LIERTYVIjlLE JMDEPENDENT, TERMSDAY. M)VE MBEI-2,997. Q _______________________________________________________________________Pager ,îur Christmnas giftsat this time-corne Tuesday on business for the Episcpltan o h ane HAPPNING.ATd see, anyway. church. * soa erawntegm'Chope. bsnes oday. Ms hre hmi oai~ le and MThe Easternustirg and aobanWheteIoftFMr. and Mrs. E. A. Martin spent Alrg rwd cinili)tiithe Viking's on the rie 11i ,Mrs. Martin of AlendaleadMs ar uhigadJh ht riday evening. Trho' luîid served thel Wedin,,-aday evening at Liiertyville with here Sunday. A large noînher wenti Irene ccd EmînaVi. Lrdt 1 The Royal Neighbors held their Wallac'e Dobyns of Waukegan, was a Eugene Stickles cf Baîîgi:r, Mchigan, .TEsin Star ChauYr. wil l phomuedwîhythe ift-ir hîiîagvîîgtuke isirg ihAn ia rn ùMîd Ordra ,e'n or obCor ,the tirât of the serie., cf social meeting Atoh .~~î aigbshm 'rn aaeîf ar~ iL,' Reî. Jernîiurg preacehebre Sunday. anriday cf isî toiktgvti.-eie'2.& iii. dersTa n forit obppicon nth net otitwith M.aan s osp Svge e n 'nattti-akminihr lyâ Wor. a gnenby îe(lia!',,aid chse Mr an Ms. oseh avae. icburg, Fiorida, to splint.ill winter. The infant daaghtî-r cf Mr. and Mrs. institutu. Adetsigrotso ppa ro nte4ulreeticntetacafteronadbsne vis t s h tgae buîn-'. hie Webbilied e rly H Miss VirgîniaW.D. Va. ilcc.-5.'1; M ij s s H a r r i i 't M i l l e r - t ie l i t S u n d a y w i t h a c o o l M o n d a y . H C O Yi g h a ù ý i s c I n u o i i h h r s s f l a k e , L ,t , " j Idcr i. W. Culyinlac Il g ,ol .. I-friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ross spent Friday HC O Yig h$a1!-11i114 iemnawil e isi i akear r W'.î ~ ~ iaa 1ng c few dcys wîth I.- îîrlil,tt, 'r Mr. andl Mrs. E, Tlrayîr spent the ianid Saturday in Chicago. ' EFAE)T<OLATE i i' iA l i E)1aotsvnwes uihadLodih oIl w, r-v-li lrprn I ii r Cary ciii -penîd Tlict-wllic iLI'. week-eiii wth i. latice-iiEvatîston. The ilage boaard beld a suiecial meet- 1The 'Lade'Aid s,,ciî v i,- lid at Mcas. The Ciinsî,iidartl ichiais will hoid a ti stage another (lance th is week Ti it , Tiiuréday. Thi.'dcriii.'lven Sui iiîiv -9iiA~ît Mrs. A. Sirîîn r'.i mscellauleus ig ueaday eveng Franh Edwacds last W-ieda îetilig at the ihîigî- ',chio Nov. 29 Mr. arnd Nirs. L. J. McClureîof (1, -a î'te!Ieb licalî.'iteri"i .. îae Irui.' fl, %N' as i We iiiî'i ai ber- îliiî.c Irirh ,y aftenoni Fak Huli!. cf LonpLake, is driving i weli attended. The follirwing ifficers lfrs. 7 tint 'il Mgoia.4. gîî,,wii rive ht'ler pat fittî, i.odaitlofrtpet. j i, rentf lir. S-i,.'~. i-.. .,. .' ~ huîir ci the' iccvitt riiirat Celr rstane1 iv iasnger Ford tiîaring car werceiected:Mr.iîr,-Tlit5îi rsJuueinl'ilpsfMaoi. 'kihrltishe.iriiiiîii ii rlî,îc Tlîcîiîegiiîig .u ii, ii ,. tarii n r, Mn,. (St Inîhi'. a al,1,but tlîîrty which he won fiîr a dollar. Some limne president; Mrs. Owney llîîli*nlec'k, vi . , i vsitnghier-brîther, John ~Ti'c-h i hl na--icîvm WlîeîiîMî ny uâetul uni hatie ,,-rie gifis were iwere mctoring near Hrighten, a mati irsc. Frank Edwards. trî'aarî'r. aTiM«i. i c-lia euh a r -ifntd iii iii.ecemu-ni 5tis-lM de - , i îrii i.T lt rieccl, rlrweî.