Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Dec 1919, p. 4

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3~UT J LIBERTYVILL£ INDEPE N-ç.T« 9TMlSr>AY DECEMBER 11, 1919. . e Independen t Wanar. H. C. Frlck died before Alex. Berkman,th 9- aarchstwho Yearsago ihot 1Mr. àFrlck, wau actually d ~ ~ - Waukegaft Weekly Sun ported from tisl country., The &overnrent has long talk- ed of deportnghim and ho seâea on tihe verg of going- "'4 ituce Tflephona Number i. t.ibertyville probablyX.FiklokdrhtUnet on z Entre e -* i ileIII. ,, teî'nd(his!aiiiateTbut the gomemrent nioved 50so IwlyMlb. PF#ck passed offlc'9l iJubication for The Village of Ebertsville. away before the anarchist had left dur shore è. Ad Officiai Publication for Lake County Board of Supervisors' Proce~dfg iBrmn'a lqed to "aveheylugiAon" r. F ik ]j'Oum Estv T'lir'îln îi, ;-insirltpit Matie Knuwn on Appliation r m nw lg e oI'av h a g np r rc SUBSRIPTPN RICE ~ ~ SRICTY I ADVNCE There are m&a.Y People whO care 80 littie for a cent .J.SMITH................. ..... .. ..............................................dia that they do flot g to the trouble of plcking on up wuOfl W i M ITF . .. .. . ... . ...... . . ..... .................. ........ clManager gor p one ..........--. ..... ..........1..................Maae rs e n i g i h ECKHAROT...................oaMamrte rpit rseoellgi htsret.* JIf people were 1 so careles in every respect the vaste would be appail- mng. For instance, a Waukegan man spent several weeks helping a farmer huak con. Wbenever an ear of corn was thrown over the 1"bump-board" or ffiled to land in the wagon the huskers would alw78 stop to pick it up.1 even if it feUl 20 or 30 feet on the other aide of the wagon.j Yet an ear of corn at the present price la wortil onlyl about a cent. But in the course of a day's hizsklng a per- son vill misthrow about 200 ears of corn. If one sltoulIdj WAUKEGAK 15 FORTUNATE NOW AS ÂLWAYS_ fail to pick it up the loas per bngse would approximate Who says that Wau kegan is flot a good place in whiche $2.00 or $250. or nearly half the wor1kman' s wage. Farm- to live? Anybody who says it has neyer stuclied the sit- ers watch huakers closely and those who are too careles uation. to pick up the misthrown eau um8uafly get thein walking For instance. the coal shortage I papers the first nainy day that arrives. Careless 'farm- Haveyoustopedto hin ho fotilateWaueres seldom make mucil money. ag dhose who succeed us- ga 2is as comared to manv cities ini the p'resent fuel! uaily "çatch" the "rat" before 1fiàkes much vaste. shortage? The fact of the matter is that if Waukegan vas lef t alone it could go through the 'winter without denying itself anything in the matter of fuel. For the big Reiuss Coal Docks in the city inakes it so there is am- ple fuel here to- take care of the whole com.munity. But of course. Waukegan is flot selfish and other pliLces wil] soon begin to draw on the coal docks for their supply, That is the natural trend of things and Waukegana in-, tends to be on the sanie basis as other communities. But the fact remains. Waukegan is really in a very, fortunate condition as regards fuel because the chances 1 are most homes are provided with a supplywliich will'i carry thein' through the winter and business houses in inany cases are in the same fix. Now then. in other coni- munities where ail coal hms