Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 20 Nov 1919, p. 4

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'IeInaepenaent WE J IIECITYhln* t JIJ~LJIIAUII3 ~ ilm. Renne(Higl Shool Coach ibertyvile. Ewchane. JaY Joes (BankPreaident>. B O EFIH W T Offie TieponeNutaberi. ibetyvlla afcsng. itrr WVUU DI~AlE it-m Kucker (Distributor). 4 oIo 1 , I 7 li. ut >(utsd cjub M i Materj LjVE IH BA DEFORE E. Baggett (SchooI Principal). OW f GÜ Uatered &t ,I Pu lc t ion fo T he ili i etuî d le . Mal1 -.E anuel Schw artz (ina. B roker). ~ u N O 3 J I L oficiâ Publicat sion ak for The VBoa of Liertvir Pciie.Louis Biumborg (Furniture Deaier). IOed ciai Publiciofr Leon% ,v- at IlBlard of Supervpioa ' Pr io n This is the Statement of Wau- 1E. Ford Gavin (Physic.isn). Town TaxPayer Explains Whý SUBSCRIPTION P94CE, S1.60 pýzR VAfSIITL AVNE ea Frank McManaman (Policeman). LeiAvnu ha Nyr ...e..... Es .r ir ................ ............... u. . ..-s7 itjor W ho Quotes Figures. 0..c,.Rubin (Merchant. W.:J Su ITH......... ................1............................................ Iroe s na Manag r" tFank ord alPe tire(Dug). been made Hard Road. WI EKART.. .... ...... .................... ............... .... ca Manager! FIGUJRES ARE CONVINCING JaY Mqrchant (Bank Cierk> Ow. Lynn Harvey (Court Houes Attache O ID ITS PORTIONt J osi otmr olv hni Leonard Latz (Architect). Arsdn fte- nhpo a Docet cot mre t ile thn t Arnold Nolao (Restauranteur. 3 eîoto ietwsifW used to, or do we just imagine that il Charles Watrous (Former P. M.). kegano uf aide lof Watikegan ait docisa? es n Wnea a oenny Jemison (Stationner). limits, explaîns why it le that lewl aThoesiolaathal 00e W aukgn s Christie Holiltein (Bookkeeper). Ave. bas neyer been put in passabi thaoftesonlan i t heycrab ays Wiliard Berry <Tobaccoist). shaPe ln the south one-half mite lea( tihtaeran die tereely crelanay- Eward Durkin (Clothier). îng f0 Grand Ave, suhebasdeide teretamor iag- John Kyndberg (Osteopatil). He says tilat years ego, the Cit ination o Vthe situation filan fthe aver- Old Legend Recailed age person would think. He says tilat As leap ysar approacl The Suis o Waukpgan arranged wth the t0wi whlit te cost of food bas douilled, and wse ermn akg bacilelor ship officiais that as thle road lie$ _________________________________________________ ln bmany cases frebied, since fthe perlod of the old legend at fthes Mme of St. Partly, ln the township and partiy1 betWeen 1893 and 1998, wages have in ' tici Waukegan, it would b non more Via TMOISNG A REAT AN. e,-ýiý(,d fur an fAs tile s t utry runs. that good man tair for the city and the f own tl abat Lake Couifty's Republican Committee Baturday forru- For example, he points out ta h was stroll )ng along thle shlores 1lf Vile .expserlnPàing til improv wage 'of artisans, sucil as cal'tsnters, Lougil Neaghl, after baeil driven ail ment. Accordingly he states he ifl endorased the candidacy of Franik O. Lowden -for the hi icklayer.q, etc., were 20 cents an Vthe frogs front file bogs and barinisel îso was reaciled. Republican nomination for prissident of the United States."Ilour Pto108198. Tilese samne men ait the varmints,' whefl il wax elos Lmk h s a wa s