Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Dec 1919, p. 6

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LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THrURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1919. •••• •••••••••• °° ""2'°22°W01)LD STOP PRAC- " VALIDITTO A street, says he lived for triree years long to find out that his wife had word and every week forked over the wvord ais to hier whereabouts. salary envelope, yet shte left him the oosIwis employed at the Chi- other day, and presu:nably is nowin MOE NS ag ecording and Scalp Works wasJUHA Kenosha with another man, supposed stnned beyond expression because to bie William Ellidge, and for whom - ---ie ude lares he and his wife never had gosa warrant has been issued, charging Practijeg jg ogdgmgggd (g the a word of trouble ln the three yeairs JUrlSt in M ilWaUkee, HoWever. A ILS IOGTINTESMEIIF MERE NIBBLE an o°°<= iuo eten ii Statesohool0Officiais; Urge coenpahabith eee eard mr ten: Consents to Give AnnUl- city and Chicago. Digggnfilnuagg, relations and accordingly when Woods mdli (g Couple. m f wT i 'No Indications that the Local tmreitrstat reunl later learned fro:n friends that Bill Schools Will Have to Foi- iL9 ak ih hot, harp word san'd H AS BEEN CUITE GENER AL. "n aaha?'å'afequen"ae WED HERE; GET INSURANCE oWCiaoExample. flashing eyes, or shild the getting tohs flat whteelhe was at work, hie- of tl reeBsquaresKa day, th regula Because the children who attend put Iwo ~and two together and con- Th flown arces perngn perusal ofthe daily nd Sundaypapt- the public schools in Waukegan have cluded that. Ul1lery and his ifle had th Miwue Jora, av tod Bcause of thecagoestive closingers, the putinconan off Of the been asked several times to raise gone away togethier., with couples moarried at Wlauk(ta of Chcago chool, due t hefu August Lehman, Held on May- Christmas slippers, tele blowing of money for, one cause or another, the H m eitl tre nivsi h is en seily itr, en i ik a , Ofc hraen eotpe a led h oere ha h Ch Htiiiok4e rings <provid.ed wifle does not following article from the Education- gation and declare4 lhe traced the pair r.n sew o h ac ht i tho ie il 1 e au kegan sll choos maylso le e m re s ea bet)adtewi1i o teuo lPress Bulletin, the ollicial organ las far as Kenosha and mwarrants have showsljudg es itWi c t into fno p10 fW r di an e ei ilb mpsil ogt in Court Today ch t de constituItleihc chieýf di- f hedeat:en o Pb ic utu- b,,n s onout against l'-lierv In fithe )) lto Quit Job, and There- coi" ah versionw at the firessido tion of the state will bernad with in- w,%isconsin city, actor ling to Woocd "" n ma iirr;teian erformei4d ,n nn haationsishow thatosuhlisnotThen thilere is n erincturr. It i vrest: qcharging im iiwith violation of the reha Mdngh Vsior. hePAYS FINE, -1SDMSSDWa"s painted today hy ia prominent Vo r nmany years prior tu the op>en. Mainn ci and also for conve 1InlHLl .1 It eele hlprcialyeeyGe-n, :;( street businw smman. Who hias fingof le war public school officials bo btwe en K osha and Chicago. ee, was no) nmart a mou h0 nAcNyscoosisaln;t ulfiv-; l what lhe consid. :lin ideal h me troughout fihe country lhadtsoughýt to i rtemoeted)isoerd to i t'h laws ofi1ho stte o (f %WWn. in - ED-W Tftf A A NDî a t and furthermnore thereis i, f a miere nihible costs $5 is . whai tl,, because is wif tinks mi ioreoOf iba;nish trom)the l>ublic chowls ho l ma wnmth at hlorem hoddnte)pjIl i l *0 ""I fa, l in vi, li NT- DESP0ILlHER HOMEail loiof coal still lavailable fi"r 1tIe