Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Dec 1919, p. 11

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LIBERTYNUt I~ NTRPENDENT. 9'TTPIî)%. 1viv lLel'tti P in ÀSPÂIEIuEsJN THERUNAWAY FRMTENTI À CRITICAL STATE DY ALTCEI*FINE flUER B u....-zrang fithelepiiVon. DeklbA omne bgl "Og h, Louise, you answer il. l'y EarI Hicks and Major Spoor *lien the ebride attended Normal bands are ail suds."1Hm hsMmn;Tl.o st.hool here was flhat whlch cultaln- ÀA groqp çf five girls were scattered Hm hsM rnn;Tlo ated ln the marriage of Wallacee areund the. kltliîen of the large rotin- Accdehtal 'Kîiings tryhou À . A11111.over a reek -before . Jackson or thîs clty and Annia MOT- the om eie to the country, ta - - etil of Grays Lake, whlch occurred tiV v weeks under the chapernageof 30 BELOW ZERO MONDAY. a day or tra ago. On account of the <AUnt Ilvelyn." 5et ber muumner home. - 1rlot's Illnesa of the brlde'a ftfher lira. Bradford was really an îîunt to IlerpIte reporta f rom the north that the weding as ver quie and i' euoe of the. girls, bIt-as thue oulurs fewer deer are belingSirat this year tii wedin wa vey qietai 1 ezpresaed If: "bbc seemed ta h.ioeg than ever before, Waukegan huniers ilesseed by onl>' the Immediate fami- 1ta the lest of us jugt am much as to are nul faring-badi>' and nonre, so far )les. Il wax the wlab 0f Mr. Mareth RIe"Wtl u xceptlon of Lo(uI.mens kliown,,.as camne home empty- gâtat the marriage ocour for due 10oi Stranud, ail the girls 1usd coamp out te handfid. Frank Webb returned nlh bis serious lunes-. line. Jackson, enjo>' thelr vacation. But wlth Loulise an bRka Hicks a Mar Spoo Lter graduatlng from aschool bere.. îIt wuBi dffenu'nt. buli afi owe iway ien ÉrHckadMjoSpr bias bt-en teaching ln Grays Lake. frein the. cty to forgt-if ciii, a thluîg arrived home Ilaê morning, each le ne DKahe Iere b fîr,~t rrtul,, brluginl, a fine large buck. The groom l oe0f D ib suc- eepessible, Y'ît crt iiii er.Hlc and Spoor did not esaftul1 farmers and bas many uman and thet hippy hourg qch i I md the ather bere al ail, for ai- frlnd.spent wltîh iuuii; forget th'011,r girl though it wax the coldest weathei ______________nho Irasd sprunguiUp auddefiy from thus fer this year, they report that nowhere and teken hlm aay froin when tlîey lftI Eagle River MNondaY Whrtegirl %%,ho had taken the suni- il ras 30 below zero. They had the- ,IFEATOMhîne out of ber Ilfe..If she couid ouI>' distinction of being the first non-resi- -~ fogel!dent hunters to sblp dt-er out of EagIt lr.Bradford had gone ta Iown 11v'-. Mff IIT.!5A E UV NCEerlln the morfnf ryu:o t neyer ar so many hauters in Th SineRo~oedWor T i ie o 1 pedIhHowever 1had no trouble lu bagging eehonetbu@pedteda le rteny depr. The danger lies ln gettlng Since thie War on Whlul Minera eehn uzd in the way or a stray builet. Two mon JustHa& Waa "Oh. LipuisW. you anawre'Il." came were kiiied, another ras misming, and Justdvsnce Hasana cry froiné the direction of the. lnk. a fourtb ras drowned lu the place Aise Greatly Inoreased Opor- A minute Iter Louise reiurued ta where ne wre huntinut. The bellot la ators' Cost- thelb.itllen a nd euud: ,lta a young tîî he missing man ras eitbeu man. EIle, and hie wants t0a peak wllh rounded or kllled." Chicago, Nov. 26-Speaking for thieyOI]." eperaters of Ilois au weiî as al ligie drled ber bauds and acut 1ta(IRAN JURY IEX- those of the Central Competîtive D lb the lephoie: "el-e--i.when h L triet, Dr. F'. C. ionnold ald Ioda>': did you get buaek -That woui bie fine. Average os t Ilnis mins ef,, Weil,. here are fÈv.e ofun ln al-we IET 9 TO 1AKE. , »~19 show Increasea ilt aïsmoe nan ouild go an>' finie. [et'.go early anid PE Gdu 1 A absorba entire margIn of profit allowed hrlng our lunch. We'ii brlng the lunch durlng perlod cf Fuel Admnstration. If you'Il provîde the fruit and il, nli E OR .S .M Posbeprofits enjoyed b>' extrernel>' Eleven o'clock-ail risht-at Polnled R P TTlt P5M llmlted number cf bigh grade Eastern Rock crostulng. Ail rgbt; good-by."