Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 25 Dec 1919, p. 5

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CLMSsF A CAMSLADIS ENRMIEI -i Jel , 1 ..flS0 1N1 Of O Libertyvili-e News PeN emPO Maki si 7AS HE 3RUELZIS WHE #£"#TER_____________ Farners Prosper, M SN ELS A Peruq Carges Pr iiedrltvsheeSna. Lletvle iie usd'. 'f ertyville, movln.g fronittis place Ila'- i canri liJîdge K.eM. landia tA #Wns wd wh ^rok M». ranis R Trpu a cojïnd t Mr andMro T.X Sin 'f Wu 1to9hstu Okambooýt wrOlsThstn-.?ÈOkl aday- oeàihis ttetit ça bier bied by a severe attack of lumbago. kegan visiteti relatives lbere last Fri- j dependent tat thingsaiareboo4'9101c1ledPost Aie acto 0fakng Ame ASK A AE'ALSO. Mrs. Frank Rtittier andi Misa Idia tends, a ClipilDg freiî inte flily Okla-'l). }îa>w<jo>,te sPeak there next Soin- tellng f te alege exerince ýý Joephliaio-rla oiie fein he ni-e I go around making speeches," Jutige Sosepb haut-r La botot f rnm the Uni- Andrew Decker of Iighland Park, csone negro womîn receiving a Ldis added, referring te Haywooti 110,y ! înls taaetitb bi- pet toa wthAssetert hE ib sas$17 for one day's .work. The' aidibis coîlvicteti 1. W. W. associatea. day..OUi lokLe aioc Deeoker, and famlîy. article le publlehed tinder daté of Dec. who aré oitliîberty under bond. "The tedty auserted that 'hé wili dause te.1 13, anti le as follows: Unitedi States circuit court of att- *eU t 0f the sorlb0 on a c4arge of -Mi'. Quawood andtiber fiece, Miss Shirley, diughter or Mr. and Mro7ï "Plckl 1ng the enormous cotton cropPjde cntinuaed t, n there la 'otM- PloeIuMd as i turtiet the <êae ove Lillian Bean. are spendlng te hoidays R. IL Thomas,,la lit la bied wIth a coid ln aouthwest Oklahomna bas been soine- mg 1 can do. 1 was ld, however. té aft attorney witb rer&rd Io 1'htintBlue Mouf , lli. andi aone fever.watdayd inebofrtoD-tatheem erreesiudr startlng of a libel suit againshfwhtdeadanehe isto D-tha h.emnwr ee dfne paper r.Lbi ,Worr adltl a- Bl@WihtsatdSna o a cemlber by ènow, lept. raina and celadiPromilse flai they iwould refrain froin 'If 1 fiad Unit the tatementi,<» Ma Lsi .Wrrncoui-teBr iaiWjh tatt uny o a ethr la een e il ýat-îweecb making.' t9ilied Ilb Clo article -wàich #tppearet hatla. Warren of Waukegan a.enî Sat- DlIgb Calif., to apenti the reinalàdoer e.Itub s a.-.a JdeSnulAahlr0 ied *6 Sa pper are libelous I shall mot u uj nigiît .itli Mr. andi Mrs. Byroni 0f the wînter. ib ci-thtwt n Jksn aondt alone wlll cuitc or fappeals, salol bis court Obe*Wy abs wortb=bgtwgen ten snd Aweleim1li- culd take no action as hi' aaw It. ertuntysuefordssage.," Mr.MM.y I W*. Clis.nt dugbter, lion allais, nnd n proportion to act,Thoonly Pmse e te rom Hay - Articl. eUtc&4ly aeuseti me of lHelen, Mary anti Marion Elula#r ~lilasineVlrgInta. vilI apenti the booliday 55e planteai othar cahnties In this part w00d andilbis assaciaies, .iîiÔe' AI- tiBia a a on*t tipose te stand. ffoiticuau îî i, > Mr.and lirs. W. B.vacation îialîîng wîht riends in Misa- of the state bave dore equally as i an-bcuter exPlaineti, waa bat tbey re- Moy auci t&iwarrated attack. If w fi-uJn fipom repeatlng the thinasfo letî te lb. a fîght lot', gà te IL" isecker, were 1lU lent atek witb severe ..ipi The cotton planti-ri bave nisi be-cawblab they were cont'ictedl. They1 Ibo @tory. whlch iroisa Mr. Hen- oIdia. 