b en a o~u~ aa uunow 'are getting one dollar an hour. ed by«St. Brdget, wo, with eurs anc I fnstead of the city faking the a. dm, even when he was a candidate the firat time for gov- an bour.fby vrcie 60 cents hiadt arisen among ths womnen of ber west ilV waa decided filat the tow apo, ak Cuny as orMm I 1ctLak CUny e- Anordnur to.lohsfomrynunnery over the tacîft t ms>' eywer(' sbou oi tae l5nortitpart sud t gruo, Lae Cuntywaaforhlm.In act akeCouny R - n or ain suit n cios frsrl35denied Vile pîillige utfpopping file city hesouthero. publicans many veara ago even before he became state cOsI$1 iesmail0WCof535 question. The informant slated furfiler thb On hs basl of 20 cents an l'our a Tri Sf. frid.geirs day celilacy was not cigo hsareet h o elâlutive knew u'ov. Lowden as on of the greatest busi- man bad f0 woik 75 hours Vo earn a enforced for inar r arltule for acigonii greet Vl o nomS men who ever aspired to office. 'Accordingly 11oW, suit; on the basl of $1 an hour. aClsrgv of the itirruti aliliough if wa shsip officiais vent ailead and laid a cnddae orprsien te epblca Cn-man^work.s but 35 hours. A pair of regl s il,, . ,, sa for a man bard road on Vile north And of Les tbat he i addaefrpeidn h eubia e-shoca fornieriy cost$5 snd rcqulcsd nethie sanctuarý.SiPatrick was siternAve. i n OWb ei good co tral Comzittee at a meeting today very enthusiastically 25ihorsn:rkate pay for thero: flic but hi, offereri r, concvde tie lael dition. However, Vile city of Waui endorged his candidacyde ry nmnprarttro i a n f oi a p for the siloes, îtme îriv iege utfl.ropinrg every reven gan neyer went ahead and caTii and every isedwiichwci s t Ifui ten lieuui xears. Then S t lîridîrri lie fais rani- ouftls part of Vile agreement a hearty support to advancing his interoats. So far sas Lakej work. hlr s on---brew -a i.arou t hik tiat is wily ho explains, Vile sout Oounty goos, there is no noed for ARGtTbMET in behaif iBoard and couru lormrely ( )si $5 nefil eseeciring ihaf ils niakie one ecm hait-mile of Vile rondhis n sui of~ ~ ~ ~~H th oenr will get Lake Countyalmost Solid. flie pricesnow ctargediifri un n l ier gi mrs it. $1iii e cco n p a dtlc~ecniin Fran 0. owdn, s, fa asLakeCtouty olksgo.isWie fbis doublin of tI1w rate çenis To this Si. Patrick is sald to have re- The insu question wiola ia a; exxobittnt liesay ifreqitesbu, pled:payer'ofilse town sys that WauI one of the greatl execut4vea the state has ever had. He two-tifths as -nurfi iil te psy for ir. "Biddy. ah it iivsqr uhap mear, lblit ln officiais bnodr npaveai haissurey prved wonerfu Il hIBsaiue mniabs romplia con,- ay aa.,andh'Il ts. -.queeze me fiar ginth o wniasion dsr veifa ba uey rvdawodru war governor"l and be- parison of grocery prices as effective tile longest one in tiv lot" altlena4ve iexcern iite b el ides that, the way in which he has revised the adminis- up te 1898 and thorre cbargr.d fliw. St. Patrick Turn Down St. Bridget and finish lP Lewis Ave. and puti oTefoiliowin,,, i a fairr anipI file T hi te encourageri St. Bridgët be- in as good shaPe as Vile noctil end trative affaira of the state, saved millions of dollars toprices' f but ber of ber urwflitushandesas con- te tax payera and at