-- mines ln 1917 la no criterlon b>' whlclu A Il thîs ras a mesnIngiesu strng of MWaukegan, Deceunher 3. ta delermîne eltiser present advsmne. f endies.; sentences te tbe ether girls. l'hat the December grand jury rainer' rag. or price whîch consumter rbo lied gielîered &round EliMe, go rouid complote lits wonl< this afternoon $bal pe>' the moment she said "good-by," a and a report qf ,the ludictmnents filuce thie igh pice perli]o~ f 117 chorus of volces cried out for an ex- returned was the rellable report cir- en rblch «z'Semrtary McÂdooe predi. planallon. culatefi about the. court bouse this cates bis ranlon lnalcttment of the "Who ras Itr" mornlug. This ras taken to Indirate rosaIlndustry. President Wilson, lu bis "Wbat <11,1lbe ranîr" that fer, If azw of the rire miii proclamation of August 21, 1917. re- "What does If ail meanrstîrike cases had been re-lndicted, as drdalrosi prices ta snob extremneF "One at s lime, pieuse," luterruptî.d the grand jury bas bot-n in session but limce t I Fipoplyetals e Ile rltb a mistexious îauI'lî. "q'three days and the October grand b>' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n tP ulAmrirato iI~ eJohi Tracy. The Tracy- are ofl& jury rhich probed the eýtrike situation by te Ful Aditjmtraton hat heras in sesion for three weeks. figures then nampduluid bankrupî friends of Aunt Evei>'n. 1 used to Pisa>y It le kuowu that a number of rît- Inan>' rompanies and Immedlate pnîce wlIb tBob when 1 ras just a nee.atn nses train the soulli side ln Wauko- snud came ta visit auntie, se ne hla ve aanalofmNrhCigoav readjusimecos liaid lu be made te con- amn rwga oeheH' e n nd also from North, Cgcagojrybave tînue the operatloii of a uhrge kroup of siis ruuU oebr.H' enbe aldbeoeti rn uyan mines. Sinre 1917 also the minera»ray et rollegu'. and bas just coame hile rouid Indicate that the wire mili homne on e vacation nlth some frIends. cases were being taken up again, as bave been granilsl two extrpimel>' lie bepard tbat there wre a fer girls it ras found Ibat the indictiments re- heavy nage advacees sud wlinui Roy' over biere niîb me. aud ra-nled us te turued by the October grand jury won forter ncre« wateer tey avego on a berry-plcklng parMr, se I sug- faulty. lu tIsaI they dld flot cbarge la tise present sosie an opportunit>' gesfted craking a ieole of ît. that the actions of the offendlnig strlk- whlcb nîli permit 77- per cent of lhem, *Just thet. tbng !" enthusastIcaîlly ers rere "wIilfui and ranon." Verklng at tbose moes which prKduce from 911 lbe girls except Louise, nhe There are several othier cases lu 85 per cent of tht. coal, ta ourn an an- aald netblng. rhlcb the state's atomne> bas acted nlue] rage return greater thînu Ibat eo- An boui' liter Ibey wre r edy te that certain defefidants lie re-in- joyed b>' thesuverageeruftsmau w hase ieuve the boueec iîtb eeail paI ndicted. woa'k la largel>' ourdoors. A large basket containing a hatlly Eigbt>five per cent of Illnois coal prepared lunch ras en thc top rtep jj4fN X ' ~ production, ln practiesilly every yelr, "Wbere la the k.>y' "aaked Ruth. M S N E P T O comea tram approimnîeiy only 00 per "Wlu. 1tlhougbt Aunt Evelyn gave 5W AS Cento et Ilsahlpplng mines, ret whlu'lîîI î 3ta armine oerabouT5h ere entfie e An. 1rhugi nmeonnesebal OPEN BIDS FM R TEMc Mines aib-ays average two-hbirds tine "Wlý ' slai ne do?" asked nome I '1UC E E IL or mire and tiserefore provide the nien on. LL 1TH1S VEN~ING thora employed an ample compensa- %"w1, i1t dont reali>' care mucb Waukegau, December 3. toi'> annual rage returu fuli> equai to about gIn," volunîecred Louise, trylng Ibo annual carninga lu other Industries ta bide .thie' cgerues, In ber voirs, The building corm mitte,ý of W'auke- employlng men of equal akIli. "aud It's a alame te keep the boys ganL.oge No. 78 A. F. & A. N., did Thi.'