Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 18 Dec 1919, p. 7

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LMI-:ItYVILE z__1ý1TRV1MDAY, DECMMBER 18,.1919.. APPENI OSAT 0 LAKE VILLA o'- -- ao Gr m .-jP O N N T M I ST E T AR L PD U "enld h yno 000 000 000 000 âtre. attierine s loeder ot ii Uluego1 NUh M IR T C R PD O B E W ED D IN <j'aflte grl aa M r@. D autais, r. La Meer and ber Vîîtt bg M',w t l tthe oilie ni lier m w aa iHE ETA>f 54 irjn ii er -a:lSti dauglnter Eva were Antiicli visîituoa 4lH.eî5,Madlr.O A i-I D I IRL lU RSTO AI ONPRO F fred two air ît IIN XA S M AP1t LL WSdeof whIch ta P . IMr. and liroral. î imn~ n f w u~ a îîand Mr4t tiey bam e , i nmmmu u ~U <L V T arinhe arera, antae Order Take forJob Wrk Rund Lks caed o ibei daulaterringrthnalii. iidanrd. *as. Uic runwo flower girls, enolke ..a. onreM hr't y â, Jl. adM r.Fo merALTt F A C T Bi6i SO C IA L Eflw rs h - ,.O~~. lan Pa t i i ik.el LadinesgH Benbelle rang (out again at, he bride camteAno 13 A nches A tolohajes , * D u> IAi r, P o rti onb eofre oî îc i n n îr e n k lian dT u q fliC if w ai a aida lilier statt r tac.Teqult agodadiont PleaIl foralinSupportte tlanda uiStaklitdii doubie.itweeddlig. Two aiaters i ar- ber b=theDfan ?eteeaai pWe Th qally e godand si watue efr lLoEloquent Pe oSpoto n tkdOf ad 12 ta13 lchesin tickmes. nglit 1 ài. an MrOfJo. flWaO Zioni musiancadanhsothe a ane balo -., lie. bhrideameoaoml W. J. Mueth dled .unday inorning onwitad I lii. is. Jon rlErasreRulief.isLurille Carns oug ,a Conductor J. fD.lTboi0 ieralg rodo lna. he Mia. Rhodes lias b'-,n quite il] the tUroIed (Àast Tiiuraday front a trip in Near East Relief. bath dauhes fo teZoncorIsn afe ogprcdo lns.Tepont week, but lason te mend 00w. thUiet.Joli Ostipieâent %oriîiug T COMPLE IT N SPRING AleSaîher e na eerson bot dauhe w 1edZion pcrsa io ftumrawaultitWedneaday froua thet' i *. Ainoaus smey was talen itliast althtie Aluocli New& Ofllce. Ta saype lvliesof aco.ooopeope Athe abri dermand ilia ters on r o, t' weddln pof '-ana home on Plank Rond. H-e vas a weIl wee ih an a akoi gail aons.j w 'a is ho * î alohî nAmnaadnte etr na ong lSfl o ha-tad Glenn Sparrow were the hpyaPao lydawdh knw ere nthscitrot adL un rrles and taerare, for more than Teb lSusdPa f~a-Ibridegrooris. liss Mary ilumîey ùti tanîa, Illinois, 1i-ilteegraphy i hcg, i25,1) rhn voae oeesIgasre a opAfter the cercnixony vas cours înChîcgo. re OOO o lien fbaiarehomeesa y.lireloi in Waukegan Tbe weddlng look Place lun(lie par- Mrs. J. D. Thomas sotte - leaves bs vfe and (vo daugtîra to camne toLaki Villa :and ra.1-uaey eidiig nswee vthbisliHontw.terefomeofr-sdeî WllamHomea.eas iiliener ! fîfîlmnt fr ov îe hoe.'Vbrewee oe80119. ang EveettHok vs Wakîç j alCComlanîed wairiotai- -i soon as abslle illie Goluen a fariner, lias started ard Taft, Henry Morrenthau, former -althougli no lgnnouincement bas been a laiundred Pranrsae a- he Ov erhli va