iw""h' "ilgood bite c i ta hnh : rr e wnt olcigo oe h - o rcery,1 me Ja aIlS I:o athe 1l1.a1 hen)e jOda 2 scolsw ic asprcaedi te Thisntn rolmdestmend to e tars ago. He regar !a himselIf asone taken by most schooil officials wav thugt ve as doing each t ln e i hen li.hald IlnAm 2 1 91ý cone. smm r.soveth HghCot f vig utit is ¡ese near Cavem n f. iand hlas tan ht, however nmeritorious fthe catis Ihe turned his Tpjy c ako r to e, \ uk an- w h lvna is Jenni Nickpan a Menom it was early in the summeiiir ithatthe> a qustion that lpresents itseilfquli teIdhms ftow r u a hnd som itc ld otj tfy he amdn b in h oa but$ inbl r or ernployed in the. W i l boar-d purchased fromnthelc Reiss Coal nmuurally as a reIsult of the, utono eery ietho ffrkije a 1routenorluhi colnetg money from( h har i 01 lrt . t otain $ ,i n 1Ihe I 41" , l6nq e woh has a boslutely notl11- Co. a certain*number of tonts of coal (.l1 the liìngerl-biting epli:ode Mwhich wa isowue y s an hf e sold for a There are many soumifron asons which Mrs g . ;oods wasformerly, Mar a hd a ludtnh W k o dé with the actl LIOIIratoIn of a t a specifled price. Most of this was tureshed out lin police court ihis imorn- wdress. H e eldm sh sowifeonr a easga n spot f & Sa fW uea n sqie e n m ln end hd be w l aant~ ~ wher strikershav ftra, eiee bts-estill remaizins ol g og before Police Mgiitrale Taylor. imoney until after s a tltr p pin fviwl'ret er rt iy kn o ni n thuo:gnmund qity. ,od< e æ o fdc fM thi an up a te icm te dck bt s heprpetyofth Agut ehma o orthCouty more or less of a rumpuIis and sheds a bojct to allowinig their cide hr eghoshv odhmnow ;vaukeeem elua nd unpardio nabi, le d olb ad Acornlyastanbe h asrget w a lce n de1aret n iny tear or two. The-n after, the carry money to school for any pu aa -Hr' reun ist ohiNce rot Wakgn attAck~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ w iese a io ae mpid adtoa colcn b chreo hvngbitten lth(, finger of storin clears away Ih hajndl her twice p rboThetemrptations involved Iairiaflat nd h1, dec larstat as a result Whydid "1 -11"Gem ,boftne at Victoria id TIv,111t b aken fromt the docks unless Ithegov- Leltoy Dittmier, Liberty street, a ship- as -:nuch cha nge as asked f or, and great and ar wll udrno by f i di vry h is ll houh n m rr ln n qu wr a re - Ra. ]North Chicago. 'Um theli( ecli ernmevnt should step in and confiscatel png clerk at thf i( ss- f ai t- s fogve imaa ;yir s veyo e , who u ndrstn d c ilren. li . if h, andjtoday took steps toa Ju,I- iwho tried to throw inliatic tht cal.nt-rY. Lehmnan had questioned Ditt l.s e fr." T shi mn imys he hãs,- k a1 ep ry fAga in a n atte:o;n to , ll el th rlhouslhold adpituo he as he l ' it is thuns apparent Ithat the Wauke-hs m n i ii;lo i> " i an e -1 mler's authority it) give hIim iorderS. I ir obs hnigaotw a oe rm sho hhrnla s u o wil in oately lbginacins for a ISa e'ta ' ing in hier roon l l la ,gan schools will probably kee-p on and according to) Dittmier, hadisruck abrute o a usbariiInd h abisushe ant unomfrta l nd dil i i > û ,ilg eiidWtl bgn iio II o> l V. yi- ll i attempt for they merely, runnling continuously bf cauise Ithe lumi, scratched his face and later bit idtm otiko nafiiy iain n iscimnaioi% e orel n tligabu h iu- for M n od-«the outside of fthe IhOuse Iaud ivnrai feeling in the country is that i fner iee xhiibited teteth imi- C r od sa an xm l fities the icidr n a h Wosep r n d, n are th a bouGwthrieesitus a- gone o n tain 11l amount oi the acid and pairt thleschoolsshoud be among the last prints on the- finger to prov hlis