Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Dec 1919, p. 5

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rie Par lie 19 ,t . R0- ý-3 60-tf 11,11. 5r-1 î - i c..rî . i.. I I r MI. r .i. .. ' i " t i e. l. r tid 1-e r TELEPHONE 3074J ; t'- ;!rf i . .i - a F., . NI l H'îr ean..n. ilj, rrrtre i LIBERTYVILLE, ' ILL. ~ to .r i, ~î'. .i l rn'-I fom _l.- o . for Tuedav at 1 o'clock. Junk and OId Auto& Fatper Attitude. otcorrtntn .or ms-fatiers treat- Automobile Parts for Sale ment. The artlît t,r.rîl ne a'hieb be constrint îi t il r-,11tri 1.4 etter L5 oneof inreijiitting Iire.n~3îh rbt , t&Os ai. BEFORE PURCHASING'VOUR X-M CALL AT MO'-RSE THE STORE. FOR1 -'and inspect aur line of which is the LARGEST v Neekwear carnied- in quantity an. styles and patterns. This neckwear wc hai t1 eived directly from the Iaams of New York go. The prices range from 25c ta $2.50. Ta help yau ta decide an what ta choase, w a few articles fram aur UP-TO.THE-MINI ."EVIERYTHING FOR ME? Umbrellai, Slip-on Rainccoats, Mackinaw Ca Underwear, Hata, Caps,'Dress and Workt Mittens, Hancikerchiefs- Silk and Cottan, Plain; Dreas Shirts *in callar attached ar in Saft and Hard Cuff; Silk, Ule or (tatton Sac] Arctics, FeIt Shaes, Feit and Leather Slippers . ... P,'.' '-r 17-.r il ir mail.h' r"]'am lire'i P Ft. "s< -. . 4el.'i", 11r1gre.g la < A goudly number.of rire y..nne people t.j tari %au;r1randi wi.i pur.r tl r- t. arfi"Ir tî er h'- 'r t -rtwoe.. -,'1-r'. rnd r.t M. E. chur, h are p larrrnngta.. cnditi' .rîhon tor ti.- rnju2iardt,- Ci. fItrvary. Ill. -'N. o ndr. attend the Young Pr;i rconfi-rance ga-nen. The- r egular ms-.trng o.f iP. T.A. rlj at the Ilerwyn Mi. E. tarrr-Lh 'f Chicago. 1 ;a,,Lave la-in sücirerl',u l rt'. be held at trieijranmar s4ehu "-1un Frr ' This meeting is te bc ircîri on SaturdaY cworî, t.nit.sElrîniiurst, iirne and day, l>(cn ter 12, at 3.' afternoon and evunrng. This will be P, î-. The ifth graùu a iii gis c thü Iregprani. very important as it - lune-up - their M. %toye a engvr hreo h Christmuas la n<uw appruaching %whrn wr ntecmngs\mnh. b-ket iail i'ractio' and a-e liip. t10 se the Good-Fellow apisît ia catled forth. Mr. Hudson, Mr. Lloryd Ray and Mrs. 'ae r-aI teain isî.piuutri.-uainI The Methedist Sunday schoot is c.illect- Linna Crlett are on the eommîttce for -Naes tet.eauà,.'"LETS 1'0O cn ltes os atables ndboo.ks lfor the sale of RedCross Christmas stamps. Ft,,y.i Ritier. ing elthes, o~'s ad - iMr. Ray will seil to the High achool ___________________ the childeen of Lake Bluff îrphnînagc. Three rceiving stationg have heen apl i studenta and .M. Hudson will work 1 pointed whieh are: Mrs. F. H. Just, [through the gremmuar srh.ol children, norh sde;Mrs H.J. agetyeas while Mrs. Coriett wiIIsell tu the a tores. aide; and Mrs. G. H. Folett, uouth aide. The comm t a e elth Bond woth Ail are welcomed te contribute. - from $5 te $100 and it is hopcd that the' L b e t business bouses wilI buy hese inateadr of the lstamps, or in addition te the Theatre HIGH S8CHOOL NOTES Gatliger"SATURDAY, DEC. 13' Frdyevening, December 12, etIUA4HATi [ms Gim Sc 'lock the Publiec Speaking II ciasiy W irlM usad m wil present a play entitled "Gai ger." P GrsH sad Itis to be a tbree act coxnedy. Mucis __________ turne has beets spent is thse preparation, and as this ia the firet publie endeavor D YD é 1 ot' muade by the Public Speaking clase, SN A ,u .1 M E Ntie publie. Thpyise haactite DOROTHY DALTON in c M E Nofhih chollif, ndtbstdetsand "Quilsauds parents con fully appreciare tise dilff- Q icksa àP culties and successea cf tise varjous 1 hae vecharacters. 