Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Dec 1919, p. 14

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- LB??Vf~T~~ 1~fEENE~4T T1WSDK.,DEC1EM]3ER4, 1919. * $175 Marmot and 1I*$145 Muskrat and Nutria Coats Reduced to- Special at- $275 Muskrat, Sealine and Nutria Coats Special at CarlAttrbeY loi 41u ere» eIol fla1 g!Mis Arte ollnt tv '1W a fl014 c eon n ie lastpeem'r8 D[uumlk. tvutnw Point, Wla. Mr. at I. E Lcreditlng lie iv I i ':sary sehooli WÂJEG N LO A S ~ sonrCaAt ereber 8 ccalentaie l1.sorki avnd J fI h IS i~iin SEENNEEÀ L L et i foilowing dathe notation: Wealher MnSalyG Jwr .SeesNorth Chijcago. se0nWrm1Ibadlte put out rtei.tire at - -P oint. Wis-: Mie, l'iank S. Iii het, On ocfE'J(Jtobreii, i juaary o S ýl ---heme anmdopeti lbe doors."John t'olng of Onkak t~i-,t ae, %Vie.;- t'hiî. Frank t'iîî ckAC IN Ch ER th hija , o ,Charles Thayer, caretaker cf te îyAthe rAturIuiI a illndttell eew lhomees le tatagne, qJh adtiN.6 t iý cio munty building. le-suffering f romna 9 emorn ihthe 8tb cf itc 'entii fd Northh Chicago diiringeg c M.adMr onl4ntLNe it l, . .,e c adly infected thumb en lis right as il bas béern repoliî'd the world arîgjrvi Ia lc Cli ( cil iitib.Aflhueatndtro ou-adonmi 11L,_jpp and, caufaea by a slver which ho would corne te sn end I)k'cvIobr 17 Biîî rorîCilcagotrial!Ie iy crtain The IBeard of Educallon cf District Af ueai al i he T. An.lontni - lb'u.rlziileno an lntothe flesb about a mont l,,bunay decide taeiibr'lii s cus ino "lign ptir at 1, .tAhem day ,. ipir nteno reuss and itndoubttiy thereeîaffjs ~63, North Chilcage, met tast cvening ut! new MaJestic tant cvening. lit preved scbeoia, Lak,, Uoun,>; John & b. aloi The rbumb vas lanc-id this af- preccding bis aiinivfrrsary. vill lbe granteal. In anticlipaie faUKI IZ TiO IV the Nerth Scbeeil andldecideti tea alaugb fron t nnng la end andi supcrintuedenî ,iol-aIn the. ernen anl th bon vasseraeti. This mornlngllevIoa occur'îl l"i' fa% arabie îicclalon by tbe coin- ilho IrnthtabrciteNrtadti.atasawo'vavryeo. qf augn:i-t.t oe T. bi Olpoison resulel frohe Ie aî of Mis Hae Turk. agd bout ininglelb aifà wcruf iirpssgyg gy 1 rmowarsahes nices eA litiebklocal oieli as adeda otef b ori<>34a i i1,. iduation. 'aet tier a perion of the.liver was r n'hi tte vas a rcsidcnt of tiîaMse'i.l. iibîul. suî-veyeui ioiay hv Bi. P-ua.IJI INeevn aslr tepoulinwýiài h tidst Iit6; n ,1. ,-yorks net removeda i the.lime Of te &et- tlkP Coinity, for yeas dai5 eii ii rTlac-kur. City I2iqineer of Northî Chi- SC UTP RO S N of $60 pe r menti were awardcd a $10 Mrs. Jigge, turning. te Jiggs. salal: 'amy huiJ of ulîc i s t tt lent, ef Eugcne ana l <orge Turk of W81u- cage. inceaewhie hoo reevlg$70. "Wîy Vie IRessbach. youre au lesct" .3, as a l o1[d' etr ta mnaPo c.cyrîuanv evidety laplanning lu tilrin.Tre later viail luilowil laPOn Mr. 