Kobr. S- G lrrar. C.E. Austin. Robert RaY, Y. W. Baughmitt. George Wise. Jams Neave. G. F. Bennet. W. J. Arn' 1~rt..1hBtev. G. A. Studebaker James Hardie, Theodare Talief set Fred Scheter, Frank ICock, E. Hàmpzo-s, Lut-. Bail, Abert ThnrPe Çfl. Sýrschan. George A- Mitchel Jt.tnes13rd. Hui Galaugber. Rabt W. Witijtepitie. Edw. Sweeney. T. i Mumforti. Thoei.W. Gallaugiter, . E Mihl7-S. W. Osbora. Thtomas McEwen W VD.L"lit, . GW. Grsley. C. M Basg., Arthtur Wagneii, James Mc7on tuel. Willian, 'onner. Peter Dunnîrl G 1. -l a n,,rr d. -S. B. Hill.-Mari Whiai:,idp. J. A. MarIahal. Thols MalE Waeslev Eni<-x, James Neave. Fre rawford, Harrv Stanley. Howar Kroar'-. Henry 0.'Siaw. HuglitMil (lt-tver Wie, Fred Meyer, Jame P tc- John Wright, lac. Parroi 0, NI. Swnt< .P. Allen, R M. Ha$ ttard. C. Il. Berger. Luke Ball. Dueli Thorpe. P. W Sllaw. A. C. Christiaî ýop ,Arithur 1IaBelle. Irving Bni Neal Benettendot'f, i<;aorge IMcElr, ,I i 1uiow. ('bas Stickney. J.f LaBelle. A. W.linitins, E. B. Mezie l'Ir r .Nott.honRbert Brooks, Ge l-"ac.ken. Mfar-hall Moulton. Hienry1 f'w"so, NMotey. J. L. is on. Hl G -'le n. C. A. Suttila, H.j Pripnd,. OW. l'-uley. James. A Fo% iand. (, ESîtai. Conrad Sitai (itas. Wp'st. T t'. MNabb, Willi; lirork. John I1.îtitason, Wmi Sehbrndf.'tAP.-îginan, Poster lent CI luttu.i-,'îtuýii iFarrîtr. Ir Nru'port. ji, Ilty,3 t' - i t tîrock, iat filcr .k, (o",4, ot e.Jolin R. B r n", R 0. Bov,AVthur Beshel. titu' Baker. T',lrr1)t arnCy. Fr C Itt:o..r. . rii Crawford. Fra ClarkGeorge t . nto'e. Fred.C(t 'tire. Tltce't It d Vi aî,k1 wards, RlivF V r A.l I ltvdet'1 fflmet Hasing John ('. Bomy Oea. A. Jni" Tiîaetiy K'l Jlohn T. Kntox. Wit'. 1,. Lucas, Jei B. LehitevArthutr lattey. ugene1 tarin. Panais Ritrda". Tom Riar& PriaIt Shea, 'lom Srrang, Harri PAGEBIJ. 1. - ' mm--, --,ý palmier, A. Toby, John Thay«'er.Et4harleFmosnja". Dugon. Franý ,Colegrove, Sa Reko John Kin. Jake Mis. Cbiha. Asp. ,HqM7> Peterson, Ni King. Jay Crlbb. Fred Crlbh, Stanley A. Chandler. Oscar Berg. Peter Roue, Tharnfpun, WnL Jaes. Pari Hrton, Jas. M4aLas.Wi. notâxt. IL A. WIId, Eat Sc-erville. et" Peter Chrîtlinson. Goè. Milfi. Orant ~more, Water KrausoGe.ho N.P. Grauter. John A BHoit. Rien- Clias. Kittridge. WON. Neilliani haIt NMoench. E_ John r btaAr- Bralon Turks,.Jus. Pimyboraki,.' . N. mentis, Eti Huenct. D. A. Wtilley, Jr.. Stupe>', J. N. Stpey, John Waters, R. A. Daîziai. John Mitchlli. Frank W',NnTanigan, Morris Powel., Jas' Stanton. Walter Johnason. NI. Tros' Caishan, Pat DrurrY, P: H. PellOwa: fla, John Stantan. Ernest Russell-, Ueo. Eritan. Frak Ncland. MIke loba Walsht. Charles Mitchell, EdGoda. . Greenleaf. John Detine, Carl Larktn. 'Win. MeNeil, OuY Pei0t~, Cook., Jake Buanm, Fred W0dwrdA1 Frasnk Howard. Eti. Dala>'. E. R.,larrv Norton. Tlweed. A. J.Smaiit., Thos. Habits, Shieldsi Horry Kani'tg. Harry Larson. Joei. Max. Kaphebta, J. C. Sîrgng. Hîrry Seirer, Baernaiti Ncrlon. lienry J. penman. Jo.. Morriso>', Jr., Harry Me, Siptîn. Carl Malin. Joe Seupa. Art Kinne>', 0. B. Gosa, Albert Gehi, là. Morrili. George Pastielotipe, N. Ebsel. J. Neal, Frank Vogt. Harvey Hydie. Rtaymornd Walsht. Louis Tonyoa F1. Mitait. John. Neson. Afdrew Lake Villa shafar, Louis Knorr. A. Hoffman. J, Geore MCrsde. .esle BnoatFI Masanic. J. C. Baker. J. B. Tor-' Albtert Douglas. Scbt. Leva>'. oscar gersan Gerard M. J. Bedon. . W. bouglas. Harry Miller. Carl Millet'. BreH .Mpe.0 .Bw Bert Caliger, Bprn Wilkinson, BarrY w' G. Kennedy. W. A. Wtt, Georgfi AIreil. George Manzer. Witt Walker. froané H. W. Meline. b. C. Bonney, Bon Faicit. Bart ucker, Abert Kap- . K Rasenhageit. W. M. Rees. H.