to be shipped by cars the sit- uation is différent. -In many cases distreas already has core on many people. So4evilen you sift the situation' you cannot help but feel that Waukegan is indeed to be congratulated upon its advantageous location. upon the presence of this big cual dock which on several occasions has proved such a1 beuefaction to the city of Wîk.gnsi n-'r . Libertyville Public Library ýaturday, December 20, the folowing'1 books wil be ready for Xmas week. If you haven't a Library card buy one at! Once so you wil l b able to get firit chiaice of te new books: JUVENILE i"Rose in ioom" bYLoulsaM. Alcott. *Eight Cousina' 'iy Louisa M. Alcott. "The Play that Won" by Ralph H. Barbour. "Fuil-Bacla Foater" by Ralph H. Barbour. "Guarding His Goal" by Ralph H. u Barbour.1 "The Trail Makers" by * Chartes P. Burton. "A Little Maid of Old Phil" by Alice T. Curtis. "Ten Girls from Dickens" by Rate Dickens Swcctscr. Dickens Swaeter.t 1NON.FîC'rîON "Thco. Rooscvelt's Letter to t-is Chiltren." "Tales from Shakespeare" by Charlest and Mary. Lamb. FICTION "The Starling" by-J. W. Tompkîns. ' 'The Romance of Reality" by C. Dawson. * Rainbow Valu-y" by Li. M. Mont. gomnery. TWO VOUNf GIlRLS CARLOADS 0f RAIz ::ld ellrg T DE Y POLICE SINS AND GRAPES %.anhe ,Valiey<i triî y K. Nîýrris. IN A LOCAL IIOTEL ARE'BROIJ<iT flLKL S't -~~ Ti -on Ier iw iii' .andirisiib .hhn e ing Wiiliamr,n. '0ý r o foa rN%, éý(i îî 1111(l cuha >'r ia iiins o cti nWiLiîS t <O Jereni\ ' by Hugh IVai dîe. todi1 by tieoic-toe, tils morning ai î u f i' t.ew-idap 1 fie Green 1'ea Pi yte" ttl' r rît the- Cani' rciiî i Hoît' 1. othiihait o L,,.ipa ren t lhu(It iii, a t itan t tIr B.K yrie. 1,1 it a i "ii iiti rhui- ii Chii i wel ik iiinown mirr nnan wh o I"h iea go yJ .Prkr u .Tiey 'rai theijir naines and tads- erth'lia.p 1 i.iikaiîwiiig- tiurned Bridge .i3 Il, B.W. Sinclair. d ,s r iîs .Iir'tancrotî,i a pe li,,tis andt I 'liZk Rses ' by Gilbert tan han. nRAt-ttUA fOX, a ne 16, cof tîtîfi iro r.irioo ia it1iiiýi ,r'ueieriil I"Sherry" bv cii. Bari- McCutcheon. Oirden aitnue.. hia a cetair oint tiflitc routii tAh 1,I . Ttll.aalI. "~-it 'iî ti~ltrruai - "In Appe Blossorn tinte" by Clara 1116 S. Leav itt 'sîreet. 'fît' -u u oiiir o i"L uaan The Qurk-i-r 1 uicani" b Waukegaa , îurltas,- ofaakinz wineanad brady i "The Rider of the King Log-"l'y riho'it a u eek cr i-ti days goantà, w hat were tii-y hi otititf re'for.' hei Holmatu-i)ay. wse tcaîcîl han by ber mother afttr dertands. sit iid ibtine apositioi n l a r,'- S'thim(""t' 'If a s Il,r Itl itutaa tatirtait i The -girl n,"rn-dti t be (- ti.t' l h'c a vliai t- Il îleh caus i1il O FFICAL CC.UNCIL PRi)CEEOINGS %Niiiiîiureiiiri ut I t S"r:iu it iiile IN LITCIIFIELI) I Reglarrmetng of thTusees of I rtt;. lw(wd:toai.iry' I-et VSe TRIGfiS CASE ber 1, 1919. Prerent, President J. B. Li".) l Muâ;Trustees, ColisElsworth, Eieiuttg I Iîrip 7:811 'il'rerviee A ve ,d ci of $700, dam ages for tht G olding, H art, L ange, W right < li -t ii < S sii i u u-1:i li choir. îiiantliff waF r,,rurncad by the jur i Minutes of Regutar meeting heiti the-rt': Ttiturs lut' Spirituel the Lulchfield vs. 