-î.are served acccsted them and asked them tu ltuy a Mr. and Mrs. Bert Edîvards are re- making plans tii go, Ili St.l'etersburg, Inhum. c tii (Il"1,'rAiu-laulst - - Mlr. l'nl-st ci tic Standatri Pis aiîlt 1'and ail speî.t a %îiiy île caltafterncuin. Iticket on a Ford. Mr. Huiik was the joicing over the arrivai (if a daughter, Florida, in a few.aeek betrn"born-,ith t s aure cd ii mt wPoi Bient tii, wiek-e,îd Ill tliigli The East lIx',i-try sociccy ronly one cf the' party te Lake a chance. .Pearl Irene, bhem Saturday. Noîv. 15. LG. _ _ hI t.'îiiîirnlrai, torilr 'tauîOtmatrTogt Pr.Sîutii~s ntrtairullus- Wr Ii ul îîbe eit.'rt.,iefi a: dinne 1hyHe wes surpriscd last weck to reccive iMr. and Mrs. O. L. Illuulenleck and L- __ - . -'l 1 il.crii L r ein Parstons bwthtut' ieiet knowie 'i' i i fl c ! - . i ii. ~ c r ii ii i r i. ig M r s . A i nr e d ia i iiiiîii a t i h o m e o nr i 1 w o r d h e h a d th e w in n in g n u m b e r . M r. a n d M rs . A u s tin S a v a g e w e r e H ig h s c h o o l p u p l g a v e a (la n c e t t be ' u t t., N irs it T h ,i mîu . fi r th e w 'e k ýf n d a e n t t e ( . î - i î s a L e ic ht , ieltnioi 19'lîursdaîy iceîiî-1.'i vryoy Mrs. Chas. Ronyand icft Munday Knsasopr hr.a.hîgh achool November2._________________________________ Crtg. r e in Vcry wt'îciliiîîC. iXtici- jnî,ifires mornîng for Sprinfield, wbere site went Miss Irene Savage rc- rne home Th Spone iri rty retur-iîd froin.tOfcaPbiain hcirietl')m . i eda haas delegete for the Rebekaha. She i-seudnesaay after spending a few weeks Tennesseet(OfaitalWPdbicstion g ticiili- - g went by the was cf Lîbertyville where in Hebron. Ca. Siasrnedt 'la ete ofBthe cfndion l Cak %N'liSeiiIh u- - er.. 'ishe was joined by Mirs. Edith Wells aise Mrs. R. C. Biaholi ccii chi] dr'n ?cffbas fo hrya bas rredtt iara irt Rota tacntinf lire it l nteri'stifiusenig theT e kW .1,kiii w the Rev. anîd Mrs. Snyder and daughtersa delegate. They will be gene a weck. Kenosha, spent the wel-k endl at Gec~r orge R .Cth ycrs wa taIanIosRudC k farnia an.' irrît«f-il IPkii' tcIi le.-' ,: r.c.' te hanksgiving vacation aMr. and Mrs. Arthur Peterson, who Tillotwon's. . 'itenenwsa Chicago Iocatod at Round îLake, State cf Iliiîs, at the close tifbusiness on theIl t ta îr tiirg itIltritî. ci . Irncia1 gll' 1iii thfriendit in 1ndiana. recently returncd front New Hampshire Walter G. Thompsoîn i attending a visitor last Tuesdiay. clay if No vemle r, 1iil , as made tii the A uîiîtor of Public Avoitn ts of the qtato cii.... 'ii. u 6.îîi'-r i ic'céIii- Mr. and Mrsl. J. G. Peulten and Mr. wili inove te Waukegan this week. Mr. iblical school in Boon-, 1ra. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. G;age-r .f Irving Illiinois, pursuant t.,ii l. âr.and Mrs. Oscar l>ouglas; spent Sunday l'etcrsen bas aea position - th Mr George Edward, zinf IRoy and Park.* v isedfrielois bore Sunîlcy. 1 ESMIiRCiE5 vira. g'stkeea wth rs. 1I Lieuns and Di',aiiinti ...1.. . .'dcfive gu.. nil-re- cci Friilav eu.i-i.with their parent.s at North lPrairie. the' Standard Ou Co., at that place. Miss Eva. calied at -.ds On cls $ ks1te44ea.469.)ierrat ir) amu îît iii, Ili-1 u-i c-m. i.. The' many friî'nus cf Mrs. lxittie Mrs. Walter Palmer went te Chicago. farm on Monoixiv. and Mn.. H. E. Flooid bai.