- )le. Bronkuien. Joa, Dorenfer, 4 P. Ring, Avon M. HavieLn M. Davis. Edward N'al F.dw'rd Buciter. C. G. Brainarti - .1, - - eteY m Daod,1l H. Cttt'tet. John C asitaînre. S. A. Da- Ceis, . Mrtead. . W. ÀDiamnt,. M is. Harry Pletz. Waldo Edwards , Lneis. J. Meati. H. Atkiaan . TH. A. itt, Harrison Gilbert. Frauk Wnar.J Hr".H eaeOTr tea. Jhnl-Lirt 1. C Hede. Gi-ba, J. B. ffirne, Jas. Hill, A. Kar- Haea NJIsn oigar C d atisAugust 'taon Thas. Appietcin. H. H. Merlin, loarDal ets A. W ax. Loiks Haok, W. BEdwaids. . T. Wilson, Jerry Jhr Dable, J o Mson. Lfr..a Calan. &ELb Pollock, Wm. Carlson,. Har LterteJohn ta." . RaaitF ParenBobert Peters, J. J. Farley, Mendie, BnPtrote.P eeaR, P.Sible>'. C. EBomark, . CEnark Slîh. Eene SuliHeny.Qer. iA.kJ ames 'tWatt. Oscar binsteati. Peter qmariithtuen. GuiffoRtiFWith. Gea.Baker, J. Korrigan. Frank Hardy, Marin heln, iffrd hit- Go-Wm. Jardan, J. L. Frye. H. Kaka, Natnelev, A, Ni. White. %WnL Hîronl- btoh J, -Bradliey. Steven Cafay. John mus. Tita-.s White. Win. Hall. J. L. Ibm A. J. Virden. (iarP. Geptanl, A. Std"eld. G. 13 W.m. Long, K@11;:. has. E. Broya. J.H. Clenittui- John Write, John Wadswortit. E. P. ea itAfred Fansteati. A. J. Itricit. Blarrait. Wm. Brandslatter. Walter TÏoe. W. Yc.-ng. W. C. DallonW. isaIt. Chas. Bradzka. John Brarar, C. Daton. GeGTge Aniderson, J. b. Elmer Burge. Frank Cramin. F. 3tnuth. Vinmcent Quarts. Cook,. Swan Christiauson. L. H. (ool- son. George Cable. George Prure.C.r. Libertyvil FM Win te->otte r. L. . Paule. AtIl"iso""". ...n ppe. F- Davis, Frankt Parfler, Ervia Puddles, &u-tin. A. J. Austin. J. L. Aines. A. reati snt on motion o! Superviser An extension of Route 10-A, nartit- Harnv gtiards, P. J. Exiait. b. A. R. Atidrena. Fred Backieman. Louis Webb cf Waukega theatmalter nec prîvt- irousihthlie nortbbnat quarter A Frank, Citas. Sat-der. E. Snyder, EenI Bockleu'an. John Alirechl. ('harleY lofti rit lte EdUaeln Comittee o! Section 35, andthIe southrest qoar- Rit Thotason, Oea. NicIt, Pi]i Nete. Huti ustin. Lt-le Andirews. J0. Atkiason, nitit pwer taecl. ' ter a! Section 24 ta an intersection lIt Ford, Sidney Goodîns-, Lew Mentes Talph Huikley. Dean Bennet, Chas-les. Sertember 23. 1919. aithu Route 10. 0. A Haok. Everetî Hoait, E. V. Rer- : tt .j'b izh r, onBn-let r lr. -GréetuBay Raid f rotWashint-on T va>. Wtt. Bird. Chas. Kapple, Henry' l, eHrt Bra-.her. Tom CoretL Boy 1 have heen unable go fer ta finttiSreal uln Section 19, TornpîhIp 46 et( KnunerY, Wm. Lvans, Maria Marrie, Chambelain. Fred Carney,-* G. C. sur ptne for the pasition of truant of- 1 'orîh. Range 12itortitaly ta te K Thtomas Mogg. Waller Mit..Caný Li.ker,. JS.Danleit. Fred Entier icer; 1 have ane or Ina teachers litnîrth lune of Section 31, Tornshir Neile.Chs.Pak M.arn 9Rici l, 1i.Frak Eger, Gieu Fry, W'. H. Ge- mnd bul cannot get thitti untUIýl 11Nnkrh. Range 12.,taen te 10 Fred Ronling Orento Richtardison,'.iaga. Harry Goîli. Irving Goltibens-, cau finti aoeaena ta taete t places an Intesection niit Routa 3, al theaW R. P. Bowling, Edwird Shelicit. Han- t'iarlev Marrîngton, G. O. Hoskine. theit non hait. Oas of tes. teachElrs i nortitreet quarter af Section 36, Fr ry' Sage, J. N. Scilosser, Toney~ Sey', *Tr-m Midlesait. 0. A. Nanion. Clan- la receiving $15(>O for teu monltS Taracitip 46 North., Range I1. M. $er. . nce -nigge. Chares Kaiser, Hennr' echool la a building nith twLteacit- Route 6 f roeinte pressaI terminus Warren 1lacrence. Eti. Lynich',. A.W.bintiroîh, ans;te alier receivaS $170QWthlie aortwestetIy te te weetline af Laite John Amnnt W. . Austin, SituanC. B. Lovehl Henry' Kane, Hentry debool rear. Me is in charge of R COnty. 1 tines. Owen Birnestahie. W. J. Hecky>. Titetfiait. Grant bock, Charley La>'- building nitit set-en leaciters. To An extension o! Route i-Ifront Vola. Andt Chandler, John Camapbell,* Orna-ock. W. E. Millet'. Hart'> Meyer%5, male the maaximum salar> taI nIll norti t trougit Ingiemide ta Route 6, nia <'btenden, Fret Citant. Blla Davis, - trn eyers. Hart'>'Mason, IHarvey' b. paît 1e lte Caunt>' les'i ihittneer bis present terminus. 1-_. Bd-ge. John Eboiinger, Chinles Ho'ie. John H. Rouge. Sama 1. Papa,.500so il practIcail>' nuilif> te Ian: -b. herebv designated as Stata Ald Ftir.Le e.FPlot. Fred GOlJingli, Chas. Christ Petereon. J. M. Patterson. R. 1I huakit ilsiouiti hamate $1710- os-Raids. cubject ta te approval ofte E. Hok. Seant Md arrslaç a ryy Han. T. Procton. A. R. Scitiabels. Le.. $1800 for tte yeit'. Siale higitray>.'bepanîinent. makins C. 