Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Dec 1919, p. 10

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1919., *TheC 1hritmas,*gifat every housewife wants F EW gifla appel to the housewife as much as thone that sve her time and strength and which add to the attractivenosu o! her home. Among this clas of gifts la oie that meets every requirerent-the Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet. Because of its scientiflo arrangement and rnany patented features,'1the H[oouir brings vital comvmences- lime and ls;bor savera-flot to be found elsewhere. Every detail is the resut of years of kitchen experlence; every worthy device is included. Wbat other gift could equal several extra hours of leisure each week? This la the fundanental upon whlch Hoosier ia construced-the saving of, Urne and toil; th1e rendehng of efficient itchen service. The proes. are wilbin range of ail. Easy terma if desired. Whyte Furniture, Co. Poe1081 104 South Genesee St. Waukegan - ~ - vs- 00ýr S I -w-- w What Better Gift could He Bring Hert han a New Selected from one of the tolibÔn*èg makes of which we are dealers ini this county Car. ROOMn 228 N.tGeneSeedést. ueart NOT e- - t - of Northerný Illinols 1'héii. ~5I ATIACKING ZIONITE Zion. Dec. 9 -Alvin Ruésch];.tii9 mfan who vui wanted by the i, eic on à charge orf "ealt with Latent to kili," was arrested in Zion yeo. terdaf. Rueach attacked Fay Clark. - a zeaident of ZVon, eariy ou frida8r morning when the latter reproved hlm for smoking, and as, a reault of thu uaaailt Clark had: to .bave stiticiea put iii hiR right Jaw and lho vas unconaclous for sorne Ure. Uneact iett the city hurrledly FrY. day and did flot returfi until yestez- daY. He vas arrested on the street by Otficer Stried on a tate waçiruA. Bond was fixed nt $2.000, turnished by Robert Murdoch, Z205 Eliih9L avenue. The case vas set for hear- ing Mondey next. No Plan for Reserve Muster, Says Admirai Rear Admirai Frederick B. Duet Jr-, U. 93. N., on Friday declared that tuers, no piana heing made through fles office for the. callLag of the naval reserv iste to active service. 'l do flot believe tint the rumor bas any foundation la fact," said Commander H. Erîz. «The story probably arises fromi a misunder- ktanding or certain plans that are be- ing miade for the organization of the 318,477 reservi8ts into units of a Cofivefient size. "ta conference held i Wash- intgton, Septenuher 23, 1919, and ai- tended by botb regular and -reserve naval officers, It vas proiioeed to start the organization of the naval reserve force immediately." A gane refuge of no emali propor- tions to lie estahiished soon ln Kq- nosha county weasfthe project favor4- biy discuàsed recentiy at the meeting of the Kenosha County Fiai -cam Gamne Protective Association in the main lounge of the Eika' club. The plan would provide for the estabisb* ment of a large gants preserve neer the city of Keitosha, which la to bie stocked up with every forin of gamde and where these wiil be protected froin one end ofthle year to the other. The ireserve wouid bie opened to the menabers of the association to visit and' learn thue ways of the varions kinds of gaine harbored there. THE E-Z-M-T Indoor Closet Odorlesa Sanit.ary - Gerin Fr00! No Plumbing- No Cesapool Attaci to stove pipe iota. For particulars cali Phono 20Ç,7 Dit. A. G. CAMiBELL 171 North Ave.. W"kesaa To. the ]Elec t ric anld Hea Oustonie.»,ýr s of the Public S e;r v iceCo. ofNo1 h o Iflinols Thé - fow.Ig Orde« bas been iss"e b the Pùblic UtM li e s Co mmisbgIôI, of nIi 4 li: Il S TH EREFORE ORDERED tIitdPïbi. lic Utl1tieg, unil f ur 'r orier of thueC m lsi eli goèrn themslelv1U unsihgadup I th eir' ,r.vk e, by thé followlng rule! und là»I~ tdons, aiad 3sh'all euitfrcethe. same ln their dea lhgs w1th their customts. 1 AUl unnecesaary interior and exterlor illuml nation. li-. cluding aignu, display lights, and show windows, shail be enlirely stope.1 2. Suburban and local transportation achedules uhail be re- duced iMmediately 101the least number of runs that WMll cOm% date necessary travel requirements. As every len degrees by whtch the temperature in lowered during zero weather on surface and elevated cars wlU gave between 350 and 400 tons of coal per day. the temperature of cars and stations at all Urnes, should b. reduced to the lowest point conisatent with public health and safety. 3. Work shops. industrial establishmnents. wholesale business- es. mercantile establishmentsanad storage warehouses. (cold stor, age warehouses and plants exoepted> shall receive service flot to exceed six and oneliaif working houri of th1e day between the hours of 9:00 AX M. aid jAM3 P. ILWhere the nature of the busi- ness requireç continuons operation, an equivalent reduction must be accomplished by refusing service at least two workring day. a week. *4... Relali establlslnnents o! all kindsInl the downtown di-. tricts shail receive service nol to exceed six and one-hall houri a day, îamely frein 11:00 A. M to 5:80 P. M.; th1e stores in the outlying districts may recelve service from 10.00 &. M. to 5.00 P. IL and on Saturday nlght until 9-00 o'clock P. IL .5. Offices. bank's, and other places of busiaess-jal office buildings included-sball receive service frein 9:00 A. X1. t 3:30 P. M. only. Every possible econorny in light, heat and power, includlng reduction n l vator service, ;nust be effectd within thése hourisud 1the heating during cloeed hourt b. reduced to the lowest margin of sal ety. Newspapers shail exercise every economy consistent wllh 1the nature of the business and the pub- lication of their papers. In ail buildings o! whatever character. including factories and stores, referred to above, service lighting shail be redaced to a. minbiu, levalor service outide of the houri specitled for operation shail be reduced b oie car, aid heut must be cut off ex- cept in such degre. as will prevent damage by freezing. '6. Theatres. vaudevile houses, and aiWla&'places of amuse- mént-net including motion picture hogubes-shall be restricted to service for six performances a week, namely, oiei the alter- noon aid five lnuthe evenling, and enjoined toeericise at ail turnes the greatest econlômy ini llumilnation. Inaanuch as motion pic- ture bouses consume very Uittle light, they are expected fron regulation as t. houri but required to effect ail possible econo- miees ln the use 9f1iHt aùd heat. Use o! service- by theatres, a~udeville housea, %a4. otion pwmur houses outsider of houri 'oerlln àU RyJltçl1 .os guard agalust freez- ng. Drug stores, meat i a nad grocers, bread bskers. hotels and restaurants are flot reutricted as -to houri of opersîlon, but are requfred to exercise ail possible economy o! heat. power and 1 light. IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED .that each of said utilitiesshail make pub-.. lication o! Ibb is dei, of th1e $ubota*e thet, ln aI leaa thre ewspapers published in the county lu wblch naid illllity bas ils-main office or place of. buÊ a lpai ea4lh utiyl hereby AUTHORIZD TO OUT OFIFaxndDI., OOXTWUITS SERVICE TO 4"IY OOIUMERWho, aflér such pqb3lta- lion and wblle this order is in force, shal fail to observe any of the above ijzlesý, and regula"., ,s This order la not to be interpreled so as to confliot with any orders of the 1;eralovn t. Thsorder j al -b. effectiveéà ~aid after Decemlber 4, 191. »I order o! #leodmmission at Springfield, Illinois, this thii'd day of DçèéM orqq. P tc j9

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