Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 20 Nov 1919, p. 8

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T .mll'Drv'ITY.. W TMPENDENT.1TT1ISDAV'. NOVEMBEXR2O.1919. s, Handy bas been ap i - tp tlarge crowd was_ gathert t h isaAa ilianl pedn e Wpsk with ber niece, Mirs. A. - îuRn batl[ at flaurday Pemnlng et the days et ber bomea. settowe- lot Aréa- î ~aInii bazear given by the Ladie' Aid Emmeni Branding settewe.n ýe wi I1hi' Thankagiving services .mtiety 0t th@ Hait Day cbtîrch. bwswt heprns eno. exb Sunday morning b.- the heet bazeer the cburcb hau@ ever beld, Mr&. Win. 0rabélr andi daunghter, M ar- : at nl o'clock. Special music the. nt proceeds amoutItug 10o ver garet, l xt urýtir4ly rnorong for an prite tai the occasion and a $150. The. ladies deserve great credit extendeti viit wlth tricota in St. Louis. *sgiving sermon by 1ev. Wolstedt sud the thanke of thea cumuDuity for the FranukS%'holz oIlt Clicugo,spettî unday W wiBi le rendered.- gond work bbey bave dune the past year.t wltb relatlv,. est Wi. tz was a Chicago isitor At bbc close oft he tazear a ctorn bush' Mn@ E. Frank wa a Chicago t'aler boenday. iuig contesl -as heip lu whilcb tile Wott Tburëday. *Hess andi Mis"s Bertha andi woll tbe ir8t prie.. Mlre. Il, (ieay andi lre A. l'rebm spet "th Kuebkeratt'Od'd the tachers Last Sunday moraine Raht. J Bennetet Tbnrsday ilit Cicago t*te at Libertyville, Saturday. (4 ibe Huyt Wltl ro-i"ir ery Coni- I lra. II. reudiag vimittd relatiu'es lu r& Wm. Duan bas been on tht' i<k pany. (Chicago, spoki' Mt te towIi ball Chicago lest week. .±ly. -"Iler niece, Misa Mary Scott Ou it ij our Talenits'* Mr. enni-', :\ro'ict' ti, 'l a îîsoitetrved tu loin carilgg for ber. AiU hope site whome liii luuuiiihuuiic ris near Diatuîondtid lir ii,o ii7V [il 'rOe ~"T.tratm USOOereOtt whr~utntlrt'Umn'dLake jatîeadd d ay sihotil lu iait exbiitlt'etaýi r" %ÏldRaso, horcetl rtun )aY .a'x.'it-te ,eurmagu îl le Ittiui ' was a C'ivî'.gi.lutiflituist tovcumias ad bas hç-en in the latere-' latouur coiiunuity as a tmeni-cl"c]', 1 r da ia1tFort Sheridan it nce then Ier tii Clicavxo Ciy M îisîôni'tft, s 1"l'a îaiugbt.'r. 'uargueul e itarday at home. abil ilin alt ehida itt ptt'eaaiyl bc~ 'm Wirtz played ooot hall wth tht' Hall 1'i churclu Tht' Mtu"iou sutdity tedl Frauk wris a Pxlitittte :i'atuer L S. tearn at DesPlaints Friday. sandte litturcht iiiliiugsicialt tgeiliî' ;auturdaiy 1tte aom erriveti at thehombuie tfwilctruioitil' 2,rli 'lliii' Ladies' Aiui vilgtîi ix4%siiîlicr andt sud Mr&. Bert Cbs.tibtrlJitSunday. 1 rTe Bay Scouts wviri]hîtît theucr rgcitr ltîn- t i t bite villague iait, Saturdtuy. M. Everett Wels of Ares, ,iaîted tiniibtit i nuFtiday iigliat iibchltuai. No t'ihc '1 pflaMr n r.C ofeofMn. Warrenî. lins Il. Yuuiimcwa. ast'livuxgo, ahi-t patueta. U. tndMrs. . Borer e Satorday night Itulli' citte xxi Wednesdhby. .A. Raas was aWauconula caler me itetw tl tMoedk ies mu KaýSea dnini iiii ea U.atna. H. C. Payne anti Mise M_-ad___-el lit,,ua trpathe week-end ai Ares with tthâle. at.d Iau Meyer ut? Mwauktce Wti t-oîlativea lure ndM.D. S. Dolph. seî udy tbm ott î b ii'.Malie Elchtîtiiau speut t'atiirl.ty 'tih for the. announCemet of i the parenltàl. t'and Urs. Pletr Meyer. et iy'tu àai bazar nt the' Congregational 1 H. E. walinu a as aCalttigo isi tubi' lr 'Hecuîrauliblluî sb d rtluiti4. tan hitt'utitt i o'iut-y e .thi December Sbh. . and Mn&. Fred Voecker enter- @d thirty-fivt' ladies and gentlemen gry evenitig. Tht' usuel 900(1 ï as had playing rive hundreti. W regular monthly meeting of the MOISa aocety waa held t tht' home Kim Enuna Radke, Thursday onr mat of Thauksgiviitg comiag next L. The. ladies of bhe socîty havei 1 diteir barel with clothing for the1 idie Normal achool at Lexingtofl, etacky endt it la ready for aipmeab. 