'ýrd. Lanrnec Haines. Evan Lan- Whitney. Ben Wtoltirge, P. J. Wright, I cannaIt ope ta gel an>' ane JuRt e total a! 17 miles, te rance. W. L McClure, Frankt McCanna, Henry Schultz. George Struta. Chas. nor nîit scitool positions &Ltliita.ill. GEO. H. RAIRST<YW C. Y'.hitMves M. P. Peterson. E. J. telzman. but I tnp. that tite Boardti nli tix lte H. H. EGER Ku BRan. 'Win. Sransou, NormnaitSponen- Frenont salir>' 1 ia>' be authortzedti a pay. 'MARIPN RINODAHL F. byur. Francis Saga. Henry' Taylor, A. J. Brerer. Bert Chamberlain, tien pet-luse aller a monthlior Bo801I RED KIR&IH.NEIR W Hart-v Tionvss. Lee Vincent, Arcble F-ti Dieboti. rait Frederick. G. H. mgy 'b. abe te gel soltl.oOS. Superviser Maîher moveti that the be Webb, John Neul. it-nutter. Edigar Godina.Darwin Sincerely yoratn. Résolution he acceplet d didopteti. Waukegan Bo-vin, Fred Grass. Mancus Baîbta, T. A. SIMPSON, Motc'ion carrieti. .M Piti MalaisLoui Gulitie. Ri>- ndre Ijntle Frik Bitx. iliCount>' Stpeintentet î Citarman FicIte tesigpabed te f- es-I Muaw, James Floodi. Fret Brown, 'aoke, William Krelcbmer. Abert of Scitoals. Ionlng persans as Delegates ta te C. M. illettan. Athur Wilibnson. Hafer, E_ Janes, William Ringmnn Supserv iser Meyer, Chairman af the 33rd Annuel Convention 1ta e it.d lan Rtussell Edrards;. Atam Vos-el. 'rn Fred Luckiteman. Gearge batti, Oea. Tudiciariy Cattta, subitttedthlie Peonla. Sept. 301h. andi Oct. 1 anti 2nti, Pule. retW. unt, has Conor, beaaît!, Raber Radite. Ernest Me>'- 'oiicwing report: 1919. Cites. H. Crapo, Wm. Sînraltan. ci Cuas-e Fe . Bock,en Ch sar n te, ieIStye.W .Scte-a State o!Ilîlinois. George H. Hairston, Emil A. Ficke sa WRaerSyr. EOscarJon e- Lake Count>', (es. anti ber A. Hendee. l Saldsat , Aschie Shoîtis, Hroit b.utamer.StE k.b. dera, in JohnTe- Board of Suniervtsora, iSupervisar CrMpa movedti hat te m Pattes-. Chalie Rash W. E. Sayles a, . roE. L.e uspentei antilFrankbte !oI Pred Wright,. Alex. Kromias- Thomas .-t', Augual Wbttz, E. P. Waerte Seplember Tet-tu' 1919. rlsb upne n httefl Davidsoum, James C.ntes Rai Wells, IRobert R. Rouas, Frankt1. Ms-. Chairnuan anti Gentlemen O! lowing bills te alloreti. WlsF.W ToiRc ard-rce-'%anr J 'ts oe ete ha Board of Supervisors: Motion carniet. M'eU. E W.Tabn, Rchad Ben-Wagnr. oe itu. Ja, Hrtî. Vut'Conattte on Judician>' Conadti&.Wetzel, bon, Herb Broaditeat'. T. H. Ruse. J, Wauconda Ciîîmq rouît tes- leave ;ta report ambulance services ... l28.00 T. Etimonds. F. I. Etdy, lDue Lyana, Max IL Anders, Frankt Baxon. tattet- have exataitet ail caitas Condeuaed Soap Ca.. aaap .. 20.64 r W, tt.Srang, John Nelsan. Wtt. Claudie Basiele>,' 000. Bioet-. b. A. uresenlet befonre tbeun andmlit-5CtaC. . Vienitan & Son th 7oebhI. et'. eGlrins-, Han Whten, hIrncheon. Jr.. brIe Brouchiton, Mt mendth ie payrnetto!fte fllownt-. banial.............. .......10.00 Johtn Eicksatt.. Frankt Groom, Atan Btron, Clifrord Benrel. OGilbert But-- andt ttlie Cieni be diret~ite ta l- Superviser Meyer, Chaîrman o!flte0 Ct-k. Jacob Msina. John Melocit, astt. M. S. Clark. E. J. Cok. Ray uue artiersfan the several ernounts lt> Judiclet'y Committee, submtellthelit Antrer Fadn. %Malt Ogreen, Oea. H. C'ook. John Dais>', Leslie, Davis, Oea 'thaese-el claimanle, to-rit: foliowlng report: 0 Jackaan, Edward Cant'. C. G. Watraus. flivvel.le Iaac Fairweather-, Iteeti AmI. CIatmod BIaIs of Illinois,. R. . Conahit-. Oea. Caritart. W. C. Mur- rean>, H- I. Granthata Jr., William Narnes For Whaî £Atiowod Lakes Coat>' es: r riy, liaIt Signa. John Kukar, Johno 'bacall. Frankt Green.. Patul Marrie, t> . 3.00 Boad o! Supenvisors, September Terin,s Crav. Prak Vtacho. Fs-aIt Mese, îahn Horziag. V. B. Kimbali. RobertiS - ndclveY... i 99 bita Jan"s. Antan Tut-k IW F. M'ait- 'Irk. NicIt Miler. Wtalter Muller. Chas. O. Armes.,19. hrmnadG tl en.ote dsi. Citas. K. Lindsay,.fF.Durkin, 'itut' Monahan, Wmn. Nicholis. David meala ta jurons ............ 9.40 MrBoarm n antrisGetlmesotel Robert Ban. John Pnny .T-re. ladPat .E rc Et"itu Armstrongs, detective Boit-tof uprv oisos; ewhm l r Viant, J. W' Beasie>'.FPankeonbv AnW t "'uryate'x ldP-tt .E.PI S ervices anti expensesa... 