. aould bie no mîaunderstand- waltIng, so 1 could joat as neli Bas>' 00 meet Tuesday night ta open bids ling on tht. part cf the publie at thiaset hoine. t eau find sometblng le rend, for tho fine new temple that is ta be Urne. An>' rage advance grsuted ta A feu' minutes liter Louise. wih a erected ou North Sheridan Rond, but tiie mine rorkers, horever delermlued* îbook lu bier baud, net down by the expert ta meet tonlgbt. rbeu lle iWbether b>' joint negoîlaîlons b>' oper- %%vIndow, lbsitkful of bavlug cscaped probable the contrat Iwiibe awarded. *tora and miner@, or the arbîtrar>' dle- 'the blueberry part>.'.net5 then @lie ne- E. E. Roberts or Chicago, architeet om etftihe Fuel Administration or thet. îced soine one coming up. lie patb of the uer bull Cý;-g, exp cl- ta ho Çablnet, wnu bave ta lbe added ta tbe toward the bouse. At tb.e sa imne here and wmli malte suggenli'~r aF,, prie. whlch the consumer wîll hte asked @lhe notlced a basket ou the top step. sisItIshe coummlltee ln arriving at a te p">'fer his fuel requrements. 1h If.tdobllvlaegIl *decision. epnq wlcally Imposible ta ell BO>' forgetten their lunch" ad ln tht.anme buil g tand he unr taiuîy c tA ..Oiliindty for an>' great length of breath she added: "Who cntratsbiing sud labor ituateriorex. turne frleu th55Insuifcost. Ijoal oper- alors have nol oui>' agreed 10 but bave vrged tihe refereuce cf tht. present rage dispute and ail of its attendent ecenome fealurea te a hblgb nasa board of arbîtrallon rhere, free from poltîcal Influence, an Intelligent and sabilllzng Investgation and award wlght be aecured fer nie future guld- ac.eofthtie Industr>' and proper pro. tectI ofetail Intercala concerned. ln- ctuding _the publie. flavlng falled te ,soeure culderallon for sucisplan, %4 teel obllged tl e I.ltiOspublie frankl>' that an>' unnetessar> grant of wagc adrance te the. minera at IbIs tîmë wnl DitIniatel>' beceme a direct'publIc bur- den. The pelle>' of expediesir>' wbîch prompts the. purchasaet peace for a price. ciera no solution ef tht. labar aituation nor 80 dIeRI>' presentlug Itseîf te the publie lu lbe present rmego- tIntIons nith the minera. Moeaing of 01Ulah.w The. word Belah, rblcb occurs se frequentl>' lu tht. Peaims, la usually ble- IlOVed 10 b. a drectloi o tht. mu- 4gtàs wbo eébautefithe. Poulina Iitise temple. Mîttheson, the great musIMa jrlTtte, ,Vti a book ou the subjeet. tu 'ah,~fI rojoctlng n number of 31afe ye amé te the conclusion tha# It la *qnlvaWsîte tiste modern "dà cae," abd lai dtWetlou lOat lhe air or song là tu eb.reaoted f rom tht.corn mencement tW the. part nliere Otic word ia placod. Seeinate B.80Genera) Opinli. "Tell me wbat compan>' yau keep. sud I wîlI tel yeu wbat jyon ILe." la a VrÔverli thnt 19l feduh sinYOsforast amoug the. French, Spanish, Itallana, ,D«~çlý ççÉ others., Anytblnàg su îd¶l ,,ccpîd ~5 h tb i min bel"for tbe temple, tbere are severat cou- Sic reul te the door andi opeued Il. tractors rbo bave cauîiousiy refralned As nie man came nearer sue thought fronm sub:nttlug bide, This la truecof she rt.cognIzed a familiar gait lu is some of the contracting firms'iu Xau- walk. Suddeuly she became ver> kegan. Thus, rblle severai bide have White. been aubmitted. the canmttee bas nlot "*Couîd l éd" she Ihought. recelved as man>' bids as Il expected. Jual then tht. young man rescbed the The architect e8tlmated that lb' step aud glauced up. probable coat ef the structure rauld "Lolse" h cred ash. ain' ferbe s1%O,OOO. The hlgb cotof labor "Louse! ho rie, asho airl flwsad materlal. il la sald, nill make the Up the atepo. actual cost