Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 20 Nov 1919, p. 2

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IBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. TTRMST)A 'V IV1EMBR90 MlinQ -- --.--. iM à DIES JJSTÀ A YEAR AFTER WIFE; l A PIONEER 0f CO. At thre honme of M.B. Ferry, West etret. Waukegan, on Nov. 17. orcurred thre deatir of Adel irri W. Smith, thre deatir Of bis wife,. Lillija Ferry S-nith. occurring on,. .ar ago on Armistice day, Nov. 1 1 '1 918. in lthe same home Of ber brother. ]W!. Smitn ieaves te mourn bis lbas one sister, Mrs. John Cordes of Chii- cago, anrd otirer relativez and manY friends. He %a born In Fulton count y. NeW York, Jtriy 6, 1846; vas the eldef son of D)udley G. and Margaret Smith, pioeee settiers of Lake ccunty, and apet thre greater part of his lite here Tua former yearm he vas well known as *teBOher, ister vas a member of tire ftm o1 Smith, Cordes & CO., CSnnlk- sion merchants of Chicago. He served la thre civil was as a member of Co. D. 14»i Regt. He was a member of T. 9. Grant Poat No. 28, G. A. R., of Clii culoIII. lneral Wednesday at 10:30 a. M. train 118 West street, Waukegafl. in- Isrment at Oakwood. The. Ereny Sent. là Lebrador thil emnregard *lg g their dendly eneinies. One tbrty sgays tiret ie lias known a gWitu haunt a net so persstenly.that ta get any fishalet ail tire owner lied te watch ail the whie et one end. ElThe padt year fias seen a farc~e increase in the num- ber of EIectric Washing Machines, Electric Irons and Vacuum Cleaners in use in homes. 1The reason is easily un- derstood. They are La- bor Sayers. qThe Washing Machine does the work. You need only watcb it. The Vacuum Cleaser demande oaly that you guide it. No prepara- tion is required when you use the Electric Iron other than conneet il to the nearest I4)det. W. Bell th.. al. I Monthiy Paynents Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois f. BAU RSIoW alANUPACTU111111110 O Marbie and Granite Monumenis Cétery W@rk of Ever% Description Çoorre.pondence 5011 cltec 116C Genesee Si DR, 1. L. TAYLOR SOffice lh Firet National Bankh Building aotuu:-1 to 3:30snd 7 to 8 P. M. l.aldeireê -in Broadway, opposite Part DR, 0. F. BUTTERFIELD. VETEINiARY Sl:RGEOR k&RINTANT @TATE VETERI1,A5îAN. ELHANAN W. CQBY Attorney-at-Law OUce a itroe. 'i . i'il.1r:J LISERTYVILLE. ILLINI01S LYELI H. NMOFFIS V-"EiraAI i Ai Lbertyvrile iHîroîs PAUL MAC GUFFIN. &TORÇ'i&' .ti IIUNTERS MAROONED 1üiUBTHEIRHEALTH O N BREAKWATER; À Men Looked Forward ta Timne ln TUG GOES TO RESCUE Penitentiary. Severai Duck Hunters Have a Thrilling lime Trying to Row to Shore. NEARLY CARRIED TO SEA.; Waukegasr dock huniters wvirbl ventoredto th ie endi of tire nortir pler or tire brearaiater W.ednesday vere marcroncd for irours, as Oienstrong off- shrore breeze matie it next f0 imposai- hîr' to rov asirore. Tire Gamasi flair tug rescuedt our of tire bunters, Tirree ofluera rranagedti airov asîrore, but vere exhausteti fromt an irours stren- nous fogging against tire vint andi * aves, Dennis Jemison, Ed Ctiff antiCiras. Tirsyrer ver-e on tire north ir er, Iras- ing rovîdt liere early betore tire off- shiore gale derelopet. Wlien