'oslng la plitnning ta construc O TICIC COVF> or emore' yul givcn a $5 Increase. Anîd Vie" came brick witlî a preper ilii tary éij weîkoui ia oe idusîIal avlii receilng lieflOws. tlb.tle lîuncoit ouSixteu-nth %treel be- " At n meeting e! the tInard of Educa- rcply. Mrs. jliggs tbcn caried en tiihe om]i ~îîi-sabl in aPe,Iiasber lDanie-l A. tir ) E.. C lilium vb oreccrvliy hî-iaue iwee Si, ruilne Rond andi Southi Park tien of District 63. November 19, the conversation as If ibey reprý?sented î ept-i t -1 1.1- 1 i, othe= lins roceivui testriîcliOesf:om tUe i-tfeiwl u rgn~miiî-ncîîe e ! eiec i- Boys botethe tîcag, s ef12 andti tchra of te North andiCommun- 100bc5vteo uta.i o -ic'tiiI.hi o 8-S po8toffice dctlartfeel rihal only food wame Manufacluring comlîany of Vitri i-s !ri Northicao Chicago aewr &l.,afulPg nitThri"t ictil;9 ilu!fs ~ ~týan anicoie oldvdasc c-s.andi Portland, Oregon r19w si mleiigdsratemsinIi18 met ot bbc'Ptrembyterl:un chimch wealtti echools presenteal a pctition CMcg au eo lç uIpg ib.lI r .t IIilttB stuffs Pnd cothing ta Inividuals r ri hir. l'oanementtWedncrsdaydcvenrnn bantienor- signdRy ebyin-vanryorusmberd e! thuyfacul-erofithe ua a-iwmitpmei ntingr thq cbarath- chara- r-oqa Sc uuool a-. Il. ee-edbon O 0 lesent ho ibat country. andlth( nrîta ry anditreasurer, left ThuiirttlyhicNorh Chcage City- Couecil te 3YSot y sln o 3 ot nrae eso r edMi.Jg..Tea-vnb- n h otv e leenpoet lis ilt- .0lt nici for Portlaund on a biiinte11iP ib ,Ipbî is hmpmropotyse tiat air o!f an 1l wlfa sait!l c By cet. scnsletfra80 mntwtcras.(cmso!Ma.,înl rt.igti Tiip-î'eb r diîlliili.-lid eosu& i' oiin ylIvenpomd lts i l ot TePlc eot îvn ani- î o ~vi altisre.laBy a Iuanîmouil vote "Wolf" anal The leacicma clalmedt laitbey vure pIctiori o! the "Iringing l'pi Pathbr" iibi chiiw ,iin- u mlnsters cait accupt.the uling beiiigherse Sa 10 aala1vîe0' Ttu rîerliihu pannaybccarca hokvrt sicitiaulblaneanotaeln alvig nag tinue ha lin to lb rpnsbtâtacfleva itednm- foirEîiiitîd-I X nad byti eCrmthigot'mtii',bg 01wlelias nel been locatd. out It vili ho netessary te change theocf lhe respective troupe. the professionuunabtu rte d an ieln e timîffer en thi cavee l i-t ortauhe t4lin a:tire n bofiaje mai byth c eunr jltn preuiî riag lîene lasa!îe i-u.'iai smvaBernard itecker andi J. Ousta!Oi c rfssoonln rat fa n om.ui iye hacul eCai agtj bt uAi ' iiiao a cic-l vi-bla iicsar- livre te George Ri'eetaed of-! tl if the Ceuncil acta favorahly on vr eett spir)lae niS-i rae onawo!omrylv ue elun t rtitnd! lnry , bing- elei h tes9ertLakias and Luche Piler o! Witukegan. ibis hpropiosition at lhe cexi meeting siitâ .resiîectlvelyo! "Wof" patroil iThé matter vas refu-N l î Te;la asavr> msizen n-luiw~ich po the ita olieagistratd. Tlor bi moe- A jury la bolet ebtaincii le circuit ihî'r.- iiia poi4lbilily liaI work on ti(, vhite Donald Davis anal Frank Sveluî teachers and finance comIruilttuwith -andtioMnager Gelorge announei afta'm-vok iariiîr t \ b Polie Mgisral Taloribi ruilicourt ie Waukegae lne (c- uinîiî mir cîal consruction ofo ntor ive of haîve heen given harg,-oo! 