Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 18 Dec 1919, p. 3

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- fl- m ~ wIurOne. Who Nome On ED OVER THERE Goldner, j6 Waukagsn boy longer service osemaes (hagn off the feiloWvéIs hvent .I.and uli vas supposeit 1 tOUstaintePuncure 'offthse VIiedoing stalle dut>' at, Wet ha fowbg bis rtuja fromn bas arIved bhein Waa- fr e furlougli anit10 1owq h.Panants, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- Godur Of Belvdere botreet. Irr ilthe 4bsLwtion > tln our eervice &tripes onbifs 00showlag that la sav lvauty- - oatb-'Cservice, Bemides thev .1. dee rox ,Guerre medal vsgente hlm for efficient t2w% k ai s runtnhithe Cbatesu ycaipal£n vben bIe carre, tram 11t, front th h > i St h. rear. Ois. a a avound t stipe 0 lh aboya (bat le vas vonudesi «il ..rsa Ha vs strc Juil We fise ankle b>' a shrapnel. IN WiU On Pebruar>' 15, 1917, (batI WiaýIdne î t Waukgan, going. ta se t4n .A 'lec SPr, vlan., ou Mardi '1 li'e eniat Prom Ibhere lie venl (o Mexicob s ublil Jilfe 1, when ha veally dUer nelurnai tota heastales jy kovarseas service SSetnier 3h ýear andit vasesnt toi Camp Tay'- b KY>. Ha tas wil thele thln l- Il ry (borea sut t aswvIlle île>' a ai Camp Taylor tbat thse 161h v' ondes-o i t tkedtt>'aetthse ci mises In Kentucky., ivw» doing peInai dut>' vhen - mm ge s o 0au argumentaidt)t lines- vil h moieoti oer soldions os lie bs-eut'ID the nov. On. offit imen valitti !aûout Ivent>'ft.t h ii a' gua ont fireit point bleuit w Pldmer. TIh ulaI enterait bis o eut aacoding to reporiàts (aIIa homne a etisime Il vas tuedi it ms lump Ise"been punctureiLt. I Mer, ho vent ta (le lospîtal la M. tact tIsaI ho la nov able te eo ve imifflée Chat fth. rupostc bodliev6tise ballot struck: bis lb Md vui twsom ila a »Y P Uns bdJUs>' *0Bot as serions ti MhiM bave lises.eRoisnovehI em* uru ogg f on. moa(h. ;,w&W billi rtera la camp J te roin him mogment me A la aop iarai 1. aoxt. Wbea 1 if b. vas gig te n-nist ho 14, Il esculit 'se>'Bot. i'ni me te g«l lacis "n'.te stey." .10 loft Weuk.geaho veigiseit,~ 04 u»v ho valgbs 15, (hua tIse aC bail bm a b" t (ing forj ta Wler a onec t ime vonisedith e ai recesin ht e Sus office. iqstsfoot toises baste, te 011110 aft alle Meat. To Mi"lefo hp i a nttb bollo riItg e mmti 4IAZETt WIFE lBAS FIFfEEN Ch PMn.Ill..Don. IL - The ChamWalgnDally Gazette, establiihod À YYIERS IitU D YUIF ln 1852, on. of thea oldeit paperi itu th. sMate, bas bean *old tb D. W. Stevîcit, publisher of the Chmptimn Hgln akMnW oeA Dal>' Neya., The two papers vilI b. i akMa hs p nerged and iàueit as oe publIcation. peal Sun's Bachel- The mountinsceut of publication. 'r1. c c. (ho ImcorMaty cf the print paper sît-I rUs f Hps nation ad the &lffluty't. scale the aecessry hep for econoniléal opera- tIon ia. nid (o bave bean a factor ONE LE iTER ENCOURAGING conidered la thse transiter. J. W. Lawider. former business -Hgli ak i. manager, and Orvile Jk. Davis, for.,HghandPak,111 meraditor of thse <azette, have not Ediior Waukegan Sun: e.519. anOouca ther ~eîiMyemployer, bas éiveff me tha an- cloaed ietter containing the nome of A5 irs. Minale Jennox, General Daliver>', JVJKI SU Mb RS ÀS presumabi>' from Wankegai. i have wnilaen Iis person immeditel>' et the addneso givan and as yet bave ne- »BOY STRM- AND~I ceived no answar. 