1Fridal. s Jantes tietuer attd suiirenuu' til Fgin. SPeLAlte las uti ti.'wu'ck iwe. 9ilas tirace Wella of l'bhii'ttuo.xpcDt tbe [e week-end witb Waeuoumda eltbteut. A15& juiy;e ofiiilaniuc, trtasai'ted huai- cas9 bere, lr:iday. [lust and ud hiladye ilmoacheitu ut Feuiiogaai. @Peltta bisirst of the wvek ber, Mira,,'lcury Ui Lqsteulb I, tuelst1othe wece IL, Chicago ethbbc ounte ut litr Clîristabe(cawlenti tte'îded a ttuitu m-euung et Libe t)t> xllu SI ttr(itY. Oîrval cauititi ont etati - Suiuudey ia-@lielra Kriopp art-it titi' a'.'ett ai ber home. li@ la irtba V0eiliutcspent th, xxek eudti ttber borne. Chicego staîtutrs llU.Iiav wct'u': %lire H. Andeprson. l-ae IL IB. Situons anti ad lire. F. 8il. h and fa5ily iler. OrsMunrray. - 1. at n s.mCharlie DoipI itaUcti Henry lait uvluited relatives linP~. "eikgterelatives Sultday eveuing. Chicao andi Wankegan turIng tbbc veck- -»d lire Orrell o! Irving Park,. liis Edua Wertien, Who haut bcd vcry- Misa Lois Reabtu o! Oak Park, vas tl «met thie Ceanberlahl and ilIII as %alleu ho Chicago laet Fria> the gucat ot Misses Vida anti Vera Bitta home te firat o! the week. vIce a h unterwent au uper&tion eit Plagge, Saturda'. a (~!~ - te Wstid, itosptalIfor appendicitis. rTe business meeting anti social of JI '4T otw r4 BR er uay rien. vîli b. pleas t 10leara te Uniteti Evengelical C. E. vas heltih - M'D. anti lira. Bn Leazsen on thst abo le gettlng along nloely. at Mrs. George Goodiman on Fritiayw imNoveniber il. a @ix pounti A large crowdt attend thel. noving evenlng.W pilatnr, show aI it te Comnunibi Houge The R. N. A'e hati as titeir guest ai 0 autrode bouel @peutse-oral tisys laitgtaturtia>'eveinu. lnthlolt their meeting on Tiuraday eveaing ire. r wi eek imî tit elane.ut Lberty- ofthlie Palace theatre tor tite vinter Mary Teestie tetieputy for LakteI mantha l boket ai titongit Wauonta counttY. I lan MtisreJohn liastenlel anti vonîtihave Do public entrtalnjmenta Misse Isabelle, Bieteretasit p!HighlandtW wbare. Marie and ti etvieve andtieintis er, but evsrai ot oitr basons Park,.ailent the wek-entlberfabter'e. 1 Wsgaer »ed tamll motoredt o uo nietb togeihor anti bought a n.w F. C. Biederatat. !On Sautai. machIne anti bave arrange for sooti Mis a MrgartitPlagge, vho ln each- e. Jo. Tetupe and 11Mise Katitnyn shows oer>' Seurta>' svenlng. ing ai Ingleside epeat the week-end at waa al.Lbertrvi le bnsinees idra. R. L. Caupbell anti son tobiei ber !ather'a, Wm. Piagge. phul Wod»Meay spent Saturday& *d Snhday vitit rua- M Marar aPathia io! Austin, wua d o b ca Amatn returnet trou a tiv.. la week-end gueeb o! Miss Elizabetho bflVfe yii vh trelatives anti rient. Bg rattroati meeting ai the Village Riechitilf Mok"ga. Hall nit Tueetiy. Noveniber 25bb at The pIaY "Oit Maila from Main"à i. Uery Ollel »Inti cdtren attend- 1:30 p. mi. Everybot! la Invibedt o ue writen b>' Miss Cutler, wil ble given et hai filmerai ot li. Mile JKrap ut proeaantiudhaeur lb report o he Note- the Assembly hall b>' th ladies of the bvbh t o planseaut 3t. Josepht boîter.coniîtea. A complete llnancial P. T. A. on Friday evening. âà Toude"~ morninc. allatementl ofthle recepb ant i miburas- Misses March anti MeWillianMs aten- r. asie M"'. Mlle Re@anti daugliter manIa ofthbbccommittee vii but gîven uttiedbbheteacher's meeting at Liberty- I situei 1teheir home ai Elctica. &acs a complote salement ot thesemain- ville on Saborda>'. M.. ater an extenteti viit wîit Inoge antiezpenesutf the ralroat i anon On Monta>' aflernoon bbe remains o! &e su relltvealéi a svIcIait>'. the.ri, organisation. ThIe neta rairoat Henry Entier, brother o!fte late J. E. Ïha Rîrouimus andt ternt>ofaiLais bonds will b. g van outal th bce uh'Entier, were brought to Deerfilitiant i M tndi Fraqk Bîronîmas anti tamiiv arihets anti tht' tatar lne itits e t'rutati laid to reet la bbe Mooney cemeter>'. Volovrere'Sundy guptm a the ili Mn. antied Mr r. Kane anti two sons of inw tarce Louisrie lrnt.hc.inatuotier .1Wau- Highland Park. verethbcguests ut coada'b oit antiîî titiceui as u'a-i Alvin Meyer on Sonda>'. DIAMOND LAKE___ ave>' *ai nie lstue la cir xiliiîgc-tu- Mrs. Russ Sherman gave a farewell .l - .