Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Dec 1919, p. 6

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LIBERTyvILLJE fluDEPNDENTTIiUR$DAN. DECEMBER-11, 1910.. ----- ------NEÀR RIOT WIIEN FAIT TRAINS ARE ALSO HIT the federul fuel administraion Ireit- Whiob vs iaseo bulit by Mr. Suther- erated ls deînand for the eiîa inaî wsp o ncfd in te a lion of Industries claaa.d lby itnas ttedbetatwsructure, nofnitedaskne inof "m ,ur1Tains North and South and in .*noneuenUal'" Under the preselit state by the, Manele architeilA, Mr. ~ II flE I)rARE Ai 22Subrba Trinson uting th,.y can operate untîl thelr Roberts, who malte. a spocialty of Shore off Monday. wîtti ciecilie energ> f ront, autilitY O emlesOcurc1s an corigoration, In whlch came they are There wiliilbe a apeclal cereiony ( o n y N esAS A LE 1N L .Mattbews, agent for the iu be abut up at once. wben oiind l. broken anirthe furia :::.:::~z:sm::..:.:::ssm:~S::SZIdIdSU8 SUU INortbwestern. today announced fur- lloth slate and fedteal plans are lng of th&tifret apadeful 0f earth witt getrin citrtailemnft whijch affecte deetned imperative tog event actuel be witneaaed by a large percenlage ~imtEAN DE3R wuitegn.cîrlea bout n theair UTCIIRS ~Legioiires Cause intense feel Waukegan people usina tislaroad be- auîlering later f rom the lack 0f out. et the tebrh.aivsor nu fwwe n &ot a v fenue, &STRIKhey99mad. teofl Chicgo, Waukt'gail ad Ml- Governor Lwden isaued a proc- A large percentabu if the money 1vItion field. '>'If. ed Retraction. Dcme ,il oits ane ftesaet byterieladte xett aeas RSM Yand then alistbtedl lu the golf ground 3EIINRHLsaecomkiinrae EIot o.luubanewUTteyhgn cu I3 lie renained in 'Waukegan severai d.ys and during is sây niade several E SO rmai@TrEaSPENo.R113, leaving-.Chcao at mal order. pmanc9:f.the e t emplase. umntve ~K MPT~ liNDE ixîbiionfllbt,ci~ng up ciler a CO RO SE H E No 107, leavtng Chicago at 4 P.* m. Looks as if the goverriment cOn- ce:sfl. There are about 80mm scorFY-H ND D ebton lg passe4 R MIE HE rrvngers 4:69.tlli-rrntebersetheRoyal AI at gr59 Ovin scr fpsegr t d i- arnert aukegan, Dc. 3. fhiVfgtrol and distribution basn ald~ es h oylAc erehvn Hei-oo e, PI t e n xpr latelusp feeling and w h-at II l fi-w No.121, leaving Chilcago at 9 P' bring re-lietin the -iugar famine. At- [o en conferwsLd iapon elghty-sevea Frr isosnShw~iao n i i teri-tsh :a tWu!itgans strike" bas been met- nminutes looked like a di.turbancem. arrliflng 9:60. edulgtatmwhclmradd vâgt mWsosnSo lier- tijîre was flot th-3 lest seimbltice lIid.whilîi igbt resui n serlous clin"e- Xo. 121. lia hilcago al 10 P.ivn.. tomterGta l l'a ime-ng o un tteasdurttattirer, vhîch lieue kof Snow FalitReduc- 1îtean accident, HI-s rtîîîds are con- ipoi, Ft-a appaienîtly are sti- uence-u prevatled Sanday atternoctu, rrlvIng 10:E9 P. M. (înia o errdix nen' ai~ ingls oon tarheao aaereodsIlcllsu el- (Mirnneaapeiltsacoîolisl Springfield andi ltoomîngton having ui ~! el r c n d over tIl- tragelJ> in Tg.un -U ied wltb tbe new agreement, whîh ata nveUng of ftic sio,s-t trikers, ntrain). ROND 1 ha, be--n abîtndoned. lit.