Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 20 Nov 1919, p. 15

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LIETVLEn'.PNI %,ýjjSANOVJýR9E4ER 0, i9j9., 'cCUllouth, OConner, Padd:uck, Ring- dihi, stratton, Tham;P@on, Webb ai Aut;Ocen Webb or Waukegan. 24. Absent: SUtiervisors Burgems, Hol. dridge, Ver"oè.3. UPOZL motion of Supervisur Bairs. 1.0w the minutes aù the Prvtceaing meeting were approved wthiout. read- SSuperviegr Paddock subnaitted the ad-Olowing,_resaolution and înoveil Ils Wh ~S. The itand Road tramt thse 9MqOI DutY line ta Wauconda bat*0.n irted as tefiîrst road tu belIM*-V»d as a State Aid Roaid tron tha re!u114 due Lake County [rom tht bt'140l llln on 0, te compieted vibra n Road. -,LIV*iEREÀS. This rebate cati uo~otine. front the state until a r0&4,t bai beeu ueiected anld plansanad a Il nbsubmnitted. "PU4~ObRE BE IT REBOLVED, TbA the CountY Superntendent et ilgli*iya ble Instructe'dtue survey anu Prepare Plans aid specifications for the cbnstru< un ai orthe liand Roau trom the Cook County fine 10 the Vil- lage 0ai %"Iucooda at onc. .Motion carried. 'J upervisor liat- ' ow submitted the lowing resoitution: THAT WHEREAS, IL is deem,-d ad visabie ta changi ýthe. location of cor- tain dcignaîc-d State Aid izoads ln La1p .County, ANI) Wkft' EAS, 'rne y(tars have expired aitr Ii desiination of said maids. THEREFORE B1E IT îESOLVED, That -toc .aiowing dt3griat,'d road> totaling aplîroniiiiately 24 2-4 Mles, be aUd are ti.reby abandoned. aubiece ta the aîîof theiiState liigbwaý Itou 1iL Ni). A ioi the. $outhlin.. of Laite .oun'y northweely tu Roaute No>le ROUTE NO. 9 frouit Route No. i1, northeasterI> ai '1tac,- of 1 1-2 -muet mor-e or le; -, io an int.ersectiotI with a road runniang sotit.h-a.ateri> tran near the nor;hJian, iol Sc. 15, T. 43 N.. IR. 9 E. of lrd 1'. M. ROUTY lit>,1-,A fronthe. angle Ir. Sec 25, 1'. 13 Nil 9 U %Vt and norda ta lis itm-..? 'n met!.Route. No. 10. ltt'OTi*:NO J:, froni Route No. 6 te the scuti a ti ýror ofu Sec. 26 T. 4t. N. R. il. ROUTE\NO 1 A nlie eTowns cet Antioch and i%\- -iAn iochý ROUTE No. 1 îak oui, No. 9 tn. Route No. G. AND UE . > ?hEe IESOI.VEI Thai liit. ei!ing named roads lb and are a a e.agnated ita Stati 4àd routes. -.ît.p <c1totath, appr-mal ai tise atate lligIhwsïy lieparîmîent. l)EERtIE1.1) IZOAI frot ,the wesq cortiorate ii : cet eh, Cliîy of iliait land Park. ! o'.î'aw, siprly tu an inieýr section witthou No. 4 in th- Vi! lige of I lie»r!i-110 An exte-i~on af Rouite No. 10-A nlorlherly îhr, "'thie northwest quar ter of Se-ction 5 and the' eouthweml quait-r aif Se cri 24 lu an intersec- tion wth Rotne No . A public hicOiaeonmmincing ai an Intersection v'hil-i toute No. 10. at the celter ofti c. 27 T. 43 N. R. 9, E. of the 3rd P.M. running thencé noi'th and nortIieivs,ci>ý for a distance or 2 1 8 mile. n 00cr or iesti. 10 artInter- section %nli. Route N,). 9. GREEN IBAY ItOAI tram Washing- ton Stic'. 1 an S--, 19 T. 45N. R. 12 E. northecrl3 t,. the.