1 consider Mai SHOWS BISBVRf proposaa the hast that 1 have received SftO S0flstUR Nfeu the it)n s t me address asithe baudvriting Is not la- DAMAGES AWARDED tellgible enougli 10 disciphar sW 10 wenkegan, DeM. 10. tar1 i m>matre sure that i have ban Th. Jury ln the cise cf Edward' placed witb me. it'seema (o me that Marens vs. the Publie Servie cmr. Yon bad sent the ltter direct ands Pany feturned a verdict of 86XM0 dam- (bat you yonrself weespazzled the1 *Cs$ shortiY before twc 'cicck this saie as fi bas bat fled me. Perliaps ftlersioc. Th. cuas e d gens. t.the yon minhi. vant to insert a amaîlf ury et noon. The boy had oued for reading malter asing Information ta =10000. (lits person to again send ber asidres and (bus dlear up the wliole motter. Thse jury ln the $20.000 damage case 1 hava booked up the Countv Direc- braugbl auaib te Public Sï,rvice b>' tory and lau ta Sund (is name. Say, c Ed'sard Mertans, a aine year old aditor. 1 neyer thouglit you" would oungster living tn Waukegan, shnd- stretch t(: mater to the Chicago lered Thursda>' atternoon wben the papais. it bas made a vide publlcity oungstpr removad bis lothing from as 1 reccived lttera from far and ils valot uçi and exbibited the terri- near. seme disdaintul as 10 aducation.a le huma ha rtcelved on August 17, So long as my honeat motives werea 1918, whan ha came la contact with right ln thi' malter t did not ameuna m nu aiactrie feed vire carrylug 2200 to»msicb wbat you dld for me. Thaset vols The injuries whlcli the boy ri are pecular limas and tnany are suf-0 cevad left bimt erribl>' acarned. H1 faing. aspecially tha widows. Em- was laid up for aine monîha. ployment la good for printers lIta ins>- ý-The evidence vas te ttha affect Ihat self, but peaople attlng In bouses tbat th boy lied tied a vaight ta à place seeut nouessential excapt payiug tax-b ,f fue vira visich blia ad tomaesi over as along with the lames et var betp0 ha eiecirie vilies. whidb ran near bis to boost labor heausa lliey figlilü orne on North ButIni street. Thse higliar and higliar. f wire came in contact witb a section i aureai> mr very gratatul te onub )f vira vbere a aplice hait been made and trust soma day i vîli gîve you a s ait where thera vas ne Insulation. lift b>' heiping la your printing office. f The vituesses ferrlis. compai>' tes- H. s. MATZ, e fieta at tIse Insulatien on an>' vire Boxz 218. t a lIible to vear off and that the r a? asniapa ats ampa>' îd ata resonala ra-Sun recenti>' aroueaitmuch curlosit', b mutions b>' .placîns ls vires nearl>' ,splai vrbdte ilet .irty fot la thse air. picnswrtodowietep Tihe case vent to the jury shortl>' vrita 10 Box 218,.IHighliand Park, :efore nom toda>'. This case celin- whicIs ls (ho box cf the tideil lotI. t dete th comonlawcue tob rs.Tise>' are bobli marnit aid de- ni t Lthis terni. Thse trial of crum- aied looking for plural vives. go a nel cases otarie next Mcmitay. vonian vas iaiuced te repl>' 10 (ho _____________ait and the myster> va sbolveit. Mr. Matu le In Mn>'respects a idmits Ho Stole Footbit nmodel. He dos net drink, mite or Suts ai Lâke Foresi chev. - - lu repl>' 10 on. applicant vbo an- Tbere wli li e loy ln thse heurts iof swai'it bls id la thse papes- Mr. Mata he members of a certain football wrcte8: am whlcb played lake 115-est1"1 propose te, help snme deserring waiemy> receatl>', fer Thocmuas eeno widow. My former vif. ran away, iua FrakFi"aIsalasThomnas eu- but 1 bave a divorce. 