Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Dec 1919, p. 2

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LfflTYVflLE InDEPENDmqT. TlgURSýDAY. DECEM BER 11, 1919. STORES DARI( AS ORDERS ARE OBSERV- ED TUROUGIIOUT CITY ToWn Looked Like a "Dun- geon" as First Lightless Night is seen here. THE MAIL SERVICE IS CUT Thie 0ev 'fut"1resttrictions. lii tii c7 and rezutating t Iti4,nitîuber of houes whlch plants nîay o perate, was ftilt in Waukegan Ioda> teten te îifferent colicern. beggi te crînforiaite the new order off things. Inder the t ernisosf thre order Issued by thé federal fuel adrainitrator andl iacked ut) by te etate public utilittes commission. a plant whîch bas been operatîng a -14 bour per day basi,. nmay centinteient perate In tîtat nann,.r. p)rer d(ing it Closes iwo days per week. l1tant. wbich have been opîrating on ont ahift mit work on the ba.î. tot a 61.2 Itour day. Tire iaily -,unthil. ioietîr cet ot no ctommunication wth tuie headn. of a majority ofthtie Wauki gan and Northt Chicago coneins aitd tb>irni tit lite orders of tho ituetzdontirtation ethèr have beon tfii iti, efet tenuey or wlll be v ititin the îtext daur The Laite Cotnt> >'Ianifarîiitrrr Association tzetd a iot nk, tastIniui and took utitii e tutîn t vttthe t. sut tlita a itcisi1on iras ie\pi ctl Ib> titis slternohrn so iiat tîte ronu-i plan min lit hc rrIter t 1,t , I n~î.clî:ný i l t working fletrs s. litrpe i ot a ton>z of many tlîoîîsrnîiç rftdellt:iste \'aut kegan for in att c:is.>' tire cinptttiis wiii teel t lie bonit fthe ni" et net In decreaseil iiisein. Oine niiurîîît,îrtiii er said Il woutd binrtîirt n auvcîncr r. whlch att r lticd tir n' v ir> tiiln or, te basis of tull tînie. Anotin r mni *facturer raid that tiîo production of the plant woulinl ire cîti dow.n hroliim- tionatelyT. te ic obe.r of tinur- serut ed and i iatil t cii ibruninîîr to attenapt 10 Ira> tueien titi r ful Wire Mili Runs la thre absence oft o> ordir., front headlquaruth ie Ant->ican Sien I and Wlre Çompany ptant at Waukegait omtInuics tu operate on the 24 hour per day bi-. The wire mit] te inde pendent of pub le service corporations Inasmucli as il manufactures lis own llght and ieat. Under tire construction that thre fuel order upplies oniy 10 cuflernt which receive light o: ircat of tire Public Service company i la possîillà tbat the wire mîlI irere wil c')ntnt: to operate on ils reguuar bas;i.. Uîles.. laabrutions to tbe contcaiy are re- t là nid thre vire mill bas a supply et eoal on haut! sutticient to . last *. bout tbree weeks. If thte supply la m.t replenibed by tirai timc I ill lbe Ueceaaary for thre plaîit 10 close. Hrue la vit soute of thre other iplata are doing uiii regard to oh- aervinc thre fuPl regulations: Davis atklria Dairymena Ce. Went on thre 6% pewr day batis to- day. t.he hours being train 9 to 3: 30. Griesa.Pfleer Tannery Mmployes vorklng today on a fine bor day baois ansd bisada of coneern aft we of dedinibe plan. but think il àky that they may opeaate on a 24 bm day basi and abut dowu tvo diffla vgi Omoiaue t.e eenae cm a 84 heur au bts.deia"llph"a"aSau- If 1ARSTOW oîauFTuUgUof, 11, mai Graiute Momumi119 C.oetey Werork 0fvSr Correspondence .iciti 16GeueseeS DU. 1. L TAYLOR OM la iras Nauam a" hé D-U .tlum-15%D 880 mad7to P. M. Beeldaje 'la Bn-dway, oppogite Part DE 0. F. BurmReDw, ViTKCJINART 8URODog. 