-north iae of Sec. 31,a T. 36 N. W 12 E. thence west 10 an r lnti'rscetion with Route No. 3, at the i nort.hwest quartcr oft .c. 36 T. 46 N.te ROUTE NOJe 6 fromn tho present ter-- minute, not;hwi-..erly ta the.west ine of Lake Counly.te HAINESVIILLE LONG LAKE EOAD& Beginning at an Intersection wvith State Aid Rout e No. 7 1n 1fainesvilie. running thence nortbwesterly and flottiitrouglî Round Lake to thi north ini- of Section 29, near te L nnrth ouaro.r corners thereof; thencea West 10 the sutil quarter corner oe Section 19,' ieisce north ta the 'cÇter of Sec. 19, T. 45 N. R. 10 E. of' rd P. LAKES ItOAf), an extension of Route No. 8 f rom Votie. north througb tnigleside 10 Routp No. 6 near Ita prffl- ent terminus. Toal a aproximate length, 22 1-4 miles. Also, ROUTE NO. 6 through the Village oft Lakte Villa. Also. IROUTE NO. 9 exteaàded bot eat and west mbt LibertyvIlle W ln- tersection.a wiîii Route No. 3. THEREFORET. BE IT P'URTHER RESOLVEI', Tharthlbe resoution pies- Bented and passed on the 26th day of Sepienaber A. 1). 1919, by the Board 01 Supervisors of Co. o! Lakte lnthre State offiil., bc andi the same rit bereby rescinded and amepded by substitut- Jng the toregoing refiolutlon. Suriervisor Holatein moved that the f Resalution b.' accepted and adapted.N Motion carrled. Supervisor Bairstou' aubitted the foliowiitg resoiutioli: BE 1'U RESOLVED), Tthat the State 1 Aid Roads bereinatter deaoribed b. Rn-w proved, and that bande of Lake county b b. issucd iberefor undfer Section 15 uf en Act entitied "An Act Leu revlise t the lawin b r.aion te raids andg bridges", appravedl June 27, 1913, as ti âmended: - THE HIGHLAND PARK-P1EER- j FIELD ROAFp. beginning at the WestM carporate limite of the ity ot HIghIlin Park, at the1 northeast corner of Sec. 27, T. .43 N. R. 12 E. or 3rd P. m., thence south*èàtttiy and weslteriY t0 the Intersecton wi t he Chicago Wis- t colfl Federal Aid Route. ln thte Vil- lage of Deerfield. a distance of 2 1-2 mitesi, iore or leBs, to be lmv.Drrnved PAGE. SKVflL quarter of Section 19, T. 44 N., R. 12 E. o! 3rd P. M., tirence west Io Stat. Aid Route No. 3 (Milwaukee Ave.>; alsa, beginning aI lt.' Intersection of Route No. 9 (being Park Ave. ln tht Village ofiLebertyvllle) viti State Aid Route No. 3. thence vesterly on n)Id Route No. 9 to the veat fine af thît Town ot Libertyville, a total distinct of .... 3-4 miles, mare or les. ta be lin- proved with a graded vay 30 feet vidi and vith an 18 foot cancrete pave- Sment, it an eatImated! cost of $195.000. GREEN BAY ROAD f rom an, Inter- section vith Washington St., ln the soutitiast quarttr of Sec, 19 T. 45 N. R. 12 E. of Srd P. M., thence northerly on Green Bay Itaad for a distance of 5 miles. more or ess. thIe norti lint of Sec. 31, T. 46 N. R. 12 E. ot 3rd P. kM. ln lthe Town aof Ieetan, to bcIra. 1proved fitb a graded vay 30 feet vide and vith an 18 foot concrete pave- nent, at an estimateil coat of $145,000. BARRINGTOJ4-WAUCONDA ROAL being Stati Aid Routé No. 10-A, nocti. a distance of 1 1-2 miles ta the north fin.' of the soutuvest quarter of Sec- tian 25, T. 43, N. R. 9, E. aof Srd P. M. ta b.' improved witi a grgded vay 3(j feet vide and vlth an 18 foot concret.