~~let - -- - Frite>' alter a itiugtiîti iis. 'îuîs part>' tut snumber o! hem frienda in .r' u m fis e r>o a-n t i dMlp t - a tîen tif otr uuid suuli-irut iisspassx'l tut hunur cf M ra. A una Sh er'man. ,geevive virevsiorant heI,ýoyhua eterinal raatqw Un.O. llrutuhi,n Misses Eleanor anti Jeannette Putoam 1 Bariveae eis su tIi. b r.» estîtemion hsbiciti trei"iiu's sîuutti eet anti Alvin, Deibent anti Raymondi Meyer unsla n an À4 il aehn uu nd M twit util altîttt ei.)vers agit %% lui' attendeul an EraternoStar aty rt 1 tie. Bel- n ît .uht'bliantr.t iiits tusti hi.tututhe riiteu puugles'Paltitne Saturuuay evenung. liadre . RberîKn t ntutia>' ith lieici iii îii.ihllit ut a tîute i. Mr$. George Ott wns thue guest. tf an. tbrwk làre Paobe t ls ' îLé iarruasM-1 a uut-.ti a it t lit i a itliiiiii Miss Maie ltliît.der of Chicago, Sundat>. ru. lent w aa ' nlaît",ixtd n e pil.' hi-ult e rtuilig .u.t uai id Mcx. Gcorge (istermnan of Iogers, r.mandUg veel. a-utm an Wn hl-d rîtututhei e msiaînr.itt tinl lt>' tP'ark, is the guist tf 'rs. E. H. Mhv. alira Wm. iulte Lir ani, -ao i., I.'v. i'eîuu-'m i'tIlt-imîiittraller Wtliiati. voe adfmiyéuna.V, bicter iaisltt are luii) Irit 'lu'..î linutci i 'c-t'ta s srx'ng"n ithi'jury Or. ant111muJohn Tatcer , d it eut'bt ie itVauu-otiit uu.uiitn ntht' leitu'mal court in I'hicagoî. iilvanlieUr.a ond U&.he bera t- UHo 'eve olo ut inlous% llita xvi, The ltadies of bbhe Uitedi Evangelical Il aitet Me.antilr. vo .'inn Il,; iicamil 1'un buta uru) ingts iuuu u'clurch ati give a four acttMissionary.-, I tamfl>'Sanda>'.luit es; tatu deugluti-nar. m.Ititu->'Il. h draina, 'TtiMasters" rt their churcb ®r. «aI lire. Wm. Stuet'pand souofuitKt-atlla, and me Jos. Colinets ie n Monduay 'vening. A uiver uufertng cit Saturtiay ereuiuugawiîhm kir. ad att l Wegaut, anti tns suni, Louis, wta lc xiiiut'tak'-cifur Missions. e. W.. Eliasmen. nu-sieini uir vllage ati lit granuiti- lii ,cs ilila iluunobemgun, i)umthe Ilchîldrntint u aîtu vs eadite m ejîniri. McWtiîiaits tand ,at1th Ilinentuemgu-r PRAIRIE q/E .tu pent the watI- nu rt Fi-.xtnstiin wu;hu ____________________________ ' tiltue i 41ttt la'urlt ti'etGeorge u''î uttt Fi FTie . tho -1iit' dgulat' initbll>1 .-lin-t Anna Sherman left fur -Southi ir boutaé, tbu' (j, i ' ' th vîsitur vti ui ors liecâ îtetls iri '.iAr. Ba itfwaa ion t-ts i k j i l.e ti Ml the Qunutsnil Hiepltmatl'tsl mp. i.Mdmsxîtmieadi uitrt tan taxà« Kutea wht Ou.M.mite ilidtay. lelcl 1 .,aI l s . tuinttyii aia Mtuscer. Il i i .r - Iiîcr ebtuvi-ti usittu-es ti 1 *ua LIte attioult ut 05 1,0,10 ut'. u J s 'iiibretuInlu vuw r-d a-,IL 1 i; mn stîcdtulihei--xiii br xi'tlî ler Irutber, ',hil)in eusui'i'i'hel thbeir n-t iii tiayVýneeticig tit Wednu'sday at the.' ('ni- ouunity hioi-, ltr ut thîir antiual salet vhirh wilt 1' -heldti tuu hursda v etnutg, Decetilier 4. LAKE BLUFF ITEMS Il ~ ~ ~ J i.tii iua-t" - . r ",d l - - ' 'i-! iitai 1 '.- -tis.ti t iliickburut, iSandtîu ,îîîuî ut il i lt tn' . 1 iipid Nwl xii tti -d atl,1If I itY aun i ' t -i' F Il P'ekotuet; s 1ntlyug , 'uug 1i-. ,.ai t it;i i aiV-& r P 1& s -r. i l antit I -;'Ittu rday.tutc li i- . u- tt. fi-tr ~t Iei~. Re -ina ititeuilt , If', A tlit'l ufil t 'itititat "îi u.iarty lata-c i îîu to i <~~tii>' te 4!