1 ams lccklng ano, vis. oritedait ethle lAite Nosest forwarito l ightenlng tIse bordi cf c neaeVosa asteward aMd Whostls a some sieserving voan,1Iprefer on. il but livo cf the suite of the visit- who bis a home et hero"v." g fotb)all taonl a few wee&5 ato. as turned over finChiai Gordon off Ella eeauocIsMessingr. *lmu off Abse Poreqt tisas mcrsslag. Irgo co- William Dors-o e eiagei', died msed lise (teni Mthe.suifs have Pnida>'. December 12, »Ill. Services ses recoversd. Ho adiitteit (bat of lie imadenza, Pros»ectIVe £vo2e, s boaut roblied the. cubos ai. the Highland Park. 11..,'2 P. m. ada' lm@ of tIse gain..December 15. ilermont LaiPo W& Y OUcertainly getyours wheu you la>' youn amokecarit, on thse table, .1cali for a îîdy red tin or a tpppy ned bag of Prince Albient aud roll a mskirs cigarette 1 You'llwnnt ta hire a satistical bureau touIeçp counti of - f our smokestunts I Why, yen neyer dreameit of tis, sport bist lies awsMtitsg your ciii iu a homo rolled cigarette when it'a P. A. for thse P-g TÎ& àaout flavori1 Man, man, you haven't got tise liaten of halt your @qkgeweer until you know-wbat rolling 'cm wth P. A. ca do for your4 Gutmumifo And, bmck of P. A.'. flavor, and rare fragrance-proofs of à"lohMAieres' quality-stands aur exclusive paeed procesa tisat CMti Out bite aud perch 1 Wiîli P. A. your smokeseegta a makiu'a ciga.- f0140 wil ealait suy phonognaph record you ever heard i"PI-ince Albeien le e0 cIo 4 roIL ltes cnimnp cnt and ît«ys put 111. a regular pai Prince Albert upots ay notion you ever had as f0 how delightfuY1- -dà ieiPlP#gam bel If le the tobacco tisaI ha. ruade thres menrs moke Pipes Wheio on. wqêa saoWebefore. f1-has won men a lover.tisa nation ýtejys of emokhtge R..EYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANYS Winsfou&Slei, N. C. .n-ht b.,2iY.ddm pOoanpd i 5. huId, wh ao ienofn. o th.. k-a1-,boAIbiq ..icliperr-ci eordjiio1, ED 1N DRIV FOR IES IN WEST; WAIS rST CONSTABULARY WELL INOWN A1TY Hleadqartars bava been open itla lne n1 Chicago preparator>' (o thse inau"gura- Sustaned Stroe naanuary of lion of a campahgn In tavoor e stal- 1918 and Heaith Had liasmeat of a stata censtabtiar>' in m ooliy Sînce. :Illinois b>' nactoment oethîe nexi Be tenterai assambly. A bill for thaeibhlîîîî:or SON OF LATE JUDGE UPTON sncb a atate police fonce was de- feated b>' the Paniy-f iraI<1-n-rIAs- Word reachesi Wanitegan laie semb> alter a bol flght. Thursita> aftrneon o! (haeitaatli et From the Chicago hu-aulquartat Long Beach, Calit., o! Edward L. Up- speakers yul h. sent il, evean>'coun toti. va» itnown Waukegau attorney' ty l th stte o eplan is mrit, WO. ithMra Upton, veut to Cal-. t>' an stthe csta oaxlaiy ndils entefonnia, about October 10 la (ha bopes teastubcltiuac> m ret tbat bthe change off climala voulit pulcsentiment in Ils faior. banafit bis bealili. Hia demIs occunred The proposoit police sy.steni 1 ai 4:30 Wadnesday afflernoon. M. modeled after Ibat ln Petirsîtînî: UPtan vas bora Sù.ptamber 10, 1850, Nov Yorkt and 'other eaýîo'r at Mentpelier Vermont, and tharefoe lions, lu an aditrea h-fi,,' Rock liies69 yara oid. Ha badil lvad in Islandl hantera, profassionat :îîîn andt Waukegan aluce 1851 wban la came 011.