'It will iselp tâte pgrente to ove-hve e. understand thse excitement of thse WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17 Ai va1iety 0 students beforea clami play o recep- o ive just re- tion. We hope thet everyone wili bel CHARI IF RAY in w and Chica- out to help maire the play ea uccosa. Paul k.hout "The Sheriff's Son" 'M M The Football Banquet th re wiIl name @&The vctorious football team cf L. T. l JTE Une of 979 retSe the guesta of h onor et a banquet given by tise business mne * - sm- N andnotables of thse vicinity, Th6inday it, Sweaters, lit evening. This is a longed for occasion Claves and " on the part of tise football squad snd 4 their plans are to maep tisat evexing2C h i t a training seaUon. About twenty-fivei9 r business men, twenty-seven footbaîî Buy 5tapfe Gifts muen, the board cf educatiou and coaches . wil enjoy the evening together. This ofl b the o lbels ad sn. l o ne e ofl uthe ollessndiowloe vn Blankets at our Special pices _.T.HS. Mandotin Clu A ladoioClb a@urzaàl. j iHosiery for Lde n Children 18. fo.r th.- urthprlng .; re awve 1I ,iî..s '-i.rti.ît%.t%,, ,.ý,, * rssGoods of wol slkor '---a---- :it~:~ni7YiIa)r.Gloves, Ties, Laces, Hâosiery, ]Rand- chiefs. '.îsisizi- n *A new Une of Percales ':;::"J:;: 1 jpèt.jt:".:Ott"; Bordered Caps, Scaýfs, etc. liens Lanîdi-. 'l'iîne-,,'I 1'.rouý, .4, ' 'a Elle tll.aer, ,AIban , F .W,,C RROLL& SONSCOMPA Lo -lMary liUsn, Editis toutd, JamesPOe2 %l IîpMllau Kipper, me,ýub*Neville, P o e2 Jéririo Boeohm, Oteo Hapke, 0sv1e eylhst.0 àudyîhst~Oultougîst&Ofrb~ie iai), NuelTYounig, eds ,-'t t6- ' à igt t a tb ilt t «blSf Liîan Kipper - -- -- --. -ks; Alaakaa, 5. Peterae',"DIAMOND BRAND" Shae. GUARANTEED ALL'SOLID LEATHER Cigara, Pipes and Smakers' Supplies NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS YourPatronage Solicited. LtiJY FAPI-Y J.B. MORSE & CO. PHONÉ 14 LIBERTY VILLE, ILL. VEN if we/dd'tsve you money - V competition, the quality of our lumi service merits your patronage. if yau want some ' hing in aur line and want it quic if you want building ad-vice, building plans made ulw il you wat any aservice known ta aur line, we'-will sert yau instantly and well. That service alone- is worth yaur- trade. Noew Rute$ for Shlpplng Thse new express packing ruies go etc effect December 10, according to a statemnent made by Agent W. E. tubard, in charge cf tiselocal express 'fice. Under tise regulations now in force, ail express aipienta over 25 poundi inuit be forwarded in wocden co t s e caronsbearing tise box, ni" certfcate as to strengts snd aize required by thse express company. No change is contemlated in the bhipinents under the. 26 pound limit, whics wil atili b. accepted wrapped in paper. Agent Asisard advised Christ- nus shieppers lon uto se that da ca ge ery u seta o lieyUhoud prepare tisai ey were proerly packed andeccurate. presenti for