1 ia ene et 'Itbe anly tanes vo have rospered by! were founti Suilty of obstrueling the eV4~~~Ms vstbto o in ligei ai lra Monday for ber ité large coiton crap andi higit prices. idiraft and lnterferlng witb tbe prosé- nias ~ ~ ~ ~ r» liAn ausgn tmW. iEColins and diaugloer Cnider-,i. .forrseerlInstance, thé expert dot-, (Ution tif the war.T h dippecrerepregentd hintsel te bc Mss sitgwitb leer dausdayterltMroiton picker Who bas hb ,'n drawing front appousg arnWs consdin sel o ie i5,g a iî ~edy lltliStanley Haton. $0Joaha.Wtîeii mya-bn Gfith as awrece tmea, ant a ÏMarage license. Taking a young Nashiville, Tenu. te remain for the. bol- $0t 1 aMhl hsmya-hnTois arneAan n apis itE -Am lhe applieti for n Iday iseakon. Kaiberine and Margai et, tbeý ittk v ear to some te hé rbeurd, It Is a fart Jobn F. Fraber tarais, comprlsing IWWM.. He tollé of belng sent toaafduhra0Mrani rs Carli ib tat many picitot-t lit Jackson couoty about 320 acres in Sections 27-28 onIR OUC »WU MIafor an e«leulo baltb Car- MinssDorotliy Hauci anti Uiace M. Gridi½y, ar, iong tihe lateat vidtima have matie $16 a tia ant in somte n- flvlidcie street anti MilWsaukee road. tiiCats andaisei5 was dîrectc-d te the AUnth luit irîiay niglit fur Manches- of cbicken pox. 'tances as bigis as $17 a day bas bcen The belief tiet ails tbart 1ie tîroperty home of aianioitter, aekAng temalt ' i-aitr n i>sarbas been purcbasnd as tit, site forl aasrcu i'*r nlteiA eLv.t pniCrsmsatsiItcutybreioocaSwatyCi #kue sort of mutal uniderstandtng. ativea anti tiitiilt4 Miss Gladys Bulkley, wbo bas been whbie many farmers have been piac-.- cagoan. 'lie article went on teo tinice Iof attaJnding bigb scbool aI LauraNob1, ing teir ortiers for i,,uo îîg cari antid________ li.Honda. for bis -plan or lssurng Miss Jeannette Taylor l hom nte isinst.enditiglteliîolidais witî, tbci daiîy beseiging te local decalers Wo ittr4g@lilcetiss tu Wisconsin Nortlweutei-ilLiîïîverauty tu ead the' suno, Mis. Jantes Macit. ar (idsirlhmn ndIvýC u c J ervice ,= . ~a alleged violation of tfehlic iy ei, irainstr61jar cndscea udîc ndlv l~egsa aw. hMoffctt antier MisstsDrDora icries, the cotion plekers ibhite. black- ~ ..~s<0fth mate îda jMrs. J. L. Taylor. Mî c An .Rpeakee ualfithe attelrungtIs isHee Sikc isait -A rs f hcg-av riet l.antiMexcan--bave bepa living on METHIOPASi [la'COPAL te.mb la acting on legal aîivice isle ily ba rie ertyvillete 10aJend lte holiday aieaon easy street anti tenanting tht bEst, A Mer,7 Christmas to You Ail, Ml~ qt±hney andtb iorefore la witit- home itou, îiiltdale, miciigua, ftoiSthtAe PaulA Maci lin Aomeh ea h aie1firs0 e>- Thte Chtristrnas eniertainment was, Wus rlhts. Ha sai that the re- tue noîîia>s. Miss 13ulkley ta attend- 1 thing. Negro woa(n lhave beeo Pur" gîton lest nlght, aben "The White; porter w" oapAtieti for the licena. look ng colt g.- ,,t aae. -rs. Itatiltis Gibson waa serlously riîasing $75 catls - oin Altos nmer- itfoaKl"vstnire. UQ affidav'it Ihat lbu vas frorn Wis- -ijnAWnisa tc ie lpeicatat ti lti ncommon oc- jSunday Scitool at 10 a. m. cemeoin andti Itla for thls thai. lie sais. E. J. Hauer antisou. Claiene0on an icy waik anti feu. It la feareti curreace.tu ave te ni n.ul out a roll of Miun oal II .m ,(aa 40 tarIperjry ~oceoiag niLildiI± tayntnd ,iid i-.uj liauir- litiber blp As fractureti. 