&,,s 'tday evtoniuit ht~ ~ r0-.plantk Mc. a ti Mu- t'.t1, \Iiîlli gi-'tý It l, 1i 1-.9111tu t'il diîuuur taty Satlirttay htu',at.' 4~' . ius -'ipni ul u t Ii h itît ot t f b$vtmgîltnt . S'hI'ul t b 1 , ie, to be valu thier -elli'utt a *ALI m j'toqao d4 i t-j ir4M.'-. l!tmttu hia vuuîu'r Il --s- i ic '»%5«l obj ce" 'lite tati mnatnptcsales heli ai 'mii ' t't S -4 peltu unei.u m o iuti CItiagni tatri very .t't-f.ut' Vlà Plta.t îu-t a.*jt i Tii. otuie fonrlite (tOutnelttcd Q ', I[' 1ut*4 sd4J$4oqg l 12,10 su-ilte on# fonilteWu -sai'm i-ulh&l'ou( t 155ý Yehuliitu u Ashuer 'tîtut Nidtlutuli anti1 tutu-Dimn. xxltii It tti 't r'-auh- 1 ut that la. anotitin -tuimu Fotr tht' day I1xxvas -onelitcîln 10 top t the muoit vithintu he waluiisof erusaiem. abere Ahruit meniteui bis garrifielal journu'v. tire tutîti IieIn anti; the mount xx'iuunu' îopmost rock was regarded as the' cellter ot the wrrîti.tht' "stone o! tonuridation," an whbicit1h. ark o! tbe covcuant once restedthelb mount trot which Moham- med i iti lto bave tusu'tnteti of bits niraruinusesteeti; the mont over whose etiges tbe onthodox Jew dues not dore 10 venture leal be trent upon he ffHoly o! Molles." but wahlà at bbe walI o! lamentation without; the ulount aI vbose vrerge the Christ wsn trucîfteti anti buried. anti front witoe ,eock-heva 10mb lbe rose, Il seems lu- deeg bile cenler of bbe world,"land over lt ail. eas ana lbthat moraine. the. tower of asesion staund on the Mounto! Olives aguinst the suarise. Snowdrepe Frem Ilooge. Hoog'la an exil me-nory f0 a greut aumben o! otrrettirstetisoitilers.' ERt o! Ypre«. clou' 10 Mapie copse andi Santuary woenti just aboya Belle- s'ardc lake. anîl astride tht' Menu roaid, nu strutîlu ut grotuati bas been more otten ahuul 1more hnnîlly tought over trom tht' uack lavs m« laIe 1114 unt!ie at Si'ptiiuur. 'The a'hmýe ares tut lionge itiiand i lici' 8aitcarreil utnit poîuku-tî'îh iy iheu huiiles, i-ratera attu tift'tujex utitfilihprrA'ý'ains net a yard nuof i ii i Iu-lgroutui. Yet bene, nuaking gtult-tIa lit ficli tht' amtter iiicoee un 'ixnttouthe' xi-dyuit 'tuf il shluui bol" îIlu'ltîtuîp otsttoxx'tr<îpsgs-YlY bictottilit uni xx'hun in Apukl wêttc itî)t t lu i'. iiut uuîi ili kutt is 'un titoi' uttli h ii'lu'h uwVy wxxhblutim the hit ii-y ut Ilwy sot h uomt'. aud t uuity ii tiiîtiun iniau tut i-t' shyiî ioitit 1,iei t- t tîtul oruf ixlhi'.green- -.ttlti,,. nit f-,t ..iur'n uf tlmre cut- gtiiiii l tti %HlMiii h i, ut Humera ef bitei Mute Race. lumo-irti of-thi-e ule Rauce.mcin htlIn tiirItuuti-i uit r arei itîrtint ""teaitprutx.tuII lfir utlutmitle utve. Solieu giîý,si, t-ru-r-uuî'.ttlnfast anti htiuutilY alie iîtirq i utt' t .îfttctory 50 tutti: uts il ,tt. ittt tt - M i. At luto it i-ltttin of 11-- ' 1' 'luitiliy course lii distant"-- î u uufo ttur q, aiîut lvery siuiup 'ii li t iii'd t tirnt tti' h.Ilf ullstuîuuu'u'. If ti1ti' tt" uxts nutitaitik tht-me tu-us ii ut-ruutl-elit iii gu Iuit tt' xîun'th -i-itlt u ut'iituti' the etîîU9c 11Y- ;,t t tt oîf tht' mu leîîs rnu fuîsu'uI tut lit' tti'e bnîd tll tiIun-' lit.tut ii' 'uuîu. vhut11i .t lkit' ltt-t i mil inti-kcr ies n ut u o t i ' y iii' ittttL atut .luî xurela t ît h ut- neoinut i-auuttltuls tu tltinoruic estc Cnt impl Woomi Nt O e CA mt it-.tig u te a ttgDi. A hNuirliuxt't. SY1Int. îulmu'xv Sudn uil N, tut. uxîn u t uîahm. Andrews S us 1,ît vent ouir iiim'i. iAx adxuct ut :lti d . ntjtui' t e liii %asn-mm tf lii airtivu tii. of i'r th' uit u5tif U uis gt it t "r 4 l t uthutuii n t uSi tie iii' uelttl uit' uut4ttutiuul uu tieuoutit e itie fnu ts tirît ttu t onuor fthoe 'îaIn G o! ftul. tlu'm tuuntrefs eîdthoet.îtt-t-trofI uuu'î t u t'euuuu iý t i' huis i t iii gpcu t . 