'lrlgg.m a rai-wlitlh November 3,,1949, werc reati. Movedi.iiti bas been on trialInb circuit coul t ai by Wright aecondcd by Golding that 4 lnitt,, ttin iiiliiveby Waîuksgan for the last acterai days5. minutes be approvei as rewtl. îýves li coirouSuî.day evt»rgltig, [hec. 21, It involîcti a dimputa- nier ai basting Coltins, Ellsworth, Golidng, Hart, 7: e iant a., ih h LIttt9fleld. wllo lua, ang, rgt Cii udw- . , ptunbcri. iti'taiied ýn Trjg,-gs' îliarîrLne.Wih.C'eid i u'ui ul-2&trs,... re 1(0 "fl Ni .i 'igr. il deveior"'ut iin ii Clork andti tn-utrîr's rellont for taitîmnît r'il , t tiiU.,i .il tueg ividi-arce goalt rhgw t.i,il t-.Nuventhler 1h99were reati. Moved hîy tna '.' paît! t.tlchfiIid for mornali th( viik Colirs ccoridcd by Wrigbr titat reportas Ft i u% iJ'a- rn. whir-lî h- had done lia 10 'r.. (jaas haacceptati an nt ft ie.-Ayes thîrtg-en -uats. Lîttchin liiliai dolort ork for Triggesfiant ligne Io tinte 'ail Colins, Ellsworth, C.Iing, Hti, Lange, cbhia. because they liadt alwai'tmtan gmod Wright. Carrîi -ii, '.- lu frlends ha neyer ha,! prsued hîni The fîiiiuwing billa acre i-cati : xna 1 ii là. i. il e'-'tuo,a for paynaentl Su-verat checks ;aemsd Public Service Co, ight, power...$3L:2elu iii i*aue auîl, h>a.ti. S-' Sa.:iritue.. and fmnaily there arose a dispute as Public Service Co'light in danger tliblu iie deteo-r w iiTupie. in iow mucia 0f a balance was )nom qt........................17 Hwt m h Ing to Utchtleld. Unable to settle pO.............7' owtUeth .lb"Laar, itie "lférienoe tetwYen 'thenseivp. Art Kruckman, sîreet work-....140 765Reliant Swan and Burneil Casy. th mn wnî to court. George Trlggs, streel work-.. .70 O0 Preahng 7:80 p. un. A servie an New Cage la On Ed Quentin, atreet wonk-...... 4 80 whhch aur iiag wil ose dernohalîze, TI. "Thecasie of Mones tinber-g of Interatate Sand & Gravel, gravel 6853 speaker wili ou the Bevl. Dr. B. 8. Brown. Highland.- Part against Samuet John tester, special police..... 6 W Board ai Chuîrcb Extension, Chicago. Schiwartz of Waukegari la belng triei, .S! ibry alr ....... 8 0 Péyrmeig.Wdmdy 'c 7 In court at 'Waukegal) 111w. It l Da .Lmcr.Slr.....8 0 Pae etig eneaDc T ha that Steinberg purchasead Libertyvijle garge, gas, oit, bat Topic, *'Evâaellsm, Ponai -'a twêaloads af reJected mittreisen exehinge .......................... 8 25 Public-." At te man»e. at Frt 8het>dan at i»ublic auction Fire depertinent................... 8 0W Bols Scouw te ulth- ecoal e uSEm -Later ha îotd theae te Schwartz. H&. H. W. Smith, 2 deys puupmng,.. 5 0 mi e smmh Satrday. 14des onfl lg enli charges (bat the Wankeganman ro. ietileLme ofulfr dtsthcal;binlgréiaé," tfuses te pay. The defenie of tha LipryvDeub er C.. o,......f........for 4 sdt atter.Camp, ire Giorlekt.,eS -local m'ai-ja that the mattressenr-warepWD hLi.-------4 4 n inn aplieGr.a flot up te, the standard of the sauni- Schance Herdwafe Co. supplies. 1 63 manaie, am nellal on Tueédgly algbt Pie mattreas shov.n hlmâ. AI Kitchinan, salgary----------......856400 Choir practia. ca d way eveniUg et e WmLaycock. repaireson engins.. 16 76 lte homeof choir membert. Mr. Mau&-. pays te SteStrslght. J T Davis, draying................. 1 W san, chorister; Mir.. Durad, onganlaf. 9 Tbere'i a satisfaction lunliving-up te J A Treptow, saary .........2...____5_W .your oblgations OnlytheUickanwho ChicagoïTete Co, phlone callI..... 30 r 009«nU metshil, ill cn lokFE Beine,paintinge«-village hall 75 30 MRS. EMILYNIRROM COK the wortd IlaIjie face wltiout elthen Meveti by Ellsworth icconded by Hart SUCMST PN MOI feeling iliame or acting the 1.