run much blgher. perliaps 'Jack!" ras al @he could sai>. as much as fifI>' per cent higher. Affr ront.happçy moment lu is______ armes. tbeughts et the other girl flood- ~ UL-I -- ed ber mmnd. Oh. tried te push hlmFZ- - ara>' front ber, but he heifi ber close. IjD40or Clesel '"[ouise. deari'st.5 ho sald softl>', Odarles Saultar>' - Germ Proof "rby dîfi yen mn ara>' froni me Hire. No Plumblug No Cesapeol thaýT'Âttacb 10 stove pipe bisl. ibenshetldhm bu"f"ngh For partîculara eall Phone 2N7 eut drîvlug nlth anoîbor girl; hon DIt, A. G. CAMvPBELL @ho had at trot foit angry, Iben dia- 171 North Ave.. Waukegan appointcd; bersah. had shedl tears - -- -- and thon p<ouawaa>' nutti hh afigont emgg on o te eeflqge. , ugAUW IlWULL E "Itiogt yen nonld come ýte a"~ '0004-by' before yen ment ara>'," iii. fiuiaheà, 'and 1 dld't nant yout10 À FINE 1liIN(i oiter an>' excuses for anether girl. But hem dld you gel ber,'sibc addcd. 7uçvjs T "I felt as though 1 had notblng te go 'A IMId home for tis ie," lhe teld ber, '«se ____ wben Bob Tracy ask.d nie te speud ni> vocation rîth him, 1. accepted thie I- The BonToii; 219 Wash- ltetln. Thon b. dragged me ofitot ingtôn street, annt)unetq that blueberry pîcule ">dy. Wbeu 1 sas ni> chance fe corne back for th, titat the first shipluieiits of lunch basket, I qulckl>' volunteered. toys, have arrived for, the Tuat bunch of girla dldn't "»al1 hstnsse o. me, Louise. Thot t ri I aldrlvlng Oýs m eg nltb." ho centlnuod, "rwas ni> youngl This stock is ail,'nzw :and marrlt.d sttr, rie 7011 hivt ofteii up-to-date; never .has siieh' heard nie speak of. Dldn't yenou mer, dear, that there n.a ont>' one. <rI for an assortnient been seeii fi mer, - - ti1 ity "I suppose I abould have."mia* - oreina&&okth e .111.4 "el. C m nadlo h (Ceprigt, MoO ~toys .and gifts over we will i~~5be glad tô see you. - IUJI2qiUMLILNjA *tinubA,1ubK -1, '~- 'f. - 'i I -t. Buy WhereH1e Buys for llimself- Doolitie & Whytes is the Place! We are again this year prepared to help you select the gift that lie will like. We kncw7. what men like be- cause we have them to deal with every day in our store. You will find the largest and choicest stock in Lake County to select from. Do your shopping now. Bla nket Bathrobes A Vl('o1fe and usefîîl -gift that an 1)1man1 ill aI)p'e<iatt'. MNake -or seleî'tioiîno iMin's ai id young mens sizes, iin a wide variety of patterns. Specially prieed and wî-ap- lied in Christmas boxes. Shirts Silk Shirts; silk mixturîe Shiî-ts andi Cottont S1îjîtsiii liaîîdsoine desigus. 1)oolittle & Wlivte 1lîiîts %vil] please hiîn, for Ilie vouhl ,î'olahly select ont ' ut- if lite w\ere to do fte buyiîig htsi' Sweaters -Evcî'v uait ean use a good Sweatr'i' C1at. -We have themin iail sizes and eolors. ," Also uýomplete stock of the o V-Neek, pDputar style sw-eat- ers Nvithi or witlotît pockets. (onfortable irot4se Slippers for' Chr'ist- imas-p)1escts can no-w he liac at ont' shoe de- 1îartinent; cQniplete Ie;tht'r slit)pers for t'vC1'Vniemaber of tie faîîîlily.11 Underwear Makes a Useful Mdf. Ou"y the hpst grades of un- ticular iati. Ours are just this hind. -Wc hav-e thein in all stY'1es, light, muedium or heavy wveiglits. Fleeced or fleeced linled. Ties Are the latest things to give men, no0 iatter how rnany tics a man iny have lic can alw-ays use sonie more. No size to w~orry about, you know it will mit. A very large stock to choose fyom. Visit our Shoe De- ipartnîient. S Sinteresting shoes have1 Sed to u large stock. Son-e very items of been add- already Waukegan, Genesee. I$trçet ýi% Muffle rs Beautifuil Muffleî's ,,in knitted pure silk- Silk 'Mixtures and in Fibre Silks; solid col- ors and handsonie eoli or conbinations. Our assortement of Muffleu's is the lai-g- est ini the eôunty. M. 1

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