LIBERTY VILLE, INDEPENDENT ILAKE COUNM- INDEPEDENT wlm 2 0 r lon WAUKEGAN W'EEKYSUN ITA'. vT ~T --O-91b- a __Imm_________ VtL 2'j L &.V .LL.-I 48. fflT TWO 'LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT.NOVEMBER 27, 1919. F0111 PAGER hi 5J1 DlflI 'V1?afl Ta>' A1ssTaaviq - -- ~ * ~.8.W J.J~4~AI. LL.~ ~ BY TUE STRIKE;9 CASH NOT TIIERE )tUsed to be That They Were Paid UPon Finishino Cal But Not Jusi Now. PATIENTS NOW "BEG OFF' Waukegan. Nov. 25. Thtthe strikers are beglnnlng ta *Uffr Mterillyas the result of the l"19 f Inomean thatdthe situa. whieh are alo hit because of tt&. ë Clttln Off of the pay check, la evel. dent by the fact that local doctors déclare they are not nov gettlng any gay for heir services f ront strikers* famflies. When they are called ta a baonmete expianatian la made lm. .MediatetY. Mlr. 1octor. ve have no --ore, ve cant pay," and the dac- tor ba.9 tago on about bis -business depening upo their hofesty to takp «*Ere of the bill ln the future. Tbey ftmeon ta thInk that the octor's bill fours..e can watt and trie doctora i most caues agree vit thIein. Th. dactors deciare that prior ta the strIke mont of te familles ýtb.y dld vorif pald lmmediately an. an accu as the doctor itad made bie vWat. Itlta this ciansaaf peope nov * "'bo are frd bta ag for credif ý1bOm pbYslcans wbo never before ~had ta carry thrm on their books. 'for an a ruie, the foreigri familles Am e bone wio always pay their docfors' bis and as saoan and the 4101it of thte physician la consummna- A certain sath side business bouse whtcb vas over-zealous an thep trike atf rst feels different now. Thei chul dmr uaOd ta buy tee creain and Cari dy-they' do Dot corne tln vitItth,,,, * Nckels and dîmes naw as titey une' to-.41d the owner bas dropped his Va4rmtk for the whole proposition. SONORES ÎlTATE OFFICIAL& ýlSWiy dae. te atre> aeral af ~tloa bn h . athe a, Ceî o ~I leeistate ias- offentier go ovec ti.beada aifte laies atorney' ai Jàke cauty' Why dose he go lu the ouaitabout vay aifitavtng a war mut avorri "ut in Moan City anti sers- d.& not by the siteric ai Lake ceuni y1 or bils deputies. but by a Ziar con. table? Wby il it? Why or why? Reail this neya item: W. &chnidt, saloonkeepar of Faox a&e vas arreateti Tuesday ity Ziori aulbritie" on coriplairit ofi EaflCas- 0n Tecaecomeaskp NMondtay g ut(eJosepht L. BtsiaP. Tii. armt vas matie atter an tInveâtiga- flan of attorfey generais of the tate cf olias, ahowing sales oi vhiskey »ld beer i prohibition terrilorY, ialas an Sunda>', anti contiuct of dist orderly resort. Ordinance for Paving of Marty Streets ïa FiIed_ Waukegan. Nov. 2N.f An ordinance for te pavingofai égti street. SoutAvenue, Southi ,Victer>' anti South Jackson street vasr 9laeedaon nile for public inspection0 Pa ugit at a meeting ai the caut-n- WII Titis improvement s-II cOat ap-a Proalmatel>' $64.000.n FThe payroll for the rhallba ofap tie ntonth vas allovei. f A"I.t Henduran C9y. COPen la auRaucent suinsti cil>' af erfwegearnHonduras. an the Copan 11M. Tie remaîns are of uniriovr mfiquitr anti ver>' extensive, atretcb. Mg for abouftvaw miles along tie bar. Tie buMIng. are of atone, em- racint a temple ove, 000 test -long, <IM man>' acuîpturet i gureg. Ttîe hiuit raina taie flair name tram a Pliera tas-n tthb.e Sst of lbem. Me s-asan ludian trongiolti, anti Me fakim afte ràatierce struggle by 1 k. palarda under Hermande dei aesla mo S11a111000Numerous ln I daho. PsiiAS'vauIla, an. of