con- te m dl ubn ,aro ln t n lat bet gv h onyaet e l. an hi Is 1wifl hbe n m]i>1 ari> fI.uen e. il re nieon the floor ia:. to be' closed of the greait tention. bint iew e aeou, b t his ae n es ost ale t ive hin ore r hat lle thynvr ada ro w rd ndhsA umetG ne. -gf&harm done students Who are permilt. Lehmfan did not deny biting I)mite.vihas i b e uappy. Oi n arhe ot:h maynostt i lo oke d ona ug tr- wtiha reuntIl, h( n-I l yai t old him he wda sl, n nion eanorante d om iatno e f he irkes om it tedl to break in on their school year mer's finger but said that if het did so band the Cavemnan buisinesýs man has 1ouls. It is also noticed thiat the 1 cta I oo good to, hr.. Hl say enm1aswm nddIo ask for an-b t sme f .hestrker cout by nexectd acaion. i :usthav ben ecase itter lived an interesting marital existance 1children of ithose who aem s a evrsetdanything wrng m non it of marri; ia. nlo n b e th i s c a e dac t is te n a e s em ap l a'c d s f n e s i i t h . A L < h . a n d r e g a r d s i s e l f a ., a fo r t u n a t e b l e, o f n a in g c o n t r ib u t io n , si a r e o f l , h vi o m a n d t h r f o r e w a s a a z e d r c - ol vJ U uf n n i f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ofe Mis icpa wointe~ anwerereidbyAry .o.fa the oe hseofrnglr eryt find on Tucesday nighitfithat hs vwife ion and awarded a decree,ý of annil. ý%â.r stoydelaedsh a d beenic BlockN T T A si. But thereAisoanohy r aide of then oest, and Ilitisno inrel uent tat h la i appae . T sday eee niin-- o nll, \1 , ' ' 1il ie i4 ove.raltm s y srkesAst tt'sAtrnyDae hn-question. What have the wives of they are ftheones who -makle no otle -ho states. wal the flirst vening sinco treatment. s hÀ e r s h o u ld n o t g b a c k t oat h e h e f f n w s e t o d i s o r d r y c o n d ts m o e l o r C a v e m e n h u sý b a n d s g o t t o i n g a t a i l . t h i r n a r r i a g e f i th a t i t h ef r h a d b e n A R T H ' b lE N o -1 o f f c w o rk . h e i lt e fo n l ie mr a ndAL e h m a w a s f i n ed.$0a ndnc o s t s - s a y a b o u t i t ? T h e S u n, w i l l l e g l a d T h e w a r b r o u g h t u n u u a l n c o n d i - a w a y f r o m t h e t e r . M r s . A d l i n n e r 2 1 . m a r i e d 4f heM a iliokigill 1.0 nal to print any interesting communica- irons and made unusual demn ds s hr tune1s 11thltfast foeur year., bfe woill o fi or m i r her tions on t.he subject, provid, d they on llt our institutions. The publiceo dc n te cvl cut en wo srks on ig ahtouty adtheRae not toFlong.schools met these demands whiether granting 1h-r $212 ninsurio th Fait(h Station. eh nad hr mother ------- -they ran counter to establish schlool coleced n te eat ofherse ïog iteslve at hme a policies or not. Hlowever, the war bu- ondt husband, Hernard, 1,ocerman. argle ao nights . ARE GUESTS0OF JOSEPH P. SEXTON ing overilh "'°l fr those nTHIEFe IS CAUckHT an, a e-br of the mångvinee aeebout midni- Locl i C1 Officiais are In-e of our schools to return to the plan TR lI AOT t .F, was killeýdal Verdun in rocks wee, aaenedtby afuiel- da heSaio hwhich experience and reason ha%, 1918, 1 g-rockset fcugaist the sie tg r pl s a e Stold. thaHE FI E shown to Ibe the wise policy, and re-NMr.s. Liftner testifiedfthat when sho- N10ied hos.gfournsmae theyere .ICLDfE fuse to allow any collections to be- BT AE ECP was 17, a high school studient, she »&hbt goend mae polc eron-made through the public schools, .how- Ieled iandwas aiatWauke- ,*b butInwhenigtheiolicwermae HV U MS YW. S. KEIT11FARM ever meritorious the objeoi may be.