thesmre tme haa given goneral OI Z 9trud1ake fordiflon and Ipofrpdiie question Co St l. astitVl- satisfctionas a ovornme if ico erea$115. Af 20 cenlts an ,.trick. But li ad alci ady takltenflic îwdealIl baheen arried so fir. satifacion s agovrnor ithas enderedhimto the ourr If rscquirs$d 5 I i lurs work lI wo ? eia s ebu upr i4 a acase wIisre ile Watike'an cr belrt of every man, woman and child in the county iaaY tor it: The sanie sack ot flour!Iberw of cfeli g s wttiehadI aktasafcias r bekig nVhwii, LakeCouny leder lon agQSawiii ~oveno low- o~sOta $360 andi requires 3 2-5 a silkien gown. And since filai lime, township officiais by iettlng f h"m Lateron anty eefonPraggwidn ad terfore they centrs'work aV $1 per bouc. At 15 iaccording tdilegenri. if a man refuses a tileir part and fili, City faiiing te *O tOgcniasfrPeietadteeoete et an bour i formerly required 7 sap yeac proposai le-i pay file Vieirs. hav Wache wih iterst ow the co in23 boucs work; ar 60 cents an bouc 1V penalty o? a Isl andi a siIken gowvo bave atchd wit intreat ow oher cuntis inthe state n wîakss 6 boucs' work f0 pa for it.IOESA OPIL Itbecarne a general proposition, cents a poutsî, andi cequiretti3-4 tours'IVAu ffwvrLaeC l iinti in rqwork ofthVie artisan andi 1 bolcswork FN L 'UTO SStfurday November 15, 1919 HoveerLak Conty s l ths ting 0 t f eI r"r., 1t 12:30 tVislanoon. Il wasrealized and anything the county can do for the gove.-lr noî h i kWr ie-rtsa ad9-ur' ARE SETON LAND aile startft hiehl condition w:. mi mudday wllbedon olytoohortly.~riLARD-orerlycoaf 10 cents per o lJak Dornka snd for leve .An organimetin of fane omd ciao pounti and took hait hour of file ari- LL UB (OV yerwsJaioofVeNotscl fm7" i C icao nran anti 2-3 boucs work ton ile Ishbor-' Hise velot long age went througil Wifl& y-I n 0"luoto word. the fanuae have formeld a union. er. Nov casta 32 cents andtfites 8-25 opération on her eyes, and her el hour EVEYfordtheoatisanosud 8-15North Chicago Claimant is sigt hc a d ae. tvas efteoié EV Yo nykeso ormin 4..n, in a a uauO hile ilours orkh faorer.ils e arisn nt 835h a iotlrsed mvwruywill belong te one union or anothor. TI if BEo rnela<cos 10 cents andi Awarded Two-thirds of Johln Peterson. ageti about 70,1 IS te it will ho a sil of one union againat anodior, whoo a ot oue vork of Vile artsan Price Asked. slding et. 429 S. Shleridan Rd.. Waul esmo dire wiJIho NO 9n-unio foakd.2-i3 t o urs30w:rk for Vile laborer; _____gan, suffereii a severe fracture oft Nieutniliifl eo .me wY temove. l0w Costas30 c nt ndtel 3-101 left armi lear tVi l bow andi pu-ý l, » th enSpre&dÎng, i o'S aittholg dt W iiloventU-. irefo, the artisan and 1-2 ilaur for TO EXPEDITE PAYMENT. infernal injeri, wvien l w.ssr the l .lby a Noiîhsuestern nfil h :: . t Sly ho ÎL ittin u"iicountry. WMth VorYOne bdolnging POTATOES-Formerly cosi 50 ets tfiFol.se1 crnFig U" uno o kmdOrnotfie, aMd wfth 1unilion mon Jl.y.anud look 2 1-2 bours' work for file art! NffVtinan, vltose land wag seizeti morningle i 4oct IoC) to «eh il it appoas as if dth iis not d&tant .a. and 3 1-3 belsfor file 1boec malien, infils extension ot the Great Tietn naed'îi'"fe eh" ill e th ng o thepu t ecau e oftheno v cot $170 and t-kes 1 7-10 