shipinent by .x ly addresied. i WM Soo Be Her * We expet a very is.v% f Cbrtmegiftbyxpreu said Mr. Asard,« tods; 1Mai tins. when weare iadllg a- amount of traMe tisaiset my pe tie hitory of tie railreais.1% well for Christmas uisppie40 .a mind the 26 pound Imitatle.go wspped packages. Mst bell tenti, we beuli e, areundoe tisa and are therefore, not af«eis new rules. "But any hipient ove, 2 mnuet be forwarded in sPecil MWa and we will be very gladtu gil - -z' LJBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, TH1IRSDAY, ]>ECEMBE}{ il, 1919.ý Libert'yville New's 1 VA LUEALEPAPERS on Ti i <lI;rs iur rMrs. W. W. Carr i peitFrday in , orn oM. ard lo hanierlin r'. î*tr Ch icago.a sn, this week i' ai r-.-irr Edward Nti - f Waukegan nt M4r. and Mrm. W. t .Am,-ha\ e E.,tr'iîdW liSnday wiU'. Iriends here. gur'it.. California 1, th. winier. 1î,,rr '-ii r h.,0 ave Just installed i our Ste [Dep t~i sHàttî-ij, ohm calied (n relIatives Mrs. Stanley Eti',i, entertainîing i<i. x, îp- îa. ault 36 NEW, H-eavy-'Type Co:.structj< iFremont Saturday. her-rnother, Mrs. Mt'rrr,r f 01,-an, N Y. ' irl,.rat Miss I-.i.- IRaii of Chiig, spent J.S. Gridiey lai g a course of ~ n't~ .r.a. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES. 1t e w eek -en d i .itin g w ith frien d -. her '. tre a tm e n ts a t th e l1 rl-e i k S an ti- ~* î L~ i H ~ 4 j ' r i r o i o l t b i e t e u . h s , 01George Cooer rfrom M.ka.n a, Ill, trun .i~ .t'<ii< ~ va-r l- lvi s.o) jdi. Wudyunt-e Ieh s viitd tthe hohme of .. D vs , Mrs. George H -p-ilesta iOt'. re W t. i , 1, I.i thea-i ..,h Sunday. ~they are.enjoying-rs ;r \ngust weather" one of thest kBoxes< ini tri Lii- practyc% Born,, Ttî.-sdav, .ecemb,-r 9, .. d,. at St. Petersburg,Vlia. shree reiuis r the n W -.I iii na riu n f tee B xs i hc a ke o aI dMrs. John N. Hernard, a s,their Mr.r.and Mr'r. E. 4 W...,d and rM Tr.tri-j l, oLSra tii. - upfrin teme.,inuan e p liisj.sta Lver liar',eîi hjht'Ve1? thilid chid. M the remiaîs eri t , r.'nîfan i.noeddsisraepoces src Nd r ao v rS a e cbr nd Mra hli, NStrnrr' ahha28. Otiei.sim-,t-,5 -uni-,eother valuables? Caliland sellether-m No vryofen hveyo? hee rcse mrlotertiitzstolentt R. E. Thomas and famîily spent Sun-heonFdyN.rrlcr2 otveryetot.avYour herao'na -er-ti .±u.stoc engh.tday in Waukegan with Mr. andi Mrs. Mrs. Barrie Grurnruirt and her son NwArnýe yonve~ rtf. ohae- tnî.Tloe Cti S t 'ooog T A. Simpsn. Gale, have returi " frr,m Uanda, N1 Arrng.-enî But when y ou have a Luthcr lHu.rnerl*Ioçt Sha! peneri. cti . hig" Ms.Grodin is ila eetr he aebe- iithîongs" '"fý' e allItFryurLBRY OD u tare uchùt14tttîieand %,rk thatit's . t ..rtînothe place * r-Br'wodad an îlaniea heethyhaehe-<.îîg .r oe err.-î .-b.i.îîîthe aoly-,IBRY ODSor AEKE sharplilthe tinie, Now ti 'rtjl'ia ,u rs eolcins of now oteupy rooms in the -C. iJ. ustti.iSnYi,îUtt.,rru iîl ii.LG DEPARIMENT service i.-bersil.TFI- toom :m .. t' .iî,-<. -t: ~ i&rri s,' tools in the new home on Lake Srreet.- Mrs. Mary itader 1 ir.'rtauined her son, li î, r'i li- rr rt way-te way tey ou il; in machine'stîops, lactories, snipyards, etc. 9 r hrsF(en.a) unC rdBde n "nginfin Iei Itsar ilmcine wfth ballheartng arr ogear drve aqjalltatelcon . v<MMilwark-eiravi-%I'i n'i'in'rc .