Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Dec 1919, p. 13

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LIBERTYVILLE TNDEPFENDE1NT, TTTflAY. 1WRMBR 4. d1919- wo the Herbert H. E ddy place on North nouth of rouct ffl 9SW' qUtàtO o?011 aide,- Wuat Wa&biagtoniitret, bII quarter, Sec. 36, tram Wm. Wedge UNN TE WO tween Jackson and i Vctory treets for for $6666 ~IC D~AITV DEALS idcati'd $2.500 anti gavé, baok trust In Wafren LIL Ideed for $1,800. ý .? -Theo. J. Stabi bought, the Fred M1ýs 61 EÀLT' D ALS Peter Kouz bougbt the LeRoy Blohma farm of 68 acres la SW quar- Iltwlir1g place on South -!de, W. ter, Sec. 9, for nominal consideration. M J G TH E K ihnton street, near city Jimite, ln Wataconda for inAicated $2,000., Naomi mcCandiles took title to tI NoçlhMnore Country Club Buys r ilei;t o t !MRil vnum oa a Kolie Farms for $36,000; tfront c. A . Burie y for Indicated .84,ý h oa at b eal at Lake Villa Also. -t In Lake Forest Th Roman soidiers, wbo bulit sncb ona Sou, h tilde, Woodland avenue, op- 1 of armer and baggage, lived en course MANY OTHER TRANSFERS p.l Ote toge Terra1c,, f romt George C. 1 browo brada and sou, wloe. Tbey weru, 1 aw n oice, . , for Indicateti $2.- 1temperate ln diet andi reÉulir nadicou- Dy A. K. 130WES , i,,.Sau i zercipe. 'rTe Apnish peas- ^est. Sacretary Sccuriîy Titie& Charles J. Hlomberg and *~Ife st orsevery dey and dmnees huit' Trust Co. boug.> hie Jus. F. King place on East lte nlgbt, yet cats only black bremd, Businisni fi- l î-i<îF<i <flti'efor . d,lvI kavenue, for Indicatee $3,000 uion and welter lemon. the week qendure Noiîî-rnbi-r 29, 119: andi gave back trust d.'ed for $40.000t) Number uti - 1.a ~e 13. J Hloward Taylor iook titie to the___________ Numobîr o! 1'.S, hecharges, 2. North Shore Fuel & SulplY (CO.irOp- NunîiI o!P l 1'iiutiorîgages. 13. erty On Western avenue, for $17,- Proved Truth of? Sa1Ylng. Nunbîr t Iirui î1.(sand mort- 557.56- The saylng. "Unitedi te stand, di- gages, 29. (harles Edwnrd Brown bought i'( vided va faîl." crmex fromne Ofso Total fuile) i ýi nruCti-ihd harles L. Hardêr prajerîy on North Aesop's fables called "The Pour Gien MI i56 cti c. odland road, Just welît Of anti the Lion." Four ozen tere nt- Totail iiîIiurit f,ions, $9!),i9544. Sheridanmroad for indicated $11,00. 1 acked by s lion. They were tinfe Buiin*-,z tjI dî,iîiîuî.s ri<îk wittl In Highland Park when tbey turneil their taill together, bose alové tii ti%1rage. Wm. Herbert Johnson bougit t2 lots an ranedterbrnbtwe Thc folout. it.<îlmn- on southwest corner, Sheridan mi-the eaaedtelo kleite portant duel-:andi Linden avenue, froin oh M sngly. n Waukegan î4ungate, for Indictet $4,001). Wîiuk.uiîn î.uîîîbér é. «ai Co. Norhinore Country Club bougilt tIe j bOughi tii l <ii(' Fî ' e-CO plioper- Ilerman J.Rouler farin of 60 acres in 1 NtrlBrmtr ity on îu,îith i,. (iayton street. SE quarter, Sec. 35, lee-rtipld, wesi of aua aoee.j bonnd, dI I '<itunti Sand 4treets Ravinia, fur $3,61000. One of the simPlert OflBatura" for iniicauii -d i iiiiIn East Antioch narometers ltgaa fplder's web. WMent Kurt P hiot<i. i iu ii old [Jr. litalls W. Muartin bought about 15 there If- a prospect of wlnd or rain Vu; C. i,, ;,t, ti<ttiiGraîn sav cres in Sec .5 fron harles ltransky Ithe spider shortena the filaments by Rnuad.r)Dn i i.i z.