- pavement .at an estimated foin, ai $42,000.00. BARRINGTuN-WAUONDA Rt>AL beglnning at the narth quarter carnet nf the S. W. quarter of Section 24; tisence veut 10 the cenler of Section 23; thence north ta lie norti quarter corner of Section 23; thence norts- veat to, State Aid Route No. 9, in the northwent quarter of Section 15; thence northeasteriy on ýsaid Rout( No. 9 to the Village of Wauconda; ta ire impraved vilb a graded roadvay 30 feet vide ta the. center of Section 23, and (rom thence to Wauoonda for a vidtlrof 28 feet, a total distance 01 7 ndies, et an estimatedl coat 01 $27,000.00. WAUCONDA-VOLO ROAM). birng State Aid Route No. 8, beglnning at an intersection vîth State Aid Route NO. einl tue village of Wauconda, thenct northerly a distance of 5 1-4 miles. more or leas, ta an inters(ctiOn viti Route No. 7 in Vola; ta be lmprov.'d witb B graded vay 30 feet vide and witîî an 18 foot concrete pavement. ai an estimated cour Of 8160,000-00. GRAND AVENUE, being State AiL Route No. 6, beginning ut tite pt-isent end or the concret.' rond, at tie eagî corporels lin.' of tih. Village o! Lait. ;litsa, theece weat to an inter-sectioni citi, State Aid Route Nu. 1; and aisa RSate Aid Rtoute No. 1, ireginning ai ,n intersection vît-h State Aid Roui .;. 6, thence rnriherly a distance ai a ;_,_ miles, mare or les, 1o an inter- iection with the Channel Lake. ltoac ipa-eviotisly designaed Stat.' AIÈ Route No. 1-A. in the Village Of An tioch, ta 1>5 improved vith a gradeL way 30 fast vIde and with an 18 foot --oncreWe pavement. at an estimated a-at o! 165,OOtt.00. GRAND AVENUE, Route No. 6, nrom the village of Lake Villa veat te ah.' Fo Lmke-Antiach R04,d a dis- tance o! 1 1-2 miles, more or legs. la bt improv.d vith a graded waY 30 feel _1 idtb, et an eatimattd cOst o! $8,oOlî.0. HAIMVILLE-LONG L A K F ROAr>. beglmhing ut an intersection with Ulue AId Route NO. 7- ln Haines. vjill«. rlU8BiIflStiencenortbveter1Y and nortutrouffi Round Laie tO tire nons uingje cof Section 29. near <b6 norts quarter corner thereof; threce guestta tiese sutS quartier etire 1 ,tjectiOli 19; thelice north t 10 le centet A! Sec. »~ T. 45 N. R. 10, E. O! Srd p. M., te b. improved vitha gre1ded Way 30 jeet vide; ai n tart LOt said rai! from HaineavWle nOrthvett- erly te, hlb hcag, MUlVaube & St Pau, tracam. in thse village of Round Lake , eoimPpoed vitilkcen 18fo-t concrete pavemnit, and frontlieue. te tihe xtiu ta b.'improved vitit a 16î font vide cOncrete ffesssn5It, a jIgtuieQj Z-mulsait sa estim1ted trait of $80.000.00. oi TIKUBROAr>. an exteuion o Raute NO. 8, froua Volo, jrtserly t-o an ilat#Sgtien viti iRoute Noa f6.-a. distneo 5 Mile>s. more or legs, tobt- mpi'oved-by a graded radway 2&-ts ia5; .g ce atln>te ect o1 TolI-eatuitado"t o! tisa forego- log -iituwfta te $100.000-90. AN» B1' iT.WURTHER 113803-VELý ThgÎIOSie 6sqegoing descrîptiatia and enUta bq e eubmitled, te the.DlVi5- Ion et & 01» o tire epartmat, ai eubliê or4,and DildbWa i dplilldI.. lnOls, for approval. witi requeM ejs « 5esse 1.0 b.'granted iln autficigui. ,tinme tor 1h. proceedings ne- .Offlary I-o.suimttlie -propsition 49 tIha voler',at tht regular election lu $tiperv1sîor DIlger maveg thmiaLtie pRgemaulid% be ccept'd and idouted. Snsrla0rý Kirseiner moved