1000eyanti pay $L!5toi a giafonola. JEpitorîl League devotional services Tb1e article ticit appearet la thsei Ocg ae aofaigl es-n'à,uji h àIdaàiii iKu>. J. S.'Thse -local waâheî-women bave netat 6: 30 P ni. floai nature. lslttta i i,, siting wit relatives ant irliends. .S rtut cste !te«Firso 1 t ona plain Engliso, ont t.Et coing worebl» at 7:30. National Bank. las back front BattIsg n Mrn. Medstdy ao ia a-wl xa ale . .hnCeekMwtt" ehetoka oi.washie4woinas iliotiitcd lier foirmer toi Thse Watcbnight service from 8l t0 te trc sigle of affairs, tmani, ban leit ter a fino i.a>svacation. of treatmenîs lna a aitarluni Lt l oyear ated ciithillg antimetmeta 12a I Lcautliy crti1prtueavti h -_________- wcs cnAiatn 1 ottin Wîs- fmeti itaili relatirt.a about theseaime position tbey ail take. abown'at 8, followed by e social hpur.M s WbatelbarroeuIn Africa. Wosnvatn it ettlr t Mr. anti Mra. Ben J. Simn iii e-Titis problent bas litueti tartially soltiti Froin 10 ta Il a camo-firo sing andlMost Ibmtrii. a sic-ii'trowala out Aietî jtetatiJ5 onfChtristmias !trs. Simens by thse 1lo auntiry wblcb bhas tou- Shritr$lglaura lb1, k 3e' nhi« An norand lImes aeriaeli- OTl Lbrt.hatr aur-parents, Mr. andi lra. M. Stoil, anti sis- tîhti Is force andthle men of the tOiI gospel meeting n carge o! the pastor. 1W 45.00 ntiSoO000sniuuiy. day nlglit. a lady's back 'cIvet bag. toi- Mise Lucile 81011, of Làncoin, Neb, Wtîopuicisiet i ient wastding ma-Breakfast viii hoe ervet afler mt'To - cntanlsg mae ani Tle ey O.andi Mmr. Haroldi Stoil o! Chticago. -ctnaat eret ooeaete.nlgbt by lte inembers o! the Epvblrth -,and s*fPP 229. Retai-a b LovellUs Ding Store. 1Ten dollar manierle sels for te vo- Leagïue. Evorybady velcome. Ouwpr O .Liberal rewrdi. 5-p-i liMra. Paul MacGuffin bas receiveti a men anti $16 silk shirts for te boys O r pp * Tfine box o! bollw frein lber sister, Mils as ebnnItoue nomn a-PEBTRA 1LeV 1 Mr.andi Mr&. Chai-leu O'Caaner and i -Nora.Lee Peck of Portland. Oregon, bve1 SAtruuei no anaamy PSBYl tE10aNm fail f Nov Liahon. Wis., Whobave'an ont of mialleloe fro br ouilues in aout-îvent Okiaitora.ibis year, utiySctola 1 . a been isittg lir OConera tater lira W. .là f liero T us nwtîo formeriy considereti sucli things Preaciîing at 11 a. ni. Toptc of tise mtua ii a r e ia. Jsiting rfOonr sBstr rs .P. etitn Te a" - Ouafor mill1nares only. sgo n,"Bar Christs Yolte. optt h é a tr e i, oudLaké, as in ibertyille Tesda tiova ln blstory as h. moat prosper- Bien WIll lamc t t10: 35, eeigth Colins qo ofMr.andMrs Edard]ybissubcritig) t Th lnexwd-ever enJayeti. Nover before bave tise Christian Endçavor at 6:45 p. m. AT~JDAYDZÇ. 27 jChtisi, ls.rrived i n San Francisco, 1 et force. lMr. -Brckmin saYs teeeu,- fa a sat rm$ a$ e u-Tpc Hwt ieNI erBt after service ith te Americssj expe. titg la n full bat on Dinond Lakeredtiet cotton pcei, sud Iis la -I. ter Than This.?' MASON & TRIJEX in ailtAon ln 5lberla. He la expecteti home andtihIe bousea villilho fifleti to caps- o . bV Altus,' for the cotton pictiers de- Préaching at 7: 80 P. nM. Toplc o! u~ y te Nov Toar. city Iis veek. mand that thiey ho tiken 10 sund ftorlte serrnon, *'The Curse of Meroz,»- mu ye u* . J .aîmaorgeilpsta- Ms C Plgwvbs nsr.the f ields n an auto. Liver bai basa Nev Tear's service. Speclal Muie. iDJ5~ iE5S .7 11 Aiernn, ui-genai ostrai- lir. C Splng vb ba baa srA-a drag at local maîkets and pork The Christian Endeavorers vA.iiold ter, may lhea alover o! doge &I rigiht ? OuulAuipomtfor sont, tinte, wB5 chopa, orterbause. cblckn and tur- $lio vatch night service la the. churcitL but net n the postoffice lobby-es- iiifficlefltly recoverea ie b. ac- key have about crpvded Ait off ch. Wednesday, Docenther $1. The sarly #% » ytDMC. 