15601ohe Tout Judicia>'3Com naites, la nal Franit OpikneyAaH'aB-nck.taserfices top Dodek. Frank Vourjavie. Alax. Cuba Sine lte ta. ieo!salcctheg 300 n sot 1 osters-. John Sanders, .1. W. Eh114, Wm Baoyer. O. C_ Hcugittaiiag. A. &m As. tate's Attoeri..f naesJury iste ubtlits oln i ýlJs .PreJ. C. 'Slîea. Fred -w hbalt. R. G.'tork, W Botein(810.00 alowedI !Dme Pt'ldN Jas. T. Pat-,er. Bikelee. repoting . 1.0 -BENTON c Bite-bher, J. E. Bas-gett. Clarkte (handi- Vwarti Lageuchulte, 0e., Wenruth. P . o ienortins- inquests-... 12650 H. Otîerbarher, Louis Eriekson. ILl. s er, J. H. Broat, G. hersait. R. KL ,.tPF Grota. P. C, 1beOnird, Henry Tht-ti Bootht, services......... 11.50 P. Baroa. Michael Koht'. S. 'r. Farnt.r, f % itch. Tom Knight, IL. t. Palterson, eniekin)g. George Moler. H. O. i'has. P. Bannes, services J. L. Bt-ey, E. J. Hatapsot, Robert W. TE ZE. A. Fegan, Victor A iî. Wja. Ras-- ývhumarker, F. J. Alvot-san, H. T.- Count>' Jutige............. 20.00 Whltt'site, 1. E. MiIl, Arthur Was-neli. tn "ra Jeta Sullivan. W. C. 'tiorgtatit, oat'r. Ernegt Felgenhaluer, Geonge A. C. rounaaa, Lit-et-y Tios. Mle. Wesley Enlor. klugh illII,P M F. Trépaular, Philip Panes-an, M. I-. Atikina, 4g A. McCoy. James Court- - .4het-ff anti coroner........ 69.0 Jas. Iarrow. C. M. Ilorere' Artun La-.I Ruia. W. H. Wierd. Walter. Brentoan .w d. IdGaiuer. Jamnes McGrer. Jas. IL Bof!>', justice fees 4.80 Belle, Gea. Mu lIe>.1' 1r Notehoom, T 1. P. Stripe, ILt.E Harrintoi, D. A. Vrank Lagasi-bultp. H. A. HartP. aOI>' Sun, publlshing notices'i Emel Ntat cey,' E. LI. Stai.Conat-d l -Webh. Richard Brunke, Thomvas Mag-- ele A. W. Hobein. Max Nes-getz, in tepenteat caslezs... 6,20 Scitiefet'. John L Jolinson. Adama PafI, t r, uit-e, Arhur E. Strias, W. J. Sack'(in >m Riekp ardtin Yure. Wmn. Washa, Johnit ietz, conveying Gantier Cariîîersoli, W. O. Baby, G. R. "man. Oscar Lindabl, Ednard Il. Smaitht irnar-t *ý'sse1, Eauflolt RleY. prîsonen.................. 5.00 alan, J. A. Matit, W. C. Edrards, W. - Nicitolas Keller. Chas. Bresa. E . Jie rn Y'dgpr. James Minas-us. Denni.-Mur- Ela Ueo F. Fermer, justice tees 56.80 J. Armetran-, Jas. M1 de FaI 'hV. A. P .Guthiie. W. I. Bain. 1). (J. Bat-mon HIleranlIensy W. Wasit- <ritins Wauitegan-Garese KlocIt, S. B. Hill,. Hart-y Stanley', J. R. - iq~ ,t C . Merehant, FraneaiHn, W.-r. Fred Grimin. Augutst Balte, bulle Repaire anti gazoline 1. L oaalle. MrhlM tn a.A r, 1 Ltol.H ec. rdEBotIixoit. John Witt. Win. oraber. Etir. Isherif!).................. 1.6 iolad i 'nth.-v Glls-hn.William Moln- tKochi, P R. Lelanti. George Beecher, OaeTx a, GIH Raymaker. William AI thur lîers-horn. Vin. I-ofttn5t-er, lit-en>. sheriff -........ 8.7 Wabdo Edwnards. FranIt Gaulger, t. artit. V Il. Dras-oo .1J J. Dot->,Hent-y C. Buescitins-, Vu. Taonne. Oea. Elmer J. GIreea, Services.. 1024.10 Frak Cremin. Henrr Sitobet-, Et Sa>'- Il AMtnna. ranI E Smpea, b ntlniaan, W. F. Bers-bora, Henry Goode Taxi Ca. teBtntaFe iaa ae A -iin John allK a 'nt-Cron 9al thr pihn-.WatrRue- ltety5m.Attey ... 77.25 Tony Baisas-, Auguet Ransota Ben Pet- Iliklr.Joh Dyl. CrvC*steto Seel Abet se)ln. WalerKrug- lieryStt ju)Atic460é k rt ugene Sullivan. s W.F Hîtciinan. Wn. att ha -r. W. F. Tanne, W. 0. scitonaacbor, Thom. Bouslas. sic fees .. .50etn, N£PR n. ft-bker. Palan Needlita. Robt. lIns 'ARa>' .oomlui.Hçns»Lunb.Prelum. .la. a....... 00 r- st, M JHo!. r, .. Wha. E- BIa, pan LAtliurite, Emil C. E. Hicks~, constable jeesç.. 23.20 heao> Alcocit, H. O. Brownt, Petit' îne -'e J. Hvf. Je poErr.,H .Whr d 'akWîp Hloi.FedR-p.Mt-ny HOyI. justice ftees ....... 8.30 0, Canney, Prait Clark. Fred Cait- ktttFrdSErknR '.fre-tAînlard Ost, George Thies. Barman oetC ýn, o...... 12.50 morTRyOFrry h1. leaf. J. Paluga. Haine>' Hocit-n.Johtn 'Zff n (htarleen 5HOllze. John Su11nua, Dennistalmerri',...... U0 F ole, e aaeG hyr ti -bh.sw~, a rttard .Au- *1. 'n 'btierstocIt.Clarence Brets- igah ee.......6.0 IF. WiooneOr, Les avag, GDa eb, t' ttPearsont. t. F. lliiager, James nzan, G'-r Ernstiitg. Albert H ILH ebaratjlcetele.