« l t at the bills lbe atloed and warrants UCM ST PEU M 9maires a fettow lsp with a limer ts-ed bc drawn on the differant funds. Ayez- when he knowsltaha ha. don. lita Collins, Ellowonth, Golding, Hat, Mri. Emily Barrowi Cook, wldow of beet and thât un, one can oeil hlm a Lange, Writgtl. Caried. Animal Brainerd Cook, died Sundayaàfter. sîseker or point. toward hlm 1h. Oinger A comglmitteet local post Amarican mon sitar a waek's Ilinens of pnenmoMla of scoru. Sorsetlmes he may feel bor- i denled by Ibis constant livin up te Legionappaared befora the board, aak- She hma been an invalid for about tw. Meani when otheri don't, but Uic load mng permision tlenu the village haltl7y"- 1wltt won beconie one of satisfaction for their meeting. Moved by Wright Mr. and Mms Cook cama tu ILmbrty- sas conscience declarai approval. Yeu ieconded-by Elsworth thal the Ameni- ville from New Hampshire over twelaty- ecan't do betert than live up 10 your cari Legion Poil 6e given tae u of live yaars ago. Sinice Mr. Cook'ai death sennie of obigattm.-0glt. the ioutb-wesl rouiof 1he main floor see ad bar sister, lira. Tain Ien ar ofth1e village hall for teir meeting rows Monroe, have liveti hara durlug Trial* et Matrimony. with the use of the Council Chaîpher the winter, ipending the sommierasiat. W. were îtopping aft a hotel, white for Iheir business meeting. Aye- lirs. Cook'@ home in Meridan, Mev on our honeymocun, nnd were trying Colns, Ellsworth, Golding, Hart, Hampshire. 10 bide the fact that we were newly- Lage, Wright.Carried. Besidas 6cr sister, Mns. Cook hav"i weda. Wa succeedeti qulte weil un$ll Plate of G. A. Wright sub-division tu Imourn her lis, two niece% lem. adinner lime. Just as we iiad reached wai preaentad tla the board. Moved by Duffiald of Boston, Mass,,,and lits. the' center of thebcilg ilîutî,igl aREllsworth seconded by Golding that Annie Monroe Barries of Canada, wb-» tot Woouiuiu ia-italie r iranehuul plat of G. A. Wright's sub-divison con have been summoned here by ier deati. pF.î-r'iont-ilue iinkitew. îîy uîuy telltale listing' of a part 3 in block 6 of Liberty- Tefrea evcswr .4a h Ilirsialug.uitit fit ausl-îa t luuît au-ville and a part of lot 14, surhoul trcas- h-me on 'lhursday mcrning aeti10:M barruuu~eu hrde.<'i','u'ra Trbun urr a~u-ivhion f scthn t, ~1~ .v W.L. Whiprle, former pasteuror t 4ç ribne 'aslt of t he 3rd Principte Menudiai Le the MethOdist hurth, and Rev. C. P. Llsbom~ s G a biing Cluba a n t, accepte ti andi placed n fl , K leihauer offi eat ng. B,ria l w ill ta" e Tia l'u îîne al-e îuuu A ,aCohlins,Ellsworth, Golding,Hart, tplace an the famnily lot i Graceland, SlIbili' ue a irhiti mii i a 1 her ange, Wigt-C ago. ntgliuîlire';s foliuîutlluIliaexeh-Ila'c futuveilby Collina seconded by Lange r llim, f te cii'jiyl.i>ur. ouuuier- la adjourn. Cterrie,!. Notice of Annual Meetingi fui: y i uuil uitl li ilatutract liu- J. A. 'i reptua, Village Clerk. Th-anut eengo;16e ha 1 clng. ra'tuuii,igolsuanu d iîîl ipiaririiis. lh,' %Mon,, uy 1i'It.halders of the FinI National Bank et e t titivl e hiuing uauuruurs, Puaiuuouaiu"oafuci - ~re a'piîufie iî uuuc li!uîgtliePur- Prnf'î-ar <Pn t'-~'uu'. ,g.u l,(.icLibertyville will 6e heli et itsofie. ttiguese love otfîplay. fe!niiu, ilî M-.t-uu uiai tit- 1Libertyville, Illinois, on the' 13thg deydt lu"le a1w ril*t- . Evlllt'n lJanuttry 1920, at 3 o'clock p. mn. for tà "Wotdyouuuni eInnin 16. Oe fi. ç nt pii ara te