Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 27 Nov 1919, p. 6

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LTRERTYVTTJE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1919. MIERE9 OH WHERE liGETS WORD ALL IS WAUKEGAN• SEE BilT'ONE IN FAMILY IF YOll CAN TELL SUCCUMBED IN WAR Andrw Clla SaS i ÎÉnotin'Wautkegan. Nov 1.1 Andrw Cllarsay ilii nt i Haiultine Mazmanitan, Market t, Mississippi Valley but the weU kn1.ýow*n, American. r0felea ' St. Lawrence Valley. msaeasfo thdadnTur .1aeie letter fromi his bro- AND BACKS UP HIS CLAIMS ther sdam. sont fromn Turkey, and'- 1 it ,1 . ho news to this effeci:."Thau ls Waukegan in the Mississippi Val- ho., nm. is the only suirvior o.f My, as teh schol teacher informnslher the , iire Miazmnian tamily in Ar- giapils. or ts it In the St. Lawrence men)ia." 'Valley. Th re ee hrvee r esandi Andrew Collar contends that t is in neisrand all but Adam ham Sthe St. Lawrence Valley eas Wu a ille or ha- died !1r11m whle1 egndrains Into Lake Mchia andauses illduring ithe worHl carnlat, dtimtely Into the St. LaWrence river. Hlarry, the local man. den nw He doen't exactly contradict the wheýther his father was killedl or Il ed tmeerl6 because the-y undoulbtedlylnaituraLlly. but the brother, aferýfour refer t, the state of Illnois as being years of 'silence. sends him) word t hat lthe MISSISSIPpI Valley. According hef is the ounly one )ýýof h aiyleft tg Mr. Collar however. the ridge Just so the looal majn conudes ýtheit fa- 1 emat of Waukegan which is particu: her probably succumnbed ito priat- larly noticeable on the roajd to Gurnee, tlion or waLs kiIlled by th,? murd-rous )Ut this aide of Spaulding's Corners. Turks duIllring the war.I la the dividing line, and that west of- -- -- there the [and drains into the Des- laines river and ultimately reachesI IK CÀ Securtigg Trust eompany- 10 o outh LaSalle Street ÉHICA GO, ILL. Who liihe s:ore bildng. WARRANTS0OUT FOR B"rel """ bi'an uACHELORS AREia Anthony Turowski, whose home ad- was busying himself abut thre range A H OR A E Joins the store, discoivered the fire n hBoston flouse when hie jotled abotI the samneimie as MIrs. Zdanow- aareklet 01 hot grease, Ooel icz C R 'OFA T IT 1- lheand slipping on part of his cloth- nurnngtitand6Henchig hisrigh ing jumed Out. Of a w-ndow. He reach hand. The same physiciani who had e w ed the front of the store about the. H IL T DL ' attended Sander aitithe cafeteria has R IS IT E samne time as did James Zdlaowicz.· tenedt tb the Boston House and look He told Young Zdanowicz to send Jil-- cre of Babigian. . 1aclltfor the fire depar..tment and d Supt. Russll'ay Mate Sun Has 1Béen Asked to Print L AWSON WOUIlD Swit'nf'mily.Uyo eterng heBeforeStates Atty. Welch SHOO AnAditonOYLstofth store frOm the rear, part of the roouElgbis EMPLOY 2,9M0MEN tefreha ahntstarecavEEWARNeul 1n asighphoroe t ge HE WABNS LOCAL AUTOISTS I AS T DETS luERE BY SPRINGie ®° oeH " oxes®to®a ieFO;ýWR lilS ARRET Apparently there are ome bache,- Dspial e l y e fire o k , le be s Chicago autosit h e sit nns i a e w ere l stlg ted H ER E B Y SP R IN G of the S ie o f et uidngac. b e ki down or running around tie,,. .2 .I thi to Loca tihie By Trwi, afOutie rkmuchdiiicutybarricades" on the naval station road, Walkegan. Nv 1 easeite 8taweentlse Man who DeSireS sucede iLaouin-te ater rand where resurfacing work lm in progress A h rsl o ain ht il a lihd t Airplane Plant Here, Has grabbing the two smtall childrent c-air will be placed under ars and con- n-etfff. aged 13, or f 13( Ash Street, cfeit ghtstago. The Surihstenis MayOresried themi out in the Street i n thIld according to ri esRussell, wih a 212 calibre r1fle, rliude ae(rry. tn assure them ithat tno slight was • igt lths ndi