gv mottmu bi lasable, suit tar twetth louaand dollars dam- ambassatInr to Tiirkêy, and Ale adrjmade by (lie Northi Shore Une Afe-i ma g e rsen ndte584s gy itors. unday. i shr eta !ew days Liges for inJuriets recei td last JJune, J. Hemphilîl. (te New vYork banker veopasia cr1îd 1a Mrs. FrnIn :-y.r asready lias been det'eand there are bY îWilbur GAnn VoliAn ov Zio. Gen Voîva oeeer Of faithlful servir,, of bath Ruiol Oso ad rvn hok oo arecently mS li ber niothi, . vbo le very ien ne felintto an open eievatur mmesoIh.Eituv Cmît.ldIctiions (bat wltb lb arrivai of The wedding Procession agliyrobdom nair. ngi z iletrd, oWueanSnlt. lat fNesr East Relief the former Amer- jspring tOie vork iqiiliie resumned n s ghyrobdom i. g Adeta ega un ~ lir aniM r s. -a n vls ee TAhe Antiocli State IBank la baving a Syrian IRelief, hve Itý.-d s Chislt-, Tom en vsir ber an t ahfrhene Oere n the city on business last Frlday. bot water htating syotein ai.aled ln man appeal for eontfts upport T f o O nnpnAtl ad wee ed Vsloralire s liehote Mm .. rances Boehm lian gene toa(lie tieir buiding. WiiliasnW-Brotera art titis organization and i IRrk. et Io Pn xt entithe Waatilu-tbon sireet1 bis parents r. and Mlrs.a. IL li woIff'le in a nortberl>' direction, atari-1 CitY for thl ievnter and Mine Tente doing the work. Natr Eastl Relief la 110w operatlngIngaet a point about one block easafor Stuhr.Giàli as taken lier place aletheMs oontofWugalaped under a goveronwrnt charter and ls Lewis avenue anti runnfug norîli toi Carleslows hm vrSn Grilioeard. ira.theoliontith o!Wauenla Antipractically alin nthe western Antan Glen Finra avenue tu connert i vid The art, the skill, the dihia ting toi day front Kenoslia. flpoebad n ie ekvi retaI n io.feld. tlie Red(rî- severnt months!ra new track whibts besten laid wet ro uiecosi't JOhbft orse vas a business vstr P.' T. Fowler madie a business trip to Tise bazaar isel in th(le basement ti go hlitgannoi,,, cd is wthdrawsl. ifront Northi avelnue. Thi vould o many craits nt in the t!t.nof An aukganandChca~ 'leady. Boston, Mass., test week. R. A. Doug- the Mettiodiat tisurcli 'ruraday alter- The ChiristImas I c-,trra riasole of tucompete (lie loii-ý for trie cars ioud In re uee r manoChcaoed au. las had charge of bis office in bis noua annd c coing wasa agreat succees. klnd. leaias follova- .proceed East Iu Gien Florai av.nîie toi Cbsences-A ceiet iitoaupptr vas we tissues. "De-ar Frienti-Anoruîer 11(11e chlld Noit Aiavenue, iben saaiirb 1Fpraoki 1a aaja i ~~ 5iCI SliSerod n Oielisto z.Te ntpoe itiese bas shrIveled op and!titeti. atriet aud tIbm dowu (own ad West 12um--uEuP.oe Renev uour dail>' Chicago papers at 1ehm cri "Thnue ri lei nisaprar ae orlinrd~ motber, i rîi.etng bock. gaunt on Washingtla sitreet 8 ]Ele LIi*c8IA .kK M ,i' boindrell a I d. tram 'Iil déi-rt, lias Pnt Tbe t-tac t i lie- toIillîany liba thie drug str. or et us eiverone at Wrok ath(le U iveraAty f Illinois, tLe- dollars. doiva the (bAn Itte houes villi those completed i t.s sivy san] cien li'i nce rh o m i li ie a lecau4e utiftiec.fuel situation,lrs. va taitke and Mss Virgiriiia that arew te romIland hnba unk ie- staked outt theî d Citleopleas fcoirîg coln i- Itdk Ih ttai piu ody wîî Ie(hmpee o -n-aîtnole nw lt i t:iîi oeiiriîi o r d c he-abst a tr c i s o h o l P r i a > , h c . 