46*aeraa-ma-m ara-a.îaaa,,. lblrityville. Iimola. --- - - - --- aA FlV, COLBy OSa a llrîe.I >~ vePbOn@16&.j USURTILLINOIS IVELI HK MORRIS Lbertyvlb Illinis Luce i Iuidlrra ýIIIL a. PUma tM. OMee, Phorre 1, PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATONTA? LAW. kA~NC. DDCIX 1 i d."> sa Plant closed 'oday witflic ueTire traîna yull lîrave LIKte luff oin RELET ETANFR exceptiorn of few rmn r-npltyeil Ilie iour and Ase wil leave Art,:%61.R EA SAE RNFR wiie ni> etecti cl'tafecs te hotir. C:ary. 1Plant bas qprln:ter . >st ir sait Mail Serijce Cul. November 26, 1919. iiiuist atî. .uffirient lieaI 10 lrevetîl1tlIi itlleit tî>tr of iiaiil sît ive, thie J. 1ran1, is' wan ity eI,SIC); Irle iles from freezing. Govertment lias eut the .traîns rery ' tbrac uadrilen irecitnty Arer t$10; Chicago H-ardware Company nîaîîîria:ll,.. Thisla epeî,)tiitly 1rue tactoîlp n eton9 vo on The enuriel ing plant v ili cinrrue ln rorimence ta rtuait geiiig torthInr. b p te wont on a 24 hoit îay basi->. thlat lac now thre,.is reo riritlîîîîtu iiglit I. H. Alltir.mliiîarr ivfe I o Ttoriap is birce B suffIs, but il lias nort11ie11oî ii 2 oclocit in tl ,.îftinoeîOn 11 I'.f4i.r.. >ikkr.slii> dred, $10; lotaI declded wither t he tielarin> 'i lte sortlthboîrnîl t ris i lir,' îîîe 12 arnd I 2ý t eck 1,lîiartmorrd Laite close Frits a nit Sut.. Sun anti Nitn- been counoli tatiolis il 11:11tail. .î l ev-- Park. dax s. The rest ofn'lt, ptuati Ituhar, i ral trins Hrave bevnritatuirl off. Bo0: t,. J. Jachol aînd w iott I <boula Wal- ou a 64 bouc day bar l tatIltle niait servic e ltiriian and bauu, warrutity diied, $2.700: lots Ilf National Enveinpe COMpall> o ut ofilWatîkegan la cirriaitetimore te19 i, 211s ut1. lilitritn's surtdivision Has adopteti the 6l. tiheur Iti titpan, tiatnit mverrlias Ibeen bifrmte. bLite Zunirh. tiie iliploi" î.sshow lu c ti)foie sw rrt Enîîloyî's of tire lr.î ttr-irce P.. LSarI-rît t ttnii vife te Della titis nrorning at ruile ociîck Sul vnitiîg1w liey ai-e corn.u too~rre, deeui. $I,599 bitk 15, Bart- T. E_ Morris said lireîe idword banîlle ileir C;irsîII11s tti ti"llne leta North 4îi \-re, ltirrop lat nigirt tirat no res~tricionts bave a@ it vîli ln sucir largei qtruîllllti, r1 a rtor. irîe t îred on patns in tire eisl and and ai sich infrequent irîtrrvar.s dur- Mary .Rs usi oaNrrtt tuaI% as a resîrit a large ntliller of lng tire day. yP asnt ua'lGah ordîrs wii ire 'sent. froin te local Waukegala stores. nul nr clu>îînz quiiclaim.itt. lot 7, blockt 2, SIy- plan to plant., intire ast Io lbe filled drugstores, grocery tohres or rme,; fieldsa Ibdtî luitîn. \aukegan.. because of Ille decreased production markets whirir aî. exn-süssly exempt- iille M. Scott and Ilruband ta R. Irere. ed under tire fuel ban. wiîi open te- A. WVitt, varrutity decd. $350; south Blalcirford Calf Meal Co. morrow înorning ali l) clocit and il5tE'et lobe 19 to 22, Tweed's Pisý Hooaof conrero itad rot ivieid v-iI close lomorrow night. alIliîne laitei Lake