Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 25 Dec 1919, p. 6

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IÀ He~~y4oer etbli ;rotdpoil- mey Order Iseued et tis aOffice, o.p. a, eutomber1. 11lu& il vou drawmu poe the siçao 6 etoffle mor vas for mortff relae, 'ln eo ever prouénted focr paagmmt. la Ou oj& tprneu a elui ettios dyâthse ver celled "Foeta SNotd.' Ilvu stgdà dbyÂAI C. chigthé ~tot TorWIISS#on the Mr. Hedocker &4ap vs thé, tret W R M butiil Olic SndYv "avrftit tis posala cg arO! sanued At thé au eu _rn b m<è4iç am gfl'R i oi un- 1ha eibOffic, on Oetober 21,.1911. t - ce.telcsi o .t1i I&M i arcwWakvldtlWineeex treng -l a sti ' rlie t Ok V o euu 8iKyala~m n d *Va.. and mae<l et lIColmond 1unf oIks8 homne fo r a ihcqlaberr.»A ece I*Bdaul iig- on Mrb3,14.te bis father. That offIe m~ bs uidkabteiy mpsdd ton n CITc>I, owh fle ddrese lo curlous la sbovn by offii. m, as *dMbtëy h' nedè tin i ý arrlt owk the. followlng InscrWpton en thé. en-0 ft~OBAINNGLIthe ;ise8xflIian*isdi lýOPUOSvelope: 'Ic. P. Heydeckger. 'Town or!t à.maIIG ITvW i -1 yo u teee.liiprand botit "EVN E"FR N ITM Steilng, Littleforte, Mlllcreek P. 0.,. ditinalhoms, fr rur orkes. akeCouaty, Ill. As there were no dlioOa hme fryor wojS a.-Postage ataxw n taluibse days thbe n. e-ordparttcipated lu IJ. B. Hugerford, Carrail, loveav-tope W Ubad-stamped la red-bbrown sace f oug idan ommt) wb<>, Ina 111 'ovnd b.Wa-u, 10 cente, pald." EII1CC'I'Ifl IW 'UC egý a br. Wydlee aIthe th pases ob.aM re.ult in iumemsI a" Gazette for a few mootb, j .R..eras eth os fth police teday. rbehéiilaI.principalIniraan unuseai lavaut t r or. fa umber of brtiken batik bat the sppropiated aWbIoh bas lust ended l ie fayor. notes n a one-dollar batik note itt wtur mpproprlt a y's what a dsa wbrm aro i hcIbas bems raised teo$10 by a M. Waukean Idgh schoci L E ______________1_ontereie L hot for éeveral.heurs. 0- ' is E ar oll,1wa. Dec. -17.-Oue of tbc ka e umines of noeéof U I AD I DI edest lawaulta ina thée bltroflv > t te- Tave thejVcomplote ha. Icet rome te>an end bere iA> IJ .NlB E ~eê t bae he ciiplteThe Iriret Baptist Churchbôbughta a b. day là Over. picce ef read estate fr0211 C. J. and M.' ' on% mlo ld th Babies ShWud be Recorded as ÎR. spf. 'D'w ern ~u t.teiet»b uoe, bou Carefuily as LIvestook, Wben the churcb etarted te clear T eaik ti aubig ef the ld woodon back on thé realty Z NiII apea rdyngtt State Board Says., te buld-a fine new structureIt Waals N HP £o gket.ball gaine ai the bigh et'edta 1 de n cnrc lm he iett the acheol a detydd bt tus oet k. thé. outit vas misslng. i1il, ll-le- t-yoledte ui oete iolîovîng ithe suggestion of experts j f aotfying the police lm- p&rtmeiit ot hegIth bas âsaued an ap, ihacks te a ne en the street and that the béat place te eliminate Redeà à4 started ouit t hunt for Peal te physilans Of the stage tr inaintain ht there for a. long terni of In the United States le te deny them t e.e#o'ck la the moruing Observe thé iew ifliflols 1gw reqtifriig qas etizcnabhip wtien they apply at the In de#paîr and madie a re- thie reglatration ci birth certificates. MâuC1ch urteshty devcioped an te a utralizgtioii courts. WaukegKsIo la D014-ie The latter called l'li departinent quotas