tirai tise pesponeiecled la taie the forgo- Ing raqolution Io aStringfbld ie aulli ized t anksgieamy miner changes ln the rordiolg oethe Resolutions tat ma,' be .negeusary. Motion earried. $uir-lur McCullough moved liai -the ffln«eyfov >evIed for Stale.Aid:. Rtonde b# epended an Grand Av. *o- tien cai'ried. Superviser Monalrau moved In ad- Iaurn subJet tte cuatf1h.' Chalirian. Mtotion cariled. Wuukeglin, Illinois, Octaber liti, 1919. Board met pursuant ta, adjourrnm'trn t s-lIN Cbiithal ImFc(el lt!Ift fa i the falloving membera pneaent: Sup- ervlaors Dairstový,Barnatable, ,Drovn, f Clark, Djllqsc. Eger. Peick. tliSltelD Hullan, Mari-fn, Mdaeîli, - fe er, MOI -ý ilhan, Murphy. MoCullouÎIi, Sînattan, that 1 tract iy 0, %cind izing lpav- loto ýcaiiy L the Mtor- n re- rrlsd. ýthe draw er lni twa .1. tuse 8tata Fund, gad- C==ý 2 sald county, la hereby appraved wîth intersection wli ti)Bats Aid Route No. mm1m Lthe folcwing exceptions: 6. tbence northerly a distance of 5 58 *. * t ~ 4 ê * * * F'1RST. The abandoning of Route miles, mare or less, to an intersection- le 1-A in the Towns of Antioch and West with the Channel lâke Road, (pe EAntioch. vioualy designate State Aid Route PNo aECOND. The. designation au a "-A), in the Village of Antioch; 10 b. Ir a e 'tate Aid Road of lt.' extension of, i:nproved witl rddia .f< ni e s r a e Route 6 from th! Present terminus of, wide, thagde ) and wlth an 18 fou oOn, îei. sail Route Northwesteriy to th.' West pavement, at an estimated cosi o! Ue of Lake County. $166,000.00. T"IRD. Tuie designation as a State GRAND) AVENUE. Route No. 6,% Aid Road of that part of wbat wa" de- tram the Village of Lake Villa w.t te1 scribed ln eaid resolutlon as the Green the. Fox Lake-Antioch Raid, a ditance M~Co h n Section lins between Sections 30 and! provedl with a graded way 30 fi-et in Mn s lt Il In Bentan Township where said width, at an estimated cost of $.s.g0 lino la Intersected by the Green Bay HAINESVILLE.LONG LARE ROAI) Road. thence west t0 an Intersectian! beginning et an intersection wiîhM e ' a d Y u g M e s with Route 3 at the narthwest quarter1 State Aid Route No. 1 in Haint-avîlle; e ' an Y o g M n s of Section 36, Township 46 N. Range1 running thence nortbeasterly & nui-th7 Il East. thraugh Roixpd LaXe 6tiithe orth lino uis S. E. BRADT, lof Section 29, near the. forth quarter Superintenkient ai lIigliway. i»epaj-t- corner tiiereof; thence west 'o the. Mixtures and Blue Serges mnent off Public Woika and Bud- s outb quarter corner of Section 19; leg. tteÇ thence nat IoW the center of 19, Values up to $35.00. Superviser Eger nm0ved that1.M T. 45 N.. R. 10 E of rd P. M., Io b,- nn- ceptance and approvai of the. SuperIn- praved witb a grad.od vay 31) feet tendent of Hlghways of the. Depart- I ide; and tuat part of Mid road from ment of Public Warks aî)d Buildings Haineaville ,northwesterly ta tiae 'hi- be receivpd and placed on reoerd. Mo- cago. Milwaukee & StC Paul tracts, in f 2 5 tion carried. the Village of Round Luke. toSe im- The tollaving approval of S. E. proved witu an 18 fogt concret.' paie- VTilo 'îittr un 'l Bragt. superintendent of Higbwaya. ment, and from tbence Io the iernîinus JUS ot f Cits presents vey uusa Dlepartment of Public Worka and to b.' îuproved iit a 16 fout wide values for mfen or voung men who re- Buildings vas presented: concrete pavement, a distance o! 3 or reuar rst tmo ls T r j A RESOLUTION passed byyth miles. ai an estimated cost o! llaa.