the most pro. iýe noo ia for saters,,bas t îeat 11 lutte anakeakin tanner>' sud Off hotef fPeople laughterlng #Uueenkes. Idaho, howver, la the. ~ taleea aectiton oethfe1 0 93 Vtisa aabt iges ot W civ... Rerain rattiers bra&l b>' é terneli fiausanda ant-cfa, a vast rztn for rattler barveaters Viotolea of Every D ay. Dmsr are great victorien anti trug. a"tinoble actaoet beratantdona da-in noaka anti corners, andi hauseholda, eae linmenle and 'a s hart&--an>'onc cf wvii ,, reeoncle the sterneut tn.ta &.aW*rtid. aud 011 hlm vif ball«t n l att.-Dickena. 1 ÀMONÛ if LN "EX=ES"6TANNERY TAEJNJURED IN AIR TITLEi[O1IP3ABODY PLANE CRASH -- TRACT DURINi WK. Lloyd Taylor, Nephew of Cor- 4 ~ . -oner Taylor, Aviator, inlur- By A. K. Bowea, Asat. Secretary ed in accident in Kentuoký 8.curity Titis & Trius't Co. Business ai the Recardei's office --- --- for the vek endlng Nov. 22. 1919. Number ai conveyances. 11. Nurrber af U. 9. discharges. 4. Num ber of chattel martgagps, Iil Number 0f trust deeda andi mort gages, 33. Total number ai instruments filuro, Total amaunt af Jeans, $119.SÇo. Business basq been rusiîing ani loanqr*bbove the average. The flloving are thte more lm. portant demis: Etivard P. Keimman tflok title tei the Peabody estate praperty boodjer on the north by Gien aora aie., on the West by tbe Eie~ R. R.. on lte sauth ity Ridgelaud ave.. and on eaut by te City Ochool propeity for PeulesBank of Waukegan to West corner Genete et., anti Madison ust. for n.tmtnal ,cotiaeratlon; euh encumbrancea. Fred S. Erablu. botigit the Katie R. Alford place OUnonrth vest carnet jJulian and Hickary ebs., for iridicateci William P. Xirkhama bouglit tht *Samuel P. Gerry . properyl on south aide Washington st., juat West cf -ChaPPel st., for indilcateti $6,000.0" jThomas nkTruce bugitt one 0r teWin. C. Parker bouse on asat aide North Coun2ty et., aoutb ai Ridge- landt ave., for indicated $5.000. IElizabeth J. Wilson bought the C. Huluer -"0 acres I 8W 1.4?sec Dootikorte praperty on s-est Bide 24 fori, itiîcated $3.000. Northt ave., juat souitb of Franklin 1 IN GRANT- ai., for,indicateti $3,000. Thomas Moitit beugbt thte Frank Lateat Photo oi CouiVnSw.f aetpoocfnBtmn lo Brv uthnk n ctifub ec rpeye FxLkeI o Photo of Count l'on Bernitorff, foranti wouîd recogntze i thîs ci forth ide Rîdietanti ave.. Juat WestINW M .D- nier German arnulass:ador talte Lh . s.Wiose ehouidlers seenu bent untiller tite Jurgen Stevers and wfvue h e bougitteîe.Mele lc on bits way t0 the National Assemnbly loads of yteare and cuare the former the Hilda Bergatramnù property onl In Wauconda, Lake Park for Indica- at Wemar, shere searching inqury c bitrcelloi ofthie laermar emapire, east side Lennox ave., lust forth o7 led $3,000. la nov betng matie as ta "witaleat wbo tieclareti the trýaty with Bel~ Eighth st., for $3.560 te -ar." Coit Von Beatorf rium a se-Sp of, paper anti sho, viti. Mary M.- PIs" -ber bought the Chas biset 0: h Empire. made tartiing disclosures.%saying he Otber ex-officials of the former em. King 6 1o2 acres a .NB 41-4 sec. 30 nclutiirg ail ltr possession@, the badl counseled te kaiser andi the Pire la nov ýbefore îthg National Ger. Waukegau an nortis ailBelvideite British empire h'ts lte lal'gest terri- iteadstrong (ternvan officiais on nu, mari As hae Ine brr anaverin ai..for nominal COlrald.flM . tory. lbIthalnt ti ~gaig fJ account vitatever te cause the Uni-astte i shaeti b rnging about IN LAKE BLUFFW- var s total n-n a of3,12$.712 aqultre ted States taefter th vr and the failure oft lie sar.Lui . aib ntvie oglmlei's1 2.5 reuEupe the Howard praperty on norti aide 2,18,055Ô la iAsin. 