îû S.b fr a at 2,î.whicb lits web la susiîîineîland leaves -jecI t'.' ilîc n Lake Villa tla this staite ns long as the weîther Vn.1 i ti... 1 Elitti ougt LuisIf 'enierandwife bougahila Variable. If il elonigtes ilis Ibreada. the Ait-ýi;i i < i .outi liii, Naiens te John [i. McCurdY farta of 242t l8 a sign Of fine. cuîni wether. aventl,:t,*, - o f % -b 1 iý-t for tacre ln Si r 9 for indicated $2,500.,- $1.800. and gava back trust del-'d for $20,401>. z (ai -Ilv . I-n t,iiiglt ti- Sain- 1Smelle W. peacock took tîtie 10 Nature's Unchanging Rule. leI Wjliî -l,. ie on northw"etj about 166 acres in sec. 34 on Crook Laent genlus la but a iiresutnption..< 7corner. N t. i nu and Second Laite, frm the Lebrinaun helia forl Everytbing that cn IIe t bound tu , street. for . M(00,'îi andi gave 12034375. cOmne into beln. and wîvbt neyer cornes back trui-t .1 for 2tiiîIn Avon luto being la nothIng. _Amliel. John A thi A. ýA'eei bboughi Amy m. White, bought 36 acres A Pertinent Suggestion ,à- Conditions today. 'as neveci'before, Should shows you the nl of early buying. ýg -The scarcity of iner- é- f chandise, conbined lwitlîh possibility of restrict- ing trst six hours .10 each day on aceount of the coal shortage' mcans that early shoppers oili be the only ones to se- cure satisfactory ser- vice. AT CARNEYýS THE CHRISTMAS STORE FOR MEN AND WOMEN WHO SHOP FOR MEN- <)t'l lz-foek -of M1en'i Apparel is exceptionally large and well as- siiîteul foi- this Holiday season. Realizing nonths ago, that gifts \it!d N ('<ilifind to practical articles, ire bought double the usuel ilit îd irere fortunate in having praetically ail of it ship- 1t-.- Therefore, in selec ting gifts here for DAD. HUBBY. BROTHER or FRIEND, you are assured unusual seleetion 1ard ii1isill)i fces. -ALL PUROHASES WII. BE PAO]KED FREE IN GIFT BOXES, when requested. IEvery Re-ý Appreciate Shirts Neckwear Gloves Hosiery Sflk Scarf s Swçaters tnderwear Palanias Night Robes Collars ýa, Red- Bloode4 Man -WI Selections From the Following: Velour Hats Feit Hais Fur Caâ,s Cloth Caps 't .Çapà ffnrsCaps SsPenders Garters Suit Cases. Traveling Bags Umbrellas CQllar l3ags WaldcrriarChairis Cufft~c Scadf Piàs Hardkcrchiefs Areti' Bahds Clotig11% ' . TO THOSE WITH SAILOR FRIEN]PS-Our ýNavy.Jippartment raniks iiý as the inost complete iii th prt-the coui .Ùy ~i their gifts here and you both will be pleased.' f 16.75 Hats Now $10 . "n c m* 0 TV, WE GIVEa«s$ TRADING STAMPS *vieBée &Ore -Ôônthe ?fýrà hoe" - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - 10.00 Hats Now, $3.95i SPARKLING with a radiance which only a delghtful, new, freshness can reflect, Jthe Christmas Store, of Quality is ready ta devote its service to' those pursuing Christmias plans. In fact, this store today is resolved into a great tireasure-house of C hristmas suggestions -ornamental, practical, elaborate, Simple, rich, quiet, meeting the means and extremes of any taste which heeds to the wisdom of quality. Furs the Christmas Gift of Permanent Worth Mlark "FI irs pposite bei naiînne ot vursluiuîîg lîst -anîd lher (Ihrîstnilas %'îll bc în.ost happy. Dur collection eaffoî'ds -that ail inip oltaiit qua]itv aiud style distille- tivenless demnaîded ini furs. Attractiv-e displa ' s of neek jiieees in Capes. Searfs and Animal Styles - wolf. Fox. Mahrniot, Do-ed Muskrat, Hudson Seffl and Koliiîsk.v. Everv pieve is silk liîied anîd peî'feet iin wîrkrnaîî- Ample Selection of Muffs to ýMatch 9.95e,19.755,29.7.5e$35, 39.75, 49.759 69.75 and 79.50 Most Practical Gifts, Batbrobes We are preud of the excellent display we have of Bath Robies for qvery- Meâàb4 - ut te famiiy. Here ,nîlrei the gift ptoblem îu..y lie solved. for wiîal couid be more priCti cal anti more appre- ciated Iban a cozy Bath Robe? Tbe Most bcau- tiful new colorinsgs and patterns are shown ln Bath Robes for ail ages. For Mn-4.9( f(* .