firey got reatiy ta rov asirore, tliey tount if ai- Most impossible tmake arry lirat- vay. Tirey tugged anti straineti for an irour before tfiey finatly reacliet shore. Several firmes firey seemed f0 lie standing stilt anti vere in danger of being irasliat ouf into tire laie virere lire wvs-s re roliing irgir. ('hartl's Quiggle, William MeCan- ne3 anîtwio allier htr-alid rovu-i to tire breakwati r in tvo boats hefore autirse. A fr v f-ours later they en- teavoredtof row arore, but vere aine tri inalie no irtogreas; in tact, if vas ailtihey could do f0 ieep front heing carid oui lototire irke. After con- siderahle effort tiroy got back tir tire breakvater, Tirore vas noflring for thitnf do but veif for one o! Ilite finir lugit to cone lI. It as hlorfty before nouai vie-n tire Ganrashlu ug carne atone, The ihuniers vere picieti Up anti tIrir iroats tovedtof0sirore. \VrnIsav you go to tire break- vafer itisn orning, I igureti ve vouit gef you before tire tay vas over," Capt. Geurasi saldt f0Quiggte. Nofi:aig daunteti, M. Qiggte saiti tins mornlng tirt iis experience woolti 00f preveat it mf ront retorfi- me f te breaivater totay, providing If gof a. lîttie vermer. ANOTIIER ROD MILL STARTS, ON T UrNT Addition of Fifty Men WiII be Made as RçsiqIt of New Branch Sthrting Up. 50 PER CENT NOW RUNNING WYaukegan. Nov. 17. Tire rot tuilis a et li ire mîli are now operart i li er 't. 'ihere arie flre rut tiil rît tire local plant. Up to iii ;tniarit :wtv-iof f tem hati been running 'dlays anti iaat nighf one of tire ilIs vas 1rut on ,ire nflglt shit, making In ail iiutec roti mis operaflng w.itli tvo shift-;. Tirun If thre tirree mlis vote oper- atlng ta>' anti nightit if ouit lie equi- valent tu six and tire hasis nov fer operetion la 50 per cent,,or tire of thelu. countlng day air-I niglif. The atidifionai rod iltl irakeur frfuy hantis andi aoaordinrgiy tua aneans tiret dftay aditionai men are given vorX on tire niglrt roti mll. Accordins fi> reports fro tire vire Miil tire usual number of men report- eti for vork Monta>' morning ln addi- tion ta thre regular forcehbut tîrere vwu no big Influx of men as batl been rep)orteti migirf le the case. L.awyer Left Wltir Some Id à Tiret the Persuasive Powers of Hie Learned Frlend Might Have Been Setter Exierciacai. One of tire riost interestirrg andi do- Querit raId-flire liders nrt tire Missouri bar, sRys Case anti Comniat, was Hlenry Clay Dilr, te ir lcturesrjue law- yer of IBebel Cose, ptrtnam counrfy. Tire moat striiing eviderire of iris per- suasive pos-ers was flot given hefore thre Jury lu a courroorar, iarwever, but lIa the gloorriy corrridors of thie ohti Jail et5 Klrksvlle. Another veteran o! tire profession. Juilge A. D. Rierion, fells tire sf017. It ires a mtîtter aif priîie vitir Colronel Dean, lre says, tiat in ine rases out Of ten liee oairfilgît a detendrait off ln a Jury trial. Btut ortielire vas caled upara to defeird a r'rrîîpre of younir fel- lQws for htuerking tuti a rallwrîy car, and tiree 'lteriri. -riws soi stroaig thait even Colonrel fiern sai no vay arut except to pteut] guliy alidtef tire hoys trie tir le rstarn ire, I tirs ing rerached thirs Crr r-i i 'roonel Derai