28 pecalîy the otiter fello's dog. g0 o!Comnpany ber daughter. lira. Louis Lai- block. Many people inIis section of part o! the eveantllviib. apeat la JON sAaaY»Mpa- lie hms a aga "Leave Your Dois Out- son, f rom W*UkegaQ 10 Ubertyvuie lte Moite vWho fOrMeriy oomplained o! gaules, liter a geoferai party and final- aide' pocteai conspieculiiiou the door 14ioaday. for a \.hà; witislber ber the bigh cSolilving nov gAve no ]y lte Watch Service. Ail are Wei-I "Test of . S e9 o the pombiffice. Idanuters, lira. Ait LaVorne andi conalderatlon oflilving bwh." cone-olti andtoni aie Lai1l Friday even 1 ng lira. J. 8. Grit isa Ethyl Spring. ,_______ Girls vili bave their regular meeting' 'Baisse veathen conditions Mallkh bySoqe M g % iey entertaineai seventeemon ga EI>1418AY, DEC. 31 die at B basket shover given n honor radcal change, tbIs veek wi s este IAHM TO GUT RIGIT-OF-WAY Monday, Dec. 2». Ail set for practice of MymeFmt Wo a soatoLibertyville Ieattses fililed i vtE a-on the big -Play. Corne sud flua out -liaoamz~et àisbrie.A yr e nl, ho 15uOOB 10fin ln vfpuebyta c. oèwat you ywlilieb.expecteai t o<o. The -~ . abrle~ vey dllgttu titevas <iullt 0!pur crsti le. ora I rty 0waer Wmutes $500 PUer est of te veek *11iilb. devotedti 1 esjoeti, vit gamn Mad .rmuilc. Broa. have théhr bouse nsarly fijed. At eticie nteMjrprs Or Setter, » Llght re!reahoments ver. serve&i. It bai a caisactty 0fabout 1,600 tous:. oe frNolslt mlwy taieonhe aorpts. -4 flTii. boue front vhlcbtse supply for Rode 'IlwougI Faut Chir practice eaçh Frlday evenlag Lient. Lloyd Taylor, vevaw.boahl oeI.asowulyf Mt.wî--lr. Mattison, citoriter: ia uat. Adro verely luureti a montE ago t Dan- lian W5lrem viiwitrüt, *Ut Up mny of the. A. W. Meyer, resident ofthtie board . -- -at ville, Ky; An an airpiane accident, waauai produt 0 e mplaesn., ofrustees and chahrmu ofethe Dt _Bar,____________ ERTYVIILE, 4L. the. ligbest Prke. fer tand OIdAuo tuai einhg. efthe. shane- 1 te Fiaet-National BanIk of *01 be held alta oficel Uliuoiâa, ( n theSth= Ofe it 8o'clc . m.vorte Airae urs (ir he - Thon tý* raisctio of uuh brught te te borne o! bis motter. Mi. &'U"g n MfO 100 pant neit'rlngton <bcd Rosai Asaoeiatl nsd ClisaTaylor. Tuesting-afternomon fint prlag. lother membera of the coqmntttee a.-cý lte JanesiicAlister bosplati. Wtuke- Reuben M. Thomtas and 01* 5 UL;olateti atte lait meeting of the boardi g&in.Dr. J. LU Taylor statua chat ch.eliarh. tva Progreagizq iiascîs a o ! ftrustees 10 secure rlgiit of waï from young mmnla. gettlng along nlceiy, but, or tevu, have just hciheti utluthelb.village limte a 10the Pa4lIne lova- liaI t i i b. ieverai veeks before ch. Djelco satern o! Oketricllht 1 nshlp Une over vIe teo q0mtot ttc 'bu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ thï h bet .aou r ornes and outbuilhigs. Theyt Proposeti Nortbveut b.lAUthlb.con- Y. w. P ransen. Jr., chu progressive -poou1 h hwvput .cneg o ai 0 al ghe W. raMi ilCh- lUmber merchant, baisfaitE a intefor- Ing fine. 0ne by oe eoui farntrn are aaelgc. ~ .W al tbc dveipmnt f ibetyill. udadoptlig mode ier