îe gar 10la is, than hall thtuainumber. and ___he____ gs 1SOUTHIIND. - tts anypreytou-i record in W-oîke- ed I _____________________ ioes into effei-t Soiiiliy. The 0bUtcti ,Io%>(iieNational t i ln two Tan o lii-î i aui n oing fllte the city and det(me are gi i'>cnîur~î oeta 0 ne. HUTRandNRH 1~ ô N E I:~ wîilie at severl' tim8i t ui s tI titre&ir i-f t1i cro%%jl,_d ai 10: 16 a. mi., urrivingChicago 11. wioen lt4a rc qutlngilin (Il-m e r p-mcni, during lth- regimc- of C. M. REHNEo INRH. 1te9 NIR-z]ei ltitu- there ,nt&ht li- a walk- na litg)theplaîforzîltuiiogi- a No. 211eIavingI- Waukegan al t:1.cioa vasii. i, istr )iîi-s th miei0 h oa ,ports front the biinîrr g roundgs 'u1v lg~ it mei-n-t cutters and employi-rs etzteîî1,nt made by ic uîspakeI-î r.'i .. narrilig Chicag-o 4:10 ti'baiffî erradMnie.alot wrb~ M.norlb indlcatce tuiIe l înuIiî ri. A -AI took ttîîir ftnie, finally permlitting fl-t f'-o-- 11.a ~ ~ici. ofGary.,-eitil t-fi ninec iii-No. 15s, leaving Waukegan ai _____havenon ___tg)_0lu]niaser oth e bitte loig-. qdth tayear viii hi- consilltitl NC l-AD iii iîtrike veapon te 'becoîne te00 ,oait th, teglonaire, took for- a dhsr A.10. amrivtng Chilcago, 7: 10. -T ib Npdru epe Der fla It vas last sea.iifl Th(- ~5AU' tý for use, and the more satisfac- >-.tîifot remark aboat tIll- îîatriotic 'No. 422 tMi.n-.p,îtis train), armiv- DAR CT FOjNEi undwieltIr ii- ay li lnd er u n ese ger et huniers wvbo writnt uîiont 'Al ~ I I ryone--arbitraton---did the job og- ,tono rlrao CLIMT NI Wukgn i8:g)1. n, rrW ;ni wh(- teii, r w m lbe ln-gor e bge" that ofla i yvr, a inii I ADI puili E aitt ew usiaîo ' *i î : î ii- F Rm~Y ia lii vt b omr ncee Itai Itnier the e agreement the As theî woAmletîcîxti L, gion men Chicago ut 9:10 p. in. oratire modcmnty equip- byteshippina tai-s distribttimetucuters ork fthe7 exlitI) ptfornard teUictioge audience of Besides, . tstentv-t'eo suburban adcTE D E ti-l-, -carr-d Dr. Dentlastoday. Tue ic inui of $10296.1v ws ai t' day wththe i es-iptOlSiOi ff A titigeiiitin ii o p,, applications çý-ere forn'tais Cwntii-noilisior ae uI'IVIL Traue o rce hicpino Stras hn ie isd h eioarsitadda1ple f.trleme wltbh0h"prîgress 0of con- Staga. Last year the nîînîiben afltînnoon as the inheriance tax in t1 wr rm7a . 01 r h iircinc h tt-i.nt. They con- ILite wird ioîlay saii ibat the 12:16 IE ID t~ A iiItien. XV-ar- aiviseil that lb. W,000. ci-etaie of the taie Robert ilady>. anecutters* original demand vas liaI îui tattathl.ileuncita train to Chicago niai- alolbe takf 1L1 I R 7UIU sonner persans go ahead with thir flDfmber of deei sti)pied witt o! \ali-gark'Svîaattiest rusidcnts. tb-y work froni S a. m. ta 6 p. nil. the Loyal American i-glinaai Cary Off -ry snon. bidn ln h icnrcniin hi won uni)!severat îtays aller'1 The maney vili bhi-turtici oven te weekdays and frntm 8 a. ni. te 9 P M- ils the ,Ygllow Ai-eiian Lîgcn hi- Passi-gers for points off this d- di i vseplow a ns cora oditon o the l.season Lasit yiar thv- i-tle Mr. Ildy' s atitîis ist,- on SaturdaYs. 