o-hs oe.Mr.couinty superintendent of hlighways Of aged 17. a next dloor neighbor, ls to beie nde and it will gladly print their lSwietonl was oveicomie by thre shock Lak1he counity. License numbers irou placed undier arrest. Thre warrant wasnaeswievrtyvoe sned MANY COME FROU EUROPE. and %vas carried oui of the homte by d score or more of offending autoS, sworn out by Adam"rOf nam enevr t yud ar o-trnnid lier husband just a second .1ooltr many from Chicago, according to Mr. the victIim. Ass1. Chief' Tyrrell went in the list of h)achelore." filese Mo- fihe entire roof caving in., el.have been iturned over to) to seýrve it laie thtis afternioon. Thre <y asked theI Sun toda1;y "I don't Thajt hle will have fully 2.0011 men iue to the fact that there arie only Siates AttorneyWlh hohspm-bullet entered Ithe vicIillm faceI just t-it< youl are plaving fair with me." emlye er yJue1.1a. i afew telephones ini thatt inity ised to1proecte. The penalty, under below the lef't eye, was defecte by ral have called the Sun's ai- loc ales his :nonster airplane factory %danowi;z lhadt a ditilicult time inil the new state law iS a fine Of I$10, a bonte and lodged in the barik of the I tiont hfåthatenme her,, is the statemeni mae t Se r ating a phono, 1o notity tCitNort ix oth n alo ot. . nck.- lr.Knight. who attenjodal helh-' Rearden iltwins James and Joe, tr, Holli-ter of the Waukeýgan Cham- icj(ago tire depart:bient and thus the Thetrthoradnqutinie youngstehstae but probing forwh cndtteRaro wapr herv of Commerce by Alfred IW. La- irehdsep-hu h uebuild btenDwe ra n aeBluff. bulliet, for fear of the consequen I facoweomit tied The un wapol- -im, wno h:as been looking over the log belore the ari iof thre tiremlen. Just south or fihe naval Station. Mr IeL.o(of i's si ocamta h ho grounld lher,,for Ithe last few days. l-pon receiving Vhe call, lhoweveRse esnll tpe.oren uigwsacdntl ewsaot1 - ,H righit enough to list me .ýir. jlollister says the chances Of Io- thelireferrae d itethe scene toustsadpae he ne retfeet distant from the vicimli.The ao, mong thlie hbæoibt whlv didn't oeating the 11plant here alppear to bie very -aitbreakneck speed. Pire Chief J e.s- within a perliod of forty inuite" dent happeded Thurs-day ftrn on a l'ulit linlthe nmof Ear'l E1". goodl. for Wnea has advantages lHurt, discovered uipon his arrivo "Cicago autosisots appe-ar to be tile F5 o'clock. erritt ary Ho,,t asked. whl(ich fw cities can offer. ilhat chances of- saI ing miuch oifitheworst Ofrendeýrs." Mr. Ru'ssll saidl."I Ned 11s-- i, anoither whiow name "Mr L»awson zassuresIlme'that he ai- tock was baeless and ordered Iii- amnconvinced they will not stol)run- as omilt-l and overaIlofNd reýady hias contracts !() build fiflt en l en to prevent lthe ir, fromn sprewl. in0ve hi9oa heewok.,nrind hv asked the Sn to cor- of his riamK airsip and that new oling to nearby biribdings. The'Nort pr,.rss untfil weý finI or impron rthovr!h ders are being received al the time. ,iagùolire chief showed aecellent isomie of theinh and i h juÎ, (lliat io'lbe ,slit.yucopldor .Mr. Hollister said. Frthmra o lludment in thre manner that h1 han a re gong-t do.-'. r adld vDIS Tery carefully ,"Desk Sarv.,ant lie is anxious tr or oa ehi-plant ni ed the fire and tui prvetd itto sta n a atitof a onpolith qoa 11 U 4ON • D. : l nÏ,buýt u left>out larry lParma- 1 -- namte. You1 le-ft OUI M. (.At- - lt4ýtvs ale I)>ut I se- yoirhave ed1 in Kenosha VWednegilay nr i ifrom re a l lurcs hat lhe is ,arles and for nealy half a a ety Irried il d(-tsý, ..n lx >romfinent among thé, womeén of yrFrmarked ··.AIr.