'tinvk pa- in-'trucions tl eruport back at the nexi yard.ib tat bfr-c-ure of the cerdial i4ay -ard of wiuik i,- !j ,h. ut c.gfiea Atxade (tas Ofo caise rouîght by H-enry hi. Barocn. a h. hanes viliibe sartcul Immediate- to.r'un u-te. Tt iiitorlie bilboofiiaforecvtri,, itiiacsS-î.siiLk- - h o Stin-lînttas. $10andi coalsa nd sus- ('hicago. tavyer. vie ives aiItilgi- y. Lutbcr Henry vîus appolneii Scout- brougbt le ita repert hua i nghb. The rboylrf ekl erti'2 tt Iexaî~mine rs vcmiel -,ndlet that 13hb petnded the.fine, the yeuthbheing tandl park. againqt Emnil A, Meyer cf - M. Poseg states liaI tie hom's meter hy C. S. Alung.Scout Execul- committee breuglitit itiis report ]ait htosary Si-hooi hl i î .:lIy knovu111 -i.-rged vili bavieg annoycd Morris iHighland park. Mm. Bac-on i. suini vii bulie menlne very respect. tive of Waukegaîî anti NorIhI Chicago. ,Igi. Tht' commie report i that an aceltat hrîi. clio t fiancfI sttut§of te scoo oardL.ak-C (ourilv, fiîr i pcse of B-her by caliig hlm by tetephene _giî- noilluaimage fur pertonal In- oMmt. twenyassumt;eI cempct'chr u i fianlowal thes ntit i m eo BoaDrfi *...... **:giti id, gadatà rinny limes a day andi annoying hlm Fe fevdi 97 hnhw8ra- I ai limes viien lie vas hi y aliig rue duiv by an automobile dIlit 0 Pop 1At tbe meeting Wedncud;ity .vening Ibat it. outd b i riîîoî;eihle tii grant ter-i ii'1,r.ko- t i Twnship là* or, custom ersinbis store. Mecyer. e i eoat O ULAR NORTH anumber o! the 'SCouts teck the tueton, eras IiIb-tchr ION ACCRLUI S cioi'litli."'ebto tlcejamîn Biereman. bmotelri aet.lB-niante C C. ata il rderfeot teaI. qucateal. diploma Wiîeiîi si .i lu)Eighth G; ofsdoe Goodman, the merchiit 011aalnfae, C fHICA60> COUPLE a_ stItk'ten ! dc ite d tOOYhat IOLY ROSARY Rmr r(ý1 1 ,- b&catnîe engagein Sunday tri tte eGretat Laites, Io deai, atual 81. ~5lllf petit] an eveniez areunticdi>ir- iiebr !bcbtr uel Mua ce aî fPeorta. He Foer cinri' titan forty ye-ircs b' v as IYAIKILJ fl'K Th. scoute are requesleti le meet nt faver of grartntl:, n lai-gm lecrasru. On thei st-eng't or the report of the- Th - North, ('ri t îop o! 1110 gwnlt et fr-vdays at Pýoria anal an- ;tlan ailbheKenosha srio andi theb-lth Street North Shore depot a1 butoarddt l- initial.ecuiiu E! thtBard f ExDiesth o. arsd cf Scoîîli tit n 'b iui- - eng i?Î1 iejuneutiebIsplana upon returning !l titimetnt.baa gavi ite lives ef 5:4.bat<iantiicoti. duten!Dsrcto.6paeiaPetyu-an(rthîme. Tac-day. it-"-. an 500 irasos1 MisAntna Kin*ewkl, daugter i .- - -- -a4--' - Atterney iHebert tic-ves of Idaho 'tht' Ladies' Aid of t.e St. John's Of Nir.anal Mis.Marin incz3vski.