uianfi"'iiveuat ota-n of directori for fthe mn~ In te Lbray. r. chi) il Ile limoCt1-04, " y'rs ndifer te transaction oe bqj~ for met If's thaesecond a<ition a B ightnt ait. ,wltsi-a ,gu' uti i ii- u'rn 1ilier tiluine saies may properly ý .1 1haven't rend the' fir'L"-Beston V' ?IDLUYmrefrg hbron],l-e. -' bfr iemuir. Cse JIý RDLY &M '. il cao, euity in finding places 1[os lxintd a Il lits qhn andt ti,.Co\ girl reiirnu-ti hera. noaey and tthe thou<htof trk- usd 'Lmngs are in otiler places it always cloes seem tixat nt e ayj.'SU ùjrsdeiaa h-sor iewuu Waukegan hls a little bit the advantage over other coni- qttestoned by the potice today and o t iav bougbt se tnan*,, grapias anti EitSS -,! over te the officers of the juveaili casions of revenue mer. couurt, The Waukegan mari, who -nade th'- j itaement te the Sun rfürred te the WHAT IF IT BEOA)U GENERAL? E I t T Nf ondit o sa ndia nthat (bis TIÂPI~ uil'ING may have heti somethîng Nov thon if the fariner vilo plants the grain and who ILT <L~U iII trik"ei Waukegari andti hrough- prOdusi the vileat should eninlate the miner and demand "IAECVCM D AL The trouble witb tbc average a 65 per cent raise for bis products. 14IR9 S JitIJ 14Y workirig man lamt ha lai makhng too much m..n,,," he said. "NWýhpnr the And then if the. nafroad vhich baulla that grain te o ADD C IMTsatoonns we"e opened bc speat muai, b. gnound should also dernand a 65 per cent naile for haul- wbcriRN D NTo bis oney wa grme a bad ta tngthe-what tI view of the fact that Waukegari go back ta work. Nov 6e bas dhfti- And thon sefter it neaches the mili if the mien whc> teachers bave receiveti two, or tbrtýe OVni the MMi should domand a 65 per cent raio for- hi lcreasea iri 8alary withjn the last C N. W. AGENT v@ik.frout Bloomingtori. quotlng an author- And thon if the Mill mon who do the vork should do- nterest:esbet iIb etivt O K AS3G .mald a 05 par cent raio ini their vages. That tht' pay:et teachers lia been Aidtho Ifthovhoesaervil canesthe8845of profeasional People a»e not alto- UP IN TuE STATION (flgura#Mveîspalg shouid demmad a 65 per cent in- galber being overloked te proven by crosse as bis sharele of the prft.Ilu:ot:lDlos State Normal Ticket Vender Wanted to go to *d thon if tho retaller uto bhm to -cirry bis a"ockUniversity. Supper While Crowd Wait- mmd .ko t aallal. or ti. m il onsuerashoud fornde -psiton@ duri the' Ifor a Late Train. expeot 05 per centlucres, u is W prfits, yeari tront 1916 to, 1919 neceived $520, Thni ol okas 8wg h.mnrwoi e 610, $672, and $820, rcspetvely. PASSEN GERS HAD OWN WAY Thonitvuldook thogi to mnervil tade-For '16e sanIe pero-the men vhe u.andlng 65 P«r cut raâi u is vag.. vould be out of taught for supervied grades ver. Tbere awaswld-eyed excitemaent ai luc untii mate 0fgstiugbrediWomen vIte coutrarcteil for higli day evening and a number et persna NOW M MZ if On top of 811 tQat God jÂngjty sohoot positioni$during te fopr yeans became se varmed Up over the situa- 11LOld et tredof te Cnstnt dssaisfatio of he eo-recelveid salaries w-hicb averageil $691, ion they itçýarly forgot that the ahold et ire ofthocontat dssaisfctin o th pe-$766. 1806, and $934. Mien In lte trouble actuagly vas over héat. pbe on ti ea#'h for vilain Ko as don. so nmuc ; tbok ame Clais vert' pald $1000, $1,070, It vas lîke tItis, accordlng toait5 M e~hthe Minuer and everybody éit might' ventua1 81.0, 5and 1.272. eyg vltness: A large number ot par- ]yb oto lcOd 0' i? 