1Under te preitt aluî'l, of thpir re-upmn ing 10a o U vision slioutd conitiiate wlth \Vaukî-gan. i)îe-înihî-r 6 if lo s alota fic l enta vere 5,0fiO1 about one, nated ai $800.000. agreement ftle cutters get a lbaif day nions fromni i-iraI b -.uîarîi A.Wai tcket office as ma! o ther trains Tuui- bui!îtîng comiiiittee Ifor thi- Tl -ipl,)fî isle roblyued ofeeyt-il ielig - ibi-iTh'is jAtri-adY th(- sunleOf 53.700 bas bei-n off i-ver>' iei-k in exchange for the teservi- in te nîtitia tinfilIlis r-cii liav,- be-n ta.k-n oft niltheothe-r di- - 17.uil 1snî euîîe atu it .iîîi iilu. -aiitie-ha -ntrepresent t sotl augh- îaî otesaeii l neiaîeetahu rn 0Sadfrtetn- n couid niobiliz,- -il Car> tg)visions. n i-hi let i iii-uint tact forfiliii îaaîn r> ilu t-,.1 - ý. I*Ili si net u-s aimetihIe jbovever, us hunier, im, on %ti- iun titi- case Of Miss Lorena t)ady. extra hoeur Saturda>' nigbis thev are spr,,roI! il lit. ii-- hof c1h vas a iwwesi! n apnr oJh .Steln ï,l apo- i(uîuel s nitt gunîmi- 1e vekaar - o of ol-e cr[utroJonA utelaî. ,-i iiJifut-ton icot ID camp. Mi-n Miss DadY di-d si etl i-r to receie Pay at titi-regiitar oserkibeste,- tieteîcmaysmilyto f uu i a local i-ontractor, for I$9g700 thi-re Shlpmente Smaii ntire estait, t hi-r fatiuc.r nnfinie rate of $1 -per boum. 1 Nieliola.s Keller, pr-silnt of the portant trainsý on iiiis diision, and heini- a motier of Waukegan an hand Park Salesman tp u Tbanlksgîsinit da>, (iei-nom- w-ten lier fatiten dued the siite acaifi Originati>' tbe cutters askdil la ocal ti-i-i worki-rs'ut-o(n, 0latrgnan nfow coines four more. Chicago Miliers. Titi-contiiiti-, ngin ,f utipments wa-i conuidi-îabiy sti-pped in and in.siqttiiopenItle in- fiat scate of $40 a veek. but und-r Of thu- iietiulg. att-iiîîltîu d1 quîî t - ili soel ake hiîi- on somi- 0of ttcMissing, Report to Police Idjer than for te siana-pirio at l ance tax -seo n tiîat portion of the the fiew agreement te> aplit on a clown th( audience )yi.,I)Iuilng lor- sub-ontracts suiti ,s lipatini-, lignu bon.At Bulde Juntion an m- stat whih bid beonge te is50-50 aIs, .and receive $:15. a taise vrd with upiiftt. -d ii <t-plscig n rm a P nt-r.,wipo i t . hA f uiprz oin he n jbr ia ti- wdb le h h- ad i d i. oit f $ tii-ter w e-'-t over the nid sele. Itahicît l~ i(- x i il î ti at l'P hu F U E L S IT U A T IO N iltn- iist i i iiiirtit i llMu. i a rk-' A n l-s n ipleo ! a1 ýu'board train-, Ime iii>' hifore In addition Iothe t- tatei- nlerîtanci- Tiinesa- atrreement la effectivseun, flt nifotreil to i eAuui n :iu Â.oî i mtinjth'iti Ilcibro-unt uionce andîl aioop lirai, report ed tethi, Central ~gving wLSas tit1 an -liaitfvhat tax titisesiates of Misaboni-na liai> tiiOctotier . 