subdiviion. definitelY Ibis mOrninu v-iieilier t10V op olocit. On weer d'ty nigiîs lire I*Roy horiîng te Peter Kong. ,rate on Itle 6i urtr day tr on tire 24 store., wtîl lit> open ont> beween lb> warrinsy d. ei. $Ilti lot 57, Courîsy heur durys. As-«,teid taI a dteinite beurs Of lu a. m. and 6 p. m. Eve-n '1er-ls subiisiaon lu section 20, piitntrohabiy setiirb ei etim nt durimrg te hlriday .e taon the plan tut Waukegan townsilp, NIrittiay x reiî tir tit ,,i' 11ev on opening stores foi e >ncing siroppers November 28, 1919. ila'. wl ire troutti .1i ni te r ili i ot ire aluowei.Tire pîan rs te Allen Peddiei>:d 1e Cirarles Peddl- s. tilt liafit for fîr terit - itieîid iofbc effectivse tntil tirrtirer ordcrnu front cord an wife. quitclalm, $1; lot on irni t o t tras. tio, cf tii pliantsthie tederal fuel administrator. norîli aie Grandiii aenum. in Soutireast are doing. Meniber, of tire retalt srtinîn ut one-ilbarter seirtion 1'.. Wauitogan Aishuier Carment Co. the Waukt-gîon and Nertit Chleagr- tovnship. Wfri- tirýe ivt1>hi rU" il weOi >ln Cir,miroff Comnerii el r nîrtiitz Vt. S. Aus:tri.vitei-t al ici W. J. a6l a iou r basîs ii sterdsl nî ii iileCitrbe i{r; tfrenclE 1 ntw ilirj arr.anty ded, i, s i fttr rcei 'ini c e .;-itotice. Abrou!i toia> rnd vat u er ihle situaitm ioni 1,'1r00; lot01 'cluzfntnius &C 0n'a 15e tiitoye, a ffrcied. ui -zt off v itidetuîi viih thie resuit t bat rvui t. 1(i Nrtilhiaverte ieadîtton. Waukegan. arr ,il bitîiev ork, *Xýii k> front 9 pltn of act ion v'as ntaý,întl t. tM î Cylone F ri'tirp.>ny 10n\Vuu- un s 1 51i '-in al >i. tctO> elt.ýn 's offIle tw e rit i, s ia îîîr ea n Lurer antdt toai Crî ie -.Houtleis >ill tant lin-s Firs .' id aIion., not iet of.r rîIll hi - uwarranty deeti, $1l,' lots 1,.2andI Northern nras Co. lieuîr-, Tith> it mi itrutîund o noth.n r bjAsik 4,. oîigiî.i Wautegan. onue iundrîd aind îz-.tyienifloir>, e> Ciiietibis l iR..Id-a Petersurti .nd iustîaîd- 0te G phticedt on 6iý hluîr d.r . a.>i-. worlkir'z T-.tee ad iteen urîi'- ce .nfu>.ion .OV> r" W Lofng, _s.i rutty detud, $1; lot -f trîrr n nSii9 i ý 5 ti-rin i pity fot, their tnterpreiutioîî (nif iif> irrier v tIith id itorthIr at, , t ltIn.Pear-son.Lit- pmi %utuIw r.tiinitte., t>car l10 as es d ~tht> i'l l',*i ir tiî iie suirdivision, Fansteet Electricat Prudencts Co. tIii. os in iitire loir-r -houn>. renain land ttrhee.t i ipilot 6?,. (ory's ad -nt on il ?4 hortr vîntikir.,« arrtîncî' op.,n fr m n ii i. t,- .e l. izi leit dii ion Wtik- un. tfo, ni. rtnninz foirnuea.. a wîrk. \ili r.tltiyiig stores tit; intîriin opreni A. Beaîtirttand wlf>. Io S>lvi,î ire clii-.e-t on Frida> s and qatttrdaY- i tin 10 a. mt. to 6 pî.îl. .and ntso o fi il. t'hamberliîn. v irruni y deed, $1,- C. iîntt. ti iIni..3îi pniriu.incluti inlune o'clock -u tt îl.>;.ni clis. Sente lort -1. Saundertiti s Suouh Juiekin lac office force- Is p-.ctircall> ou t o rîofthte dovsr 10w-n nri.cants in Wau- .trtèet .stiirdivisioti. <Watki'ttn, co:l but lias. iiiplv 1rfittlc]1ii. Ent kegan. misintrrrpîite i tru" order andi Norember 19. 