boum' " ares station iii be pleasedtief0know Il1f c îi:u"ldh .u f-r,, sp Ift il uhbn.bhkus IL o hn ftopa oas id broderly for Vile artisan anti 2 5-6 heur for the thaf final valuations bave been set on wax Ile n i) etesen lr(If 0»,uw h oau s e , e s. o , -. laborer. file selzed lanti and Viat notices o? Vecie n.Ptr w4 ckd - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~h oecr msoo a u aoroaour éwwu i LTTER-Formjeciy cent 20 entsa aards will ilsmaiied VoeVile claimaltsandtIpl1d.bti4r bal gcar.1 5 slaa issa0V87es a n us rgtz-andt Vok 1 hoer'.vrk for Vile artisntlawe, n htpyintfrfl a aken Vo Vile Norilvestein der ts a, hr~ren't mIyd.U cases prefusional of otherwise Ioft ani 1 1-4 boum for Vile laborer; nov landti vii ilmatie 5assooin aa possible vilere Vile Wetzei end Peterson i 5s* conta 75 cents and akres 8-4 boure for Mca. A. H. Johnson, 1730 Shleridan Ver ambulance was walfing. TI ~oeg.,ued.So l'Mg aslbhushana don t rgani l t Vilte artisan and 1 1-4 bancs for Vile Roati. NortilCiicago, islu recelpt of victil vas réiflaedtio Vile Jant the wif.s Or Vice v«0 ers, »Mi n on MAY cotiue. ibir a latter f rom 'P. D. Roosevelt, acting Alister bospital vbece surgeons we _____________ ao-ormerly cost 20 cents and secretary of file navy, relative Vo thé vaiting te attend Vo bis injuries. requiréd 1 hoes verk for Vthe artisan seizeti landi Proposition. Thle letter, Petersoil vas Conscienus as hé mi lille. L W. W.. fowus wh@ ot *oAinoican Loicanti 1 1-4 heurs for Vthe laborer; nulwhieîh as received Tilurstay by thile ibp o Vile bepital anti Co boss ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aIL - h etsia abmg5r LL. .i... Cot 70 cents anti taie 7-10 heur for Nortil Chicago voman, vilese homne piaineti of pains in bis'chlat.1 fkVie atisnWati&y, 6heus fr VlS ntipcoperty vas seiseti, foliowa: Ielrth iat heoilatisuffered fractur &st~~ ~~ A .tcdabtht towdtntho gaun111111tiét to the laberer. "I beg Ve acinowietige reeelpt etfrIla iniaddition Ve bisenman ieti haslim b us o i i à -e dà icounr. - UOAI-Fermerly 00eV 5 cents adyeur ltter et Nevember 3, 1019, cela- bey. Firet rael w ere VoVile e.0 A.srn -tors -' oek 14 beur' vork for Vile artisan tive o yoeYpropety vilicil vas taken tast one of bshie are hlibéen arni .CbmaYtkuig hg"t.bel m mot dmnuhe? Could anydang anti 1-3 heur, for Vile laborepr t- over ly Vile Unitedi States untier proc- tatéedbut tVsinladenied, ha é emuffl me lil.tii.. to shoot dowu duileows. Who 5L conta 1e cents ant i ti1 es bur for lamftion ofthfie président dafet Nov. The vlctlm vwas Sf rick: a glaia thVie artisan and 1-6 heur for lbilrer. 4 1918, as au addition VonVile Naval bi% sand o tilis tact oves bàI hai sogh gloy hu o~-ta'? hus. dbuhos boter COmu rme ot2 eT raining Station, Great Laies. I., lot Efforth are ling madie VO léaru StOp i i' ss dii do Amricn Leion a copnae of andrqiti 1 houes vorn for the ar- 3. block 2. Wootiiand Bluffs Suil., NO. detaliseof thé accident. FIHIRSwh. wonovuand - heiL......