-no, A. L Stewart, on',<intltte le (ha cil>' freni the lest isitti bis par- speaers ngagoi fr th czjjà; aents, Mn. aitl Mns. Clark W. VUpon, speker enage fo (h dlllaiaîn. Mn. 1Upton, Sr, la lattr years being as"ertedl tht ln thea fouriton y. aris circuit Judge la Ibis district. Penusylvania lias experii'nedthîe It vas in January of 1918 Iliat Mr. alta ceunsta0tnlarY, a notaIt, rat-or:' Uptan bad! bis final stroke of îparalysie lias bee aumdé lu tle pras ention au. wbîcb folloed an attaet of auto-tu- suppression.o! crime. This c am dn( toxication. Fnom then ou has sustan- lie claimed, primarily bhu-'aîse ihi ait a uumber off sliglil sIrotes whlcli constabilar>' exencîses a tueraI et- vare called lestons of île brain. is tact urgen criminels, defc-î' inz tIent condition naplii>' daclîneand utIt vas fro.;i cenatting itapreitat in . fait that the change e! clîmate might 1 Dcny Unionitei Stitement balp bita so heanad Mra. Uplon dis- Rc-Prc-santatiou b>'lebor î»iîî O titpsed et thair linaeîoroparty vîticli the loustmisnhury vas orgue illprnn-8stands ait(ha isead aof(eneset'streat, dîpgaît> to crevant sînîkai ais gos John W. Barwatl matiug an unusual misaaenienî, sccordlng ,, stewart dm i bn hrb avst On the "outra-y, heainam th,- con. i>' (hem a certain amouni pan mentît during the litimse o! eacîî. Il vas s1tehular>' la uset tg m.iîniain lav the finat sale off the tind ot couse- an! orde.r cuitt.' Provan, -rmindtqueuca' aven made la Wantegan. ap' r'lIjead crltolinuls, It 1i on!y Edvand L. Upton was admitie fo1 wba-; .tr.kers resont tou.' i, that the bar about 1871 at, the salne t ns thie cotîstabutar a il alt J. ill tlltas Charles W Whitney. N.rU lton1 Officers orf the'îwar l'!uinPracticedil inChicagoanit n(-vin main- luat, hé- salit. lainait an office lu Wauk'cgan. lie "Tatuerg eie nco! rural tuinti robnevan hald Public office.t barlî's '~illlînois andif tlblsau,1 Hli a ssurvivait '1>'oenabroil:i'n, Atty. Wta. Upton of Weukegeu, andit tre,' 01offo anonsebilas stolen ir, lin'ate sîstera, Miss Eve, Miss Mary A. andiF l'an ha Iraced, 81ev1 ut ,iie.tu Mrs, Hanniet S, Barnum,. vifa nf Rich- tIsa lmck Off e sYstem O o! ipatlou ard S. Bamaum* batwaaa 'ha count>' anîbori"s,.. Thse Accordîng te the vire to natatives itate couatasulen>' ystani isrovidaa the bady vil] net heashipped bact et fer sncb co-operalienet! In ,s on el the present ltime but wlien yarm t ery rural bigîva>' bo15g on healaent veathan comaes on k viIlil e brougbt te yatcb for hait roishors and alîtc bacit for hurilin Oakvoot Cemate>'.I mobile. thiases, At tle preseal tma' e, Mra, dUpton, wvIse nt West vits I ba say@, île highways orhIlinois ar h usland, bl iaseanbon van> paon- Practically nguardoit and turlîlsî ly but ecording te, latest.reporta she li; considerabl>'liproved. TIse> neyert garea meana 0f OO1Dmuniî-auon and lied but oie cbild, Edvad C. vIa died IP