1 9. S v r y o n t. ur, t u " , 8 il l e s lo w n a i th i e u r c li o n t i tp a r en - ts i n A n t i tit -l. . "* l y a 1 1 ( t ,t ,t n t a m o t h r b u il d i n g t h e tr. w ,s t o f N o r t li vited. -eut on tlie lilek Arroi-itan rond! But 1avenue ta Glen tVtoraî alenti sbows inf rna hyaeefrin M o D n tf r (Frida >' evening of is w eek, but (le Il. M . I-la, ie-a as old bis o re tû ba laf o r im th e y are efficiednt lithi o pu.. t.. ïiciily il an I)o~tfaritliical -l ht-tlugsta- ilt-ces aot Sunday Smillie as, Mr. ttaîigdau aI Milibu-in, visa ii la batvotr trîoen i-mi e arsnti(îtess ior. e îdiîît nîmns Chistm prsents whick &M for* Chrlstmas presentz. IVe lej. ta thie enranof oum -oîls -1 wss htingry rStîrti a lou op l pnu h smiggfo vro ilnt-d tu it-r boinie bylnes tie past lilynes andi tanail>' ailli ove ta Sua- end ye gave me no nFiaf; 1 was naketino-ec IAn aui,-giîsot b- isry the giver and. gratify the receiver, A vrogram, villibe given at Avon iweek and lier tiaugliter, lira,. Je Eber- pet-lor, nake th eir botme. and ye lotitet me flot.' ing else could dri andi unrobtieoll> Center sdebout, and aoti Santa Clans 1era iiaol il ir nSaudyts aeleate al "Teay>-yeot, toarv-~whle we are voîtlie bca payi'.ig I~.tite th(le *91I lie tere t(o distribule gooti cheeri prep.rlng ouir gifla for Cbrlotmsat street car- conîpan>'. and ptéiéits fr th chilren. irs . .hlearsent a couple of Itorton andtie lt ie vas settled aimany more of thlir-eltte ibldren - hAs uiotetilanin wlriotIgt otPrtbl ame, qugt t ant pea-ns ortis cilirn. tiys a at s -etk in tise city. W ukegan vîthout coring ta tral not a bundreti nos- a thousanti, but th op let ei anti n o eat ion Ilipic e ùEberiér apent Suniday aIt(the Mii. liaiton sas givej Possessiorn a 2w,000 oft tiem-ilre sîll nierîng (b spurwhlrh ruusanast on len #O_00000060000000000 Jo-ig :_ MILLBURN *~~James Leonard home, Illei-tour >ear tit bay. IThe couple ai-i unrareti for and gdîne n (lut dentd ; lora,,avenue froua Northi avenuieruhbasvreatique, Oliver,arirn 00000 O** R * 0* I erman Meyer and vife wer, in Ch!- now legally dîvorcetiClilandret 'Mbeirweazeri.-d sktnarlnngin mn>i:-rle abaundedo ent est A asit iAtr whsae nrtlssalkceon. fea t tei rtt bn,%'an nteyerla enapyn n westmenî, i 00 00 00 0 00 agaoit-iel' Sunday andai lira. lMr. and lira. Walter Cinmtr Iaely wotwtIkgaýigbeth fo h a yput eopt leugn eua lAi* rnbugr, un hinrr!