ý Farmer and Wife, Armed with gan. She sa id .-he sono thidOf mai °lfand aetigatin asmade HAVEBT OS UPLEntertained at Turkey Supper *Loaded Shotgun, Lie in red Fie ad a néd a ***b *n "cha ds .haand thenn oExemplify Workv Purchased $100,000 Worth WAUKEGAN BOY HAS Walt for the Thief. Mr. lockerman. They were marrimld in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o MiFaikpn'medooLadWakgadhuewveehohae inThr D reMr. rg9Saidngif>of a before lhe left for France and lhe brknwith rockls and outside been hoping that more navy surplus •ofFrLadHr;HselkonfrmriinatSad-avhrhsisracplcyTe *Mou n flall pregsrving bot- food would Ibe placed on sale here lyr$2 ,0 n eglk ngcon frs, two v-ngs t w S fau-gju r liths insnce ehpid The arith screw-toPs which had cou- the .near future are doomed to disap. NEARLY203000ATiBAStUET.kegaonr,ugtwa chice tet fa fewjpry e iuml e aseitle d Pto the Mariatic acid and black paInt. pointment for local city officias have nights cag. buthe persadehea e r i unsanc e Afte ilaerman sh eulprfta had thrown these been informed at the naval station Past Masters of Waukegan Lodge STAHL AND CO. MADE DEAL MA legt hmsand shli- eswaea r t the dah thferIdo riced a thir Ontaining the liquid ln the that the completé surplus stock has No. 78, A. . and A. M. were the X ÀFOT N extfimeg*nshe ear nycotio tmeahtewdw are »o dout, of having them go been disposed of and all that la left guests of honor at a banquet held by Jo.P etnhsjs lsdo nexte ciiy fhe ërchcny co op tio i the window and spotl]tMe at the station now in the way of food te30 sateodnesday evening. Clse Jthe.IAnz 300 iastonnsh amPprSadP0e0 ner- night e iloller aknd o to anr bdyperhsøg landtonleepis a supp stixmantedTobsufficie nt turkey suppers ever served in the head recently purchased, -naking in sep cadysIboy a Theeaysaeeing oofstthxemnths Thi.Sssmalhinallover 400 acres aggregating over ut .as ThaksBo lereby hangs aftale. However Providence direct- comparison to the enor:nous supply ct.Telde fteO .S did $100,000 which Mr. Sexton has recent- T0te |h Sae0. Freb so time M. 'nd. rs ter,enyainma shountov thefo a ta o had. threbefre the ese n y ecorTed banquhemoccasion ly purchased through this one local- Spaulding had been missing chickerns Mr.oly aämal amunt f te fod sle sarte. •Mancl Tacot, materof te loge'farm ISGIVEN A FATHERLY TALK out of their chicken coop. They red gnated thes roomandnone OThciis winra tionwas upple opresided. He Introduced this year th' hs hic am re well known to keep a watch for the tfbucteSasOFarl hifoiteWn <»« ptr o ice ick pmaTh ffiie alsthen asettlment wasfad etvery pleasing feature Of Inviting the to Waukegan people as they were pre. A Waukeganby bot1 o 2sItle of their vigilance ch ens weegSan redearmet, hse fte n.e iDego police ,icked up a men f dr t bythelstcnsgmnifc oopalt wives 'of Past -aser o e rset iosy ne y helaeW.S.Kit yar f ge ada rilan iemys-misngevr mrnngdnnead a o ana Cty anas b mssg 3 aksivng ay bu . t aswassod erebyth muicpa st .asgueists of honor. He called upon Who equipped them with the moist .tra ogtrc nahrywtot Mr. and Mrs. Spalin cooafew informngshimyofKtheasuddaen sea f pi thyha o vdec aanthLeutCommanydeprtivnwskitheadits-Judge Perry L. Persons to extend a Modern improvements, and are known , epnding any Monley, but fortunately commotion in the c ce n io ta n h i a hroPatick 'Farell. ea o the ommisar, deartent t te st- ges etit he ásas ersnand lthir - as ty wo of ,the oiceamsinLake ! for him the plan was a failure. The inights ago. Hastewasuts Ideorn t hicaerd atiseo nwna he MM attack