-6.0 r ions r-t iaI a Wb Jas. fi, McQueent. dà cîseJas.Fesciter. C. E. Blunt, aa s tîsitert. L. h. B rt-na,, Vi. hintiherz M'- .W Kat. -sevcs niexess 107.80King, C. Litle, Motrd HUIAta), Jaha rit',s- P ie oll SimAn.S A W BIt Joli P-al I rnomn, l Bno Johnt Nelson, justice tees ... 19.55 Babra, IqbrLVilcox, Sain Rais, Stan-1 iv eir P R Smmn, . . k.Jo.Wil JIlui'shhng. J fIet Co o in-Penny L. Persans, egpfles 1 ley' Thotapsan. AN asý racItsomt, Hart'>'Oisoa. b. B. ]Date WnJ l-hi . GatCoRe- aîtentîaig Convention ... 218GRN r - G'ornuî. N. E Pblnn. A. A. Mortla ,- J..44ootea, Wm ,F Etdy, Andrew (Iitte 'oole,. servie-s......... 5.00 RamnWlo,.A.DzeA.. n. (1. A. idingpr. C. F. tSt'e, Chas. 'lrînliceit, Nie fileter, John Gerbert, Walter A. Tarlor, Justice tees 491.40 Rma on 'Alt, R AHDen . J. ait 1'ýarutef, P. W. Dat-, EdrartiWirfs a. Glphuason. Wa1ler F. Gosswiiîet', »eibert A. , Wfeale, ?to, John Ale. Hît- sa .S1n olias. Posbers-. Fret DoolittIe, Ale-x. laititlillîman Chtes. 30. Hert-Mcbers-er, ei.sltble fees ...............850oLt AE> VIL. Ilads-s-en. F. H. Millet', Etinard BrAm tallis Pt-i llatbman. Frank b, HolîJe, c'.oWenbsé & SaotLA, VLL aIt i-t-g, F. Fcbeî-g. Victor- Holtaus.AIse .lltaeon..iooe Keiuier. I esi l i t-p"(oJnr....... . 00 Geo. MeCredie, Leslie Botter, Ben u, 'r oaaJohn Foch-,ter r m uit flithings, Jt>e J. Kenned'y, Et. Klein- li . rycoroner .........4a3*00 Paltza, Carl Millet-, Scot Leva>. AI- ui, <lîraarsan. H. Ebemnel, ,Jas. Mefln, tl, l-'nî'iiKi-us-r, Jr., Wm. I. MOY' plets etieAgencYharte ap A RRE rît, 'hantas. Kelly, Robt. Perron.VPt-i l' a. bin. wl lr-.Frank Nolimàs-, IL Services ad exPeases .... 416..2 WRE tes tolthnsoit, ('luic Curry. Fred Gros, 1.B Fr0 ,Faerd Priais, Paul Vls--l. T.Cok.set-vices ........ . 1.00Freod iW. L.MclurmenryAmalor, ýas. . NMurphy, Mat-ty Cam%)u. Paie CalOlw. Jteob RauIi.A <'dchri. ;e Rudalpit, do ............ 60 io.W .MCoe er alr -n- qon, Pentue Murpity. Oua Sannon. Iic1harti Reimr. Abert Sauet-, Ed- (.. .SkRilin.lite-en'..... 2000> Arad Chandiler-, aI- guaIt Petilclare, Henry eigel, Axe! Si lr-'rilev. Setrafsies, . W. Umali Italpit Betmick, srie 37.20 WAUICIGAN Ire Oison, Ai. Cooper, Oscar- B11#, At-ehi% .1. Stahl. flan. A. stinclu!!, Arthur - ,James FiPci. - Peter Needbui, C. Perron. Johi n wisan, Bd. Martin, i, l. Frank Tully, $4110--22 sel EldwArd0u, Elliird gherWs-ll,a'nI i-e, RIchard WaIie. Chas. Pensa Hem-s- 'yWest Oeoriold 13970.22 Plse. W-G ôgss6l d. A. Jettto.1 tch, Oit. Wtallin, t' A. Andtearson, Nel-.. Kîlggt-, %Wttt Plas-s-, Ainitr~ 011Gb el laid oves- ontil ttioa-Deccralber tasel- Funk. Chas. F. Bock,Hat-oid b. Pal- l'il- Persan. Antien Carlson, flua. Net ti14ns, A. IL Mllkp, Wm. Glionar. mig: tes Fred Wigshi. fennis Mat-pt-. ami hum. John J. Larson, Frankt Cary, aJohn ToiWy, W. H. Blts, 6ýAs-Dld.'oseI LhcBuit, justice fiols 434.36 Thomas DPrdpon. o. H. iaymikes-. P. r. t. )e. E. Lr, le. il. Jg- E. n. on. i. lr. te. [IC lu, ,ed asli FA ,et ,ar rail ln ci Ja ayr wi Tc hin'lB m îd blMi àes. pevicuepaymetts.........Nu-xi0 ,ce Bitatigar. Aus-uts Haste. Etîr oIt, P. R. belant, CIa. Millar. V ERNON Win J. Huescitins-, Jaohn Cet-heni îTilten F. Comseillar, John Iilîman, ;ranit I. Hoîtje, . . XPflsar. Citas, H erseihberger. WEST OEERFIELD HemanitKnlsge, John Tulle>'. Et et-jan, Gea. Barena,HenryI' iof f ian. Wm. Plas-se. DEERFIELO John Aubtereon ' Win. Anderson. E. E.Andrews, Deen Aynitley, J. E. Car'i, C. T. Çitalund. B. Talbot Bally, Joe Delitave. T. M. Dooler. VW. E. Es-an, R. C,Jacobson, E. T. Johnuson, Titeo. :suffmuann. 1). T. Kelly, C. N. Kimbaîl, P.B. Knis-hI, Adalpit Koutisat Wnt. W. iL. Lefean, Frank Lalas-. V. E Lain- bert. August bareaon A. T. bat-son, J. t. baunie. C. F. Intdiuta, A. J.' F. MacBean, A. B. McCaugiteY. HRT, Mîck. F. E. Mîrsit, J. E. Hartin. C_ F. Everett, Il. P. Paxon, H. J.