tfrom a bul- why thls curluus provieion had been1 folîowlng the plan very rigldly. Thist n eand iearnied that the Itn of thé federal public beauti serv- Put lit the conveirance. bsbe ocal utels e tteuodhom poe Une ce hovn ghc uecsaty for blrthi The~ officers Who acteri for the naturalisation exmatoa li tIt waz learned. tbat a regfatratlono. . chUrCh, bari slguied the Papera wiih- biere.eaiaios hl 1 te for cmats, cas e a Thle bulletin stye- ont knowlflg fiwas in them, they de. Thei examinera vio cm ir *9viu ait $140, the "Horne and caille breeders own'Ing clarcd, but when 'the graniors vere tram Chimefo ui cat e ap hornsà a~l ocat, ver. amssng. 'bloodad' stock do net fait to have rsl<ed ta B-Yilytyie papera tliey de- very clsey i eanthethcr or nt tetefar and on the their animale regletered.- Itaddsclined& paeItlveiy. and Insisteri on telühaelaY teleanngat%.vr scia.b ».tbe black fur ceat adt e at and lterfrju ti tu specifie performance of the cOn tn ý vn oeraialtnanis r,,7V to tismolag .e reuarfedflr iahy daleble &"tract '6 the VMi7letier. s o la n mIn dicatnde tha kin a the. second coat. Csutnsoag ibis attitude wvî ll Ti.cburch reaorted te the courts Iiahteal a IdiedatidIfthe alii-d alailledvlit fi hlu~ o!emay caelse parnts theto st g ldetii.part O! tii, coutrreci.cent 18a Ubected te turther investi aiYoug mon >UI*le :helth ser« vé the' lot-fl- devalePed on the. trial that tlw gaîhon. r , 0e e * lho b« out lo d b. est re. wpbit re a the Pov iion rea tat sl apîatfoglteipl vncn V' e osn eca 'ui » brh esn i6poiio0o mitfnn e r as that la concerneri no - iflld hvl. "I T. ~ B.H .?fed, ehtc o!tii;< scrutialsed csrefully. Young, men.i M6ld a t e-j.-o rTe hoWUi e chtlmo ha a'MdF94Iée wu P t e pat uroo vy ho latmed exemption lu thie draft b ~ecye t r ".T *i . i.cbl a i lh se plantà an eyee-sere i L Infer ether thon fainly reasons are a e sp etbtia lttteeuor oHo., ufront of bis résidence fer ail tine. ebli te siii a seod acotant .cf * t ton vhe partiel-., '*To*aTe v wwhen the chlld lias e Once POblsbed somethlng about tmeete.Further than thai every tI the rht te 8eek enmcYment under a S»eclit vwleth the. Uçechts didn't applcent la qitai:ed as te vbether à the. *lid acbr 1ev. 1k.o uth.prhsd ayUb.rty ".Teo .stablls the rlght o1 inheri- Tii.court cancelied thla umari F iètbonds.aedan teince teorty. thc comenrt in a decreetbended juat It la admttsd Ihat even tii... pre- it *,To estbh Ilabllity te ulUt haiided dovii. cautions ceauot alvays keep Ifaa tary duty, tgseilula exemption thére- from obtaieug cisemosbp but the f*ILn. sta flb te rigtJte ote.plan Win go a long vay and that in tTesabisthnliitao E L J~51fj LI~ait chat cm en .ie d. t& "Ig. T quuihytu hobOld dite to. a»4, ho buysud seil réeal este.Cl M a YIW "10, TO «tNestsblhei right te held Si pu*b ic ..sQ «1 T pov, heag iilüch IbTn od MR ~~n-a ~mrts S'ntaâctn0y %p enter. A IeI lK 1f 1,lU O J T "12. T Mahe -pôaeble tatisttric aa ban$erteteIce MAY 1WtJWUa.IW 2 several Inchon In tblckness, h Uic A Chiarles McVea, the usnaer Ope te RACT ~by tlie 1111 Steambeat cmpabSimd the t its vaY mb to c Waukegan barber !Ths petition, acoonpanied by ~iG beiUcalel early Sunday mornig. bringing ai affidavits, is heid bv wire IWEA IIIU A(.cargo