-ady 1two Young iosha. Mrs. Charles hlad been In fail- nwbn have en led mue UP and want- Iwo weeks hadl been confinnd o l tedpnto knc ai Year ropohat Am Ken.haroltesir honahey o.the Hdl eE'* NTE IT ade si.ce.madeteromofte i esa. Tryhe un receie aomnc ation devout Chrisian ie wan r hae:IMr emn, called ach mrs. CharlesMhadCamrlsOtant prt2,in ens wt h e p ainof these n1any yeas n anhr ptio wn t ticso thpi Treplaceorkua s. fe naton t ar wasvieyo ncSed AugustSldn tea LIter by thefatCitatnhewomn eadrs.hp eo. B.LMoe wi, meca d ac ame ogte ek osof Lte»rke rs nhe JonG sgadnr year when the war demand was th e Barney Kilbane, laborer. greatest. Few wromens ever living lu Wm. Watrous, merchant. Kenosha gave more to the work of the Jim Chambers, laborer. church and the Red Cross, &aYs i e Alex Whan, toblacco A Cigaru. Kenosha News. 1. h Mike Leonard, pattera naaker. She le survived by two daag erà, Jim Reardon, Reardon Bros. Mfra Mrs. W. F. Anklam of Detroit. hg ., Joe Reardon, Reardon Bros. Mfrs. and Misa Frances ChartersoChaesho, Wm. Dunlay, horse shoer and two sons, William H. Charls of G1eorge McDermnott Riverside, Ili., and JamesJ. hales T. Lawrence, bookkeeper. of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. herthe idrn Chas. Sanders, traveler. were at her beds de whe h ia John Rahling, farmer. summons cames.• h h Fred Brown, merchant Funeral ait St. Matthew's e ure ' ilm Bartlett, fgrmner Kenouha, yesterday. Robert Whan, mgr, Alalbuler Ce. Unwerthy Amerlean Soldier. In 1812, on the sixth of August, DO- M«en o ity. troit was suirrendered bhy Gen. William Gjood literature proceeds frosm ai Hull to the British. uinder General Of natural probity, and since onle ough Brock. After Hluill was released by the rather to praise the Inception than the British hie was couirt-maitrtialed by the result, you should give greater praIsse Amfferlenus, found guilty of cowardice to a man of pröbity unskilled In let- and condleinmed Ito be. shot. President ters than one skilled In letters but Madison morm(ifiýi the setnee to dies devoid of probity.-Leofnardo da Vinei honornb-le djirer fromii the army (translated] by Edward McCurdy). and [10w11Hu to eC., ree.~ teN ur . A Well.Shod Voice iBlrtha;- *mand d co you believe that , M q»_' il RwomPI ·Il 1 1 turnls to the last page ears" omns gn 1ob n.Wi-first Ihln I pleks up a book?" Irm. command 1nIvoice in 'atent-Iiinvf- no renson te eathr shes, mmin dow thestais a t I isthe nature of nHI pInk with hat i oston Tran- th,. a -tithe last word." script. the Mississippi river. but that Waulke-TTmieilately. îHe inform, nme that many fr-om spreadingato ohe oms aianeut'lcor evth%;.aon gSm and immediate vIcinity is in the m f his orders for plan, s have comne causing a damage of thousands]as o occur e St. Lawrence Valley, for reasons above R EN EP R from foreign cotintr. .a"d it ie mil-jars to other property in the neigh- Mr. usse astune oe to thé utated. R E E O T À pates that the dem and will increase borhood.stae's ttorney thlt icense numbers i PN OR TROUT YEAR yaSnrpre oa.saeiii 1o rihthat Mr Lawson will decide upon á by fire. The stock was partly insuir- to place them under arrest and bring p Catch Was Below Normal; is site within the nexIx few days. and 1 cod. He stated however, that hie just them here forcibly. dfi Blamed to Mild Winter;Ar will be surpriýed if lie does not select secured a large Are;:zlly of Christmas According to Mr. Russcll, there is a S1 ÇAAL FÀMRE HI oletn panNw Waukegan." articles, and that his Insurance regular streami of autoý and trucks ColeUn Saw Nw.