'e bîti xt'iiil,' t-tebixut lierilet a ver> t'înuuclt'd conuuuî tutu lis owad àWB5 StultdIit( ! bcudlai!. uni l tîlu waîcnuliIit't lu, h e alidlî bas tlfaiz t illu' a ,(lto tlier t nec elr tilns u Il nîhueti liti - iti'r tlt isuil . lut' su d tr h :a the (.Mtlu 11d1,1 t-i 1 Itit LI ndtltI uw 1uc" tion as may renhain aftertr1h.'etn- l"rtint lei.. i -l i 1 ployeee haxve paîtir et! il ea x ht ihue ut.' îy J' c'i.. i 1. t:i, i. A tiR Il tbey tbIuk blîir beri Icet, unglut tu elic zne a-orth. Couldn't Be Dscau-aged. ar The spiritta lnilcbtht' program leà ieeai"i..s' ui -r'u Iny put forth may b. intsrred frotu a ale- alweya huduuit*lti ui a tne %V ment made by B. M. Jea'eil, actingtu teulilvet Inli 'iiaiil...u.îue .iu it ki president or te raliroati erployees' note, an'ltynu 411"Y I.ttii:1 itlok e departrment of the Amerîcan Federa- andi a very gcaxc ii:::.ui: ' f '.IelukJg;B tion of Lahor, tn whicb be sit t I f luis tte Mans stiutil Mliîit' Pr esidetit Wlsonassuggestion lu Con- sThé,petteti>aitt,x uuitzr iitIlle, C'Iy greswaa carrier!ti OI w. wil lie up eoil! oneaRa bit s otu tuitilabl ld i the. rliroada no tigbt that bbey willilatly openitiitîe' 'cmi ut ,iu.B le-w neyer rua again 1!If tlegîsietîon ln ug antxîcredtiîtm Il 'i; I-itIIt'I ady- passed." Itsabghl have been Trotzky be vas sorry fur tii'. 'Iseai-cil Masa lme!speakîng 10 a bourgeoise 1ha1 an expsrxen% tund î'.u, i, l ndtirlie ex. - batl offereti mut andi acadestk objec. pense "wouid ;fuir l'ilutttiuellpbia boi te belng tespolleti. vas a tqinklng pis.'., tire l'il ready Who lasthe Goest-nntt bal! baitkrtiult. orîr iictt ui iltiltSp- ci flefore any raliroat plan Cansb. îîtaraai'us I)tuite' ,eiiît i r>x. itishmnet oi li uildngasuuiireii-e uf tTx elîg 10 il worked out on. bigbiy essentli fact bis certain ktox ige hthtt-iiitt; furw riust elabllaluem-nameiy, lwb.etber ty alre. utlifiut.ii i' re uilt' ttnga r lte soereigni power o!flbhe['alteul taI a'tmlth xuuuî iti . uAnd iihegavre States la veted lan(ioverumeab end ln me mcr-lt iltul oui uâtfuuutlies tîuA' te American people or wbelluer I t.9 exisîlng. or thtat ix ccc sooil) ptutit veetet lante raibroati brotheritoda. Ibm! ie leftIlute. iitit tteiluii'iutii. Fo'r tbree yeatre now the brother- Hati 1 known hiOubeuic.'i 1 tata boonds bave assumed that te aoverelgn lu bls businiess. Prtîuît.bly i1tieverb powe va vesed n tem, nd ou-sould have done il. Thiqtitatuconm'on g r eu a e r v ie i lath e n i. t i e C o - t n u ed t te liv e litii itI s « d ci i i , pu la ce . grea ba prvidti tem 'lt exel-andtetadecîlitui ln tiru le uti- lent resatîone for tirai:assumptbon. fuplng torntiuau3 yjir-ttr i> a.uuy ituti"h Wb.a tht' raliroadt employeea la th. therê e. huîse auuii '.- t9--Iglu-i(leti r critîcal periud ot tht' stimuner o! 1916 uîmuuiouu tandl t ut -t i lluit lu11, Ieîta' 'Jenandetianu eigiii-iitim tya! ndnti ure o tufx-Ilig Ilut 't.t'11-..t tt s u' Liireaenet a geaneral ifit'. l' resident tti. 1for oui' usli t.nItl;,'i. tîiglit rWilsoneta cla îmessage to Cotugmers lnin t fuirix oiu tu li'iivill.'gu.tuî,. h ii wlicb e urgedti lut itht'e h gluIt-huutri -Ant-i litugiit.lil f i fIl , '.1- n t 'ctutk- day be naete lb. ltsis utfxx'urkstîdi ln. a tges. hutieuucniatît' finiir oti lur pr-t p sti %, , Cuu f t xxhlcli ca lile ! fuir - F-ut TEE N Il U R T "An eîîueiuuutent lu liti-' txIstuingFi-..RE era tul attut.- îx'iuI.'î .riils f ,r ti' tIf s1'h ttittrîn.eîuuuiîîîvstitiatu'iviti IN LK. BLUFF CRASH y x atuv g uti f u xl, t lt hit iti it i uCts.' Iftiti t î'îîoxux of c'.