$ For Womnen-48to Corduroy - $14.75 For Chidren-42à0 to $5.98 For lnfant-$1.49 te ý 4.98 (Second Floor) Smart Angora Scarfs Wintsr makea them almost necesaiies. and thia display providea these neceamities ln the amartest forni. Large Angora acarfs ln every new color effect. eut long anti wide. $cerfs wfth boit& and »Occets OtIter $cerfs $6.50. 'i ' :Christmas Blouses Our new lhue of blouses purchased cspeeially for Christnias gifts lias arrived. So chainiig. witli so mway ut-"- îi'v'fashion details tarc these 1blous1- es, it w'ould iindced be difficuit not to nmeet with the greatest success in choosig a -,if't froîn amongst them. Georgette Blouses Crepe deChine Blouses Dark suit shades andi light evening cotîtîs, tuciteti. eadet.handi embroidereti in si1k or yarn. Dainty lace trinaned blouces in coliar' ,a styles, square or round necked blu-->es ln rich color combina- tiona-every new ladl or fancy ln the blouse world ls bers for yuur approval. 6.98e 8.98e 10. 98, 13.75 & 14.75 OurDe-c.Saleof C-oats,,Suits, Dresses- We are beginning to reduce our stock of woiînen 's apparel and take thîs means of offering the public sone rare bargains in apparel of first quality. Matcî'ials are ail of è'xcellent qualities, the styles are up-to- the-iniite; the worknianship is splendid. Eveî'y garment bas beeni taken fî'oîî higlier priced hunes. and- pric-ed far below its actual Nvoî th. Coats Suits aud Dresses divided into Three Big Lots- 2 2.50,39,o7 9 975 Coats andDresses at 22.50 The Coats are of novelty nixtures ,.~ plai " colors in belted models with eolors of velo'et. fuir fabric of sane mkteriai. The dresses are of ail wool serge or ' elour, crepe de chine, gcorgettç or charmeouse in wide assortinent of ncw- iodels. Coats, Suits, Dresses, 39,.75 The coats and suits corne in short and: long lengths in a variety of neir faries - silvertoxie, Duo-tone, Pom- Poin, etc. Fur trhnming, shoe string belts, tailored buttons add grea tly -to the style of these garmnents. The dresses are of fine. tnicotine or trîcolette ini long straiglit Une effeets. Coa ts, Suits, Dresses. 4975- The coats and1 suits are of the finest ail wool inaterials in light or î.lark shades. Plush eoats are included in this group. Fi collars, hands and pockets are tusedliiu giving these a richnesti of style. The dresses are of exclusive designs in the finest silk fabries as svel as son-e ail wool fabries of superior quality. EARLY SEICTIONS AFFORD TRU BUT OKOICQE Silk Petticoats, Are Charming Gifts Silk Petticoats as gifts daily grow ln great er demand, and ln greatest favor as they are fonti bers, Fash- doned of! alikB superior ln quality vith attention to every d9t.ail. andi styles that introduce the Meot charming ideas. Ail siik petticoats. petticoats with ail ailk Jersey topa andi taffeta draps in evsry deairabie shae $4.98, $5.98, $6.9 $7.98, $898, $10,98 A Dainty Tea Apron WiII deligbt ber who hau been your lind hoates, An almost endiesa var- isty of patterns iln lace trtilmeti. em- broisisred, dutted Swiaa and hem- stitcbed deigns-ali dligbtfuily fresh and new. 45e to $2,25 PAGE FI --- - ------- 0000000»0 -------- -------- -------------------------- ------- ----------- --------------

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