• ould not cover thbis goods, 80 that running around the barriers and tear. pr his loss would bie considerable. ing over the road, makling It Imposai- nt AV R E YF E K YOU MAY U FEHOOKS SOON FACULTY OPPOSES Wh kiewicz.It is wowrthbinJohn, ble ito crro iseer ousy of puttingt DeF CIRCU9STANCE e° NEm W GREEK LETTER 9 la rrü:3G liakegan iet robaby the most for-esof rtn nFRAT AT H.e C O LS IL R C A G D tignate City latesatre an d irMthie Other tugs confined themselves lar >perty was not Insured. SÀ R C 1 E gs=uwllngly went into a contract kinds of smaHier Ilsh. ihhtCussFcly ave caused » totetcta oa el eyt acigcsosadohrEcuieeso raiain noehetiroei hu ° TR TREFT Of h r Ire the " Sd comany last Fishermen Who have followed the i htCue a ly fotouadsoftosofcolbus1ne- for many years e=sresns the Oppositidn. Negro ConvIcted ofPBurglary NO E TC U C atta hete osdrd a opinion that the condition was :4N YATR R >ý ergrade of fuel.brought about by the fact that hiereCALDsCOLRHIP CLUB - -1 U VIlS be recalled that Kt that timle was little Ice last winter. This caus- CLE HOASIt took the jury In the case of Ar- dheRengconpnysoghttoge te d heAs tocoe eaerth sr- The newly organized Schlorship thur Pruitt, charged with burglary, but a:aI 00 isC||i iy eàmto dispoe of a large qmutity face thanusuladmd thre Society altrioe Waukegan township fifteen minutes %0 return a verdict of y,• ý*eWalwhrich they hall prchaed for to catch them.. high school, but which in reality is "gQuilty." lail , 0u in Grs "'»North Shore gas Company, but A h rsn ieteAhn said to be a Greek fraternity, has en- Cloakr00E. 3 to e por rae fr eaon s loed eebut the lcal gcountered considerable opposition at Arthur Pruitt, colored, repudiated c *Mkin of coke and was therefore Ilshtgjrenadinclcig the high school on the part of the the alleged confession made to the SAILOR PLEADS GULtTY bydec1way.Temr.san ftispr.Th rutcuh faculty, and now holdo its secret police when he was placed on trial WueaNv L - 4mbgin loisr of tak&g lit for during the closed seuaso ae$tripe meetings outside the high school a' for burglary in circuit court today. Josehp Traxler pleaded guilty when sOM tpeto with the iscmof tteflir spawn hich is ettotea rsl.Prusitt ischarged with having broken lhe was arraigned in police court this a attmped o omel heme- sat nh htceresth toutgien The olllcers of the club which or into the home of August Carlseen, afternoon anl was bound over to the a *@@to take the co", anyway, in or. to the fshermen to be sold. This Is ganized about a month ago, are as 1117 Ash street, on the night of Aug. grand Jury in bonde of $600. He was ,R atth-y might be privileged to their .emueraton for making 'the follows: g last, and stole a purse containing remnanded to the custody of the 0 «ghepr oui the company handlecths YrsietEr aka, business M5, a wrist watch and a diamondshrf. UM i the' dealers held a meeting The ,inrese n the price of twne manager of the senior play stidpin.> J. Traxler, aged 18, a sailor at the B I" n but-flormued an organisation to which goes into the makeup of the Vice President--epencer Jorgen- 'PruItt wras arrested by Policeman Great Lakres naval training station, genodel the old city dock and enter nets -used In cactching trout mnay son, feature editor of high school Lawrence MceDermott and James was placed under arrest atl the irst I Im competition ith the Rei"Scm- cause Waukegan fishermnen before paver.1 Horan about 3 a. m. on the morning Methodist church Sunday night about pay Th Resscoipan-evn entlon toreortto he nl oter l- Secretary-John Palner, chairman 1 of the robbery. He wasfound at the 6:15 on a charge of having Mtoen a loi far as to shut off the coal supply1 ternative of catching fish by books. geanerai committee for junior prom.| corner of Genesee and Water streets Blum of money tieru thle opcket of a ' who refused to handie any This ls done to a considerable ex- 1 Treasurer-Alfred Klarkwk and was picked up by the police be- ca ntegil'cokoo.Tilr «I the coal. But finally the dealers totlin Wisconsn u sntloe John Williams, president of the cause of his suspicious actions. was locked up In the city jalil pending 1 In& OConseted to take from 1,000 to upon ,with much favor by the local senior class, has been elected to | When searched at the police sta- a hearing this afternoon. 