on Miss Nickpan and tin said that the lat surplus food . we wi he àw as doerin dafting Cot o wigtheco teir dn bin gs S nhste a eoLhaby btfr fatrskhye dn care 'arel hd nk o w tar . T his h a n b O 1 0 W a s t h e m o s t d a s t a r d e s t o c k h a d b e e n s o l d t o M i l w a u k e e a n d m n e . G e d n L r w t r r e - a n d h i g h s t a t e o f c u l t i v a t i o n . i n a S u no b v io u s t r e a o n s w i l l hn o t od i v u g t .n g tcl ot h i n g . heyl ers S a utl d l e r Pin f r a s i l l . o n w n a ha beeon commttesicete.Cicao. The bi g rinelyaitther sponded on behalf of the honor guests. short timie Waukegan will lbe very ,The bov In questin hadl an Inspira- bis t- sty gun whtolightrthe ayligfterwsI com o Frtuatly shees t y d had pcas e d eagerlyall e He -then called upon the following proud of Mr. Sexton owing t the fact tion t sell paers about 2 o'clock yscarrie a ntern hed tthe chicke pr ta e a h h h t a o e h d t e a e o tma ie I p om tu taiki : iln9a lr o al an and at t hs f n e e d y ath hter oa ho o di g y e the reapproac be ta ck : M R I D H R V 4 nthe p lf e act t h ce o mrea a E e . The c oth s Mnlsh a uea e r n c u c t N r h Chi a o , ndle s e r o al y a e o e y d b e a or , w th u , d th u c a c t h ng M S A O E L t o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A h eVhu h a g r r e d o w s m st f r u a e t t e t m h a . B re t e rAt y . u r n h a n q e t W i s os i n , nd i n a , M cg a,0 0 a nu e r d o k e li e m e wth l rd n a su c cis e li g lo u r h e s ," M s p u d n e the ke un rki the gir ifored atouthe7,0su rus ffood ud ofC1 ao edrdeeealslcios fnatseim ntfthioidnades h nfie mnte.Ate ehd c et o et r pulig cn fM . n r. rdRko ,sr ed~~~~~~~~ todte m nta.Jnne i ae be od otelre ii S .n wrreei ve was r ml.hsesatsatthffren h ol llof"is meicn, eco -sta rduawkkro withm .r euighrie rdhsrltvsadfinsb a. wokig t h ofie, abe but it as sred t o giveshotheo le T e olowng pat aser er civdn yf i rstfr zsatt e ariue orcev orDuasfrhrohcld n te uyt ai.T elitn nneRIgta e h a beR Enm redt d - Wnt e fh ave wat c e h e . s e h ean o p r u i y o b yGrse tta re s e , D w y s cnwA e ri s s be con c e d a o h rd a aM ss ba)r u . d u ht r o r Hundeds f Wakega peole ave lay ih, Johnws ter. u llockth omas d in dth aion s o lth e o f Ilntleeiaheininmnv.onmisa pr.dA sJh Kas Jl . tW u gil ol is J niebu e-puas ed st food nate. tthe sh ips sors tA e n am y a . et a h net ar s t nsu Wh n a hpero ca e o ng an ak o uT akept the marriage a te st k a a d ot sp o e n .to r ch se a sa i n b t i c tR>mr , C a readV ye. V i lims b ok r i r In d iJa , s ahgf rannmt iannedo ua it rn o u ld oth ven hr a di ry t r oe s ecreO T d E ve n o h i sot1lnall i s Ni kpa n huh hs di eng sold to no o W u\\atrousalthe'it 11 Riel rse t We l!f ao;teEiabtF.W l ou t pape r f at pr eou sdaelnd lte ntebryadcoetfins eJ o f it. o w er , g.Th tkheeIf redfint ahebarplsfn ossbiytatad "Ilc on L. ewste. illiam \. P it F Ion a r n ea Gas o ysake tofAthe u ,eli e the pret eo n i, that ni t a kda iem d agil o ed h e m a n u s n s sh a n e mb e n dt a y e m a e ea t s o m e f i a o é d r e ea o y . an in h e ll of C h c a o ; th e r ei d B a toh m a n e r i vt e m c urr e n . t u r h a !dat en d ' a t is . H r e R lr l M d tt u r ti mema notd i s p o s e o fe lu r p tu s o 1 a e ch e r w h o a t e ! d h b a .ar m n t ' e ar G u r nd to M . ri n d i il l o fh eHa r r y Pmret s k yN lha p p e n e d t o c o m e •3woro aanap thean l s o he a public uety n o ya ra ge e T e ,fou l nd a sl te a bookl e i en