vas aîlîitteil tir liv ~jeoli foîr intalk 'lth iris vrong cits.ita, it ispene'r tîraft thre acre iii tIlie sinre prisoan ta o olîer mîenir îirrtrai rialle rrrange. triCtts iilll ie trir'tr'rttrerril. anal. as trere rvais greari ilîrult ns f0 ther' garlit, 1 I m ur it it eatr'vfa'ar- irait ans airorrt isr 'n air n irs rny>irng irîir ould li e snuit ln iai acquit- tai îy the jurry. Ailtftour :riran i're i latie sarie or- rirîrr, errai ofcorset-i'ny mnrciruirt irar vIlrl(jColonrel Dra:iins ira rlng fo iris clierts. le fokn asenritreta-in tire tva lioy,larid a frioarlv iand irai fîeir 81i0o1tilir4, a nd u rii i tiret smirurh, illerrsrîrrt a rrs Of listal th hfaî iat life Inrahi lii iittiiiitrywar. ia, cs'aill ire barl] iren <traii t irre ar fln îoed ai] liîroughtrhie rrri lin:ii r nit solshoav If airs crrrrdrrr-tn;ifit fthle rarria, moins -re Dater cruli. i l ienril -las-> m crar- rriors a'rre képt r i'rrn ni] il ienti- hlnci;ili tatirae rien igot tîrrieegond Bleauisnil 1r1Ya liii trie undi rîke on Suin- day: tlrait tirare acre rofir-cri.s iy tire baondtiet freriirittitervali.*; tiraf emei man s'as given R nice nei sauit of r1ritîeca anal idi1iis unr trimmed in %ves, lire airia elittte vofi f0 do. but only enougir forlirenîlihful exercise. Younag fmen vent dityn there paie anti rartaverous. wvith irlovirotes ln their loings, ont] came bock strorrg. pluinp, cierar eyet sud active, tire mastlera o! a frade, vîthir naney In thrltr lsackefsî Tire next moirnlng, whien court as- serihîcil, tire torr en vere arroigne. IleRrns yoting ctients eagerly pl adet guilty. crnt rille fîilîawed suit hfr I knev watthfiey were about.Sar priqei arrt Indignrant, I irurriet oser 'Wlrat do you fetlowsq mef a'?" 1 de- mranricî. "Ye-u doai't a-ont te go to lira peaiuîenttnry, do you?" Thev tooked aieteciret ber for a mo- ment andt tien one o! tirem reptied: "tt's titas ny, jutige; neitirer me nor 1Bil1l iaseser been dovn tirere, andi we thought ve't luke f0taiele a Iltle trip for out' irealth."i-Ynuth's Colin. ponton. Easy Money. H1e vas tirekint of man vho voutît vagrrbiis very Rseiarl i. 1He bat stoppeti on a husy corner o! a greait ciy anti as Île stoyat wafcirtng the mati riot o! passing tre~ile, tire tash o! au- tomnouiteq andtietira lreeineciirushr o! GARY MILLS TO CAPACITV cylse tironuglitsfegruckoya on-rilrb-1 Gary. laid., Nov. 7Tre Gary ctweDa te eyeS, rc lý1h e steel plant la nov operatirrglet 100 twe he y per cent capeciiy for tuefilt ftîme He aisenthp liris voire andi effrerteft aince thre heginnitg vîfthe steela î5 rowd, "Meii, t viiiwager $100 that strike, Tire twelftfr biasi furnace Icmcli ross hins tr'et irlititfalaet." vent loto operation tnight vit a a BraivPe tn-lituitiIrel ntftire tirougt. full compiement of nren, seven huai -'Ti, polir sirop." ilacy ra'ntarke1 men- tireti striki s reft tri'i,, ni u k i trill *Ii - uw ilb n ).k 4t- raI tr i ani>' anti iracticail>' every detiartuin t i n . frrnnlui l Iii tit:i Irii rîtlut.,ia'lis gi inn resumet nor'mal otreraît Ionn nni."l, 'ti- ,', Imr ziil. Tiîn STANDARD STEEL STRIKE OFF if litin' -nfinnYirr.oti-aîî r~n,.ttt 1-ammuta .Iti nad. Non.