- gong- te, 4 lnvestmî.nts .... .- .>..-. ..-......... ........76. 1W Écti.-ridîiigrî.jri t Wimdii i.e. Blarnictable will lie glaî to fleuar that she i Wednesdav te undergo an iporation for':Miss Lois Hunter e e -ltng ber Florida. -It shoulîl lavi. 1-ailMr.' andI Bankig Iliuse . ------------....... 1........16.0 If lu iii a ui l ileiiik- TianLk.'g1i irg is reciivering nî-ely frîm hi-r rccenLt tmîîr. grandmothcr, Mr. Pickli1rs.H... Hghe..C.h....u. rî...a .76, nw ir X ric. asllàr i i i, il io"r 'u r PePiîpu.a t accident. llociiI poiiacning set in lier Mrs. Joîhn Martin Cas a tChicago, The Woodmen and R.,yal NeîgFlIîiirii; 7 )thi-r Rusources .. . ...41 theii,îî t miti, trehand but is yîelding tii tri-cIment. H,th pasege ndordy fioeo~u~ eld a joint social meeting, S.ituîriay -Total Risourcins..... ......$.. ........32,087 P.10 h 4ciiik'i-l a. i miîiil se a-id ber humbandwerebaliiyb!ruiîsî-d. Mrs. Willi Roicig's rnitlier passedl MILLE3i1IN inight.i . 1 - iii'iii D -e i . i.-,~ -away at McIenry, Fridav. Tht'fune-rai Mr.a-id Mrs. Franrk Itl)iiihl-.iiits t,,1 (aia tc îi n--------- 50 dckti, Roi wae hed Meurc at ol., ".)a-id Miss Maggie Watson-i -i îending a CptlSokPi n-... . . . Misdav. wnîî ~liutin ame caNlMI Ruî uiigttnde r. ndweck with friendsa t îi 11u1l- î. spend part o-f the ainter in io rida. I 2 Surplus Funil............. .....2................. 0 M.r.Ile-li,î,gi.airiii>dînis av i-i.-n igf lultr aîaul-laaeM- - - I4)zig a-d Nr ndMa . .tri r i .t Richard Hock received a carlîîad of :I Uîîiîvided Profits (net)i----------------.... .....------.. ,2: dowt3 tirdiii,.'lr-mnig foi ai iluIi-i daliicr -Mrs. Dan NWalshi can d en M. arc - .N. ar vsi coaliu bridvbtta-saldsAil ther ..------------------------------------....279,60 - r. i , i.iliteitl viuit witlî tlî-ir cousîis, Barri-t and hlsjuend1iuug ' dy utitwa al i Reserve.' foîr Txi-s and Inte-ist-------------. ......... 76 .1ble.. .-rI i im piîecElamr nd.a few da3s aith relatives at î-gMaCnosm rt\c>ieiposed cf in a few bhrs IeriIin i .-ioi' ' - F ,Mrai r-u adl îrîdaiî,tî- l.aI Kearney, Neb. Th"crdpati bcvii i r-smud hel iîabilitîos---------------------------------$....... 3.... fie. and'NIrs.Wald atirtIf- idistrict Dell Anuca f Waukegaii, hai; bt-en A. H. Stewart atenui-d he edn i- eki eebr h as n ,E ,WbeCsiro h FrtSaeBnfl oenyser %4-c"e ,r.-scirt, Ail tarJii gîîîlute liai- Sunda% cl'îî -inenuînn l1aiei..iii,.I. weknl)cmneinh5 stue ,E.C.Wiîî-r asie f h Fri tae1ak 1. srlmiysea truc i..-ii- ali-r 'i. iil i liiriii-iii, Tî-say.i iuting at the Chas. Thoirn home. t cf bis son, Rosa Stewart in Chicago the wu-as icgeiy attended. the aci.% e statorent is 'truc t,, the best'of my knowlu-îige .an- i ei meý. I liîîlî iii I ý oiriiiîalirs rsc,:Mamsad v petSTATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 Saîrda rt-n e Sîrd~ -. .nîn n st a-id second went te Wiîmî, Mr. and Mrs. Earî Strartgif Wauke- dates for adoeption next meeing. Ail - oiNY'J"AE. f v.ti c !ti- -atKinihaair evening te play the High achiiol 1gan, spent the week edivibMa ofcr hudtr eh rsn.Subscriicd uand sworn te hefoce me titis 24th idysfNi.cbr19. Mthr atn fit . Fr ar! îitu-n - avn .Ba oW ,vmb 99 LA E (LL .]