19110. ;iut to an oretaniîtic i if GarY bus) lC OS y e-~ ffort nialeIo have iiithtiu ifistation Friday titat lier lîusband did th i1e ae day a year ai-o and lber fatbi-r vii hi- requriitO te CutI-ns nîuat be dressed in tbcirne mnvoctdibnsli-tt liMAI B-reason why lever dher ver'- It a fei-irit tax of $11,000. -hop îregaiia" and ready fi o rk toýa i iAietican b.-i.î -inunirnizu .I IIli il- cmei-sil. Agut Iii. 192i1. nî,î ni-tîttl h ve tniht i that Wd Wus that no 8nov fi-l In tbe But ibis I. net ai-Mr.IDelly bru at 7 oclock. The shops must lbe for. the purpose of br -iungitii- ttic AtPUf' , 1 -diofth,ni-riiyî l-.-- ie fi- sA dr soh-nuîy a mo-twbllvie- thre or r das ofshooingenortious 3eal estate botdini-s in Wis pmamptiy closed ut Uli $lOstng boum In tîjat Citty.Babi&tbarg--mde L N S(Niat 1 it tirs Impossibte to track the consun, Kans-as, and Montana. It viit and cutOnmers 1nformed 0f the vwon4. ibis espianation ltlei-v. -i91011n mrm- tius 10 let th-suintr ct-o 1 aand toli sorne onê teinfou-snlber, Who e. On the alti-nnoo.i of the lourthbchi necessar>' to puy a hi-avy tax in Itng raies wben iiîey seek serc bers iropped the mati. atthoogb as practîcul, In ite smre mariner for-îît ta fultilli the obligator The. eo t anowed sOetîeavily that no maci of these M ftales.t ustitter Ibat tinie,.ti-ys itilt xtaintain the s5l>i-iti-tct-, Shutting Off of th eCoal Supply The te-mplei- s îîacicatty tihi-saine iolicc- are makling Inqutries about Anl- Otg coutld be done. The atorm The total ainount O a ha st An> Cutter nov recelving ahovii uatiy digin-fer ta tii, - Auilîtan tLe- itensions as teM tho - chrli erson, OU" the foliavinut day, vititfige be paid ls Dot knovn but is Passible the minimum vage Of $35 shail not gion. President KelIer and ttîe sPi-ak- WiII Throw Thousands a h ehl cuc thut deer vi-re net movîngil tniay aiunnt te ttoqe ta $50.000. - criducedin hlursma.ageS lier con- tir afterwards deniei the i- mei-cauu Out of Work, it 'Unfavorable veather candi- dîtons. uaplo> ers shahl give -pref- Lcion vas refc ciid 'c. »'thus pacet] hantera o! a disad- eence te union men, ani shall dis- 1Iicou. J. Vind, one )f the 1luadirsin *ff In a cansldeu-ubie territory Careemptoyes onl>' for disbhoneatY, he- gaisto! afhstel worakers in:SRE IN ULGH D brutson. SUITtF Ropen OOOgiin.Inclpetency,, ncivlity or over sup- th Chicago district, vas the next I1IET~ui~N fH E Ne n-e vl ply of betp. or ceanlbe disntissed ut speker and referrei le Abrahamt Lin- Wuukegun, December 6. WM te apont ofury thue avrsWho IIE F L anv tme if preferences la gîven t coln as a Bolsiievlal in principte. and Titat the fuel situation yull close are Dohé pot regal, t d e r se nM ES IU,É1 union bell, In replacing ibem. fliat if tbe Great Enuancipator ldmn fWaukegîns factorlesaund K e i g U arL ntil v d sa n-uAil gmevance- ichitcigncant lhe set- lived unlil the. present day lbe wudwil row thousands aofnmen OuI faeirv c lérl l a omnsaying AITtied by the Waukegan local and