___________________________ ]ita Idahote.osient yealerday iitt Ai t. -eforlttealChilici vil) metP hI îli m - __________________________________________North__ toi ~ ~ ~ ~ atjn 1e1 C. T.t sret ~~~Vcoi îet et IunyC .Heydecker. Bsii.11 .Cuti teb hic-sVo, ti runited inle eria J11 A Sunclcassified airtrdavia a tene. -Thanksgiviez norier teaiIrank S. __________________________________ ,x-ilch ho Ils oweer. Miss Vers Rienner, Tie rugutar meeting of lbe Christ Dudaint of Soîuh Park Avenue. Thty$5 0Hu snS a o tV r Sp c la 4 5 3012 Cary ave. ltin a !ew heurs aler Cburch wyul ho heli Thumay o! tbis vere marriedaia Holy F'amiiy Churcb 5 0H do elC atV r p ca t$ 4 te Rdi app.ared last aigit. An cut- wea'k testeati o! Wednesday ait a nupial hîgi nmats, Rev. Duniet ptnye e! tic Schwart iturnilure Ce. Lieut. Rueile. ln charcea f the gev- B. Bynes officiatleg. Tiietieding feunitil anal prompttv cotifieti Misa errmeeet îug boat ln th i Vuk,gan ccemoev vas uee of the. prettiesi Rennler, barber. met vti an unusuat t-ciedunt churcb ctrcniontcs prormed lte ibis Le. J. Quasigrthh of Highland parle yesierday. anal as a re3ult i-,i nutrsing1community in a )ent tinte. today vas granteul permission by a badty mutilated rhiumb. Lieut. Ttte yeueg couple vas abiendet i b Jualge Etivurds te change bis naone hoatuehie vas attemptig te start an en lc eamnbîeleli ihr Quasey. Tii. latter eerved ln letcgille on the boat vien bis fp-l ;IiLpd Lantiers. bea ttanald Julia Ktncze- army. H e says that hils n me ua n the ao y deck an lie accid -tallY ski. sister o ! th . bride. brid omai.13 1bau 'been a handicap le a business chinemy. sisteti by misa Louise Chambers of way. Wilib the Christmas spirit ceming Vi"Waukltegan reedereal munie. Jack Brederick hoday undrwet an on, emebedy sheutti donate a flag- Tbe cercnteny vas a single ring caperatotu ah McAir ie'liital. pole ferue îy te Jnîhy Taras club 1 evc.Ti rl~vsgvnaa A Startîing iinnouncem ent Indeed- GC. anne. formier abbettc director o South Sheridan Reond. Tre *fli-by lber father. z z Il z m a ah thie Wukegan iigh IçchOOl. bas slent staff- lenluse aithte entrance te '.his "Th@ bride vas aitired le a vey a bex eofcoanges frent Fierida Io lDer. tallera' club nov consista of Ive pieces beautiful white mahti reas trimmeti janife Parmalee. vrin bau b en dis- or boards naitud tegether. about as wilh chancilie lace. She carrieti n tz:1otlz'ng hbem amant;-anme cf hif crookeit as lie aId aaying about a bouquet cf whitîe cirysanthemuma i gni eSl fi -j,~ canines brnuit eg. The bridesniaiti ve a pink cretue de Horý4-' attacheal le a loati O! ha> Caigenc report an overwheim- vere a pieu crtpe de chine tires anal i g tcSl owneti b. jantes .3ebun - ra a"3ng lot of ork due te froe radiatera. carrled piek roses. tii aftemnoon anal scabthe hay andtihte ilumbers aiso bave their Afier the ceremouy a vealding i. basie t bel he agn ve- antis fuit. breakfast vast servet ait tehomorn f tnu-niad a,. the cer-ner of Geneace andi ms. Loyale Barrett anti Mca. John the brides parents. Lake eteet iiaese are in Chicago to-<iay. Tic-y The nIliy eds rucelveti a large - Mr Herb-mt Gou!