_fr._rakIf mii-» nteailis of that îplace. Hotii Antîocb 1sîranga parents, Mr.ndMr.i. . Earl Washburn was in Chicago on M.H. EBiER, Notary Pubile. theu i.- () u inI as ýt-ý\ - n s Chicago rîlativees. M r'.;-iîrge llirn ias beeti puit- il! R Harnlin aný-i Sn.,ln..- îani-e- I-cil lbi 1-rtwi .wiii!.arîd lier sîstc-r fruîm truc!. tii be uscid n thoîri-rr-.iutng --:'rirk h hien staying a lii ler wîrk.Mi.- ard Mrs. Sn. du-ni-sre, - .i iras Mrs. John Nadr trarîsacli-,il line-.s Voir sun(re ir'tînk' and alpureatirti tii in Antiocb last Friday. a'] who , ti-kart ini the denatîun uarîy Mc. and M., tGeorge Mitchell (if last Friday. cvening. Chicago. spenî the- eî-ek -end at the Kerr Will al thuiseohî ave boouk froni the home. scbîuîl lîbrary kirrdly return them tej the Mra. Ray Meacham apent tnt' hast schiei se tbat the library mnay bc ne- week with hec peeple at Marshfield, arranged. Do. it today. Wiz.. and ber sistec ceîurned with ber Last Fiday evening tht' paatitr' s foc a viaiit. famnily were pieasantly surprisel after Mca. R. E. Hussey bas returned fcom tht' picture show wben tbey wcre in- the Chicago. hospital where she recently i.itrrd te the basement o-f tht' chucch underwent an operation for appendicitis wbece a table wss pîled hi gh wîth al and is reccvecing niceiy. soîrts cf donations and the' floer unde, Mr. and Mca. Ray Kerr cf Fargi, N. neath was aIse piled wîtb vegetables, Dare spending sonee ime wth the etc., for the paster a-id faîuil 'v. Tht' fonîeca parents bere and will aise viait evening waa pleaaanîiy spcnt in games Mca. Keccas pacents at Watenford. Wis.,a-id social conversation and later, sand- befoca their cetucn. wiches, pickles, cake and citfee wece The Ccîbb scheol cf wbicb Miss serred. LaCcosse is teacher, gave a basket Last Fridey evening aIl enjoyed the social laut Fiday evening, caalizing splendid ceels of Charlie Chaplin and about $W0 from tha sale of baskets. A'equaiiy good pictures are pcomiaed foc program wus given by the children and this week. a very pleasant social time apent. 1 The Commercial Association met in- The Ladies' Aid society vil hold itai Barnatable hall Monday evening and Doit regular meeting with Mca., Frank had a very interesting meeting, a large Hainlin on Wedinesday aftecnoon, Der. number cf bath men and women being 3rd, and the aewing for the Christmnas out. The reports of the committes sae will be finished, Ail are welcome. were favorable and we are expecting to e.. The Ladies' Aid aociety will hold its have somae industries here in the near aimual Chriatanas 'saet t hie churchifutre Fm'dy eveetlng, December 5, in conlfee- F. -T-. owler went fia Boston ' on -a tie with the moving pictures. A good business trip this week. varlty of articles for Christ-à- wyul lme On Monday evening as Mr. and Mca. ou "al and rofronas a yl aiao on Sdney Barnatable voie driving ta tovn, ai.Plan to hqc et lest a part of they ver. run into by Capt. Bradley withi bis auto. Their buggy was corn- Mplet.ely demolished, tbey were thcovn. P.E.MIDBRND OtMra.Barnatable was icnios D)RLIGGmIST badly bruised. They were taken to Dr. Talotta ffie fraid and ver. taken Hasdquartsrs for t.