'Preasdant Feltnlay concludes fte=tons vere valting In bhc station for ly . ot 0 luk, oos't tthis that the' nartzwe t t question. the 5:12 traîna for Waukegan. Thie The Minera brought " isstnike on just at the Urne "does teachlng psy'"l lien In the tore. trainleatltte and ilbeing the agent'a uhon they knew peopIe vould be hardest ht. They pro- et increasgs' for teacherà inluIlitnis;. pasengers fo step out of the room clPitated t vhen the7 knov the littbe cbildren vould need al leat, oprifvrbyv~hfi ob al eruci ih h heat to keep their bodies varin; they did it vilen auotnî UneaPeopl for 0111cr setup an- Indig. knan the indtrbies ere Just about te be forced te ap. nant howt. But the agent coiitiitued acity lu the matter of outiput. JVN R5~-~te deman i thal, thcy leaveer be veuid othe vods tey aveco 'toda crme 1~~~t'< ~5MÛT Put thein eut by terce. This started Inohrwod hy aeCMîitdahenious crm C M R I O I a rrg-chewlng match that nearly en~ againat the population of the United States and still they MAI CIL>' aiI an lt h rowr "~'~t~e u~l bak t and then tl' RWW A~A torteti that he f-idas--nt" do IL H -,.)Ot tl»publc te b chm up adgive temthir NU P - nE T ets lîstet by toroing et the liglita dem à o attr o*unrasnale he ae.A rE A anti locking'tht' door from thé outsider But s sate abve td pintla f tu mieraareEE mprlsoning -theri but seon repente,! dem aano ater ovunreaponabeiftheymna are en- OF THE SANT I ~4andifreed the angny "e.t heel titled tQ sucli an enormousraie for their invetient- Thngs ailaou rh tebil 50 alo ar tuefaijnens the Tht' Chicago Tribune t #ay carrieul lng po1nt1hcn "liior :1 roUiet In ('wdc cosite fthbe>.thia Iem in ts financal olumu: hall in houu latto, the crawd ctambor- milera, the prolesalers, the netallens and othera. H. P. RIley lias rt's1g m prauri- ed andtihbbc tation' agi-ht vas eftto No a apblc ecslt bt odent of the Atclsonèelandwcnti his hungry vay tevard the' mtiyht those vilo produce the vwheat vbich makes the bae rc hairman of tht' boardt'oftdd- breai that the minera have to eat. - ectars. W. D. Storey, faderaI maria- aroim It looka as thougli thé oifly vay to ayoid these things t'1isdnt. Tihe. changes becorne ai- làa ihiaNIntie aputrotiamn. u-nawi. la te organise againit strikes whlch are aizned at Vital fectIaa Janutanr 1. Pue-i 'vhtu tlia nirvhi- It l hu ser-e nbt rdvarui ('t-ara; tut it rl a d eve n ere. t necffsftY such as ct-al and inake-it just as liard frtoe-bn. akgna a 1 bnno beniiî'i'l:arîgatr11moa lu tat c~ '~ stnkersto gt TE OTH r ets: l g"tu k i - an lti nt nl ii ir Ira1q 1. deu - - - <huof heu in batCIA8 I stikeî t gt T I ORERnecluiiesI - ',-niy rserud wal, e*O ha , ...Ouri evoiehice>wh»n (4 f ièe« THEY make it for the public te get THEIR par- j cî.aIunhvice tir,ldont of f1-,' rail I<ira'-tl-uiti nimrr elintryimen'lit large. m ail jnti '-n" tbought te buIn in ue fo- 'il.Iilttit tu: lsini.; and ti it eczr. In uEngland tbev say the middle lasi lapr.z orgarielm11nized. Iole y helai '*atfi. he ra os. dw .ca .ra- ut. of iurnlty ai c-ban conflâMato ta ur - t3at l. tu docors.Iawers, mendiants. and nmen of that j Itet, tn rtiRusstell, mnon of (hanir-tu neiglibors or omn fsuniic-a-Wiil.lam Jay. -890. aud that they hqave sfrvetl i'itice on the mon vho 1Russuat. u-ctnyippurelntu-dct of f» alvayu clainoing for strk-la. that ga(, long r THEY lof the lAke porst celtrgîufootbal Removinq Paint. Faie sGlase. t am farnpnet ypar. Hic playeti Center Ortiinary commuerciai amnionia la S-wo1 on a Atnike, the necusitie% of life Which t 'eIn theta ntItis yean. a quitel efficient rt'tut9it gi peint, es. ,&MM CLasé controls viil ot he shipped 80 tht tthe cloth svabfronthiii 15 or 20 m*tnuta 84 t r-M u gtjt for their familles. ' 5fd.Phtd @.