îîlaO oOsoutC. s oThre s Board of Supervisars of Lake Cou nty LAKES ROAX), an extension or good selection of Fanet- mixtures and bine on Ociober 6. 1919. designaîing certain Route Na. 8, tram Velu northerly 10 SDan serges in ail sizes. roads upon th- Siate Aid System in Ititet-sîction wltb Route No. 6. a dis- sMid county to b.' lmprovedwith the tance of 5 miles, more or 1e. s, îo bea f'roceedsoff a proposed On.' Million iPoe by a graded roidwa) 26 teet - M eri's and Y oung M en's D)ollar County bond issRu. gîvîng types in width. 4t an estimated rot of ',nd Psfimai.' of lt.'coat of 1h.' lm- $35,000-00. 1S is provem.-ni. ls herehy approv.'d *ith Total estimated colt cf the. focîýgo- th.' understanding thai the.'Depart- j uta mprovementais810.0 a. -nient o! Public Works and Buildings liq Section 2. That the couat af con-Vaus p o M.0 not obligated to approvp plans, esti- ntfllctiflg sald ruade shail be met by Ail new ]*'Odelo mates. and coritracts for actual coný the Issuance of the Raad hIond,a of tcuc*ion at a rate than ln Its judg- La8ke Counîy in the su-n o!f n ln - u ment. would Reriously Intertere viti lion Dollars <81.000,fO'.00). ta be is- state constçuctlon work. sued und-r outid Highvay Art. provid- S. E. BRADT. cd aaid Issue shal bi approved b! the' 3uperintendent of Higbways. Dep« ri- legal votera; at the special elecii1on tb' f)epartment of Public Works and b.' heid on the fourtb day off Novem- Buitdings. bç-r, 1919. ; This lot of suits cannot be duplicated for Suseriisor H-oltein mov.'d that the Section 3. Tisat ln Order to provide %-allie, style or quality. There are for styies Ipproval o! certain State Aid Roads for the payment off the principal and .frmnie b.' improved by the propased $1,000.- Interest of said bands., ill h.- neceas.on adbsnss iî go .00 Bond Issue be received and placed BaIyto1 levy taxes in excraaa of the! .. selection of materials. on the records. Moion carId. slm ofiffty cents on each One. Hun The tllowing R.a.olution was pr.'- Me Dlars af the valuation as limit- a.'nied and on motion of SupervisBor ed by the Laws ai the State of Illinois. ~ AVebi acceptedl and udopted: and that such addittonal tax will h irtB g 13E IT RESOLVEI). iy the, Board amaunt to tie aum of uhirîy cents up-T eF r tB g i.f Flupérvisors of te County of Lakte on .ach On.' Hundred Dollar., of th.'e :n theStaeof Illnois:v a luation. and the question o! levying i Section 1. That the Stale Aid roads Mi additional taz of tDfrty cents on hereinatter inumerated shah ira im- each On.' Hundred Bail (rs of the valu-1 pîomvd under tbe Highway Act of 1913 aiOD during each ofthtie years 1919 bvr o a So ' l ' off the Laws of th.'Stte ofIlîlinois, 1938 inclusive, shall b. submitted Io t and that the aetimated cost of lmprav- the voter% at the apeciai election to ire ng th.' aime ia the