transportalio« for crnclssortail about 1910.a kinds, Mn. Upton vas net se, veli itnevn ln Wauitegai as other members ofe bis f(mii>'becaese sbuinessall- P L'ffU'U¶ ~ways hait been out of tova. Hovever, WEST in CMho vas a modeel appearing -ai and ag oeCIAR wd. neihi,eworde ÀCTER 1Mm oD pfs-ladwualtone limepret dent of tise Chicago Wonisn'a club, AT ~ L tise bingat organisation cf its luitla d Mn. tfpton ia surgrled b>' bis vIte, Chris. Lohfink,a Resdent of the Chicago wma club, of wh I Waukegan over 30' Yars oi h omaprsïvn inaiber0 Died of C4noer. 15 Waukenu. He vawuetoit bere f undit h. Lake Forest acatesc. ne I vas vice pregalisteaor the pooditrch t 'IADN'T EATEN IN 3 WEEKS TriasportallIon coniue nad of tho el - Monorail Portable "Ray ecmpan~i r llategn, eit ~ 4off Chicago. Ho vas a member of tha e WaukganDise la.Chicago Bar association. Chris Lobtînt, 0fr La4el lave- _____W__ nue', for J'aers a a is suevu harater Off tha West site, passeaae>' Ide> nîgîl et 6:30 O'Ciock ai the laie Me- Alister bospilal et the age of 55 years. Deather vas duo te cancer cf the staniacb eut throat. For (hnee t*"ks precedlng lis iteatl le a bataten uetbing. This hait gîvan rise (o tho eernenus report that le wuva oIUn- taril>' tarvin lugIsnsaîf 10 deatis. Lalifinit vas'heu-n ln Germai>',,lut came te Waueaun lu 1898, baving lisait bere aven aluce. He aditbe(-n IiIail aumtnen, Tlree veee ago ho' vent t edad tbis condition. hacanse verse naptidl>' Ha wus rameve to te li IoqpItal lal Mon- da>' utghl butlitis condition vwu knovu te b, opalass, Beasidas bis viitov ha leaves tha !ollowiag childn'rýn: -13;omýey, Albant. 110M NO PLACE 7FOR YOU IF YOU RMENT STINPOT Case of Alvin Ruesch, held to Grand Jury, for Ceful Illus- tration of: Smilee, Smile. BUT HE COULDN'T DO IT. Lois.Cri, Ers. Tlle Opitz, Hanna It tak- a muily goodnatured nin and Mrs. Edith Neubeeker al au 'to Il%,, in Zion City and kep out of kegan, Mrs. Anna Db sneu of North fihts, ilat Is providlng h. lies to Chicago, Mrs. Elsip EcClellan and ernoke cigarettes or cigars. That ths Mrs. Emma Gondelu, bol h off Chicago. 1e trula%%as shown by the fact Ibat on.iNlondat.% Alvin Ruesch was bounil oerbb grand Jury under $2.000 STE L S RIK RSbonîds, he Ju.tice Blshop un te STEEL STRINERS 'char'geplr'eferre.d against hlm by Play OR Clark, namety of assault wlth latent DRAW PLAN FOR In order to live peacefully In Zloi ý>io% (din.- youiire a smoker you have 4cEA B TT E got t)h al o centrol yourself andyor fstwhen those wbo _objeet tosioigcati you "81llak-pot." lan Washington, Dec. 15.-As a recuit fact ics ou can stand belng of the almiost unanîmous decîsion of called a stink-pot, providlng yen the national conmittee of organized SIIOý. j( iyou have no lInZion lron anld steel workers fo continue f or yoi't,, hable to get Into trouble. thie strike, leaders of the unlonisto- If yoit<ealook at a Zioflîte and samle day wgre golng ahead wlth plano for "'lienl lit-'ils voit "stink-p4or anôj an active field campaign, whierfb~ey 0111cr Pet nanies you ca get along ssld would lie carrled on for at least ,,ry îîlcely, but If you lrv 10 resent tour years if n"cessary. scvi an eilîbhet yoit're lhable to ha Membho f ,be commîttee, wbicb la botind over