1919. nb> es on actulai ot king tint eta',(-irotliil Was untu.r udiscriminationa 1. J. Nordmeyer tut utI'. ý o1,; irIo 1 exP:,ct tirentto rîniain open fewer tueyer. quitîltiiiî$iii),$., 1-0 Facres in Brown Portable Etevalor Co. !leurs titan Ille short-t iiitire oul>ing sec-tn 13t, WXncond4 Loop. TItis compiany entiplos 150 lier'sn>. district. Sept. Bleri1 of tire Public P. H. Bartlittiaind i vte ir uti Establisîned ta f'-. da,,i' i niornin2. Seervcirecemîîany oirîalned a rulinp în n iî.tnii î,v' n 1-nitlo>es pa'd 1< ,r ctîtai workiîui fromt Chiea,-o this 0000 te lire effret iraitblork 2, Nottih Snore .ç,ut c tinte thnt ail oftheit nortit zibore is regard- Winthrop Harbor. Marahal Ventiltated MattressCo. cd as lire ouilying*' distruct, This W. G. Farter and vite te 1T. D. Eniplîîys aborutt 160 pirsonsvite are pttlthe1 tt storcs iii Waukegan ln Tcue, warranty jdued 410; luit on1 finie bohou piecewor. and rnTîI1Osed tire --Ume clasa. eastisaide County >s i-eet, soutli ti' %- d.nv sc!efI .- icn veitinu Oin ltdfgeland avenue,, Waukegan. 1 Glý huir hasi-> îoîiay.Superîntrndent aa*.uÂa ~F~T. Gerry tu W '.F.Kirkhiane,1 sad t:ue rdrý iv b(r toton flELiiAJJOF ALL wacranty deed, $t; lot 3, ibtockt 16. onîd apaid cordie ic actual * .,wpuMclCay's seconld adldition Waukî-gan pl,"P-p ai acodie c JAVA- O L I TR'ENIN T.W. Dwyer sud vifete tsi Xliatii horworke-ld hnti s p eL\1Viii LE'~3I lî and viîîî. vît ranty deed. $boo;t 'le C'.IQI 9, blockt 7, %IcKay's second ail t>' ,ii , -1r1lli' ir e lit TDITI M dition ýo >aukeigaq. ing c1oseti down twI«o days a vek, IU/£ IjQN jflT U JjIO M. R. L.ux to G. D. and Jessie M. S-iiirdas- snu Sunday-. tire plant irere- Foster, varraoty der-d, $1; lot lu vili totot-e baing opecated continuousiy. iage of Waîiswurth. One irundred men attectedl and wili Tire ahtoual memorlal day services Josepir Hladovec et a tobo verbne bis pald for acînal vorking lime. Has ut WaUkegan Lodge No. 702,P. 0~. -IlcCarty, warcanly deed, $1.300; lot sufficient rsi 1e operate tvo veeka. alita, vas ireid ab the Elita' Iudge lu village of Lake Villa. <Id5 suprily direct tram mines. roerm Sunday atternoon at 3 0, clock. George Mueller and vifeteb Wil- Dovn lovn in Waukegan looked Ilite Statea Attorney Welcir delivered tire liam Evkert et aI. varranby deed, a morgue Tirursday eventng. Titerp memorial address. Hia address vas $10; lote-11, Wanconda Laite Park. vasn'b lightI enougir around town te greatly appreclated. # Holda Blergstrom te Jurgen1 ligirl a cigaret. Every store vindow Ife urged tire Elks to bie iindful ievers and' vite, warranty deed. vas darit. tire rear off tire stores looked of ibeir missing iodge brotirera, no $3.Z00; lot 10, blockt 5, Lenox subi- like duligeons and lb»,virole tovo pre- doul t simkîng otfiis own brother division Wautegan. sented a mtore dead appearance tran irhoiras pased avay sBirestire me- Katie R. Altord and iruaband la et aay lime during te var. morial service last year. It vas just Fred S. Ersitine, varranty deed, $1. It vas tireflrait nlghs Of ligiriles une year ago tiras iis brother, tire easl 90 teestut lot 4. blockt 12. North.