- h Inhn'unar rîîîn fir-. r, i uîînrîî jiciritiiur ti inat re-prescintitii, s of tIlle fratinas urrn vie .'r-t i l tar in ai ifu-l urnions iiiiofii-ii lnthie ui-k,, artheun it-ii ig i'.ii i-i urînar lialnrinond plant art tireStandardt Ni-n.- V'.n~.n fiitopir tt ýii Sfic] ('art citrtraa>- lirtiiamfy tirciat- ('it tirv sitri i , oit saitiltirme mil(n i lutir- I i . 1, 9'ii, n -rt i-n iit mIii flt-ir r ir cxliii iii of [lire car1 a rk-eri arrdtliard u -itdt iiirütlrn to me rk. -l' n' aa :*!i.nî s -nu i nd tr iI1i t nnî ~ lii ' f n'assitîttroonrtiont of i fnr i ... 11ii, iai n. . , 1 nCi 11 ilo %eia . iu,'i' '~ .- - ta I- r ii . ' -i ' r5 tl-i rn, .r i - ' i l ~ . i -rty,ýlS'i nul aimai.of i - ' - n -i' a),m niii oia f a t n pt o Il.t t- i r y -o - I g'Wdeda le okth e- eior i .u - cue agwa apaetl figtredBt-ifneaur i'iu'tes1,. gIt away. ~~ibi iis h iriit., 'it-r l L Tln Itre ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a soilcin ! .ht'I'it.a.Itn "tui ', l it .i- q] ' ref- Poi r' i tLL thfta-rmi l lu-a-hein' r- 1111ar tir fheàfrsâ n etir u- tofrget tIi, n'mn i THEAÀ8C OF THE IEAGUE 0F NATIONS By DR. FRANK CRANE. , I 1. What le the Loague of Nations? A. A turion o! tire afrongeat civilizeti Dations formet eithtie conclusion ot tire grent a-ar. 2. What le Ita object? A. First, fo irrorrote the Peare of tire World iry agreelrrg not f0 resort fa, ver. Seconli, te deai openly, vitir encir otirer, nat by secret treatles. Third, ta Improve lIternational, la*. Fourtir, f0 co-irperate ln ail matters of common conrerfi. S. Dose It prçaum. to end war? A. No more tiran eny gaveraiment eai end crime. If dlaims f0 reduce thre llahililfy of ver, 4. What wjlI be dons to any nation that maies war? A. Il viii ire boycotted and otirer- Wise penalizeil. 5. l4ow ela. viii thre probability of wat b. Iessened?7 A. By valurittrry, mutuel anad pro- portionnie disarîmîment; by exrliang. tIng miltary iufirrration, by pravliIng for erbltrrat ion. by protectIng eairh ne- iion's territoril iltegrity anti iy edu- cafing public rîpînlon te see thre fally of ver. 6. What else does tire League pro. pose te do for Manikind?' A. (1) Sceure fuir treattnent for labor. (2) aupprcna tire Wirite Slave Traftir, the strie of dangerous Drur'.. ernul tire traflic lnt War Munitioins, (3) contrui andi prevent Diseuse, (4) pr'onte thre von o! tire Red Cross, sud (5) estalisît Interaioal Bau- reaus forr otirer Causesa te ciancerai tthelumeai race. 7. Who are te ire Charter Membera of tire League? A. Tire Unitedi States e! Amnerica. Belgiîrm, Bolivia, itrazil, IBritisha Em- pire, Caenada, Austrîrie, Sout h Africa New Zeatanti.iballe, China, Cuba. Czecira-Slovaie, Eucatior, France, Greece, Guatenrata, Haiti, Hedja. Honduras, Ital>', lapan, Litberia, Nic- aragua, Panama, Pacru, Pelenti, Portu- gal. Rumarîla, Soria, Siaim, Uruguay' andtihie folloving stetes viricir are IL vitet f0accetief0tIre covenant:« Argen- tine Repuhllc. Chill, Coombie, Den mari, Netirerontis. Norwa>r, Paraga, Pa'rsa, Salvador, Spain. tiveden Svitzerlani, Venezuela S. Wirat otirer nation. may joint A. An>' self-gîrscrning Siate vhIrc viii egree fatIhraies of the League, proviuedthtIe l.cague accepta IL. 9. What Agencies viii tire Leagu. have?1 A. (1) An Asseinhl>', composeti o! reînresrrniatives o! ail tire mernher Nations, (2) a Counril aitNiai., (3) a Secreuary-General, (4) a Mandatar>' Commission, te look effer colonie, etc., (5) a Permanleift Commission. fer Imiitary queutions, (6) varions, International Bn. resus; sucir as tir. P.