to the grand jury If yen conpoeed of twenty-tonr Dresldentis of (Ito white Ituecl i dd on Detember 5. labopr unions cennected with the steel Wlicn the rase was caled Ruesch lndustry, conferriid here laut niglit, îleaded not gullty and evidance waAi and It was at Ibis conference thst the lntrodnced. Ilire are Ciarkes words dectsion was reacbed. Chairman as testlfied t0 In court:' John Pitzpatrlck stated the meetlng "As 1 got up to r-noch, or Eschol was the mosi eit husiastie held sunce avenue, 1 met the party (Alvin the original dec'aration of the tstrike, Rtesch> WIllb a ciragette lnuhbis anld lic 'pres1eeî c)nfidence, Inulîl- hiafd. 1 spoke to him about smok- mate victer>'. Ing liere,,and 1 told hlm God AI- Leaders admltted tbat there bad mighty ould take care off hlm. Ile lit been defecions ln the strikers' rainks lîiscigaretteý, and 1 called hlm a and that many plants had ressnned op- stik-pot. He turned and demanded eration, but said steel production bad that i lakçe bacitwbàt 1 lied sld. been far below normal and the plants but i refnsad. 1 had a tpinchbair, a w ere runnink undar the dîssâdvantage ehoe and a hammer I!L.IX hand. of heavy overbaad charges. The a 1maitflifg i knew. be lok the bools." wo. ors. 4% «0 a t» 11 Aslced what took place then,. the plintltt declared tbat be receilved DIPENDENT rffh g' a blow (bat knocked hlm uncon- ~ cos He aieo decLqared that two men vitnessed the affair. And op ta, date' tuesch hi f0co denlel that lie siammed Clark aud siammed t'lm goo-d and haid wbaui Clarke called hlm a stinit pot and va. rJIlsa other offe-nsive terms bcause ha hapeened to be smoking a cl&ar, ette. While Clarke dlaims tis ltnach grabbed bis pick, ae., it i. reported b>' Clarke's friands tIai hi t00k (hem away £rom Ruescli ai Ruoch couldn't use theni la retaîja- (io for Cailing ëbu stlnk-pot. Moral: Uajess you are able to salUe when somabody catls yen a ',stinit-pot" and If you are hiabla to Punch anybody who calls you sudh a nama. it in botter' fer battar, to live away from, Zion. CUTL BAN LIFED IN WAUKEQMANTODAi BY TUE. RAILRýOAD Agents of Both North Westerni and E. J. and E. Receive Orders. TRAIN SERVICE RESTORED. Wlth the setilenant of tht' ceaI 8irike and the return to vont off tha miners, instructions have baen receis- ed la Waukegan withdrawlng restric- tions f rom the mavement and delivery of coal tram the local coal dock. Simi- Ian Instructions Kiave beau recalved b>' other laite docks. Agent Miller of the E. J. and E. office at Waukegaa recaived a for- mal latter of Instructions as tollowg: "Effective at once aIl restrictions are removed on bitumin-ous and lignite cosi and' cnt, and coke breeza now holding or that may ha recoiell tram connections or maines hilled -for de- liver>' to consurnars undar classific- lions named below and sucb consign- ments wlill lie forwanded lmmedlately te cousignees and deiivery as billed: (e) Ralroads. (b) Army. navy, and other depart- nmants off]Poaderai Gaverument. (c) State. Count>', and Municipal de- Partments and Institutions. (d) Public Utîlies Includlng con- ceras angagad tu furaishlng transpor- tation, llght, heat, and vater for pub- lic use,- Aise manufacturera of novs- prtnt paper fer