- conditions as exaeted by thre State late John Weletu, delivered tire me- West addition, Waukegan. Fuel Adinnistrationt. In solie Of tiremorel address ta tire Elits lodge. A. G. Campbell and vite su B. A. store Windaowsvirere shtow ligirta iad Tire speaker dvelî on te situation Wing, warranty deed, $10; part lot been us-ed before. thre avuers resortisd lias confrants tire country al the "A" Nixansa South Bide subdivision, ta te use ut candles ta ligitb up tiroir present lime anmd urged eaeryone ta Waukegan. dispiapa a Utile. more. Inaolirers th. b. a loyal Annerican citizen. He Frankt Cecit and vite te Tham"s Winiows erva aiucly darit. mai41 thal lthe reconstruction oeriod ttaI. amwarraly deed. $9,000; lot Thte intersectio of Genet"amid through vitihh v0are p.aing la net X nioxLakte resubdille m osStan- WasingatornStreet na-ver looked au unque-ia ta«cttiat it avsys foi. ton point. demea-bmidarlt. sand deoluv.Iowa abig van. He ai41 tata imi- Novamsber 20, 1919. Waukega reuponded teate criera lar condition had ta e bscoteIded Adallue C. lfavliorte and bius- cm lightImag igirls la a very cosuplete vith af 1er te civil w"r. band tae Mary IL Joues, warranty' mtisoner, floboiy seuliedaxious lu If ve are ta getlhboit upun a t im udesd, $,600; lot 83,bWock 1, Protorae test tire autorlly of tite public Uerv- furndtiOn once mre0il la uecessary addition te GrayasLaite. k&&" G« maffy 1tall'floff titeir jar evasy Amrfetscan bfouIbis re CarehineMitchell 1t a teila M. Service la caseereteafor vindow aPOU&iWbity pd ta s lde It. Km*u. qit li Uî astt land la lielat. Ste--- isrgudd. ita» 6" a loug lime incI tir e Ost b alfasection 1. EMa township, AU *9 S Ore f tirO 0117 hday cou- Blitahave lfiad tei n uce a fine sand Section 3t. 1005fl0litovrnuitp. bumUsi tt be é rers rebtivé ta alit. -Msny ruombeis anadiladies Luefla M. Kame ma itu*anî ta o9erng nd mIcoint Tire ordera vera vers praSeL .Caroline Mitchell, qîiItehalrA., $J aokIL smaired. vite irboliday *"i amn tallng titis stand viti lte tract cf land la section 1, Elà, ta;;;- Mmfen.vms d atemeach.g .l aeV t ie. r1 bele( that the publie val bacit ahlp sand section 34,fia-rmontI tovu- lt. avrtm odytantecndtereiseta heMe Up inevesy move. We have ta-led 1h19. orders. .ciuiigte~ and ta-led 5and trjed te ge alit anda L. A.pase an ad vite e trvId sand, Wble, iti reerece 0 lte ac-permit tire.. ru- la bold ltel =met- Anna lM. Carîson, quitclaimnli1; lot telle bit o ffere admith lac-artsvon thre promise tiraI they voulqi S. Peaie's subdivisiou, Hlghvood. torell te oficrs adîton he tat vidradicallai u blt tey bave broken M. J. Adieu et al te R. W. Wells, tti mye timt.,b.thStormnly efo ait oevery Urne. It la r»ahsam and varan»ty deed, $10; soutirveat 120 their reUrne ut ta la traoes .rhers etounionim : uilcitthey are ada-ocal- Serea of Section 7, Nevport tevn* biynte doo as rompedaeea hors 1hi halsa on thre acuth aide. In<th- oamp. iung b. ay i cmlrreilii5b~In in athior meetings. If lbt vasn't vhy Ella E> »urue, guardian ta M. J. rlously tbe ovuera vili bave ta meet la Ilb necessary ta brins aeclalist Convay, deed, $900; lots 89 andi 90, te uev condition as lime goes on. i pes ta lWautegs.n fromt Milvau- Geny adtoLieNoe Il coutld fut b. ascertained today luat ke We Oou't aee union men coming 1. P. Spaulding te a ara B. Wag- viral tire toreiteepers vould do ln hobr ta