*Foley. John 'reber-. Ba-ny Fniaber-. A. h. Ceil, Jobhn Glas&, H. b. Glitten, Etinard Clot-en. H. H. Goitibers-. M. J. Blard- acken, John H. Barman. Ballant Hst- lnss Jacobe Hecitetgrelier. Cari Hoer. marin. b. A. Bine, W. F. Hogan. Resecîfoîl>' subtaitted. HM. C. W. MFERI A. G. HAETHER. H. B. EGEII. Bupervisor Paddock mat-ad btaI lie repart be acceptet anti adoptet. Mo- ion cars-lsd. Thte toilowins- reparla andtin attit on PistaIt.. Bridge eut Nipperelal Bridge rare submtilet, ind on motion e! Supervisot' Maetber thte estimat-ls wers allowe nd t the payment o! sai -atfieti. Itate.ot Ilinois, Count> o!fILake, as: 1, Jollua Eeg, 'eoliiog et 691 M'est en at-S., Blue Island,. II.. do soleinlY snear titat 1 att the conîractar.rit Blridige andtihie NippeainkI Bridge. in tite Village a! Fax LaIte. and te aSp pnoacites thereto, and ltat 1 have re- naît-at as partial paymtent on titis con. -ý.,t th, muni or Sevn Thoumn.d Fît-t les inVoiler.Zhe 4I~ l Th odon rFpr. î au 1.g.otbn, nJohn Hahn.H4htY leuMI eteà ee............ 306.1 îré Peter LeittFred. 1Hora' 1-K ,~1W.c2IeNo«t. Herati - aantahle's services ...... 113.20 Dsrflold T.1 ooker. Et W P .- Atrene, Alexinder AidritiBe.: services and live'y .......... 00.00 .Z(I)g.ditott. Martin Andterson, Wta.i, Ah1 of riticitlis resDlctfully sub. A,' ,Ânptlsôn, B. ILAndrews, Gotitried biittet.ME R Aflanwald. Dean AyluleY, A. Il. BAIt. H. C. W.hMEY R M cnT er, wrd dig, M.À.,Bamber'1carasT rr, PdmîBlît . A. Cl ,J. B.A. O. MAWI'RiR mi .gJ. J. BaLrbarF .Cf ~Ch Cd. Albert J. Car. Pat ik F. Car-i H. B. EIGEiRB lày 0. W. Clînds, C . T. Chiniutid, t 50pet't'moDt'Biiretar moveti thatlB 1W. Chltgch, Meton Citurcli, Talbot tse report ho î(,cepled anti idapteti, [lEr, Raberti Deitels, R. T. Deie, Notion carried. Ge' Jqý IL Dawsont T. H. Docter. id. .; SutervitOr Bairetar. Chairnuun of tai Deebin, Jas. Delbays. E. G. D)etibu;, the Road and Bridge Commtltee, ,niub- B'.DeMutit, William Deniel, T. -H. mîitlt olnn eouin . ci Dooley, H. H. Doty, James H. riuny., Thit VWeyusr, itlel deemet atis- Ki Tho-'. Birnehew. w. B. Bijn, R. C. "'A change lte location of cer. ci Jacobaen, B. T. Jobhnson. L. BE. JouesB, tain deaignated Buate AId Roads, ini i ,Jans Joneen, A. Irvinug, Jordan, S.B. ILaits CoulIty, el Rarger. Titea. KanffrMti!, Oren. tAnd Whereea, titre. Yerei have ex- Keoct, If. 0. Rehoe, 0. E. RelIer. M. plred siace thte tesignation ofs! g a. RelIer, D. F. Kelly. C. 2X. Khnbill. ThrBonde;oiet t plu A,- L. Rip. -FP. B. Knight, Adolph Throe]B tesvdhate Kaudson. Wnti. Keller, GéogeILfolir-wiag designatod matis, to-rit:. Koei, m.5op, . LlRie, ;Route 4 fronttte sautitln f at Wm.KotP W b.ILfenCoonty. nortitresterly ltine ou Le Ni Frin aingV. H. bambert,' AugttthefSectio 29,MJ Linmon. A. T. bansolu, J. & sectie, on 8A r29, ie oiJln. e O. . benfest>'. C. H. Lewis. Wm. B. l Ro unty.-A ruthe urr Ue oC Lewi, C. r. Lintibiain, W. J. baudet'- 10. ntnrhejtryteRueC hick, A. M. barwrie, A. J. F. Mac.1 Rouis 10-A tram the angle of Sec-M Bean, A. B. McCaughey, R. 1. Macit. lion 26, Tornshtip 43 Nantit. Range 9, Ti FP. B. Marsh, J. E. Martin,..AdrW er an forth te ItsItretion i Erlckeeti IA B. Ht-ans, C. F. Ever- Re, :~ At H. D. Paxon, b. W. Fes-gason. , R ilI ra But 6l-ten.ut J. FoeY. .Ftluy.BnF. at corner rf Section 26, Township B3 bes'g, Harry Fiabele, A. L. Gail, 43.Northt. Range 11. bi John J. Gallagtet'. Adolpit. Gloser. otiA lobaGiases, B. L. Gliden. 1Etnsrd Roulit Am TI a oie6 Glover, Adoipit Goltz, H. H. (ld- -hi- anti araiîereby ihandeneti, euh- % bes-g. A. C. Gooditan. G. F Goati- ledta lithe appraval of the tae Higit- P, nar. b. C. Hefele. M. J. Handack- nay Pepartaient mlakitng a total d'e. cir, P. C. Harder. John H. Harman. dîtetion o! 17 1.3 miles. T. W. IlarrIsion. M. C. Harroîti, Oea. _lAnti titt the follanlng namati Rl. Hart, Rollandi ljpaeings. Ou>' C. ri. t-vt: Haaway, E. 0. Met-en, Jacob Hock. iPeefitoioti natlt etcr aterillr. ~. .. Hederan.Cari norate limitaeaoflte City of Higitlanti Haerouana. b. A. ine, E. A. Belit. Park.. couthresbet-iv ta an iiteec W. P.Hogat. ~ - t ion nit original Roule 4,.lua tite ti Titi, toins-cammunication wu laie ai Deer!ld. Jq vp-- l1unoired nd Forty-Five ($754500) Dol- YoUrî v, ery rC.tcuuî>, ars, amnount.ifg te approxl:nateiY 85 Lot'JS C. Dl'ItOFT. per cent of tbe cost of the work com- Treas. Villlage of Fox. Lake, 111. pietod of the Pitakee Bridge anti the Super visor Ktrs!chfltr moveti that Nippermiflk Bridge. 