Iin bave fougiti Judge Anderson, vho la- vomk tm the Situation that confronta vus a hunter for every deer L W C U T A IO mployers shall be referred telaua sued an Injunaction ugalnst the United lbe City today. <lit could b ,dlacovered.Wt arbitratian hourd cansisting of tvo Mine WorkerB Of Amarlca ta pmovelit Puj-suant ta thte fuel conservation ET E odtos hantera ubroad, tali da af .emloestv eployer. and a fflb thent fronu triking. Referrlng te order lssued by tDr. Garfield. Ioderai 4whuch menin Ile to motl ad -o t nt g t h v ~ d e m t u g d a d o d e l v r e sn te lie elected by ag reem en t "U n d es rab le" fo reig n er s, e placed fu el d m n atra to r . F . J. B y i g to n . ame Othat a cloaed saun fixu o oal of al tour. Na strl)[e sital e cildthe Ring of Beliugln th iat classaund aupernterdent af lhe Chicago and butincucnterprises, are of grave badveathnner, ltaa bforale r- oflias tresUnwrrn ald.en arbiti-atlon shah bhave beeu re- ciitlcized the PresldentandCongess %*ftb Weatern rallroad ha ssent no-concern to the gelephone huoi- A la eatherdIfî!a tir hns Sorer- rate. quested by eter .party, ,for taklng up thelr tie ut the White lies ta ail agents, includlng L. 0. utess. The caming of a stor th edo titrctsrTbere shail be na womk an Sun- Hanse ta enlerlain that ruler during Mullhews of Waukegun, cmlling atten- aafrheumnvglceo %&PCaNssureTE&DCISONday.N Ysers. Day, Decoratlon bis visîlta the United States, vien tion ta the restrictions and outlining C a l f th tou iln cge on1. PACIN WINSTHE DCISI t Day, Fourth of July, Thanltsgivtng or -lhey could have occupied their tînt, lhe plan 10 bie Poiowed In tbe diatri- th ar ft- -n ht O h Joh PainIaI ntlchbutsalt Crîsmasdayt1 better advuntuge hy pasîing lava butioun antduse. of coai. îekephone Unes, in order <a JonAIRI fAtlc, u woCANtasdY forunerly canducted a fruit uni con J Ail persans in the market ailthe for the betterment of working candi- Mr. Mathewa preeented copies 0f service may becunaintaincd. fectlanary tone in Wauaegan, won i itioaing tinte shah ble aerved. Ail tions for the Iabaring classes,. '0 the order ta the Public Service com- Tecn frpiietetls uatn viien Judge Edwards took the- per dey. on a atrike for six mentbe vben he ut Waukegan. the Reins Coul coin- ptn ie fe tr fe Chaie Bnce CntunyvsJon ent ta Europe In the Interest af pany, The. t)ily Sun, the city offices, reacbcs large figures. On, leet Ch acleinicefroptheyjv. in-uw-vrld democracy, and that tlpeu - caunty building, the varioui. coulglaei- erdi cti fayro th e r.isrl-fm- E IPA pie mn thîngs pretty veil i vhout ers, etc. somdddnaei h hcg _____ al Bone> E VOrvsrere i IP S j.j1E3 hlm, and that if lte present adminis- The Public Servtce compAtY liante- $399,914ba diviion icAheco trt ionyE .Ovsrpetration doesnt heed the appoala of diately requested patrons te refruin 53994trcar Ande 9 deHollngsworth held RADItCALt tathicienKSîîtsalve thelr Fei-ns living probtms lignts and