«t* Union, etc., (7) Mandtuarls. 10. Wirat la a Mandater>'? A. Sonne one nation tiesîgeateat by ,bte 1League te, sttçnait aithe veifare af "beciveri peopies resitiog la colonies o! tire Central Enupfires, or la terri. tories talien f romaf hem." This la f0 b. s '"sacred trust," anti ln selecting.-a mandater>' tire ishen o! thre people et t-ire rea lai question shaih b. fthe principal consiteratloe. 11. Ores tire League mean a Super. nation? A. No. It lIterferes lu no ey 'with an>' Nations Sova.rnignty, except fa fluit ls îîprwer to rîttaci ofier nationsi. 12. Can any Nation witirdraw wiren it wiaires? A. Yvq. Tir etcgtre Io Aalvtsnry n ilt(t. luciatise, trot coprel se. 13. Docs ti,- Lratue put Peace aboya Justice andifiational Honor? A . I i his Ienisontiefîrre Vin- 1-i foýnset the League taie awayn thre Contitionat nigirt of Congrees ta t ticirre w-ar? A. N. i reiii-ailetavan mi advivair. j15 "D s It destroy thre Monroe Doc- tria e? FA inn-Is irle c-nuhrrr or tire t Aln ii.-.untf'lr' uh ti'r nattons n t f i tt I- %ruttrid. 16 Does if net interfere witir Treat>' Nlatin7i Powers o! tire Unitedi States? A, Nu t i ta roa ty, We caonîriake nu.î-r. ii ir iltsu. 17. Would we have iradth ie Great War If we hnt hadt tis League? A. N.i 'lt aVtrosi qtirea-omît ovvir 7.. tu) Or) 0lises and 200,000,000,000 doitart. 18. Of sihat Importancela tire League? A. il la tic M'Rtegt deeli of mon-n kIntiln th irtîstory of tIre astinh. 19. Har unot anyone a right te Ob- Ject f0 fhe League? A. Tes. Tis la a free country. An>'- one insas eiglit taian>' opinion ire cireeses. 20. Whry lstire Langue soebittel> cpposed by a few? A. Beceuse, unfortunstel>', a"Y Treat>' or Leagus muet b. madie b>' ire Preuldent. anti a Prestident la chouaon b>' rapolîtlesl part>' andi mln>'mers. bers e!tirhe .xalaete Party, tink tbq. *iat deor>' whatever ho doos. See Milwaukee's Leading Show SPEND an enjoyable evening at the theatre in Milwaukee. - Fast, comfortable North Shore trains wîll take yOU to Milwaukee, leaving Liberty- ville at 602 p. m-. and. connecting with limited trains at Lake Bluff, in plenty of time to see an entire show. Dwýing Car attached. Returniîng, the train will, fraye Milwaukee at 11:00 p. m.,arriviîg, at Libertyvifle at 12:53 a'm. S pecial Attractionï-thi.s Week Majestic' Thea tre Featurîng Exceptionally HghClass Bill - bc supplied kry TIcka't A-gcnt Northi Shore Liiw4 L'bertyvifle Ticket'-Office Phone Libertyv.'lle 74 PLEDSI(NOANE EXPIRS RULES 1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 0F LP~JISiASUL F RAgnes Ilutchinson teMate oh rafle, dreeds $20, lot 7 block 7 Tiffany*a OF É GLIS ASDEIs FOR PAC INfiIN ' rd Add. Waukegan, and 40 acres lia ~' ' AC IN E F CID CNW cor Sec 30Wukgn p FEN 1 F A TO S liT @IOTU Mry . King and hiuýband te Beas Ililliebranti vd $1, lots 2 anîd 3 block -~ Harden's Add Antiocli. Mrs. Frances Brodnik Den'es Order.Provides