8,61,245 i Norh Prospect ave., esst Or Sins.uion ave.. Ameriemci,'Aff)I hi Centrai Amerlos, 12j. for $10,260. q00i O ire West Indues, 117,M00 In Both 'J B C N US D I"P oa ER U -George Dteck andis-ie bought lbthe ei'a -4,'121 t InriAustrolelais Jas. A. Masanic praperty on narlt Bide Nort ave., east af (Gien ave.. WILL IE O S1R.D14NLARE FOREST- Rev. George Harvest vas te bave H R E UIE .i ICorelia B. Rsmussen baitgbt the: heen narriet int the daugitter of lh Wasinton____ ouh f rast momntig flieti for the ceremon>' for. Place for 87.500. Job Census Day tla te be observetidc IN HIGHLA.ND PARK- gaI ail about Il andi %venit off folai. i Waaukegan t eceliber 1, In accord- . ~Arthur T. Scheurmann tuh h biîch Inignto a et h rd anc. vitb a proclamation la'ued by Theo Ocheurmarin PrOPert>' on eatsuf ie r ienrs. nut hue engagement (,overnor Frank O. L.,wtien, anti a, s~ ide Jutison ave.. mast forth or hîargh vas broken off,.tBut the reverenti gem. persna rques sen te he Wuke-man st., for $2.500. and gave back tiemans second t t-gt 0f t was gan Citamiter Of Commerce.. trusé'deed for $6500. equall>' urstiscrslî Orice more ho cato pr ecei'.r'd e in c l y o lîts: l'Charles 1 . H arder bought the H al, orgot tri co re ai, tri te hurch andi Governor Lowdrn, if a commun se>' C. Gavtt property onWeta.iottiexeîrtbid Incn. ter af the Chamiter af Commerce, cole i lust sautit of Fort Sheridan reserva- qience.t attention ta the fact taI Ihere are!' tton for Inicateti $6j500._______ Ibousands of returneti service znenINGASAE vitehav iten uiabl lafirii an- *Sta>' E Jôes iouat lie 1mw. About Sciences and Rfeliig.a Ployment. h tla d esired t.hat work bel Ibarne property On sOuth veat carnier 'Ple philosoptit-si scienest deal wIit Provfdedti or'ail these meri.-Park ave., anti Westerfleld place -for the generai princîples, laws or camses The request ta madie tit aU the 1$.600. tiat furriisb the rational explaqastlon actoriea ti Waukegan ant i onity.1 IN NEWPORT- ét anMuing; te ratianel'. b>' whlc anti al lber emplayers ai men, tfake, Nicholas J. anti Margaret Browni tie tacts ofai n> region of knawlege- an Inventor>' of their situation lm-! bought a lot froni Eugene A. Reeveur are explined. The phrase In mediately and Intormn the secretary tIn sec. 2 ai Russell for $4,000. more particuturly lm reterene oi the Waukegan Chamber of Comn-CGeorge D. and Jessie M. Poster atudY ot raturai piflosopi>' or ha merce bast itos man>' openfinga there bought a lot in SE 14 sec. 27 Walds. tCs Empiricai metitots are te are. They are requestedti t state the s-orth frram Maurice Lux o 300 c bevtrii ll, sineta nature ni tbe s-ork. lte clasa ai em- , Russell W. Wells bougitt thç Achen gaaeto xeirc.Sctaaf Ployes desired. andtiheb rerne"atIon iarm or about 110 acres tI sec. 7 for entist is verseti, or akillei, tI eotbect. oe he paii. idicateti $17.000 anti gave back trust n facto anti from those facto pair. Belief ta expreaseti that tia re .deeti far $16,200. aiain r ai.Taeaein ipeninga for a considerable itumber N112h. tOIH airetis arei d.threat o if ex-service men biere. Secretary U Franik T. Fovier bougit tb Oea. d o rlgons. suhmat t il l the governor. It la urgeti that ne lime he lbat ln making the returna la Mr.. Hallister. Wanted OnU>' "Overgrmen Florence. havlng Inviteti Sari fuhme birtida>'.wus-a uSltoualv s-aiing for an 'Invitation ta SarIs part>'. qj day sheaket i hm If idm *»goi ta b. Invitedt tahWpanty, taevIici i. replieti: "Oh. I'm not gotng tiibavre an>' klds at mn>' nrty, ont>' overgros-a people." * Proveti Trutit of Sayin. The sgyiug, *"Uited es-et, di.