outaide llghts. The mu- Li aa rs t iistitute suit for $5,000 damagez - KAJwLTA Rhiici thIe capituasstr-orcing upan jorlty, hovever, flldte observe teTeeepnei diint b FhatalCash MjPacin i foue Benerlycondueted a-j 1IITEIIthuemthe vorking clases may declîle requeat unUl nearly six ôoelack.The aperàtune co.ttandtothoaecased 1 in-e1q-r' cnhi ioh rl onu teaei "L E S NCI NED te_ n Tibt e ee- eeaterlng off ot igbt uallby thc ordinary tear and teat, - _____ enn mtiri-ai <enes-eeand Madisonu esn~S ILIÂ L 0rni~ hnîstvTh- fetuafirvarovas oft ihs ai nk dqatrtsiteaie ~E MORE MAY SUCCUMB 'ien lien l ot htiliî'i- riut tI bmens o! conservîni- coal vus Put _ufimk dqacrae flCSt - m~~~Ireipieut btiitOth.B,->- tii r -an t u Because Steel- Workers Union trn ii at atc ii c(tn la onsumerhatffcai a req will hoI II foll'leamendtin.e n u--n i- tt utru iiaeî ..Me - nNt ttePtto Iioil - W -ci.laohtov i-b"l eolela fica lp it i HaGO TLPIN î~e~t ocans tieutMollî t ~ l,,4 ~it sut tut ne cateî. a serîni- <te - terni iNn prisond foiiprson ft- sedtiausuîîernnîs s ho i-i-icte the-ri-u:tisob .a grundoon -af i' ti .r ic sa19 u,ý. o 1. -lSek pile of un lmmsn-e ttkine paw - <f l lîut Ilc ' tha fte ie-bave hi-en loiudi' i slt, nequtîts for (on ta--t , il- 1 - t uil'!inn îoFe li nicw-eil o - bittertir n-st i ti-se orders'Tenn, Dec, ur - , tv-- - stt --EVEN APPLAUDED REMARKSI f î'i îiunt.iiVcaii- vto .ie ved fillthsius triavbuti il %persots-.-Mu-u. Maisua Myera -- -u- tu om l-cni-,- rn ucr ' i i -tee! ion 0IVito1bt1ve Il tIld iihutuu .b <i oui Shtl.7 ysnsoldwer -. ~ sto Cut i tand too1lcigi-n io conure-e-, alttutugh i- vas tucitas il vas iturilothtit- varw Mois and ceveril persons were L:liibtijiDc )Cn i ak I akgnla lf-laIiiitao péet re iobabty fatauîy, s lit ,: b-J ii: il - - , ci ifsita-iuîu-ing iu-,elecioncoulvas 0 LmnC jn.f flying fild yaIserday by ani iîvivî'u t ,u - i-u.uî tii-.u - ui- tuau a-i ,11 p. Itu li; t a nd - Wu eanbutui-itu-ia1,iritt Or plane crashing inIoa scrowd - Il'- tt- ;u- i-0tt 1: n -Iil ilu tu - i- au-ît btuc1 u uab i" u ouîlttuEskilur but I tusntiattpoitioanb. $i---- jii leapectatora. _V. Price Ho!tt1, ------------------q-tiu--\tuuc-ttt ievr yiuic, s uin onl. n. ie s. o t le s-n 11. ttilt wpilion-b'i bd hi* mechanician were talier.-.,l-ort-t'uuiu-d nul,-i mîu-u s I tiýi- b.rn, î)fi t - -r n'ui luJu-ii ris, ioita rpatir uti y hgaennnî-ti.-ti< os custody and i-n nvsigati-n --io'~ v-t~t- i' ~ ~ ~ ,m tîn a! ,i nn I, cl I f nîiii teli-ofictc ion l i s i 'um- nele a s o tht accidentvas i -r ts u. i I, i- , --- I t- -t 0P-. u Vitt s s -I - ii n, I, h t ) in h- it efln esslm i! ut iniiîitny un Iti 10 Ijured vere childreh.,ç - i, :ni t1 vJ Pa, 1;t 1 --l i-1uiV-u- uv a-:u t uit-r -iii --s I y tii- va- hluitt il -luoy-lu lll*lll.- ol. 111.uiet cf rcl agaion.Tlt NWtng te -ar tIcrîî Prur, --,rd t,, i --- ain' muasrittiiIls- iouîi-i t u musvu'cîlto uut --tttv bidn-, ttto \idiudanitihYtt-n ,* a aviatio r ieîisntm ir. til I d t im -l î h r-4 s u 't u t~ - uiri l Lu-t oi-t th e i-t h - a tte ia * ,~ T h, oriidv r. u li i iicu i i b ta ttI -c sme . e bb .Ad ir hcNtir ieilmî ii.