îîuîuuiîuîî -h.aukegtut tuiN tît'xtg'îlîît. t' ~ 1 '.u t t y ýtatunjîtu i 'i, t t' lohut utua le lItîuxfiily nt'îît'.' depoî at Lakte Bli' thuis ii u.uî e Try t a In hirndate Congre s. 12 15 tcloc i. t'<ungru'ss relit t-iI to êtîucîttit'gs The i njuredul îutîuc *ii"utsctire itthten eîr, til- Ct' Itx \ NtltI)AVII A. \'ltA\'l jeci 'ttIlt. Hsll]iin ou' v'e Îix'e i ai ina- fitlito .uchoot. Naval Sitîou: icalt, tiQn n hiiil il ir Ilu-ilve nui tt uiti- atuuituus and l hnti:'is. I IFT. lftIl'2IT S. Wb MAN. t tir a etutn b t u tt t :ultuuuIli) sut It int 15 it e tl i i lt î u i a s-u n titiS"' ut 'l lui-s u-r n u t I f Ct ' l . ' itu' Js t b t' t i iui h.uutn Iv l y h a~ k e it- . xy pl'uuuiuu-î tut)titasrtiieartto Otttireu I OiNtliO.u.ctiîfui;ui Ifbrottuet luo(laI uttii- uu iît'f s ti u fu Ji"i Nittf.cuu'Iitnn ot ,n equataui ii itîuerit lu e tti:i.'i- lin sr'rlîîs. ibuitîntt ofca.uily fatttl. ut# Thie msiiu,ttut lrotlitu loilil tutti'.' cm- A nuithlubutucdiititctt train ca.1u titert"- tti'n asuni L-y- lit huxvutite alonir suutuly aIt t-c liir-acc du-n t anti e_ tisittiist lx (Jifthi i uti t îadmit toi Jutu it i n xi ' Iýllzic,, ou butin.! d tI'tttuittdrxuiuliiiy If iteir sîandtatu'int ti',otval tat-utioin, au-e h îîuîsIf tîti1ju ui,.tî - t' u it îtiu r -us m anr tilulttuittxx a wating b tu ki' ,e 'unIti l .4 to btut' u-îrri'u ki t il, re tuu tht uu Iothue Itompital. 10tutctiI.nohiuuv atn di-:'%%,it.iut'lute The' crousing w-ten.,i' tii tciui-t orc a' l "e IL îlia1iastop iturtît ai]i *ut , t ini' urrs (clxilix uciguardcdt, tundithe chaut- uuuuMie ixSovit i tii,ui. Yî'thil rna 1f,-tir xx'as upte lti cks ht-fore lue utît îuttigtîu'r .u'uuccutuu tlt as àa "lIl îtit Iuealutroucli uof tti', ilmititi. 'The matlt-r tut u. b icrt anduih tîi li-tihiate' I uuumboîuilu' was haitredt 10pit'ces. auî ]y t'uttsilt-t cd ity li'.btpru-tleople.' lite tbree occuauts ePscaped diailu Tuuey aret ryittu ii ltIllue 'mitt-it( i utmrtcuou sly. hs , rb u g a b u u t a r e x utl u t u a b y u l t i i u - -1 Ch iT he P ubli e le tuPay s.t ea a i lu thetlIitmt' yt'.'ueasture ralimoati enllio!u-es huixie it(i ted itiutîîi't'is of o p ltuus tf dulltlas in ixa ;c itureases tifor R ii thtIi e el':tipubtic is iitig. F 0O R -a country 1 ob. tnlkutol'y tilr iotstW nnetka Special .(4 and choked Into coi'iitxtt nIf lire iost FrtM rgg la ever confmonleu l ttare nul setleti forth- Lke County IR ier wlth. If (bore la,- sny literence b.- Li ! tw ,en bitIkiud uf turrgace an t hie arrogance o! the <turituan general staff 'GEORGE.L inl Jnly, 1914, we fattoult I tke ta ulu Adem n lc vioWhtalIl là. A dro lc YOL. LIISLKT 1 v 1 1 -9 hii ihnîîrinal conditionI l ir %,'. Il %W'iut.,r-on. wiin starpd I l.jakc Cotluly Tubvcculiir Colon. ed whio now ix in tire aruY s exv.rt la charge uoftuht'rcular worc for Illi- nois and hordering 'stau"if, recently wa' in Wauk*'gan and D>r. Roemer. knowlfli of bis abllîtv In that lune. aitk- P i t ) male an examination of the Baudr'au boy, r. Wateraon reco2i' mended that the. boy be straIpOd On a rurved board and k-ep? there at leatit à year. the case beng tilmilar lit)that Of -Oie Mantilla. a south mille boy who was sîrapped on a curved board for a ypar and kept al thte LakeP Bree.ze Saa- orutu about 10 ypsrs ag, wltb Dr. %'attprson in chargé of the c<alle. Ole's,,apie walt tubercular. but the Conelderlng the Bpaudrpsu boy'g an- ûestry and bis remarkftblf' Intellect f0? ne of hiis years, r Roi'mr délared toa% tht ?ev-ryqting .hould and would Ibe don" in restore him to nor nai *î.alth, Mr. B,-audreau. father of Carlitile. -taledi thla morning that he ,-ould have the' hetit of <tare. 'W. final- v deiecded UPon Pl arlng hlm In a Pl&a- p'r ca-f rather than theC urviFe board, as in th.. latter caste he would bie pt- ,ented from miovlitg any part of birs body, whiie in the'att ho will Ilbe able te -aîove ti.4lt mbi;." deciared tue 'ai her. in or'iIer to effert a cure. the boy'5 back m)u-t h.'kept immovabie. As a 'ttulit or (arlie's aliment. one of his -hîtîlderfe bas begun toi drooP and bis ai,î been drawn to bte rlgbt untîl somi'ý w.eks laýo it aimoxi touched l bi slîtuIiiiîr. Vnhiîr ireament. however, e,-'ttd ball been straighterred cou- ýFRANCES 6ARLÀND ENfiAGED TO WED DESPLMINES MUN landl. id ii~uai Garitn. t te OnifI iTMII iilitili211f în.