~An It (h. put_____theurget_____ s er. Long, ofYorkviile, ltpreclietiMeyer anîd ira. Jot,- Ko-sri are llan- taukanardyaec'nget cipnbet, o!ucanr>pel. qEecic C ki Uess, lîig Dsk bore Sunday inu(lie interest aI thePlil- iiig a trip tu Holint sanafler (lie Mn. anti lis. Murray Horion an(: voire ai one vlio -atcîies os asw ,tatrgildsesoeproaoa grim n tmalb. dyln nt is mA iscli vere ia. prepare gifla (oani-terate lisa blrth oj!DICgils' I iovs prcltos dauglter nas boro Saluida;y, l)t e, î ýely Snyder, tiest daugliter of tht' Waut'gan aturtiay. dycm, IAlo leemao 13, ta lMr. anti lre. Ray'»armrnmofa!Le-v. anti lra. Suyder, vas taktn AlM_______sule-q amn bungryl I arn hungryll l- Waokegan. Tey formerA>' reaidet inlai tliSlil aen4thg iti lday îîftenioa hn y 1"ov (I lude u b TO COOK FOR i13>fq Labor Savers, Washang Machines, IrOI1 ibli vic nlt . b u v a l tro v n gise fir t tif .e 2 I U Q E R C I N n A rm e n ia a re d re a in g th el i n te r. v a c u trn d e a n e r s , u ti u ty m o to r s , BOb Gililuge suent thie veek endtire ant it lAs iougiiî an operation JUntiomn momeants tliey are, net SUTAIT WONLru vlth fridin WaukegiL aI ile l no bctceGsseao ay<j SE0US C ASt protecteti, manj*etftîiem, from t(l ie-~~hIII~ ~~"3'~FS The Comment,1 b>Soieveb (letethe MisetylrEf rage. qs oElectricmo usArticlesintfor thea Thedlet Taoflrats hoe iof Mr. anti Mm.Grey Hughes 113As sendlng a couple of veeka vAtit - EIIAT~J A YThe most.faveufg itate merely attritd- tosnigra lepbi Vas veAi attented andi a goodti nie lMn. and lira. James Atveli. .wL > NL ctiua angsailal eidani glior avrf h~sndalim nlt END NE MÀ Y -d -- IllI !scitools of Chilcago wilI boate coakies increase comfort and mnultiply convenience. r the crottes andi give beautîfuil gifte':Port Siteridan.0 Reconstruction anti V. H. Strang spent Tueaday la Cl- O0000000000000 0 O o <ile tiat peadAng v"Ire cries n (lie Marine itaspîtale nltveek. focag ne annbv s lie um aho as .ANT~o~HMcinsSi Wsomer OJS -el ti al e ' arn aeiat ot eea tesn il npaeAUin a eult vmnetylat ou Saes Room TemmlrsetieEsen 000000000000000000 i St. Hl;On er co'l nCiao inw*'hlt ok for sieme beofbishelurn Se.Oanert"Brutois na etinfood? sitolsIn ccgoaia vAlbaheco" ShPe n heMnurny tar M"But v.rau feeti qo clothe leSes for (lie samne purpose.P" d lo C h a ter an i ( ie M as n a a r i e l n . hugu K elly 1 a s a C h icag o vD oise-o S e p .p er lh n g e e - la mi e o f t iu e - b efo re - T h p-ai- girls are a l m bem e f (h*n e s d e o e hail Tuestia>. io"Monday, t lasteet laIe. Herbert Heover lias ra- Junior Redi Croas anti also memberz Rev. A. 1.Fod àu recthere dania sla in ver>lPOOrLi eup .i Wbed rom (lie Cancauqa, 'It A0 IMPOSsA- o! caoking classes of thelr respective Joserpît prac er -EACH LOADED WITH BRASS ble that t(lue of 200,000lives rau. at: aciools,. ferY As t oner lattam e ina o(alstabui h. Hrn. Aat ssprhsd'ie --'-huaday lie preveunte-jbut the remolli- The inu>'thausantie of coolies (bal U3 I E V C O P N -foea a!re(liemeImprtattbutsIe R.AttlaslisrPrarc'dhelug 500,0@0 cin passîbiy lie