of merchandise tbtvsln 1=91 %ari n «tyOverdue. The cargo iucluded large Mili ttikers. "T ilRt kth ani - ogoods Ordered by Wu ýIa Disit may bave t reae.merhnts fer the holiday PEUIE S IECAG ý>ggtune ondrd ormureThe McVea lofti ChIeagù Thursday4ý ý W e. hmded o ceafiOlO . .Dula n WIii !akrngit vIii a full cargo of trelghi for Tliere l5a a.poeahbiity that, the *iho fenrba en R. olJ oasu d Wè1ý4« pilliantmPanser§-Wauisegau ed Klnoaia. It vas a dozen or more wlre mlliietnike cases ,-,t ativtbs ee . bave ea l o g%e a Imorant eai adcase of flghing Ie every inchbofthew"iltnat h. tried ina LaIs Couniy. aI@hefliaonrs wbau pur.t ds]Cf tereat ta Wey aegasd vay. The sagunchti tisle rafi grrlved lu tact, lh appears îprobable iat Wlicn à 00icette e vla26 sertb 'Cbicage. tle bave ld ,he off11Waukegau Plday afternoon but. he cases are caiied for trial next 4mma résiden latso er t act 6 st ses b ofaste Wrd.Dlvter Wae unable ta hammer Its vay - wç-ek a PPtition, accOmpanirld by a!- lmn esdnse!tetact out ethe,! le Nntevel terîougti the te whicli hlocised ti itdgills, wll bc prescnted asilng for WIre P" rumina' along SSuie ttrcý,t, port. I 1; .nge o eut oeohrd the. dire ueceeity for North Chicaga. Atèr many futile hours o! .t ug 111Y On the groundat h epe Okeg web»v pûmtý* Tle Puchaersthe steamer proceded te' e sha o01taie Caunty are Prfjudloed ani i«ý6 10at Atand tilr plan- je at'ondev prte s ire ich difflciilty wus enco ter- I .yauld b. impossble ate get g fairn iRisra aras~lceaed h todevep Ui ciecd gctilng Into port At Kenosha ra loR. ouer o! Grand avenue fer a tactot.trs upl a ol a tkn a.bad Ta utigcuw acotmltd seeopposite the Tii. ite la âAdvaaiagcoustly located fehipl fca a ae ..r Ta uhacus 8cnePae s $tia.aloag thc electirl rallroad andi that la ad tbe flgbt ta rcach Waukcgan vas by 1the deflendanta ina those eaues ha ~ail~mmte umpove ic liythepramter cxectte oca~ ncume. S vas~thuu~îî i<~boat Ikùtivnfrinuthi fr t tatjobn Met-u br-sprng VU, 10 or1acores her wich*11, emp- ymight get ben, Sfinday night but It lzeu, an attor-ney vbo represeuled o ive hmsand svit 00 o fcnl fe the vlhoviusempoy eftered port lunday morniug lusteadi ,buiDfi, hail drawnuup 1the pethon and Cg Ugg lmous yaid soute oerenu epfmrtranb s etaio ur.Ose oa ecdents of Waukcgan aasert vas te preseii inacourt Wednes- il ,ga mctil agmens.tlAln.tfor ns potinp ur- tUaItiîey caunot recali a tueisWehidaY. When lbe leamnerithat lie I m~e~ ~~eshbn pe~ Ie-pe.And dtes.pol gt cnç o teiten In tae Michilgan veuld net b, alovcd te act aé. v~aeusIndstres a h ue tavr o ho acPtre ated v as as had as ai présent? In tact ît s01 fer the' atrikeluc ivtev of thc p( Ton atbera say them conspoération.WU h.l sald ibat if a favorable viud lied tact that lie had been dlsbarred tu th e t us 1hIssdt uecnsne4uva lt caused tho tce te break up sengi.-Chîcago, lie dld flt présent lb. pet!- ~~~~ts ~~~~wa apixnaeySO-aot$000 i that 1h prebably i'ould bave tîi. i -_ been Impossibile e ente port Sunday Jusi, vU e istrlIkers yl Sget teaua Mernng. represlent iliem ha net knowu. fa tlnIess the ie condition becomee Jurige Edwardis bau continueri tue pi ý ý I, diY"uIproved It la belleved that thé. Hillcoses. unti next Monday moroing, a, LENTLE REME!)Y boat vi11 lny up unti more favorable WhOft thc case of Mike Shepanicli la ed - odtosdevelop fr-ihei'e alysys *cduled te go on trial Tihere are SUI.L Pt, ff ý a hedanger eofloshng the boat ina a AMdeesi !t thaUme casesnfluai %rc hb 'E""'. r5d 85>4d8. batle villi the tee..slated te toilew, -VI wa"i stiIruig .tour-. é<e, trSrSj do -The.