on ,Men Charred wth Seltîna Two à.i" ltw ý 1:, 1 500Dstissed. ~ NBSD Y VCTM.NO EXPL.APA111ON IS GIVEX ~'N lBREBASD A When hics and Jobiiu rm cOia * 'î,4. aIla ru. ii vr.umilitaEèE a 'À . ISouth chicirgo and **Big steve" 11une. Dmrk vi. aUlitTb?". orral los .oeUns o btiW b I.C ý%L M .iho O charged rlth baYlal Park, tlirbo mBinS tthber Cm , dC11101ag1O. dtoitT 15s U eindIed John Lan6veC, 815 Markt tmtla re lob rtac tmh,-1IB7rd ït. . p? lrn CiaO rudfl OS01 lb street, Waukegafl. out Qf $1500 b kml 4o. 11ob So. .02104: e4 omg aaIas womas CeUj t, ainlIetneU imons of the "tunnel" game. re.Jr *,toohelNt pege h . I Mdaotra.WIIIJIR at.EnoI rd ' liosPoo~If t raigned ia Police Magistratse Walter ild ef bror brcl n wosmmt Clus. Taylor'i court Ioday. il vas ncceasaf? pe t"lotde muaI ll4ve ion 1 ta dismIsa them for vent of prosOcu- ie a âWbtout ha»dlaoVCrOdAt à J41iit meeting of club Wornen a B.td ditrict otorlleyl <et tî<>p. ihu LamoveC had employ- ellý e. a be#disecldedt I lloois. Atlome.7.OOflrfl A. Mlboil Palmer tbld 110w té reduce thO ed a private detective to, run the tel- elle b. unIS to 111gb living. iows down ho delined to proscute wi e a isu n d o d f5 1e0t th bl>OllWa! ui te«I Et uy," naU1the keynote. thiafertehdbonp rWho. 11*4 takeu ber bundihY "Thinx. talt &bd espect loeer priaes.l' bc sald. "and yen vil! cet areiatrte idbenpa- ne r.pa Boulinet ru t.hle ue be d thoNs" mrb iinide otewrri bï That such a course :nIght and pré:- ;t andth aeiseor11 ime hod, VleramedeononllC coudtinsde 01b rt;aJ1t ably rould 1e taken vas predicted in ~ ni ie ae utheiee, b gof h profiteOrs for l i 1gb pries.. De. c1lled.for e4tiotlosk SnzvrldY grltW - j ~~~~h1:9611 M 4oWfl.gesgtl0II aba alp et lb. a.C. of 1...: he Snsvrldy gei a 1î-Orii#o1ze9 alaNrice eositltle tlrogb s a. te fait-r.îloa pointed out at thal lime If 1h ,e three. %vy Duei. aged 30 living a t nmlOouer athetb ltriet attorney 0f.aee ti agt. imnrr ulyta soe 7 th orslb-'2-rr¶1z ie roman l4acouragO CoIIodevM1Oanti eom. equally gulty as eho b 4 oiiipr6d 3entll. h t0r0Jt indNorthlvarfae. I ith them,IIP-d that If 1the Piosecllt.lOl Wfa pacod u"dot arrost lb? _____ venm t wIôvuld be necessary for ,ýautbffl, poice MoildSy n9L SUl.4e I Chre r-,0zd roplras n--r*îîstatWd aiso that Lamovec ras, Ck harge n t lemtYil tjn,1atha aofIii. T eioier coti-MS7T IRG O KILLD DMore anxlous ta gel bis mono? basc .e tberh ian e couneAlte li, anid . t a lm.tiste ofcr oda-ViG KLLOM thag be vas ta proseculo and It ras -e errnet apPo'be Mi 1 . . %1'i hckt tecrr . 1 . Avon. Iijch., D1ec. 2.-The n-me- suggosl0d Ibat If the alleged sviftd- be 111 retOt» 10 berelofamil* e )i= juor diaor M gel tisaI cl Itltindd.torY whlch han beciouded Maud Ta- lomrs rimbursed b11n ho Probebliy L nteman weo -prferred 'At vas bor'$ lunusual deatb atid 1110 conctcal-I rould decline tb r>r5cuto tlffl. . M*ale the 11aL Atte Globe store," wsthe te- ment of 1the body ln her btpo chesti n Î,a ec_414not uee fit te, give his Jug aIa11l ibea ronis rp«ly gtlt' vl ,- ni the basemet tof her honte e#est u aOn -1or-T aing ý%w -0oite the ilngoloths abod Ira suiaa Alrgtitwl Utmââ PreD ioaring up to4a y vhen Mmr. Sarah mnbu lm1.e.ye ra .01 ~~~rEl puid s$10 sl C ~ Mê ~ot l" hTabor, ageti nblher,.0f 1110 iti1. tu theh bastIng and allorêd thse case 't0 be i w *i a omne os <etflcor a;ggtld.e mg~d-nsIatejacat by. pg«.s as- mised - 1 1 lTkohta~ n- AIrted bul t eùC~ sed lier inn-aJouppb VlgCo, clfimtovwent ta South Cbtcmp ?