aaved.' tbe>j vAl bale vîlI constItute "aux- - Bleu ta coame before the chusoit. (sttblück lbouse on sout it Ont. f d entsvlA lisapeetiWacuki Tlee; neet ularve andi frae»zeandtilary esa" for the canvaleeclng nel. Word reaclieti ere Monda> ',f (lie froua Tee Savage andthie lamîîy vilI gan n a long ftnie occurreti aboi dieI e i Al vtem. lI the name, tiers, ta go vltChtristmnas lurkey.OPN de«lisof William Thonuet thels.home. afmakle (hein home there lanthe future. fiveo'clack ffida>' aflemnoan, andt h, et hlm vhesaw the multitudelas Tite Ingredlents oeth(le cooklis matie 0 RTIERN ILLINOIS bis sen. W. G. Thomn, In Nort BendThlie choir of (lie Methodist chuncli tact (bal no pensons vere Injureti oa Éeep net haviug a sbsjsberai anti vas b>' public scitool girls vIlI lie suppiAéd Ukîlled las ltle short of a miracle. moveivitit cemposstion tavard (bC!,' free of charge by the board of eduis Nebraska. William ThomInlived for viii gîve a Christmasacantate, entitieti Taiueatmbl rcs ve Waecamt bab icpe In USs'yeraAntiAivilnty oving < t heSlaina!lrs"Sud> v-anti driven b>' P. E.Monaban anti A oouitom i tem awas.', 'ley sd net _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Làtsrvlle. vitere h. esîdeti untîl oing, Dec. 21. EvOrYboiY la coerdi4iy W. Rakebrancli. of Chicago, ssci- dflrt, gite >'5 tietett tî r open, lte detb ef is vil. N. thon madie inviteA te attend. lI0& ivAt titre. tana a! bras e tciour beart antiP-re.a" ulgve tla: bilà i wih hi chidreu ]Kr. Los Sole'smothr an s bey eir ivering (tubh Nortbemn Braýs- (besCrsans uwhernho 4«0ss, vbo; bis ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b v ca i h b s clu d e u m e oit wea o te r nt i - Com pan y , qa n e t o a rag lc endint sta n sffer Ag for h Adi t i fl w ith , hom bav co ne te nti ci fr in W aLuc on'ia v bn th e drivera attem ptedt a le m a lt h ai0 suffer tg. T he s' n esi M et di s.a Oars ar a Dreasis.t( maire their home fer Oie vnter. a turai Off (lie footut OfWasbngtar ave ye ts t. redrass et tra l a hve The vos-k of getlng enti>'for loe Street a et he ad o e! listepa leat "U'itee.ndollars aa etb vOl pro- *$*d«igMeanng: .Ir- tbe «M cttlng vas started aith(le Califes-nia turna l te Nortiivesnra dtepot, te vide. fodclotbe% ,ablter »sd educa- "Mcle.DflV Wla going <tgA1- bouse Wetnesday. Cut Sprviin regnidgtnTreed c!ean AStAfctb twa self supprt fltee o» or- s IW4 "mc yoibut If tIses ver. 'ob commence at the Silver Lake ghaUnse aen latietiainsî tephinioune pol » sUebi. j"Mflisdd Ills'. (bshn 1 1rv 01,1on Mnday . hicli prevented It fren in ga val Tes dllars a moitIt ulUprevide j eyb. tbt~~~tss. Chas. Tiffany- la spening bie vaca-(lie sinhanlient anti dovn Oie eeis footi. cLe.ntsherasec tlnwit liAsparent& viî hvere a number cf persnus ve. cern .îaea ng evrdi towuai thlieUlime. Seeinkt "lAva dallais a montIt* vMi prevAde sAngthelat, hicbl ealnMonahan mf ormoeeorishan loi P.