-atrikena la their ,peiltlon ton siOOn PUTA i.'ÉMCtt bee yechlsaget fvenue set tertii that the ~<alia0fk. ni ls plt Si RAW T Tu cse b(as heen giron snob vide pnb- ~b ret ~ ei *maw &IosmiU~L J' t 1.5liatyfILuise County that h voulri 3004 us ~.< i ea Ille b îmWO»Ssbie te got a jury viiich Y ~ ~ t j 1ke au .., - e- e. e WU Dot Prejudloed.. Jurige Edwrards n'r r,tu-5 te-... td-etreaisatfe.wbl POINTAr' A §UIN* ithoel-C'rse ir - ,.,, rn"f1gàe a , Pnol,»Yin libe celled upon te peut -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 019îe hi "'- Pé, -~ -i'i- ~.~ n titioneiidle unesae neW ceui- i * '~iO ~ 1Vi1M~Usel Who lae emiloyed Joy tuéae r -e- **-ý'oi - 1net neceseury. -~~,s ss.ui ~~~ YIit Y. mkaulup December 20,dc'sla hag !vnél util ~'-' ._?t*lM; I th es -1-ci A? altdroor ojn Witl Oraydon Mrtes, 813 Nerili ebm IN. LAKE CUT h M ~West Street. vas valkint on Waalu- 1031I ~~~ i~~hn S treet, justet ot ef disb _______________ Court Wedraoaday night' about 10 acis. be ves' eld up ah tii. pont et a IvIN iai ssreleeuet or6 lat ~@ tg. lSeçroeansd manager darkaeas. Marten liurniéd he tue poncos stat, aiP kt4 8j tien. viiere be made a repot Otillis lm4incidet. lie tal i&,I . o4-m ll OTHE$ROMSES CARED FOR, Auida tbe 'vosk bel«. do». la =«. day aurDy athe. attle ]]*men lledfelovhlpclub in lluutrahsd la th. case et nonrine menthae ld baby whlob bas beau taken frein nes mother au Marbèt street and le belng giron a home ea he. ettlemnent In tue bopes that Il vil lie, nsatoned te bealli and giron tue chance lu lits id vbich hi la enthtled. This baby vas taken tram lia inhb- er recently vhe fit vas LeunO! thatit welglied but twetve pouand mui ree ounces ahtbughhitvasu nine î3"eb oid. In lbthe sk te bau been qt tXie setlment il bas galned exaoily ten ounces. This caue vasultone vbene ibe motier dUint want te taire care of ber baby properly but due -te t ' etact mie ibas six ilier cildren aid la oe of tEe.. moibers vbo Just doesn't knov boy- te cane for ber babies prop- erly. The motber Socs. ta ibe setlemeut bonse every day ta sec boy lb. baby la getting. along and at firai vile abc resente4 the plan a littie aie nov bas. Sot aocuatomed taeItand fecla de- ligbted te ase hav ber baby la hm- proving. She admitasich doean't knavw bow ta care for It preperly, as te giving it thc praper 'faod, etc. Mra. Gorion. beari a! tic settlement, feela very muéh encourageri te tink Uich baby bas gaineri tenouncea In a week, even thougu il bas becu eut- thng iceti. The baby la fram an lIalian famhly and lic mother haant been any ao weIl berselt for some Oime. The bah. Immedlaiely pitked Up d'onalderably Whep Il vas given the praper food aud It seemas a ceriairaty nov tiat i wili gel along ln fin. shape. .Mothers Use Nur-sry Il dsvelops tiat the day "uursey îow la taklng care a! about live chbil- f ren eveny day. Tvaeoft iese chul- dren are permanent chargea ai 'the place, on. la the baby la question, aud th.euiiher in the littia cripPled boy.