sum off On.' Million beld on1 the Fourth Day cf Nove.aber- ýýIIarà ($1,000,000).Section 4. A special election is here- o f e s a o T HE HIIGHLAND PARK-DEEL- by called and the saine shai b.' held FiIELD) ROAD, ireginnlng at the wi-st on Tuesday, lb.' Fourth day off Novem- < corporate limita of tii' City of High- ber, 1919. at which said question shahl and Park, ai the northeast corner Of be submitted tu the votera. W onder fui týue Sec. 27, T. 43 N., R. 12. E. afi md P. Section 5. The County Clerit is ber.'- .. thence souhhee.terly and west to by autiorized and direirted to issue a o -ha Intersection witu the Ciicago-Wia- notice of election submitiing the ques- consin Foderal Aid Route, in the Vil- to flt sune0 adbnsi lage of Deerfield, a distance et2l1-2 ILI auof eOsun M i on ds1,0000ini mile, mre o les. Wbe mprved Dollars, and aise the question of levy-W îvth au ladfoeO waY 3testave m d l nc an additional tax for the piyment viti un18 oot ancts ivemnt.atof t-heprincipal and interest a! said ni eatiiaated eaat f t 73000.. bonds ln the suni of thirty cents on fI qALP DAT ROAD. being State emjaO One Hundred Dollars off the val- Aid Roule No. lu, tram the veut cor- iaMin for eacb of the yeara 1919 ta pIOrate lino% Of! tue City of lllghvood. 1938 both Inclusive. Saud notice cf SIY LE-- QI.JA LI1"Y vast a distance of 2 3-8 nif1.a.mmre eeolon shal ta e the. polling places or' les. 10 an int-rsetian .wIth the at vhieih." electiok is to be held, and Chlsezo-Wisconsin Federal Aid Route tbe samne sinaîl b.' publiahed in the' Io e iprvei wih grdedwa 301 ORKIVAN'SIIP te b imrovd vti grdedvay30 aukegneDîily Sun. a nevapaper [eet wide and vitit an 18 ffft canCrete trbuird ln suid Lakte County. twen- pavement,,ut u an timated ceet of ty Mlye prior t» the electian. and three THE RKOCKL.ND ROA b I ezgofiesa id election cotice shaîl be a i Aid RoteLIaN 9, I) bean tr-1poted Jla each electian precînct in State - ItoteN.9 fO u -Laie Couety at leitat tventy daya pri- section with the Clioggo-WisitOnalin or te Mid election. 1 Ifederal Aid Routa in tise aortlrest Section 6. In tie event thasaI nid V IU 'quarter et Sec. 19. E. 44. e. 12 E 0cit hi lb. vent that mâ.d bonds and saidV LU JWr p. M., tiience vWest te State -Aid increased tax &halha approved by the' Itauta No.. 3i. (MiwaukeA5) le;ai votera aItue said election, tse Are ail represented in this wonderfuî l beginnîingataIthe intereoof SoEtute. nid Road Bonds shah b.' lssUed trmi No. 9 (bel"a Park Ave.late i.V"9 iaotme to lime as ne.'ded for the con sbowing of Men's and1 Young Men's 4a. 3; tirence weelerly on snid Route Section 1 horeaf. 0Overcoats. Nwh Wi Vaukegau ca 9! tiertyvihlesbtinofte Td on tucino î ad poofdfnii 0~ * N. 9to uevea li. o te Tvitot Thse. Chairnian appointed Supervis- i a Libortyvhle, a tota distance o<>6 3-4 or% Dilger, Mather and Monalian tise - you fud such an assortment to select Ï -7: ailes, nmr or les@. te, b. inproveýd CocUgUee to attend tise Stale Con- with a grade.d vay-8.0 fet vie and 'feronce o& Oharitie toh.' held in De-, or such low prices 11 viit han18 fot concre6Pe avOmnelt catur-oaDtOcDtaser 24,I25 and 26, 1919. 