_ hue- tisan anti 1 1-3 heurs focrte laberlr;Chicago, Ili. \ Mr. Peterson vas returning hol sa~1 Wii ar.nov conta 46 cents and tables 9-20 i1 tuînk You have been miainformeti frorni a barber ahiL7 on Marklet tri finnt Ofthe«Ili e W»ckv -ym ghdyheurs for Vile artisan anti34bheurs for vilen you ativiso e Viat ail t Vile vhen struck by tile Nocthl Weste &11111. maste il lapcme m nfi" & l te laborer. otiler vroperty ovuers lnVile Wood- train. mhaey. Jit a du ool ap crnue ou ud kddeland at Bluffs Subdivision have bean Ho *as bm luafvetien antieci féâmnee ww th," mner, wÎ fi " * , qt wrkcemPensaVeti focrVieir prapecty,, as to'Waukégau silortiy after bis lad la &wnen he ob.Now iluppsin evyboy' EU EARÀLIOST noue of Vile landi taken avec untier Vilerival lu thhe--etaVes, Hé ba ma U , wProclamation ceterreti tave bl b slhomne le, ré fe 30 ear.l He , _>slzaw y-dld dtheMm dini!Whiktt, e yet been paiti fer-aitoughIn lumorne been esuploye t thfie Brovin Pr W" * miersdo fr m1hfo odatuffi, etc.? le'a'or HtsaBELRS irn Instances Iniprovements vwece pur- ale aCeuveylng Mîachine Co.,. wouid duinm s doformiifor IO Ia a ,0. nu.~E; AW,.Mu a csed bYVile gavernmeutwvile Vile about tilcée yéirs. nu.dt dous't wonk bo& ways, aud momnfine eld day itl f~ f~~~W l and wasf11 luntier lease but thil, t__of____ to ut ut itooffet OTHway hodiosorow f d. UON T1UE EEIVlE course, vas Prier te Nov. 4, 1918.' aTile rport ot thé Board an Valu afiiloIOu.alenof Cammandeereti Pcoperty, . MM T Sun Pnints a List of Several eing Vile valuation of tile landt aken X4N R3iIT te eplai tha ho as Eigile Bchelrs fr Bee- vec by file geverninent aVt GreatITISC L YWA Mayor Hoan Of Mllwukeebuteteo x1111i ha eh EiileBceoLaorBee kes, bas but JusV been approvet by Mt ataded deu govruot sud duheINu. WoIIwhat bas ho f it ofMaldens. Me anti fermai notices ofthVie avards TOBA M NYI dosa FOR slituer? W. ail have heen tryiug to do FOR ow ___-viile maileati tie clamants tbis vosk. '~NT I d ULm du.PIY HEPOR ENIN 1 ia.m Pleaseti te alvseyau Infarmally. N NTRE T Q om tdisse ciical timno un LUpemi hePTYEA P OO E N120 ilavever. tilat Vile Board bas faunti a ____ Urne aiditnclin btwesi FR a<I G.AIST . h sovaluation of $4,100 tor lot 3, bock 2. *Mdu two or dire. columna of explanlitiorn aste ones% uW ni Anti VcERlorsa@itT hu. E o ati Buffs uil., anxeti pasntEpileptic Colony Which Soug duote ding i. necessay.Pahoti" is credted hy wS& andsud itiepphe acige eîlYvoiug. Ev- m o ssibéle ."ii xeîtt s Site Northwest of Citq en of WVile mac ae ol ng vom- Mu>r s osin h hble."tore à"; ' &Moda au i it d.ited Izy word. and deod. Milgond bel&. For Vieir ben:fiV. Max Probnon,tili e a ttl ore Proves Problem. _________The Suin bas compilit isofevra $6.000 several menVths ago. Tilus ac- eligible hacilelors. Included th i l 1 coctling Vo Vile communication ailo e t NoV s any yeam ago Waukeg If the Alions of Waukogaa 1k. Mayor Hoan ofMiw ke are city officess ministers, lavyeri, aile ias been avartied tvo-tilirtis of vas eagec Veoebtain Vile state fil Sw s&d admire Wui methis of govormueut, theres nohgnercilants, peti5gage, jevoiers. etc. Vile amaunt asiéti. tien fer eplieptics. Il tailethVie prc î~ ~ - a. to N Wak"aMsu fuifl helneft lntle Il salth iat If Vile young Thle valuation set on tile Johnson csillou tram Dixon finding moesfavq -î uwuvusst sa vuig t wao g aidas anti maitis of riper years, for Property Ieatis etiler seizeti lanti owu- Dixon geVl e caleny ant i vwsl