make tire .pieciree. la "el' gouer. varranty deed, 11; lota 13, 14 lte mater of wages ofem rployez as case itlaissoelalltic ap-eTa Iro and 16, Ilmitoîz subdivision, Waa- lte resul or curtaibrnent et vuriting calaie baresud vitenetertain lte iegan.' Intour nc wt teor. tE dlm. .VBrand et a a Ott1 o ra;p Cnerve fultce vCh ci er e e yl utalalîovtitleru topen Ibeir and i vie varrauly deed, $1; lot 70. conerv fel iteChcago & Nortt 1 îng tier meetinga. Thisa mastitat petite p& on petite I*ke. &Shore Electrlc Ioda7ly announced Sdoile for lire maigaceIdli Jes . B-Ulen mitubd radical change iftuireir serviec aloM etnsshdle n Juqp gaio n ubn lire Nerth BShore adinto Chicago. ta .lu ay Kutcitinky and ii ie. var- In substance the chrage previties an . l*E W ITft2IU ty ieed, $10; let 4, bleck 2, Ridge-. tollowa: IM m1IJ M'ATfUX _ ad ubiiso, Walef Tire express an d llmlted trains are Nobivemlo. - Muk1919. n ta oPerate as turruerly between Chi. ~aia A>bID G. C. INovem and 12,%tlJoh cago and Wauitegan. Tire0 ill be X M D uNs- Griffitht warranaty deed, $10; lots 8 nu change lu thefr sciredule aid « Ild 9 (ezceptveloI 20 test), Lav- titY y ilI run lfto Chicago lte A R Y L K rence'a subdivisionU aie Parent. loup as betore. Hovever, lumtead o et j*LA 3 H. Clenienin aimd wvite 10 . P. suing dean arauna nie loop, niev iii Rumsey, quitclàlm. $1;, lots ando rumu dowu Wells street t0 Van Buren Emma Turner, daughter et Mr. 4. bloclit48, Laie Bluff. a'nd stop. Passengera viro desire te and Mrs, JaSopir Turner et Grays A. H. Crait and vite ta Ludvm go round tire loop wil be transfer. L.ake, vas marrled s, ev deys ago ta Ras avrranty deed. $1; lots 7 red ta otiter elevated trains at thal 1X. lF. Kmball otfLincoîn. Neb. Tiresand 8, blacit "B," Cralirs addition le Pint but the Northr Shore cars wilniarriage ceremorÀW vas iperfo.mme<t Antloch. n0t malse tire tip 'around lire loupaItirhe La salle Hetel. Cicago. Only iirlate of H. B. Peabody (de. But tirere laseiong ta tre a radical Iminedlabe trienda mati relatives Of ceaed) et R.- W. Burns, 4eed. $2, change in lire local serv-ie out Of tir, couple attpnded. 309.50: veet part lots 36 ai 836. Wautegan. Up tuatire preseul Ihere lIrq. Ktnmbail Io a fre eîetsiolscinrudvseWune bas been a car eut of Wankega o t ieaannd frmr rsvelk novn un seton, auli- Haarro0Z11 Oh.îm«la th, Egyptlmnos, 400 B. C. A Irir tonîr for mmw. an Egyptiso quefin serte d'rgs' pai asses bouts. bllei n nil ;ltrdates."ttCdSIidAsP . A sitipuens tIHLLRTavlresil us '-me moncyi, - qikr, &lIP Att VOUR FURS DIRECT TO T//ELA/16(STHOUSE IN THIEWORID DFAL/NG EXCUSVELY lI AMERICAN RAW FURS 25- 27 WAustin Ave. Dept. 544 Chicczqo,U S A._ Ask ang user of Ihea DIRECT TO THE OPERA THE NORTH SHORE TRAIN leaving Ubertyville at 6:02 pý mi, connecting at Lamke Bluff wath te.