2»0 toms of the coat fishermen. memnbershipi and will bie initiated to- 1 tion Pruultt had the wrist watch, the Traxler, It is said, has been attend.. Tt has since been demonstrated that The dishing Industry at Wauikegani morrow. George Doerbecker, presi- diamond ipin and $10 In cash in his ing meetings quite regularly at the tis pariceular grade of colai, while not is an important one and hiundreds dent of the junior class and Léonard Possession. The jewelry was iden. Methodist church during the last two mllale fer the making of coke, ls finel of tons of fish caught here are shù:- Gilibert, president of the sophomore tified as belonging to the Carlseens. or three weeks. D)uring that tine re- a .r dmestic use, and as a result Wau- lied to the Chicago market. 'lass, are memberr. There are about Pruitt steadfastly denied a ny ports have been made fromt time toe Inff h as thousands of tons of coati a score o1 members at thé presenit knowledge of the $10 still missing; time that sumis of money have been wrhitemany cother cities throughout the Amrcn eintoPe lismé. william a Iennie, director o* until the police made him believe stolen fromt the cloak room. On one 8 atear epeiecig calfain - atheletics, is stonsor of thé club. that If lhe would produce il they occasion,money was_ stolen from the' This supply, In addition to what han vent Haywood Speakmng o si o to the club on thle pari would let haima off. Then he prodlue#,i kitchen. been brought in during the summer, of 'lhé faculty is sail to havei devel- the money fromn a place In the séami Sunday night a young woman left -nd the bard coal that has been; Detroit, Nov. '-ý-.--Takinig oe ,l ped ithru lth fact ithat themmb of hie underwear-, the supper table at the church to cn.i- shipped In by boat, has provided the; cognizance of repoirt that thé, Ameir ship, is limiited1-thiat is, il is noti These tacts were testified Io by the ter the cloak room.i As she stepped in Io deeresa sffiien sppl toenale eanleIonwil nerak o ree'open itoail sstudenis oi the h Iigh police at ithe trial today. \When she was startled by th, sight of a man them te fill orders for uinlmited quan.1 William ,D. awod from tm hol(Mmbriip)-->,i can bie otnlPruitt was placed on the stand hl, in sailor's garb. She screamed and m mas m+tig hre umiy.Nov ony b pronig and henhavngsa!,i tht on the Lnight in question he rshed fromn the room, notifying th, The Reiss company Is still receiving :In.Mayor Jamn- fcouzs ni n>ay a 0- api< (alions balloted on. A num hlad come ,to Wauikegan romChchurchi janitor, a Mr. Mller. who 1s a a batoa ofcol vey wek ad nunedpoice roitectinwll1 be hro tdns tis said; hav,, hi capgo to obtainemploymient. He said spécial police o.-cer. Traxier n therefore the coal situation here t i givn Hawo l bn_,reary. o nif, -la a l i gelooff ithe Str«eet car at, the.Edison plced.uder arrest. ,ery fortunate compared to other l-abehim tohe r hf, i s ides.Te 0ad ohav% au ;d ome feeling. Court statin n akdeat t One youing woman fouind that $1.50) caiis yo ttmn as mni,,by the Hoiiports that thet club seeks to pro- West street h, says he pice'd 1up hadl been stolen from hier cloak. When Thr aebe hreavne na.ortioin from DIavid G. jn adl radical idas is dieniedolby1 a hanidkerichi, f lying in the grass nd jTraxIer aws searchedhe, had ta oal here however during the last jutant of Charles lere ost. mme .mysay thle organizatio"a in it found thIl watch and stickpin. amiount of money in his pocket, It