\ri" Aii iai andtI gpnrIp«t i od limeut, io e. b% ail prt'sf't. N ila t (X iîl i l l 1 , î.î g t rvn e , 1 -o h i ried bo Willîari Ot i-111-i uofIc' PIlaine'.i Sh î' lii. c t i n d lî V. keguxo foi,'bldir n y,-au'f ait weli kntîxvu. te Ls î i"n W C irs' (luit)i o ir uh li Shi' wili be cot' dil) îirî Thanksgix ing 1flux . Titicii c h u r tc h . R1 1 (, v i i. ý T i t n t i x t e l day for Nei q s (t ann 1 1 Iil ' oi,i i a tinico i hi ttr i" ji îiau jý Th ouht. As leui i,.i wiili inake a dui l i r e b l î c î . ' i i " i ,t u d i e a a d u l S AL E Assesment Bonds e6% Bonds on Real Estate. ANDERSON LAKE FOREST, ILL. r- 'il Wl a r PI E Il I g o e le N M a I I t d M t r. 1O*TE HO f lAS BROKEN ALi. TRADITIONS MUST PÉ&CI3Bu IN Prissent King o imOny One ofHl, À ÂS FO O Sacred Road Filled With Crowds MOVE ASSAILEO oy lisneh H tarem.A AS F R W of Refugees. IIt la a curion et itit N!lt iiwom V A ST U EI New York World, Strong Wilson Ilwyse cei heiti 1 l ti ", .el miein,__ &Certes Brought About by Modem WIRIT Supporter,: Denaunces "Revolu- partî.iiîîthlîittuiîii î'li ii %i tien Carlisle Beaudreau, son of the faile ln Sharp Coniparison Withs ' Uliaum"bln the tili- , n d".iiiiîi'auîof lite, Ac em Tk, Thome Whjch Met the LIOfl by Utmtm"the' ladies îîf the.'royal iius.lIilixe Jve oaemyTh are urganlsi,, Eyoa o the Mgu. teen kept fi)i be ttîîikgroibliî, appeaIî'iutg aged fivee to Sanitariumn. EllesofRteLELi. at oniy ithe nîost pri vati' ticliti gator Beyond Bethlhethe titoi'lé narrow PRLE TO RUSSIAN IDEA. lIngb snd nev"r ait publlic îîr iilli 'laI NOTED SPECIALIST IN CASE rame] rond over wtich tie'MttgIl. hîd funcîlons. As Till foirmeir msutreihits, cornée roadened fiILn tu 'liit ighwity Calle RalIroad Brotherhooda' Plan fOr hlltilu thoîli liriiiixtiie.i'rviiiof the'Waukegan, Nov. i,,. sud a l heg îîn t afil] w lîh util t ro rit 0f Il ' o e m nt O n r hl S v et .trls o<'r tv iy if he c'u it try , cr. a lisii il i -Y 'h a t hlie, lal tb.' p iac ."d n a ca a ifvillvftii utii liili nikcpt Lbert' fur lit east two yt'ars pl oigt adfri heIol eEconomies Venture" i about exiiltiiîg lîl it-ix i",-" i iut in order tu cure ail allaient of iv( w r le lo I f. îyl u T h e"rm l er'li e, t t cv lii r i ll I o i l oi i f cIi'k " aP îne, la th e decia ion m a e hy l e pa r- siieh a,' Iii S er h iiers. ht' retu i'î"s -fron t sig lei. ' i , i '11 wu , i i cuiti i s a ndti )fi l t er re ilaiv e s o f Car il , fr o nt t - e t h , e n î'i n fiedl nlu th e' fil'd 1N ew Y o r k.- T he N e w Y o r k îV o rld , to l tix e i n i l i a l ýi u t a u I l I lue fi etc va r o id so n o f M . n d M rsý oilite tthfr 'xtd froni I ii' c a lead iîg eîlitorluxl, dia taclerizea every ininoi tiii i "in !iwiiI" iit r'.,Lyle A, fleaudreau, t he'faf beir being 1. rii'-nnd arribtil uni' 'n ix'î'cc xliir i ng the rliron a îhr iplainifor (iuxeruiteflb for lbIt i>iis 1:t. Ilt I 1li t organlsb riailit(- Acaiiny Ti'n ater. frein -:Itlp,, nt tI' r i filici'fî thpo wonîershl po! rai i n xi ls uiq la straight' a ill] .le.. , i t . î' .ICarlisle wîi taken tW Osbk on lu, s froij h iliii I* out adventture loto Soxii'b ecoiîomle' îygaîily lii. , t s' i p .i tiinty ' tii ii'.tiii t;t oîf hi, grtlîfl- tti5"i liai! liti'ii. illeMinxxiiW."oîlîî'.iwho wil fî es xcre lioîrliiig ihurtc tni,-iu'iT' "he ediorlaJtge o!f t'e 'trld hli u n oiilîilgaii tii r.. l iti%.ltcNrs f. f' iî.i.aîix ii,:itlng te (titit' f ntt n A lbit- long hitd e nîîion.i! reiîitaîioîî for Oun- ouaiy enii .Il.t i ..i' " ' ii. nlui i îii i,îiîln i r tu~lo bist tf-iotiî of Aui 'îiv t v tuîiý p sstog dexiatlng support uof i eiî'fllora iei' nti uiîotîr-'liI' iv' I. 