- Thre. chers are brought te the, nursery every day by their mteen whe are going ouitotevork. Berne- imes the nunthor runs as higi asi lve or six but liane are a fev bases vliene the mnues are net ahie te woýevery day ani hla only wben bey loave bonmdliaitbtey te. heIn bildren te tbe nursery for cars. The mothers hn thai portion of the ethy aht irai vers not accusterned te the meiheda telloved al, a nursery ,d ht vas bard te get them used te t*khug advantages o! the pnivileges. lovever. they are now familier vith bits abject aid ihey are more tien lellgbtcd te thînk that vien llpey have a chance te te ouitatevanS they can tae. thein chîldren le the soti- sent- house aidbave them properly taken care of. M 5~DEWOLF IS 'DEAb IN N. CARO. LINA; ILL LONGi Wite of Former Local Mayor Passes Away FolIowig a Prolonged Sickne". Waucegan people ver? aurprised ta- day ta hcar tUait Mra. Ed*. 1P. DeWolf, rail isnavu Wauiscgan voman, bad lied Iu Hender-onviHte N. C. Mn. DeWolf, viavs formmrly mayar of Waukegan, lefi for Hendersanvhlle t1à inornine. Mnm. DeWoif Uad been ging for the pat 4 or 5 ycars and tUe greater part fd ibat t4ne aie has spent in North Carolinailuithe hope tUai the climat, ter. vauld benefît ber condition. Flovever. abe has heen very sick fan snse lime pasi and accardlng ta re- enrta bre ta friends h vas feareri thsIe ahwouiri net survive long. Mm-s. 1»Wolf vas a quiet, unassuin- ig vonian andftonhe past decade or se had nat mingled muc Iin cliy a!- airs. However, sic came tram a nominent tamlly in -'ic UEsi yeta an and vas a voman eW extensive eucaion.,, Bbo vaà about 60 yeans, aid and ber uhabani is"lin oly. Immediate sur- rving relative. RETZEN READYTO STAJ(Tc'Ag,%"I 1IALTFJDBYD OUR Chicago,.Atomney Dumrfounded When Toid -of Dlsbarment by Chicano Bar Assn. IEFER WIRE MILL CASES. 11tt:7 Talbl etzen ot Chicago asà dumounded heu he.vas calli. iiebenci br Judge Edvûds la t2ih -Oourt hodY andI infomedtbsh causle he liedb.eii dlpbamrdby the >00% Couat i r sasetiou 1h *id ~bB$stIMe i t lmfrtet lavi xe d -Fai* tsupea pap« er neut. o1ll , - -: litstrepresessOail aS,. ateel atrikOnslit WaUkegsAV-hi> ad- been initoisi bythe grand jma. The ce of mate Stepealci, OROethesécateit - bei >«% O etf w tt seo luIs =inaman ail'tbm pnincpeis vltoss., sud symgmahhlsers veslua lie ~ etroeni.They ver. iformed Tus-à are ivelve aetbfhese ire il atalks-camea au dtboy vere ho iarq toomdthe - 8lp.mi* Mcsewffl wus SOM te ail hie, difendautes al iev. vAl0 have tô employ eaohier ai- WrneY becanaMetzen in M mb. per- 130" eThemgj,shsm..«Ifor itiai tg represet tue n no. luise Capenlers' 'un%*,la ix 9, p Rivais tt U hevire mhll cases over viii a Su rep~eftr y , outil MelUda!te give lte det.in1 liatuâ te Chico a se « urne t -00Y o new ovçounsel. wvouUp lli a s a wtsU daysi mii tiat lse fa j - agrainst tue Wsukega end ty-Mtselnestse emcumsd S m OU D AVE A ter resta iargee lvîti Ota 4se Uir Tue itateosattorbey resherdal LOT ia -, oui clared that be b.Ureved ao. WILLPRIC S ,material concerna vas for th mm, o! establisbling pooomtj tha cafflencauid X«-segff tee mon are emiling. Why? B.