is month or so, an advance of 25 cents a1 which comprises mem(ilbers4 ofw as ob- jollyfir soceh! puriH- says tha( th.. $4l) which hietr said. The Young women of the church on soft coal going hnto effect today thé legion, that "iregardh sý of whiat D vrto Ithe 1poleelhe hadoid plan to ,appear against the sailor at, ayo Cuznsde Hawd wm----a loan fromn his sisteor who lins in his hearing. Thes Independent lads all. not speak in D)etroit" Chicago. No denied having, found ¯¯ FIREENDA GEIVài'lor stolen i. sLCMTyrrell tiistifiedl thalTW CH F AR 1Prulitt had*not been vi;ited by 'h;, LI ES Of NORTH s s*-r %-Ii1 -i -a--and rreS' NOT YOUR HEART could not h1a,,Idrmceived the efrm URNED IN CAFES 1l IT'S YO0U R KIDNEYS CIC G A Llä he rujitt saNs ithat when the officolR N GR A E artlim hoe was on his va 'N to YB I NG RE S gt%.* 1- ýrT r r th'ng. eanng on at m --- - the Nrt ticideot. FrOom the- osons ý. A"Fire Breaks Out iry Sun- hie inltendedLlo walk Poutt, havine - - E~~~b c day orn ngru n ng nti e i"t"!"wo d fi Night Chefs at Bostont ouse 0<1, M na - UR - ou0 Stock--$10,000 LOSS. -coi indie n w and Cafeteria are put ù °" '"" irrot " ntof Cominission. lit di> y ýt -- ~hetL.*th n irraitufaringdSiccrs K ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o (;d"!.Ldiran w b 14h-dy1ouar.- eadOVER HEAT€D STOVE CAUSEi-odslkr- kf-" f1i!. ,,uhv cu. Teear o.o iittriOCCUR HALF HOUR APART bot-. iuf t< , a . e ont or two O)ne ofIlLfthb iglfhs wIch h aa hlifts" for miuelaize. The white of au -t sech y ccr t m verd in Noirth Ciecàigo in year egg will hie foundl quite nls good for Th a ,pclacoincidlent, th" . Au mrer ~~or h- rattac brok. our dii-iing ithe early hourti elngltes.Aohe1usitt snighit lhéts ait both Htn oue e ~~or tirna edGOLD Sundaymoning ,i in odry oodis st ore ncl ole oaorui' vr h ea ran ,a! o s aletiria, r., I ir B coandbshoe tora l ented ad oala theth;imirants cor.dne:ýed lbyrho Nolan b fro r 1 1 1ifthy u otI- t v lnd oria e :r t e e -crili thetlives th< rct, were pm o u t ofr o o so n L ofanlln r q&a , w -cau-igtho -_ - -_nda ighit wh in alf an Ihour o 0 M s ands ofdoilars wo if (damnage. ach other. hotilbeing hu nedpin- Th sor i wa hefIré started ]Vuly yboinoreseIn -"ch'ras9 Theodore 0. Hurst, Presidlent. W. B. Smith, Vice Pretlident. ,..The, w otsse mostly of hoilin ,t was resqmisible for 'hit F. W. Churchill, Secretary and Manager RZao;e.mte o i-e nai, imesioflthe vctims TEL EPH ONE 81 -nt zIanoiie 7 in(, f ithe proprice s JAAm.LIANS4 1:1 Sotth | or- ofth . r 0l chlanced l to glimps 1ica strveei,nighit tchef at the [los- SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. nsleepSA NI ElI Hoston 11llouseP. ABT A T FTITLE TITLES GUARANTEED i " e oabga K Pot!ik n tlcae a n dea eaccidenlt C'apital $125.000.00 tl- nayýwmr,,lp n tKEosr P Bo AM ecaisng heutesl W A K G N - - - ILLINOIS Thlus the other mewheirs of the zdan- that makes yu iough. and his back was-drenched with the W AUK GAN 'J -,er- fam ly wre awakened and lm- Oa D.biling :fat. This happeneýd about safeguéî Investm O<R.P RH, PII-u-1lA nmkxslit casy us solydytmtcll n to accumulate higÏh class scujrities payinggod dividend reýturnis and capable of large inc-reaseSin value. ren us in! mch yvol, can pay down an w muach you can pay mnonthly. 'il us what securttics ou have, if you have any, so we muay advise you as to their present value, stability and future. We will make up a special investment suggem- tion for you acecordlipgl to what you can afford to invest on tis partial payment plan, tither on a Write to Our Departmnent A-.2 for our paper, 'Guaranteed Inivestmpts," giving advice on thle markret conditions--It Will interest you, irded lents e in es 6 ° 12

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