1 do furtiier state the malter of te teatiflg contrict that 1 bave paiti ail bills for labor and with tw Public Service Company of material useti in the construction of Narthern Illino 1.'ilor hitatiott of Court the wark casnpleted In Pistakee BrîdgE Bouse andi Julbe itift to te Public and the Nippersink Bridge. Bioldinge ('o:tillitee 'witt power to (signet» JULIUS KEG. acc. Motion carricd. State of Illinois, Supervisor Eger moveti to.reaclnd County of Lake, sa; the action of the Bloard authorizifg 1. John A. Hoit, a Notary PubliceD inte iring af guards for the roada leaV- and for sait! Ceunty In the Stite afore, ing from the State of Wisconsîin bitta satd, do beneby certify that Julius Eeg La ke Couflty, owitig to lte faqt, that- persoflaliy known ta me ta be the the Cottnty Funds werc itractiCally same persan whose name le cubscrib- used up. Motion carrieti. ed ta the aboya afltdayIt, appeared Supervistir Eger movedti iat the befare me thîs day In persan and mub- County Clerk notify the States Attot'- scribed andi swore ta the saiti affidavit. ney of te action of the Bloardd bn re- Given under my.hand anti notarial ccindlng te action authorizit1glte 13eai titis 9th day of Septetnber. A. D . biring otfsiti guards. X4Qtionf84fTIed. 1919. Supervisot' Meyer movedti tatý the JOHN A. IIOLT, County Clerk be autborIzed to draw (SEAL) Notary Public, 'warrants on the Coutity Treasu'er In Waukegan, Ilinois, payatett of ail bille aiiowed. ait tW June f4, 1919. session. Motion carriei., To the President andi Trustees of the Supervisor Bairstow iflavedt hat the. Village.of Fox Lakte: Om ai $15000 approprie.teti for State Fox Lake, Illinois. Aid Roatis for the Ysear 1918. and usd sire: for general couilty purposes, b. r.- 1 herewlth submit t4e fallowing es- tttrned ùo the State Aid Roati Fund- timate (No. 2) inlaveaor of Jullus l<eg t rom otiler funds availabie. and ilf nec- for work cotapletedta e date on thte coq- escary that titis amoonit be borrowed sîrtection of the. Pistàkee Bridge and ln anticipation of the taxes for 1919, NipI)ersilIk Bridge ln Fox Lake, In ac- anld that thte eum of $15,000 for StaiQ cordance with lte caniruect *ith siti Aid Roade for 1919 be placeti la 1h, Julius eg, dated Juy 12, 1918: Stte Aid oad Fnd anti heid.loéi Ihat purpose when caliected. Motioni EBTIMATE carrieti. Pistakee Bridge- esti-nateti Supervisar Kîr5ehoar moved ±q id. aaunrt of worlÙ completed 1~OUî o SubJect ta the call ç4 thée bm- In the constrttctiof __l.. $720000 man. Motion carried. NlPPerslnk Bridge, estltnated Waukegati, iipoi4. amaunt of work comtleledOcbe .9. ln the construction ........ 2100.00 Board met pursuant te &djo1ru;4tIl -with Citairmen Ficite prai4Wivùd 9300.00 the foiiowing jn.mbe«s 1tesiit,,'1i- bes 15 per cent ta be retainetl ervi9ore BalrBtow. Baraistable. *4 utitil completet................1.00 Clark, Crapo, fllger, Iger,ocke, --Hostein'rUuttan. KlrÀcbnei', alliin, $790500 Ma@titer, Meyer.. Manahen, 1(urphy Ob DyI ri( roi l ei Pa qt li Fl e Tc c PC- w' w n, Audrew Pucein, 1r2o.1irF- Fellows, L.O$eenlef, D. Q. Hart. H. Ruse, R. W. Ore.ei'oit, I.R.j ly, Barney ioeliom. 1m. Zoohier, ha Long. Robert Mutaw, Ârch lbar- w, Otto Wallin. Fred Pptftclare, N. Chandler, J. L. Hîarrisi 1. R. Sita. ý4, F. H. Miller, Win. Lindberg, E, "anler, Arthtur Z. Stripe, Jameq louge, John Dugan. Gene Raiy, la. Asp, James Chapibers. Oscar 'g, E. W. Tobin, Peter Rose, 1ke rns, F. C. Morutitit, J. B. Dragao, ,o Mllimare. Malt Saia, Chas. Kit., [ge, John Gray, Wn. Tonigan, An,, iTurIt, Antan litideIt. H. B. Conolly,1 )n Detîne, Jo. McLaren, Peler brtianisen, W. C. Murray, Walter muse, W. F. Wandel, Leco Krlstla, àas, E. Lindsay, Thomnas Kelly, T. P. urkln. J. J. Murphy. Robert DOW. Ai- Cison, W, T. Ward, Andrew Coui- m, F. W. Beialey, Frauli Hix, J. T. arker, Fred Sitober, Wm. Mohrmtt, J. Doser. SH4IELDS Itax Kapbeim. Albert Ge hi, M. 34 Pai: Harvey Hyde, Eti Mahan. J. E. asonic, A. Hafftnait, B. Rosenhagen Ur" Coleman, NWm. Carlson, jea"s 11,1, Peter Baker, John J. Bradnay, r! Gepitart, A. J. itricit, Oea. Ander- a, J. L. Smtalit J. C. Strong. Harry [Kinney, . O.). Goes, John Nelsan, om EastWood. LIBERT.VILLE Louis flocklemsn. Raipit