-'rcfused vlien tiey sougit t k causeth Ibellsd lakes are frosen te * lenial. And liai a SfOUP et 4,W the deph of several test and tiere cuildi net ton a eauin 1 la assurance ot a, tins aid ptentitalIldn cltle he. crep. Ttuls being trup ihere cen- 1Mix Bads, business a*eutor net poossbly b. .auy excuse for hlgb Canîenters, union'boecet pries neit summer an lie pis liai stated thai action aisitgt h._ Il vwas a mhld vInter and gatbenhing, county dealers vould b. es«Ma tie te vas not, possible,.jtic Ceak ceunty materaI t'm Itigit nov tue barvemi couid ho convlcted- commcnccd and vithin a monti every 10e bouse ln tue ciy coulti be filled te -colonel-"le-a Colmomu Leade ovrfloing-but? Exscuses arc ai- Thle Sr 1 mitt.hfu o -anel le eàoi vays ina evidepcOý-Ice dealers cou- tend htisl not Possible ta gel a sur- the Itaulhamm ,omelI. The. Ijies fIcient nuinher of men te cul lie tee. eriglmuatoill ti( word 4W0* ye*rs Auticn, tbey say that mot <the and "en) mu, litèee'nde Il lui'(x ]ce ln the lakes la covered viii a ige enctie of 1Lthein ohuou ieavy snav and liai hua muai la colunum i îti ttit of cfroa, a55! scràPed off belere tie te e au b.oui. We foî'ow tihétFrench lqPelUMWg put ah Broyii's taite,. nme cuîîing la proseuennelng ,-weremain the,. l lias been don.. r. en--'1'enîri." awe waliI, The average housevIte ha veudernug erally it n..4, lm j. leâoley of a,,O viether lie prîces vîlI 0 go kYvard or of th,, îise~mny ut lbhesindsot vben lie bot summer days cerne On. regmout ln u înn. Ben Revenue s tg the corporation vint blood ih to the body, reducc or thiii it and the opre body ut once shows fmanciai anea, pY"ie iminlent, operative inefllciency. Acorporation . ae ii Te Tlephose busines, upon w h .eubIc is 90vitally dependent, must have ample revenues iin order that the equipment shall be af the làît and bèst type; that theIline hal be kept l perfect condition; that the personnel shall be econtented and aient on accounit of iberal compensation and attractive working surundih')s, and that bond intriest and a reusonably good dividend raie shail bc secure, in orden that newcptal for extensions and impravementsmy erradily obtainable. The source of these revenues is the charge ta the public fer the service rendered. Underpresent conditions higlier ris and good service are inherdependent The Telephone Cernpany is the Trustee of the public for the reep nd expenditure of, funds devoted to the siervice af the public. CHICAGO ITLEPHONE COMPANY S afeguarded In vestm ents from -6% 10 12% OUR PARTIAL PÂàvNua-r14VJCSToKWTnPL*k niakes it eay te save meney systernatioahiy sud te accumulai. high alis. seounities paying -gead dividenranuurus asud oapable of large inoroseain value Let us explain tii plan te a . Teil us boy mâaob yop eau psy down and! hoi mncci yomm eau psy rnntbly. Te"ull us vhat sounutles y'oi« have, if Yom baM any, 80 vo May advn.. yen as te tbeir to value, stabii&y and fuure. We viU make op,&aspeoillimvelmont au Sion for yon aooording ho vhat yott'cen 5<011E>ý invoat on this partIal paymenu plan, bdthem ft i0-p*yrnent or 2-payment busc Write teour Deportment A-2 forPh,#W 'Quarenteed Iravseînenta," giving advi* - inanket demditon-ft vill lntercit van.-Y I TrustC A j

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