'i e -ii in' eî t La . 1oat l îri.ît wu yvarii Ili flite oppOsiti'îdire'ct i ierlic lie it- diis, hostillty 10 Wi t ireet. e 1 te <Iily biî' fi-,'i' '.i i ' l .Ici- un l%;.s re'uclitd aI t rrcon- nui of'rei alerlii' <ls rullig sxlsîiti'i'10thliil Ioiiii ' l.i'x. u' iltiathitow ii local anîl ('hilcago ape riod ofes lanc r 1w ii ~~ng-iort loyal aso ixg iri s toI iîniii "ie-l - r.t t l" t tr' Tit-i. picturet'otî' x t ., 6 lreaident it Vlsonîi. 'lut' fVill suisy : ilei .foi',i i:i:g, l ." a- it ltPoi'Lîtî i 'aite il andi a fluoro andkti ixettowilri1wtiti itnt lu-m " lRevolution by Ultimnatuim." tetlgi lutxi'îiine- t t'..'. 'le Scipiî'X N xilîu. nso i h owni Illinalayas. Traini-,f .'ui'xfrotî 'rThe iian o! iliti' rti i tl tiritier- f oîîî Il' îî î t~"cîîI 'i',. I l Il. m' .-%,ii xiii' l, itaal eii tr.iluaily luifl xiutuxxhee hure tiiiîr '.uuiîiii'l loitis îuoiîri i butit i'. t'j,. ',. . r viia îa lt th-- rci -tl'f lîs îh!sl- sotrie here h rt, iivir Izids booda for I sklI tut tr fliii' rtimailu ojet t W,;t T lby luit biluirlht lil, iîsrrh I r ui. h 'It'.u i. lii t e a' l' ' tI ,'uiti';Ilt îuîîîîl 'rreo nit fîîr île' triiit' tttui fpprîaof te î'îuînlry is îî siriliglit kug atituaii ou e re ilir ito Su 'I i'îu-1 ii i 1uîtetlil I'f t , .î . i ' 'ttt -iir'tl i il a îîîntlî, .a- tli-- t riubIî' tp donke ' ."Al"ii'svuu' tiii' xt o dnttliai ii t t w - ut. iiiitilurn)iinthui.'ni putt.'rtng'alinun. Airlîttu ,., iu'rî', îtwo [ilb conbenîîîtatt'S iiiiut 'utiitu u' edjgil. i ,u i Il,-uuli ia lieiu. tu i ' -i Iutg ani ircliniti i l itu t'r 1ýi Ii l as îertîîttt i tiired, h er ii n is i " ' ir 1 'ii li ol lu .ii i:' iro' u i ndu'lîi"hi lu scout or pItII t i l ltifuuttf ltllea tt fudtIitt ttht' Si i thon ali.d b'I.ei"\1ol'i ~ 'iî" u . u2l . riiiî îf I pii ne toîvnid Sheclin . . fi, ixotii'e I i tefu ton Iiteprinoe rî'tirn--'! fsIci i i" 'nWi î'i'iî't u1'.q ji-t,.. îîîu iîî liait, ithfl var-rclori'îl hurt' ui n thelr 1cm. Europe--liIli' ttu 1 ' -1 t .i - lo t 'e u.' irtutiitu' AIllhlî î' wt heud ai kiited iittii i tIe..iî,ltu'a The' AmerItant tlt'. tuii'tt tîj ife 1ti,-'r,-'-1 1, ii -,t'ti ii i'.tl ut' leie ti tutj"'l trioti helui' i- ard tif Quens toxx'u Ii tw ( i t Ji'uu'5- Goxerniintitre le bii fie rtiitrîiut'. fiuli'i tint Ili'it..l:- iul ." 1 .'ît i' i uîute nu latubs-i filds,. now b olteui, îîuîîu' "t t'tuuztt'frot ixxlitii 11, ', t1 i i ' le . 'i tuumor~e- ;L tabuI'. wltîtît wt're dally titc î hiu'l ix iîat prijuertie". aer tl) il,-- rti ttu i-t' f a hbittai, ' i\ ri u ut i 'lj i- u t , î iir- ' ot, i lI li,ruble th risbrougli t iiifru ili Ui n$p'. înd ployee d m ra e a d o-rt. l hlri(( i le ioii" t n g iîi ieiitîbli i lia t w flul 1)n dall!y u'ittunl.heui hy xi uit tie-Ti' auinas t.oisidcruuion ofu n lii'vs'înclitt oftli i Ih i l \1i11 "1 '.a". u t r u ti. the it" tt BtDi . toxx'irl Itue frottm-tro 'i xii'nirth- proxilitl'y $2Q1,O(iiit lOt t ite oI, Pi',li uii t ii iiii i er i k I n x ' i- onlu" fa a îlî tti it iver?!for the' redvetipiin Iu it' t i rit, erreaI oa p it etlr] fte I, i rc1t,1 I e- 1riîînî t . nt t'il 4itxxi i a tlept i anti (illet'. the tninttt .î îi uft!ht l it erum n at piltou i rlu it lc %til IIt. T' h'-i, ." .îtt ties tof P.enjttni i 'ut' i jiîtî iectitrTTanti] te public ta to a tire -ti iibiiot' n j'ii 'u i i 'ti at t iari'u i nîî nî' a llot atl itinisa-tu tii liu li c nîtb su. avtîis l bit cui e!oîî'ra'ut-u ali i . t iii i -i i un i h WtS. i ii'pacini iaruul- I iad%)prt.vînorma lqîcoutily L7 i nt tv- ho re r ut- ('n Iy

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