6H déK h. an estitaated àmof i$196,000-0-0, Superviseur BaicsiOw moved tuat ~' GREEN RAY ROAr>, froM ti itt«- the miutes of thîs day', meeting be $35.00 OVERCOO TS-$25.O0 $4.00 WORK PA.NTS-$2.65 slloli itis Wauiton Sknth. ie apydihu edn.Mtc ,outbeast quarter- of S_. s T., 4,5N.. carred vthu r-di ,Mti One lot of înen's and young, One~ lot of men's work Pants. R. 12 E. or 3rti p. M.. tliente a.rtherlY 1 bereby certify tie toregoing to be's0 m Gren Baymorrlea. lefor *it nce latue and correct transcript of lb.' men -ereoat-sý. Regular $35.00) Reguiar $4.00 values. Special for o! Siemroesote.3.T 4 . . 1..0f3vsr s aUn-lie ag f the.'Board of SuPer- values. Special for the $25.00fl tiie Annit'ersary Sale $26 o. Se. 21eheTo6vN., R. Dno , vlrs ab.heSeptember. 1919, sess1i. Annix-rsary Sale .......pair................... ......... p. M intheTownOL eutu-bube lvmunder my handand seul this ilnproved- -vti a graded vay 30 feet 131h day of October. 1919. vidte anti itir an 18 foot contrets LEW A. HENT>EE. pavlement, at an eegtlmated ceai i (OAf Cieri. 4.fniversary Sa£-le of- BARRINGTON-WAUCONDA 110h. being State Aid Ratute No. 10-A, nprth TWO MEN ALMOST KiLLED a - distance et I1-2 mtes ta the jaqrth E S F R N S I G l i', of the seuîbvet quartUSec- ~ P. J. Plugg.'r. proprietar of a mcàt W ne neWa no ut 'lo 6.4 N,. R. 9 E. of' thre. Ird ,m rt on Eigitteenth street, Nrtir h P. M. 10t.' elrcved vith a graded - ..< wafec ;urea no ut 'w'. 2r0 i idesdvt l. 8fo hci, n Infabia mlyMen's flecce iined shirts «iîd Men's heavy fleeced union concreta pavement, ai an etimat.d 1bcd narrav escape from death aboltb t rawers. pea o te 5ct.Reua 22 vle.Se 7 BARRINGTON- w"AUTCONDA B OAD sôke of -the rear vheel of a Woçd A n eSpeciSalefor the 8 ai fr teuAnnr $.2 alue. p -fl6ini t th W t quarter idetonZ4; roedoer tn vhich they vert iding, Sweater Coats Sale, each .................... $1,65 ettesuqatedds«to 3;ofenly bruike off. causing lie car ta Men's heavy sweater coats. - Men-ls PaJainas ,thenoe veat ta tue centaf Sèettln02 be thtowÔn over a six foot emiratr- 23: the21ce.norti teta-the. no#h quarter mn n ni.h w mnadrRglr$.0vlus 1olt o els lneet aa a nl corner of section 23;tence naetbve se i ipnigtheewo Unr.dr teguAnnr . alueS oalfor Mens iannelete ajaiaor ,týeat l oueN. nte ot The accident occurred about - te nîtrsr Ic $ .5 nih hit.Seca o %vi urt fSeto 1;te e ff vest of Lîbectyville, Plugger «e$4.85 .Anniversary., Sale f J northeasteriy a naaid roule Na. 9 10 suîîtred a broken coýIar bans, týyO W ok th.' Vilage of Waucanda; ta bc' im- fWoO1 Underweard 'workad Bocksp iit6ve6 ifii x graded rcadvaY 304bfat red rua and cuis md bruls0ser wide te tire center of Section 23,- and âabout the bÔdy. HaIsIa vas nidre fgr-Men' voshrsat lascr Men 's heavy work socks. Spe- h unte a b ecaedwihot ratu-Speeialiy prieed for the Ar Pial for the Anniversarv 19 aIl 26 fiet, latotal distaflo.e t i mi es, niesr t , pybanea.a Salee sustaiSeti iaPirnu.....-..... 'i an eiittMated cont of $27.000 OCý eraW.Iéo"y bruisesanBld mînor cuisteesr Sleah. * ~ sePi WAUCONVA-VO a-.14OAD, berIng hee- el no-.11i hi4 =2

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