that Standard Marfl aE. Cheever and hubandil in Staom nts0fWiteses Containers Be Used by 13 block 25 W-rigts Add tu Liberty. for the Defense.Al per. ville, AU_______ .TIieu Sciruerinano and vife 1t0 An- SAY MAN SPOKE TO IUROR. gelo'Ma'nonî wd $2000. loi 166 itavinie. LOCAL OFFICE 15 NOTIFIED. daer0ln Chancatry to Anna Grant Waukegan, Nov. 17. edPari. o 9boc 0Hihan - ignrane o th Enliar lnguge, New express paclcing ruies, simila, Anna Mendis and irumbandtef0Alo- eltîrougli she admitteti having lîved ln leb tose required for freiglit ooe-lna Cypa d $0,lt 3at Weuegn Dneyes nd orirChi'. nient on the railrorids, will go ie block 48 Washburn Park, N. Cicrago. cage ilire years, was tihe defense put effei(t Dee. 10, eacrîtlnc b e rcrs E .Udrtradvt 01 np oda ti crcit out b Ms. ra- receiveti hy J, Pickens,, local agent Steiri wd $10, E 80 acres NE quartier ces Brodnik, i, îo la on t'ialai o f ,~the Amer Ican Raiiway 1Kxtrreïur,. Sec 7 Newport Twp. charge or disorderly concduct grovlnng and express shippers are requested lierriet 1). Trowbrldge et ai t0 Alice ol ie oirs eiistike. 1fo 0 ie e wefa Ihenîseives for, the new P. iiurand deeds $20, part lot 227 iLarke Poale, ofstfierateatlfir fo iestandards. Fore-rf. stat, tstliedth .9M., irodiri had Tire new packing requirenirnts. November 8, 1919 sliouted acab and hat nmade remaria whicli vere recentiy approved i y tir, Jacobi Goidacirmitit and wite tF. H derogatory t0etthe police, dcslng ail ln tUnited States Rallroead Admilnistra- Winters and vite wd $1, partlot 1e lier power to stir up a riot. Tfiey said Lon, vere formulatei to proviale ad- Scirool Sec Sub Wauiegen. sire rei'used te move on andi that after ditional sateguards for mercirandirre Marvin Hugiiitt te Mary H. Frost sire vas plaed ln the patrol wagon on sn yepes irtfrsi d$0 atlt""Sbo os6 n tire morning of September 29, that siresetb exrts. Hroorsp d$0patltF"Siefts6ad continued to corse the police. and ven pers uset ail sorts of conitainers for61 Leke Foreat. aret et get possession of a revolver I express packages, q hrtie nev rule', ude1-uia10toF..T.Rl- thenrachine. . maie flic regîrlrtlon.'r iniform ni nl hardi wd $10, N hait lots 5 and 9 Len- Wlien Mrm. Brotinivaa placet 0 urus provide boîslne.rrr crîncerris wtt. irards Soir on Fox River lni Cubra Twp. the stand an interpreter stepped for- even more rellabi,' aid :iiteelr ai .. Mary E. Jons fan(]irusband te, 1. M. yard to propound the questions f0 lier ieChon.d80W 6f.b, n anid interpret lier anavers Sire de- Rule& Effective Dec. 10 block1 liarulan'ti Adn Aniioch faid! fiat viren Asst. Chie! Tyrr(ell local U eaoffie iopu'i- u. Turner wd $1. lots 1 and- i Ioiinson's sPopole 1lier sire dit flot inow irf lintherules itîto * fleùti.10l, and ptirSub. Grayslake. vas teîling lier to move on. and nier,' tri,,' strict aîlhcrr',. , it tir hi. J.W. Turner 0 tie Turner wd $1, fore di t otobey hlm. Sire saidt h, ' ii riîr.