- tii-atra, ar) roitioedbmpruHésri ult tu-il' ati i9nhi"aia t> hi- il b a p commercial Pt-uni-, atdilit asiut ute nuit, _nui- t. fi uit uliii- any u o't.,il>- iyiogr rn a[ý:toq;nto i LD AGE STARTS WITH' YOUR KIDNEYS moul. m" ihut a K.iii wl. gse - -e -Itf,.-illear. Thlie eh! tImulsae. ;en,« litin-ys anitdgtmi.19i-fitei., ktuiiYaction ad anilea tht ~iis. lO-e, i te,ILi- i t, b ..- swiis iuî tothri-ny Cffthe 9otaona wbucî Sby ke.ptng l. kudi et- ..d --OiS --t Utr* dut&K& 1Nev lI. &" UV. -orgautu cteaa. d dLai. sititi u-a sy0lpeOatluue th- grIstâorSi-r 1 ldQý * ageba -ft.~ ruîuetWheacomiletely testeras I il 1rl!gr fisc byoud tal . t mut.-laiîisg a eesoor t.. caei %lé? thie lverage Prgai-o, d8â-n ýntl.-'. 4f 8e" " iI .ce - i athLd tor Mo evier '00 Y"s, liOl.D MEJALuIt ui-aou,îa rt ho - tedIse.sý. ilMâen o1 t.i'n l'as e-tkt"t.". the o .- "ut uîiui s-tîue ordises.. okibeueff maddi-.uhitty do.. t#l&a- bave ii--lOe-d dosci tir c--iGo to sotu 04"9 r& Ttama 1h -.asndard oit. -drurt-ssao-t -t saut-t of GiLD 1:1i10eled y sui -ela nsoIn- îl>'r IAL iireî . t.. oner ~ln: it. 'i-t utuA ), sirtcm vt erelned If <u i ssdo ,- i. ;pyou. Thre e,1..r -i - 111i-'t- f ý i cr 111 1. mi e ,îeut. - -ktifor- t" t ud a 'i5 lr -i ,tiuotltlsiliaionted ;m)L1i ILISAL brsa4 « a you tu-wtu uî.à a- -.mi 1n i -a eupackages #~%odre.O. Hurst. Pi' strIý-,t. W, 8. Srnth, Vice -Prcsdent, F. W. Churcht Il SsCi-clans ard Mwa.mer TELEPHONE 81l 6ECURITY TITLE & TRUST 'CO. M'TRAC-TS 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED I - - ILLINOIS ilb; 'rhe ti( ,- ab-r tiu- itn t hi- «i tv t uin? u i -s- mît \1 I ru.nBatiker tfor ~u feidotat Çii n v isit.<a s lue iutaller TI- u1ti- tt-tt-~nu u w i- ufutc a t-tii- ai ar f 550,000. lcuernu l-li- uGW. Itieu iiii-ouî no bu-tiier- < i nt -msitînvîti Titi- it-et un g usas au ennuil hb> R ianilT. W. t-su i uuf theiu- uit, lit tI. Il, ýý' n %,ri .i: ih l I, i nîtutuii ui, t t - If'i ftiti-t andi a lesm ilnd M . ' iJ u-. a- ui e t', h 'i !n s i -ru 1 bf '4- uii pc-citi u-îîuiî m A ie cafi ti-giofi - tji i uni nn, îî, i) ' btmi il--Imfite- tlu i -.' t t) I ,riatutti muoui)uI -n il - s et-nounhli-ithtuaI0_-- ly fleiii ntandittrs- ut uns-t-r at Fuel-I -- cîuut-'t-rit- nscar Amrnitur, ifI Nitwatike. Wilh Ady it lis! nuitor (tant t-Ids Ao-i-r. -un ipa-u - :--' i x~5ii-.-- Suçîi-tnt-nent T. Il. IBtch t f the i-- -u 'k - is -lqo,, i -th %v ilh - ('ln, - li?zmuf Cthicag-o, appitun an sai tii- ornihtue t-t i- haui c utmît- iiuolu- - utu -uut li iil u im - t-sui îîWautmegun Fr!- ho! ,uiuai n> afficial ur, ,but. rdical ,juwàk,-rs- o in IrI- i i n - t ',, -'ttc ,<ii ;t uu t ul î-ti-aied g-sulty t10 hulit ue 'tas ti'lii'i to ct ine t-1 ' I-u t . u u i 1t -)ruifI(l ntoieni-tituti iquor itaIehi- itofi n rsr'i'm-itî t f in-ritif . utli îa ,u I î i,I l-- i I lt b'. I , ,, -in titoitilutiti t-fi Y inrv. li- %'is fIni-il Vtukegam o -uu a t': iii titi-i it"i'n iitil ie tl-au nd,îî iit Olitts as ditiving aqJ- uns l i Ilurnini- th im n tht- i,,Fîtsdu!s n- m<- vit- i lui .'