mprovernents, sud vay tracks te Demu laN"U, bave met la baekint upý tat t#bn a 1Ae'nov vUIth. teieph,ite h. r vîit difficultlsa An eroouri cthe landi va, s a vîenel~y* agbe'hed nt *'henryford," dallY MaIl delivery, necessazy for the ao empiement o! tu.asa__ lecidbe hroargeshd. - etc. tii.fam., do« iMo:t a e MW th, e roperîy for te terage eorinuber andibuilding on, bett h mateial1 h laeretin Ju W'estofbiaelty cousin for iiavlng ativantages BUePPrtOwss'ojc oth t e eAiS Ato . T s ed t eg 69uil val1 af vic î a ew yeff n go eM ed te ltu rosai gong t rogti i reu lad, wvinA ce lelva nd hemsa comte by145 ut a dreana. f otbai5 vant sunoeiaiJysprice for the celan cise, u b ai aThe LUltyet 6 ________lpt i b lvibe ireuit for rigisI- carset lnthe. Ti. srpasmna -. f-vay. One faim ovuer, il la under, gageIl lte construction Ïbowed 'lunconnection vitI tch. diabas-ment stooti, latiernanding psy Bt the rate of themmeltes 10 b. true »tirote sud suai o! Atty. John L. Metion b>' lte u.1- f500 an acrq for landi nequlreti. preaincera, ai tEe>' ver. to b enat iDraeocourt Wedneadaia. t la recalleeti t s rwtyOnrâ r raoa cokeeydy epietenw'n hat the action vas due to bis'fillng Unespoartov i a'raot- von -evterdalu pt e li 55e a nuit for tiamaga agalngt. _jutge hie in thclî demanda, condenînation colt-vetue lat vek.Chares M. Th-npaon o! Chicago, su- proceedîngu viii -prebabl>' b. resorteti other attornetX, anti a plaintif! la al ta.- .*Q0fing Tour Gaioine.r' la hie tlle divorce mUit, to Injure thelr characteri The Nartsvest bighvay vas speci- io! an article n lte Dec.20 tenue 'Of IbrOith tPublication of -tbe charges l ît ainnfliernetah'cn The SatUrday Eveaing Post, vrlltten thte Chicago nevipaperq. The court fe sOeO h.rfd ob ,n bY L&teýB. CIbY Un f Mr md ai that ho diai not bring tue auit, atructeti froiptch. $15,W0,000 bond le- b>'Lesai . Clt>. on.o! ir.Bitiln good fIth, latendlng t0 disis l sue authorizeai by Cook couit>' votera lirs. Byrcp Ceiby, výei knatv sd uai MoStn as te fMing hati "erved hbis at lhe Novomber elîction, sud t la ex- dents ofI Lbertyvile. .Mr. Voihy vas purpose la Injurlag the. reitutation of pecteti thal ch. couuty coîmlassioniera for smre tine On teit staff of The Ci.i JudogeTito-me. wi lbhm eady te begin on thE road:inl cao TrAbune. but la nov dltor o! a ibe pus. - a treae -PubIIaioa"'etroieunt Âg."____ ira. ,Walter T. Mariatt or ICXmoba, LWigeouui, .MS=mtinedi tte 001, frt ahe ofet vtng ( gi lat't pamiBS Mr.Md* *4~~i~ ~~~ 4" 1 igo. ioeiwivy m »u* Wý U 0e37 - r ~ ~ usbm,4FU "*msit New Lïnen IK kerchiefs, iLadies' /Waîsts Il ~Žfl1 il r~i~iil ERE ARE YU VUABLE P-APERS:?- We have just installed ini oui, Spf*>ý Vault 36 NEW, Hcavy-Type Corý SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES. Would you* not be wise tosec >tkqth one of t hese Boxes in *which; to Ikg 'notes' deeds, -insurance policiet, ab"a other valuablea? Cali and. se.- tbem. For your UBERTY BONDSoui SAME TNG DEPARIMENT service is beast service is fiee. First NationlB of Libertyvle, IIjnois ES 0F MORE THAN HALF A MILLION M thertily do10 we, exti s rtogs toyou, Oft bour pmSrns and fieind&a: Fori ttrt durnnt h.e elwe eciatioi i htelt and smcr. To al: eare praipared *g o YOa lb, ei'vie for netym, langer bette than ever be*ogq. vie Il Children's WOOI W. W., CRROLL, &S phone 99 Uhmrturn

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