- ýtf , aterlai în iî'ýlots 1 and 2 Rohnsona Sui) Graeïlake. . irai gone te the grorery store for l'3 ii~atas ilb-, rri ' . MrvJ ,iii' an îo.rrIl0D.S lirerrî on lire mirnlng > iniestiorn anti i r iii aitlirfi tt, fni li,,kati It oinson wd $10, lot 5 on SE coer vent te Tenir streee te look on viien mcllivils ail toiritti iir 1t . (;rad ii aveanud ilulick St Waikegan. sile rraw a crowd iherp. ON-r fii thi' i .1' ir titi i 11: 1lIl l ).Ira 'j. îrîîis anrd vil. - I..J. "Dooyeoi speak Engliali?" irsked liitt3P'I>id a-id efii l i~i k. .1 , ; t e Wîrody vd $450, rit ln PE laitSE 4ftes ittorr1ey on crorss exarinaîlon. 1vitirrearrotia!i,. vcair-ron il,»1)it( quarte-r Sc-v32 Ienfon Twîî. 'N< as~i e rh raurpIlng re Iexr-vanen. i Ctcvn i.iait 1. K. ,t;inlr> ntvt ly. iy, and everyone ln liii court roo e ic i,îiillvt wiiî, fe, - rti. s c1 I oi 4 nt 1 -frlet lifter d. 0'f I<î, or damia " in trainsit. North r ide Soir Waukegrfr. iiînfyoirtati Erzliir 0 t. cî IRniIc-.rrIi-cv tî Mil Jennit,. EFrnnî'y twC. ILandtýi i man lie Lynn alal lire wavtb the fpo- nit. 1iîriJ ileî,.u- . ý -Pi W'1 I2 ron- Coy lice station ln tire patrot," tire siti-natoi, paci.n.i .. _, f.ino Nmth id,- tAU MWauiegawitrAP aîttorney asked. îrdinr~rt;p itras a Ni, wt li , Nictifila., Grin andtiet .P Tliroîa grthir' t erpreter. M r-aTBrord-,amy r r:i.î ,, l ' tir. I i t "frut l.trarrh' i n d $10, lrt 136 \Vaisworiir nik al ita miiied inth air'h-irad rît-package i5 over- tilt iiit. l'o: . h SOI- :t TîrOrnb grn.i' < ae t ereti severa t Englisi.h vardq, but aiicld jminis a or 'r î lîterri nil in.. oorli taMiye that she didt lot ev viai iicv lainer.,oro riarf rstofif tirel.r îtl' i 1,Nla!rtbin meant andti oriint remefuber- Iltir-riurlir oa rdor rrîrig t-i ira a ()t',l rrnat N.Wambel n. I ) pi Laier sire denicîl that alîcir vas tireniate-rfîf aie r-îiri i Annir- N. 21,1tlelot 14ilor 1) ir lpain case, us eof!TetStrength' î Mr. .Mary Podrol. viro vas rllid 'Tiw irori rr iii etii , an Prk iry tire defense, assertrrdsire vas near- *t?-i- ,- - .nVr. Il,' it i 1'-114 by vien A sat. Chia-f Tyrreil spoke te l1ick utl-. sirii1 trtirur .iiîIncrease ot Engliih. Mrs Blrotinlk. Sh- salitMrs. Drodnik'for 0tir, ircialit 5cr\ je,. ii i ir r c, repliled in Slo-en ian. - tt iroi- It :q1Ir-a r'. iarn i o . In tir eurr 4155a thlii,. vre aaot manutacturars (cerlitýi ng Oît 'hi loft million liersains nhoirokrre En. ofl AaeAt litrl u rî1,I-j rt 'ir-.nwlhi 1.lisir-a iarrli sîirilier ni rrear tlan Opuily Arlvud At.for lire xai,iriîîof th( 1 imr'r. air poke Frer-i r. irrrnn. Italien or go-"The lectur:r said that a w1fS ried ln if. c. eaIledi for n If,. roi.. Spîariair. Torltay Iiàlrrrtslrwnking eholdbeauope bckteber him. '1,- -, "ril-ijn. th,,. mîrri N-'ple rumbirrirrnot ar«-lrrraiaand bmnd." Sie--"I adalt tiret. my deaar. eieti on those for freighi nioveanten' trants rrilltiorn.. ar o iri:t ]ouhie tire Anti a irughant a-loullie an open permît a vider latitude in rire suc. sCga'eiraîe o! tirase wvio qfaka Frenich. irocieti ioktrri 1fi 1qi wife"-Lýeàdvt'lo il-l'l. (i îr l vi, ' i cr r n' li tiai or Suii i ihandl iait!asne any ilernal lt.îrrorat.taýiit nimber of r arepiionu argutinmspaieri arrnau or Raisa. m 1 foire IU-o. LawE ed 1 Oc ~DANI The Plane Tire West nort h and il Caril out air, a: cidnii ka'e i "a, d., nal g,.1 vint 1r Thir i mrank irio i-'rn 1k way1 lout1 Iie a laBoti sea a Igan tbrrt teane boaurdr

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