Bulkiey, erI Lrasher. Tom Corlett, Chas. Kat- Pr, Erving Goidberg. O. G. Rut;kiasq tam Nitidesoit, C. B. Loveil. F. J. 1right. A. J. Austin, A..W. Lînratit iE. Miller, Arthur Meyers, Sa-n 1. ope, Fred Enderlin. A. R. Scitaebele ta. Geinge. FRE MONT FAi Deiboiti, $retiOras., Joe iHertel -ced Luebkematt, Walter Stark, Auti irl.z. wAUCONDA V. D. Kimbali, Oea. Hîuer. Claude jasley. Ray Cook, Henry Statitfeld' bita Hertxlng. CS A. Fl. <Irota Win. Wasbo,' ley. Wm. Bayer. Henry Frlcklng, Pd 'tuber. SOlit. OfIlligitnaye. Approvati; tGEO. IL HAIRSTOW. ('tairmeit. E. Aý BROW'N MARTIN iIINGDAIlL FRIEI) KIIISCHNEIt Boau andi Brtdge (Cominttte. 4th ESTIMATE wa'ukî-gan.Ilîlinois, Salît 6. 1918. To tel'resldenl anti TrucWtt a! trite V'illage o! Fox h-ak(-: Fax Lake, iii. S irs: i ittrenitit suhmlt tht folewing esu- tut'(4ti) un fator of Julius Keg for work conîllabtdta date onithtie cou- structiottof t!il1islakee Brtidige anti Niptearsilk Bridge, in Fox hake. la accorilanci' rttiti contract elith sait Jullus K,-g, tiati-ti JoiY 12. 1919 E ST IM ATE amoutit tf îork coiuîlet,-d $ 7200.00 N'Ippi rsiak linidge etiinatid aîîîîout tof ciork comlCted to 15 îwr c-nb lwha rat atitt' unlil eontPlî-toti .... 2355.00 heas three previansi payotents 200 Atîouflt îdue as 41ht istimateS 3925.00 1 heîraby cerlîfY te abOYa esti.aate as correct andI recommentvd ils accept- iîastue,.ecbfu1ly subtitteti, t1i'lAIS.E. IjI SSELL. Ci. soîit o! Iilitaya- Apprat tit GEo . .BAIRSTOWV. (iairmait, Il. B. EGEIt E. N. BROWN MARTIN RIN<;rAHL. FRED KlRSCIINEII, Roati and Biridige Cooîmittee. Fox Lake, Ill.. sap.lit,0.1919. i ro te lion. h. Benidti, Coonty Clark, s Lakte Couaby. Ilinois. etoear Sit': l'onguent ta resalititi, s i b>' lita Honorable Board o! Supervibors of bLake CoutI>au t teir ji.ecembet' t metng. 1911 Ilvrahy ienueittipsy- t mentl of t um otaaiTitree Thousend 0 -,evati hontreti se'venty-two anti 50-100 e <$377,2,5o0) oilarut, sanie hetng oDe- t itaiflte amouunt paldti t Juliue Keg, iCoiti at'aobr for t lie l'lctakee Bridge, b>' -tha Village o! Fox Lake, IIL Affidiavit 1. andi bill o! JultusKeg ierawtth et- t tcitei. Ansouni Due asInd esetihtae 1 hereby reçommendti 10a*e oeil- mate. flited i i Waukegaa. Ili., tis 1h11 di>' of jute, 19j9. Respectfoily subrnbttd, CHAS. E. RUSSELL, ppoe:C. Supt. of Higbays. GRO.ý H. BAIRSTOW, Chairmiti. MARTIN RINGDAHL E. A. BROWN FRED KIRSORNER, Roati and Bridge Cojnmittee. 3rd ESTIMATE Waukegau, IBlinois, Job>' 12.,1919. To the Presîdent anti Trustees of the Village of Fax Lakte, Fox Lake. II. lIra: 1 bere wiit subtait tite follawing ei- limat. (frd) lu fat-ar of Jullue Keg for rork completd ta date on the eoa- structlon oette Pietakea Bridge à"i NItppersink Bridge. in Fox Lakte, In ac- cordance riit the itati'i rt saiti iufium Eeg, dated Job' 12, 1918: ESTriMATE Piistakee Bridge; estîmateti amouat af rork completei . $720000 Nlppersiak Bridge; estini:. t amounit of work canplebeil o dite .................:....3900. 00 $11100,00 Less 15 par cent ta ta retaineti uitîii completion......180.00 lacIra wopraviou'i paiments - 9420.00 Atuouitt dueias iri stiuate...7735.00 $1666S.00 I1iterî-hy cerlify ii- abuya esitimaI. ie roti i-bt andi ri-tiotriteoti ilsaccept- bI-ae nbfuc eui. h ~i Abs dridi Ulte tow t meetii k cillow xjiopti Wh the tha re bla froa4t lage C Oaieet THAT vitabît tin id expire TlH That . totaili bie and to the b.eparl or La Rtouté. ROI nortite s roa tsear b ROI' ta U ii the Sc, N.R. ROt, Antior ROIl Route ANI and i a lIE cortsor; land iP sêction lige ai An t Blort bei ber or ilion wn A pu Interse center the Sri sudntin 2 18 n section GRE ton Sth itartitet T. 36 lntç-riî northiw itOU mninus-, of Lakq H»AI' Beginn Stte J ronnini north north flortitC vreet ft Section of Sec. M. LA K Raute! titglesit ent ter, Total mtiles. Aiea, Village Aiea. eat an tersect I THEI RESOI. Be'tted Septeta Supenv Stata ai recciati Jng lte Supet Resalul Motion Sapet follonl BE F Aid lia proveti, be issu f an 1 -the lav ,bridges a,mende THE FIELD Corpora Park, a 27, T. thence lie Iof p p b ti n ti

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