&d.naval 5'atiîou viiiattend a Thescre PartY ai the number oet huseful'anal beautiful sang lader. resigned hi$a calioneao- ;am-'ck Theaier seelu "'Tuble le" giftt. tge i.stationas gong leade. r. inJî'1sauni or Mm. Hiese whe bave been Ch icage for sIxtoun î>ears ai l l l- vitineg ln Chicago anal Waukegaii quiteilpapalar~e eee e 'flue Odal Feiito teti oyvIlfrOm thi.e ot. le both Waukegae and North Chi- r $heu- 1-t ±atiiextersary The. W. C. T. U~. viiibebdthbir cage. She ta a member o! the u-th a a: e S ii. ehidst ceunty 'ittlte in Temperance Tem- Ams'ctcan Ace unît oethte Girls' e -1=ýt -1%znti ' wiI b. a programi pie next Frtday heginning ai 10 a. m. Cemmuniiy Iuague eoftth. War Camp 7b' cir- 7-Waukeiln 1.oo0.A balunch vitl i'haset-retiCCemmunihy Service, anal of thelmi- loi or <caniii in le îua- Tie Pelphian îacieiy vili nit-et ah cn&cuate Conceptioll fodaltty af jhe wen&n's« iy canb i vitI e!itIlle Pari'i Ilcuse Tbursday at 3:30 H-oly Famniiy Churci. Mrs. Dualzlk1 thit Dember meetin Thur"alav Tcursday aternocin. ' bas belti a respensible position au ithe aîcrnoeai a:1-iî ecloc-k ai :ie. Chant- Ti. Sun recently staleui liaitic- National iinvciope ÇCempany fer ber of Cmmerce ronta. Mi-s- Grace elepiione .con-iany plantîc al aking neven yeams. luat rocentiy resigeing Welr.hformer auperinteedeni cf thie tieUtiities Board al tilcreuse ith, ber 4eition te make -plans fer hem Jane McA1'acer bospital anal vho alan tour-parti- phone raie front $1 50 t) marrilage. asvrved averse«s vith the Redi Cro,' $22; a menti. Tiie ralse aske i f- -M. Dutizik cante ta North Chicago vIi tell o! ber experences abreadtiaî $200-net $2.25. vbich raie hatfrain Stevens PointWln... about andi ai'o v-li exhibit relicr. Ail vo- cani present helr bitta tothie super- elghiee i ontis ,ago. Ourlegthle men leterested tun cit-tc verk le Wall- heen le force for nme time, short lime that lie bas rtided inl ibis kegan arc inv-Ited to attend. ic-emmunity h.e las made a multitude Decr4a«o! diverce ver. g-snired in ofe friends. He ia a momber ai va- circuit court today le the case et Luto The Cautteus IElphant. i ous organzations ln Waukogan anti M. Hayalen vs. W. F. Hay-aen on a Ancent elrooeles tell us ttat the Northu Chicago. Hee la etttleYed le charge e! cruely anti alao n he case Romnans sonmeimes tested their MI,,_ the prleting departiuteet of ! u ,i! Fannie M. Walter on a charge thibor bridge. hy aendi.g ane elephant. Waukegan Bail y Sun bé la in Waupue prisone lnWisconsin. ot tarietan l'awtc tmr.anal Mars. Frank t>tdztk viii Technicailloeaianal medical terns vther lthe ooa es t g olal -]tave Satiirtay merulag for Steveui-, are coufusing te a- phystciae iteressao wud Point, Win.. vitre ihey vil) spteuu andl hote us.) lnte b.4uon va. Mevir rou, 5Even te tuis diylhe ni ativ j iiîheir'honeymen. They v'l i hoea damage case lne cl-ci.. court todiay. Iuidi set grent store by the. elephuata : hoeaif 1631 South Victériamu-rett, *"When