&X4 U.mited, wiiltae you ige to te. entrance of te AUDITORIUM THEATRE. rmachinsgte.Congres. Station of te. ElemF at 7:50 p. i. NO STREET CAR OR TAXI NEEDED. Dining car attached. After te performance patrons can board North Shore trains at Congress Street TOTH-E3TH-EATRE IN . MILWAUKEEÉ Tanleavig Ubertyvie at 602, connecting with imited tineaving Lake Bluff at 6&23 p. mi, reaclies Milwaukee in plcaity of time to enable you tý spencl a pleasant evening at thejh1catre in Milwaukei. Dining car attached. Re- turning, leave Milwaukee atil1:0 p. m. Se. Agent fer pôrtîculars about this weelCs bill. North Shore LUne Libertyville Ticket Office Phone LibertyvWle 74 s a,.. ý,5ENe Two. November 22, 1919. J, A. MarionIck and wife to GeorgeM 9:1.200; lut ý, block 38, North adift-t-there's b moiV l>îeck .and wife, warranty deed. " to H.Lta rtvt a] d wlfe to 1 ein. T -1 U W ~ VichManry. ecd $5f9;'lot il, block 9, Ravinia Highlands, Iligh- i u i r e -iu ;, Airton andI S. A. Christensen,lîd PakwjuAIedeadhsad1 rarrry deod, $10; lots 1 and 2, JO in L. Tweeds Pistakee Lakte eubdivis- I. l.Iartlett and wife tA.G. Kaipernirir, deed, $499; lot 15, blockt 7. Ravinla iHighlands, Higblîand 41,b Par k. 0. Il. Triggs anfd wife tu J. W. Beltzel and wîre, warrant y deed, ->"'fl $10; siputh 650 feet lots 9 a.nd 10, block If, Wrlght's addition, Liberty- W. R. Kopp "ýt a to E. j. ILeirmHn ui3 WI and wife. deeds, 1245; lots 180 and . 181, Shaw'% Long Lakte subdivision. Novernber 24, 1919. Trustees Mr % ck River Confer- ence tu Fairfleld Cemetery associa- tion, quitciaim, $10; one acre in eati i o -~ t'on 10. 88 5 81 Nort Sho e letand Sulrvly ha e t ' W m s â m1s t Copn oJ. H. Taylor. warranty S U elIim l tr deüd, $17. 557,56; part loi 3. wrtttrn ~lY uC sU I addition Lakte Forest.AUi nCa P ý.C. lawrencc and wife tu RIs. "Anin IPuy 'lies. Extaeumeujr Igh Pricez Wels and wife, warranty deed,. $10; E A Sm emE T OFF-TODAYZ lot 14 (ezcePt west 107 feeti, Law -V rence's subdivisaion Laéke IForest. ,rrI'o ut, Daniel Whigar.m an,, vite . XVII -ý : iam Xhigani, quitclaini, $10; tract or ]and in sections 2:t, 26 and 27, Ver- non township. 00 I Iï) Jý P King and wife tu C. J. iiotm Wno 44 OI .03.50 Io 3.00I[2.75 le 2.50 [l e2.2..0 12 b)Irg_ and wlle, warrante dee4, 110-_ Fail 3.5ot3.001 2e o1.2.35 j2.25 Io 1.85 1.75 (0 1.3 l5î10 not 0 rtlt 326, Lauke Forn8t. it o4.09 NWilliam Wedge tb Amy Ml. White, M I ~ ~ . warrantY deed, $6666; tpart suuth ___ M"I 40 acres<of northwest une Fine, Oark 2.tla80 101300 I Oa908M o60dV,1 . qiuatrler, siCtion 36, .x'on Lop suai Golor Is.OtoOO 0 1. oo 9rm 8f9(iî%0600bSû .0i .; i~t liîmyrrta trJJ..l)y Paiolou 0 80.70161riJO50 1 .00451 L4 et i. wti raflty ded, $10; lot, in vi, 90 -00701.50I .04AI s lieoff Wadsworth. S1 U N k Il. I .wKýiiandmi t> l. tVaier-FL_7 tine Kou tîtaki, warrant y dred. 13, ftrh . I i4 >îi ~ ~ ~ '150; ; lot 19. btocic 46, NN'aiîburn L ' Park, orth Cira~oBlack 1.0o2~11.00Io 9.00 8.50 1 1.O) Ir .î {t64' I Shot ii (~0~ '~8.00 Io7.0 6.50 h> ùA0.W 3t .0 f,~ The inese iveri- .e ral.".usepa- 14-1 t, 4 't),le2.0 iL7 l per for decorstlng r3.50 rl 3.0the"..7A)_ L_______1.-45 1 , »119n of roomi Tire'D-' r- p .î- ~ i ,, .. ,Irrî . >[ ~~~~~~ue ~ ..A. a re sur> u. ï! c n,', , ~ r ,>>.*îs walnl paper mboEturotpe In lireaix- teentir century. Tire earileaîsalt knovn ln tire United Stitea vn lt ý1742 ln Philîndelpirîs, viere (Charles klargre.nvp adveruîseil tire businessq. A person named Fleson nanîufnîtured nali paper ln Pirîladelpirla about 1747.

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