> their homo. Capt. Bradley was running without ligia and neither saw HOLIDAY GOODS the otiser approaching. Stw dBooks F e Satemy Mca. Fred Hamliui has returned from " Toil.. rdeles tha hospital and is recovecing nioely p«du17 DoUeanmd Te"a froas hecrocent operation. She and la ace budroe o aride aPr"' Mr. Hamlin iUl maire ther home with fiai. hfairodhazusG h, erparents% Mc. and Mra. John Nadc plat fer imasfor tho vinter. Lust eok Nises Minnie Plotz and ptIYSICIANs' PRESCRIPTIONS Otto Preibe surprised their family and CareIuIIy Compounded friends by a trip (o Chicago andi comning, back as main and wife. The bride in jimE r- wel kownhere, having spent moat of I\L.IAL STO E br lf. hers and (ha groom han foc GRAYSLAKE. ILLINOLS aome tima been empioyed by J. K. _________________________ Dering and bath have many friands who quasi wiah (hem jay and prooderity. They will reside at Cadar Crest farm vhera R. WENDLAND boh ameemployed. OROCERY AND MARKET 1 ANTIOCH - j DEA.f R IN 1 - 1ýRECIVED TOn LATE Fait LAiT WEEK) birs. Johonott of Waukègsn, spent Gen raiMechandise several daya lus wesk vitb friands heTe. Miss Mary Tiffany spent tha week-end STAPLE AND FANCY GIIOCERIESj at home. DIkY GOODS. NOTIONS I Mrs. John Cobia and ber naphew, Ray BOOTSAND tIO- Smith, made a trip by auto Wadneaday BOOT AN SNB t Dwight., DL, vhero Mca. Cobb wl MIATS ANI) CAPS spend a week ett(ho latter'@ home. IIOSIERI Alonzo Runyard went tu Chicago jSaturday (o viait his cousins, (ho Misses f17 I>l'odUVflonk t adSoU I;thei and Lucie Runyard, who are _j Phase 1017-J 1attending «1.1 ~there. - - L. B. Grico vas a Chleago posaaagor L.A«E VILA Taooday. M Chmaos otored té Woodetock DELC.O Ith #Me Delco-Light cag,-ne i i .ei-teha Delco-Light lang ago passed the experime .,a type-u.c;d in the best aInd Mnost uX>",sXfU1 airpiane stage and has goene through therefining infini'-,-i engines and in hundreds'of tLht .ýands of automo- of thrce and one-hiaif years of production anc- )f biles. usage by 75,000 customers. It is atr-ccoled-runs on i n climate You will find plents in the homes of your -- kez~jz'pe inany tunity. Just ask yýour neighbor about bis Dc"o -lias only one place to oil and has a simple EMix- Light plant ing vaive in place of carburetor. Delco-Light makes happy homes; it saves tu-ne Tho storage battery is cxclusively designed and and labor, taking away lots .of hard, unpleî::î built for Deico-Light with thick plates, wood and tasks. It "Pays for Itself" by the work it doeu : ncl rubbcr separa:ors and many improvements that the time it saves. masure long hIfe. 0f the more thaji 75,000 Ssafl.d Usera of Delco- Liglit, the firet are among the moat enthusiastic- Prool that the. siPlicity and durability of Delco- - - - tmeets the. reqnirementa of its customers flo' aàDdco-UgA JEaU Newr Yom G. A.. RIITER, Dealer, 11607 Washigton S4. Waukegan, DlL STOVER & CO.,(lbe.) Distrâotov, 1407-14«e S. àIahlua Ave., C? maeo, i. il 0eco * s I 1. 1: EE - I 'I Mrs. rmpton apent Iati.uý-ek aith e