dail>' Issue and the publîshars and 'printors "f saxo. (e) Retail coal dealers. Ure&erIes, umili bottling ad miIk c"mng fao- tories, raffinera of petrolluni, met packens. giton bouse, manufacturers of yeast. Raese of coel Co consumera ln oth- or classes muât be maeo onl on ap >roved applications as beretôtore. Slam* u OV1otiWaes, Abent 3Matthevs o et s orts Wést. ern raircd this motulng reeelved lie 'oolvigtellegrani from the superwe tendent of fthe r6ad: "Plase notify anl concernadit mm- diatel>' to modi>' iatru.tioma of De- comber # vblcb vusàapriaffl airsu- lar addresaed to al aoncerpu31e I 274. Modifictioas te ho a&OI Iowa: "Effective 12:01 a. m.. Monda>', De- tomber là, ilnutritions iised Deceni- ber 9 to reait coal debiera are Soffl- lied to tJ ete«t of Britdu s d Byer>' f0 ail classe. of o"»Umbol trck or walgon. la azde te prctae comlucers ila the essentil alaisa", ruulationsrestric$ng -4euverts ti connu-ers having lai (han -one reek'à supp>' viU continue tu effect nUtl, turtser notice. Pleisi deUver aopy of ibis notice to local nevapap Ors, sf4t6 and county and municipal authoritias, publie ut]Iltias. coq dem- er, local clvic coumlttees, and fuel admuistrators." Chicago suburban train service In- ludian that to Waukagan restôred t 12:01 a. m, This applifs toaial rade. Othen trml service, la bolli eortbwester and central western ter- tories, wlll bê put back to0 normal by Thursday ut 12:01,accoýdlng te a tel 'egram .raceiva d by the Wau- kegan depot agent Ibis morning. WENDEL IIATIORNE DIES SUNDAY AFTER Wendel llatbnt-ne, son et Mn, anit Mrs, S. A. itt borne, of 857 Grand avenue, away ut midulght Sudàatelisleeltion boep-islla i Urbane, milan ai iliuasa off aine eeats wîth (>'pboîd leven. lHî asotiar vas et is bîtiside visai b,-paasaitae>. Aithengli le bas beau crîticall>'litI for the test four yacks lis dealb vwas qulte unexiv-ctud as bis condition vas. sîlgh1tYI>' iPruvei' tise lest 1ev days. Mna. Itatiene vas et lien son's hait- aide sînce' be vas tatou IliIassit tates luit evei'ything possible vas doue fon han son b>'t he State University' lis- VitlIauthuitlîes. Mn, lathornu' vas 21 Yeans uofaa. [lia baslilved intaWanko'gann inet ef bis lite aid bus a lange number oi friands lu tbià comtnnuîîy, wvise vli hi. grievai tut hear uftabis deatb. le graduated .rnmlhe \Waukeae Tovnshi l igb Schtot la 1916. lie lies been takin a course la Engineer- ing et the Stata University' aIt rbana, being a maînher of tisa Sophontuna elisse, ic hnloiga to La UsTiaîngle (raterait>', vhichla Iscomposait -antira. 1>' nf engineering sîndeals, Mn. Ilethorneaeren'd la (ha Unitedt States Nayfor oeayean ituning (lie Worid Wan, 1ie bas beau an Rctive vonter lau(lie ecllvitias off tle Firel Mathodilat churcb fur severel Icare. Fuanal arrngemuents u'ill be au- nounccitleter. Robant Willilams Chandlar diait la Chilcago, Decemtw'r 12. 