lie lavyeu- an't unalersianalcautioni. North Chicago. after Doteer 7. doctor' teras audv-hon decters The out-ot-towe sautsait ithe yod- cant undersstal legal threnis. vil ________________________________ a lura-le do " Iudpe. i"ward«a a'lcet L@ P. Erskne. vie vas fuel admin-- ltamaier durlng te ver anal vii au ritai lme anal ca-snpral bheee nxlizA ratneugri t ee netýW. il5lard Threaded Rubber' At Savings of- sibabe. a-rtmIn bi a k-nolit hasnt ineh ynipthyfor pesonsso Who, c-utt I ffor-1 le lay rn a suppby Ela1 et ceai anal didr't de se. '"Peeplp ABaa iJ -eiwréiail aurern te inl $40 to $125 on a Coat their vluile' suPTilla- If tbey have'î etne san t i;u brzeba- eir ovit f»ull" .avf $1 10 Coney Coats $135 Natural Mar-ti Mr. ErtIcîi' aaid iday. 'Eva'n d tio Bi'.mabs ltaký bptr cate of tiem- h Special at- mot Coats at- sas t se I a." He intimatea l lear h t.. - animale lurrow Into ltle greund ho-I fcir. It freeres, and squlrrels lotratp holiew Itrep% wbere the-v carry leaveganarialay ut) aLauDrly of. nutp In anticIVtIen of the wintrv bla"l'. rhsqrIpA fDNal"-la IR WRiik-vana living eXamnpp of an economîiral -Fdi. Fit-"Pr "egoaRnhoP nid what was regardoil llwn aa iiR cricp for P., overenal. The' ther day. wbPný the mimther nreihleta snrlpd 'cMnd w.Rt-'alhe 0tok the coat le a taller %hop. bad It relined and trlmmed. 'rodav -.* ftlpeared on the atreet ln a. rea-iaivig evprceat andl hie farp waa mIinuis any earewürn lines r-'.si*Pd1- crfite»rinL, ninentseil)- ors. "The roat lat «eod for msnv more yecr." ha said le a sblvêrr- A young man wae In a Waniccvae sttore qaturda" afterneen wblch deç.s nrd h*ve thie roputatin for apecal In vaitlir ois custoeners. 0f a PudalePn hoIe ro1d ovpr andl MI21 arawing te the floor. unenhaelnoa. Thié maria fer isishea out vit h a glas f vater tbv.w ih mIe the Vlctlm'q face andl eboMt. aft.rward b, rpePverp'1. Tii" tsr and th amazInc 1-0r-99: a "Y t ue av ot hasevlt mg te le wltpd on: i ai lu' àoeo# i- * f i«l w»aa vr f kWI*- ww , ". MW aw -b a merba I 32, iv wen t the' Il Tho. tbroiu Ing !, stunj, Th.- struil' rieal t of the' son ried. Co~ 1 I$ 37 5 iSquir.I Trimmed Taup Muskrat andS line Coats at,~ $400.00, 36-inch, XXXX Select sealine coût, deepý cape collarÇ and cuifs of Atutralian opossum, special at $277-954~i4 1. S43.0Fin t Jop n otspecial at Only $335.0 tinct ad va n- taies over aiiy -other: 1. It eliminates depreciation ini the dealer's stock. 2.'Returns bigger dividende to the user. 3. Threaded Rubber Insulation outtiass the plates and Re-insulation is therefore hncsay Our' Electrical Department la equipped wtth modern instruments and with skiled electricians, so we cati truly gay, we *ri prepared to overbaul Generators, Starters, Mai. netos and re-wiring. CoIwell Stora be Battery Co. Phoe .2022 Knsa i Waukegalit214-218 uîohantiWIuet 11-111, i conadh et 126*csa.k I)Àan srr,

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