-ia-.s,'s tuto.You'jt on H and pedal. N )one needs totura it fory . h turje frmhc e wessîî tt rmMiwuee i , a aý s eu-.ikii rrrr fellow canbe doing sornething eue. It faequippe wth Dimo-d'rit wheels ber sis r imaa c.we.n Tr- àrraîtm.u , -. -pto'rh ment holds the ickle se t tat the bevA i each section fits against the fiat * nib il rti-r n 9rtihlubi1.eti isr K ,Mra. GeWiorC.<r'rirturna fed to con.. i ut . ir.- t,.., ltslitril. .r. filmt ide of the wheel., Youtsinaply ios-"- Aalong from section tu section and 3 wl e'piri.s9utl .iu t h ort kana Vais ., ot hr ' rînrd y tron a ijj , .(i.. î.-at'~. 'oz.. ad U Leep ped.aiing. It 3 a Itcasier i..- the cr:ut-fashioned wey. And the real * [1'i -,e f ti h.e rage fuf a]. .tsî.i Tih ehrM. trn -e«i .,, M.rt"--i. iar., j~ F iIrL Nationlal !Bank. -secret oflit aui- insthe famous 1Dune G il whecls. ii a, nd Ntr'-. C.F. KIehaiir rar.- C il tu- u i '-, r. a. r If. S>nun.'e the iturtlI. 'fa d<Pugit. r, Alta Nr.WoW ton h rti,, al aý - NI. ad Nrs.Wrr ie Ir.rn.whogr.-îr .-r, "is.' unu.t'i. 'a.c-of LU.>rtyville, Illinois R. i ra SaturdayPu-rI ý r f;th. - )e ingn."l<"uit a fr au'î..,. ' f'i ' ýRFSOLRCFs 0FFN10RE i IAN HALF A MILLION DOLLAli * vh '.Vl,-s sfioG'? 1, it mrnr:ei" Wouldyou like to try a Humnier l-. a , . b 'il- <ir.- ,f 't h. r Pr t-_______________________ N .l ta Ii.r: uf tl;' n"i 'r.);!'-. oL. 'el-tu test the wnnd i 0u 1'. î.r r -~-Ir- aru Cs;' " lH. Sir ' ' '<i raurhter. pliifrcliel0,.,în .foi.r r ui -r-_____ G i sn- '1 ...di r tIii'-l.'o < s h:.. ,_nrii uaitlca of the faniusia 'ni *l ar spn r', v. d. t iI. L'.-r.,.i 1< r' 'r1- * l.,i l, . hu1 cnu 1 : ca .J i r -ri r i i ?Ail rigt 1 h, lnht' trtg ' arr ei., Iii. wi '.r r air.. itl, tr..* ~ i '.-irrî, _________________ * îthii 'i liku-it ha,. cbea , ton"varur onn oi]toolIs-.'ii.. 0r! ,il - ; ':' g-. ir'r'i fil j',Mr, siinî r.- - '.î r j.r . cI, l-ar, r' 3 rndei-.rothrrw y. ý-qr le. ulil..rr ý-' (-tter, tand sec 1 l 1.-S anri ' r.rl! rr -rir< I. -.,, .îm îra a. A A Lietit dîscovcreà il .' ja ( i v. .'!'silv tlice qu ier i ,Luî'.rr while i f make artih ' 'ý', ,iti t c d,-t-on iO Do li*cin > .e i h J-r Mrs. IHarrisoun l ii ' l ui.'ii r- .I rMaia., and Brr . ' arrili of r'..i. <r tt' dtoisap ià; rt ic eu'i 1U ie OCcu'noanced. 6 îrri', e%1-rm e . S, .r ... t ,nd tienî,r i ool harpe1nîCa'nadad..arrived "],, d liravung been caled i,. -tr( Ji atb ut thuir gS r ~ ktHl * anr ' . , fflrlunt 'A'nfn i ,r # 'e 'rt Corne in. Bring soine tool that needs è, v. . c.Ili.-- -i-, îrr un shjarpening and selleit ini operation *Mu ~rrr i auca <.r< l rb-du..- t uni i r.- h]. %,ti,il. . . - j Crcta conferc-rice e -. rId ut ChL- . I. d a' ! î, '.nr.î j ..srr ao * [I.'. Brr... A.rt . .' ' . fil1,;o. Vaukegan Meoli . î..Loi.uil cturch ruilri- t-ýri,. tîraui Lur.-r, i.-I-. a.s# h r. t «n b'%% 'iiri1 :ý' .l a r.'r - r ,irida)-, Decernl.,-ri-,, ait.rnorr.unand .ir-r -,ar ari CSiiipl-ni i -. al t Schanck H-ardw ~are Co.'ur.,ett,.igrt<i .2Je.rugAotte yr1-lrmtir-urp-a.c.ît-aî 0 a' HIl . . ' r s' r- l .caI church wili at', r.,i rî,,e lmer and c ur tir-r 'a - caii ,.rr-~ orl 000090 et .rr.rrilflahbani r r S .i... rm ain for the-asîrrrr,,gr-ra!n. l'r' 17n - ; 'YfiD 1 yl 7ci-M pu Ir'-il ki

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