1919. Funerel ftnomé chepel 1867 Ogiten avenue, 9:30 e. mi. Monda>', Decemban 16. Inter- Msent Oatvond, Waneae, 111. ni cc tr au er ad el no rit by t0, ke aBan on Mondy Orders to, s moffany Still on, Wwulag ,a Office 18 InformeL AN ADJUSTMENT 1$ Fm-V, Despita tise tact thatetb.aa beu ven more (han a year ý Wauknitaltotfice a ls Uyef 1 ceived no onders ta rosume erdan exchange witb Ganusan>'y Postal ragulationa hullelin.,for 2 veniberr nealved liane states no ranlgetnts for the excbai-,» meut'>' rtier., or the transaction sncb business beau agneoit UP deapite the fiact (bat ondinary-10 n cenini ilcai ion ait; beau asîmbl The order says lunther tba?"IttasM Pr4ctical te adjust claire.tfonr ag ment or enayen Inquir les. Clal wiii ha tati-a11 for settlemeat. sotin ns conditions vili permit., brling such nuattena bte(le.alîeetj oif tle depanîment et. Ibis tlime LI futile,, "Unada Sam appears in ho di5 l1111e. ý'peoflteening'- hutesaf .fiu ydays ln thsems5futfanelga niq Lordera 1>h' istoffice depgat yThé profita range Irom 26 ta go cent, andithlb hanvest shouli t pi U1culanl>' nîcli betwevunbot, Christmnas. Tise vîctînîs an0 Aff cens vIe -vWish ta send mono>' a Y (linongI tthe madinie- ofpgstof nuo0ne>' andas. - 'Tbe currnugls ot npa-ly ai foeï countnlas bave depreciatea fla et Aunerican mana>'. But (le 14 office detienlment 'goes rIgIt 615 charging theaaime old rat. for moue', eters. Fer exemple, bau would' sal yen an order ton a Boat Pound sterling, lu bondon ut 15. buI if Yen vent le the ffpotffe moneo> osdan ould cet yonu -44- Plus commissions lu bo1h casea.j Cents,;-aet(ha poitoffice, -oveuw-- cente- Italiai lire At houka 09 cents; eititse otoffice, avèr cents. For Ibis fos-eign nieei. the poittoffîcte aells Yo la teU ot mono>' criios, Dacie 9@ý&- abouti t le the Mn*m ~t J prices te ccver tIse am*At f pus'chase. - Offitoale lupial TIse resa tIse pOsIttice . the seante rate fer mone> liefoée ths e s pte0fce exihlained. go Yeu Imuet Pp for a Es-itt l iteorEu Oniter la thse Unilo$ Otaies postoff lo Sve oIs a o coulietr 4ilGtlaNe*~ no! Il v oul cors àu ' aqe" premo'et "Eult If. % 'Amus-Sese- la bornatb ,.yasau pèM.4k to tee flxe4 ruate iMet Mil. Liai o ficil a ask wa, - "Weil, Fm et. -6e - boyernamteet hum e bot nobut Mer S, vdma bMM verdim vIeae ouss ksv cOre. . - W e ie .1 tisaI uîglit b.'remittet"à itu siovu (ho loua." is EDIJCAflO Was Adopted by ArMIÙ -Three Nations, Before Coming to- Station. WANTS TO BE AMER1cM Anoiv Latininl the 11111e e4m boy waIseliasbuntil racant>y~ naking bis home vitli t5e chi. a'". the av ation meclieules' 'uieoe~ drserted Great Lakas tb go tu t bineu oft a frmer nas>' Wauin,, <'ast. "lia cliefsaendth lnstygt of th b, ahool sponsora thîe *et Iu th-' tiret IP-091»,driveo by'tîe Germans la tise vit,, paîrenta or Anit>'and a Il i tal I(.t -î te thse Hans, MW. sheli almocked ait gasset.14'" caîio'ol l e 'enr'iL linos sait adot ta by tisa Britishtlop rpent a yeus- habtait thair lii 0*. - Tht' aorth hembing oxpe«It=s. Aniertcun salions thon. toosA and lia, ranained vifli (hent uum1t dos0 et tht ver. Afler mor th te Ansrana hiait returait t .( (issLA.A-Id'-' le Amanice samd te Chicago. - tlie Red Cross (hli'e, liefcm4 namtsof afechWiotharemelgqf e mmhr of the' zodltim an te GrtaI 'Lateoi to finit hie siace ilion haolies boen dan, mambor of the personnel of tlî lion. Supervisons Kircher,. Brown, (Wauisegan), Paddock. m-eo tey, sait others wvose al session of the board-sieib la>' due. (he o>' elame. t. o I.. 1 gy Umm P. 0. NONEY t

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