- videti se tati," cames tram one et Aesops tables called*ti "ii.o'ur Oxen andte feLion." Pour axen taciat b>' a lion. Tiey ver. safe s-han the>' fumneti their tansa togeither., anti presenteti their borna, but wien the>' separateti the lion kiledti em efagly. tJaefui Aaset. Poet-"I sent you some versa, abot tire. veeksaugo. What hhavl u donc wltitem9" Etitor-',, - ,holding fiem. Ever>' 1111e s-bue Istel> 1 get- thinkirig thal s-e are nef gaftng out as goati a paper as s-e enght. anti " 1 tafias. qeverses ,anti me. kos-mué s-ors. the sheet might b., andt fat makes me citeerful again " WASHINGTON - D)r. Angust blueller ofi 5erlln representa Ger- ma"> in the luternatienal ,Labo, (lontaranc.e. liefathe Oit'ropre. acutative (lerman>' bas *bad i t. Wasiingtan sinc e tiunit"l Matea Joat uthe icWorld W&a. These Balance Mon. 1 proteas rna npeciat partiality for a"Y crltc, s-ho. holdig balance la barid, s-etghs eugarly s-batsoever ot leaaîting carnes lu is Courter. 1 ques. flan viether ha la not taking eau of the qualit>' of the s-ares, than af fie tashian of i.s oales, never que* tionlig their accumncy nom bI@ ow-r levit>'. Sf111 if muat b. admItteti thàt fies. balance mien are nof vithauf tfler Uaefulriesa being conveniant for apprale D9 market values, -A. Bronso A i4ard Work@r. «YOU have great taith lu your con- greasman." "Seemu ta mie llk«.if'. Ju» tiffet," saiti M. Cobies, 5Anybody fbat'sas reg'lmiN"itout s.ndin' me frea seeda an' al fie latent crap repota, nat ta mention full details about titea cve tis-ellemsa titausetita uiv.eut Weet sIth statces 0f pamphlets tellWe re bas- te figit f'hbal le.vil a'tWW"' ekeeter, ia on fhe lob clan if ho aat neDO smm.-imieu~ 4 CO MIN TO THE New Majestic. -A GIGANTlIC HOLIDA Y SHOW THANKSG IVING TBig Ast.- 7T-Fuaturess-7 Matimee 3 P. Mf. Zvenais 7 and 9 40ocand 550oIuclading War Tex 55o and 75o Order Roservatldus -New 'Phone Wamksgam 808 Box OfficeOpen~ DaIIy 10 A. M..t. 4 P. M. -1 Acte of igh-Clasa LOOp Výaudevill AT THZ MAJESTIC ZVUY SUNDAY 3 Shm-at l8-P. IL, 7 P. 11; and SP. M. Sn. LOAN AS SN. LOANS OUT $17,.o TO liOME-BUILDERS Wbile lutth. bas neen heard aofthe matter of laie It develops t bat the WNaukegan Building and Loan associa- tion ls fiourtshingti fine shape and Money ta being loaned out for home- building purposes as fast as it te paldý In. The only regret of the proenaters ta that a sufficientlY large number of sitares of stock have flot been sold ta make the montbly tIncorne at least $à OOvhich vould make It poss;Ible ta build new homes eno A,«~en larger scale, The local building and lban associa- tion ta capttallzed at $1,000,000. At the present lime a total of 2100 shares have been sold. At $100 per share this represents $210.000. Lait veek along 310 sbares were sold. shoving that th@ association ta booming and that people are coming to realise te vonderful benelits offered. The monthly tincorne at the present ti:ue la between $1500 and $1600. This la loaned out as fast as il cames lu, thus Insuring the Investors a good re- turri on their money. Promoters say il vould be Just as easy ta boan out $5.000 per month. At the present lime