freMbilla amlId& ut the duchances mar e ýnho haadt URGED tfila ittter, canflat tindti u tue 11eV ers te believe tuat eacil clainant viii 1V badn't. evon some que Vo make tileir ilearts go pit- be avactiet a price ln he neigilbor- Ths Dixon elx cio la Vying *tsot join him tuere.. er-patter, hs treuille Io vitil Ibm. tVotiirtiaetoftueir original lit upen smre means et keeping f g-anti noV file bacheli. latim. memibers of Vile state celony off fi 's Bt Vbreis n cesonet Lseve srees. ic ldemenant ef p s - - - ..- - - - - - - - - - jWANT ADS,. RATE-2ý9ConetLne, Each Insertion. I enota i um Charge +b REAL. XSTATE 1----- ly ---------_+ i have é i re up hiî.dateisoua.rrýFOR hL-ioe rstrt. rao et pries irroui ý2iit>f. $3,001i)i. $4,000fV, NMeKinley Av.,. M reg.Vt 1.1- J__ _ _ _ __41 $4.700. $i0.0r0,1$7.5010 tii *&5'O. -Ail mi ritii vely lueuteti. will hie plenstidFOR SALE v tirgi,,a né, dumto I. Vu suiv uytinie. EtiînAnatin. iloueSpe lpiel aqa tyUP...Fr 16. Nrri b aitore biasoffice. i lilC. V u au- 111m17s, Jles me., titit(I-t, et. Hi. W. Robl- ity FOR SALE-Rio Grande Valley et bina Wu..,d Wiiî, ', fl Texas. Irrigateti landa tuat ileat Vile FOR SALE-'Ieattiut fir:,iirg ibarils. ble w ociti focrîrchneas of sal anti aIllyeac i aros,, mil Elknir&l liscy. RIfas iii a«round climats. Ton cuttinga o? Alfalfa utile i'hotire 181 47tf jt 'in oreyear. 200 husheje of potatoos; WANTEO-Gi-î or mitidie-aged i woman wn- 0 buhel oco andi 10 tons of cailiago ( for gonera houas. Telepl<np 226-J, ts ram tile sme acre. Figure that up' Mrs. J. S. Hyatt. 47-1 lnBut grape fruit beàts them ail fôr profit. . - ___ inWe taesyen down anti back foc $30 anti FOR SALE-100 corda weli seasonéti cre prove vh itrev say. Excursions every oak cord weod. C.ý F. Bunte, Télé- - e, Vvo veeka. John I. Hoimea, 907 Otia phono 30-M3, Lake Zurich. 46-tf ele Building, Chlicago, 111. 42-tf - - ELAYS THIS VEAR ARE DANGER- as!FOR SALE-Illinois farri at a ilargain ortier Stiirii $agit Zion be i price. We have 275 acres in Pope Instilutiîtia tussriîshpt 4, ZMon ,n 'county, ll.. fer sale at $15,000bl and ti is 15ity, iii. i...ý49>Ziotitlily. 2tf le aceai snap. The place is improved itl gooti but oid set of buii4ings anti mcl WANTED-' liîll tianne, -alltni aksrs ati of if in. crop. Ail efthVie land is highifit, carlwetit-r@4 l fI%. lit0air Woodi w-anti dry. There is « lot of big oak antidt or iig trItiiPuiy 46-tf 1a hickory sav timber. Tila ouiti make îWNE-ieir îuef eeidr ris a fine lame as If a gooti stock anti grain WNTEIir.r reiîii,i liir t u h on. farm. If moiti by Nov. lat, possession aint roir itir.-alri Liu r, - t helI ,elo kc cao be lad anti sume gooti lk cowveultiretfo o ivllgo witl Vhe farm rn i lanov renteti I i. "t'ieti il iîlld'î Ellinirlates lidwdtuirit M.. at.vl,yi; et.tî, : hluys an miles eat of Simpson ionthe 1 C. r. , truun. lbth John H. HrImes, 9017 Otîs Vluiiding' firkr. irt ir-mii t a l' o n&8i- 1 uch Chbicago,.111.- 42t f381 FOit SALE PFullbloodeti Chester txWANTED-o 'ii mrst.làfrriiî. 200 fi i,:;)I White Pi9s, 7 veeékaoltiweigbt t irer iiuir- lwpiiild fic-id . ,i0e 7fu4pountis: aiao a regîstu-ret C. r il:I~ or, wceilft 17.7 pounrir, a grand. nu~~~~~~~ ~~ 'hs iotsîeînee.