@ eait. W tro ls15Apior vi20 Ti ober'.a case of rqtation as tbesnpilv Orl re rp tbI -dplae, a epaint ylbeha no' Wtencd 16sf if th-' m ret'azdaeet Uicba- J-y eesliy bairubbed off tilea putyv i!isW waq fe- a ern raeI om rt i. pen teuntrlcu. knlfe eàfrancoarse fahbi. I. RE L T TE - FOR SALEM alep, rmo Ir __________________________ talion at ans hl'boe l.ibtr;.yvîlle 1 bave sotine v.rvt te up t.)dàaîeioues __----t atapries lrm ni$2,à)00. $8.000,. 4000, FOR SALE -Onie teamn, wagofbarnesý *4.700, $6;,000, $7500 to $8.5 O. Alil etc. Inquire Gravel Pit. 60.2 niod.-rn, niely lucated.%will be pleappd ýLÉh)RD m.EîIWI, tutoin Pholle FOR SALE-1500 weli-geasoned white 16I, N(irqh rihara as omtue t oak fence posta. C. F. Bunte. Tele-. 1 phorne 30-M-2, Lake Zurich. 50-tf FOR bALE-Chcice remIdenâce lot@ on 1-ý .IlCKlIeIyAve Mn. Gylies. . FOR SALE-Skatigs and saw dueti. ISpecial prieSota qualîtityiuserm. iPar.- + MISCIELLANEOU8 mere, l en, tutCer., etý..Il. W. Robr bina, Wood workua..r Co. 4-t FOR SALE-Two duuoiwâ, 16 plis. 6 and 8 weeks oid, aU i-uh-jecl ta reuis. FOR SALE-UbeutLut drivîrutnorme try. 1 Shireei.l, 8 niratis, 1 goal eow barueasand KiinbaiI buggy. Besan. frëshenfl) Jaàriuar, 1 grade Ouernwe;aie Phait. 181 47tt liciter, 8 Uiant h., Will trade cuit for'_____ gaa bug~and~igleharea. WllFU R SALE-l'ant driviig hours. ood trailoeo c unasd tifer for fulli hiuid fresb n. Phapd1 KetIai to18bggy lîh tiîeriisei .aw, Roizer's iarni, Tai nw 'îieLletrie1! 44 Lue~ ~ ~~ ~~W Rd i.rýÏis.Ii 4tt ELAYS HiS VEAR ARE DANGER.-' FOR SALE -An etven room house and 'um, rder Stuiruji Sab Etirih Zîo0 amail barni on good sized lot, located liistiîtutii,,,, & fil(uidîariem, li.j-t 4, Zion on Maple avenue, in Wauconda, 111. 111 iiîe49 1 i t. 2f property rlow for a hoil u nd known WAN TED:-Ijl i hara, eaiiî tuaier* as the Broncheon house, Price $3,(~)(a îî,irsI.Vuliîî~W0 for 15 days from date of this ad. Teit.- ý urkîîg t,riqmo40- phone.16-J-2 Waucîîndii, or write owner, George M. Huont, 2411 N. IMainl str'tt, WANtEO- 25 ton No. t oat or wheat ltiîkford, l1t. 49-1 straw. C.F BIuntis, elcili>feaOMs3 FiR SA -)iigor wîîrk uuro-. LakeZurich, 50-tf- Rii.onabti'. Aç'qiv Harry l'ester, LUS T -( rink for Lîizer ca-, R'ad. biacksnîith Cap " i t.l J. T. Fli1n. 501 - - - - - - - - - WANT ADS& RATES-10 Cents par Lino, Each Insertion. CHICACO TRAiN SERICE For tha iiiforrtat ion i. 'h icvgi lias- senrnas tii anti froin i.rîur laii,, the Lut-r t 3 N iii,' ("ni trier,.1ciui. ihrough' its setretar, ,tt ~ 'Swrraie, Jr., gis o ut the fîluaîr Trîtaii il Icai - Ci i î'-rIIilym 't 4:u>u> thiago dtt 2 iii p. mi. iili leai- ilii exceî,ý Sziuriduy*, Sa' triiyii t wili leava at 1:10. p. ai. .ii- îue ( ag'i train ieavitug Rotidout ut s 17 a. ni. %%Ill att,1 tii uin ,ae gr t'Chicugut friutîiltrurtyt if'. Cwhurch 1--k miti f rt i r i 4 i (e au, ?1i1ii- - 1 le- Su-r. au S-loi et 1< 1 îî .cu-"ryone Jervices frai - 1 bi- E p. Sc, pAi.

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