-n-r t îîîm i u îainini- $SO v.ottii ' lth te instt-umilotu - >fîuîîuî tirt'feil ttttl i utimi îs- " - iutIlt, mtachine uent it1mi11t0aufue-I aiîtin' fIratwI luey-witi bu- 1 1* et. Mu, i -- rimti t-. t1, -ýiý.i 1lui- h noir Cuirai-e. Obitz stf- ailtm ut ili i-. lta at.ottiis -UP 11,ui1t -fît lsi i-i-s- t11.itium, t it iiIl t!i-îur ofi titre'- rîbs ani1 titi- of coaitai'a finte. ouit utut -rt ýrn-. it t îî- h tlý.un -î ii lioçn wavut ti ti riutlii- wag not able tîtov ng uictIC tî t ri, tonîue shtow a iii> lu - s uul inui-r, tluu- iti-u uru! ît if - 10 aiteaîti, t iicomuîrt hi-re belons,. - s- i- n of is lig i!i ciii-n nilely. but IAlilti-iu- n W'dmrafii n ibur ,in,____________________ t-- plan -bas bti-flnurop,-ett. L.i-- ers,,s m-aucua anut fut! m si - r , îiase thii i- inilui-s nil i uîot, ho osei Pil un u s.10 fu ai it 10 a un u iît. smu ai fi-tri-i. t u-t' hi- iiiungui- Il- i r- îttî e ; pnlu îil \t 'înufiîrt urng, whoti-sali- nitai ioi Si lait wa- i - u -. I ml, - iat tti-y -Stop__ itia!nitdia- nl1,1,rtsim-n' ati in sSiuitiltu nj, dttrai-icuui -n Chicago andil aug, part of Itti ttui'ni-l->- jît ifs ig 11t'. ttiIn 1 noist'. -titi * au-i aiaunetird-verc tiir ,l il îm r' ii ti i iusci-un u. pui,.Ith ~trciday Iront uslig ciai~ ituar faîîy frtrpitlvltuIt-i-jthmS ari-titan -lx and co-bailtItours a 1 ita. - ay in th tiruîaatiîîn oh business. Iluýs ,aluma di nlîtîd ttt if the * Tite ardu-r. sbiciiha otiter dastic stel nanti-ns -utetmpita to ul 0 so. ' #n; lir -reduclng transper"t itîtîttituiititi--ctuttri. ~ ton, ou-tO>Iient or aniuseuittts, c., 11 d urni-o lAhn eso~ t flout situa of a Colt!Oer 1P b:iîttî: ot: ispiay :ights, lowr::g cariguînion taris 3b-- pcrîitîl ta o ok f teMiperutures In cane, uni cutiting tto luisi-m- -een.t unIon meetings the I 3 O>LD TABLIT vîtte Ioofblst t onro. (fnj-!iii n i îipt),.1 wI goetntoaamoe aI: blrow %IUKgGAN e- tram ng Ouut Pfttritu A.shn'uIut-iM I'r LAN 6~1 % ttke it easy ta save uouaîey sý stemantictîliy sud $0 12 teuccummîlute high dclas seotiriti--i uayiutg.good uivudend rutturm a nîd capable of lauge inuï-ames in value,. Lt lus exîsiaiti tIis Plan Ici you. Tell us ltow itet i&,au capay down anti how tnutcityon uitaupa>-montitly., -r0iî us whaî securitittu you havi-, if Yeu have aoy, aa veis ay advîîue you as lutiui-ir pretehst valîe, îiability and future. We viii nuake up a sitecial invesîmnotil stugges- tion for yeti according te what yen cau ufford te invest on ttis Jparial pjittýunt iPlat, uthtur 0Il 1O-payuîatit or 20.payment basii. Write ta our Departmcenl A-2l for aur paper, uaarket condiion-It wiii inlereat you. Securties Trust Company 10 South LaSalle Street CHICA GO, ILL.

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