î-î on of 'îiIdwuoJPrice -Ni).2,,5:1, ut -ao Te bguittcircyiie &UGt,,UirL.G . - OC. aritî ' prîri'. John Pt s',Gur- eaiiii i. iggIl -t ciriilal tia,;ri .aut. Wrr i phl).i ay STATE OtriLIlî.i0S 1of 'said Villag i.e fLibcrlyville, and in C. rl NTY OF LAi: 1-certain i) PrOeflu uwed iy laid Village itv Ir e Courity Courf of L ke Cour ty *Special Assessm'ni n No 3 Vi lage of (ol Lihec>till vili thlu andtiihioutili$ ti Liberlyvîlle. ior a ilystem eof walr 1 I orporalr ini, in Ile rmanuersi hovo do Srîpply Pipes. J1sand r"it brui n lie ondinlraice aifacilet dl; ilPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTlCE t Irl ei lio Of said Village uf Liberty- Notice is iit-ery ivîii la ahi lier-sons . ville I .1IL b- i i it itCt-Off ile CIrk of bile iscteesiet ha flic i'rcsidenl andi Boardi Couîîîy Court of Laike Caohtav, 41llnois, of Trusfces aiflime 'Village ol Lihcriyrrlle. o'crichel5îiî day (ol Aiigt'tîA . L.1919, 19 ake CouniyIllinois, having ordereti foric poeui iprnvriaini. aa >stcm of taî tilsi a local improvreei consislrng afIaa relief and slormfi sewers for flic reclovaI cat connecieti system ofolsix incil castIridt ; 01i 10cm, su'ifarce,drainage and crmerflow eôst vaier suppty pipes iogeliîer wifh lire walers 10in îrd Village, ant i rrg pro- ther il>dranls, shut off valve, tees anti special vided for fli naking aisiiopfv l. castings, anti ahi aller neceasary adjuncîs nient whlly ily apeciai S.sessnient, anti han and maierial for sanie, be matie, con- bar îng provideti for file is suing afi ir- eye- sirtucind and laid in, along anti untier pravenlent bonda tilerelur, andtihe mre pari ai Nortil Avenue anti Miil Court in ordinance for the saisebcini'on file in île saîd village ai Lîberlyvîlle, Lake the office of the VlaeCeia a ce- Cc'uniy,Illinois, tu fle.manner abowo Village 0 ibrV-iaee, f a i vn the anti sel forlil in the ordînance attached Iio sppîiedh t o ni Couour, i iti aie hi-Ie pelitirntM said Village of Liieryvile. 'Cuut.. foc ai,ý",srient ofl fite cosi 0f ie:filtdIll Off i e i I le Cherk lof ie I aý t ;1iiiicrîeit5irdli7fi, benefila, Couiiiy Court ou Lake Ccualy, iisiIand iS ; .iul iiIhceýr l.Ihvîng been on lie UtSilday ol Airgu t, A. D. 1919, ,rde alicd rtetllurret ad Ctr for lie pie-pose ai lire prolecliün anti for ahoil i, v Ie CO itr usr ert a ni suppling waier for ihe,.îuse 0fa poioilO îed lin lie r ffiCt-îflie iss etrporst 'efîle inbitaiitusofitieVillage oiLiberty- -1-.-., c ofîr O the c7îl e of 0f ~,ville, Lake Quutiiy, Illinois, anti hsting1 Noîreiiler, A. Li. 1919,,fiie final hearing 11r pravideti for pa.-ing for saîid improve- i Ileceon iîli be hati andtetim e n anti epiment by special assesarient payable in place of the reiumn of the aurmena maben instaliments yulh interestaSI îhe raie issueti in saiti cause! viii be, on the 81h Mie-o leprcn.pranm nibl daY ai December, A. D. 1919, ai 10 vrte issuing of inrovetnent bondis teefor, cokA.M fassnn hratras lhe jtie in file office aifbile Village Clemi et sait Aill persons desai-ing may file objec- Sm-j Village of Libectyville. tions i n id Court on or hbelore saiti day He Anti having appliedt thIe Couniy andi naY éppear on lte beariing anti maire Lreti Court of Laite County, Illinois , lot an