~ 1~?ia*a ier.,wivltea aW d gdfor m0e. t1110 DIjetla.' u.tm nofr11 sttsbepr 0f oloe 8mon e iting la ineluct 10!)rOsocute. Virgo caledi ett Ibm aboe bôone tbe pose of purehigtva barrols 0f or M . ]meIt bO best rook in April. 1916, and, to *hikyfo hlb oVI o a WU xme e"< e imset.ii. .-Maud avay accordlng 1to t tt9$1600. Ho pald over the 2lonoY but tie 1ai- Orii 0 Ê 1Stt6 ment. brlnglng het' bac tbree days Wben *ho got hune fould tle barrels veo rwreort t b le nmdi.1 a 11Men.uBUlater criticeily 1iiis. r.Tabor a td. otiednothing but railn rater. pu sore.ba4 111*thlef qould mManlàrsd Mu iduedyMatet2am. Hete1a mpodJms110 te ib 1olIe. aetf rené b ow & th 1e prvicthtie renamod by Mirs. Tabor ln ber Queeny. a grîvato doteetite. as h ~ EUllilg f Mim; lisselusettg e auanIdlaisformer tory-frorn effeOts 0f a- late,ycoervrlocated 1110 a stlI rnitOf it os. ordTJWII '9*5111115'PWeet Get 111115;" legal oliration perrormoti by Virgo, Imo» n lSoub Chicago wriseoho pIO- on al &MId. 0f SOIM H6 tr.t 1ev Bafilpà*Ie la ngUsis, comI .11he doclarod. cd tbem undor arroat and, brougbt wd pV tbide*11'Gome eoektromHîmeISmty, ,Ungland; .Il vaU Virgo. hiosoif. an iandertaic 1c 0 aieal w*70e t eo r they »Ad a vemmt la iFrtech, Vp Mont, mean- ore, rho put tho body tnto tbo chet wàrrse tl 1e f0%se11<tiail"ls n t n." Witlreference 'and carrled it tb the baseuieIt. Mns. Sayi,.virgg SougltteaiBd o M ICOIhonie f0110»iç4 Ium d tbere U alteflOTaoraetteWUtmtelaî Sdy- I nswr rnto ra ietie aste 0-18 oitk Ilan o ocks nd The statemnt adde tisaI1the underr1 usina i fof proninot selIe pareti aico tho aogbt ta ship 1the body ta wietberI' ila ate ta alar eR baby mmd sred cloely.e OQverffle Ibere. iliodes. another ulalo. Ilg.~ueep Ys*brl. elt e ut, bs mu* r k b te&fo' ___________Tho nioler eald abo provectod Ibis. >stment OfthtiseBro*ikyudn gi mYS ~WVOaa w i mdle rbich Vîrgo, held lin1the Vaurn Wei 0011- "À cbild of 11101 age le apblêOr ha:, idUltieBlly 3a.11 o reat Piseo et Orehw.eHe ty Jan as a malee.l l wtàea. raF"to torng iii iortsoft microbesu md 0i" 14 éW-OI-IOM t131t Ià pot- Te,'ris. aregcacke ever bakod va hoconfi'olted vils lira. T&Wg RignWi<t Infectt1he dog illI sOmethlalg th 11paper b.d bpen tom 1 d o lrdjkkwnmmi fed confession Ioday. UtCëOfl'nhmd m& llsn'it very salefor 1the dog À 4oM rM thelb corduroy célotisi as UprIMasîs. laWUelgiteell yards long treportesra l i ssr bthe a0 ould bave a eeprtebd l hi'h ',y« wide Jén4 Oue an .iat undertakoýr. erlng 0f Ihe contessioil ebage O tal evry? nlght. Odi. igurred to, 4N'bt -C"i>IIl%ýdO 1I aetnd bascolapsed. îâ: s m as *éVUs tss4ý ttI1._____________ T'he Sf qre ojtëhe Chji Wi»v u Re a Right now we have an enormou8s wk o! Coats, -Suits and DVesses on, whieh we are slasbing pri.ces rutl,ëIeey'to do Our Part in the fight againât the H. C. L. Howfever, t la nuit.e inpouible to say what the priea for the condug seaaoa wilb e althogh ty aebound to increase Mince eaeh mail brings some notifi- tei6 from sone wholmler or manufctutrer of a 1017 to V57 (mJineret in îprice. C oats to "$0 t A vriety 0f prgtty style. lu good fabrlcs and Colora. '~Winter 6,at GREA TEST 0F ALL pretty long nd shrt modela, plain and fur triminetiln a vauley 0f anaternls. Women 's and ML4ses. a AT THL Waderful value Indeed in broadclOtis, volOIlfS. élc.. In stunningiOoiciilg otue orofur trin at many pretIty re«smsof wo101 seges. -Pag-cllO5.vçlt atý 'w .