the sum of $17,000 bas been patd into tite associa- lion. Al of titis bas been los.ned out and la heing used tI the construction af homes. The tonasrange tIase front $2500 ta $4000. Titre. options are offered purchasers ai stock. They can Day 60 cents per share monthbly. or If ihey wtsh ta pay the principal off more qulckly they cari pay $1 -or eVen $2 Per share manthly. The more they Pay nantitiy the qulck- er they have cancelled their lndebted- ness. On lte other band It la a gond thItng for the association for It allova the working capital ta be turned over mare frequenlly and permits more people ta avait Ihemselves of tite op- porlunities. (iOLDBER6 flOT "STUN6i" 15 CLAIR HiE MES II1SELF Man Mhorn ioe Sloiner Sf Hurnp-Hairpbi Rights to Makes and loses Fortunes. Chicago papers thîs marnlng Car- rried a long stary regardlng Sol OoId- berg, a man vho ta cre4lited vith plt- ting the humpi n the balrpn nd hq made several fortunes ln varlaus atber lines. Accordlng ta Goldberg's story cAver swihIdlers tram Southt Berid and New York vorked a game on him la00 nectiari viit an air baïr vhich bhz calculated ta cast andi coal 200 soie tires vitere only 6 had been cooei before After he got mtxed up in the. dea and had patd athent a great suin 0f maney Mr. G(liberg declares ha fou4d that the air bag cantainei notbing 4ut air and accardingly b. hadthefb.paI arrested.- Warrant§ vera av-,o é - before Judge Craw tin Chicaga againat Clyde Smith ai South Benti snd Rer. aId Lane aif2New York. The hoU vas fixedat $40.M0. Goldberg tt-fa recalleti vas a brother of tb. Goldbert Whoa nieti ta un the aid Amenda Bakei Beau Company in waukeagM It vas ta Sol Ooldberg that .tçap Blemer ai Waukegau, solti bis pegtogt machins vhlcb mau".the bump haire veloped by Guldberg to the pofM Pins and vhtch subsequently vasg de- Where -ie bas made millions out 0f if. Hia fortune bas thua been made. iftel satd. as thte reslt aofbtheides con. ceiveti by tb. Waukegan mm. 200 PYTJJIAS IN DISTRICT MI3ITINI Leonardo's Handwrlting. Waukegan, Nor. . ltiaons accour te lie of Lo. More than 200 o g*heg «. nago n Vnc w red eutos rom Waukegan. -Hghvoo4~.'~~ mtran boudt the vrentmitan*@ h oan tonanti Lake P'oruet 8sf cia ato>'abut it geatmas ardwrit- bers at th. district C Iug. Il seema titat lb resembleti Cha>-sbr hyhliabaus acter a ln He tre s-or Arablec. for h ha t e 'h e t a bu h " ýf'% ued bis lbit handianti wrote froul e thelb.seontidai e updg'g. rigit ta le! airte Pace. inatead ti e umt4* ar cmuida&tea. Qa~ front leit té right. as s-e do toda>. er or. Recordasanéi oI Q49 >of De Vinc'a latters couti, tiare, anti Grand C 1Foe. culy 4,fflti beffholig. # uap We Gutitrie vert fcre a mnfrraîr. lï 4gt2 raasetei a62s Seea t e eGentral Opinion., -unhil 6 o'clac itforevaa "Tel me hat ompay yo ke session,' andti ten dinner vau a n t i l i i te ll y o u vh t y e n a re ." la tahva s oli a v < t e d e r proveritliIth,1'atourtd In s1mîlar fors enthusisatlc atdressea ver* aM. among te French,. Spannla, italiens, et b>' Metara. Dauglas, outiri. Md'. DIutcb anti othera. AriythItig ga widalyalliera, andtihlb.meetin as-u o1. o! accepteti muet b. brus. the best helti lu this district inaa long lime. au -t ad N1b JOIN ROY'S $25 .$150 $250 Par menth 03.7 Per Week $75,. $200 VALII VALUES $185 Par W.* StOo Per Week 1 refunti 90 per cent of value an>' lime. JOIN ROY'S WATCH CLUB. 111 North Genes.e St. ýý&i $1.50 PER VRAP. Tm AT*tvAvdm Ldril POUR PAQZS, r-