Çhicf(1a nýo; t a m e s a ulke r far m lo g nd no ic d he ho Ihn inis orm t g e ýi a k w t a .r1 - ng tii rd h ýa d f i-n . y fn Oi3l u e a ve i te sn g q 3 av b e m d e f r t as ye .as aso vniJ Y L r eo t e o ension . This e ar l iruc e 1.uke I . P owls oo e, s m e o i rth eon t e u b ai . T é-lend a ndn t a ie h d b" a ri d t og •£1q2nologi ul peqqn~~~~ ~~~~~~l edaukega peplewho) urcave otie lsn wr rmSacl H m wod 11.t dBc arm ased im fors a n meic an The h gaqa 'la aaa pJpmd ed enayfood a hae d sordta Taotwh rtisson smaeonG nda ru ).Ptle fC aparentlyidid nota1 kno y the proprÞ ile ofMr peg µd lam £J Eq2nzoi t s ig clssinevryropiect and lid lso contahnedlbeatiul . half nes a ddo o, e a bo Meyer farm!atn 1r1of,,estvndastt d i e ;t g r i l ir naa s i daIl s a th ere are h undred wh o are ep10An h - g a ih lto J . 1, hur o f ir i \ ihwsta d a d u5m.isc , r 1ha th M e l~ ~ ~ ~ ~h e fa a l n t s lok n t r L avac t t at t i d ot in e s t m reanlt e y' ar m on G r en B a o a per gonw car e al o ri o a d ;, l w s n t acr-'n ] M , .1 l K j bq 1ua s p o a J o g b I a v il y e n t h e y a d t h e o p p o tun R o e ra ihR l I ] fl o p l a S . Io a o L a ii i h of . C th c a g Co . : fe o n H e un o b i l i 1 0 i ,il a o v I r n ]S ala h - i i çe t t e m r i g r a n g e m e n td u r i n g t had es tt yoa reh av-n r a i s e dl M - Bey~~~~ tr"l ' dee r te i n a tho difpe of srplan swou d a oje n. her elve a e se > witoutfoodas wth- oqe l o d al iroom wheroe ther wa% Co num w . F.aulke ain har g ekS an t Frank ý iM el a a htvl ql '13 ert y tl j h veu wner m.a 1d utho r op , ,s s ewIklhe t i d e rea sws o h $ 0yeh r or p o ec t he hd.m o e hea in , hods to tM @ U *in r m a i q T a k , n pG o l e D A h ar h i - n i a .e x e i r ob y th e , p ai s m Tis . I r at M e n t p l i w O r 11d e p let s on ey .tAf te re gi v n d a nf d -L t u x l i n t m o y u y o u rh ( nr oy o o d T h ey r e s o r e r f n g t h m tmnt tn od fae l t h .a t t h e e r lyar e lt a l k rb y th e Ad m k - r ea n t. T h b oy, WU wepqà *p it e sbl n etme • w prooncd n o te:nstse-od o< arnobin yasGrarnd ad ro el u ow muh yo cnpa d w ad o wt e ; i g i a u y , r o b u st al t a c s f Psan de s ' o n i g h s m th e l r i p l n s1 )M n l d w t h l f l p r n ly ( i t n IrG oo li r p d o r g a n iza t o n e v e r h st h d . i b h ' s e e i o r d r . o h d s o meh o1 u c a a y m o t h y 1-kr n e r oi a t m on hy th-.fiIS M ODELheyHUSBAND bnesa moeso'P e ana hadv- seni ouGras toIot olrIl. .e-e'I n 1 l he Ihe dte o for The enn i a na r alu , st bilty ndputues ESS n adtiAn lilY THrpE f"NEVERseA SiRAP" weS ieillima Ceicaga rs ecit fil.vesil-'n bI umei - 0-paymr2f nebrs 0 prnodt ile I v s enor2amentsu heo oreD.Hurt, reidet.w. . S t, Vce r idet a rlW oivasT o rie inB t Sysewrite to our nepartment A-J for our paper, F. . huchII Scréar ad an erW ir fIe was Lued wa y by a ouaranteed InvestANnSs,"Rgivingbadvise on th $LCURIY TIT Eo& T USTC ..ARE.PATSdPICE F LIF? l Rveal DupAicrity.o, ayn BSTR A TS OW TIT E TITL SG U AR ANTEEDas m de a hu "l ,cr (e 1 I Imbo Bn l 'I U LREY BEIN SOU HT S c u rt e s T u StPIpAN Ca iti 1 5, 0.LwaO OunsovrhiO UyeT !kevr w en C r wod 25 s.G1e2e 0 1Sout LaSl e t ret e CHICsjteA G O LL . t 1Satr day i h , reallyle th e ,c ap 1 who t e la d A UKttr i, E A N -- ILiNhtf o S &aads an ide a nquemarr l life, or doesrstreetiwhichpaslonefofathe fla.ts in th thtocsinl pa nd -arfLys AI1)EEDBuk buiig a t Belvndere andGe guard l e oktoI dehespcethtsel trtirt ur ne ,ome TusdayIl

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