their defense. é1ec .aeseb0 Iecaaa at mp eve Teaiti assesment in saia report oct I ment according ta the beneilta. - entioneti, la pWahhe la tee (1(» imitag. And a assesmeattbereer b lnienits, wlth interéit alit the rate of five tikbeen matie andi cetairneto a id Court, per cent. per aneuin. ifs. Tile final hearing tilereon wiIl be Itadi 'b aseilassmn isbe l e on the 9lbday of December A. D. 1919, mh a - e cial Ithécoutesaietiasmprbeen ail 10e'clock A. M., oe?.as soon theteahter mntant10'isehathe lstof aideimpe - me as bilebusiness ef the Court villrii t. metan a heoalcsofSi tin Alpersons deiinég luy flbecti on ie sshown by he esimgae &me appear.on tue ilearing anti maie iheir îrfvement as sbown by lte report of ar 1tiefense.'bile cemmissioneré la 193,31Q.00, anti that jade Dateti ah Libertyvilie, Illinois, Ibis 19th tile total amount assessei as benefits bai day ol.'November, A. D. 1919.upnblpbica 10.4 >rt- VLAE0 IETVLE b Dahet i ILibertyville, Illinois, ibis l9th for 'ILGEO IBRYILE y iW. H. Stutier, the person appeinteti by daio November, A. 'D. 1919. the President oetflte Boardi ai Locai MNW ORSE lmpraverients of the Village oi Liberty» FRANK H. EGER , ville, Lake Ceunty, Illinois, te maite sni Cermissionertappoiaitet makesaiti mssient. 47-2 ssment. 472 T ~ ~~LYL il. MORRISe.u. STATE OF ILLINOIS, lisa ADJUDICATION NOTICE. UOIN"Y0F LAI<EJPublie notice ie hérêsbygiven tuai tuéh l n thé Counly Court of Laie County. Subsriber AdmOiniairater of thé Embate ' Spécial Asasasmeni No. 14, Village ofet. Lîberyvilié, fer a eystem of St orm toé ui L. Edie, desceaséti, vii attend Wpe etvr .th Couâi Court cf Laite County,ea gtSPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. te-m therteof VO bh bdon at the Court Notce a iecey gventa il er ,n House in Waukegan, in saiti County,' NoiceeisblahePre ien tati erd on t hé tlcstMontiay, et Januacy next, of Trustees of tle Village of Libertyviiie, 12,vls nivbealprashvn ignLaie Counly, Illinois, ilaving ordereti daims against saiti entate are notifieti Ltii: tat a local improverint consisîing o ani riett rsn eaime te or.- connecleti systeni of vitrifieti bile pipe atCurfoadditon vi.anti vibrifiedti tv ring segment block WILLIAM EDE, Adiinistrater. les Stemm sewers, inciuciing concee mari Waukegan, November 17, 1919. laioes, cancrete drap manileles, concrete 47-3_______________ teoulet endi vali, vilrified bile pipe junc- ADJUDICATION NOTICE lhe tiens cioseti yul vibrifieti discs, to Pubilic notice la bereby given lIaI Vile 1cerj getiler witil bie adjusting anti cannectiîtg sîîbscriber, atiministratrix ai the estate 'o- f preseni storri vaier catch basins or of George W.,-Mifcheii, deceaseti wîîî inSa ts anti sbarm vafer severs, be matiealetîe cor cuny rm anti constmucled in, along anti uder ai a terrini leceaf ta isbi .dn ut bile any certain sîmeels, avenues, piaces, tourti Court boue in Waukegan, in saiti cony, il anti public ways or parts of sireets, Ion îhe firsb Menday of January next, tbie avenues, places, courts anti public 11920, vilen-anti viere ail persons having ng. ways in bile Village af Libertyville, Lake 1claiotsavainsîcîet iate-aren-tue- a - .r

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