~~e E.heILMilAler zTheatr in Milaukee the other driverRa'keliab'ncb, put or "H. fited,000 hmabonepen h DRJG IS -MVicîers in Chicago. . basn te ski. ltcrashet I nt a telée it*tbiatBlde «" eha i tile. W. J Chna nd ife peu Mod j phSa pole lu front oet h. Commer and greter tWI hiaga ban fl e WU 1Chin anigof. cniend >' l m1b te, breakin g t ait. il&' Today aou li 111111U » ttute seamrtmei ahdrivers apeW.inlur>' b3, Umelan--bspeple-,aend l nt à-.ILBOUeivisiteti relatives a jumping but thehr machines. ivera bad dothlaor g4i.AJIES açIt dcmr<t. P sUlmraro 0 oi liOLIDAY GOQDS Chle u udas'. ]Ytisn>aged. Techtau « onthe mon Me ei:lilttAs hdrla bb ira abu rc w r aIltre. places andi bles.dtem, Todas' wA ulle (absi= 8y -l Uaeod retAd[- ~~~mr- and mlrs. john iDrogan andt trair des aollier damage..csrmr fthU U .bmr 7« vsepniie c bnove tie u>f M To ica g b . ro, l y pe M onda >'In l a tak ng dota l . t e e p hes pole - î1 tje l d e . et A m m s a t s rjou i d evo s ir M d uoo ases. l u h Mm e l u is b y a ao lce* 0 D . I . m m d T s~~~ m C h A c a g e . a l a r g e e l e c t r i c j i g u b e l o n g n g t ( a r a s a n t i e a r t n b iW M m a gi v ep e e r b c a s o r d l b - . C . î i e o a m I a a - b,. Mr- and Mme. Wiil Davis a! Kenoelha the bohai as shattereti. t*mfoodanti aw (bamIlie> ,t. ev eIalriaeoaQa té P Ur cboua., out. Biant it he etl BU v t tcformer'a eNether trutck vas quippeti viti "What a ZJoyfniobisa t iii Mlie mtter, Ms-s. Marger« tDevis. bnet ndthe itivea sdte'Td isa v«itI FOen- lS"gs ad r.lapgh- 2verthiM 1abollt C=~.Za y700 Rid somsa bdm. ta PIISIIAN' RECRITINS r.SmOf o!Chicgo Vllteij George brasa nth le (rueks ubingbrougit e s is'B~ism cdemtli!r tbzi c:-prt bloni d cxdcS Twriah aMd tilrekjy oiroU*d . ohinson aver tie veel endi. bore from inte NesIbSen Brais eom- g" apsakia1111=032-,-'O, 70 'CrdIl OmOUIdd Meulu Sabin, liho, 10attessdag i PO.i>"Chicago plant, 'me»"ga e MeIate, I1vsW"aet ntiIr . Illinos Ugvessity, ta sledig dmd bins;lyind ss' aea aLon W yrrc- pr o a ut l oa a ao E REXALL.STORE D. "om. Sa I>in Prents. Mr. and donsN " ~tttte thuse. Mr bsotres. l bave . t &u, yoz ucpesan 5 inlerIu O oeau G2AtY! LAKE# ILLINOIS ILB Wilhjmshansm n "ahie mane, n o v b u n g a o v.- B A D L Y I N J J R I11 AUL E L T A " .to i th z o n t fa tid io u s stu k e r e, &Ax t i c e a o o s s s On Wedaiestiay et titis sveel J'rankj - 15b IYounjw umIss li lm - LEXNE UPm.,' - iboD smesyour ovaishosfte-y noves tire pyoalr - 'KA~~~ inoveti is fami~~L>' la is 1ho e b. -John Anderson. elOye of ti ti-T M R B T w. iesaisbta, tIt m rWN L N ecenftly ttrchue ase B.,g llfft, North homo RXc:rie contvany 0' l'Or HiecutiveO a0mutltsNon EMM utecjflhm ie RiIOCERY AND MARKET William Morgans or WIlmet pua iltWtieia vtna liliîe'BADIS A'TTACK HA»RPORDf2in he. ava>' Saturta>' afternoonami a long Le lisTHINKINA NIÉ ARIINN] oiCt. nlltseàete DÇAýtlt IN andt aIntulfil---canocauseti b>'t

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